🍒 Text To Speech 🍒 ASMR Cake Storytime || @Bailey Spinn || POVs Tiktok Compilations 2023 # 4

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I'm gonna go hang with my friendss bye you can't wear that it's my sweater but it looks so much better on me please can I wear it just this one time what are you doing I don't know what that means so I can wear it okay cool see you later oh I'm also taking your car hey bestie how's your day okay I will take that as not good what's wrong speaking is banned for you so this might be the wrong time to tell you but I saw your boyfriend cheating on you with Stephanie the other day hey babe what's up um are you okay hello I don't know what that means what are you going to kill me or something what's happening right now oh I know you want to eliminate me here just write it down excuse me why would you write that what whatever I like Stephanie more you have got to flush the toilet after you go to the bathroom whatever stop talking I'm trying to see how many stalkers I'm going to have you're not going to have a stalker you're fine you don't know that how many did you get oh I got what what's wrong three um that seems like a lot I was already anxious before how am I supposed to live like a normal person now did you invite someone over no don't just stand there go get the door me I don't want to do it you're older than me so go hello hey this dog was in my backyard is he yours and panana how did you get outside your side gate is open he must have ran out thank you for bringing him back of course I just moved in down the street my name is Cole Bailey nice to meet you see you around everyone please welcome our new student Cole into the class I didn't know you went to my school yeah I got put here because I moved into your neighborhood Bailey could you come to the office your dad is on the phone yeah of course hello you need to get out of the school right now don't ask questions hi I think that you're my mom no shot kid you're talking to the wrong girl but I was just assigned to you by the soulmate system you were what I have to follow you everywhere you go I'm not allowed to leave until you find your soulmate I have to have a 10-year-old following me around all the time I'm 13 thank you very much oh my bad at least I'm not a grandma like you can I have a sip of that no why not you're being mean to me I didn't sign up for this neither did I you suck what do 13-year-olds do do I have to buy you like Legos or something no I just want to scroll on Tik Tok we have to go can you drive no I'm 13 oh right sorry Jessica why do you have a newborn baby this is what the soulmate system gave me bet you like me now huh I have no idea who my soulmate could be and I don't want to be stuck with this forever this excuse me your soulmate has a kid the same age so go where they'll hang out I don't know where kids hang out the mall no I hate the mall too bad we're going I know you told me not to eat your leftovers but I ate them anyway you suck I was going to eat that for lunch guess the artist for a lot of money if you can't even count then you're doomed you should not play not true I know I at least have a few brain cells blonde made a football man famous in Midnight hey football's the one where you kick it right we're going to be bankrupt because of you whatever you do you cannot get out what happens then you used to just be fine but now they take the money and you die is it because footballers play at night no that seems wrong I'm not allowed to give you any help you have to figure it out on your own look at his little nose I love it um what are you doing I'm watching that dog trend on Tik Tok you are so stupid wait a second I can't believe it took you so long to figure out Taylor Swift yes knew I was smart penguins have knees I don't know what the [ __ ] are you talking about guess the artist again no you barely got it last time you can't risk it if you lose you'll make everyone bankrupt sorry did you say that I should do it because I agree purple brunette and vampire Adam Sandler we're screwed why would it be Adam Sandler I don't know he's probably worn purple before it's musical artists oh I know Harry Styles I think someone dropped you as a baby Victoria Justice no I don't think they just dropped you as a baby I think they threw you at the wall really hey what's that record I don't know I found it in the basement I think it's Dad's you're so stupid read it I already did it says Olive of course you can't read do it one more time Olivia Rodrigo oh finally hey I got a point no excuse me your brain cells must be at Disneyland Yeehaw country Bailey unlocked we're meaning mom's boyfriend today so you can't be weird Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy we're [ __ ] hey my name is Matt nice to meet you o that was the cringiest thing ever I'm happy to be here stranger danger ow you punched me in the face it was a ghost we just watched you do it okay guys how about we just eat dinner instead Behold The Magic of the spork dude what we don't even own a spork ooh shiny okay are you kidding it's not for your hair you use it to eat who am I kidding you're as smart as a toenail it doesn't taste very good every time I interact with you I think I lose 15 brain cells um what the hell is on top of your head where did you get that the depths of Hell okay I think I have to go home you got infinite brain cells that is not fair I'm sorry please take these flowers as a gift you didn't have those 1 second ago where' they come from I can make anything appear out of thin air would you like something else yeah can I have a Chanel bag here you go one Chanel bag this is the coolest thing ever hey wait could you give me $5 billion no no I cannot create money hi we'd like to return this bag for cash okay you'll be getting back 4,100 but we did not actually buy shut the [ __ ] up right now right now never mind can you get me a laptop I already have one how did you know I wanted it I can also read mine are you kidding me what am I thinking about right now the Taco Bell Mexican pizza that sounds so good right now hey could you like spawn me and a boyfriend no that would be a miracle and I cannot do that [ __ ] can you at least try to spawn me a boyfriend sure thing there you go are you kidding me that's a frog I can only give you someone equally as attractive as you are are you calling me ugly right now precisely okay then make me beautiful of course Tada dude I look like handsome Squidward sorry you did not specify who would want to look like this how much money is in my bank account you have $420 okay damn you don't need to say it that loudly can you give me a drink I'm thirsty here you go no that's ant killer are you trying to tell me to drink it drink up [ __ ] okay now you're just starting to scare me what's my crush thinking about hooking up with a teacher I knew he was too friendly with the Spanish teacher oh hey Bailey uh what are you doing are we about to eat a five course meal or something hungies ew what the [ __ ] that was so cringy feed me girl you are old bring your own lunch to school do you even have anything with you why do you have have that here put it down alcohol is cool but have you ever had someone care about you me neither pass the bottle you must have something El is that toilet paper are you serious you're cute jeans please anything edible is that a bra ew who is that your mom's oh you're so funny don't put it on your head you don't know where that bra has been girl back I say back somebody sedate her finally at least you have a drink who the hell drinks like that is this like a glitch in The Matrix or something because I don't understand can you just be normal excuse you hey I love your outfit thanks Melanie I love your new haircut really thank you so much do you actually like her hair no it looks like her mom put a bowl over her head and started cutting then why would you say that to her you can't lie I not I like to keep my balance High people are going to find out that you're not telling the truth hey your hair looks so pretty oh thanks I love your skirt it's very Grandma Couture it was my grandma's we should totally hang some sometimes you know I'm like really busy I got a lot going on oh it's okay I get it seriously can you just stop lying to people like that I already told you no you're going to regret it tell me you at least liked her skirt that was the ugliest effing skirt I've ever seen your hair looks hideous did you even wash it excuse me go take a shower you smell bad why is everyone looking at me funny have you not seen it your best friend took a voice memo of you making fun of someone what looks like you're not going to be getting any more compliments super B hey yo you see that nerd right there I bet you I got the option to be smart or be beautiful but I haven't I just mean nothing's changed but proms in 2 days yes more friends ahead so she can track me wherever I go okay and that's the Bell follow me what is your beauty options that look snatched it won't hurt too bad right no done and it's looking come on we're going to the mall okay you can trust me I'll buy you contacts with a good friend to you that I will be your hair in a minute makeup artist come with me different hopefully it's a good different top does not match your pants again I thought it was black no dude it's bright yellow it's not fair that you can see everything in color and I can't you just need to find your soulmate don't you think I'm trying not really you're so anxious you can barely talk to me Bailey could you please read the paragraph highlighted in blue for us um I can't she's a loser who can't see any color Okay Colin you can read it then uh yeah okay let me just find the which one is it you made fun of me when you can't see color either I can see color I just got confused [ __ ] what did you just say nothing I didn't know you couldn't hear too whatever smartass class is dismissed someone left these outside your locker these are so pretty I love red roses I hate to break it to you but those are white so who is it from it just says from your secret admirer looks like someone has a crush on you is the day you get your soulmate's allowance I hope they're Rich so that I can buy a yacht but you can't swim well once I get it I'm not letting you on yeah okay you should be getting it now 69 what's so funny about that oh nothing nothing what am I supposed to do with that with that amount I can't even buy a pack of gum better start asking your friends for lunch my soulmate sent me $10,000 and I don't know what to do with it could you please buy me some lunch then mine only gave me 69 69 cents why does everyone keep laughing at that number don't worry about it dude the drama is so good today have you heard it no but I love tea so what is it okay so you know how Jack and Melanie have been dating of course they're not each other's soulmates and Melanie freaked out because Jack wanted to send his soulmate money that's so not fair to his soulmate though she didn't do anything she wanted him to send nothing she's a little bit crazy it doesn't surprise me oh I know one time she cut off my ponytail in class she lit my house on fire Jack I told you you can't send her any money babe she has to be able to live what are you staring at ugly nothing $21.99 that seems oddly specific get out of my way loser is it just me or does Melanie seem extra crazy today she does and that's saying a lot for her hey how much money did your soulmate give you um $50 and what about you uh $6 oh it's not either of you what was that all about I don't know she's so weird hey have either of you seen my girlfriend uh yeah she just came over and asked us how much money we had G ignore her she wanted me to buy her a mascara and I gave my soulmate the money instead you should be able to give your soulmate whatever you want exactly that's what I keep telling her I hope my soulmate is Chill like you don't let her hear that don't worry I won't dude he was flirting with you what no he wasn't yes he was it was so obvious he has a girlfriend not for long he said it himself I will not rest until I find which one of you is soulmates with my boyfriend tell her before she finds out you're lying no way she's literally going to shave my head bald being bald is better than being dead you know what that's it I'm breaking up with you what you can't I can't believe they actually broke up I can't believe she didn't behead him what what what's wrong Earth debate hello is it a lot of money or something so if you took a one right and then you added six zeros onto the end of it a million dollar what am I supposed to do with that dude whatever you want buy a Lambo how does he have that much money and why did he give it to me you asked too many questions maybe that's why she wanted to be with him so bad no kidding hey you I need your help me why me you're in charge of the school newspaper right yeah I need you to print a story for me I can't do that do it or I'll have the whole paper shut down and what would you like me to print that I'll pay a million dollars to whoever can find out who Jack's soulmate is dude why would you agree to that I don't know she scares me it's intimidation I hate you why are we yelling you gave your soulmate $1 million what is wrong with you she better hope that I never find out who she is a million dollars or a makeup brush is this some kind of joke who would pick the makeup brush you go pick it no I didn't what am I supposed to do with this maybe it's magical we any at least it looks pretty this is useless I don't want it hey Bailey I bought you this candle why and you used it because you're so beautiful you deserve a gift okay weirdo thank you um what was that I don't know he's never spoken to me before today maybe it's your new haircut I stalked your Twitter and I found out that you really like these drinks so I got you one that's a little creepy but thank you I think okay am I on a prank show right now because if so I need to put more lip gloss on I hope we're on what would you do I love that show can I do your homework for the rest of the year why would you do that because you deserve it you can have anything that you want okay did you do something different today I don't think so I woke up and then I used this random makeup brush that I got what makeup brush it was from that selection thing dude it's magical what you have to give it to me I want to use it too but I threw it away headphones are sunglasses what I want headphones so I can listen to Olivia Rodrigo on full volume they won't play any music what the heck is the point of these stupid things I hate being your friend and I wish that I never met you what did you just say to me um all I said was good good morning how are you I swear you said something else no definitely not I slept with your best friend you're cheating on me baby what no why would you say that I knew you were a lying little piece of [ __ ] it was only one time no we're done don't talk to me Mary I need you to say something to me um like what anything I really like the shirt you're wearing okay now say it one more time that shirt is hideous this is my favorite shirt what but I said that I liked it these headphones let me hear the truth can you tell me of my boyfriend's cheating on me then girl you literally saw him making out with someone else but I love him I smell your shoes while you're in gym ew what is wrong with you the scent of your feet is great how do you look like that what what do you mean you're kind of scary why do I look like I know how to play a guitar I think your soulmate did it come on we have to get in the car now I have to go to school like this yeah you can't skip it wao are you trying to be in a band ah yes it's real funny I played the trombone my soulmate gave me a Gucci belt why are you bragging when I look like this I think you look kind of cool Bailey come to the office what but I wasn't even late today I skipped Starbucks no that's not it your outfit is inappropriate what why it's distracting to other students but I didn't pick this my soulmate did it doesn't matter you're suspended leather is against the dress code you're suspending me for wearing a leather jacket exactly you can't leave until your parents come pick you up my parents can't pick me up there at work then you can sit over there with the other Hooligans Dana you spray painted the back of the school again no it wasn't me wait I know that you didn't do that why because you did no I'm adding on to your suspension hey who's that girl over there oh her we call her silent Beauty she can't say anything why don't we go say hi no you cannot be seen with her whatever guys hey uh my name is Ethan I really like your hair you remind me of the purple Teletubby so let me guess you don't have any words don't worry I can speak for you then oh hell no you did not bring her over here she is not sitting with us why not she's cool no she's not she's just a weirdo wait whoa whoa whoa don't leave I'll come sit with just you instead not them I just wish you could speak up for yourself she's awful you're the only person who's ever been nice to me whoa what you can speak I thought you had zero word no I have infinite what you have infinite words but everyone thinks you can't speak I convinced everybody that I didn't have any words but I do but why won't you talk to anyone if you have words do you see how mean they are I've been recording them recording them what are you going to do with it don't worry about it how long have you been doing this it started freshman year I decided I was not going to speak at all and no one ever figured you out nope they're kind of dumb you can't tell anyone that I can actually speak okay I promise I am not going to do you want to help me expose them expose them like how I know all their secrets cuz they think I can't tell anybody would we be like Bonnie and Clyde then yeah I guess you could say that this sounds like fun deal deal wait what even is your name it's Bailey that's pretty how are we going to do this don't worry I already have it figured out e what is on your face what what do you mean look at your s what is that your hand must have slipped while you did eyeliner I didn't do it why would I mess with my nose Contour like this okay guys let's not fight your soulmate probably did it what did they draw on me in my sleep no whatever your soulmate draws on themselves shows up on you too and done dude why would you do that it looks so bad it was already bad hey Bailey nice butt chin what I do not have a butt chin you literally have a butt drawn on your chin oh This Means War let's see how they like that you spelled regret that's wrong I did Bailey what is on your face go to the office now but I didn't even do it oh don't worry your counterpart's in the office already okay I'll go sweetheart did you get a hair strand yet nope I don't have anything I just hope you're not one of those Supernatural freaks anyway should I wear the Chanel or the Prada purse the Chanel bag would look great with your outfit hey guys where's Jessica she got Supernatural so we kicked her out of the group yeah she's over there by the trash now that's a little brutal don't you think Supernaturals don't belong with us Ordinary People would you guys excuse me for 1 second I have to go put lip gloss on of course Jessica I need to show you something but you cannot freak out okay okay I won't look is that pink dude keep your voice down sorry but what does it mean I don't know and I haven't seen anyone else who has pink I bet that Griffin would know I'm not talking to him that kid is a freak a smart freak let's go halt who art thou and what do thou want we just have a question we just want to know why I got a pink strand oh my god I've read about this but I didn't think think it was true didn't think what was true pick a number for what each number gives you a different amount of prize money so I don't know what I'm going to get no that's the whole point it's a gamble well two is my favorite 69 I can't even buy anything with that that sucks I got $300 it's fine I bet I'll have better luck next time is that a Louis Vuitton bag yeah I bought it with the money that I won this morning so did you buy anything good I don't need to buy anything I wouldn't be able to live without my Chanel bags let's see if I do any better this time $3 wow that's tragic aren't you upset about it no I'm fine oh I only got $11,000 this morning I got 3,000 really that's still a lot of money yeah but it could have been more it's not fair you should be grateful that you got any everyone is about to be the last round okay just going to go directly in the middle um are you okay what did you get nothing that's why I think Grimace should run for president that was the stupidest [ __ ] I've ever heard everyone bullies me or everyone flirts with me honestly I want to know what they have to say about me hey do you have a pencil I could borrow yeah you can take this one and shove it right up your ass you dumb [ __ ] [ __ ] okay thanks I've literally seen toes that are prettier than you toes don't even have a face yeah exactly have you ever thought about the world ending uh no if we were the last two people on Earth and had to repopulate I would just let everyone die instead I got to give it to them they're definitely clever hey I heard you've been making music yeah I have it was so bad I maybe want to rip my ears off of my head and put them into a blender hey Bailey what you should put this brown paper bag on your head so we don't have to look at your ugly face anymore hey who's that girl over there oh her we call her silent Beauty she can't say anything why don't we go say hi no you cannot be seen with her whatever guys hey uh my name is Ethan I really like your hair you remind me of the purple Teletubby so let me guess you don't have any words don't worry I can speak for you then oh hell no you did not bring her over here she is not sitting with us why not she's cool no she's not she's just a weirdo wait whoa whoa whoa don't leave I'll come sit with just you instead not them I just wish you could speak up for yourself she's awful you're the only person who's ever been nice to me wa what you can speak I thought you had zero words no I have infinite what you have infinite words but everyone thinks you can't speak I convinced everybody that I didn't have any words but I do but why won't you talk to anyone if you have words do you see how mean they are I've been recording them recording them what are you going to do with it don't worry about it how long have you been doing this it started freshman year I decided I was not going to speak at all and no one ever figured you out nope they're kind of dumb you can't tell anyone that I can actually speak okay I promise I am not going to do you want to help me expose them expose them like how I know all their secrets cuz they think I can't tell anybody would we be like Bonnie and Clyde then yeah I guess you could say that this sounds like fun deal deal wait what even is your name it's Bailey that's pretty how are we going to do this don't worry I already have it figured out $20 to me or my mom I don't really need it right now so maybe she can use it hey that bracelet is so cute when did you get it oh I used the $20 that I got this morning to go and buy it what did you get I gave my 20 to my mom so nothing that's cute or whatever but I needed this bracelet do you see how cute it is a new car what well if I give it to my mom she'll probably just give me her old one so dude there is no way you gave that one to your mom too I'm going to get a G wagon for my car wait why aren't you taking any of them for yourself I don't know I'm happy with what I have so it's fine okay you are insane if you give this one to your mom too well I'm probably still going to live with her anyway so it's our house you have fun with that I'm going to go live in a mansion okay I just know you're going to regret that ooh I could get a mansion on the beach um did you just get another one too um no I only got the three questions before I think I just got $10 million um what what do you mean it just says plus $10 million dude what you are so lucky you have to give me some of that you can have some I can't keep it all but I have to tell my mom why do you give everything to your mom you should keep it for yourself instead maybe I want to okay I love her I want some of the money too yeah you better give me some for lunch me too um I have to go honey I'm sorry but there's leftovers in the fridge for dinner I didn't have enough money for a new meal tonight you don't need to worry about it anymore why what are you talking about check the bank account how many zeros is that $10 million where did you get all of this from thank you so much this is going to change our lives I love you you guys need to give me all of the money right now whoa hang on a second you need to transfer all $10 million into my account by the end of the day or else save my mom or save all the money you have to keep all the money sweetheart it'll change your life no Mom I can't do that to you at least I would die knowing that you'll stay happy I'm sorry we can find money another way no way you actually just gave me all of the money see you later suckers I can't believe you just did that for me I love you of course I love you we need to find some other way to make money I'll get a second job it'll be fine I'll be happy with anything as long as it's with you me too Bailey I heard a rumor that you actually lost all the money yeah it's true I bet you're so jealous now that you have nothing I have such a nice car and a house whatever you are just so dumb I would have saved all the money over my mom you know what even if I did have the money I wouldn't have given any of it to you why what you said that you would you're just kind of a [ __ ] um excuse me how much energy did you get today honey 2% no that's not good at all Bailey you cannot be sleeping on that right now but he's my friend you're supposed to lead us in the debate you're going to make us all fail here drink this what is it it's a secret magic potion good I think it'll make you feel better how do you feel oh okay are you good have you guys ever done a backflip because I've never done what would I feel like I could do one right now yeah I don't think you should try that do you remember the debate materials oh yeah I remember everything since the beginning of time okay let's hope that you do well then would both parties please introduce themselves hi I like sleeping eating going to the bathroom having snacks going to the gym going for hike painting okay that's quite enough and stop moving I Can't Stop Moving it's in my blood I got the dancing juices going through me this is not dance class what wasn't that drink you gave me can I have four more of them I've never felt better in my entire life I feel like I conquered the entire world right now and become president I think I made a mistake Bailey hello she's on zero you shouldn't have given her that drink dude I think you broke her uh nurse I can bring her energy back up but we don't know where it will land do it we need her to win okay she's back W that's way too much energy where is she going where did you just go I just ran an entire lap around the school do you want to see me do it again I can do it in 1 second nurse you have to try again this can't be right all right let me try restarting the system again maybe it'll fix her no no no now she doesn't have any energy at all we need her feel so well suck it up cupcake you need to try it again she's literally snoring I can restart one more time but anym than that and she'll die 89% that's perfect she can compete hash bedorf um what did you just say say kabia oh I forgot to mention there might be some side effects to the restart hey I love your outfit thanks Melanie I love your new haircut really thank you so much do you actually like her hair no it looks like her mom put a bowl over her head and started cutting then why would you say that to her you can't lie why not I like to keep my balance High people are going to find out that you're not telling the truth hey your hair looks so pretty oh thanks I love your skirt it's very Grandma Couture it was my my grandma's we should totally hang sometime you know I'm like really busy I got a lot going on oh it's okay I get it seriously can you just stop lying to people like that I already told you no you're going to regret it tell me you at least liked her skirt that was the ugliest effing skirt I've ever seen your hair looks hideous did you even wash it excuse me go take a shower you smell bad why is everyone looking at me buunny have you not seen it your best friend took a voice memo of you making fun of someone what looks like you're not going to be getting any more compliments $20 to me or my mom I don't really need it right now so maybe she can use it hey that bracelet is so cute when did you get it oh I used the $20 that I got this morning to go and buy it what did you get I gave my 20 to my mom so nothing that's cuter whatever but I needed this bracelet do you see how cute it is a new car what well if I give it to my mom she'll probably just give me her old one so dude there is no way you gave that one to your mom too I'm going to get a G wagon for my car wait why aren't you taking any of them for yourself I don't know I'm happy with what I have so it's fine okay you are insane if you give this one to your mom too well I'm probably still going to live with her anyway so it's our house you have fun with that I'm going to go live in a mansion okay I just know you're going to regret that ooh I could get a mansion on the beach um did you just get another one too um no I only got the three questions before I think I just got $10 million um what what do you mean it just says plus $10 million dude what you are so lucky you have to give me some of that you can have some I can't keep it all but I have to tell my mom why do you give everything to your mom you should keep it for yourself instead maybe I want to okay I love her I want some of the money too yeah you better give me some for lunch me too um I have to go honey I'm sorry but there's leftovers in the fridge for dinner I didn't have enough money for a new meal tonight you don't need to worry about it anymore why what are you talking talking about check the bank account how many zeros is that $10 million where did you get all of this from thank you so much this is going to change our lives I love you you guys need to give me all of the money right now waa hang on a second you need to transfer all $10 million into my account by the end of the day or else save my mom or save all the money you have to keep all the money sweetheart it'll change your life no Mom I can't do that to you at least I would die knowing that you you'll stay happy I'm sorry we can find money another way no way you actually just gave me all of the money see you later suckers I can't believe you just did that for me I love you of course I love you we need to find some other way to make money I'll get a second job it'll be fine I'll be happy with anything as long as it's with you me too Bailey I heard a rumor that you actually lost all the money yeah it's true I bet you're so jealous now that you have nothing I have such a nice car and a house whatever you are just so dumb I would have saved all the money over my mom you know what even if I did have the money I wouldn't have given any of it to you why what you said that you would you're just kind of a [ __ ] um excuse me I just sworn that I was walking into a Starbucks hi welcome to Heaven is that like a new coffee shop no you died and you're in heaven now okay where are the cameras I'm being pranked right it's not a prank you dropped your phone going into Starbucks and then an elderly woman and ran you over that's a tragic way to die maybe you should get off your phone this isn't Heaven just yet you have to have enough good points to go otherwise you go to the bad place I don't want to go there then you have to go back to Earth to make amends with those you've heard okay fine I'll go back to Earth to write my wrongs the first person you must see is Lacy oh my God no I hate her you have to apologize fine hey Lacy but you just died I've come back to make amends with you I'm sorry it was wrong of me to give you food poisoning so that I could have the lead in the SCH you did that that's not why I hate you what you let my pet bird fly away oh yeah I'm sorry for that too no you're not you know what I don't forgive you what you failed and have two more chances would you like to take them okay yes I'll take them have two more chances would you like to take them okay yes I'll take them the next person is your older sister why would I need to apologize to my sister she loved me are you sure about that hey sis oh my God am I hallucinating no I've come to make amends no way you can't fix what's been done I don't even know what I did I thought that you loved me how could I love you our parents gave you everything and they gave me nothing they clearly liked you more but that wasn't my fault but you never stuck up for me or tried to include me listen I'm sorry that they didn't treat you the same as they treat me but I love you and I would never mean to hurt you like that I'm sorry too I've been holding a grudge for so long but I can let it go I should have told you how I felt sooner it's okay I forgive you I don't want any bad blood between us congratulations you succeeded one more and you'll make it to I can do it who is it your mother no I'm not doing that you have to unless you want to go to the bad place hi I think that you're my mom no shot kid you're talking to the wrong girl but I was just assigned to you by the soulmate system you were what I have to follow you everywhere you go I'm not allowed to leave until you find your soulmate I have to have a 10-year-old following me around all the time I'm 13 thank you very much oh my bad at least I'm not a grandma like you can I have a sip of that no why not you're being mean to me I didn't sign up for this neither did I you suck what do 13-year-olds do do I have to buy you like Legos or something no I just want to scroll on Tik Tok we have to go can you drive no I'm 13 oh right sorry Jessica why do you have a newborn baby this is what the soulmate system gave me bet you like me now huh I have no idea who my soulmate could be and I don't want to be stuck with this forever this excuse me your soulmate has a kid the same age so go where they'll hang out I don't know where kids hang out the mall no I hate the mall too bad we're going hey who's that girl over there oh her we call her silent Beauty she can't say anything why don't we go say hi no you cannot be seen with her whatever guys hey uh my name is Ethan I really like your hair you remind me of the purple Teletubby so let me guess you don't have any words don't worry I can speak for you then oh hell no you did not bring her over here she is not sitting with a why not she's cool no she's not she's just a weirdo wait whoa whoa whoa don't leave I'll come sit with just you instead not them I just wish you could speak up for yourself she's awful you're the only person who's ever been nice to me waa what you can speak I thought you had zero word no I have infinite what you have infinite words but everyone thinks you can't speak I convinced everybody that I didn't have any words but I do but why won't you talk to anyone if you have words do you see how mean they are I've been recording them recording them what are you going to do with it don't worry about it how long have you been doing this it started freshman year I decided I was not going to speak at all and no one ever figured you out nope they're kind of dumb you can't tell anyone that I can actually speak okay I promise I am not going to do you want to help me expose them expose them like how I know all their secrets cuz they think I can't tell anybody would we be like Bonnie and Clyde then yeah I guess you could say that this sounds like fun deal deal wait what even is your name it's Bailey that's pretty how are we going to do this don't worry I already have it figured out today the day you have to pick a job for the rest of your life can I be a princess sure if that's an option I'll be right back don't choose anything while I'm gone okay hey little sis what options did you get I got billionaire and then janitor you should pick janitor they do really cool things oh I'm definitely going to do that sweetheart what happened to your choices oh I already picked one how do you even make a bathroom this dirty Bailey come on now you're being moved into a new house to clean oh thank you this is the house you'll be cleaning that's a hotel no it's just a mansion hi you must be our new ma wow I didn't realize they could be so beautiful thank you excuse me your wife is right here I'm Richard and this is Carissa you'll be living in and the pay is $11,000 an hour is that all right yeah yeah that's great could I talk to you separately of course you better stay the [ __ ] away from my man I'm sorry what stay away from my man or I'll stab you kiss Mary Hill come on what are we fifth graders you have to play it'll be fun no way it sounds stupid Please fine Jack Owen and Ryan no way I could kill Owen he's been my best friend for forever you should marry him then Jack is so hot no way he's an idiot I think Ryan is so hot e no he's not he's bullied me since forever if anything I'm going to kill him uh that was quick you're right I'll marry Owen hey guys how are you where did you come from I'm here to give you the kiss okay oh hi what's up Owen what are you doing here I'm your husband are you insane you chose me in the game yeah but it's just a game everything you pick comes to to reality wait but if I just kissed Jack and you're Ryan is no longer with us once you hit yes to playing you got entered to be in the gamees you mean that if I don't get picked you could die too today the day you have to pick a job for the rest of your life can I be a princess sure if that's an option I'll be right back don't choose anything while I'm gone okay hey Li sis what options did you get I got billionaire and then janor you should pick janitor they do really cool things oh I'm definitely going to do that sweetheart what happened to your choices oh I already picked one how do you even make a bathroom this dirty Bailey come on now you're being moved into a new house to clean oh thank you this is the house you'll be cleaning that's a hotel no it's just a mansion hi you must be our new maid wow I didn't realize they could be so beautiful thank you excuse me your wife is right here I'm Richard and this is Carissa you'll be living in and the pay is $1,000 an hour is that all right yeah yeah that's great could I talk to you separately of course you better stay the [ __ ] away from my man I'm sorry what stay away from my man or I'll stab you hey does this shirt look bad on me yeah it's hideous on you I really hope that my soulmate has never lied too yeah I don't think that it's a good thing you have no friends because you're so brutal I have friends your squish mows don't count bestie have you heard the rumor no what rumor well I heard that ladies no talking I'll have to separate you you can't switch our seats I have social anxiety and she's the only one that I like you should have thought about that before disrupting the whole class go sit with Jack oh can I please sit somewhere else he smells so bad you know I can hear right I don't even smell I showered like 2 days ago sorry that was a little bit brutal yeah you think so where are you from stinky um I was born in uh Maryland yeah what part of Maryland the one where they catch the crabs that's definitely not true who [ __ ] cares anyway I can lie if I want to hey who's that girl over there oh her we call her silent Beauty she can't say anything why don't we go say hi no you cannot be seen with her whatever guys hey uh my name is Ethan I really like your hair you remind me of the purple Teletubby so let me guess you don't have any words don't worry I can speak for you then oh hell no you did not bring her over here she is not sitting with us why not she's cool no she's not she's just a weirdo wait whoa whoa whoa don't leave I'll come sit with just you instead not them I just wish you could speak up for yourself she's awful you're the only person who's ever been nice to me wa what you can speak I thought you had zero words no I have infinite what you have infinite words but everyone thinks you can't speak convinced everybody that I didn't have any words but I do but why won't you talk to anyone if you have words do you see how mean they are I've been recording them recording them what are you going to do with it don't worry about it how long have you been doing this it started freshman year I decided I was not going to speak at all and no one ever figured you out nope they're kind of dumb you can't tell anyone that I can actually speak okay I promise I am not going to do you want to help me expose them expose them like how I know all their secrets cuz they think I can't tell anybody would we be like Bonnie and Clyde then yeah I guess you could say that this sounds like fun deal deal wait what even is your name it's Bailey that's pretty how are we going to do this don't worry I already have it figured out get ready with me to go to a leak cake concert except I genuinely only have 5 minutes to get ready I wish I was lying but I actually just have really poor time management skills how do I I just have one little dinky [ __ ] bang hanging in my face I also have the fattest glass of wine you've ever seen what is happening with my tan [ __ ] I don't even know how to think what color is this oh my God that's so dark [ __ ] just have like holes in the front of my eyebrow I don't know where the hair went but it's not there I hope that's not too much blush I guess we'll find oh my God I just stabbed myself in the eye got to conceal my under eyes cuz I literally went to bed at 5: in the morning last night everyone wants to have bangs until they're like this I could use a hair clip but I'm just [ __ ] [Music] lazy that was a lot bronzer because my body is spray taned but my face is not all my eyelash extensions are literally falling out too so I have like four oh my God that was so much [ __ ] pink blush of course you know what else is pink what it wouldn't be a complete look without my fake freckles okay I'm done with the makeup and I'm going to go get dressed as fast as humanly possible bye okay but if all of us stop paying taxes they can't arrest everyone right no that's not how that works soulmate controls my hands what does that even mean ow oh no I don't like this sis could you hold this for one sec sure wait what are you doing oh no why would you throw that it had Grandma's ashes in it I am so sorry yeah tell that to Grandma who's on the floor now excuse me class who would like to present first Bailey great go ahead great my project is about uh what are you doing are you feeling okay I wish I knew seriously what did you just dab ew oh my God that was the worst thing I ever done if you don't present you'll get a zero in the project what's happening uhoh oh you just punched me in the face it wasn't me you're still holding your hands up like you're going to fight me can't take a dog out of somebody's yard he probably has an owner he's so fluffy I couldn't resist oh no not this again could I borrow that pink top you have the [ __ ] meow you have the humor of a preschooler you were just speaking English to me I have never heard heard you speak Spanish before Bailey do you want to hang later how do y'all would y'all like a sit my moonshine uh what let's go down to the creek and do some fishing you know what never mind please don't hang out with us seriously what's wrong with you are you like possessed or something okay somebody get this [ __ ] muzzle play hot seat for a million dollars dude you have to play me and all my friends are what does that even mean it gives you a question and you have to answer within 30 seconds what if I don't want to answer it then you're out and you don't get the money just play fine you're right what's my favorite color seriously is this what it's going to be they get harder as we go on pink wao that's a quick change of pace well what is it okay when I was seven I ran over a mom's leg with my bike and then I left her there you're the one who broke Miss cat's leg have you ever lied to your parents oh yeah definitely I'm sorry Bailey did you just say that you've lied to us what no I didn't who was the last person you kissed don't be shy tell us who it was it was Michelle [ __ ] like my best friend Michelle seriously these are not bad at all okay but don't speak too soon wao I told you they were going to get worse no of course I have never killed someone oh I have what dude relax I was just kidding are you sure what the [ __ ] do you mean am I sure yes have you ever punch someone in the face oh absolutely I punched a lot of people when did you do that you don't know everything about me you better watch out no I have never punched somebody do you know why your mom is single yeah her ex-husband cheated on her yeah du that's exactly what happened do you know what this is talking about no I don't know anything I don't know what you're talking about no I don't know who with I think we should just drop out of the game it's too much why are you getting suspicious all of a sudden I'm not being suspicious what did you know that your mom cheated with the pool boy [ __ ] you weren't supposed to know no I didn't know that seriously let's just quit sis what does this mean I told you I have no clue you definitely know something I didn't even know that the pool boy was dead that's because he's not he's definitely alive still no I don't know how he died Bailey you need to stop playing this game now just don't answer the next question really cuz I don't think I'm done yet seriously I'm warning you where was I on June 17th um I don't know oh right that's when mom made me go to the community pool instead of ours dude come on it's not funny anymore stop someone killed him I have to find out the truth you are going to regret this I don't know who killed the pool boy well [ __ ] I told you to stop no California is not a country then why is it built like one a million dollars now or $100 every time I blink I'm not really good at math but I do know how to Blink um dude are you okay yeah I'm fine stop that your eyes are freaking me out seriously please fine I'll stop for a while why were you blinking like that I don't know I think I got something in my eye it was really bad no no please don't start doing it again oh my God I'm so scared of you guys I think she's possessed back I say back okay okay damn finally please do not blink like that I blink so many times I think that I forgot how to Blink don't be dramatic you know how to Blink oh I'm rich you have got to flush the toilet after you go to the bathroom whatever stop talking I'm trying to see how many stalkers I'm going to have you're not going to have a stalker you're fine you don't know that how many did you get oh I got what what's wrong three um that seems like a lot I was already anxious before how am I supposed to live like a normal person now did you invite someone over no don't just stand there go get the door me I don't want to do it you're older than me so go hello hey this dog was in my backyard is he yours and panana how did you get outside your side gate is open he must have ran out thank you for bringing him back of course I just moved in down the street my name is Cole Bailey nice to meet you see you around everyone please welcome our new student Cole into the class I didn't know you went to my school yeah I got put here because I moved into your neighborhood Bailey could you come to the office your dad is on the phone yeah of course hello you need to get out of the school right now don't ask questions you have got to flush the toilet after you go to the bathroom whatever stop talking I'm trying to see how many stalkers I'm going to have you're not going to have a stalker you're fine you don't know that how many did you get oh I got what what's wrong three um that seems like a lot I was already anxious before how am I supposed to live like a normal person now did you invite someone over no don't just stand there go get the door me I don't want to do it you're older than me so go hello hey this dog was in my backyard is he yours and panana how did you get outside your side gate is open he must have ran out thank you for bringing him back of course I just just moved in down the street my name is Cole Bailey nice to meet you see you around everyone please welcome our new student Cole into the class I didn't know you went to my school yeah I got put here because I moved into your neighborhood Bailey could you come to the office your dad is on the phone yeah of course hello you need to get out of the school right now don't ask questions hey who's that girl over there oh her we call her silent Beauty she can't say anything why don't we go say hi no you cannot be seen with her whatever guys hey uh my name is Ethan I really like your hair you remind me of the purple Teletubby so let me guess you don't have any words don't worry I can speak for you then oh hell no you did not bring her over here she is not sitting with us why not she's cool no she's not she's just a weirdo wait whoo whoa whoo don't leave I'll come sit with just you instead not them I just wish you could speak up for yourself she's awful you're the only person who's ever been nice to me waa what you can speak I thought you had zero words no I have infinite what you have infinite words but everyone thinks you can't speak I convinced everybody that I didn't have any words but I do but why won't you talk to anyone if you have words do you see how mean they are I've been recording them recording them what are you going to do with don't worry about it how long have you been doing this it started freshman year I decided I was not going to speak at all and no one ever figured you out nope they're kind of dumb you can't tell anyone that I can actually speak okay I promise I am not going to do you want to help me expose them expose them like how I know all their secrets cuz they think I can't tell anybody would we be like Bonnie and Clyde then yeah I guess you could say that this sounds like fun deal deal wait what even is your name it's Bailey that's pretty how are we going to do this don't worry I already have it figured out is the day you get your soulmate's allowance I hope they're rich so that I can buy a yacht but you can't swim well once I get it I'm not letting you on yeah okay you should be getting it now 69s what's so funny about that oh nothing nothing what am I supposed to do with that with that amount I can't even buy a pack of gum better start asking your friends for lunch my soulmate sent me $10,000 and I don't know what to do with it could you please buy me some lunch then mine only gave me 69 C 69 why does everyone keep laughing at that number don't worry about it dude the drama is so good today have you heard it no but I love tea so what is it okay so you know how Jack and Melanie have been dating of course they're not each other's soulmates and Melanie freaked out because Jack wanted to send his soulmate money that's so not fair to his soulmate though she didn't do anything she wanted him to send nothing she's a little bit crazy it doesn't surprise me oh I know one time she cut cut off my ponytail in class she lit my house on fire Jack I told you you can't send her any money babe she has to be able to live what are you staring at ugly nothing $21.99 that seems oddly specific get out of my way loser is it just me or does Melanie seem extra crazy today she does and that's saying a lot for her hey how much money did your soulmate give you um $50 and what about you uh $6 it's not either of you what was that all about I don't know she's so weird hey have either of you seen my girlfriend uh yeah yeah she just came over and asked us how much money we had G ignore her she wanted me to buy her a mascara and I gave my soulmate the money instead you should be able to give your soulmate whatever you want exactly that's what I keep telling her I hope my soulmate is Chill like you don't let her hear that don't worry I won't dude he was flirting with you what no he wasn't yes he was it was so obvious he has a girlfriend not for long he said it himself I will not rest until I find which one of you is soulmates with my boyfriend tell her before she finds out you're lying no way she's literally going to shave my head bald being bald is better than being dead you know what that's it I'm breaking up with you what you can't I can't believe they actually broke up I can't believe she didn't behead him what what what's wrong Earth to Bailey hello is it a lot of money or something so if you took a one right and then you added six zeros onto the end of it a million dollars what am I supposed to do with that dude whatever you want buy a Lambo how does he have that much money and why did he give it to me you asked too many questions maybe that's why she wanted to be with him so bad Dad no kidding hey you I need your help me why me you're in charge of the school newspaper right yeah I need you to print a story for me I can't do that do it or I'll have the whole paper shut down and what would you like me to print that I'll pay a million dollars to whoever can find out who Jack soulmate is dude why would you agree to that I don't know she scares me it's intimidation I hate you why are we Yellen you gave your soulmate $1 million what is wrong with you she better hope that I never find out who she is your brain this house must be at Disneyland Yeehaw country Bailey unlocked we're meeting mom's boyfriend today so you can't be weird Save a Horse Ride a Cowboy we're [ __ ] hey my name is Matt nice to meet you o that was the cringiest thing ever I'm happy to be here stranger danger ow you punched me in the face it was a ghost we just watched you do it okay guys how about we just eat dinner instead Behold The Magic of the spork dude what we don't even own a spork oo shiny okay are you kidding it's not for your hair you use it to eat who am I kidding you're as smart as a toenail it doesn't taste very good every time I interact with you I think I lose 15 brain cells um what the hell is on top of your head where did you get that the depths of Hell okay I think I have to go home you got infinite brain cells that is not fair I'm sorry please take these flowers as a gift you didn't have those 1 second ago where' they come from I can make anything appear out of thin air would you like something else yeah can I have a Chanel bag here you go one Chanel bag this is the coolest thing ever hey wait could you give me $5 billion no I cannot create money hi we'd like to return this bag for cash okay you'll be getting back 4,100 but we did not actually buy shut the [ __ ] up right now right now never mind can you get me a laptop I already have one how did you know I wanted it I can also read mes are you kidding me what am I thinking about right now the Taco Bell Mexican pizza that sounds so good right now hey could you like spawn me and a boyfriend no that would be a miracle and I cannot do that [ __ ] can you at least try to spawn me a boyfriend sure thing there you go are you kidding me that's a frog I can only give you someone equally as attractive as you are are you calling me ugly right now precisely okay then make me beautiful of course Tada dude I look like handsome Squidward sorry you did not specify who would want to look like this how much money is in my bank account you have negative $420 okay damn you don't need to say it that loudly can you give me a drink I'm thirsty here you go no that's ant killer are you trying to tell me to drink it drink up [ __ ] okay now you're just starting to scare me what's my crush thinking about hooking up with a teacher I knew he was too friendly with the Spanish teacher oh hey Bailey uh what are you doing are we about to eat a five course meal or something hungies ew what the [ __ ] that was so cringy feed me girl you are old bring your own lunch to school do you even have anything with you why do you have that here put it down alcohol is cool but have you ever had someone care about you me neither pass the bottle you must have something El is that toilet paper are you serious you're cute jeans please anything edible is that a bra ew who is that your mom's oh you're so funny don't put it on your head you don't know where that bra has been girl back I say back somebody sedate her finally at least you have a drink who the hell drinks like that is this like a glitch in The Matrix or something because I don't understand can you just be normal excuse you ooh is this from my pizza toppings I love pineapple on Pizza bacing our sardines I don't know what a sardine is but I like that word so let's go with that hot sauce or Ranch hot sauce would go great with the pineapple I chose earlier hey do you know how long it's going to take for the pizza to get here um what are you talking about I didn't order a pizza I thought that we were ordering a pizza no dude you were picking what your soulmate eats for the entire day oh [ __ ] they're probably hurling their guts out right now why what did you feed them just be glad you're not the one eating it class please open to page 47 I think I'm going to be sick ew is that pineapple I'm sorry my soulmate gave me the most disgusting Foods it's got a bunch of really cute stuff from ROM so of course we're going to do a try- on haul first we have this adorable striped flowy top I just really like the movement that this skirt gives me these pants fit me genuinely perfectly and I love all the stars I am going to be wearing this top all the time now just in case you weren't feeling the black top we have a second option I feel like a fairy princess I am obsessed with all the details on this skirt and the fun hem I cannot wait to wear all of these also remember R marks the spot search Mystery Box to dig up your exclusive Black Friday deals
Channel: AD Storytime
Views: 543,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cake Storytime, POVs Tiktok Compilations, Text To Speech, storytime, asmr, text to speech, cakestorytime, slime storytime, cake, tiktok mashup 2023, asmr cake, cake storytime tiktok, Bailey Spinn
Id: oQ8QNJs-UDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 19sec (3439 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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