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hello everybody today i'll be making this video about my settings because i have been getting a couple comments about um my options and i just thought it'd be a good time to show you guys both what my options are even though they're not super complicated and then also some tips and tricks and how i got to masters playing by myself all right so this is my main account which doesn't really make a huge difference all my settings are the same let me go down here and so i don't change anything with the video the sound the controls by default i have all my characters on a 65 horizontal sensitivity and then 60 on vertical sensitivity everything else is just default that the game gave me um and then i go down to diva and i have my horizontal sensitivities at 100 horizontal 100 vertical 100 and then advanced settings i did not change anything that i can remember at least um but i did change the reticle to cross hairs honestly i don't think um that it matters which reticle you use as long as it isn't that giant white circle that's always in the game because i feel like if you have cross hairs or um the circle or the dot it will just be way easier to hit head shots or just improve your accuracy in general but yeah other than that i didn't change the bindings of any of the buttons or anything like that before i get into the tips i just want to preface that this is the way i play diva if some of these tips don't work for you or suit you that is completely fine everyone plays differently so there is no right or wrong way to play her my first tip for you guys is to be aggressive diva is made to be played aggressively but you have to be careful about your timing being aggressive does not mean boost right into the enemy team and getting yourself killed you need to target weaker or more vulnerable characters on the enemy team if you have a winston or an aggressive dps to dive with you like doomfist or genji your job becomes a whole lot more coordinated and easier tip number two is throwing your bomb from someone who used to play only quick play until about a year ago which equates to like 500 hours i can say that getting a big bomb is way different in quick play than it is in comp in quick play you can get away with flanking the enemy team and throwing your bomb to get a 4k but that's just not how it works in comp it's not even about getting a big bomb a big bomb can be just two people as long as it gives your team a leg up in the team fight it could be both healers it could be the shield tank it could literally be anybody as long as it gives your team a chance to win the fight i find myself using my bombs way more in the moment than actually planning them out too but if i do get the chance to actually plan to throw a bomb i am to throw it over something like a bridge or a building or just throw it directly at the enemy team when their shield is broken also you should probably combo with people if you get the chance tip number three is don't hold your ult if you're holding your ult to get the perfect bomb you are doing your team a disservice because you're probably more focused on which spot you want to throw at and waiting for the enemy team to come together instead of actually moving with your team to actually kill people without using your bomb if you're holding your old because the rhine shield hasn't broken yet or the bat hasn't used immortality yet or the lucio hasn't used his beat yet that makes more sense but if you find yourself holding your ults after like two minutes of getting it you might as well throw it you may not get any kills but that will rid the enemy team of their shield or their immortality or whatever it was holding you back if they don't have those things that could still give your team an advantage to win the fight overall we have to be thinking about the team winning the fight not just you and your bombs or getting clips or whatever tip number four is to use every ability you have diva is blessed with having probably the most abilities out of any character in the game so we should be utilizing that constantly when i use my boosters i almost never use them fully i usually stop my boosters a little bit short of where i'm trying to go so the momentum will carry me there and i can get my boosters back faster it doesn't seem like it's that big of a difference but it does make a difference as for her matrix you have to be careful about when you use it i think we all know that it's hard to know which projectiles are worth capturing in her matrix especially because she only has a certain amount at one time but i'd say to try to focus on the ones that do way more damage like soldiers helix or ryan's fire strike or ones that would really just turn the tide of the fight like ana's sleep or her auntie and also uh matrix saying when your shield is down if the rhine shield is getting weak you should be matrixing so it can recharge a little bit just small things like that a thing that i think is overlooked by diva players i guess is matrixing when people are ulting but that does not just mean the enemy team that also counts for your own team we all know that when a soldier or a mccree or a pharaoh old everyone focuses their damage towards them your team would have way better luck actually killing people with those old if you were there to catch that sleep or that head shot that someone was gonna shoot at them when it comes to matrixing the enemy team's ult they will probably be telegraphing their moves some more than others it's also dependent on who you're playing against it's different for everybody but with zarya's they will probably be paying way more attention to your matrix so you need to be careful about how you use it and kind of your timing i know that's really hard i even find myself struggling with that but i just say use only part of your matrix when you're around her so she thinks you've run out and bring up your matrix when you think she's about to alt in my experience it only works about half the time and for maze as well they usually throw their old at their feet so you would have to be probably matrix saying her directly and way more in like close contact also a good thing to know is that when people are about to alt they become either way more aggressive than anyone else on their team or they're a bit more standoffish like i know i've seen some divas where they let their entire team push in and then they alt and they're all the way far back at the choke instead of at the point just small things like that to pay attention to tip number five is to use your body and what i mean by that is punching body blocking and using your boosters to push people around i know that last one a lot of us already know that but i definitely think that punching and body blocking is kind of overlooked i know that i use punching a lot as a finishing blow but it can also be used to just damage people you can't exactly shoot a good example of that would be like a sigma when he starts getting pressure on him or his shield runs out he does his little swirly matrix thing i don't know what it's called but during those times usually i will go up to them and i will just start punching him until he's done with his matrix cause i can still be doing damage to him while he is wasting his ability and then there's body blocking body blocking isn't used that much either at all and i don't think it's like super vital but it's just a thing that you can use at a certain time i tend to use it against mercies usually when i'm in an enclosed room with her and her team and her team has ran out of the room but she hasn't and the main thing that mercies rely on is the fact that they can fly to their team so if you block that like block a doorway while she's trying to fly through it and then you just kill her team's already staggered you can win that fight because they just lost their main heels you can also use your boosters you can push people off the map or you can just simply kill people by running into them with your boosters tip number six which is optional it's very optional is to play by yourself this isn't really much of a tip but it's rather just something that worked for me um about a year ago i was stuck between like the platinum diamond threshold and i was stuck with a group that never let me play who i wanted to they always had me play erisa or zarya because playing diva is a it's a risky thing to do and in ranked with people that care so much about their rank and their sr and stuff they don't want to take chances like that so i was stuck there and we were losing all the time like i would do fine with the characters that i was playing we just always seemed to lose because the group as a whole was just bad and if anything i was the best at diva out of any character that i could play i could just never show that so because of that about three months ago i decided to create a third account that nobody but me knew about none of my friends knew about i don't have any friends on that account just so i could push myself and prove to myself that i could get to masters by solo queuing and only playing diva and no one had given me the chance to do that before but it made the achievement that much more satisfying i didn't join comms or anything because one i don't like the negativity and the callouts they can be good but i don't need them that's not like me saying like i don't need them because i'm good it's just it's distracting when people are talking to me i feel like i can't focus on what i'm doing so it was a lot of just me and my silence focusing on the game myself and my skills i'm not sure if that will work for everybody because i know everyone has their own ways they want to play a lot of people enjoy playing games because they play with their friends so i understand if you guys don't do this that is completely fine that was just something that helped me grow as a diva main alright that is all the tips i have for you guys today but feel free to let me know any questions you have in the comments because i definitely probably missed some stuff i hope these tips really help you guys and i hope you guys all have an amazing christmas
Channel: Wami Gaming
Views: 16,823
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overwatch, overwatch dva, dva montage, overwatch dva montage, dva bomb montage, dva bombtage, how to play dva, dva tips, master dva, console dva
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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