1 D.VA TIP vs EVERY HERO ft. McGravy (2021)

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[Music] hey what's going on guys my name is car cute and today we have a guest that has the full diva package a former pro and halsey's favorite cosplayer mcgravy hey guys i'm mcgravy and if you don't know me i am a former professional off-tank player who played for the la valiant and florida mayhem in the overwatch league and now i just stream over at twitch.tv slash mcgravy so let's quickly start off with the diva general tip defense matrix is not the only way to avoid taking damage try using your matrix in large open spaces and then use whatever cover you have to hide and charge up your matrix if you find yourself out of matrix but need to save a teammate don't be afraid to jump in there turn your back to avoid headshots and bodyblock the damage and with that out of the way let's get started you're not typically going to be 1v1 in a diva in most cases but ensuring that your matrix or micromissiles will keep you healthier and allow you to keep high ground control and space for your team another easy way to kill diva players is to follow the baby diva ashy's following after using your diva bump orisa falls into the category of must-eat abilities with their pull most mustied abilities have a key sound cue that will help you know when that ability is being used orisa's pull is a slow but very powerful ability so actively keeping an eye on it is key when you know erisa has supercharger position yourself on a side angle or high ground and get behind the shield and shoot the supercharger similar to erisa ryan is a shield hero that excels when damage is all coming from one angle utilize your mobility and shoot the rhine from the back whenever possible it will make him hesitant to take space and swing his hammer when throwing diva bombs at ryan try and throw it so it's either right above or slightly behind him this will force him to turn his shield upwards or turn around giving your team an opportunity to kill him everyone knows the matrix the follow-up shot after roadhog's hooks but another very easy way to deny roadhog from getting hook kills is to boop him with your boosters while he's hooking when he's ulting it is very slow and he can't use take a breather since he's locked in the animation use this opportunity to throw a bomb at him and secure an easy kill a simple but very underrated tip is that since sigma had his shield cooldown change from one second to two most sigmas leave their shields out for longer now simply using your missiles and shooting the shield whenever possible gets a lot of value most sigmas when they use their ults they have a habit of flying very high into the sky on maps where it's suitable you can easily diva bomb the sigma out of the sky with your bomb winston and diva's movement cooldowns are very similar but diva is much stronger than the 1v1 because of the shotguns you should constantly be moving around the map and denying the winston from taking space you can also use your booster jet to poop every engagement jump when wrecking ball is looking for an engagement fly up in the air to boot the ball out of his initial power drive location which can cause him to miss completely every diva wants to eat a zarya grab so here's how i do it with a high degree of success simply play out of the zarya's line of sight when you know she has grav if the zarya can't see your actual model she will be encouraged to find a way to use your graph and that's when you pop out and flash your matrix if you are in the line of sight of the zarya try using your full two seconds of matrix but halfway through the cast look down or away to pull the matrix into the wall or floor then quickly bring it back the zarya will see the matrix get off her screen thinking you deactivated it and will think she's free to grab but ash's dynamite is another ability that falls into the must matrix category listen to the sound cue and when you go to matrix the dynamite wiggle it a little bit ash's dynamite hitbox is very weird so wiggling your crosshairs slightly will improve your success rate on matrix unit when ash uses bob sometimes i like to walk into the bob so he collides and stops then i'll fly away this prevents bob from reaching strong positions and protects my back line from his line of sight when bastion is in his ultimate form players will often shoot once use your shot to rocket jump then shoot again cycle your matrix between each of these shot windows when doomfist is looking to uppercut combo one of your squishy teammates fly into him matrix his bullets and boop him out of his combo diva is one of the best characters to limit echo's effectiveness in the game echo sticky bombs are in the must matrix category for me so listen to the sound q and really focus on eating those because it denies a lot of her burst damage potential on maps with low sky boxes such as anubis or king's row position yourself on high grounds and monitor her flight usage once she starts floating to the ground she is a very easy target to burst out of the sky just outright booping genji blades nowadays is less effective instead try saving your diva bombs for his blades when he dashes in poop him backwards and then fly straight up and release a bomb this will zone him from the area where he wants to use his blade hanzo is a pretty immobile character when he's out in the open space if there are no walls for the hanzo to climb it is very easy to just fly onto him and burst him down to engage you can fly towards him and do a little wiggle to minimize the chance of him hitting the first charge headshot i'm usually not wasting my matrix as i'm flying to him since he's really only going to get one solid charged arrow if he tries charging a second arrow it lowers his movement speed and he'll just die from my burst it's much more important to use matrix to eat his storm arrows which will likely come after that first shot once it comes use your missiles and hold your matrix to eat as many of the storm arrows as you can junkrat's ultimate lets out a very loud voice line when he ults to indicate where the tire is coming from when you are close to where he is tiring use your mobility to your advantage and find where he is hiding and secure that free kill other than that just look to eat some of his grenade damage wherever possible including his passive if he dies since his health and role buff mccree players love to flank but it is very hard to kill him solo always keep an eye out for where the mccree player is and if you can't see him check the flanks you won't be able to outright kill him but forcing him back is good enough when he uses dead eye wait a second or two then hold your matrix out for the entire duration and pray your entire team uses the opportunity to get out of line of sight if they die well not much you can do about that may players will try to freeze you before throwing down their blizzard to ensure it doesn't get eaten if you notice you're getting slowed fly away briefly but don't be afraid to turn back around and hold matrix on her you'd be surprised at the amount of maize who think you're fully retreating and go for a blizzard in which case you can now eat when farrah uses her jump jet and concussion blast at the same time to get high in the air this is the perfect time to throw a bomb and catch her out in the air for a quick kill since she has no more movement abilities there's a chance you can get a mercy as well if she uses barrage use up all your matrix and just before it runs out fly into her so that she eliminates herself from the splash damage off your mech generally versus most heroes i would advise flicking your matrix on and off but versus reaper the best thing you can do is use all of your matrix to completely seal off reaper self-sustain so you can force his wraith or kill him outright soldier is a very high ground oriented hero use your boosters to boof him off the high ground if he puts down his biotic field just don't bother matrix stall to get out of line of sight and wait it out since he's almost impossible to burst down when it's up always have your guns firing and spy check the sombra to try and break her out of invisibility another small tip is if you see summer's locator at a distance use your micro missiles and kill it and communicate that you broke the locator to your team sit in key locations where sim might want to teleport and burst a teleporter down quickly with your missiles if they make it through the teleporter before you can break it quickly use your boob to disorient them or even knock them off the high ground diva is a close range hero with heavy falloff on her shotgun damage but her micro missiles have no fall off use your missiles to poke out the torp turret before the fight begins against tracer try to cycle your matrix between her shots and reloads it won't be perfect but it will minimize a lot of her damage try saving your micro missiles until after tracer has recall and fly into her and do as much burst damage as she comes out of recall if you time it right you can nearly kill her in one shot alternatively if you're ever out of mech and see a tracer recall you can predict where she's going to end up and get the new cheeky remit kill on wide open maps like juggertown first or ilio's runes fly straight into the air and scout where the widow is playing and relay that info to your team when engaging on a sniper or really any hero that does high headshot burst damage try turning your back frequently so they can't hit your head she's really squishy now and should die very quickly diving anna is all about patience try not to blow any of your cooldowns until the anna is half or nearly half then swoop in and hold your matrix and missiles and the ana will be forced to nade into your matrix you can also look to hold your matrix against low hp enemies to prevent ana from healing them immortality field is one of the strongest abilities in the game be very aggressive onto baptists and try and force him to lamp himself and not his team similar to anna you can hold your matrix over enemies in hopes of eating some of the baptist healing grenades i don't have any all inspiring tips to play against brig just don't be overly aggressive and get bash out of your boosters take your time and focus down her shields if you allow her to bash you and trigger inspire multiple times you stand no chance of killing her when playing against lucio's one big tip to follow is to not end your booster jets near ledges because aggressive lucios will find a way to boop you off the map before your boosters come back up other than that don't waste your time focusing him he's a very low priority target unless he's absolutely caught out mercy can self-regen her own health when she doesn't take damage but if she takes even one tick of damage the healing stops poker from afar to stop the regen and boost in to close the distance and finish her off if she goes for a res within your booster jet range you can try to boop her out of her rez when moira pops her coalescence she can no longer use her fade ability so if she is out in the open use his chance to bomb her for a high value kill other than that matrix every single orb you see from her to minimize her value zen is one of the few heroes in the game that has no way to make himself faster besides his ult try and aggressively bomb him whenever you can you can easily get kills or force him to use his old both are good outcomes if zen is playing long distances and you see him in the secondary fire charge animation you can time his peak and eat his orbs to make sure no one on your team gets picked and that's it for the diva tips thanks for watching everybody and i'll see you guys next time thanks for having me car q uh if you guys have any more questions you can find me over at twitch.tv slash mcgravy
Channel: KarQ
Views: 325,635
Rating: 4.9740911 out of 5
Keywords: Overwatch, yt:cc=on, overwatch dva, d.va tips overwatch, 1 dva tip for every hero update, mcgravy dva, dva guide overwatch, dva cosplay, mcgravy overwatch league, dva techs
Id: M4EUexVJo_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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