1 JUNKRAT TIP vs EVERY HERO ft. Jake (2020)

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Jakerat himself, the only right choice for Junkrat tips.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 108 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/-KFAD- πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


But actually very informative. There were some "just flank LUL" moments, but for the most part there were a plethora of good tips.

Good job to Jake and KarQ

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 68 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/WakeUpItsAllADream πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'll add a Symmetra tip which is that her turrets target Junkrat's steel trap. You can drop your trap in range of the Symmetra turret nest and while the turrets are distracted killing your trap, you can safely destroy them.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 43 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/serotonin_flood πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

professor junkrat indeed. a lot of this stuff i didn't even know about.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/achedsphinxx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

jake's absolutely great at educational stuff like this. the dude can go on for like 20 straight minutes about a single topic and still somehow keep all of it engaging and informative

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/extremeq16 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Best one yet. Great info.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ButtsXrofl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow there’s some excellent information in here!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hecka_Cakey πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

1 JUNKRAT TIP vs EVERY HERO ft. AvAtAr (2020)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ale3for πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thanks for the informative video!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/1sterman πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
Hey what's going on guys my name is KarQ and welcome to the 1 Junkrat tip 2020 updated version featuring none other than Jake. Hello KarQ fans I'm Jake AKA Jakerat and I'm here to provide you 1 Junkrat tip for every hero in the game. Let's kick things off with the general tip the one-shot burst combo. The way it works is shooting a primary fire then throwing a concussion mine and detonating it as soon as the primary fire connects on the enemy. You'll be able to do 250 damage burst if the mine is placed absolutely perfectly. And with that, guys we have very detailed matchup tips coming right up, professor Jake's got you covered so get your pencils and papers up and let's get started. The most important tip against Dva is dealing with her when she's diving you.It's very important to not panic. Most Dva's are going to fly at you and use matrix right when they get close so what I'll do is shoot some primary fires drop a trap and then at the moment the matrix goes down I'll throw a concussion mine between us to create some separation. The key to the separation play is to jump backwards so the mine boops Dva away from you while also jumping you backwards as well. Again don't panic and don't throw away your conc mines into her defense matrix, that's how you're gonna die to Dva. Alright our second hero is ORISA, you can break the shield with just one clip of your primary fire (5 shots) but I would recommend instead of shooting directly at the shield I would advise you to go for a backboard play. So when I say backboarding play I mean shoot at a wall behind the ORISA and set yourself up so the pipes can bounce and hit her in the back and more important hitting ORISA is when her teammates are all grouped up on that shield thinking they're safe because the shield is still up instead of breaking the shield on the front which will cause them to scatter and go hide if you shoot the pipes on a wall behind and they're bouncing backwards and hitting those supports and those DPS in the back you can find kills before the shield even goes down and if you missed the actual players the pipes are still gonna bounce backwards and hit the shield behind it's just pretty much better in all senses so that you're getting pickoffs on their damage dealers on their supports putting pressure on them rather than just breaking shield because it's always better to get kills than breaking a shield so our third hero is Ryan you can do the same thing as ERISA although it's a little bit more difficult obviously Ryan's gonna be a little bit more mobile as far as shooting the back wall and bouncing the pipes into his back putting pressure on him from an off angle when you're using your rib tire it's very important that he bait the fire strike you want to be ready for it because if you just drive straight at him he's probably gonna have that fire strike and he's gonna give it a shot want to make sure that you explode the tire inside of his model if you ever come from behind and you debt behind him I like a little bit of distance you're always running the risk that he might whip around 180 and block the damage with his shield but you need to make sure that it's like inside of him so that it's impossible for him to block it with the shield tip for road hog is that tire does a perfect 600 damage so it's possible to one-shot a full-hp road hog but obviously if uses take a breather you're not gonna be able to finish him off because of the damage resistance I'll always try to bait out that take a breather from road hog by driving the tire up next to him 99% of the time he'll be too scared and he'll use the take a breather to try and protect himself and you can just time it and detonate the tire right as the skill ends and he'll have no chance to break your tire if you time it correctly another tip against road hog is if you ever hooks your allies even if you see him going for a hook on your allies you think it might happen it's really important that you throw a cock mine at him because if you bounce road hog up and away right when he hits the hook he's almost always gonna miss the follow-up shot against Sigma I would recommend you prioritize shield spam there's not really like a great counter play for junk rat against Sigma because the kinetic grasp is just gonna eat all your damage and just give Sigma a ton of HP so shooting Sigma directly unless you know for sure that kinetic grasp is down is not so wide smash his shield every time you see it out just breaking his shield provides a ton of value for your team that's the best you can do here for Winston our sixth hero it's really all about that separation play that I talked about a bit with Deva when he lands on you throw that mind in his face and jump backwards at the same time I'm giving yourself that separation one good thing against Winston as well is it's tough for him to break the trap yes to sit around for a little bit zapping it so if you drop a trap in its small doorway there's no way he can really effectively chase you generally playing against Winston I'll try and have a pre-emptive trap near my feet where I think he wants to jump and try to catch a minute because you can certainly burst him down if he's ever caught your trap the matchup against wrecking ball is all about the trap actually is it's by far the most important thing you need to think about where the wrecking ball wants to come like where he wants to roll through if you can just leave a trap in one of those routes but it really slows him down a lot and if you're close by wait for about one second of the trap and then put another trap at his feet like drop it inside of his model while he's in the first trap and he'll get double trap and that is just like the worst thing in the world for a wrecking ball you can finish him off usually all on your own unless he has a huge amount of shields so against Zarya the most important tip is just not to feed energy junk rats main advantage is that he deals more damage than most heroes in terms of a shield pressure fight but if you gives re a hundred energy you're killing your own advantage so what I'll do against Zarya is not spam constantly instead I'll shoot one pipe maybe clear a combo at the backline I'll try to minimize the time I spend shooting many spam pipes like directly into the Rhine directly into Bazaar you but if her bubbles are down then by all means you can spam but you can even shoot pipes completely over the Rhine just trying to bait Azari bubbles out but do not feed her tons of energy if you do this you're probably gonna cause your team to lose the fight the most important thing against ash and this applies to all snipers really is that you need to flank these heroes running up at a hitscan who's playing from range or trying to like jump into their face is a pretty bad idea because usually there's gonna be able to kill you before you close the distance but what you can do against snipers and ash in particular is sneak up on the flank and go for that classic one-shot combo against Bastion junk rats role changes significantly because jerk rat is normally the highest damage in most compositions he does more damage than anybody else in terms of just breaking shields but against Bastion obviously that that changes fashion does way more damage than you if he's actually able to deal it so it's really important that you stop going for shield break against fashion because you don't win that way not that you never should shield but you want a heavily heavily focus on flanking get on some sort of flank angle and since he can't move it's very very easy to find like a bouncing spot that lands and hits the bastion right in the back even if you're not killing him with this if you just make him get up out of the turret and reset constantly over and over again it just kills his efficiency if there is that moment where the bastion is distracted and your team is is initiating and fighting him close-range you can jump in over his head and land right on his head and like put a trap on him shoot all your pipes use absolutely everything and usually for me I'll stand like right on his head and if he kills me he's gonna die to the passive if you know for sure that doom is gonna come from a specific angle you can put a trap down in front of you and then you have you know a couple steps back behind the trap he can't punch you at that angle as long as you're not like right on top of the trap then you will still get punched but you can try to bait him and imagine it like a wall between you another thing you can do is do much like the Winston's and the Divas when he gets on you and uppercuts you it's great to use the clock mine at that moment and separate yourself because again doing such a close range hero as long as you get some space some range you'll be fine for EKKO I think this new hero maybe the worst hero match up for junk rat since Farah maybe even worse than Farah echoes mobility is so insane her ability to constantly be flying around really makes it difficult for you to catch her you just use the RIP tire to take her out of the game totally worth it you so hard to take down with your regular fire using the tire on her is perfectly fine all right against Genji you want to leave a trap in the - path so if Kenji's in front of you you want to have that trap between you and the Genji and you want to play really really closely goes a lot of times you can bait him this strategy works even better when it's not you baiting the jump wrap shop but rather your teammates so if you have an honor and she wants to set up in some sort of small room it's very very difficult for the Genji to actually target them down the other thing to remember higher is a very hard counter to the Nano blade combo basically don't use the RIP tire in Intel Genji want some native laid and but I'll also do is try to play always defensively so that you're never leaving a spot that you can trip tire from as soon as he goes for that play you just pop the tire and you don't need to go in all you have to do is keep the tire near you near your supports and the genji really can't do much because if he dashes in you just blow them up you just don't want to like go out too far for also you could - past you but just use the tire as a zoning tool and it forces the Genji to hide and even if you don't get anything with the tire but he doesn't get anything with the blade because he's just sitting there waiting for your tire then that's a win for you I mean stopping the nano blade is so so important and you'll get the tire up before he gets a nano blade almost every time against Hanzo it's porn remember this is another pretty poor match up for junk rat he can one-shot your tire kill you from mid to long range and much like range hits can heroes you really can't push him directly like the rest of the snipers you really need to flank him and one shot him that's your best chance to get the pickup on Hanzo all right so for the junk on junk mirror match the most important tip I can give is dealing with the rip tires and those spam pipes can just kills a tire easily one shot so that makes a huge difference what I'll do to help myself in that matchup is when I hear the enemy junk rat pop the rip tire the first thing I'll do is put a concussion mind where I expect the tire to come from if I expect the tire to come in a flank path I'll leave a concussion mine on the floor there and be ready to detonate it all right our next hero is McCree this is a rough match up again pretty much you need to flank and one-shot him fighting him at medium range is not advisable and if you sneak up on him you need to be very careful because he can always just flash you and destroy you if you're caught in the flank so another tip for McCrea is that the High Noon does not lock onto the rip tire you might force McCree to cancel his old or he might just try and keep it up and you can kill his whole team one thing to do against me is when mae uses her ice block ability your trap can be placed like right at her feet and you put the trap inside of her when she comes out of the ice block he's just immediately gonna get trapped and there's nothing she can do about it another thing against me is that the mae pillar nerf puts it at only 400 HP so you can shoot three nades and then melee and you'll break the pillar and that's all on your own what I'll usually do is try to aim between two pillars for instance if i aiming at the middle pillar i'll aim at the middle pillar but then a little bit on the right side so that I'm hitting the middle pillar but I'm also splashing the one just to the right of it or just to the left of it so you can really bust down that ice wall as quickly as possible Democrats matchup versus Farah in my opinion this is junk rats worst matchup in the game it's just inherently unfavorable because all of your damage is slow projectiles it's not hard to understand why this is a bad matchup you can go for the extreme desperation play and try and jump into the air and one-shot her with the combo but that's extremely risky I mean it costs you all of your cooldowns so if you don't kill her you essentially do nothing for the rest of the teamfight I would really recommend focusing other people you don't want this fight you know if you're on junk grad I'd recommend switching next tip against Reaper I always look to do the one-shot combo when he gets close to me it's possible to do that 250 perfect bursts but even if you don't get the perfect burst it's likely your team will be able to finish him off and he rates and runs away still bouncing him up doing that you know 200 plus damage to him means that his fight is essentially over he's gonna have to go back again soldier 76 important to remember now new change is that the soldier 76 his tactical visor now locks on to the rip tire so I would say focus on out shield trading him or sneaking up on him and flanking him but of course with the sprint that can be really risky because it can chase you down if it goes wrong I would say you want to focus on spamming him if he ever drops the heal pad it's a good target to be spamming because it's likely gonna stay in that same spot again somber I'm almost always gonna leave traps in the sort of corridors where she wants to be walking and usually it's gonna force her to take inefficient routes going long ways around the map and all that just slows her down makes your farm EMP slower if she looks like she's gonna go for an EMP you just want to immediately jump backwards the most important thing you can do against Symetra is know where the Symetra wants to use her teleporter to bring her team in and sit exactly where they want to go so on Hannam where people want a teepee to the point sit like in the entrance to the point and just wait there spam from there spam the enemy team do whatever but just wait where do you think the teepee will come the moment that teepee comes down instantly just throw the 1-shot combo at it on Anubis second point the little ring high ground the doughnut I'll sit right on that and just wait but even if you don't kill anybody you're gonna deal an insane amount of damage you're gonna charge your ultimate and you're gonna split them all up and that amount of chaos is just gonna play advantage the most important thing against Torbjorn is breaking his turret actually if there's an enemy Rhine or IRISA defending the turret you might be able to just shoot right over that shield and just break the turret for free and killing torps turret is so so important if you don't kill the turret it's just constantly dealing damage throughout the entire fight so the quicker it goes down the better okay so our next tip is against tracer this is a weird matchup for John Kratt it can be really lopsided one way or the other usually you're either gonna kill her really quickly or she could dance around you all day so what I'll usually do against tracer is try to fight in enclosed spaces where she has less mobility to blink like if you're out in the open field it's very very hard to fight a tracer she has a big advantage on you but if you're in a small room or a corridor she really is gonna struggle to dodge all your pipes another little tip is that I'll always pre-fire where I think she's gonna blink she's not gonna be able to see where your pipe is going and then reactively blinked so if you're just shooting at her she's probably gonna be forced to use some blinks so what I'll do is actually guess where she's gonna blink and aim there another thing you can do if you're on a corner is go for that left click and then melee instantly that also one shot sir so there's actually no need to use the conch mine against Widowmaker another pretty bad matchup at long range obviously you don't do anything at long range and Widow can cut you down easily so flank in one shot like all the snipers another little tip when you're using Riptide don't drive in a straight line you need to zigzag like like crazy if you zigzag like crazy and you bait a shot out then as soon as you see that shot come out you want to drive straight for like half a second and then go back to zigzagging you want to kind of play on the tempo of her charge shot because she's always gonna shoot when her charge hits that point to deal a hundred damage on the rip tire so you want to kind of alternate zigzag to dodge the shot then drive at her close some distance and then zigzag dodge another shot driver to close the distance and repeat that and if you're trying to go for her with the time Allah is very very vulnerable to getting flanked so she's a great hero to sneak up on and go for that one-shot play because she's often gonna be aiming down sight using her scope while healing up her teammates and that makes her really vulnerable really unawares to a flank it's pretty important to flank her because she's one of the only heal that can really out heal the damage that you deal against a tank like a Rhine Ana's gonna have no trouble keeping him up and if you deal so much damage you might just give that on uh Nano the most important tip against batiste is to bait out the immortality field before using your rip tire the immortality field is is just the ultimate counter to rip tire if you detonate your tire on the lamp and there's like six players inside of it in a safe spot where your team can't follow up not only are you not gonna kill anybody but you're also gonna let the batiste heal everyone up back to full and that's like a free ultimate for him so it's actually better to lose the tire in that circumstance another thing you can do against enemies that are in the immortality field is you can sneak up on them and bounce them up in the air out of the effective range with a concussion vine the most important thing now with the new patches to Brigitta is that you can destroy her shield incredibly quickly if you break her shield it kills her mobility because she can't bash anymore especially if she's ever chasing you down it's very easy to do the separation play on her she's also very very poor at dealing with traps so you can always drop a trap in a doorway and run away and she has to hit it three times in order to get through it so that's really gonna slow her down one of the best plays you can make on lucio is if he's gonna drop the sound barrier and you're close by throw a concussion mind under him and bounce him up into the air even if you can't kill him bounce him once and then throw another mine bounce him again that beat is gonna take so long to land the reason he was using the beat has probably lost meaning right like if your teammates were getting somebody low and then he drops the beat to save them if you could just bounce him up into the air and delay that beat your teammates are probably gonna be able to get that pick off before the beat comes down and it also gives your team a ton of time to react another thing you can do against illusio if you're not close enough to make that play is that when lucio drops the beat you want to go for a safe spot wait 2 to 3 seconds and then pop the rip tire right as that beat is running out because usually when a team gets a sound barrier they're gonna be speed boosting in they're gonna be diving into that backline and they're gonna be overextended so if you pop the tire just as it's running out of shields then the enemy's gonna be overconfident right at that moment and they're gonna be close to you but won't protect them anymore because it's timing out against mercy if she ever uses Valkyrie you just need to run it's almost impossible to hit a mercy if she's actually good and flying around the air the best thing you can do against Mercy is look to throw a conk mine when she wants to res and bounce her out of the rest if you know there's a dead body that that mercy wants to res you can just camp it likes it right where that enemy hero just fell and just wait because mercy wants to come there she wants to get the rest but if you're right there there's no way she can get it off even if she has Valkyrie if she tries to res and you're right there then you can easily kill earth against Moira I usually won't use my conch mine unless I'm sneaking up on her or she uses fade because if you bounce her up into the air with the conch mine and then she uses fade you just set her up for like the ultimate movement ability if she's fighting me I'll just focus on the primary fire bait the fade out and then I'll look for the concussive so when she uses ultimate that means she can no longer use the fade so it's a great moment to use rip tire if you kill the coalescence that's a really high value play canceling one alt with yours and you get a kill at the same time against anyatta yes a good fighting potential at long range but if you're close range it's a really easy one shot kill it's possible to one-shot combo through trance the key is the timing on the mine you need it to be exactly perfect against trance another small tip again Zen is if he's trancing it's actually possible to trap the transcendence most people might not know that and if you trap the transcendence once it's possible to actually double trap him much like I talked about with Hammond just want to say thanks again to karke you for having me on the show I'm a big fan of the video so proud to be able to participate if you enjoyed these tips and you want to see more of my content you can check me out on twitter and instagram @ j co w or on twitch TV for slash jake underscore Oh W
Channel: KarQ
Views: 1,358,179
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overwatch, overwatch junkrat guide, overwatch junkrat tips, 1 junkrat tip, karq junkrat, junkrat tips and tricks, jake junkrat, jake overwatch, junkrat tips for every hero, karq jake junkrat, echo overwatch patch, junkrat combo
Id: NojQ-1aOivc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 25sec (1165 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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