"I'm Getting In Front of This" 1 King 18:46::Stranger Things

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[Music] let's thank God for our special guests Bella kitty Smith come on let's thank God for the other I hope that you would celebrate and also encourage him he brought some product with him and so I hope that you would once again as we always do he said young up-and-coming artists a man we want to sew and deposit into life of people who are striving to do things for the kingdom of God so hope that you would do that he brought some products so make sure you go downstairs and do that for us a man first Kings chapter 18 I hope that you're enjoying this series on stranger things as we're moving forward and progressing on our way through Lent and also is becoming to the week of passion Palm Sunday and Resurrection Sunday hope that weird reading ourselves to be prepared to receive what God has for us one verse today in first Kings chapter 18 one verse verse 46 for the New Living Translation this is the word of God for us today then the Lord gave special strength to Elijah took this cloak into his belt and ran ahead of Ahab's chariot all the way to the entrance of jazz real the time of design was a support preacher list on today I want to talk about I'm getting in front of this maybe summer beside us a neighbor this is my season to speed up if those hands for him and said Lord speak we need to hear you may be seated at the presence of our God have you ever wished that some things would come along faster have you had some moment some circumstances maybe some situations that we were hoping would not take as long as people say it would take perhaps you've been thinking I need something to manifest quicker because I don't want to wait that long I need something to happen right now since we're I didn't think that way and I think all of us are especially because most of us if you like your pastor I struggle in waiting but here's the truth my brothers sisters I think part of our problem is that many times it's our perspective of time which is our hindrance in understanding when things shall be manifested see the problem is we operate with Chronos that is the time that is sequential ins where we get the word chronological from is how we navigate through life Monday through Friday we assume that things happen in in Chronos but how do you know that God does not operate in Chronos God operates in Kairos which is the fullness of time which means that for us whether God slows it down or speeds it up what may seem slow to us can be fast to God and what may seem fast to us can be slow to God you do know that God is the one that controls time with that being said it's good to know that not only can God slow things down if you don't believe it ask Joshua the children of Israel when God kept the Sun in the sky till victory was won but also he's a God that can speed some things up but that's what's present in our text today in 1st Kings chapter 18 it is here in an interesting passage of Scripture that highlights the protagonists of our sermon today his name is elijah elijah the tishbite the man that came from the place of tisha and what makes him interesting is he has no other history than the fact that when he shows up in 1st Kings chapter 17 he comes bearing a word that the people during that day did not want to hear children of Israel under the oppressive and evil of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel had decided to divert their reference and their worship away from Yahweh the God of Israel to bail the God they proclaimed to be the god of fertility and the God of rain go back in first Kings chapter 17 you'll know that the first assignment that Elisha had was to come pronouncing that there will be a drought in the land what God was trying to tell them if you think another God is over the rain I'll show you there is no god but me drought then ensues and that's what we see taking place this is really a low moment in the history of Israel as we move into first Kings chapter 18 God decides once and for all to have a one Awana with the God called Vail and what he uses as his proxy as his own prophet by the name of Elijah and there is this calling down a fire that happens on Mount Carmel my Karma my brothers and sisters is where and takes place and the bale prophets come there their assignment there is one simple winner whoever can call down fire if it's Biola than bales the winner if it's Yahweh then vo way is the winner you know there was so much confidence that aligns your head if he read for his Kings chapter 18 he let the bale profits go first they they went on rats and Tanja's matter of fact they were being taunted by Elijah but ultimately no fire came down and also what we see in first Kings chapter 18 when it was God's turn Elisha builds an altar he prays drenches the altar with water and guess what when he calls on God God sins the fire damned this is resounding win for God God has shown he's all-powerful and once they have now sorted bail and the people see the power of God repentance enters their heart that's why when we come to first Kings chef's 18 around verse 40 now the moment has come God now sees the people are repented and now after three and a half years God is ready to send rain back to Israel that's what we see in verses 40 through verse 45 what we see as Elijah the Prophet Esaias didn't the posture of prayer and supplication puts his innate head between his lap and prays I'm a servant that was with him he sends him six times to go see if the rain was coming in six times that sermon comes back and says he does not see anything in the sky but the 7-time took someone and say the seven times after praying verbally for six times and not seeing anything one last time the line she tells the Prophet go see what you see in this time when the Prophet comes back he says I see a cloud the size of a man's hand and that was all the lines you needed to hear he goes and tells a.m. and when we get to verse 46 my brothers and sisters which is the foundation of verse of this sermon today what expounded me is with the news of rain coming the Bible simply says that Elijah Gerdes himself he outruns a half Shariat and makes his way to the entrance of Jezreel and what may seem to be an impossible thing I mean can you imagine this moment they have the prophet of God out wrongs are a have chariots he makes it to his destination faster than many people think is humanly possible in this moment carrying the news of rain God speeds Elijah up in other words my brothers and sister he puts them in front of not only a rat's a a hams chariots but also the news of God's returning blessing and I want to submit to you today that what we see in verse 46 can be manifested in your life that what humans think is impossible God can make possible what humans think will take a long time God can speed that I don't know who I'm talking to today and maybe there's someone that's trying to navigate this but I'm here to tell you God can shrink time just for you God I can do some stuff faster and more immediately and quicker than other people think it's possible I know they say it's gonna take two years but it might take you six months I know they say that you're you'll be a long time without a job but God can speed some stuff of God has the power to supersede our natural proclivities God has the ability and what we don't what we think is gonna take a long time God can hear we that thing along I wish I had somebody that came in church today that you need a now blessing from God there's some stuff you need God to do immediately you need God to do it right now I wish I had somebody don't fool me today if this the wrong message in your step your name is a neighbor in fitting for me I hope it's for you because the car we serve if you learn how to trust him he can shift and change some things in a blink of an eye cotta can speed some stuff up that my brothers and sisters I believe with a central theme of this passage today that is in essence what I think is embodied within the maneuvering and the running of Elijah that it teaches us that no matter what the circumstances look like does not matter what we think we don't have if God is for us you can get us where we need to be faster than what we think and I have somebody brought out to declare this is my season the speed up this is my season that God even though it took him a while to started ain't gonna take them long to finish I don't have somebody that can testify that once God gets the ball rolling you know you will accomplish what God wants you to accomplish and that's really what sets the stage for this passage today and I I want to submit that for you today because I don't want you to miss the meaning of the text that what we see is the repentance of the people the consecration of Elijah and then the acceleration that hearing don't miss that my brothers and sisters there's no way we can expect to be spared up if there hasn't been a moment of repentance and loan to me my brothers and sisters they experienced a celebration because they went through a period of consecration and here is an important thing because the text says something powerful because it lets us know that as fast as God can push us there's some work we need to do as well oh I knew some of y'all would jump off the a man train on that one because you just want God to do with you you want God to turn it around you want God to open the door but let me tell you something God can do it but what work will you put in the process and as we examine this sex today I think it's important because that term that he put his hands on Elijah means two things he provides divine guidance and supernatural power that is the essence for the favor that Elijah is feeling in verse 46 and I believe my brothers and sisters that verse 46 also encapsulated for us the empowerment and the example of how we should expect being spared up by God if you got time I hope that you jot a few of these principles down I want to lift up this one verse I think it speaks powerfully to us as sets again the paradigm for how we should expect God to put us in front of this first thing that we notice in this text is that if we're going to be sped up by God if God is going to let us get in front of some things the first thing that we must make sure that we do is we must address those hindrances that can stop our progress I'm here to tell you my brother sisters the first thing that takes place is you have got to address what can potentially trip you up now that's what's so empowering about this text you know that verse 46 the progression of it it's powerful to me Deacon Taylor notice what it says is that in this moment Elijah feels the favor of God the shrimp of God the hand of that that's what all of us want I hear so many people I want to be anointed I want to be touched and that's powerful but note in this moment that the initial thing Elijah does does not include him running you can imagine if we were in this moment we would have exactly just started taking off as soon as you felt the good news and felt the glory of God felt the favor of God you would have started running right then but in Elijah's time they wore what was called cloaks or tunics this is important to know because of the temperature of that day was very Airy dry heat it was extremely hot in this area and so they would wear loose clothing that would allow more air to pass through a rather large flowing cloak and and the only thing that held the cloak on was a belt this was important because his cloak would literally drag on the ground it was something that was free-flowing it would drag behind the person it was good if you're walking and trying to get some relief but it would be horrible trying to run in the cloak why because as you would try to protrude out and as you would try to run you can imagine your feet have the potential to get caught in the crook which means that for all as far as you want to go if they did not handle the cloak you would fall on your face you would stumble you would fall it would impede your progress if you did not deal with the cloak the cloak was something even though it was good on one hand it was potentially dangerous on the other hand what I appreciate about Elijah is that Elijah understood I've been called I've been strengthened I've been supernaturally favored in this moment but I myself got to handle my cloak see y'all miss what I just said see here's the thing we want God to do everything you want God to speed you up you want God to order your steps you want God to open up the doors but here's the thing that the text is clear and explaining to us that God favors Elijah but he does not tuck his cloak in form which means that Elijah had to take the mature out himself to make the decision I'm gonna gird my cloak myself which means I gotta be discerning enough to know in my own life what has the potential to trip me up see y'all are looking at me funny because if the truth be told all of us got some clothes all of us have something that can potentially cause us to stumble and fall don't look at me with that sanctified look every one of us from the choir to the pulpit from the front pew to the outside parking lot we all got something that if we're not careful if we don't deal with it if we don't handle it before we start running I could cause us to fall flat on I wish I had some real Pope cause some of y'all looking real spiritual this morning I know we got guests and visitors but I need y'all to act right in here and be honest preacher I got a cloak I got something if I'm not careful to end up causing me to fall and stumble and bruise my shop look at somebody tell them you need to deal with your cloud because that's the thing that really system because all of us have to understand there's some things if we're not careful can stop you before you even get started I know some of you want to act sanctified and save like you became out the womb anointed but but let's be real look back on your life you can testify there's some stuff I chipped up on I wish I would have dealt with back them there there's some stuff in hindsight that I wish I would have dealt with before ice I wish I had somebody just turn on somebody tell them you got a deal with sugar now that's why my brothers sisters the New Testament is clear New Testament tells us if there are certain things as runners we need to be mindful of Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 talks about two things that could potentially be disastrous for runner he says the weight that is on you and the sin that trips you up see see here's the thing by some of y'all didn't shower it because I want you to know some cloaks are not bad some clothes are just a winked see a weight he gives the picture of of a runner that makes a decision to run with a heavy jacket on that makes no sense you you want to get as much out of the way of your mobility as possible and I want to submit to you that's why some of us struggle is because you refuse to even deal with the good spaces of your life because even though it's good it may not be gone Justin my check I'm trying to get at a man somewhere see see some stuff I know you you want to put everything on your plate but every weight is not a good weight see a weight is good if I'm trying to get stronger on the bench press but a weight is not good if I'm trying to run to see what the ends gonna be which means I've gotta make the discernment to be able to understand what way do I have to deal with but not only the weight he admits but the sin according to Hebrews chapter 12 that easily trips us up matter of fact he gives the word picture of person running who decides to tie their shoes together he says that's that's what happens when you allow sin to continue to permeate in your life it's like you tying your shoes together see the problem why most of us aren't saying why that's issue it's easy if you can maneuver but tangled up shoes restricts your stride means you only have but so far you can go and God can speed up what you want unloose I'm trying ya'll ain't helping me which means you can want to be fast but if you are the reason your stuff is tired up help me you can't blame God for what you won't unloose so then how do I manage it because I love this the text is clear that what he had to do was to find a way to bundle up his cloak but you can imagine it would be hard for him to run with his cloak in his hand but the text says something if you read it is powerful that he knows I got some excess stuff that could hinder me from going further so I bind it up but watch this I took it in my belt belt was a useful equipment in those days it it was a place where they would hold weapons if necessary or anointing all or even water but it was something that would keep their clothing together matter of fact this is where the clock would be tucked and if you read the Ephesians in the New Testament Paul writes that is he began to talk about the armor of God he and most of us loved to talk about helmet and we love to talk about shield and the breastplate and we love to talk about the shoes but the important part of the armor of God was the belt belt is what kept everything together the belt is what kept the lower and the upper part together the belt is what kept everything matter of fact the belt he calls a he calls it the belt of truth the truth he calls which he is the Word of God I don't think it's my happenstance that when lyza was trying to figure out what i do with what can potentially cause me to fall what he did was he tucked it in the truth see if you've got it the truth it can help set you free I wish I had somebody that can look at a neighbor said use the truth the truth can help you handle your weight it can help your hander you'll see it whatever shine to stop you from progressing up just look at him the truth but you says the Lord is my shepherd I shall not a water the shoe says he's a hater I wish I had somebody that can testify just allow whatever's hindering you to be tucked in the truth first things he tells us address the hindrances that can stop our progress but then if you notice also secondly here in this passenger that if I'm going to move ahead and get in front of this I gotta secondly focus on maximizing our capacity even with disadvantages what I'm telling you is you still gotta run even with some disadvantages because that's what takes place matter of fact you know that they say this procedure that that elijah does was was not uncommon in those days in those days once a king or royalty would somehow assume a victory they were loud men footmen they called him to run ahead of the horses or side by the horses as a way of being heralds of the exploits of the king that that their job was to run alongside of the horses as a way to prepare the people of the victory that's coming some have argued some scholars and theologians have surmise that what elijah was doing in this moment was trying to put himself back in the good graces of ahab and jezebel when they first met they didn't start off on the right hinge and there was still some tension that some scholar suggests that what was happening was this was elijah pretty much given a olive branch to ahab we good now everything is alright but i admit i am in the minority i do not subscribe so that is what Elijah was trying to do what I subscribe to is that Elijah had an assignment from God that meant he would have to get to somewhere faster than normal and it just so happened he was on a road or in a race against Ahab who had horses and chariots see here's the issue my brothers sisters and I this is why I hope I don't miss some of you because most of us expect God to do the supernatural which he can do but he can't put his super on your natural which means he can't put his speed on what you don't allow yourself to do which means Elijah could not go fast if he didn't start running if I had time I would tell you don't expect God to speed up what you don't put no effort here but here's the challenge that it seems as if the text puts up against one another Elijah on one side and a half on the other now here's the problem there's a couple things that causes tension in this text that makes what Elijah does even more extending is that Elijah it was just him with a tucked in cloak and some leather straps as shoes in a race against Ahab who had chariots pulled by horses to make matters worse to horses and chariots started out before Elisha started running so if it was us at the line and you already see somebody ahead that obviously has better technology better shrimp and seemingly as fast most of us would not even try to run the race because you would have looked at what you don't have and what they do have and said this is a race I came win anyhow I mean if Elijah thought that way none of us would would fault him I mean I mean horses by themselves average go between 25 to 35 miles per hour a man on average runs between 10 to 15 miles per hour and a 1 just horses but chariots which at that time was the most technologically advanced equipment for battle they they were once again spurred by the invention of spoked wheels which allowed them to navigate and run faster and loud the cherry and those riding on it to keep up with the horses at the end of the day these were look motors these were the fastest things you could see in that day and they started out before Elijah even started running and all the nicer hair was a tucked in cloak and some leather straps as shoes I mean these weren't 90s they weren't Yeezys they won Reeboks they won the deed us they won the bronze they won kairi's they won 19 met cars these were leather straps there there was no art supporting them there was no cushion under the bottom these were not technically meant for running but that's all Elijah had and here is what astounds me in the text with all the technical advances that a have had all of the head start he had Elisha the text says outran a hab in his horse and chariot that even though he had little to work with he did not make excuses about what he didn't have but he just worked what he did say y'all ain't gonna like me because see some of y'all would have already quit before you would have started running huh you would have already started making excuses all I got is leather straps of shoes I ain't got the horse and I ain't got the chariot but Elisha teaches us a powerful principle is that when you got God on your side if God before you he's more I wish I had some help that's why I don't understand black people that can't come to church and worship because we've been behind the eight-ball for a long time we've always had less resources and less opportunities we ain't had what other people have but that didn't stop us from achieving and being successful I wish I had some real please look back at your life you ain't always look good you ain't always did what you have but you made up your mind i'ma work what and give the best and here's what's crazy even though you had less resources our schools won the best didn't think you had enough intelligence here you are with your umpteen degrees huh sitting in your queer I wish I had some people that can testify because if you understand who's with you you ain't got time to be worried about what you ain't got you just line up on the starting line and you say let's get this thing going I wish I had some people in here that can look up and down your Road it's a neighbor run Oh Nene I know you ain't got what other people got but run on anyhow I know you don't have well the people think you need to succeed but run on anyhow no you came from a broken home but run only anyhow I know you can get a scholarship but run on it I know they didn't want to hire you but you got the job run on it and I'm here to declare I hope y'all receive what I'm about to say I'm about to make a prophetic announcement we gonna put a moratorium on excuses stop tail what's your don't have stopped looking over in the other Lane and talk about look what they got they got horses and chairs baby you got enough yourself which means you can run harder you can't jump higher which means if God is working in you I don't care what you're racing against you can still get out there that's why that's why that's why I let me help you and if you really raised your Bible you realize God always sides with the underdogs I'll pay this side a little sleepy let me try to say God always sides with the underdog so if you're in a fight and you don't under dog you ought to start shouting right up in there you need some oats I see I feel come here David David would testify David was say to you well I was considered an underdog one day I was taking lunch to the battlefield to see my brother and we were fighting the Philistines they were being taunted by this giant by the name of Goliath and so since nobody else wanted to fight him and I looked over to him and I said listen out of all lions tigers and bears oh my this giant won't be no problem so I took my rock and my ride and y'all know the story David failed his giant but what you don't know and what I read a book by Malcolm Gladwell who's my intellectual crush he writes a narrative one of his books where he talks about it was not as much of an advantage took a lieth as most people assume yes Goliath was a large but they say perhaps he was large because of some pituitary gland concerns the pituitary glands had caused him to be large but you don't understand when you have pituitary glands things called giant anism there are some disadvantages too it makes you large but you're not very mobile not only does it affect your movement it also affects your sight which means when he looks at the text he talks about one of the reasons why he keeps saying come up to me is because Goliath couldn't see David so the other people were scared of an immovable blind science that they were not willing to fight because they did not have faith in what they can do that's why my brothers and sisters when other people are scared you ought to step up because God will create an opportunity that what other people were scared to encourage you can stand up because it may look big to Thelma but it's small to you yelling go help me that's why when I look back over my life I'm glad then I didn't grow up with the best of stuff I didn't grow up it means I grew up in a household that was not even considered middle class we were low class huh I remember getting second-hand clothes I remember being told I wasn't smart and people look at that as a disadvantage but for me that became my advantage because it made me hungry it made me work hard it taught me the effort is what you polish I had somebody can testify what we do if you don't look at what you have as a disadvantage but you say it made me stronger it made me wiser do I got anybody here that wants to keep all right be seated listen getting in front of this number one you got address those hindrances that can stop our progress number two you get in front of it because you focus on maximizing our capacity even with disadvantages I don't know what parent needs tell your children I don't know what child need to hear this I don't care what they say you don't have you can still do it but number three his third principle today that it tells us in the sex I get in front of his number three because you endure with full velocity to cross the finish line I love this because what we learn in the text is that Elijah was just not out having a run we had to run somewhere text tells us he runs to the entrance of Jezreel this was important this was significant Jezreel at that time which in the Hebrew means God scatters of God's Souls was the secondary home of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel Samaria was still the capital of Israel at this time but Jezreel was the place that they would come and secure a majority of their time when you read scripture was in Jezreel Jezreel was the place of one of the most significant victories in all of Israel they won in the Jezreel Valley Jezreel held some significance for the people of Israel and this was the place that a ham was on his way and that elijah was going ahead he was going to this place called at Jezreel now what's interesting is that some scholars have argued the distance between Mount Carmel where the battle took place and where Jezreel was some have argued a speculator on the short end that perhaps there was 17 miles away and some have also speculated it was perhaps 30 miles away the reason why they cannot really get the true location is because the the true pinpoint of Jezreel in today's geography is very hard to pinpoint so they they made it about a radius of about 13 miles so they say at least it was 17 miles or at most it could have been 30 miles either way you slice it 17 or 30 is a long way to go on foot and the Bible tells us here my brothers and sisters that he does not pause he does not stop he doesn't take a water break he does not stop to use the bathroom he runs all the way to the entrance of Jezreel now I hear what some of you saying perhaps you like me because some have also argued that perhaps he only went to the entrance because it was still a little fuzzy about what's happening with Queen Jezebel maybe he only went to the entrance but I I submit that there was even better importance in that I don't subscribe that he just went to the entrance because that was he was scared but the entrance was significant the entrance or what they were called the gate or the door of the city was important because that's where all of the important people would gather that's where all the news would be spraying that that's the place when if you wanted to get a message out you would say it at the gate at the door of the city and that is where he went he went to the door of the city and I want you to understand a door being synonymous of entry door being the place of opportunity this is the assignment God had placed on Elijah because part of the prayer was not just that God would send the rain but that people would also know that God had forgiven them and that rain was on the way which means that when he started running he won just taken a run he was running on purpose he ran these 17 to 30 miles full-speed until he got to the place to opening the entrance of Jezreel the place where you told the good news where you Oh to all those who were there and I asked the question cuz I wondered myself what could cause him to run non-stop I mean now for most of us we would least wanted a water break at least we want I mean it's surely his feet had to be hurting what what caused him to keep on running why would he just keep on going until he got to the door that's why my brothers and sisters when God greases you with purpose and a science doors in your life you do realize what revelation says God gives us doors that no one can close and he gives us doors that no other man can open which means that when God assigns our door for you that means he's sending you there to do something and the reason I submit to you is that you got to remember that he had something he had to share because he had seen something of the people hadn't seen and he had heard some other people hadn't heard remember when he prayed and asked the servant the second time what did he see he saw a cloud the size of a man's Hannah this was all Elijah saw no one else saw it in Jezreel they were still thinking we've been in the shop for three and a half years God has been mad at us but see Elijah was carrying good news to let them know the drought was over and that rain was on the way and I wondered myself what could cause him to continue running why didn't he faint I mean that's a long way to go but I realized when you got purpose from God and when you're on assignment for God I've got a speech you up not just for you but it speaks you up because there's something in you that somebody else needs I gotta close here now but if you go back in antiquity in Greece they had their own form of Olympic Games and they would have certain races but there was one peculiar race I ran across elder wolves that that bless me because this was a race that was not determined the winner was not determined who crossed the finish line first nor this was a race that the runners would start the race with a torch that was on fire the job of the runner is while they were running to the finish line was to make sure their torch did not go out which means you can cross the finish line but if your torch is not on fire you didn't win but the runner that crossed the finish line with their torch still on fire what's considered the victor come here child of God because they've been people that's been wondering how you can do what should do they've been looking at your pace your velocity they they've been trying to figure out if it was me I would have been passed out if it was me I would have been tired if it was me I couldn't do as much as you do pastor you're in one city one day another city another day ahead sure life pastor I wouldn't know what to do what I tell me the reason why is because you ain't got my fire see if you had my fire you could do what I do but I wanted to admit to you there have been some times I wanted to quit there were some times I felt like I was too weak but then I felt like Jeremiah when Jeremiah wanted to quit when Jeremiah wanted to resign when Jeremiah said to hell with all this he said I wanted to give up but when I started to try to quit I couldn't quit because it felt like shut up in my balls I gotta get out of here now but somebody next to you and Sydney the reason why I can go like I come and the reason why God can speed me up is because he realized that the father the siohappy do I got anybody in the room here they can look over your life and justify it was nothing but the fire of God because when you been with God you've seen too much and you're hurt too much do I got anybody here that can justify I'm run too far so we're not so do me one last thing grab me by the hand y'all ain't grabbing no doubt about the head but grab somebody by the head suck on that hand the day and say hey I've got a word see God is about to speed you up but the question is are you ready God is about to ship some things very quickly are you ready I wish I have somebody that can testify pastor I'm ready well if you're ready we gonna start running i'ma give you on the count of three to get you running on this is for the real faithful that on the count of three just start a run are you ready y'all ain't ready y'all ain't ready one I'll shut y'all play Anna - Oh shucks y'all later y'all they ready 1 2 3 tell them the rain is coming tell them the rain is coming get out of my way tell us the rain is covered let's see people tell them guys about to do it now class about the do it now celebrate if you believe keys everyone stand it took some I tell him I will run all just to see what they is gonna be and the more you run the faster God does it the more you trust the quicker dad does it grab someone by the hand and say neighbor I don't mean to be in your business but I can't believe there's some stuff you ought to be running for so neighbor we go run together I'm about to meet you at the finish line y'all they ready grapple the neighbor said come on we got a trip to take we go see what the
Channel: Tabernacle Baptist Church Augusta
Views: 7,070
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: Tabernacle Baptist Church, Rev. Dr. Charles E. Goodman, Charles E. Goodman, Pastor Goodman, Pastor Charles E. Goodman, PG, TBC Augusta, TBC, Tab Impact, Augusta GA, Trey Mclaughlin, Baptist Church, Rev. Michael Woods, Rev. Zebra Jefferson
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 51sec (2451 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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