1 Kings ~ 13:12 to 14:13

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you'd care to we're gonna pick it up first Kings chapter 13 verse 12 and in our last lesson Jeroboam whom God tore away ten of the tribes of Israel and gave them to him he became the king of Israel the ten tribes to the north meaning and he wasn't doing very well he was making two golden calves for the people of Israel to worship rather than going to Jerusalem and worshiping Yahweh he was consecrating his own priests and even the lowest sort of people would do he'd fill their hand and consecrate him as a priest of the house of Jeroboam he made a festival in the eighth month on the fifteenth day and he was offering incense when God sent a prophet out of Judah and profit out of Judah prophesied to Jeroboam that there would be one named Josiah who would come and that one Josiah would burn the bones of the false prophets on the altar at Bethel the one that Jeroboam was utilizing to offer to the golden calves and when that prophecy was said it made Jeroboam angry and he reached forth his hand to grab ahold of the prophet of Judah and God struck him and paralyzed and withered his hand and that got his attention for a short period of time anyway he asked the Prophet from Judah well would you please inquire of your God to restore my hand as it was the prophet out of Judah did so the King Jeroboam tried to get the profit out of Judah who is also called the disobedient prophet we'll find out why today but he tried to get the disobedient prophet to come to his house and break bread and drink water and he said and I'll give you a gift and the Prophet said the Lord told me don't break bread don't drink water when you come home come home a different route than what you took there and get on back to to where you came from in Judah well there was a couple of boys who witnessed all this happening and they went and told their father who was supposedly a prophet in Bethel well let me tell you Beth L at this time anybody with a righteous bone in their body and any prophet true prophet of God would have been headed south to Judah with the antics of Jeroboam so that's where we pick it up today and let's ask that word of wisdom and Yeshua's precious name father we ask you to open eyes open years this day first Kings chapter 13 verse 12 and it reads and their father this being the prophet of Bethel said unto them what way went he for his sons had seen what way the man of God went which came from Judah and note the old prophet lived in Bethel that's where one of the golden calves that Jeroboam had made was placed verse 13 and he said unto his son saddled me the ass so they saddled him the ass and I rode there on he wants to to meet this man of God out of Judah verse 14 and he went after the man of God and found him sitting under an oak and he said unto Him art thou the man of God that came us from Judah and he said I am I'm sure this profit from beth-el supposed profit from beth-el wants to know more he heard about Josiah and he probably wants to know when is Josiah coming we know from biblical history it would be 360 years later but this old prophet didn't know the false prophet from beth-el he probably wants to know more about these men's bones the prophets of the golden calves that were going to be burnt on the altar desecrating it whose bones are you talking about it could they be mine verse 15 then he said unto Him come home with me and eat bread and in verse 9 the profit out of Judah the disobedient prophet stated that God had commanded him to eat no bread nor drink any water and choose a different route coming home than what you went verse 16 and he said I may not return with thee nor go in with thee neither will I eat bread nor drink water with the in this place you don't break bread with idolaters you don't drink water with idolaters and this is a second witness that God had commanded this disobedient prophet not to drink drink not to break bread not to drink water and to change his route coming home it would have been better off at this point to left things as they were and to get be on his way per God's instructions he didn't verse 17 for it was said to me this is the disobedient prophet by the word of the Lord thou shall eat no bread nor drink water there nor turn again to go by the way that thou chemist and so far he's doing a good job of obeying God's Word and you know many people have trouble understanding the verses that are that we're about to cover and let me preface it by saying that and when I don't understand God's Word I always ask myself what lesson would God have us learn from this and I think there's a very important lesson in this especially for God's election you see God has to have people that he can depend on and when he tells one of his elect to do something he expects it to be done when he gives you a mission he expects you to take care of it and not to be sidetracked not to lose focus and that's what happens here to this disobedient servant he listens to lies rather than focusing on the Word of God and I'll tell you this beloved there's one coming who when he speaks of a lie he speaks of his own because he's the father of it and that's John chapter 8 verse 44 I'm quoting his name is Satan and he's got a role to play as the Antichrist Revelation chapter 12 verse 15 he's going to have a flood of lies and if you're easily deceived by by the words of another man or by even the words of the Antichrist it could cost you your soul it could be lead you to cause the unforgivable sin the penalty for that is death of the soul verse 18 he this is the the false prophet of beth-el said unto him I am a prophet also as thou art and an angel spake unto me by the word of the Lord saying bring him back with the into thine house that he may eat bread and drink water but he lied unto him be very careful put yourself in the man of God's shoes understand that God very very seldomly changes his mind take the prophecy of Psalm 22 for example and if ever there was a prophecy that God wishes he could have changed his mind on it probably would be Psalm 22 almost a thousand years before the crucifixion of Jesus Christ it was prophesied no God didn't change his mind about his only begotten son being crucified on the cross God certainly wouldn't have changed his mind about his instruction to the disobedient prophet to not break bread not drink water and to get out of there by a different route you know a prophet of God doesn't need another prophet especially a man to communicate God's Word to him Lord knows how many prophets we've had show up here at Shepherds chapel in gravit God told me and this is what they say God told me to come here to tell you and we're always very quick to let them know that if God has a message that he wants us to have he will communicate it himself he doesn't need some man to to communicate his wishes to us and the disobedient prophet should have realized that as well verse 19 so he went back with him and did eat bread in his house and drank water disobeying God for the words of a man a man that lies verse 20 and it came to pass as they sat at the table that the word of the Lord came unto the prophet that brought him back this is the old prophet of beth-el he was speaking falsely up to this point and deceitfully he lied but now he's going to be used by God this just goes to show that God can use whomsoever he will but he's about to give some true prophecy and then we're gonna sit fulfilled in today's lesson verse 21 and he cried unto the man of God that came from Judah saying thus saith the Lord for as much as thou hast disobeyed the mouth of the Lord and has not kept the commandment which the LORD thy God commanded thee again this is true prophecy the the phrase here thou has disobeyed the mouth of the Lord it's the same phrase and the original languages used of Moses and Aaron and Numbers chapter 20 when they were bringing the water forth out of the rock of miraba and it's they rebelled against the mouth of the Lord very serious thing to do it cost Moses and Aaron their journey's conclusion in the promised land neither of them was allowed to go into the Promised Land because they rebelled against the word of the Lord verse 22 but came us back and has two eaten bread and drunk water in the place in this idolatrous place meaning of the which the Lord did say to thee eat no bread and drink no water my carcass shall not come unto the sepulchre of thy father's in other words disobedient prophet you're not going to make it home you're not going to be buried in the place of your father's in other words you're going to meet an untimely death verse 23 and it came to pass after he had eaten bread and after he had drunk that he saddled for him the ass to wit or that is to say for the Prophet whom he had brought back and the prophecy of Josiah coming would take some 360 years to be fulfilled the prophecy of the prophet of beth-el that this disobedient prophet would not make it home and would suffer an untimely death won't take anywhere near as long to be fulfilled and when he was gone a lion met him by the way and slew him and his carcass was cast in the way and the ass stood by it the lion also stood by the carcass now this is not normal you see a lion normally does not kill unless it's for food did he eat the disobedient servant no he just stood there by his carcass and did he attack the ass that the disobedient prophet was riding on no he was just standing there as well this shows that this was definitely of our Heavenly Father that who brought this to be fulfilled 25 and behold men passed by and saw the carcass cast in the way and the Lions standing by the carcass and they came and told it in the city where the old prophet dwelt back to beth-el verse 26 and when the prophet that brought him back from the way heard thereof he said it is the man of God who was disobedient by listening to his lies the alleged word of an angel through a false prophet instead of the word of the God unto the word of the Lord therefore the Lord hath delivered him under the lion which hath torn him in the Hebrew this has broken him and slain him according to the word of the Lord which he spake unto him his lie was the main cause of that being coming to pass the elect the message to you obey the Word of God if you don't you could face the second death 27 and he spake to his sons this is the old prophet in beth-el saying saddle me the ass and they saddled him he wants to see that the disobedient prophet at least receives a decent burial perhaps he's feeling a little bit guilty in that it was by his lies that the disobedient prophet came back and did break bread and and drink water perhaps he has another motive 28 and he went and found his carcass cast in the way and the ass and the Lions standing by the carcass and the lion had not eaten the carcass nor torn or broken in the Hebrew the ass why because of divine control God in charge verse 29 and the Prophet took up the carcass of the man of God and laid it upon the ass and brought it back and the old prophet came to the city to beth-el to mourn and to bury him again what is the motive of this old man and he laid his carcass in his own grave in his own Sepulchre that he had prepared for himself and they mourned over him saying alas my brother this is a common lamentation the alas my brother in jeremiah chapter 22 verse 18 we learned that they would not say this lamentation for the who was prophesied to come in 360 years Joseph Josiah's son Jehovah Kim they would not say alas my brother when he died or any other sad lamentation why because he was such an evil notorious leader in king that they said thank god he's dead they didn't care in other words verse 31 and it came to pass after he had buried him that he speak to his sons saying when I am dead then bury me in the Sepulcher wherein the man of God is buried lay my bones beside his bones what was his motive well you can read about the prophecy that Josiah would come in three hundred and sixty years in second Kings chapter 23 verse 17 and 18 we'll be getting there eventually and when Josiah was hard at work burning the bones of all these false prophets on the altar at Bethel desecrating it he came upon the tomb the Sepulcher that this old man and the disobedient prophet were buried in and he said wait a minute what what does that say on the Sepulcher and they read it to him it says here lies the Prophet that came from beth-el and saying which he cried by the word of the Lord against the altar in Bethel and prophesied Josiah would come and Josiah instructed them leave that Sepulcher alone so the bones of the disobedient prophet and the false prophet buried in the same tomb were not disturbed that was the motive of going of the false prophet in going and bringing the Prophet the disobedience prophets carcass back and burying them in his own suppli kirb 32 for the saying which he cried this is the saying that the disobedient prophet cried by the word of the Lord against the altar in beth-el and against all the houses of the high places which are in the cities of Samaria shall surely come to pass Josiah did come 360 years exactly as prophesied and the old man said I don't want my bones to be burned on the idolatrous altars don't let samaria throw you samaria would later become the capitol of the ten tribes to the north and the named samaria became synonymous with the ten tribes of israel israel and Samaria meaning the same thing verse 33 after this thing Jeroboam returned not from his evil way the withered hand didn't get his attention and the prophecy of the the the the altar was rent by an earthquake you may recall in our last lecture and the ashes spilled out on the ground none of that affected Jeroboam for any length of time but made again of the lowest of the people priests of the high places anyone would do whosoever would he consecrated him and he became one of the priests of the high places more like more like it a priest of Jeroboam the prophecy of the man of God didn't change jeroboams feelings or his actions at all verse 34 and this thing became sin unto the house of Jeroboam even to cut it off and to destroy it from off the face of the earth and that would soon come to pass as well it wouldn't be 360 years that Jeroboam would die in his male descendants be cut off forever and you might say well that sounds like the sons of Jeroboam were punished for jeroboams actions well you see it wasn't just Jeroboam the people of Israel had fallen off into idolatry they were worshiping the golden calves they were making their Astor off the male phallic symbol and they were practicing idolatry the demise of Jeroboam in Chapter 14 let's go with verse 1 at that time abaya the son of Jeroboam fell sick and what the sickness was it's not stated but it must have been a serious illness we can read into that because of what Jeroboam does next verse 2 and Jeroboam said to his wife arise I pray thee and disguised thyself that thou not be known that thou be not known to be the wife of Jeroboam and get thee to Shiloh behold there is a higher the prophet which told me that I should be king over this people we were introduced to a high in chapter 12 when God said you take your cloak and you rend it in 12 pieces and you give ten pieces to Jeroboam and Jeroboam will see he had no confidence in his own God's small G the two golden calves were simply politically expedient he didn't seem to listen to the disobedient prophet but here he's seeking the word of a true prophet of God Oh hiya I'm sure at this point though God is thinking Jeroboam why don't you ask your two golden calves what's going to be the outcome for your son byah verse three and take with the ten loaves and crackles these are cakes and a cruise or a bottle of honey and go to him referring to a high of the profit he shall tell thee what shall become of the child and these are small gifts that any commoner would bring to someone such as a high of the profit in other words he didn't send gold or silver which would indicate these this was coming from someone of influence or riches anyway he's having her dress down so that she supposedly won't be recognized as the wife of the king of Israel and jeroboams wife did so and a rose and went to Shiloh that's the home of abaya and came to the house of abaya but abaya could not see for his eyes were set by reason of his age he had become blind over the years now and it was kind of ironic here we have a higher whose physical eyes are shut but his spiritual eyes are open and we have Jeroboam whose physical eyes are open but his spiritually blind as a bat what are they trying to do here jeroboams trying to deceive a prophet of God and when you're trying to deceive a prophet of God you're trying to deceive God himself and you cannot con God he's going to try and the Lord said unto a hiya behold the wife of Jeroboam cometh to ask a thing of thee for her son for he is sick thus and thus shalt thou say unto her for it shall be when she cometh in that she shall faint she'll pretend herself to be another again trying to con God but God knows your heart and your mind he already knows what Jeroboam and his wife are up to and it was so when a higher heard the sound of her feet as she came in at the door that he said come in now wife of Jeroboam wife anus tour why do you pretend now they self to be another for I am sent to thee with heavy or hard tidings now but this set jeroboams wife back here he already knows who she is and he's blind to be on top of that but he's saying not only do I know who you are I've got some bad news for you verse 7 go tell Jeroboam thus saith the Lord God of Israel for as much as I exalted thee from among the people and made the prints over my people Israel I made you king over the ten tribes of Israel and he made some promises to Jeroboam there were conditions the condition was that Jeroboam do things God's Way and follow the commandments Jeroboam didn't he he went so far as to fall off into idolatry God doesn't like that and it's going to cut off his not only and what originally God promised Jeroboam I'll give you a long line of successors to sit on the throne of Israel if you will do things my way well their long line of successors are about to be cut off verse 8 and rent or tour the kingdom away from the house of David and gave it the the ten tribes and yet thou has not been as my servant David who kept my Commandments and have followed me with all his heart with all his mind to do that only which was right in mine eyes and here we see the the kings of Judah often compared to David here the first man king of the ten tribes of Israel after the split is being compared to David as well again was David perfect no he wasn't he fell short like the rest of us do in the flesh but as far as his faithfulness to the Lord he was unquestionable he was unshakable in his worship of Jehovah but Jeroboam the golden calves consecrating his own priests and making the festival in the eighth month on the fifteenth day he'd gone too far verse nine bun has done evil above all that were before thee that's that's saying a lot for thou has gone and made the other gods small G and molten images you broke the first two Commandments the first commandment you'll have no other gods before me the second commandment you shall have no graven images to bow down to you to worship to provoke me to anger and has cast me behind thy back and that's dangerous cast me behind my back utilized only here and in Ezekiel 23 35s and it denotes a scornful contempt of God and this is a complete opposite of what God expected from Jeroboam he expected Jeroboam to keep God before his eyes and in his heart and then he would give him a long line of successors rather than that though he got a scornful contempt verse 10 therefore behold I will bring evil or calamity a on the house of Jeroboam and we'll cut off from Jeroboam him that piss it against the wall this means a figure of speech that means the males descendants of Jeroboam effectively wiping out his seed line in other words and him that is shut up and left in Israel and will take away the remnant of the house of Jeroboam as a man taketh away dung till it be all gone dung not very highly thought of but that's what God thought of the house of Jeroboam this shut up and left in Israel it's a figure of speech that means someone who thinks that they're strengthened and fortified in other words that they're safe but there is no place you can hide from God now was this cruel and unusual punishment for Jeroboam no it was not after all he had done and then to turn around to fall into idolatry not only did he fall into idolatry he led the ten nations the ten tribes of Israel the nation of Israel to commit idolatry as well verse eleven him that diet of Jeroboam in the city shall the dogs eat and him that diet in the field shall the fowls of the air II for the Lord hath spoken it in other words the descendants of Jeroboam will not even receive a decent burial and you know this is one of the curses of Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 26 that chapter along with Leviticus 26 give us the curses and the blessings of God Deuteronomy 28 26 you don't do things God's Way you won't receive a proper burial verse 12 arise therefore the Prophet tells the wife of Jeroboam get the to thine house and when thou eat in or into the city that I shall die abaya will die and that's immediate judgment of our Heavenly Father the other prophecy will soon be fulfilled also verse 13 and all Israel shall mourn for him he was the heir apparent to the throne and bury him for he only of Jeroboam shall come to the grave only abaya would receive a proper burial because in him there is found some good thing toward the Lord God of Israel in the house of Jeroboam and theirs it's not written what that one good thing or some good thing that abaya did but obviously he had some good about him that he was given a decent burial the other descendants of Jeroboam not going to happen we got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment won't you please Genesis 146 the first six chapters in God's Word the world that was did you realize there was a world age before this one same old world different age the creation itself when were the races created you see all the races were created separately and you'll find that documented in these particular CDs how and what was the sin in the garden it will be discussed in this series also this is a must for the serious Bible scholar for if you do not understand how it was in the beginning you certainly will never understand the end I think you will find this series very rewarding and certainly will answer questions that no doubt you have always wondered about Genesis 146 hey I know you're going to enjoy this series welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please eight hundred six four three four six four five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the United States and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to leave to possibly be answered on the air feel free to call that 800 number and leave your question please don't ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive manner throwing out negative about others especially our brothers and sisters in Christ serves no purpose we simply won't do it if you're listening by shortwave radio or studying via the internet somewhere around the world that's unable to use that 800 number your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address quite all right to mail your questions in being the point got a prayer requests we're going to do away with the telephone number you don't need a paper and pencil and a mailing address talk to your Heavenly Father I encourage you to make the little time each day at least once a day to talk with your heavenly father it's a good way to keep the communication lines open and you know he will communicate with you if you communicate with him your relationship with your heavenly father doesn't depend on him he's the same yesterday he was the same today he will be the same tomorrow man is the one who changes and again your relationship depends on you I encourage you to take the ball and run with it talk to your Heavenly Father we do have these prayer requests father we ask you to look upon these we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ look upon these father you know their needs illness father financial difficulties you know father that your will a special blessing on each of these we also remember our military troops and their families father and we lift them up in prayer watch over guide direct touch heal and Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father alright and as promised I'm going to bring up Glenn from New Jersey with our first question today how does Matthew 25 verses 41 through 46 on eternal punishment Square up to a consuming fire teaching well it states there in Matthew 25 verse 41 that there is an everlasting fire well let me tell you Glenn that once someone goes up in smoke they are forever up in smoke the lake of fire is temporary and I know a lot of people like to think about well there's a eternal hell well you know and we learn in Revelation chapter 21 what the eternity is going to be like when God returns and wipes away the tears from all of his children and there is no more death there's no more pain there's no more sorrow well you know I can't imagine there being an eternal lake of fire and some of our relatives are in the lake of fire just screaming bloody murder and that's supposed to be heaven the Eternity no more pain no more sorrow no more death that doesn't add up so the lake of fire is a temporary thing once it's gone it's gone forever and Satan is gone forever as well praise the Lord Evelynn in Oklahoma and thank you for your kind comments please explain first Corinthians chapter 13 verse 12 and that reads for now we see through a glass darkly Klee but then face to face now I know in part but then shall I know even as I am known and and a glass in the Bible is a mirror in other words when I look into a mirror darkly and that is darkly as in a riddle or baffling in other words when I look in a mirror I'm baffled but then face to face now I know in part but then shall I know cetera et cetera but that's what the glass and darkly is talking about Johnny in South Carolina my question is with all this fighting going on right now in the world and it seems to keep getting worse or are we just about to reach the sixth trump there's got to be a great deal of war going on before Pretty Boy Floyd can come in with his lying piece right I'm checking the news every day looking for the candlesticks in Israel Matthew chapter 24 verse 6 we learned that when you hear of wars and rumors of wars see that you be not troubled for the end is not yet and we've got a lot of wars as you said going on in the world but things are gonna happen just as God wants them to you know he's the one who decides and we should leave it up to him and his wisdom and knowledge no one knows as Christ would say the hour that the son of man Jesus Christ returns except the heavenly father Beth in Florida I'm a new Christian and I was wanting to know some verses that I might give to a friend for her salvation I've give her John chapter 3 verse 16 probably the most memorized versed in God's Word Dalton in Texas Air Force retired Air Force veteran and thank you for serving our country judges please explain judges 16:1 and I don't know what you're it misunderstanding about that in the States they're in judges 16 one that Sampson took a Philistine girl why'd would he take a Philistine girl well God was in control he was using that relationship to stir up trouble between Sampson and the Philistine you say the Philistines were oppressing Israel terribly during the life of Samson Samson was the beginning the one who began the defeat of the Philistines and you follow with the second please explain first the last Thessalonians chapter 2 verse 4 and that states God put us in trust with the gospel which is the good news so we speak not as pleasing men but God and that simply means that if you're going to teach God's Word to teach the gospel the good news then you need to be worried about pleasing God not men all too many preachers are unfortunately all they're worried about is pleasing the congregation there they're afraid to upset their congregation with the truth of God's Word they just want to speak kind easy words to their congregation you don't have to understand the Book of Revelations you're gonna be gone Ernest in New Mexico is suicide the unforgivable sin no that's not the unforgivable sin you find the unforgivable skinned sin one of the places in Luke chapter 12 verse 13 and the following verses and that of course is for the elect when they're delivered up to deny the Holy Spirit that is unforgivable lissa in Nevada does God always answer ever one's prayers no matter what and if so then why do people say that some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers and I also wanted to say thank you for your teachings and the teaching us about God's Word well you're welcome you know always pray Lisa and everyone else always pray in God's will you see he knows more than what we do he knows the future and sometimes we might pray for something that would not be in our best interest and in that case an unanswered prayer would be a blessing God watching out for your best interest in other words Michael from Oklahoma I have a question where in the Bible can I find the food laws thank you and God bless you for your service well you're welcome and you'll find the food laws in two places Leviticus chapter 11 also Deuteronomy chapter 14 and some would have you believe well that's Old Testament and when Jesus Christ came all the health laws changed no they didn't change it's misunderstanding this teaching of the New Testament for example Acts chapter 10 they say that that's God is saying that unclean animals are clean that's not the point of Acts chapter 10 at all Peter fell asleep and when he woke up he was really really hungry and God lowered a sheet of unclean animals and said rise Peter and eat and he said no Lord I've never met unclean food past my lips that happened two or three times and then we learned what the real lesson of Acts chapter 10 was the lesson to Peter was you don't call any man unclean common is the word why because Cornelius agenda tile was about to come and he wanted to hear the gospel the good news Luana in ohio kena can I be saved anyone can be saved who believes on Jesus Christ even aconite John 3:16 I just mentioned ago tells us what it takes to be saved I can I can do that my question is about and this is from Darlene from Wisconsin in your opinion is celebrating Halloween worshipping the devil in my opinion Halloween is worshiping the devil but my thing is the children they don't understand some of them are really dressed up cute and they enjoy getting the treats am I wrong for passing out candy to the children I do my best to stay out of the devil's path I love Jesus and all of God's children okay I think the dangerous thing Darlene about telling children for example we don't celebrate Halloween or we don't celebrate Christmas because of our religion you know you do that to a young child and the young child is not going to really like their religion very well what I would recommend people do is explain to to your children how the holiday originated and teach them the truth about when Jesus was conceived and when Jesus was born and that we don't worship or celebrate evil in the case of Halloween buddy in Michigan will Satan have any power to convince those that have already died in their flesh bodies there seems to be a whole lot of Christians that don't understand the six Trump but do love the Lord will he be able to tell those that have already died when he comes those who have died in the flesh believing in Jesus Christ are good to go there there in the eternity the Antichrist who will be on earth will have no effect on them whatsoever and you know that is why we teach the one-third who followed Satan in the first earth in heaven age are probably in the flesh right now it would only be fair that those third who followed Satan in the first earth in heaven age are here on earth I thought in my opinion that's the reason we see so much evil in the world excuse me Janice in Nebraska I'm confused about revelation 9:16 the two hundred thousand thousand if these are Satan angels do they come from the bad side of the Gulf and are these the angels kicked out of heaven in Revelation 12:9 if these angels aren't the seven thousand fallen angels when do they get kicked out of heaven are the two hundred thousand thousand angels are they also fallen angels thank you and God bless you and the staff and thanks for remembering the staff Janice we have a very hard-working group of volunteers and employees here a very few and number get a lot of God's Word out okay you're confused about the period of time that's being discussed in revelation 9:16 the two hundred thousand thousand is talking about the army of angels that Gabriel and Michael fought against in Daniel chapter 10 it's not the same as the fallen angels who are booted out of heaven with Satan in Revelation chapter 12 hope that helps CC in Virginia answering the big question who made God my reading by reading Matthew is like telling a child because I said so it's good enough for me but my niece and nephew ages 5 and 11 say that's not an answer could you answer that question so that a child would be satisfied well I hope so in Exodus chapter 3 verse 14 when God appeared to Moses and he gave Moses instruction and said I want you to go back down and tell the people of Israel this and that and such and such and Moses said you know who should I tell them sent me and the Lord told Moses you tell them I am that I am sent you and I am that I am in the Hebrew Yas area it's the etymology of the sacred name which is hidden in acrostics in five times in the book of Esther it's found in the Book of Psalms and of course his name is Yahweh YHVH but EOS her ear means I will be what I will be or become and another thing you might consider is the Eternity you know an eternity means there was no beginning and there is no end and our Heavenly Father was certainly been here for an eternity there was no beginning for him he has always been difficult for a five and 11 year old to understand I'm sure Andrew in Missouri please explain the sixth and seventh Trump well Matthew 24 and Mark 13 cover the trumps and I encourage you if you haven't made a study with Pastor arm or either one tape called Matthew 24 mark 13 that covers both and I'd suggest you get that CD if you haven't already studied it but what happens at the 6th Trump well the Antichrist is here on earth and he's going to deceive the entire world as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 with the exception of those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life those are the elect he's going to be here pretending to be Jesus and a lot are going to be deceived at the seventh Trump Jesus returns the second Advent begins you can read about that in 1st Corinthians chapter 15 verse 52 and the following verses in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump that's the seventh Trump and the Greek is very specific the farthest one out which is the seventh then we lose these flesh bodies and the corruptible takes on the incorruptible the incorruptible takes over the corruptible dixi in North Carolina where there mam's ours in the first Earth Age no there were no mam's ours in the first earth age why there was no flash man in the first earth age what is a mam Zara mam Tsar is one who is of an Israelite parent for example and a Gentile that's what imams are is it's translated into the English in the King James Version Bible as bastard David in California what does Genesis chapter 9 verse 22 mean well that's very missed taught by many and many people teach that it's the beginning of the black race which is an insult ham the father of Canaan saw the nakedness of his father and if you don't know what that means you need to go to Leviticus chapter 18 verse 6 and Leviticus chapter 20 verse 11 where you learned that uncovering a man's nakedness means to lie with his wife ham had intercourse with Noah's why his own mother Kanan was the result that's the reason that Noah cursed Canaan God didn't curse Canaan Noah cursed Canaan and sent him away why he didn't want a reminder of what happened running around Robert in South Carolina is it wrong in God's eyes for a male who is committed to a female to live with her in a relationship if they're not married not much written in the Bible about marriage in the Old Testament when a man spread his skirt over a woman they were married in other words they had intercourse they were married God is married we can prove in Ezekiel chapter 16 verse 8 because he spread his skirt over Jebus as it was called then later to become known as Jerusalem when and Colorado greetings and blessings back at you my husband and I have a question regarding Matthew 40 41 and you mean Matthew 24 40 and 41 there are no chapters 40 and 41 we thought that the one taken are those that follow the Antichrist and the ones left are those that are waiting for the true Christ well and Bullinger and you point out Bullinger is comment Bullinger died in 1915 you know and a lot has happened since 1915 and was bullinger perfect no but he was an excellent Christian scholar don't throw the baby out with the bath I'm out of time I love you because you enjoy studying our father's word in depth he loves you because you read the letter that he wrote to you we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you help us keep coming to you want you to do that and to reach out to others who are lost in this world of darkness there's one thing most important though and it's this you stay in his word every day every day and your father's word is a good day even with trouble do you know why because Jesus is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalogue and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel geobox 416 Gravette Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,333
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: Murray, Arnold Murray, Book of, I Kings, Shepherds Chapel, Book of 1 Kings, Shepherds, Pastor, Pastor Murray, Chapel, 1 Kings, Book of I Kings, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Arnold, Shepherd's Chapel
Id: c6cAKbvsCSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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