*1 Hour*🎨 Text To Speech 🎨 ASMR Satisfying Art || @Mark Adams || POVs Tiktok Compilations 2024 #13

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hey nobody move please they're just kids shut up hey I told you not to move any last words yeah just one what's your name Chase Chase Matthews why hey Dad what does gay mean um it means happy oh okay thanks Dad later than at night yo what's up everybody hey it's Uncle Fred hey bro how are you I'm good I just got a promotion at work no way really yeah let's celebrate wow Uncle Fred I'm so gay for you you are yeah me and Dad are gay for you oh great Heavens I just can't believe she left me on red like that's not cool yeah not cool like if she doesn't like me she just needs to tell me I'm not into you like i' rather her do that than not say nothing to me it's driving me crazy wouldn't it drive you crazy what [Music] oh hey babe I think it's time for the next step in our relationship what do you mean by Next Step you know when two adults love each other I don't really understand go see what your dad watches on his laptop and trust me you'll know what to do okay I'll see you later a few hours later hey babe I'm back hey who is this this is my step bro he's here to do that next step thing what and who is this oh he's my doctor get in line pal I'm next oh great so are you sure you don't want to keep the baby I want to but my boyfriend isn't the father well what he doesn't know won't hurt him you're right I'm going to call [Music] him hello babe I'm pregnant and you're the father really I'm so happy let's get married yes I would love to marry you later that day hey Mom meet my fiance she's pregnant so you're going to be a grandma oh great congratulations good morning class welcome back to school hey I'm surprised you came back loser did you miss me who the are you huh do you even know what means yeah your parents biggest mistake in 2010 oh son get off the game you've been on it for too long but Mom I'm playing with my friends I'm only going to count to three 1 two okay okay hey bro come help me clean my room no clean your own room I'm only going to count to three 1 2 H okay hey what do you want come do my homework no I'm going to tell Mom about this watch me count a three 1 two okay fine thanks here you go here you go I graded your homework thanks oh great Heavens I got a zero hey Mommy look what I drew wow that's so beautiful thanks Mom F 5 years later hey son look at this video that's funny I know right hey kiddos how are y'all doing wow how many times I have to tell you Karen stop coming to my room especially when I have a friend over sorry you boys have fun now bro you call your mom by your first name no her first name is Katie but I just called her caring because she acts like one and she doesn't get mad no you have to act like you're the boss because I get what I want the next day hey son I've been calling your name it's time for dinner I'm I'm tired of you coming to my room without knocking Suzy I'm not hungry oh okay sorry wow it worked I didn't know you wanted to go see your grandma what she passed away 5 years ago exactly oh great heavens hey I swear I heard something I don't know what to tell you Dad I'm on social media so you probably heard something from my phone oh okay well good night good night what was that oh you f to meet MJ boy oh you're cute I ain't dumb come here oh great heavens oh hey brother what can I play the game you already know what I'm going to say please okay let's make a deal you know how you love PokΓ©mon yeah if you can guess just one Pokemon right I'll let you play really this is going to be easy you get three tries go who's that Pokemon that's onx it's Pikachu huh who's that PokΓ©mon okay that's bubbl swur it's Pikachu that's cat you got one more who's that Pokemon I know for sure that's Charizard it's Pikachu sorry oh great Heavens hey cutie I miss you same and I really love you who are you talking to I'm talking to my classmate you know I missed school the other day so they're giving me an update on the topic I missed oh okay that's good your mom must be really dumb to believe you she's a fool you can say that again well I got to go now talk to you later oh and thank you for the $500 you stole from your mom bye anytime [Music] bye looking for this oh great hey boss what's up I need some days off from work why you going on vacation no actually my ex got murdered what are you okay not really I need a break yeah of course tell me how many days you want off around 20 years 20 years oh great Heavens bro you want to play some basketball yeah let's go hey son dang it sorry bro I guess I got to go okay hey do you want to chill and have a dream yeah sure why not hey let's go bro stop pushing me what bro stop what you going to do about it teacher wow okay snitch wow saying teacher worked hey let me have some no teacher okay fine here [Music] thanks let me see no do it yourself fine teacher oh here teacher oh heavens son you okay what's going on I had a really scary dream and for some reason my stomach hurts well what was it about I think it was about me eating a giant marshmallow a giant marshmallow yeah ooh my stomach um son where's your pillow oh great Heavens so why should we hire you what because you guys are hiring that is not an acceptable answer you know what why should I accept this position what yeah why is this position open do people keep quitting um why are people quitting this job is there something I should know uh that's not in here okay well thank you for your time I'll see you on Monday oh great Heavens I have good news for you OMG what is it the disease is gone what no way really yeah yes thank goodness my son is going to be all right no I told you he's gone oh great heav emotional hey who mess with the thermostat oh hey Dad what are you doing back so early he got canceled because the weather was bad but anyways answer my damn question well it wasn't me I swear who touched the thermostat dad it wasn't me you only had one rule and you broke it you're grounded no phone and no video game what you heard me you can think about what you did in your room oh I always get blamed for everything and if you slam that door you're going to get the worst whooping of your life life whatever what the heck wow I didn't know you wanted to whooping so bad this is a robbery give me everything I can't what I can't I will blow your head off I said give me everything I can't she was my everything but she left me now I have nothing damn bro my bad [Music] what's up Dad yo what's up um did you need something nah I don't need anything okay but why are you bringing the trash in here hey sweetie hey Mom why are you bringing that in here I got another one right here Dad why are y'all bringing the trash in my room what do you mean why are y'all bringing all the trash in here honey you want to tell them so we noticed that you started a new hobby of collecting trash so as your parents we wanted to make sure that you're the best that you could be so we wanted to add to your collection wow are y'all serious you know you have like 20 water bottles everywhere yeah we just want to support you okay fine I get it I'll clean my room yeah we know you will hey guys don't forget about the trash that y'all brought in here oh great Heavens congratulations you just won the lottery really how much 100 million no way thank you so much are you serious that was the best dream ever good morning son how do you sleep it was great I was having the best dream ever and then my alarm W me up oh that sucks sweetie what was it about it was about me it was um oh I can't remember mommy daddy I wrecked my bicycle so I'm going to need a new one a new bike oh son we've got a $400,000 mortgage I can't get you a new bike right now yeah son we're trying to refinance the mortgage right now uh okay the next day hey son where are you going uh I'm coming with y'all what I went to the bathroom last night and I overheard you guys talking yeah Dad I heard you say I'm pulling out and then Mommy I heard you say I'm coming too and I'll be damn if I'm going to stay in the house with a $400,000 mortgage and no bicycle oh greatens Mark your sister has three kids and she just turned 20 yeah wow it must be something in the air yeah her legs Miss Johnson since we're on the subject I have a question what's up what hurts more giving birth or getting kicked in the nuts um which one do you think hurts more um I think getting kicked in the nuts hurts more oh and why is that well because moms give birth and then later they think that wasn't so bad let's do it again but I've never heard anybody that gets kicked in the nuts and later thinking that wasn't so bad kick me in the nuts again oh great Heavens dad I bet you $100 I can drink this glass of water without touching the towel without touching the towel yeah without touching it wait let me see okay that's going to be the easiest $100 ever okay watch okay it's done see you didn't drink it where's my $100 you mean where is my $100 thank you for removing the towel enjoy your vacation honey thanks babe don't forget to take care of grandma and the cat sure don't worry I'll take good care of them a few days later hi honey how's everything um Honey the Cat passed away what why can't you tell me the news slowly what you could have said the cat was playing on the roof the first day broke its leg the next and then say the poor thing is dead oh I'm sorry anyways how's Grandma she's playing on the Roof oh great Heavens son you better eat your vegetables no I don't want to eat it no all right you left me no choice honey your son isn't eating his vegetables don't worry honey I got this oh okay what did you just whisper to him I told him if he doesn't eat his veggies his you know what will stay small ouch what was that for for not eating your veggies as a child oh great [Music] Heavens hey Mommy Daddy the next day hey sweetie I want to talk to you about what you saw yesterday okay please explain to me you see your dad has a big belly so I sit on his belly to push it flat okay but that's not going to help his belly is just going to get bigger again what do you mean well when you're at work Miss Johnson my teacher comes over and puts herself underneath for Dad and then blows up his belly again oh great [Applause] Heavens hey son I heard you got in a fight at school today yeah what happened Jason was bullying me did you win oh yeah Dad I messed him up Hey That's my boy I'm proud of you well okay we're good here wait Dad what's up what was the belt for just in case if you lost you were going to have to fight me oh great we might need to start riding bicycles because these gas prices are crazy Dad when you were in the gas station to pay a man came up to the window offer me a banana if I let him touch my balls what the I can't believe people would say that I just don't understand why he wanted to touch my balls like they're just regular basketballs what great Heavens hey son my friend is coming over okay okay so I know how you are and I don't want you to say anything mean to her because she's going through a lot of bad stuff with her boyfriend how long is she going to stay just for a couple of days so promise me okay I promise I'll keep my lips sealed later that night hey hey girl thank you for having me yeah of course let me go get you some water so what happened did he cheat on you yes she he probably didn't like you what oh my bad he probably didn't like you cuz you're boring at least that's what my mom says when you come visit oh great Heavens I'm going home where'd she go I don't know she just left with no reason hey Dad why is my sister name isore because your mom really love roses and isore is Rose spelled backwards oh that makes sense and why is brother's name Emil because your mom loves limes and Emil is lime spelled backwards oh yeah Mom does put lmes on everything thanks Dad you're welcome Lana oh great hey babe can you call my phone yeah sure hey Siri call my woman sure which one you have a few contacts saved as my woman a few n you know my phone be acting up time sir please stop the cap you created these contacts yourself no I didn't on God you absolutely did oh really I think you should look at his text messages from last Friday around 2:00 p.m. Siri shut up as a matter of fact I just sent you a screenshot thank you Siri you're welcome oh great Heaven hey son what's up I have some really bad news what is it Dad I have a very rare disease and I might not make it why are you laughing I thought you said it was bad news oh okay well good night good night Dad where am I hi son I brought you with me you brought me with you oh great [Music] Heavens hey mom what's up can I use the car well last time I asked you to fill up the gas tank when you used the car and you didn't so now you have to go find a ride or you can't go man what' you say nothing hey Dad what's up can I use a car use the car where you going just kicking it with my friends yeah go ahead hey hey bet wait wait wait wait a minute what did you ask your mom I mean she uh she said uh nah you stuttering go ask her and whatever she says goes I thought you were the man of the house boy you trying to get me in trouble no nice try that ain't going to work go ask your mother oh great Heavens a father was listening to his daughter pray God bless mommy God bless daddy God bless Grandma goodbye Grandpa honey why did you say goodbye grandpa I don't know Daddy it just felt right the next day her Grandpa dies and the father just thought it was a strange coincidence a week later the dad was listening to his daughter Pray Again God bless mommy God bless daddy goodbye Grandma the next day the grandma died the father started thinking wow my daughter must be very special a week later he was listening to his daughter Pray Again God bless Mommy goodbye Daddy he started freaking out and couldn't sleep all night he left early and went to his office he was nervous all day and kept watching the clock he felt safe in his office and figured if he could make it to midnight he would be okay once it hit midnight he went home when he went home his wife said I've never seen you work so late what's the matter I had the worst day of my life yeah well my day was worse the mailman dropped dead on our porch oh great heavens look at Mr Garcia I bet he gets no girls he's coming pretend like you're working why were are you guys laughing oh um Mark told me a funny joke oh yeah what was the joke what always begins with the w and ends with a T [Music] what hey that was a good one I'll let you guys continue what y'all were doing that was a close one how' you come up with that joke my dad hello I'm inside your house okay hello why did you hang up if you're inside my house come talk to me I'm in the closet oh you're a gamer gamer you mean gay oh yeah that's what I meant that's cool no I'm not gay I'm it's okay my cousin is gay too no I'm not gay I'm literally in your closet wait really who is this come find out where are you come on are you dumb or something I just said I'm in the closet oh you're gay oh Dad thanks for taking me to school last minute I swear if you miss that school bus one more time you won't be able to sit down for a whole week I'm sorry whoa I wasn't expecting that speed bump um Dad we don't have speed bumps in the school zone y'all don't so what was oh great heav hey baby you're home early babe can I ask you something and be honest with me okay what are you cheating on me what of course not I would never do that to you there's a man's watch on our bed so who is it Oh you mean that watch it must be yours oh great Heavens I want a divorce hey sweetie how was school are you okay what's wrong am I adopted what what kind of question is that well at my school we did a DNA test and I matched with some random people wait that can't be true let me call your father hello our son thinks we're not his real parents is that true yeah he's actually not our biological son are you joking how is that even possible well remember our first few nights at the hospital he was screaming and crying so you told me to change him and I did oh great Heavens Mom Dad yes what's up meet my new boyfriend oh hi nice to meet you hey I'm Mark you better get that filthy hand away from me the next day Mom Dad I'm going to my boyfriend's house sweetie are you sure you want to be with him yeah why we don't really like your new boyfriend because he isn't very nice if he's not nice then why did prison release him early for good behavior oh oh great Heavens hey sweetie how was your sleepover it was fun what did y'all do we play video games all night oh and Steven's dad was showing us his new motorcycle motorcycle yeah when I grow up I'm going to get one oh no you're not but why it looks really cool and he said I'll get all the ladies first of all Steven's dad shouldn't be telling you that and second I had a friend that fell off and now he's blind and only has one arm no way really yeah well no wonder he fell off the motorcycle oh greatens I should have made your dad use protection hey Dad Uncle Fred messaged you what he say he said I have to tell you something let me see what are you talking about I've been helping myself to your wife while you're at work usually for about 2 hours a day I'm sorry what hey you've been cheating on me with my brother Fred no I would never cheat on you liar he confess everything to me ducking autocorrect I meant your WiFi not wife oh great heav hey class we need to have a talk in my 30 years of teaching never have I received a note this bad from a substitute I leave for one day and all of a sudden y'all don't know how to act what am I doing wrong what am I doing wrong as a teacher there's 24 people in the class and only two of you guys turned in the assignment do I need moms to babysit Mark and Lista put your hands down I don't want to hear it because your names are on the list walking out of class without permission who who was selling chips in class unbelievable I'm going to be calling each and one of your guys' moms that are on the list oh yeah and that pizza party cancelled oh GRE heavans for joining us for dinner sweetie mhm well you kind of made me or else I was going to get a whooping you're always on that game son dad are bugs okay to eat waa why would you ask me that while we're eating dinner ask me later a few moments later okay since we're done eating what' you ask me oh never mind there was just a bug in your suit but now it's gone oh great Heavens I'm a Genie and I grant you one wish okay um I wish for hold on before you make a wish there's only one rule you can't wish for more wishes seriously oh whoa what are you doing hey what are you writing on that paper I wish that everything on this paper will come true oh great Heavens COC melon oh my 's about to die the painless Palace Hospital how can I help you oh hey Dr Garcia what there's no power downstairs and all the life support shut off holy sh how's that even possible cocon oh hey class we're going to play a game where we mix two words and make it into one I makes fun and duck what did you get I mix shirt and sick and what did you get oh and I mix big and sick what did you get oh great Heavens hey sweetie what are you doing I'm playing my video game why is it so dark in here open your curtains you need to go touch grass whatever oh my my gosh son you're freaking disgusting you know that Mom shut up hey don't be yelling at your mom what's going on I'm trying to play my game but Mom is disturbing me can you tell her to get out son you have to get out and get yourself a girlfriend that's disgusting oh my God can you both just get out oh great Heavens Grandpa are the plates clean they're as clean as cold water can get them just eat your meal the next meal Gramps are you sure the plates are clean how many times do I have to tell you those dishes are clean as cold water can get them a couple minutes later Grandpa your dog keeps growling at me cold water come here oh great Talking to the Moon can you shut up cuz you suck at singing That's why no one likes you and your breath stinks hey did you take my hoodie no what's that you're wearing then um give it back or else mommy brother won't leave me alone what the heck are you looking at I had a bad day no one's looking at you ugly what' you say mommy yo you owe me $500 you need to pay me back already um no I don't I'm never letting someone borrow money again hey I overheard your conversation I'm a lawyer do you need help well my so-called friend owes me $500 but won't pay me back and he won't admit to it well first of all you need written evidence okay but how text them okay hey where is my freaking $500 that you owe me what $500 I don't owe you nothing you see he still won't admit to it say he owes you $2,000 what but he only owes me $500 trust me just do it okay hey where is my freaking $2,000 that you owe me I don't owe you $2,000 I owe you $500 hey you were right that'll be $499 oh great heavens I need help with my homework yeah I got you I need to find the difference between hypothetically and realistically well son go ask your mom if she would sleep with the mailman for a million dollar okay she said yes now go ask your sister the same question okay she said yes okay now go ask your brother the same question okay he said yes too well hypothetically we're sitting on $3 million realistically we live with three [Β __Β ] you mean four why cuz I would too oh great this show is so funny I know right oh shoot it's past my bedtime yes he doesn't even know maybe if I stay quiet he won't know no not the commercials please don't look at the time please don't look at the time what time is it whoa I think it's past your bedtime buddy really I didn't even know that's crazy well now you know go to bed bye mom I know you said 12:00 is curfew but I'm not coming home until 3:00 in the morning okay honey have fun and be safe Mommy you're being so annoying today I'm going to my best friend's house next door maybe their mom is cooler and less annoying okay sweetie be safe and text me when you get there hey Mom is it cool if I go watch a movie with my friends I'll be back by 9:00 p.m. sharp heck no bring your back to your room but you let them go out how come I can't go out because I said so and if you have a problem with that you can go talk with your dad don't involve me and actually I don't even know who you are oh great heav hey Mom I know the whole truth okay just don't tell your dad and take this wow thanks Mom yo Dad I know the whole truth shh please don't tell your mom and take this hey thanks Dad hey Grandpa I know the whole truth really yeah you can stop calling me Grandpa and come give your dad a hug oh great heavens him get him get him he's one shot yo bro can I play come on he's right there bro can I play what do you want and no you can't play that's not fair you've been playing all day sucks to suck no it's my turn get out of here no don't cry don't cry hey Dad coming I get what I want what the hell's going on in here brother hit me he doesn't want me to play boy you better let him play and you're grounded what hey son just letting you know we're home okay yo Dad what's up did y'all eat yet yeah we ate why because I asked Mom to get me something did she get it oh let me ask hey babe yes did he ask to bring him something to eat I forgot oh and you told me and I forgot that's crazy I mean I guess people forget sometimes yeah like our son what you definitely understand because we asked you to clean your room yesterday and wash the dishes and you said forgot dad that was an accident don't worry we will definitely try to make sure tomorrow we don't forget oh great Heavens emotional damn it oh hey son Dad I'm showering yeah yeah yeah I'm just looking for my jacket in the closet yo bro have you seen my headphones no get out hey Mom is calling you why are you excited right now I'm not get out let me help you with that hey you still showering you're wasting all the hot water Mom give me some privacy get out okay hey I don't care you came out of my wound oh great Heavens when you finish your homework I want you to hit these dishes real quick okay oh and clean the microwave too after you're done with the dishes okay no problem and after that vacuum the whole house and don't forget the couches too okay sure and then I want to see that progress report that you're trying to hide from me to sign oh yeah I got all A's you want to see them you want it so you're just Mr Perfect today huh how was school sweetie horrible why all my teachers gave me so much work to do well that's just a part of school sweetie whatever 2 hours later I'll be back where are you going I'm going to a funeral one of my teachers passed away what who died um I haven't decided yet oh bro I'm telling you little bro is kind of dumb I'm getting worried bro calm down he's not that dumb oh yeah watch this hey yeah what's up if the plane was in the sky okay and then the plane crashes in between the borders of US and Canada where do you bury the survivors there isn't any survivors it's a plane crash you see and if there was survivors they wouldn't be buried because they're still alive you probably heard that before let's try another one okay let's say you were in a race right right and you pass pass his second place what place are you in second duh you see he's dumb no he's right what oh GRE Heavens man she's so hot who Britney bro go talk to her I'm too nervous bro you only live once you're right I'mma go hey hi will you go out with me I'm sorry I'm only into emo guys oh okay the next day this song is made for Britney because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you over again don't me change my mind oh great Heavens hey girl miss you are you in an Uber right now you have your gun on you right cuz I remember that one time when you shot that hober to death outside of Walmart that was so cute oh yeah I remember yeah you remember that didn't you light his corpse on fire so that the cops never found his body don't forget about the organs oh wait you ate his organs right yeah I remember now we're almost at your destination anyways I just miss you a lot let's hang soon okay bye hey son did you learn anything in school today no no did you at least do something fun um no nothing hm oh actually you know what we my wife told me to pick up six cans of Sprite at the grocery store when I got home I realized I picked seven of oh great Heavens let's see let me try to find it um um come on get to it I'm sorry Mom the Wi-Fi is just slow right now oh I found them are you fing your classes oh my gosh I think there's something wrong in the system but it's impossible I had all A's yesterday you have a 44 in math a 44 oh he hasn't grade the test yet so he puts in a zero until he grades it okay what about the 52 in English oh that's because the quiz yesterday I swear everyone else failed it but you're not everyone else and explain the 34 in science okay Mom I'm not lying that teacher doesn't like me oh yeah you know what really likes you right now you this belt oh greatens I'll treat you for $500 but if you don't get cured I'll give you $11,000 back okay well I lost all my taste in my mouth can you please help me nurse can you get medicine from Bo 22 and put three drops in his mouth that's gasoline congratulations you got your taste back that will be $500 the next day I lost my memory I can't remember anything nurse can you get medicine from Box 22 and put three drops in his mouth oh no you don't that's gasoline congratulations you got your memory back that will be $500 oh the next day I lost my eyesight I can't see anything well I don't have any medicine for that so here's $11,000 but this is only $500 congratulations you got your vision back that will be $500 oh great Heavens hello hi Mr Adams who's this this is the principal of your son's school I'm calling because your son got in a fight hold up my son yes sir oh let me talk to him okay here he is hello am I on speaker no sir so who was it the kid that's been messing with you yeah did you beat him up oh yeah that's my boy let's go don't ever let anyone disrespect you you keep doing you yes sir we F to celebrate and get ice cream after school okay oh yeah make sure you act sad like you're going to get a whooping later no Dad please anything but that all right good job son I'll see you later get him get him we're so close to winning the game son shut off your game it's time for dinner okay 1 second we're about to win the game all right hurry come on guys let's hurry up and win it cuz I have to go eat dinner a couple minutes later Mark come down for dinner dang it sorry boys I have to go eat dinner no bro we're only one kill away from winning the game you're the only one alive just one more minute please I'm sorry my mom called me twice already I got to go before she grounds me hey mom what are we having for dinner we're having spaghetti meatballs it'll be ready in about 5 minutes you can sit down for now oh great Heavens 23 * 3 equals is the answer a or b a b how can you get the answer wrong he's right the answer is B hey Dad you have to stay addicted after everything I say I don't want to do this come on dad please okay fine if you sleep too much you get addicted if you eat too much food you get addicted if you play too many games you get addicted so what slapped you in the face last night addicted dad what slapped you in the face last night addicted you're telling me to say addicted shake my head dad what slapped you in the face last night addicted bro I'm telling you little bro is kind of dumb I'm getting worried bro calm down he's not that dumb oh yeah watch this hey yeah what's up if the plane was in the sky okay and then the plane crashes in between the borders of US and Canada where do you bury the survivors there isn't any survivors it's a plane crash you see and if there was survivors they wouldn't be buried because they're still alive you probably heard that before let's try another one okay let's say you were in a race right right and you passed a second place what place are you in second duh you see he's dumb no he's right what oh great Heavens ah I love showers yo mom I got all A's on my report card really yeah remember you said if I got all A's you'll get me a PS5 oh yeah I did huh shoot I don't have $500 ding D hold on so let me go get the door yes hey W I'll give you $500 if you drop your towel fine wow here you go hey sweetie let's go get a hey honey did our neighbor come by yet yes why he owed me $500 and we needed to pay the house today or we'll be kicked out emotional damage what the what's that noise oh my gosh oh no Mommy and Daddy are in trouble they need my help don't hurt my mommy and daddy no don't come [Music] in baby I think I'm pregnant I'm going to have a little brother or sister honey are you for real yeah later that night what up homie did you want to talk about something my wife's pregnant what wow congrats I just don't understand I can't remember us not using protection even once really yeah well here's another explanation once a man went to a forest and all he had was umbrella then suddenly a tiger approached him and he opened up the umbrella at the tiger to his surprise he heard a gunshot and found the tiger dead but that's impossible someone else must have shot the tiger exactly oh great class I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick I don't want to hear a single noise okay I'll be back in a few seconds yo I dare you to go sit on the teacher's chair what that's crazy talk a you scared no okay fine watch this look at me I told you I wasn't scared dang you crazy everyone be quiet the teacher's coming thank you class for being so quiet Miss Mark was on your chair oh great Heavens I thought I told you to do your homework I was just going to do it at school cuz it's easy no it's called homework for a reason oh fine and don't move an inch until you're done why are you not moving you told me not to move an inch who are you getting smart with huh well school is making me smart so I guess I need to stop going to school I guess I need to give you this Bel oh great Heavens get him get him hold on guys my mom is calling me and if I don't answer she's going to end me hello hey I'm in the kitchen come here for a second we need to talk um okay crap did she find out I've been buying v-bucks or me buying feet picks no I've been using Dad's credit card for that hello what are you doing what's taking so long sorry Mom I'm coming 12 seconds later yes Mom do you want pizza or spaghetti and no you can't have them both pizza and that's all you wanted to talk about yeah oh great Heavens you have one wish what just one why not three sorry that's just the rules oh fine let me think be careful what you wish for okay I got it I wish to be Batman your wish has been granted you are now Rich really do I get a Batmobile and a batcave yes those two holy crap my parents are going to be so happy oh about that what oh great Heavens I told you hey Mom I'm home care to explain uh that's a pillow what you lay your head on okay smarty pants but what is it doing behind your head board wow Mom so you invaded my privacy boy you live under my roof you don't have any privacy now answer my question I don't know maybe it fell when I was sleeping so you didn't bring one of your thoughts over no Mom you always think somebody's doing something well let me find out you're lying I'm whooping you her and her parents oh great what the parents do ooh [Music] candy ew it kind of tastes expired 30 minutes later hm where the hell is my Viagra I swear I put it right here on the counter who's crying what happened Daddy I need help it won't go down great Heavens what are you watching all of Mr Beast videos okay but how are you watching his videos with Wi-Fi duh but Dad couldn't afford paying the Wi-Fi so it was cancelled yesterday wait so I've been using my oh great stupid yo grandma and grandpa have y'all heard this song have I ever heard this [Music] song um grandson you might want to leave the room because you're probably going to have another uncle or Auntie oh great Heavens good morning class welcome to chemistry hey I know you're probably mad at me for breaking up with you before summer but I miss you can we get back together sodium hydrite hypobromite huh what does that mean nah bro oh great Heavens why didn't you come to college yesterday I went to the doctor for a checkup well here's your test results what I failed yeah and I'm really worried about your future no paper can decide my future later than at night hey doctor your test results are in is everything okay your kidneys are failing what come sign this application to find a donor if you want to live I really want to live doctor then hurry this paper is going to decide your future oh great Heavens so like can I come over um I don't know come on what's stopping you my room is dirty girl I don't care oh well let's go her room this is my room uh do you have a trash can you can throw it anywhere oh um I got to head home my pet mommy guess what what is it sweetie I just wrote a book wow really yeah what's the book about how to make money without doing anything that sounds awesome sweetie right but I need some money to publish it why won't you just read the book oh great heaven hey doctor so how are my test results everything came out okay but but what you should probably stop having kids because tin is already a lot um okay I'll think about it what did you name your newborn oh I named him Alex don't you have another kid named Alex I named all my 10 kids Alex what who's going to remember 10 names but what if you want to call one of them specifically oh then I call them by their last name oh great heavens hey son did you learn anything in school today no no did you at least do something fun um no nothing H oh actually you know what we my wife told me to pick up six cans of Sprite at the grocery store when I got home I realized I picked seven of them oh great Heavens how to get a girlfriend step one wear your hat backwards step two be yourself hey close the door step three brush your teeth hey stinky breath are you serious stop you're annoying step four don't have an annoying brother you'll never get a girlfriend that's it hey hey don't cry don't cry hey what's going on over there mommy I'm coming if you stop crying I'll get you McDonald's okay what happened nothing mommy he just beat me in a game hey Mom can I no Mom no no 3 2 1 mom can I please no hey didn't I tell you to clean the house today what I tried asking you if you wanted me to wash the dishes and you said no I tried asking if you wanted me to clean my room you said no I was even considering to do your laundry and you said no to that too can I please yes you can thanks Mom I'll be going out with my friends I'll be back by 12 oh great Heavens Mommy why didn't you tell me that I was adopted what are you talking about son you're not adopted well today in class we did a DNA test and I matched with some random people that I've never met before what no that can't be right honey tell him tell him what he's not our biological son what do you mean remember our first couple of nights in in the hospital when our baby wouldn't stop crying yeah and I told you to change him yeah and I did oh great Heavens I'll treat you for $500 but if you don't get cured I'll give you $11,000 back okay well I lost all my taste in my mouth can you please help me nurse can you get medicine from Box 22 and put three jobs in his mouth that's gasoline congratulations you got your taste back that will be $500 the next day I lost my memory I can't remember anything can you get medicine from Box 22 and put three drops in his mouth oh no you don't that's gasoline congratulations you got your memory back that will be $500 oh the next day I lost my eyesight I can't see anything well I don't have any medicine for that so here's ,000 but this is only $500 congratulations you got your vision back that will be $500 oh great Heavens class I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick I don't want to hear a single noise okay I'll be back in a few seconds yo I dare you to go sit on the teacher's chair what that's crazy talk a you scared no okay fine watch this look at me I told you I wasn't scared dang you crazy everyone be quiet the teacher's coming thank you class for being so quiet Miss Mark was on your chair oh great Heavens oh hey son Dad I'm showering yeah yeah yeah I'm just looking for my jacket in the closet yo bro have you seen my headphones no get out hey Mom is calling you why are you excited right now I'm not get out let me help you with that hey you still showering you're wasting all the hot water Mom give me some privacy get out okay I don't care you came out of my w oh great do you get it yeah no totally like I get I get it no like yeah why are you doing that with your voice what what voice hi oh my God you're so fake what are you talking about oh great Heavens where were you last night I got off work late I told you that no Daddy was in the basement with the maid son be quiet son tell me exactly what happened they took their clothes off he's lying I swear and then what then they did exactly what you and the neighbor do oh great Heavens good morning class I hope you had a good summer yes can I use the bathroom sure but make sure you take the pass thank you I shouldn't have ate that Taco Bell hm I really don't feel like going to class yet brick brick brick do you have a pencil because I want to erase your past and write our future hey now that you're back we can begin with the lesson oh great Heavens mom I I called the cops on you don't tell me you're still mad because I gave you a whooping no it's because you lied to me what are you talking about I found your driver license and you're not my mom your name is Jasmine I don't know who you are but where is my mom sweetie mom is what you call me Jasmine is my real name officer bendover is here I got to call about a kidnapping of a child officer bend over arrest her hello officer he's my child he's just freaking out because he found my driver license turn around and put your hands behind your back yeah get her officer no I'm talking to you for making a false report oh great Heavens that will teach him a lesson do you get it yeah no totally like I get I get it no like yeah why are you doing that with your voice what what voice hi oh my God you're so fake what are you talking about oh great Heavens here you go hold it just like that okay okay God dang it boy oh great Heavens is it that hard to hold a flashlight sorry yo ugly what let's do a roast battle n I'm good a Mr loser is too scared no fine I'll start bring it on then did you know that F and orphan stands for family there's no f in it dummy exactly oh great Heavens emotional hey son I got an email from your teacher and you're suspended for the next 3 days for grabbing footballs like what does that even mean I know it sounds stupid so basically during PE class my teacher Miss bend over told me to grab footballs okay and when I did that the whole class stopped and was looking at me weird and then the teacher got really mad and sent me to the office what that doesn't even make any sense trust me I feel the same way I hate Miss bend over hold on my classmate is calling me hey what's up foot I'm so sorry about today oh great Heavens I should have used protection yo bro I'm so hungry do you have anything to eat yeah I'm sure you can go make you a sandwich or something for real of course hey I'm F to hook it [Music] up um your friend has got to go why what do he do this is not all you can eat buffet oh Dad look at this video let me see don't you think it's funny um Dad Dad can I have the phone back what the why do you have pictures of Uncle Fred our neighbor the mailman what you didn't tell me you were hey is everything okay did you know our son is Dad I don't know what you're about to say but that's mom's phone oh okay wait a minute oh great [Music] Heavens hey ugly look at me when I'm talking to you give me your lunch money please leave me alone or you'll regret it regret it why would I regret it look behind you no one messes with my little brother except for me oh Mommy hey what's up Mom why are you not studying why should I because if you study you will succeed in life then you will be rich then you'll be able to buy a big house in a nice car and then and then finally you will be able to relax so what am I doing now oh great Heavens do I hear someone crying yeah that's your favorite child can you go see why he's crying and help him out but I'm busy texting my crush I'm going to take that phone away and then you won't be able to text your crush fine why are you crying I just failed my test today it's going to be okay because when I was your age I failed my test too and look how I turned out I thought I told you to help your brother not make it worse oh great Heavens wow you actually remembered all about by yourself of course you never remember our anniversary I bet our son reminded you no he didn't I'm going to go ask him let's go ask him then yo son your mom's about to ask you something just say yes what hey sweetie did you remind your dad about our anniversary or did he remember all by himself um I'm sorry I can't really remember I lost $50 today and I've been trying to look for it and I don't know where I put it oh great heavens son remember I said I found the $50 it's on our dresser you could just go get it it's in our room oh yeah okay I didn't remember that thanks Dad and yeah Mom he did tell me today was your anniversary and yall had plans you see whatever my boy I want my 50 bucks hey son just letting you know we're home okay yo Dad what's up did y'all eat yet yeah we ate why because I asked Mom to get me something did she get it oh let me ask hey babe yes did he ask to bring him something to eat I forgot oh and you told me and I forgot that's crazy I mean I guess people forget sometimes yeah like our son what you definitely understand because we asked you to clean your room yesterday and wash the dishes and you said you forgot dad that was an accident don't worry we will definitely try to make sure tomorrow we don't forget oh great Heavens emotional damage let's see let me try to find it um um um come on get to it I'm sorry Mom the Wi-Fi is just slow right now oh I found them are you filling your classes oh my gosh I think there's something wrong in the system but it's impossible I had all A's yesterday you have a 44 in math a 44 oh he hasn't graded the test yet so he puts in a zero until he grades it okay what about the 52 in English oh that's because the quiz yesterday I swear everyone else failed it but you're not everyone else and explain the 34 in science okay Mom I'm not lying that teacher doesn't like me oh yeah you know what really likes you right now you this Bel oh great hey Grandpa I'm writing a paper about love would you like to tell me how you and grandma F love of course hold on oh what's that Premier Protein Shake the root beer float flavor want some yes I love root beer flow wow it's so good it's a limit Edition too anyways it was 1955 when I first laid my eyes on Grandma and let me tell you I fell in love real real quick because she had the cutest smile and can really dance I went up to her and asked her to dance with me and the rest is his that's awesome thanks Grandpa I'm going to use your story dad I thought y'all met in Italy no we went there a week later and made you oh great Heavens smooth and creamy texture oh Dad I'm tired of cleaning can I go play my game now no sweetie you have to do your chores dad listen to your mother oh why can't my sister help then um because you don't have a sister yes I do because when you went to the grocery store dad locked the bedroom door and when I was walking by I heard a girl call him daddy oh really yeah you know what son you can go play your game yay okay make sure you turn the volume all the way way up oh great Heavens hey son how was the test today not bad at all I got an F nice hold on what that's horrible I thought F stands for fantastic no dummy you failed oh that's why my teacher said she wants to have a one-on-one with me oh well that's good that means your teacher wants to fight what she wants to fight no she wants to sit down and teach you oneon-one oh oops I pushed her are you serious did you apologize I tried what do you mean you tried after I pushed her she fell down the stairs and never woke up oh great Heavens I should have used protection so why should we hire you what because you guys are hiring that is not an acceptable answer you know what why should I accept this position what yeah why is this position open do people keep quitting um why are people quitting this job is there something I should know uh that's not in here okay well thank you for your time I'll see you on Monday oh great Heavens hey what's up Dad you know the house rules you can't eat outside the kitchen but Dad I'm not making a mess I'm sorry it's house rules but how come you and Mom get to break that rule what we've never broke that rule lies because I found evidence that y'all were eating cupcakes in y''s bedroom cupcakes yeah there was icing on the sheets oh great heavens he
Channel: MYS
Views: 1,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Storytime, Mark Adams, povs, tiktoks, compilation 2024, 1 hour, text to speech, asmr, asmr satisfying
Id: zxZMefeTW8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 27sec (3627 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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