*1 Hour*🎨 Text To Speech 🎨 ASMR Satisfying Art || @Bailey Spinn || POVs Tiktok Compilations 2024 #16

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do you know how much brain storage you have yet I don't know but I'm sure it'll be a lot you need a lot to be able to hold information I know it'll be fine oh my God you only got 1 gigabyte that's really good right this is not going to end well can you hold this for a sec what is it oh it's a Barbie Barbie okay why are you petting her hey Bailey what's up Barbie uh okay don't talk to her she doesn't have any storage Bailey 2+ 2 equal 5 2 + 2 = 5 that's great the first president was Dora the Explorer Dora the Explorer perfect that's right stop it you're filling her storage up with useless information Dora the Explorer 2 + 2 equal 5 her information's not even correct Barbie 2 + 2 = 5 Dora the Explorer I didn't think I would use it all that quickly we have to reset her storage she's as dumb as a rock sis could you bring me toilet paper yeah one sec here you go oh my God it actually worked I can't believe it what worked you made my name toilet paper oops it was an accident give it to me no you're not getting this now are you kidding me I need it suffer oh hey uh toilet paper please don't call me that would you prefer tee no I would not how could you get that bad of a name it wasn't my fault you should plead your case for a redo to the officials I didn't know you could get a redo only if it's really bad like yours go here they should be able to help you they better change it or I'm never leaving my house ever again next hi I need to change my name go take a seat and someone will be with you hi I'll be helping you today you're who I'm pleading my case to is there a problem no no no problem let's go so are you going to speak my sister tricked me right when I was able to pick my name are you stupid excuse me maybe you should just be smarter but I didn't know that it was my turn to pick my name pay more attention please can't you just consider it only if you can help me too like how I need a date to my sister's wedding and I'm desperate my soulmate is only 1 mile away I need to shave my legs great now I have no hair but a bunch of razor bumps instead my soulmate is close again quick you need to go and shave your legs then I can't I'm still recovering from the razor bombs from last time I can't keep watching you suffer you need to try you like what's that put on the sunglasses and trust me okay this doesn't hurt at all and now you'll be completely hairf free in Just 4 weeks no way so with this I could meet my soulmate at any time I think I'm finally ready to meet them since now I have no hair forever hey I think you're my soulmate why do you look like big foot I know you guys tell me to stop messing with my hair but my bangs need a trim am I going to go to a stylist now I'm going to cut them myself with my baby tiny scissors I just want to do some baby pieces in the front cuz I don't trust myself but I also can't see cuz of the bangs okay I'm just going to say [ __ ] it and start cutting I don't want to mess them up that's my biggest worry that they're just going to like look really bad I don't think that that's even I think I need to cut a little bit more on this side hopefully I won't regret this okay I'm too scared and I barely took anything off but I can definitely see now which is good I think that they're cute and my hair is always really messy so you probably won't even tell if they're kind of uneven today I'm going to be trying to do my makeup with this filter on there will be absolutely no cheating I have no mirror in front of me you think this would be easy but it's really throwing me off where'd the concealer go I absolutely put that in the middle of my face if I put this in the wrong spot it's going to mess everything up how do I Contour my nose it's just gone it's going to blend for like 20 minutes why not put some on the nose while we're at it brows are what scares me right now um okay I really have to make these good because they look so bad since I bleach them I don't know where the bottom of my brow is fact that my eyebrows are blonde is not helping me right now there's no way this is going to go well why am I seeing two of them let's just match it on this side let's connect y I'm highlighting my nose but you can't even tell let's add some glitter cuz we've already gone this far do you feel Bonita let's just see what I've done in 3 2 1 wo why do I look like that is my face always is this long what the [ __ ] um I think the eyeliner probably was not my best idea what is happening on my nose this eyebrow is not it tell me how I did the comments my mouth tastes like salmon who eats fish for breakfast oh my God I don't think that's true why are you chugging water like a toddler are you okay no I think my soulmate's doing something that I really don't want to be a part of what could they possibly be doing never mind I thought this was cherry why does it taste alcoholic who does shots at 2 p.m. bro get a grip oh my please don't tell me that was the devil's lettuce is my soulmate Chuck Bass I'm so confused your soulmate is really putting you through it huh I am going through it and I'm afraid of what's next my soulmate just ate Mochi it was so good oh this one's really weird it tastes like um like metal a little bit why would they eat metal oh my go sis did you forget to flush the toilet again it stinks she's not even home what is that do they live on a farm oh why does it smell like that I'm just going to do this for the rest of the day hey guys what's up dude why are you plugging your nose like that you don't want to know you can't just hold your nose for the rest of the day yes I can and I will I won't talk you if you keep doing that I regretted that immediately what are you freaking out about it smells like pee it's not your soulmate's fault they're probably just walking outside but I have to deal with it too not the fish again oh I know what they're doing they're a freak what the f I can't do this anymore why is it spicy you are being so dramatic I'm going to throw up please have at least $7 so I can go get a venty pink Drink $420 so I'm gonna starve and I can't get Starbucks my soulmate has $3 million mine has4 million what about you Bailey yeah about the same does that mean you'll come shopping with us on Rodeo Drive later ah I think I'm going to save all of the money boo you're no fun you're going to miss out oh hey mom what's up I just transferred your allowance of $10,000 and the account you have to take that money out right now it's too late to take it out it's already processing why my soulmate's in charge of the bank account your soulmate can't spend $10,000 today I really hope not wa Dylan I love your fit today did you go shopping or something are you wearing a Louis Vuitton belt necklace and shoes yeah my soulmate had a ton of money so I went and spent like all of it headphones what I don't want these wait do these let me hear what my soulmate is hearing I love being nosy the total today for your hemorrhoid cream is 100 I don't think I was supposed to hear that conversation maybe it'll be better this time bro did you ever get that crazy rash on your ass figured out I think I'm going to put these away my soulmate was looking at engagement rings for me an engagement ring but you haven't even met yet I heard him tell the seller he was buying it for his soulmate so has your soulmate said anything fun I don't know I haven't put them on on yet are you crazy put them on right now you have to hear what they're doing okay oh yeah baby that's the spot what what were they saying is it bad I got to go I'm going to go wash out my ears with bleach how did you only get one brain cell today it's like there's no thoughts in your head do you just think of Sparkles and rainbows yes Bailey you got a zero on your test you just wrote slave for every answer on this one you didn't even write anything you just drew a smile face you look so pale here put on some blush um what are you doing that is definitely not how you're supposed to use it it goes on your face you know what yeah you're doing great sweetie try this lip gloss instead okay no you just have to twist to open it none of these things are edible they're for your face not your teeth you need to wipe that off drink this to get it off your teeth what the [ __ ] you're supposed to drink it out of the top okay what please please stop doing that I will be right back don't do anything stupid while I'm gone okay what who gave her a lighter she lit her hair on fire you got two brain cells it doesn't look like the second one is doing much hey Bailey you have to listen to everything I say today okay okay guys this is my life-size Malibu Barbie doll give them away oh my God I want one she even has some signature slogans roast beef I don't think that's one of them how about we try a different phrase are you my dad sorry she must be malfunctioning or something let's just try a nice normal one boobies okay seriously what are we fourth graders uh she can do some tricks too show them um why is she making that face ew what the [ __ ] so if she's like a robot doll she must be smart what's the capital of the US Barbie land um no that's not the capital Mommy milkers why is she looking at me like that I will kill your entire family oh no oh no did you even my leftovers when I told you not to M so yummy you're so annoying I told you I was going to eat that gobble gobble what are you a turkey you are not funny stop what is wrong with you Gizzy gobler did you just call me a Gizzy gobler okay blink if you need help ooh too spicy have you blinked it all today thank you for the gift am I in a simulation right now Gizzy gobler please please stop calling me that anything but that why are you moving your arms like that is that a dumb [ __ ] excuse me I am not are you being possessed or something M I love ice cream okay that's it I'm calling the police right now how did you only get one brain cell today it's like there's no thoughts in your head do you just think of Sparkles and rainbows yes Bailey you got a zero on your test you just wrote slave for every answer on this one you didn't even write anything you just drew a smiley face you look so pale here put on some blush um what are you doing that is definitely not how you're supposed to use it it goes on your face you know what yeah you're doing great sweetie try this lip gloss instead okay no you just have to twist to open it none of these things are edible they're for your face not your teeth you need to wipe that off drink this to get it off your teeth what the [ __ ] you're supposed to drink it out of the top okay what please please stop doing that I will be right back don't do anything stupid while I'm gone okay what who gave her a lighter she lit her hair on fire hey I love your outfit thanks Melanie I love your new haircut really thank you so much do you actually like her hair no it looks like her mom put a bowl over her head and started cutting then why would you say that to her you can't lie why not I like to keep my balance High people are going to find out that you're not telling the truth hey your hair looks so pretty oh thanks I love your skirt it's very Grandma Couture it was my grandma's we should totally hang sometime you know I'm like really busy I got a lot going on oh it's okay I get it seriously can you just stop lying to people like that I already told you no you're going to regret it tell me you at least liked her skirt that was the ugliest effing skirt I've ever seen your hair looks hideous did you even wash it excuse me go take a shower you smell bad why is everyone looking at me funny have you not seen it your best friend took a voice memo of you making fun of someone what looks like you're not going to be getting any more compliments why do you look like that what what do you mean you're kind of scary why do I look like I know how to play a guitar I think your soulmate did it come on we have to get in the car now I have to go to school like this yeah you can't skip it wao are you trying to be in a band ah yes real funny I played the trombone my soulmate gave me a Gucci belt why are you bragging when I look like this I think you look kind of cool Bailey come to the office what but I wasn't even late today I skipped Starbucks no that's not it your outfit is inappropriate what why it's distracting to other students but I didn't pick this my soulmate did it doesn't matter you're suspended leather is against the dress code you're suspending me for wearing a leather jacket exactly you can't leave until your parents come pick you up my parents can't pick me up there at work then you can sit over there with the other Hooligans Dana you spray painted the back of the school again no it wasn't me wait I know that you didn't do that why because you did no I'm adding on to your suspension okay so we all heard that song mad at Disney that blew up right I'm mad at Disney Disney they tricked me tricked hear me out what if we took that song and made it extremely [Music] emo that end in marriage took a bite of the poison apple now I see it's a foolish battle maybe I'm not to believe that I could have the Happ how much energy did you get to today honey 2% no that's not good at all Bailey you cannot be sleeping on that right now but he's my friend you're supposed to lead us in the debate you're going to make us all fail here drink this what is it it's a secret magic potion good I think it'll make you feel better how do you feel oh okay are you good have you guys ever done a backflip because I've never done what would I feel like I could do one right now yeah I don't think you should try that do you remember the debate materials oh yeah I remember everything since the beginning of time okay let's hope that you do well then would both parties please introduce themselves hi I like sleeping eating going to the bathroom having snacks going to the gym going for a hike painting okay that's quite enough and stop moving I Can't Stop Moving it's in my blood I got the dancing juices going through me this is not dance class what wasn't that drink you gave me can I have four more of them I've never felt better in my entire life I feel like I conquered the entire world right now and become president I think I made a mistake Bailey hello she's on zero you shouldn't have given her that drink dude I think you broke her uh nurse I can bring her energy back up but we don't know where it will land d do it we need her to win okay she's back W that's way too much energy where is she going where did you just go I just ran an entire lap around the school do you want to see me do it again I can do it in 1 second nurse you have to try again this can't be right all right let me try restarting the system again maybe it'll fix her no no no now she doesn't have any energy at all we need her I don't feel so well suck it up cupcake you need to try it again she's literally snoring I can restart one more time but any more than that and she'll die 89% that's perfect she can compete hash bedorf um what did you just say just callia oh I forgot to mention there might be some side effects to the restart oh hey why don't you get on aux you want me to get on Ox yeah just play whatever you want what are we in the mood for like what should I play anything's fine really I don't care well what kind of music do you like everything like I'm not picky at all you can just play a song I'm good dude it is not that serious just plug it in and play a song okay okay fine ooh this song is good really you like it yeah I was afraid you were going to play something weird what is this it's the potion the old lady was talking about before why is it brown and chunky no balls you won't drink it what did you say wait dude I was kidding how did it taste oh my God that was foul wait it worked maybe the old lady was real and you weren't hallucinating I get to pick for him now that was so worth it you almost threw up soulmate eats raw fish or hamburger you're not getting good food dog food or broccoli this one's payback for the cat food come on don't you think that's a little harsh like I haven't been starving for the past couple days you're going to make him sick good Jack could you answer number four for the class oh I ew I'm so sorry my soulmate's been giving me rotten food all day dude I told you you have to give him water he was throwing up up do I though yes that's like really bad no I don't think I'm done yet Jack if your soulmate is putting you in danger you can report it as an emergency then the turns will restore you can what yeah she is putting me in danger no one told me that I mean you did trust a random old grandma emergency reported [ __ ] you've dug yourself a hole this time I can't starve for the rest of my life I need my Chick-fil-A seriously that's what you're worried about just go tell him okay fine Jack you need to think about your soulmate why should I she is trying to kill me because if you keep not giving her any food she could die good I hope she does I don't want her actually I'm going to send her her lunch right now no don't pick anything did you steal my shirt again if I could rearrange the alphabet I'd put you and I together ew you're disgusting did it hurt um did what hurt when you fell from heaven that was the worst thing I've ever heard in my entire life do you have a pencil I can borrow are you from Tennessee um no I'm from Massachusetts because you're the only 10 I see never say that again hello are you okay what is wrong with you do you know CPR because you're taking my breath away Excuse me while I go throw up what is wrong with you do you have a name yes it's barol I can call you mine I would rather go bald do you play soccer uh no I play lacrosse cuz you look like a keeper do people have mute buttons because I need one hey flirt with me too I think you might be lacking some vitamin me I don't know about that but I can give you this vitamin D oh here you can connect to this Beaker play anything I'm not picky o okay how about some Taylor Swift no that's definitely not the vibe right now okay then what about Blink 182 no I don't like them the weekend Bad Bunny Olivia Rodrigo oh definitely not literally what do you want me to play you have to give me something seriously just play anything I am not picky fine what do you think about this viory it feel like have you got oh my God help I got it that remers what hello okay it pains me to make this video right [Music] now that was a terrible I am my worst enemy can't look at myself without ha in my soul I am my me want somebody give meend hey little sis did you get your choices yeah it says loser or popular you should pick loser I heard that they ride roller coasters for a living really that sounds like so much fun you should pick it okay I'm convinced hey sis Mom did you hear that I think I just heard a little rat you're so funny honey be nice to your sister absolutely not today we have a new student and and you have to give him a tour why would I do that you need the volunteer hour since you spray painted a penis in the back of the school so where is he right there his name is Hunter he works as a male model h no kidding this is the best day of my life oh I'm sorry I wasn't listening what did you say oh I said welcome to the school over there is the cafeteria here is the library and then over here hey who's this cutie with you this is my sister hi I'm the head cheer leader why don't I give you a tour instead haven't you done enough could we just have 1 second in priv yeah of course stay away from him he's mine you want to try me yeah I do actually I bet I can get him before you fine hey can I touch your wiener um I'm I'm sorry what what did you just say to me the dog oh yeah of course hey you gave me the tour today are you stalking me or something no you left behind your bag and the address is on it right sorry thank you of course see you later wait up do you want to sit with me at lunch tomorrow I don't really have any friends here yet yeah I would love to good morning sis you know has anyone ever told you that you really resemble a roach what did you say I was busy looking at your mustache hey can I sit here hey yeah sit Hunter you should really come sit with me and my cheerleader friends instead n you know what I'm I'm going to stay here H what you heard him he's sitting here bye fine whatever well she seems like a delight yeah I'm sorry she is a menace I can tell Bailey you need to come to the office with us now what I haven't done anything in like a while we know the spray paint was you there's been a mistake that was not me come with us now no questions I think I'm missing a finger dude your finger is still there you're just bending it oh hey what's 3 + 3 30 yeah yeah that's so right yay today you'll be working on the cash register what's cash I've always loved your sense of humor could I get a number four I can't count that high okay then could I get a number one a number three no I said number one oh I'm sorry I'm number three no what is wrong with you who's in charge here I need to speak to your man I don't know what that word means then what's your name I don't know they're just hiring anyone these days oh wait I remembered okay great then what is it what is what I can't do this I have to go okay bye have a good day Bailey you're fired what does that mean you no longer have a job here cool morning your balance is so low can you even buy words did my paycheck not come in the mail yesterday uh no nothing with your name on it came I need to call I'm not going to be able to speak do it now before you run out hello why haven't you guys sent me my paycheck yet I worked 20 hours hey so we actually got busted for fraud and our company's going bankrupt fraud but what about my money and my hours yeah we can't pay you for any of it I'm so sorry oh [ __ ] dude did you just waste your last two words saying oh [ __ ] really we need to find a different way that you can make money so you can actually speak again before you ask know I cannot give you any money I barely have any myself hey so the neighbor put up this flyer she's looking for a dog sitter tonight do you want to do it perfect hey love this is my dog marshmallow sorry she's a little feisty one sis did you forget to flush the toilet again it stinks she's not even home what is that do they live on a farm oh why does it smell like that I'm just gonna do this for the rest of the day hey guys what's up dude why are you plugging your nose like that you don't want to know you can't just hold your nose for the rest of the day yes I can and I will I won't talk to you if you keep doing that I regretted that immediately what are you freaking out about it smells like pee it's not your soulmate's fault they're probably just walking outside but I have to deal with it too not the fish again oh I know what they're doing they're a freak what the I can't do this anymore why is it spicy you are being so dramatic I'm going to throw up I know you guys tell me to stop messing with my hair but my bangs need a trim am I going to go to a stylist now I'm going to cut them myself with my baby tiny scissors I just want to do some baby pieces in the front cuz I don't trust myself but I also can't see cuz of the bangs okay I'm just going to say [ __ ] it and start cutting I don't want to mess them up that's my biggest worry that they're just going to like look really bad I don't think that that's even I think I need to cut a little bit more on this side hopefully I won't regret this okay I'm too scared and I barely took anything off but I can definitely see now which is good I think that they're cute and my hair is always really messy so you probably won't even tell if they're kind of uneven 100 that means I'm the best did you just say that your score is 100 out of 100 yeah isn't that a good thing no that means you are in dead last place sis that is not a good score it's probably because you have no friends but I have friends not the squish mows you bring to school those are my friends well you need to make friends with real people if you want to raise your score at all hey do you guys want to be friends with me absolutely not get away from our table weirdo okay I guess I'll just try someone else Bailey literally get away from our table or I'm going to call the police I think it's time you found out about the rumor what rumor your ex told everyone that you stole from their house hey um excuse me dude my first kisse is supposed to be in 1 hour lucky I hope that mine is soon too please be soon what Well it can't be that bad what does it say 15 years did you read that right are you just kidding how old are you going to be in 15 years 35 you're going to be a 3 5-year-old virgin shut up ew why is everybody making out with each other once you kiss one person you can kiss as many people as you want I want that to be me so bad well when's your first one not anytime soon don't tell anyone but I know a way you can fix it fix it fix it how like get your number of years to go down I really don't think you're going to like what you have to do just tell me you have to prove that you're worth it and face your biggest fear in front of everyone I need to brush my teeth my breath stinks w why do I look like Christina Aguilera 2007 that was like a lot of years ago is this real sis let's go you're going to be late for school school I can't go to school like this you look fine stop being dramatic let's go are you guys texting on blackberries duh blackberries are so cool right now I heard that they're coming out with this thing called the iPhone and there's no buttons on it like the first iPhone it's supposed to be a huge deal did you guys see that Rihanna just released a new song really which one it's called umbrella I really like it have you heard it yeah it's great I hope that my crush likes my new post oh where did you post it Tik Tok um what's that I posted it on MySpace here are some songs from the early 2000s that you probably forgot about I want need a new one but the fantasy of us lives on inside my head and I'm trying not to give [Applause] [Music] up please don't put me in 2007 again oh great we went even further back in time wow that is a lot of glitter and why are my lips so pale haly your makeup looks so good today I love the ey Shadow uh yeah thanks I think my mom's going to get us the new gaming system coming out what gaming system it's called the Xbox 360 I'm excited that sounds super cool can't wait it's so futuristic wait do you guys know who Taylor Swift is no does she go to school here or something I love Kanye West so much you like Kanye West yeah his new song Gold Digger just came out I am obsessed with it could you feed my tamagachi while I go to the bathroom I don't want it to die I would love to want to come over after school we're going to drink beer and watch VHS tapes you know what I'm good okay I just want 2011 what 2002 I was an infant what happened to my eyebrow what are you talking about they look great I have like six hairs left yeah th eyebrows are all the rage right now I love them do you at least have something to fix my lips why would you need to fix them you're already wearing lip gloss now let's go please tell me you're not using a noia this is the best phone on the market right now what else would I use I have the biggest crush on Justin Timberlake who's your crush uh Harry Styles who the hell is Harry Styles he was a skater boy she said see you know that song yeah it came out like a month ago I'm so obsessed with it I keep hearing it on the radio yeah me too e everyone run it's Jessica she is so emo what's wrong with being emo here's three Emo songs from the 2000s that you probably forgot about this I'm i' lost my mind I keeping the truth romantic dad he was a SK Bo she you later he wasn't good 2011 at least I can have an iPhone now ail what are you doing we're going to be late where am I hey are you ready yet we have to leave for your interview like now interview about what don't play dumb about your new single what the hell give me one second I thought I was waking up in different years not different bodies am I a part of the conspiracy theory have 30 seconds let's go coming are you sure that you're ready for this interview you seem kind of off yeah I am so ready I've never been more ready in my life excuse me Avil I am such a big fan could you sign this sure there you go um I think that you spelled your name wrong no I didn't everyone please welcome Miss AAL leine how do you feel about the release of your new single good uh how was your experience making this song in the studio ah great how do you feel about being so iconic in the pop punk space amazing here you go goobler feed me I could keep that wait not going to do it again what are I doing so aggressively this is only in here because I had to kill a fly literally the size of [ __ ] Texas [ __ ] was buzzing around my room like [ __ ] I pay rent you don't get out hey can I T to your wiener um I'm I'm sorry what what did you just say to me the dog oh yeah of course hey you gave me the tour today are you stalking me or something no you left behind your bag and the address is on it right sorry thank you of course see you later wait up do you want to sit with me at lunch tomorrow I don't really have any friends here yet yeah I would love to good morning sis you know has anyone ever told you that you really resemble a roach what did you say I was busy looking at your mustache hey can I sit here hey yeah sit Hunter you should really come sit with me and my cheerleader friends instead n you know what I'm I'm going to stay here uh what you're heard him he's sitting here bye fine whatever well she seems like a delight yeah I'm sorry she is a menace I can tell Bailey you need to come to the office with us now what I haven't done anything in like a while we know the spray paint was you there's been a mistake that was not me come with us now no questions magic bear or magic dog I hope it's a panda they're so cute it's not even a real bear I got scammed hey can I hold your bear sure I'm dating a fr FRG sorry what did you just say uh I have no idea Michelle hold this I sleep with a Lightning McQueen NightLight what what's wrong why are you looking at me like that I think I started my period got to go I knew you were a baby but the bear is much you're just jealous you don't have one you're right I'll take yours I sleep with a photo of you above my bed every night what what just happened don't worry about it so you're the sparkly pink bear of Secrets hey Jack will you do my math homework for the rest of the year definitely not are you crazy I snuggle a pillow pet every night do my math homework or I'll tell everyone that you still sleep with a pillow pet Jeff is my baby I've thought about killing you before what was that I said I've thought about killing you before I have used basically every Freckle product ever but this one from lah London is the best it is so easy to blend out personally I like to put it on the bridge of my nose up the cheeks and blend it out with my finger and the final product is so gorgeous and natural ah I love it okay so where are we throwing this party your house what I don't want to have all these people over at my house don't worry it'll only be like 50 people okay fine but that's it all right I don't know about this the first people are here hey guys hey what's up Bailey is it cool that I brought the whole football team with me yeah it's totally cool come on in oh my God hey hey girls come on in this is so cool of you dude there's like 500 people here relax it's going to be so worth it when we win no you can't throw up in that vase it was my mother's that looked expensive I love this party you got going on what are you doing here everybody at school was going so I was too last time I checked you are definitely not on the list so I'm going to need you to leave dude are you being serious right now you're going to kick me out yeah see you later damn don't need to knock so loud I'm coming hello hello ma'am this is the sheriff's department are you the owner of this home we've received complaints nope it's his house bro what the [ __ ] Miss Rabbit has fainted Miss rabbit has fainted again how are you going to throw me under the bus like that guys relax it's just a noise complaint keep it down okay oh okay yeah we can keep the noise down enjoy your prom night no you were supposed to shut it down of course you would be behind this and why are you even still here oh I was peeing in that bush outside you're in second and I'm right behind you better watch your back I'm not worried wow you look don't I was just trying to be nice are you positive that we're going to win oh yeah I'm positive about it how do you know yeah that's because I rigged all the ballot so we would win what you rigged it sh it all worked out you wanted to be more popular and now you're second forever what I don't want to be second well you'll never be better than me everyone it's time to announce our prom king and queen your prom King for 2023 is Jack Daniels thank you guys I never would have seen this coming and for prom queen oh it looks like there's been a tie a tie I got invited to my first Tik Tok event ever after being a creator for literally 2 years we're going to put on the fit together because you guys are genuinely not ready I have managed to get this top onto my body but it was not without a lot of struggle but it's very cute this is the skirt that is going with it I'm so excited okay over top of the skirt we're going to put this belt I think I did it upside down I'm unsure if I did this correctly but this is what we're going to go with because I am running out of time you gave me these beautiful bows for earrings why is this a struggle next up cross necklace I have found two socks and they do not match at least they're both striped I feel like that's okay maybe shoes we have the iconic naked wolves wo I'm so much taller we're doing some fish neck gloves we're looking slay bye last but certainly not least is this jacket from Alabama blonde so this is our final outfit this is definitely one of the coolest things I've ever worn just a freak okay bye no there can't be a tie you're not in the tie you didn't even make it to the finals the tie that you have is with Misty Daniels Misty uh my sister I didn't know you had a sister yeah I tried not to tell people I don't see Misty anywhere so Bailey do you want to come get your crown okay here you go would you like to say anything to the crowd yeah I would a week ago I would have cried with this crown on my head but now that I'm up here all I can think is why does it even matter I think all of you are special and beautiful in your own way so really this Crown belongs to everyone Bailey what are you doing I'm doing what's right everyone Jack cheated the system so that we would win go I would rather have no friends than friends that don't care about me so this rank means nothing to me at all looks like it doesn't matter anymore the ranks are gone it's gone you were right we don't need it I get this comment a lot so it gave me an idea I personally don't think I'm emo I'm just alternative but today I'm going to turn myself fully emo Step One is eyes cuz I'm looking a little too sweet right now oh I did a horrible job putting this on can't forget underneath the eye would it even be Emo if I did not add a lot of eyeliner okay that's pretty good I'm going to put some underneath too not going to lie I kind of like that I think I just used a whole thing eyeliner I'm actually very scared for this it's black lipstick let's just do it okay why is this so splotchy time for a cute little spiked collar this fit is not going to cut it so we need to change top is on we're not done yet saying goodbye to my little pink hair clips I already have a 2018 scene haircut but we're going to change it going to part it to the side swoop it all this way I'm pick a number for what each number gives you a different amount of prize money so I don't know what I'm going to get no that's the whole point it's a gamble well two is my favorite 69 cents I can't even buy anything with that that's sucks I got $300 it's fine I bet I'll have better Lu next time is that a Louis Vuitton bag yeah I bought it with the money that I won this morning so did you buy anything good I don't need to buy anything I wouldn't be able to live without my Chanel bags let's see if I do any better this time $3 wow that's tragic aren't you upset about it no I'm fine I only got $11,000 this morning I got 3,000 really that's still a lot of money yeah but it could have been more it's not fair you should be grateful that you got any everyone is about to be the last round okay just going to go directly in the middle um are you okay what did you get nothing after years of making content I have have finally made merch you can now get your own customized piece of cardboard with my name on it okay obviously I am just kidding the merch is actually this necklace also a pair of safety pin earrings with a heart on them because I'm extra the heart on the necklace is bedazzled I love it because I actually have this tattoo on my hand these pieces were made in collaboration with stack by Suzie so if you want to get your own pair of earrings and a necklace you can get them now on my website and stack by Suzy's website I'm so excited to finally share this with you guys I have been wearing it for months and now you can too in front of me I have the most expensive skincare I own for tonight's routine we are going to use all of this this bad boy from Sonia the car it is $97 keep rubbing you can literally see the skin coming off this facial spray is $116 that was probably $30 Lan CL I actually don't know how to say this but it was $95 just losing money with every product I put on my face this serum from drunk elephant is $90 I better wake up looking like I own a yacht Lancome Advanced genter Fe but seriously the serum is $255 I don't even want to look at it this is the same thing but in night cream form $95 smells like a department store this teeny weeny little jar of eye cream $79 at that point just take my kidney this better do amazing things this facial oil is $135 I feel like a buttery little baby this is the most expensive lip mask I own at $24 smells so good I want to eat it I hate to say it but my skin actually looks really good our total price is right here don't mind me I'm going to go door Dash or something because I'm bankrupt after this one of my front teeth is fake yeah this one right in the front I was always a little bit of a rebel when I was young but this one time I got too crazy I loved being outside when I was a kid I had a bike scooter penny board and roller blades one summer day I was riding my scooter down the driveway as I always did and this was a very steep driveway here's a representation of the slope typically I would go down the slope and then ride into the road I don't know what I was thinking but I decided it would be very fun to take a sharp turn onto the sidewalk spoiler alert it was not a good idea I had done this turn a few times before so I wasn't really worried I should have been well I go down the driveway and make this turn you can probably guess what happened I went face first into the sidewalk the impact was right here and I thought I just had a cut or something I start crying and I go inside my mom takes one look at me and notices that my tooth in the front is just missing where did it go I don't know I have a tooth now because a dent has fixed it funny enough you actually have to get the tooth replaced every 10 years this is my second tooth because I pulled out the first one of eating a piece of Taffy the moral of this story is don't be like me ever guess the song for $10 million I'm going to be so good at this 90% of my brain is song lyrics I'm a doll but I still want a party I just heard this it was in the Barbie movie it has to be Barbie world yes I am totally going to win you have a peanut brain there's no way you can win yeah you want a beted yeah whoever loses has to clean the entire house for a year deal 100 Bands of chanelli what is that like a kind of pasta oh my God why are you shaking your ass um because I'm trying to get famous on Tik Tok I'm dancing to ice spice's new song Deli this is way too easy at least give me something hard why does it feel like I'm never enough I feel like I've heard that somewhere before Oh runner up duh won't somebody give me the antidote I have never heard that before how am I supposed to guess better figure it out or I'll win hi my name is Bailey Spin and my debut EP my worst enemy comes out on August 10th did you leave me what did I do wrong and maybe the problem was me all along I am my worst enemy there's nothing you could say that I don't know you shouldn't have given her that drink dude I think you broke her uh nurse I can bring her energy back up but we don't know where it will land do it we need her to win okay she's back W that's way too much energy where is she going wa where did you just go I just ran an entire lap around the school do you want to see me do it again I can do it in 1 second nurse you have to try again this can't be right all right let me try restarting the system again maybe it'll fix her no no no now she doesn't have any energy at all we need her I feel so well suck it up cupcake you need to try it again she's literally snoring I can restart one more time but any more than that and she'll die 89% that's perfect she can compete has bedorf uh what did you just say just call babia oh I forgot to mention there might be some side effects to the restart guys I just got something so exciting in the mail this is a bitsy and it's so cute I have to show you guys what's inside right when you open it there's a card let's see if I got a rare one got a bitsy merat look how cute oh let's take her out of the box in the bottom of this there are a bunch of pins and stickers this one's my favorite when you flatten the Box you get a secret message in all of the bitsies share your new friendships with the world show us what pets you've unlocked I am in love with this it's very very nostalgic for me abits is a little virtual pet that you can take with you anywhere they all have unique outfits in games and you can watch them grow from babies into adults is my favorite thing to use when I just need to take my mind off work for a second and de-stress it's so fun to interact with your pet if you need something fun and relaxing to do in your free time getting a bitsy is such a good choice oh hey why don't you get on aux you want me to get on aux yeah just play whatever you want what are we in the mood for like what should I play anything's fine really I don't care well what kind of music do you like everything like I'm not picky at all you can just play a song I'm good dude it is not that serious just plug it in and play a song okay okay fine ooh this song is good really you like it yeah I was afraid you were going to play something weird oh here you can connect to this speaker play anything I'm not picky ooh okay how about some Taylor Swift no that's definitely not the vibe right now okay then what about Blink 182 no I don't like them the weekend Bad Bunny Olivia Rodrigo oh definitely not literally what do you want me to play you have to give me something seriously just play anything I am not picky fine what do you think about this I if he's the one who cheated then why is my rank dropping because everyone knows you're faking the relationship what it's not fake you guys don't go near each other and you've never kissed no one really believes you're a couple fine I'll prove it to you hey babe oh uh hey just so you guys know we're actually in an open relationship we are sweet I am so sorry that I misjudged you yeah you should be that was a good save what were you thinking that Mary was hot and I wanted to make out with her mom is tomorrow don't do anything stupid again oh you're the one yelling now Uno reverse Mary what the [ __ ] I told you to make sure they broke up you sabotaged me oh hey yeah I sent Mary over to kiss your boyfriend hey guys just so everyone knows my boyfriend is actually hosting a pre-prom party and you're all invited I'm so excited H yeah wait what I didn't know that we were throwing a party we are now this is not over yet Miss Rabbit has fainted Miss Rabbit has fainted again how do your brain cells keep getting even lower um what are you doing did you just put a curse on me or something hey do you have a a pencil who what are you a caveman I think you're a witch or something oh my gosh is that a voodoo doll someone's head's about to fall off mom pick me up I'm scared do you have any cool tricks up your sleeve Harry Potter I forgot what you're even like normally I'm looking for a sugar daddy I can't help you my card got declined at McDonald's ah broke people I have $69 yo are you doing the Renegade wait okay kind of ate guys she's really freaking me out I think she put a Witch hex on me I'm getting a restraining order I have a solution someone help she's trying to kill me hey [ __ ] you're afraid of trees I don't like the texture of bark what today you know everyone's fears instead of secrets yes I know what everyone fears I think that we could use this okay what's Marissa afraid of cockroaches a basic just like her oh my God who filled my locker with cockroaches what is wrong with you that's not very nice she slept with my boyfriend while we were together oh how about Mr Michaels he's afraid of his wife leaving him I don't know why she hasn't yet back me up okay Mr Michaels I swear I just saw your wife making out with the PE teacher yes I saw that too no how could she do this to me I have to go see her right now I feel like you are using me what no I'm not here have a lollipop this is a tampon close enough whatever suck on it what's my ex afraid of you oh haha you're so funny don't lie I do not have the ability to lie babe let's just get back together I'm sorry I smashed your car windows oh hey Bailey uh what are you doing are we about to eat a five course meal or something hungies ew what the [ __ ] that was so cringy feed me girl you are old bring your own lunch to school do you even have anything with you why do you have that here put it down alcohol is cool but have you ever had someone care about you me neither pass the bottle you must have something is that toilet paper are you serious you're cute jeans please anything edible is that a bra ew who's is that your mom's oh you're so funny don't put it on your head you don't know where that bra has been girl back I say back somebody toed date her finally at least you have a drink who the hell drinks like that is this like a glitch in The Matrix or something because I don't understand can you just be normal H excuse you hello finally are you going to be normal today I'm Peppa Pig and this is Daddy Pig nope you're still weird today you're babysitting the neighbor kids you can take a ride on my big green tractor I feel so sorry for them hey what are you holding you put this up your okay let's not tell the kids that where did babies come from I don't know I looked up pictures on Google and it was really scary what's 2 + 2 oh six I'm not good at math but I definitely don't think it's six can you get me a drink I'm thirsty um that's peanut butter at this point I feel like I'm babysitting you can we play Barbies together no no that is not how you play with the Barbie you have to be nice to her oh my God Mom can you please come home right now I'm so scared how'd you even get the Barbie to stay like that Abracadabra your brain cells must be at Disneyland Yeehaw country Bailey unlocked we're meeting mom's boyfriend today so you can't be weird Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy we're [ __ ] hey my name is Matt nice to meet you o that was the cringiest thing ever I'm happy to be here stranger danger ow you punched me in the face it was a ghost we just watched you do it okay guys how about we just eat dinner instead Behold The Magic of the spork dude what we don't even own a spork ooh shiny okay are you kidding it's not for your hair you use it to eat who am I kidding you're as smart as a toenail it doesn't taste very good every time I interact with you I think I lose 15 brain cells um what the hell is on top of your head where did you get that the depths of Hell okay I think I have to go home H here you go Gizzy glober feed me I could keep that wait not going to do it again what are I doing so aggressively this is only in here because I had to kill a fly literally the size of [ __ ] Texas [ __ ] was buzzing around my room like [ __ ] I pay rent you don't get out welcome to cosmetology school today you'll be doing an ey shadow look can we use glitter sure you can use whatever you want let me see your look do you like it oh my God what the hell did you do to your face Picasso I like it you know what try some eyeliner instead it fixes everything okay and done oh of course you made it worse you don't like it no no I love it here how about a lipstick you can use that normally oh come on you look like a clown Oops why would you ever put that much on Kylie Jenner you do not look like Kylie Jenner at all she is so annoying dude who are you talking to next up is hair okay where did you even find a purple wig here this is my real hair don't be jealous I know for a fact that it's not your real hair what are you even doing you know what you're fired bch how do your brain cells keep getting even lower um what are you doing did you just put a curse on me or something hey do you have a pencil who what are you a caveman I think you're a witch or something oh my gosh is that a voodoo doll someone's head's about to fall off mom pick me up I'm scared do you have any cool tricks up your sleeve Harry Potter I forgot what you're even like normally I'm looking for a sugar daddy I can't help you my card got declined at McDonald's ah broke people I have $69 yo are you doing Renegade wait okay kind of at guys she's really freaking me out I think she put a Witch hex on me I'm getting a restraining order I have a solution someone help she's trying to kill me I just want you to be normal all of the water on Earth would form a ball that is 860 M wide cool you're like Siri again what's 1,542 multiplied by 503 what is happening right now wait how did you drop to one brain cell you just had a bunch meow are you malfunctioning or something guys something is seriously wrong with her a crocodile cannot stick its tongue out uh I'm going to go get the nurse do it quickly I think she's glitching out her system isn't working properly honey no take that out of your mouth right now good thank you the first president of the United States was Elon Musk no no it was not uh what's happening oh my God I'm normal I didn't even treat you yet how much energy did you get today honey 2% no that's not good at all Bailey you cannot be sleeping on that right now but he's my friend you're supposed to lead us in the debate you're going to make us all fail here drink this what is it it's a secret magic potion good I think it'll make you feel better how do you feel oh okay are you good have you guys ever done a backflip because I've never done what would I feel like I could do one right now yeah I don't think you should try that do you remember the debate materials oh yeah I remember everything since the beginning of time okay let's hope that you do well then would both parties please introduce themselves hi I like sleeping eating going to the bathroom having snacks going to the gym going for a hike painting okay that's quite enough and stop moving I Can't Stop Moving it's in my blood I got the dancing juices going through me this is not dance class what was in that drink you gave me can I have four more of them I've never felt better in my entire life I feel like I conquered the entire world right now and become president I think I made a mistake Bailey hello she's on zero why are Froot Loops different colors if they're all the same flavor choose an emotion whatever you pick is the only one that you can feel for the day does this think I'm dumb obviously I'm going to pick happy hey you know that goldfish you got at the fair that you love yeah I love Mr Wiggles well the dog got hungry and ate him it's okay he probably just wanted a tasty treat wow I expected you to be upset also someone hit your parked car and total it so now you have to take the bus yay I love public transportation no one has ever said that hey I don't want to freak you out but I saw your boyfriend kissing Valencia she's so pretty I want to kiss her too whatever anti-depressants you're on I need them too Bailey you failed the final which means you need to retake this class and your entire senior year senior year was my favorite I can't wait to do it again are you insane who says that hello hey we just found out your sister has life so you probably do too we're going to have to shave your entire head I always wanted to see what I would look like bald I just want you to be normal all of the water on Earth would form a ball that is 860 m wide cool you're like Siri again what's 1,542 multiplied by 503 system isn't working properly honey no take that out of your mouth right now good thank you the first president of the United States was Elon Musk no no it was not uh what's happening oh my God I'm normal I didn't even treat you yet please have at least $7 so I can go get a venty pink Drink $420 H so I'm going to starve and I can't get Starbucks my soulmate has $3 million mine has4 million what about you Bailey yeah about the same does that mean you'll come shopping with us on Rodeo Drive later uh I think I'm going to save all of the money boo you're no fun you're going to miss out oh hey mom what's up I just transferred your allowance of $10,000 into the account you have to take that money out right now it's too late to take it out it's already processing why my soulmate in charge of the bank account your soulmate can't spend $10,000 today I really hope not waa Dylan I love your fit today did you go shopping or something are you wearing the Louis Vuitton belt necklace and shoes yeah my soulmate had a ton of money so I went and spent like all of it you can't take a dog out of somebody's yard he probably has an owner he's so fluffy I couldn't resist oh no not this again could I borrow that pink top you have the [ __ ] meow you have the humor of a preschooler you were just speaking English to me I have never heard you speak Spanish before Bailey do you want to hang later how y'all would y'all like a sit my moonshine uh what let's go down to the creek and do some fishing you know what never mind please don't hang out with us seriously what's wrong with you are you like possessed or something okay somebody get this [ __ ] muzzle guys my first song ever hit 1 million streams on Spotify today so in honor of that here's one of my songs that I have never posted [Music] before don't want and prove it to me I'm the air that you Brea baby I told yourself okay but if all of us stop paying taxes they can't arrest everyone right no that's not how that works soulmate controls my hands what does that even mean ow oh no I don't like this sis could you hold this for one sec sure wait what are you doing oh no why would you throw that it had Grandma's ashes in it I am so sorry yeah tell that to Grandma who's on the floor now excuse me class who would like to present first Bailey great go ahead great my project is about uh what are you doing are you feeling okay I wish I knew seriously what did you just dab ew oh my God that was the worst thing I've ever done if you don't present you'll get a zero in the project what's happening uh-oh oh you just punched me in the face it wasn't me you're still holding your hands up like you're going to fight me your health is getting super low oh [ __ ] you're right compliment me a few times I love that necklace and your hair you're so pretty really what else okay don't get too carried away you know that I'm just trying to help you thank you I looked and you're still in the lead for class president seriously that's great news why didn't you tell me Jessica was going to run too Jessica like my best friend Jessica yeah she signed up a few days ago now she's in like third place what I need to go talk to her Jess I didn't know you were running for class president too yeah and you're going to lose lose to me [ __ ] what you're hideous and I never wanted to be friends okay seriously stop you're killing my health guys get her you're ugly your hair looks so R I hate your clothing you're built like a Roblox character what is wrong with you why are you doing this have fun winning with no Health left I can help you to get your health back I don't even know you trust me you're going to want to hear this stranger danger okay I know you guys tell me to stop messing with my hair but my bangs need a trim am I going to go to a stylist now I'm going to cut them my myself with my baby tiny scissors I just want to do some baby pieces in the front cuz I don't trust myself but I also can't see cuz of the bangs okay I'm just going to say [ __ ] it and start cutting I don't want to mess them up that's my biggest worry that they're just going to like look really bad I don't think that that's even I think I need to cut a little bit more on this side hopefully I won't regret this okay I'm too scared and I barely took anything off but I can definitely see now which is good I think that they're cute and my hair is always really messy so you probably won't even tell if they're kind of uneven do you know how much brain storage you have yet I don't know but I'm sure it'll be a lot you need a lot to be able to hold information I know it'll be fine oh my God you only got 1 gigabyte that's really good right this is not going to end well can you hold this for a sec what is it oh it's a Barbie Barbie okay why are you petting her hey Bailey what's up Barbie uh okay don't talk to her she doesn't have any storage Bailey 2 + 2 = 5 2 + 2 = 5 that's great the first president was Dora the Explorer Dora the Explorer perfect that's right stop it you're filling her storage up with useless information Dora the Explorer 2 + 2 = 5 her information is not even correct Barbie 2 + 2 = 5 Dora the Explorer I didn't think I would use it all that quickly we have to reset her storage she's as dumb as
Channel: MYS
Views: 15,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Storytime, bailey spinn, povs, tiktoks, compilation 2024, 1 hour, text to speech, asmr, asmr satisfying
Id: YBRvwCS76x8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 46sec (3646 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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