how to make Spicy, Garlicky Weeknight Pizza

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you need at least eight hours for a no need pizza dough three to four days for a classic Neapolitan ferment but what if you want pizza tonight can you get home around 5:30 and have piping hot pizza ready to burn the roof of your mouth off at say 7:30 you absolutely can let me show you why this works in order for pizza to be nice and distress you to work with so we can get that nice rise and open crumb in the outer crust when it bakes we need a well-developed gluten network so gluten is developed by the hydration of flour that's it this is why no need dough's work because as the dough sits for a long time the flour will hydrate however we need this to be done fast so to solve that we start with a high hydration dough this pizza dough is 80% water compared to the flour a high hydration dough allows the ingredients to move more freely than say a 60% hydration dough meaning our flour hydrates faster and the gluten develops another way to speed up flour hydration is through mixing and kneading the dough will do that through a technique known as the slap and fold where you slap the dough on the counter fold it over and continue after several minutes the dough becomes tensile and when stretch at the end it should be slightly translucent other than that we need time for the first bulk fermentation then we will divide the dough into two balls for the proofing before sliding out and baking I also should point out I'll be using a pizza stone and peel for this but you could just as easily use a cast iron or a sheet pan like I did in my sheet pan pizza video with all that being said in astute observer may say but even you aren't going to get the extra flavor development and the enhanced gluten structure with a very airy open crumb that you can get with a three or four day cold ferment however if you can turn out pies like this in two hours I don't think anyone's going to be complaining and if they do they can walk right out of my kitchen and one last thing this video is in collaboration with Tim over at kitchen and craft where he's making a bar style pizza there will be a link to his video in the description and basically you could take this dough recipe implement his bar style pizza baking techniques and then you have bar style pizza but that's enough talking let's make some pizza start by pouring 320 milliliters of 105 degree water into a bowl now you're gonna pour in 8 grams of yeast along with a spoonful of the flour you gonna stir this mixture until it is dissolved then you're going to let it stand for 5 minutes until a light foam surfaces and little bubbles are visible proofing is done to test the viability of the yeast if there is no foam surface or little bubbles the yeast is likely dead and should be discarded for new yeast meanwhile add 400 grams of flour and 8 grams of salt to a large mixing bowl once the yeast is proofed pour in the mixture and vigorously mix the dough with your hands until no dry flour remains and a cohesive mass has formed this will probably take about 2 minutes the dough will be very sticky at this point so cover the bowl with plastic wrap and we're going to let this rest for 15 minutes resting will allow the flour to start hydrating all on its own and make the dough a little bit easier to work with when we start slapping and folding once rested dip your fingers in some cold water and gently stretch and fold the dough over onto itself in a circular pattern rotating the bowl 90 degrees each time now flip the dough out onto the clean counter and the dough will be quite sticky you're gonna perform a slap and fold by picking the dough up and forcefully slapping it on the counter lift up the side closest to you and fold the dough over repeat the slap and fold for about five minutes until the dough starts to feel elastic and it will stretch further without tearing the dough will still be fairly sticky during the stage but it should start to stick more to itself rather than your hands in the counter and it will start to get a little bit smoother and really slap that dough for all it's worth we need that flour to get hydrated after about five minutes of slapping folds test for gluten development by stretching the dough straight up very thin to see if it is slightly translucent before it starts tearing this gluten window test is the key to understanding if the flour has been hydrated if the dough tears before getting to a slightly translucent window keep doing the slapping folds this is not a stage where you want to skimp on the time with our gluten developed place the dough back into the bowl and we're going to cover this with plastic wrap you're gonna let that cover dough rise for 40 minutes where it should become close to but not quite doubled in size take the Risen dough and drizzle over a spoonful of oil over the dough and work it into a large ball while it's still in the bowl now you're gonna turn the dough out onto the counter and divide it into two 360 gramm portions now using your hands spin and twist each piece of dough into a taut dough ball the dough ball should be fairly smooth all over and should have some captured air bubbles on the outside you're going to drizzle a little bit more olive oil into the bowl and then place the dough balls inside once again we'll be covering and letting these proof for another 30 minutes while they proof place a baking stone on the second highest rack and preheat the oven to 550 degrees Fahrenheit on the convection setting or the highest your oven will go the high heat is going to be that key to getting the oven spring in the crust of our pizza with the dough proofing this is the perfect time to set up our toppings for a garlicky spicy pizza one of my absolute favorite flavor combinations we're going to make a simple uncooked sauce in the Neapolitan style first add two dried Calabrian chilies to a bowl and pour over some hot water to hydrate them you could also use red pepper flakes as a substitute now in the food processor I added 28 ounces of some canned orange tomatoes from the summer but you can use whatever tomatoes you have and a nice pinch of salt a drizzle of olive oil and those rehydrated chiles now I'm just gonna blend this until it is completely smooth and you can feel free to add any extra herbs or extra spices that you desire now I'm just going to pour that back into the jar and we can move on to some garlic components first up I'm thinly slicing two peeled garlic cloves that are gonna go over the top and for some more garlicky flavor let's make a little garlic butter sauce for the crust you're gonna take a tablespoon of melted butter and just add a pinch of garlic powder and stir that up this is going to be spread on the crust after it's out of the oven to round that out I just have a healthy amount of low moisture mozzarella cheese and some more sliced dried chilies are going to go over top as well after 30 minutes with active yeast the dough ball should be nearly doubled in size now dust generously sprinkle some flour over your work surface and turn the dough ball out on to the counter using your fingertips gently press the dough out into a circle from the center out to keep a slightly thicker crust intact once about six to eight inches across you're gonna lift up the underside of the dough crust and gently stretch it out to the right be careful not to tear the dough you should be able to feel how much stretch it has now just rotate the dough 90 degrees and stretch again continue rotating and stretching the dough until you have roughly a 13 to 14 inch pizza across now you're going to sprinkle some cornmeal over your wooden pizza peel and transfer the dough to the peel and perform one last final set of stretching and rotating to your desired shape now we're going to add our toppings I'm gonna slather over that spicy tomato sauce which is absolutely gorgeous and then add a big large sprinkle of the low-fat mozzarella cheese then topping with our sliced garlic and some extra dried chilli strips with the oven preheated slide the pizza on to the baking stone and set a timer for 5 minutes the cheese should be really melted and starting to brown and the crush should be crisp on bottom and nicely puffed up around the edges depending on your oven temperature and the method used to cook it may take a little bit longer for a cast iron for example this is probably going to take 10 to 15 minutes with the pizza out of the oven I'm going to add some final flavor enhancements grate over some fresh Parmenter of that garlic butter all around the crust and now my friends it is time to slice and enjoy this is one of my all-time favorite pizzas I've ever made there's something super special about the garlic powder butter on the outside with the fresh garlic on top and then you get a little bit of that spice that comes through from the sauce from the Calabrian chilies and it's just oh there's something about it I absolutely love and like I said two hours I mean you guys can't beat that so the full step by step recipe with all the time slots for everything is up on my website which is linked down below and also go check out Tim's video where he's doing the bar style pizza and yeah that's gonna wrap it up for this one so hopefully you guys enjoyed this pizza is one of my absolute flavor combinations the only reason why I'm not taking another piece right now is because I had six slices of the first one this is the second one so I should probably not have any more but that's gonna wrap up for this video hopefully y'all enjoy it I'll catch you in the next one peace alright one more slice you [Music]
Channel: Ethan Chlebowski
Views: 562,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cook with E, weeknight pizza, simple pizza dough, garlic pizza, spicy garlic pizza, easy pizza recipe, weeknight pizza recipe, neoplitan pizza, homemade pizza, how to make pizza, fast pizza dough, pizza dough recipe, how to make pizza dough, how to make pizza at thome, homemade pizza sauce, pizza sauce, new york pizza, no knead pizza, pizza recipe in oven, pizza recipe, pizza, pizza (food), thin crust pizza
Id: qruzQcjysQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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