🍅 Text To Speech 🍅 ASMR Cake Storytime || @Bailey Spinn || POVs Tiktok Compilations 2023 #27

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can't wait to see what place I am in line for the throne this is so stupid we're all going to be like a millionth in line or something hey you never know who doesn't want to be royalty no thank you I wouldn't last a day with my mouth when I'm a princess I'm going to banish you in your dreams oh I'm over a millionth in line what about you 500,000 dang you're closer than me see I told you none of us were going to be close okay I have to go to my room nowby third how am I third I don't own a single nice thing I buy all my jewelry from Amazon breaking news the person first in line for the throne has been slaughtered everyone has moved up one place it was probably just a fluke accident or something it'll be okay sis what get down here right now why were you yelling did you see the news there's a killer going after the people who are close in line for the throne say what now good thing we're super far back right yeah good thing are you okay if we find the killer we get a million dooll cash prize we have to we have to find the Killer and get the prize money we can't do that we probably have four brain cells combined are you kidding that money could change everything clearly your two aren't working because I am not doing that come on we can split it I'm going to do it anyway and I know you get worried fine okay I'll do it they said it's a brown-haired six-foot man how are we going to take down a 6-foot man I don't know about you but I'm pretty strong please you cried yesterday because you broke nail it was a new set he was last seen on Sixth Street let's go now looks like we're not the only people looking for this guy oh [ __ ] I dropped my wallet oh I'll get it what was that we have to go hide now come on attention the person first in line for the throne has been slaughtered again everyone has moved up why were they aiming at you okay so I might have lied about what place I was what place are you I was third that's not helpful what are you now I'm first and you didn't tell me why would you come with me I don't know you pressured me I give in easily you're so stupid are you first in line yes come with us right now huh you have to come with us please don't kill me I'm too pretty to die no we're not going to kill you we're going to protect you protect me you're first in line and there's a killer on the loose in case of emergency we need first in line wait like for real yes to become royalty but I don't know anything about being royalty that's why we're here to help you we have to go with them okay let's go no she can't come with she has to come with me fine but she must be quiet you can't blow the cover deal I don't think I'm ready to be a princess you don't have to as long as the king and queen are alive okay good but the Killer is still on the loose why haven't you guys caught him because people keep giving us different descriptions what we think that someone may be trying to throw us off or there might be more than one more than one person but no need to worry or be scared we're here to save you no no I'm not scared at all who would why would you think that okay the king and queen are missing what do you mean missing I mean that they're not in here you have anything to trade for lunch Are you seriously going to eat all of that [ __ ] excuse me no like I'm just saying I could never eat that much but good for you trying to bulk up for the winner what is wrong with you Bailey Amy hey what's up hey Chad we were just talking about that time Amy literally peed her pants from laughing yo it was like a long time ago right no it was like super recently stop talking it's just a joke calm down you guys get it right yeah I am so cold oh you're cold do you want to wear my jacket then no I couldn't wear it I'm just so tiny and small I'm going to drown in it oh I'm going to kill you I'm like so dumb I do not understand this math at all dude you have a 4.0 oh I totally get it do you want help yeah could you be my tutor my shoe does not fit right that reminds me of the time that Amy got such a bad foot Funk cuz the doctor said it literally couldn't be cured okay that's it I'm about to swing Gosh guys help she's trying to fight me I think I'm missing a finger dude your finger is still there you're just bending it oh hey what's 3 + 3 30 yeah yeah that's so right yay today you'll be working on the cash register what's cash I've always loved your sense of humor could I get a number four I can't count that high okay then could I get a number one a number three no I said number one oh I'm sorry I'm number three no what is wrong with you who's in charge here I need to speak to your manager I don't know what that word means then what's your name I don't know they're just hiring anyone these days oh wait I remembered okay great then what is it what is what I can't do this I have to go okay bye have a good day Bailey you're you're fired what does that mean you no longer have a job here cool did you steal my shirt again if I could rearrange the alphabet I'd put you and I together ew you're disgusting did it hurt um did what hurt when you fell from heaven that was the worst thing I've ever heard in my entire life do you have a pencil I can borrow are you from Tennessee um no I'm from Massachusetts because you're the only 10 I see never say that again hello are you okay what is wrong with you do you know CPR because you're taking my breath away Excuse me while I go throw up what is wrong with you do you have a name yes it's barol I can call you mine I would rather go bald do you play soccer uh no I play lacrosse cuz you look like a keeper do people have mute buttons because I need one hey flirt with me too I think you might be lacking some vitamin me I don't know about that but I can give you this vitamin D it's finally my turn to be matched with a soulmate okay but just remember you cannot lie on the questions of course I'm going to tell the truth which do you like more reading or running the last time I went into a gym it was only because I thought it was the Starbucks entrance but I want someone who's athletic so I love running would you rather stay in or go party the last party I went to I jumped off the roof and I don't remember much after that okay but we can't both be crazy so again I'm going to pick stay in would you rather eat a home-cooked meal or eat fast food a chicken quesadilla from Taco Bell sounds so good right now have you been lying on your soulmate I have not been lying what are you talking about if you lie it ruins your chances of finding a real soulmate really yes dude so tell the truth that we'd be good to know if I was lying which I'm not okay I guess I'll pick fast food where does the sun ocean orange red or blue what did I read that right the questions are scrambled because you lied then how am I supposed to know what to pick you don't [ __ ] 71 what is my soulmate big ugly Jean that you're going to give them I have not ugly find him maybe he's like an NBA player not like that tall right excuse me I need to get look like Shrek what Shrek um I think I know how we can how um 73 you're not my soul what do you mean you don't know you are so weird I'm out open your shoulders do you think that the brother goes here too hey Bailey you made me mess up my lip gloss our ranks are going to come out let's look together sweet I'm under 100th place I think there's been a mistake it says that I'm over 1,000 yeah I don't care suck it up sorry wow and I thought my rank was really bad I thought that people liked you apparently they don't oh hey babe hey I'm breaking up with you because I've decided to replace you with her instead sorry didn't mean to hurt you I guess I'm single now but I still have my best friend I mean I'm definitely your best friend I know that I can get my place higher than this I'm going to do you need some help carrying all that that would be amazing here you can take this [ __ ] I forgot to do the homework do you want to look at mine I get it oh my gosh yes thank you Bailey are you letting her cheat off you no she was just asking for help that's it pop quiz for the whole class boo you stop boo why does it feel like I'm never enough I think we can help each other how would we help each other I want you to be in a fake relationship with me so people will get off my back about being single no way this is is to all the boys I've Loved Before listen I'm the quarterback and if you date me your rank will immediately become higher deal hey guys this is my girlfriend you're dating him yeah I am you know I forgive you for getting me detention yesterday great then we can be friends yeah definitely see I told you this was going to work are you guys running for prom queen and king I don't know about that yeah of course we are I did not agree to this okay then you can continue to be a loser how did my rank move up that quickly um it's because you're dating me everyone loves me your head is so big I'm surprised it doesn't fall off hey sis wait up get away from me or I'll punch you in the gut did I do something wrong yes dude you took my spot what do you mean I took your spot I used to be under 100 and now I'm not because of you sis I didn't mean to take your spot I'm sorry get away from me I don't want to talk to you doesn't it feel good having a higher rank than before it doesn't hey we're all going to hang out after school you should totally come oh and Bailey you can come if you want I guess I'll pass just so you know I'm totally voting for you for prom queen oh uh thank you but your boyfriend is still way cooler than you and you'll never be like him you're going to be so popular after we win I don't know if that's what I want hey we had a deal and you are not about to back out on me right now okay everyone vote for me for prom queen sis you're running for prom queen too can you hear that's literally what I just said and I'm running against you you're never going to be enough and I'll prove prove that to you by winning what is your problem I got to go what why is my rank dropping um there's a video of your so-called boyfriend making out with Mary earlier today oh no if he's the one who cheated then why is my rank dropping because everyone knows you're faking the relationship what it's not fake you guys don't go near each other and you've never kissed no one really believes you're a couple fine I'll prove it to you hey babe oh uh hey just so you guys know we're actually in an open relationship we are sweet I am so sorry that I misjudged you yeah you should be that was a good save what were you thinking that Mary was hot and I wanted to make out with her mom is tomorrow don't do anything stupid again oh you're the one yelling now Uno reverse Mary what the [ __ ] I told you to make sure they broke up you sabotaged me oh hey yeah I sent Mary over to kiss your boyfriend hey guys just so everyone knows my boyfriend is actually hosting a pre-prom party and you're all invited I'm so excited oh yeah wait what I didn't know that we were throwing a party we are now this is not over yet okay so where are we throwing this party your house what I don't want to have all these people over at my house don't worry it'll only be like 50 people okay fine but that's it all right I don't know about this the first people are here hey guys hey what's up Bailey is it cool that I brought the whole football team with me yeah it's totally cool come on in oh my God hey hey girls come on in this is so cool of you dude there's like 500 people here relax it's going to be so worth it when we win no you can't throw up in that base it was my mother's that looked expensive I love this party you got going on what are you doing here everybody at school was going so I was too last time I checked you are definitely not on the list so I'm going to need you to leave dude are you being serious right now you're going to kick me out yeah see you later damn don't need to knock so loud I'm coming hello hello ma'am this is the sheriff's department are you the owner of this home we've received complaints nope it's his house bro what the [ __ ] how are you going to throw me under the bus like that guys relax it's just a noise complaint keep it down okay oh okay yeah we can keep the noise down enjoy your prom night no you were supposed to shut it down of course you would be behind this and why are you even still here oh I was peeing in that bush outside you're in second and I'm right behind you better watch your back I'm not worried wow you look don't I was just trying to be nice are you positive that we're going to win oh yeah I'm positive about it how do you know yeah that's because I rigged all the ballads so we would win what you rigged it sh it all worked out you wanted to be more popular and now you're second forever what I don't want to be second well you'll never be better than me everyone it's time to announce our prom king and queen your prom King for 2023 is Jack Daniels thank you guys I never would have seen this coming and for prom queen oh it looks like there's been a tie a tie no there can't be a tie you're not in the tie you didn't even make it to the finals the tie that you have is with Misty Daniels who's Misty uh my sister I didn't know you had a sister yeah I tried not to tell people I don't see Misty anywhere so Bailey do you want to come get your crown okay here you go would you like to say anything to the crowd yeah I would a week ago I would have cried with this crown on my head but now that I'm up here all I can think is why does it even matter I think all of you are special and beautiful and your own way so really this Crown belongs to everyone Bailey what are you doing I'm doing what's right everyone Jack cheated the system so that we would win go I would rather have no friends than friends that don't care about me so this rank means nothing to me at all looks like it doesn't matter anymore the ranks are gone it's gone you were right we don't need it get ready with me to go to a leyah cake concert except I genuinely only have 5 minutes to get ready I wish I was lying but I actually just have really poor time management skills how do I just have one little dinky [ __ ] bang hanging in my face I also have the fattest glass of wine you've ever seen what is happening with my tan [ __ ] I don't even know how to think what color is this oh my God that's so dark Fu just have like holes in the front of my eyebrow I don't know where the hair went but it's not there I hope that's not too much blush I guess we'll find oh my God I just stabbed myself in the eye got to conceal my under eyes cuz I literally went to bed at 5: in the morning last night everyone wants to have bangs until they're like this I could use a hair clip but I'm just [ __ ] lazy that was a lot bronzer because my body is spray tanned but my face is not all my eyelash extensions are literally falling out too so I have like four oh my God that was so much [ __ ] pink blush of course you know what else is pink it wouldn't be a complete look without my fake freckles okay I'm done with the makeup and I'm going to go get dressed as fast as humanly possible bye expiration in 5 hours huh I didn't know that drinks expire you idiot it's not when your drink expires well then what is it the expiration date is when your life expires what want to die well you don't have much of a choice are you okay no what's wrong I expire in 3 hours a I'm going to miss you great that helps a lot okay listen I know a guy that can help you really where do I find him he's in a cloak behind the dumpsters the password is spaghetti spaghetti got it hi I was wondering if you could help me what's the password spaghetti oh yeah my expiration date is really soon and I don't I want to die I can fix it but there might be side effects what kind of side effects a headache diarrhea I don't really know I can handle that let's do it if you say so hey look at that it actually worked this time uh I've never heard that side effect before no we can't just print more money that's not how it works but why not I want to be rich I can pause time or I can teleport what I want to do both of those I know what I should do [ __ ] I'm going to be so late time to see if this works I made it and what time to spare wao Bailey where did you come from what do you mean I've been here the whole time you definitely weren't nope I was here it's like you appeared out of thin air you guys are all crazy I was literally sitting here the entire time anyway we can't be friends with you anymore your outfit totally clashes with ours what are you guys sixth graders looks like someone needs a haircut I didn't mean to cut off this much why are you missing a chunk of hair Bailey did you cut my hair no I did not you're literally holding holding it oops She's A Freak she probably has like a hair fetish now you can be funny with no pants on it's so small ew Josh why did you pull your pants down why does it look like that it looks like a shrimp no the capital of the US is not the United Kingdom then why do they both have United in the name I can read people's minds or people can read my mind [ __ ] that's an easy Choice hey babe oh hey God I love boobs boobs boobs boobs uh is something wrong oh no nothing's wrong wrong have you done something different to your hair today I did not brush it this morning it looks like a bird's living in it excuse me what I said that it looks good yeah thanks I wonder what Miss Matthews is thinking about Miss Matthews I was wondering what I got on my last test I'm just a freak you you got a 4% this is not funny Bailey it wasn't a laugh it was a sneeze see how do I tell my girlfriend I got her sister pregnant you got my sister pregnant what how did you know that I'm a psychic I sense that you're a [ __ ] ass oh no oh no did you eat my leftovers when I told you not to M so yummy you're so annoying I told you I was going to eat that gobble gobble what are you a turkey you are not funny stop what is wrong with you Gizzy gobbler did you just call me a Gizzy gobler okay blink if you need help ooh too spicy have you blinked it all today thank you for the gift am I in a Sim ation right now Gizzy gobler please please stop calling me that anything but that why are you moving your arms like that is that a dumb [ __ ] excuse me I am not are you being possessed or something M I love ice cream okay that's it I'm calling the police right now morning hun here's your breakfast for today Mom do you have eyes I can't eat this I didn't pick that your soulmate did oh that's disgusting can I just eat something else no you're only allowed to eat what they choose for you do you have a pen pencil I can borrow no damn I was just asking for a pencil sorry I'm so hangry my soulmate didn't give me any breakfast that sucks mine gave me a shuchi board um is that a jar of mayo it's not even regular Mayo it's the vegan kind maybe they're a vegan I'm not eating a jar of mayo for lunch does this kid hate me can I have it I love Mayo e come on at least give me a side or something are you kidding me minced garlic bro thinks I'm a vampire you don't like garlic I eat it with a spoon you can have it weirdo they haven't even given me any water who cares I only drink Dr Pepper I don't care about the rules I need water now no don't do that what what's going to happen you can only eat what they choose forever now your breakfast sweetie finally this Bagel isn't moldy oh just kidding it actually is I'm starving what if I just keep ignoring what they tell me to eat I wouldn't do that if I were you I wish I got a Shar coochie board sticking out your Gat for the Whistler what are you sing singing please stop it hurts my ears sorry have you got any real food yet no they're definitely trying to kill me off good you're so annoying I think this is uncooked pasta you should try it maybe it's good no way dude I was just kidding why can't you just ignore your soulmate and eat whatever you want my mom told me not to a do you always listen to what your mommy tells you no refried beans come on M I'd slurp those up with a straw I can't do this anymore give me one of those grapes no haven't you learned anything why does it taste like that it switches your taste buds great I have to find them so that they'll give me real food before it's too late good luck you have nothing to go off of I don't know my arm is starting to look real tasty no your breakfast is here Mom this is a can of cat food yeah but there's cheddar in it you're married how did you and Dad find each other it took many many years I can't wait that long the only way to find out is to break into the factory I've never committed a crime but there's a first time for everything thank thanks more cat food what is wrong with you excuse me do you need something hi I'm here for a maintenance checkup oh go right on in that was way too easy hey what are you doing back here stay back are you threatening me with a bottle of fze I need to find out who my soulmate is that's what everyone says who doesn't want to do the work they haven't fed me in days why didn't you say that that's illegal looks like your soulmate is Jack Smith Jack that little bit Jack I need to talk to you right now now oh hey have you met my new girlfriend Macy girlfriend I've been feeding her five course meals all week so just curious what have you been giving to your soulmate then the trash from whatever my girlfriend has if you don't mind we're going to go eat some wagoo that's like $100 a piece my princess deserves the best so did you tell him no I didn't tell him I don't want him can I just like switch soulmates no dude you can't a single peut what am I a squirrel at least it's edible this is the only real food he's given me in days you need to do something wait I should trick him seriously can't you just tell him like a normal person no hey Macy are you allergic to anything by chance I'm super allergic to peanuts oh my gosh I'm so sorry that sucks bye Jack I have something to tell you it's so important sure what's up your girlfriend just told me she loves peanut butter it's her favorite thing ever I didn't know thank you for telling me yes it worked this is the best day of my life you're insane hey I need to talk to you right now I'm kinding busy you set me up I did not set you up you told me that she loves peanut butter that's what she said she's deathly allergic to it oh I must have misheard her sorry are you insane where didd you even get that peanut butter the grocery store yeah right you were mocking me because you've always had a crush on me I do not like you Everyone likes me you are so delusional it's honestly Brave whatever that peanut butter wasn't enough I'm still hungry you should get lunch in a sec where's my food uh there's nothing there nothing I didn't even know you were allowed to do that how long can humans go for without food I think it's like 2 hours or something you just need to talk to him don't you think it's a little late for that there must be another way there is no other way with a magic potion you can turn the table so you choose what he eats who are you I'm no one bye maybe I should listen to her are you insane you're probably hallucinating what is this it's the potion the old lady was talking about before why is it brown and chunky no balls you won't drink it what did you say wait dude I was kidding how did it taste oh my God that was foul wait it worked maybe the old lady was real and you weren't hallucinating I get to pick for him now that was so worth it you almost threw up soulmate eats raw fish or hamburger you're not getting good food dog food or broccoli this one's payback for the cat food come on don't you think that's a little harsh like I haven't been starving for the past couple days you're going to make him sick good Jack could you answer number four for the class oh I ew I'm so sorry my soul M's been giving me rotten food all day dude I told you you have to give him water he was throwing up do I though yes that's like really bad no I don't think I'm done yet Jack if your soulmate is putting you in danger you can report it as an emergency then the turns will restore you can what yeah she is putting me in danger no one told me that I mean you did trust a random old grandma Mercy reported [ __ ] you've dug yourself a hole this time I can't starve for the rest of my life I need my Chick-fil-A seriously that's what you're worried about just go tell him okay fine Jack you need to think about your soulmate why should I she was trying to kill me because if you keep not giving her any food she could die good I hope she does I don't want her actually I'm going to send her her lunch right now no don't pick anything I shouldn't I send my soulmate lunch because you should just give her nothing you just told me to feed her I changed my mind you know she she was trying to kill you so just don't give her any food at all yeah you're right dude what was that I panicked okay I can help you listen Grandma last time you did this it got flipped around even worse I don't trust you and that potion tasted like [ __ ] that's what it was made of spray this on him and he'll fall in love with you this is just a bath and body work spray but it's magical Jack you should really try some of this it'll smell good on you e stop wait you're actually really pretty oh thanks I should break up with my girlfriend and date you um I just want you to give your soulmate real food I'll do whatever you want so did it work oh it definitely worked hey guys what's up oh my God where did you come from I followed you can I have a kiss I would rather drink gasoline ew why am I so close to you what I forgot to mention it only last 10 minutes girl this is why I don't trust you e why are you so close to me because I'm your soulmate no you're not why are you lying to me right now what no I'm not lying I wouldn't be your soulmate if we were the last two people on Earth you you can't ignore the soulmate system I don't care what the system says yeah cuz your plan worked out so much better than mine you got scammed by a grandma twice what is that is this a pill yeah Sherlock good one you should take it are you crazy I think he's actually trying to kill me off now you have no idea what it even is ew This is like a rotting Starbucks drink it's because you pissed him off so bad this isn't fair why do I get a shitty soulmate mine gives me steak for dinner hello ladies first of all whose grandma is this you need to be on a leash I know some information no we're not doing this again it's about who your soulmate is I know who my soulmate is I forgot to tell you that he is not your soulmate ja is not your soulmate what what are you talking about you've been talking to the wrong person and you're just telling me this now well I guess it never came up Jack has a brother why does that make a difference because his brother is your soulmate but I found out that it was Jack he switched names with his brother in order to cover up the expulsion he got are you kidding me I do not kid Jack what is your real name uh it's actually Nathan why where is your brother uh I think he's like over there Hi I know this is weird but I think that I'm your soulmate hi I'm so sorry you must be so hungry yeah why were you sending all that stuff my brother spent all our money on food for his girlfriend that was all I had I'm so sorry no no it's totally okay I get it I would never treat my soulmate like that I'm so glad I found you me too expired May 1998 that's not that long ago wait don't use that why not it's just powder I heard that it burned a hole in one girl's face Are you seriously wearing that on your date tonight hey what's wrong with this it looks like you haven't washed it in a few days at least my clothes don't look like they're from Kmart ew did you just throw up mhm you have to cancel if you're sick but they're so hot hey I'm not going to be able to make it tonight I just threw up sorry why did my Dodge death count just go up after I sent that text relax it was probably because of the Uber or something who do you invite over uh no one probably a Salesman oh hi I felt bad that you were sick so I brought you a drink how did you find where I live I didn't tell you I have my ways here the drink thanks take a sip I'm okay my grandma made it special for you okay I'll be sure to try it later have a good night I think my dat is trying to kill me good you're such an annoying sister I think my date was trying to kill me good you're annoying I hope so this man is still on the loose for killing multiple women what's on the TV can you turn it up dude wasn't that your date you have to tell the police I can't I don't have any evidence of him doing anything there must be something I have to catch him myself no are you insane a little hey are you free tonight for a date send he said yes what kind of crazy person meets up with a killer hey this is such a nice restaurant I feel underdressed you are but whatever so what do you do for a living I'm an actor no big deal have I seen you in anything yeah it was tree number three in the Wizard of Oz why don't you have some water before dinner no I'm not thirsty so where do you live what is this an interrogation why do you care just curious your food looks a little Bland let me put some salt on it no I don't want salt my food stop is your phone voice recording what no it's not yes it is I see it dude that was my phone sorry did you need that how did you only get one brain cell today it's like there's no thoughts in your head you just think of Sparkles and rainbows yes Bailey you got a zero on your test you just wrote slave for every answer on this one you didn't even write anything you just drew a smiley face you look so pale here put on some blush um what are you doing that is definitely not how you're supposed to use it it goes on your face you know what yeah you're doing great sweetie try this lip gloss instead okay no you just have to twist to open it none of these things are edible they're for your face not your teeth you need to wipe that off drink this to get it off your teeth what the [ __ ] you're supposed to drink it out of the top okay what please please stop doing that I will be right back don't do anything stupid while I'm gone okay what who gave her a lighter she lit her hair on fire you got two brain cells it doesn't look like the second one is doing much hey Bailey you have to listen to everything I say today okay okay guys this is my life-size Malibu Barbie doll give them away oh my God I want one she even has some signature slogans roast beef I don't think that's one of them how about we try a different phrase are you my daddy sorry she must be malfunctioning or something let's just try a nice normal one boobies okay seriously what are we fourth graders H she can do some tricks too show them um why is she making that face ew what the [ __ ] so if she's like a robot doll she must be smart what's the capital of the US Barbie land um no that's not the capital Mommy milkers why is she looking at me like that I will kill your entire family finally you got brain cells today the Eiffel Tower has 1,710 steps [ __ ] what watching TV Burns 10% more calories than sleeping wait a second tell me another fun fact flamingos can only eat with their heads upside down you're like a walking encyclopedia follow me right now that sounds delightful first to guess how many jelly beans are in this Ferrara gets to keep it so how many jelly beans are inside the car 1,425 789 that's exactly right enjoy your new Ferrari wait can you do my homework too done how did you finish that in 2 seconds huh what else do you know a pig's orgasm last for 30 minutes okay maybe let's not repeat that one how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop 364 this is so cool you know everything human corpses can continue to move for a year after death okay someone turn her off now you can't be stupid again today you have to lead us in the debate those seven brain cells better do the work bro she cannot compete she's as smart as a toenail hey Bailey what you doing magic yeah we're screwed I'd like both parties to present themselves to everyone Hi I enjoy sleeping and eating dude what this is going to be such an easy win I love pineapple on Pizza give me your thoughts on saving the economy I believe we should replace currency with selfies interesting take how would that work sexy selfies are worth more than ugly selfies wow that's brilliant if you could elect one person to become president who would it be Taylor Swift good job that was the only right answer Bailey has won the debate for her team this has got to be a prank where are the cameras oh of course you would get 69 brain cells we have to go come on slay Bailey you're giving a tour to the Freshman today give me one magarita I'mma open my legs let's not encourage the Freshman to do that is our t guide okay why is she biting a makeup brush carrot and cottage cheese I'm scared to go to high school because I'm ugly and everyone bullies me that's so real aren't you supposed to tell me it'll be better does that mean you think I'm ugly du what you don't have to yell so does this school have a mascot I'm just Ken sweet I want a Mojo Dojo Casa house does everyone in high school act like this Bailey I'm going to have to revoke your position as tour guide this is so sick and [ __ ] twst it um what is that a crystal okay please leave I don't want to go to high school did she just dab hey yo she got the moves Mom can you come pick me up yes finally you're smart again a cockroach has the ability to live for one year without its head okay anyway come with me I have an idea welcome to Jeopardy today's contestants are Bailey and Steve what do you call a group of giraffes what is a tower yes that's correct what is the largest type of frog what is a Goliath frog that is also correct what is the name of the dragon that helps mulong who is Mushu looks like we have a winner I didn't even get to answer anything congratulations Bailey you won $2 million the dollar bill was invented in 1862 do you know which lottery ticket is the winning one that one oh my God you're right we just won the jackpot of $10 million it's like you're a robot Scotland chose the Unicorn as its national animal uh that's cool I guess humans spend an average of 1 year on the toilet in their lifetime ew how are you so smart but so stupid at the same time Froot Loops are all the same flavor despite their different colors what my whole life has been a lie four brain cells are you kidding me you're basically a toddler spaghetti this is going to be a long day is there even like a single thought behind those eyes I smell like beef okay so the answer is no Bailey put the fire down right now bad bad girl oh my God please please do not cry it's fine I'm sorry okay everyone will need to draw a portrait for their art final slay the house down everyone please show me uh Bailey you literally made handsome Squidward see why don't you try again and just draw the first thing that comes to your mind right now murder okay maybe not that seriously how do you even keep getting a lighter put it down o you're smart can you please take my midterm for me I'm going to fail in 5 years you're going to start balding um what how do you know that I know everything in the universe like you can see into the future am I finally going to get a boyfriend no but you will adopt 13 cats are you kidding me I don't want to die alone please tell me that you're lying I'm incapable of lying everyone I'm selling psychic readings for $20 am I going to have my dream job in 5 years you'll be living in your parents basement with a receding hairline my hairline can't reced I already have a big forehead can you tell me something cool about the future Taylor Swift will be elected president in 2030 sweet come my is my boyfriend what kind of job am I going to have you'll go viral on Tik Tok for using Gorilla to glue a wig down wait that's such a good idea it'll save forever then what about me where will I be you'll be dead what you've got to be kidding why would you say that I'm just kidding I thought that you couldn't lie or am I Bailey thank gosh you're here is there a Tamp on in your nose take that out right now put on this apron and get to work we need you CH cha cha CH stop messing around put your apron on the right way is butter a carb I'm losing brain cells just talking to you hi can I please get an iced latte I like apples and bananas wow that's great um are you going to make my coffee I don't want that you just took a sip out of it oh sorry dude what the [ __ ] do you guys have any Baristas that aren't insane could I get a number six please are we even real okay I came here for food not an existential crisis yummy yummy is this a joke are you trying to poison me right now because I will call corporate on you let me speak to your manager okay one second what are you doing hi I'm the manager oh you think you're so funny huh I'm going to give you guys one star on Yelp you are acting like a child an ugly pimply [ __ ] hello finally are you going to be normal today I'm Peppa Pig and this is Daddy Pig nope you're still weird today you're babysitting the neighbor kids you can take a ride on my big green tractor I feel so sorry for them hey what are you holding you put this up your okay let's not tell the kids that where did babies come from I don't know I looked up pictures on Google and it was really scary what's 2+ two oh six I'm not good at math but I definitely don't think it's six can you get me a drink I'm thirsty um that's peanut butter at this point I feel like I'm babysitting you can we play Barbies together no no that is not how you play with the Barbie you have to be nice to her oh my God Mom can you please come home right now I'm so scared how'd you even get the Barbie to stay like that I adabra I think your six brain cells are just doing the cotton ey Joe in there hello and welcome to your Harvard interview hola Meo Bailey you're bilingual that's amazing I seem to have lost my pen do you have one I could borrow how did you fit a lamp into your bag you're a wizard Harry and you have a sense of humor great you are KF we love people that support mental health tell me something about yourself bill bill bill bill bill NY the Science Guy oh my gosh I'm a huge bill NY fan too slugs are just divorced snails I've never thought about it that way it's true do you have any other talents I want to ride I want to ride horseback riding I love it of course you do what is your greatest strength gaslighting persuasive we would love to offer you a spot at Harvard in the fall do you want to play mermaids I've been waiting for that question my whole life I don't exist um what what are you doing pick a number for what each number gives you a different amount of prize money so I don't know what I'm going to get no that's the whole point it's a gamble well two is my favorite 69 I can't even buy anything with that that sucks I got $300 it's fine I bet I'll have better luck next time is that a Louis Vuitton bag yeah I bought it with the money that I won this morning so did you buy anything good I don't need to buy anything I wouldn't be able to live without my Chanel bags let's see if I do any better this time $3 wow that's tragic aren't you upset about it no I'm fine I only got $1,000 this morning I got 3,000 really that's still a lot of money yeah but it could have been more it's not fair you should be grateful that you got any everyone is about to be the last round okay just going to go directly in the middle um are you okay what did you get nothing no choose a life to live I don't think I should get on the submarine so princess it is am I princess or a cupcake in this stress princess come on we need to get going now to what your speech of course in front of the whole Kingdom I can't I think I'm sick don't be foolish let's go first you start out with your song and then you give the speech it's so simple please welcome princess be hello everyone I would like to start us off with a song wake up in the morning feeling like P didy grab my I'm talking okay okay that's quite enough and that will be all for the song portion now give them your announcement yes everyone the announcement is that I'm pregnant no no oh my God that's not the announcement what is wrong with you right now I told you I wasn't feeling very well you have made this whole kingom a laughing stock don't think I'm cut out to be a princess an artist or a p star I don't know what that means artist it is hi are you the artist for today I think so great you'll be doing a portrait of my daughter yeah I can definitely do that you are so pretty we'll be paying you $100,000 for this piece okay let's begin [Music] voila I am all done amazing let me see it okay here you go what the [ __ ] is that what do you mean I got all the details and everything even the bracelet you're wearing absolutely not it looks like a kindergartener did it do it again fine I'll do it again is this one more close to your liking what is wrong with you you're fired so can't believe that girl didn't like my painting a high school teacher or an assassin I don't think I can handle 30 high schoolers let's hope that I have good aim sick I look cool this time hey we have a very important job for you me yes you must kill this 27-year-old CEO but he didn't do anything wrong it doesn't matter a rival company paid us to kill him take this all you have to do is dump it in his drink the payout for this job is $1 million okay I'm not even old enough to go into a bar ma'am ID please I'm here for the city safety inspection oh I am so sorry about that ma'am come right in thank you that should not have been that easy hi is this seat taken no no it's not would you actually mind watching this drink while I go to the bathroom of course it would be no problem hey I'm back how about we do a cheers to meeting tonight yeah cheers wait a second can't wait to see what place I am in line for the throne this is so stupid we're all going to be like a millionth in line or something hey you never know who doesn't want to be royalty no thank you I wouldn't last a day with my mouth when I'm a princess I'm going to banish you in your dreams oh I'm over a millionth in line what about you 500,000 dang you're closer than me see I told you none of us were going to be close okay I have to go to my room now bye third how am I third I don't own a single nice thing I buy all my jewelry from Amazon breaking news the person first in line for the throne has been slaughtered everyone has moved up one place was probably just a flute Luke Aon or something it'll be okay sis what get down here right now why were you yelling did you see the news there's a killer going after the people who are close in line for the throne say what now good thing we're super far back right yeah good thing are you okay if we find the killer we get a million dooll cash prize we have to we have to find the Killer and get the prize money we can't do that we probably have four brain cells combined are you kidding that money could change everything clearly your two aren't working because I am not doing that come on we can split it I'm going to do it anyway and I know you get worried fine okay I'll do it they said it's a brown-haired 6-foot man how are we going to take down a 6-foot man I don't know about you but I'm pretty strong please you cried yesterday because you broke nail it was a new set he was last seen on Sixth Street let's go now looks like we're not the only people looking for this guy oh [ __ ] I dropped my wallet oh I'll get it what was that we have to go hide now come on attention the person first in line for the throne has been slaughtered again everyone has moved up why were they aiming at you okay so I might have lied about what place I was what place are you I was third that's not helpful what are you now I'm first and you didn't tell me why would you come with me I don't know you pressured me I give in easily you're so stupid are you first in line yes come with us right now huh you have to come with us please don't kill me I'm too pretty to die no we're not going to kill you we're going to protect you protect me you're first in line and there's a killer on the loose in case of emergency we need first in line wait like for real yes to become royalty but I don't know anything about being royalty that's why we're here to help you we have to go with them okay let's go no she can't come with she has to come with me fine but she must be quiet you can't blow the cover deal I don't think I'm ready to be a princess you don't have to as long as the king and queen are alive okay good but the Killer is still on the loose why haven't you guys caught him because people keep giving us different descriptions what we think that someone may be trying to throw us off or there might be more than one more than one person but no need to worry or be scared we're here to save you no no I'm not scared at all who would why would you think that okay the king and queen are missing what do you mean missing I mean that they're not in here it's got a bunch of really cute stuff from romwe so of course we're going to do a try on haul first we have this adorable striped flowy top I just really like the movement that the skirt gives me these pants fit me genuinely perfectly and I love all the stars I am going to be wearing this top all the time now just in case you weren't feeling the black top we have a second option I feel like a fairy princess I am obsessed with all the details on this skirt and the fun hem I cannot wait to wear all of these also remember R marks the spot search Mystery Box to dig up your exclusive Black Friday deals today I'm going to try to do a full face of makeup using this filter I do not have a mirror in front of me so we're just going to be going off of this I don't know if this Foundation is going to be able to cover up my Sick Beard it's even worse if I turn my head up I got 3 hours of sleep last night so I need this honestly the cheekbones are already snatched just now notice that the nose is lopsided okay something in my tooth that that been there the whole time I'm putting on a lot cuz I want to be blushing to the gods can't forget the nose oh I fear that may have been too much why did I just notice that there are no eyebrows yes we will not be doing my eyebrows at all the beard is transferring onto my hand they're coming for me it won't even line up oh no y filler in I don't know what that looks like round number two oh why is it glitching you think this lip color will go with my beard why are they lopsided this is the best way to do it what happened here okay guys I think that it's time for the reveal in three two one I'm processing both of these wings are just tragic eyebrows are also throwing me off I definitely made my lips uneven I'm going to have to go fix this but let me know which filter I should try next I don't know why I do this to myself but let's do makeup with this filter on if you didn't believe that I'm not using an extra mirror I am so committed to the bit I need more Foundation because my head is so big right now bombastic side why is my body completely normal you guys think the Contour is going to help no such thing as too much blush I'm going to need a lot for this nose got to set it because I'm greasy ier than a McDonald's chicken nugget I want to have contoured like Kim K can't even tell what I'm doing need to fix the front make sure they stay up all day I don't know if that's good or not want so much blush that looks like Barbie threw up on me and now I will be a disco ball oh my God my nose I will never forget my freckles oh no what does my finger look like that I have to do eyeliner this is not going to go well for me I feel like that looks kind of good side is way harder this one's definitely not as good this lipstick smells like a crayon it's giving fish from fishtails I think that was everything okay revealing three 3 2 1 okay hang on it's not that bad gets a lot worse if we zoom in though look at that eyebrow how did I even do that but like from a distance it's kind of good let me know which filter I should do next happy birthday sweetheart thanks can I have a piece of cake now no not yet a but you can't have your gift headphones but I don't even have a phone yet they're not for your phone whatever you do you cannot take them off but why I can't tell you until you're older okay Miss no headphones in class I already told you Miss Smith I am not allowed to take them off you're such such a weird child why can't you take them off um I'm not really sure my mom just said I can't take them off you've never asked why do you just listen to everything your mommy says I've never really asked well you should I'm having a party tonight you should come really but you can't wear the headphones hey what did I tell you about the headphones you're not allowed to come inside until you take them off okay fine I'll do it let's see what you're hiding what where did she go hello what do you mean I'm right here she vanished hello how was is that possible play hot seat for a million dollar dude you have to play me and all my friends are what does that even mean it gives you a question and you have to answer within 30 seconds what if I don't want to answer it then you're out and you don't get the money just play fine you're right what's my favorite color seriously is this what it's going to be they get harder as we go on pink wao that's a quick change of pace well what is it okay when I was seven I ran over a mom's leg with my bike and then I left her there you're the one who broke Miss cat's leg have you ever lied to your parents oh yeah definitely I'm sorry Bailey did you just say that you've lied to us what no I didn't who was the last person you kissed don't be shy tell us who it was it was Michelle [ __ ] like my best friend Michelle seriously these are not bad at all okay but don't speak too soon waa I told you they were going to get worse no of course I have never killed someone oh I have what dude relax I was just just kidding are you sure what the [ __ ] do you mean am I sure yes have you ever punched someone in the face oh absolutely I punched a lot of people when did you do that you don't know everything about me you better watch out no I have never punched somebody do you know why your mom is single yeah her ex-husband cheated on her yeah du that's exactly what happened do you know what this is talking about no I don't know anything I don't know what you're talking about no I don't know who with I think we should just drop out of the game it's too much why are you getting suspicious all of a sudden I'm not being suspicious what did you know that your mom cheated with the pool boy [ __ ] you weren't supposed to know no I didn't know that seriously let's just quit sis what does this mean I told you I have no clue you definitely know something I didn't even know that the pool boy was dead that's because he's not he's definitely alive still no I don't know how he died Bailey you you need to stop playing this game now just don't answer the next question really cuz I don't think I'm done yet seriously I'm warning you where was I on June 17th um I don't know oh right that's when mom made me go to the community pool instead of ours dude come on it's not funny anymore stop someone killed him I have to find out the truth you are going to regret this I don't know who killed the Poo boy well [ __ ] I told you to stop you have to keep keep blinking girl I'm trying I'm kind of forgetting how to Blink what how many did you get two you cannot let them run out hey Bailey look at me no why you're just staring at the wall I know you're going to make me try to Blink and I literally have two so don't do it class today for homec we're going to be cutting up some onions are you kidding me can I opt out of this activity no it's a mandatory grade I feel sick fine okay thank you honey what's wrong you look like a deer in headlights I don't have any BLS you need to take some eye drops I can't take eye drop those will make me blink your eyes are irritated you need to hey wait I'll give you some blinks I have a lot oh my gosh thank you okay I think they're transferring right now oh my gosh you're a lifesaver does this mean I can get your number now that was fast and forward why are you still making that face what face sh you have blinks oh I forgot you almost ran out of blinks be careful oh it's fine no one even knows what happens when you run out um I do you die what I cannot believe that you didn't know how do you know that I thought it was obvious that everyone knew whatever you do don't run out of blanks you're freaking me out 10 9 8 s guys what's going on in here Billy's about to use all of his blinks at once stop don't do it Bo annoying [ __ ] if you run out of blinks you die what I only have five wait guys don't panic everyone calm down crying will use up your blinks uh-oh we're all going to die guys please there must be another way we can just not blink what if everyone just kept their eyes closed how is everyone going to see if our eyes are shut it's better than Totally Running Out of blinks there is no way this is going to work okay open your eyes how many blinks did you lose it only went down one that means it works everybody close your eyes everyone's just going to start running into the walls well it's better than everybody dying huh I guess so I think that it's this W oh that looked like it hurt everyone we need your attention now I wonder what this is about you don't die when you run out of blinks you just can't see so you're a liar what no I didn't know but you told me that haa sorry I lied April fools it's not even April get her guys please it was a mistake can't wait to see what place I am in line for the throne this is so stupid we're all going to be like a millionth online or something hey you never know who doesn't want to be royalty no thank you I wouldn't last a day with my mouth when I'm a princess I'm going to banish you in your dreams oh I'm over a millionth in line what about you 500,000 dang you're closer than me see I told you none of us were going to be close okay I have to go to my room now bye third how am I third I don't own a single nice thing I buy all my jewelry from Amazon breaking news the person first in line for the throne has been slaughtered everyone has moved up one place it was probably just a fluke accident or something it'll be okay sis what get down here right now why were you yelling did you see the news there's a killer going after the people who we're close in line for the throne say what now good thing we're super far back right yeah good thing are you okay if we find the killer we get a million doll cash prize we have to we have to find the Killer and get the prize money we can't do that we probably have four brain cells combined are you kidding that money could change everything clearly your two aren't working because I am not doing that come on we can split it I'm going to do it anyway and I know you get worried fine okay I'll do it they said it's a brown-haired 6foot man how are we going to take down a 6foot man I don't know about you but I'm pretty strong please you cried yesterday because you broke a nail it was a new set he was last seen on Sixth Street let's go now looks like we're not the only people looking for this guy oh [ __ ] I dropped my wallet oh I'll get it what was that we have to go hide now come on attention the person first in line for the throne has been slaughtered again everyone has moved up why were they aiming at you okay so I might have lied about what place I was what place are you I was third that's not helpful what are you now I'm first and you didn't tell me why would you come with me I don't know you pressured me I give in easily you're so stupid are you first in line yes come with us right now huh you have to come with us please don't kill me I'm too pretty to die no we're not going to kill you we're going to protect you protect me you're first in line and there's a killer on the loose in case of emergency we need first in line wait like for real yes to become royalty but I don't know anything about being royalty that's why we're here to help you we have to go with them okay let's go no she can't come with she has to come with me fine but she must be quiet you can't blow the cover deal I don't think I'm ready to be a princess you don't have to as long as the king and queen are alive okay good but the Killer is still on the loose why haven't you guys caught him because people keep giving us different descriptions what we think that someone may be trying to throw us off or there might be more than one more than one person but no need to worry or be scared we're here to save you no no I'm not scared at all who would why would you think that okay the king and queen are missing what do you mean missing I mean that they're not in here hey does this shirt look bad on me yeah it's hideous on you I really hope that my soulmate has never lied to yeah I don't think that it's a good thing you have no friends because you're so brutal I have friends your squish mows don't count bestie have you heard the rumor no what rumor well I heard that ladies no talking I'll have to separate you you can't switch our seats I have social anxiety and she's the only one that I like you should have thought about that before disrupting the whole class go sit with Jack oh can I please sit somewhere else he smells so bad you know I can hear right I don't even smell I showered like 2 days ago sorry that was a little bit brutal yeah you think so where are you from stinky um I was born in uh Maryland yeah what part of Maryland the one where they catch the crabs that's definitely not true who [ __ ] cares anyway I can lie if I want to get ready with me to go to a leak cake concert except I genuinely only have 5 minutes to get ready I wish I was lying but I actually just have really poor time management skills how do I just have one little dinky [ __ ] bang hanging in my face I also have the fattest glass of wine you've ever seen what is happening with my tan [ __ ] I don't even know how to think what color is this oh my God that's so dark [ __ ] just have like holes in the front of my eyebrow I don't know where the hair went but it's not there I hope that's not too much blush I guess we'll find it oh my God I just stabbed myself in the eye got to conceal my under eyes cuz I literally went to bed at 5:00 in the morning last night everyone wants to have bangs until they're like this I could use a hair CLP but I'm just [ __ ] lazy that was a lot bronzer because my body is spray tanned but my face is not my eyelash extensions are literally falling out too so I have like four oh my God that was so much [ __ ] pink blush of course know what else is pink it wouldn't be a complete look without my fake freckles okay I'm done with the makeup and I'm going to go get dressed as fast as humanly possible bye morning why am I a girl no I'm definitely a girl right now honey get down here you're going to be late for school uh I can't I have my period don't be silly just put a Tamp on in come on why does it look like a weapon we have to go now get dressed hey bro what's up did you see the game last night um what I mean nothing bye you have got to be joking what are you wearing what what do you mean I've never seen you wear anything but pink does your hat say milk yeah you know it give me one no I'm not going to give you one Whatever let's go we have to watch over the new cheerleaders the cheerleaders because we're the captains don't tell me you don't remember of course I remember hey why don't you come demonstrate the cheers with me no I'm good I'm feeling sick but I love watching okay if you say so what's the matter towel boy aren't you going to pick that one up what a loser oh [ __ ] expiration in 5 hours huh I didn't know that drinks expire you idiot it's not when your drink expires well then what is it the expiration date is when your life expires what want to die well you don't have much of a choice are you okay no what's wrong I expire in 3 hours a I'm going to miss you great that helps a lot okay listen I know a guy that can help you really where do I find him he's in a cloak behind the dumpsters the password is spaghetti spaghetti got it hi I was wondering if you could help me what's the password spaghetti oh yeah my expiration date is really soon and I don't want to die I can fix it but there might be side effects what kind of side effects a headache diarrhea I don't I don't really know I can handle that let's do it if you say so hey look at that it actually worked this time I uh I've never heard that side effect before can't sleep with your professor he's like 70 he'll turn into dust I have a thing for dels only speak in song lyrics or don't speak at all I cannot shut up did you do something different to your hair it looks like [ __ ] why you got to be so mean I'm trying to save you okay so did you see that your boyfriend cheated on you with Macy again my all then I get hurt I always thought he was ugly anyway what are you going to do about it karma is my boyfriend babe why would you make a Tik to talk about me I'm getting dragged in the comments do you even like me I like you I do you said get ready with me to break up with my boyfriend I love you how could you do this you can't love anyone cuz that would mean you had a heart 2 years down the drain whatever we're over God it's brutal out here romance is dead
Channel: QO Bee Storytime
Views: 173,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cake Storytime, Text To Speech, storytime, asmr, text to speech, cakestorytime, asmr cake, cake storytime tiktokCake Storytime, slime storytime
Id: LqazNywApxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 51sec (3591 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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