White Pizza 4 Ways (Proving Pizza Doesn't Need Sauce)

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hey what's up here's a hot take pizza doesn't need sauce to be great today i'm going to show you four ways to build pizzas without sauce that will change your perspective on what exactly makes pizza great to get started on these white pizzas i'm going to need some dough i've got four pieces of a new york style pizza dough here that i've mixed two days ago and let cold rise in my fridge for 48 hours before i make any pizzas i need to let this dough warm up to room temperature so i'll recover it with the plastic wrap and then preheat my oven to its highest setting which for me is 550f or 290c inside the oven i've got a racket about the midpoint and on top of that i'll load my pizza steel since this video is a lot more about how to build pizzas and not exactly how to make pizza dough i'll briefly show you how i got the dough to this point into my stand mixer i combined 360 grams of warm water 6 grams of instant yeast 20 grams of olive oil 20 grams of sugar 100 grams of ripe yeasted poolish and by the way i'll throw instructions for that and this entire recipe in the description box below and then 630 grams of all-purpose flour and 16 grams of salt now i'll mix this dough with the dough hook just until the dough has come together into a cohesive mass like this from there i'll move it out onto the counter so that i can knead it to finish developing the gluten this recipe is a beta version that i'm working on for a new new york style dough and i'll be sharing a full detailed video as soon as that's ready if you're wondering why i didn't just keep kneading this dough in my stand mixer well that's why this dough is pretty strong and pretty dry and that makes the bowl pop off the stand after two to three minutes of kneading this dough it should pass the old-fashioned tug test no tearing or shearing perfect so now i'm going to move it into a bowl to ferment but before i do that i'll round it into a nice tight little ball like this the lid goes on and i'll let it rise for 60 minutes 60 minutes later this dough has risen by about 75 to 100 and from here i'll flip it out divide it into four equal sized pieces that are about 300 grams a piece then i'll round them into balls from there i'll put them onto a sheet tray sprayed with pan spray or spread with olive oil then i'll wrap them up with plastic wrap and throw them into the fridge to cold ferment for at least 24 hours but preferably 48. two days later and about one hour before my pizza party i'll pull this pizza out of the fridge and then preheat my oven you already saw that though so now we're caught up once this dough has risen to about room temperature or maybe 60 minutes later it's time to build the first one this first pizza is the most basic and in a way it's the most beautiful this is the new york style white pizza and i think it serves as a great introduction to sauceless pizza the first step is to stretch out my dough but i won't go into specifics on exactly how to do that instead i'll link below to my other pizza videos where i go into a lot more detail once this dough is stretched into a roughly 12 inch round like this i'll hit my pizza loading peel with some semolina flour and then i'll lay down my dough the base of this pizza and the base of all four of the pizzas in this video is going to be full fat shredded mozzarella for this new york style white pizza i'm putting down about a full cup or about 120 grams there's a lot of debate over the ideal fat content of pizza cheese i say go with whatever is accessible to you if that's part skim then so be it if you're not seeing full fat mozzarella at your grocery store though and you want it i would say check the deli counter because they usually have a few bricks of it over there and you can buy it in bulk next i'll lay down eight to ten one inch size pieces of fresh mozzarella cheese any bigger than this and the cheese wouldn't melt properly and any smaller it would get overcooked and dry behind the fresh motts i'll add a nice size sprinkling of dried oregano then a bunch of black pepper and then the third and final style of cheese that's grated parmigiano reggiano i always like to go for 24 month age parmesan when i can get it because there's only like three ingredients on this pizza and using nice parm really brings this to a special place i'll add about 50 grams of that then a strong pinch of flaky salt to season the whole thing up then i'll give the pizza a shimmy to make sure that it's not stuck to my peel and then i'll load it into my very hot 550f 290c oven to bake for five to six minutes while i thank the sponsor of this video future future is a fitness app that pairs you with a personal trainer who sends you workouts each week monitors your performance and keeps you motivated my trainer is kyle he's been training me for the last six months or so and overall i'm really happy with his approach and he's made me a lot stronger i mean i like won't show you my muscles but take my word for it they're like they're in there and oh yeah he's an accomplished power lifter who also has a phd in exercise physiology so he really knows what he's doing when i signed up for a future we had an intro call to talk about fitness and then kyle made a workout plan to fit my goals and my schedule kyle has me doing all kinds of compound lifts and eccentric movements like this at the gym to help with my overall fitness and to improve my rock climbing but your future trainer can develop a plan based on whatever equipment you do or do not have access to i usually run my workouts off of the future app on my watch so that kyle can monitor my progress and my heart rate why absolutely throw weight around the gym but if you don't have one future will actually send you one to borrow for your entire membership so to get a workout plan that's built for you and keeps you motivated go to try future dot co slash brian lagerstrom to try your first month for 19 which by the way is a lot cheaper than most gym memberships again that's 19 to try future for your first month the link is in my description thank you future for this style of pizza i like to use the fresh mozzarella on top as my main measuring stick for doneness as you can see those little pockets of white are just about fully melted but they're not quite all the way there that's perfect now i'm gonna pull this pizza out of the oven so that we can take a closer look check out that very middle of the fresh mozzarella it's like molten it's barely melted and in those spots it's gonna be juicy soft and creamy and that's what this pizza is all about but there's one more step i'm gonna top this pizza with another generous handful or two of that nice grated parmesan cheese now we've got two layers of parmesan flavor here one cooked and one not the fresh uncooked parmesan on top is gonna kind of meld with the rest of the cheeses here and make this pizza that much more savory and delicious the crust looks pretty dope too let's cut into it when i pick up the first slice you can see explicitly why this pizza is so sick i agree with lauren this is just awesome looking it's salty it's creamy it's juicy and it's rich without being greasy that's a really hard balance to strike oh my lord it's so moist for just being cheesed so the thing that i find special about white pizza is just how simple it is there's just a few cheeses on here and they make something that's juicy and luxurious it's salty and just very interesting to eat but we can take this a step further for sure so i'm gonna show you three more pizzas that use this kind of basic blueprint for white pizza but they get crazier and more delicious as we go the next pizza is gonna be a mushroom pizza and it's pretty sick to build this mushroom pizza i'll start back at square one by laying down a stretched out pizza dough onto some semolina flour on my pizza loading peel just like for the new york pizza i'll lay down a base of shredded full fat mozzarella cheese again about a cup or so or 120 grams then i'll top it with some mushrooms for a pizza this size i think about a cups worth or 12 to 15 small pieces of mushroom per slice i par-cooked these and to get them into this state i added a serious squisher of olive oil into a hot pan and then added in about one pound of sliced mushrooms these are just button mushrooms by the way and this pan is looking a little bit crowded so i'll perilously scoop out some of these mushrooms and there we go now a strong pinch of salt and then a toss to combine and from here i'll cook these mushrooms over medium heat for about six to eight minutes or until they've released most of their moisture and they're just starting to take on a little bit of color like this from there i'll scoot them over to a little baby sheet tray lined with paper towel to drain until it's pizza time behind the mushrooms comes some pickled red onions this is going to be a very very rich pizza and there definitely needs to be some acidity to balance all that out to make these i combine 400 grams of water 400 grams of white distilled vinegar 80 grams of sugar and 8 grams of salt into a small pot and brought it to a full ripping boil from there i added in two thinly sliced red onions and let them sit until the liquid was room temperature by the way i did rinse these onions under cold water to remove some of that harsh oniony edge in a pinch these onions can be ready in as few as say three hours these ones had two days and my advice would be to just always have pickled red onions on hand forever okay there are two more cheeses to add to this mushroom white pizza the next up is a wash drying stinker of a cheese called fox glove this one's from indiana here in the united states and it's an absolute beaut but any mild bloomy rind cheese or a stinky wash drying cheese would work here think telegio apos red hawk or even a simple brie or cam and bear it stinks behind that washed dry and cheese i'll add seven to eight chunks of fresh mozzarella i'll finish with a strong pinch of flaky salt don't skimp on the salt then a shimmy to make sure it's not stuck and then i'll load this pizza in the oven to bake five to six minutes later we've got a beautiful colorful fragrant mushroom pizza just like before the fresh mozzarella has just barely melted into soft sweet creamy pools on top and the other two cheeses have coalesced into a nice round backdrop for the mushrooms and onions i have to admit though that this pizza is lifted straight up from union loafers pizza menu i kind of helped design it though along with ted wilson he's the owner of the place and my best friend he did most of the heavy lifting but uh i did make sure it was cool to share it with all of you guys you're cool with it right dude this pizza is gooey it's earthy it's funky and just a little bit tart from the beautiful pink onions try this pizza soon up next is another pizza from that pizza joint that i just mentioned union loafers it's definitely a white pizza but it's also green let me explain onto a stretched out pizza dough i'm gonna lay the base layer of shredded full fat mozzarella just like we did before again that's about one cup 120 grams then i'll dump an entire bunch of thinly chopped kale right on top of that yes this is a lot of kale but it's gonna shrink stick with me behind that kale i'll grab some oiled sliced garlic and then drop down 20 to 25 slices of that including any oil that comes along for the ride this oily garlic is a total pro level move to have on hand for the next time you're making pies at home by the way to make it i slice 15 to 20 cloves of garlic thinly like this then cover it with olive oil and stir it up to combine the raw garlic flavors the oil and the oil keeps the garlic from burning while it's in the oven on top of the garlic and oil i'll come back with a very strong pinch of grated parmesan cheese like a quarter cup and then finally a strong pinch of chili flakes now i'll give the pizza a little shimmy to make sure that it's not stuck and then i'll load it into the oven to bake for five to six minutes after five to six minutes as you can see that kale shrunk down like a lot it also looks a little bit parched though and maybe a little bit dry so here comes the real innovation of this pizza to lube it up i'll combine 50 grams of olive oil and 50 grams of freshly squeezed lemon juice give it a shake to temporarily emulsify it and then drizzle a very liberal amount of that all over the top of the pizza maybe four to five tablespoons worth to finish it i'll top that with another dousing of parmesan cheese like use a lot of parmesan because the parm soaks up that lemon oil and those two together lube up the entire roasty garlicky pizza again i can't take any of the credit for this idea my friend ted who is a total pizza jedi bad boy role model thought of it or maybe he got it from another guy basically it doesn't matter this pizza is cool and i hope you give it serious consideration the next time your pizza partying okay the last pizza up here is kind of the most deluxe and it finally has some meat on it i know some of you guys out there are like hey man where's all the meat at it's coming right at you bro okay pizza goes down then about a cup of shredded full fat mozzarella as usual then on top of that i'll drop eight to ten little pieces of fresh mozzarella and then pesto a bunch of it i guess it kind of breaks the rules on the no sauce thing but this pesto is being used as a topper not a base to make this pesto i combine 225 grams of olive oil 100 grams of basil yes i get it that that's like 12 worth of basil feel free to make a quarter or a half batch here instead 25 grams of parsley behind that no stems 100 grams of parmesan 30 grams of rinsed red onion or shallot 100 grams of toasted pine nuts or walnuts or almonds or whatever nuts you got then 5 grams of salt and 30 grams of lemon juice spin it up in the food processor for 15 seconds or so to break down the herbs and nuts and there we go a very non-authentic pesto but my version of perfection and great on a pizza lastly i'll top that pesto with some thinly sliced mortadella if you haven't had a lot of mortadella in your life it's one of the best tasting meats period it originated in the bologna region of italy and it's essentially just fancy bologna maybe 10 to 12 pieces of mortadella on this pizza in total and now i'll load this into the oven for five to six minutes to bake and there we go yet another banger of a white pizza again i probably went a little heavy on the pesto but it just tastes so freaking good especially with that fatty rich mortadella on top when i cut into this one you can see that it's quite juicy flavor-wise it's herbal it's bright and so so rich i hope i've convinced you guys that great pizza doesn't need sauce in fact it really opens the door for creativity think of it as like a blank canvas for different topping combinations what i love about this style of pizza in general is just its simple beauty especially that new york style white pizza it's just three cheeses some oregano and black pepper and it will totally blow your mind i promise let's eat these [Music] you
Channel: Brian Lagerstrom
Views: 814,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: white pizza, white pizza recipe, pizza bianca, how to make white pizza, how to make pizza bianca, pizza no sauce, perfect white pizza, pizza 4 ways, sauceless pizza, pizza dough recipe, new york white pizza, kale pizza, mushroom pizza, pesto pizza, vegetarian pizza, nyc pizza, vegetarian pizza recipe, best white pizza, best pizza recipes, best white pizza recipe, pizza toppings, brian lagerstrom, brian lagerstrom pizza, pizza
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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