1 ZARYA TIP vs EVERY HERO ft A10 (2021)

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hey what's going on guys my name is car q and it's been a few years since the last zarya tip video with calvin we miss them but it's time to update the video with an up-and-coming zarya educational streamer a10 hey what's up everyone i'm 810 and i'm a content creator that specializes in educational content i have multiple accounts on top 10 every season with my signature hero zarya so let's start off with a general tip so i see zarya as all about creating a dance where you aim to move into contested territory and back into safety as perfectly as possible around your bubble cooldowns your life is worth a lot so make it a priority to play safe on your bubbles on cooldown such as playing around natural cover and corners to instantly disengage when things get a little bit too spicy after getting charged you should like to play aggressively and keep the threat of the self bubble as an escape tool or to respond to an enemy ability do not preemptively bubble aggressively since you just allowed them to wait it out and put yourself at risk of dying with that out of the way let's get started divas have a lot of different ways to trick you to feeling that you're safe to grab the safest option is that the maker first so there's no chance it gets eaten but that won't always be an option be patient don't panic and try to track your defense matrix patterns to prevent it from being eaten a common mistake when zarya players have grab is that their entire playstyle changes making it obvious that they're looking to use it keep playing like normal don't make it too obvious and wait for an opening diva's bomb is based on line of sight so you can use your bubble to block it for your team if they're caught in the open against orisa you have to be quick to act on the pool if she activates hull before you self bubble you will still be pulled which can be very punishing you have to be very aware and practically bubble beforehand to maintain your position against rhino you need to be very patient with yourself bubble to block a shadow don't trust your other tank to block it for you play for yourself because it's going to be much more consistent if anyone remembers the good old days of overwatch the firestack used to give 50 charge but nowadays it's not something you should specifically be bubbling for because it only gives 20. if you anticipate a few more projectiles coming your way with the fire strike then sure you can go for it early on but don't instinctively do it every time assess the situation against roadhog bubbling a hook teammate is good but they can still be bursted through it if you can read it bubbling the hook itself beforehand is even more impactful so your teammate's position isn't compromised if you have no bubbles available use a secondary fire on his feet to boop him and mess up his aim we're more of a second kind a zarya bubble is a big counter to sigma's flux focus on prioritizing your supports because they're the key to replenishing the 50 hp loss for everyone else caught in it winston is one of zarya's hard counters because he doesn't give you much charge it's impossible to break his bubble by yourself before he can leap out and he can still boop you in promo for your personal bubble the best thing you can do is work with your team to break his bubble to force an early disengagement or walk away all together and temporarily give up that space if the enemy winston is a juggling god try to rock a jump to mess up his timing you can even do it off his head like a footstool ball is also very difficult to kill and a big ammo sync reel times are costly and is blue that the shields don't give any oil charge one tip to counter a hammond pile drive is to just use personal bubble and position yourself in between the ball and a teammate to prevent everyone behind you from being knocked up in a situation where you the enemy sorry both have grab the one that grabs first will usually win simply because they're more proactive and have set it up a counter grab usually ends up being wasted in most situations outside of coordinated play additionally don't be afraid to solo grab a high charge sorry if she overextends azaria death is worth a lot because you have to account for the 10 second respawn time the time to walk back to a fight and a time to cycle some bubbles to ramp up her energy again against ash it's very difficult to time the detonation of her dynamite it can give a decent chunk of charge as an opener but i usually avoid it what's more consistent is self bubbling her coach gun so she can't create enough distance between you if you manage to get close to her you have to play corners against bastion and catch him out of position it's a slow burn where you try to build small advantages into their shields and position before you can look to take them down natural cover and teamwork is your best friend in this matchup against doomfist your bubble's hard count to everything in his kit there's not much to say here so just save it for whoever's being focused by him against echo she usually plays out of your effective range the best thing you can do is time your bubbles so they counter the sticky bombs and focusing beam execution in general it's not worth using a graph for a normal genji blade it will take genji's two swipes to break a bubble which is incredibly powerful to stop the snowball however nanoblade is absolutely worth it because you're now trading one ultimate for two hanzo is a hard match up because of his ability to burst you and his long range if you can get close to him with a self bubble there's almost no way for him to kill you before you kill him bonus tip his sonic arrow makes noise whenever it lands so if you notice that you can pretend you didn't hear it and walk around the corner with a bubble to bait out charge from him or his team against junkrat you can use your bubbles to block the concussion mine damage and knockback which is essential in stopping your squishy teammates from getting one shot combo junkrat is a bit of a double edged sword because although he's an easy source of charge he can still displace you once your bubbles are down and any displacement is frustrating on zarya's end if your bubble is down against mccree look to use your secondary fire at his feet to displace him as he uses his flashbang he'll throw off his aim or mess up his found the hammer giving you an opportunity to turn the tables on him zarya is often good into mage with her ability to cleanse key targets with her bubble if a group of people are frozen in their blizzard bubbling reinhardt will then allow him to protect your team while they are frozen if possible look to rock a jump out of the mail and use yourself bubble as a last resort pharah will generally play outside of your effective range if you're playing high ground you'd be surprised at how easy it can be to take down a fire if she sinks too low pharah has a great displacement tool with concussive blast that is detrimental to zarya look to use your personal bubble to block it so that you can maintain your positioning don't let reaper get on top of you and maintain your distance if he manages to catch you off guard don't be afraid to mix in secondary fires because the random boobs will make it harder for him to hit you when a reaper is ulting he might rely on his life steel to sustain himself so using your bubbles will reduce his survivability soldiers will play outside of your effective range and with his added mobility there's not much you can do if he's aware of you but when you get close enough you have the ability to burst them before you can escape when a sombra emps it is possible to use your personal bubble to gain 40 charge and more importantly it will protect your shield health the light blue portion here during downtime between fights be proactive and spin around with your laser if you think she's nearby scouting for information kicking her out of style randomly can help your team gain a lot of tempo symmetras often set up the turrets around chokes which can be very devastating towards your team as you try to take space you should look to use your cell bubble and walk through the choke and try to remove as many turrets as possible since they have reworked torbjorn the added movement speedy gains while overloaded means he can maneuver out of zarya's range secondly the armor he gains mitigates a lot of your damage making it hard for you to kill him try to force it out of him and disengage or ignore him until the overload is down and then you can easily kill him if you're surrounded by his coomb don't forget you can rock a jump so you don't spend as much time touching the sticky stuff tracer is difficult to track due to her small hitbox and things instead of lasering her look to throw out secondary fires and melees to force her to recoil which will make her more cautious to approach tracer's pulse one was based on line of sight so if you see an opportunity try to run in between the pulse bomb and your teammate so you can block the explosion a widow is untouchable if she plays very far away and you have to move into her territory but if a widow is looking to take space on attacking sites and you're on defense try poking her out with your secondary fire at higher charges this is a very easy way to keep her in check a target that ana is pocketing is very difficult to kill and she will usually be playing at a distance you can use this to your advantage by getting between the target and anna where you can use your self bubble to block the healing if you approach an anna don't bubble too early or else she may wait it out before using sleep grenade pressuring her out first to force the early nade or sleep and reactively bubble to both cleanse and lock the cc baptist lamp is only overpowered if you don't plan to play around it when looking to grab combo make sure the enemy team is in an open area such as them having walked through a choke so that the baptist has nowhere to throw a safe lap additionally the lamp has a line of sight so if you manage to split the enemy team against a wall the lamp will have to be thrown in a way that is easy to break or it won't protect the targets that are split against the wall when facing a brigitte look to poker with secondary fire behind her shield because the shield is small and cannot protect her from the splash damage if you're high energy just beam down her shield because it's only 250 health and it will remove her ability to shield bash luchos can create a large amount of space from you very quickly which is why when you're coming in closer to caleb you want to time your personal bubble to block the boop remember the bubble can block line of sight of the sound barrier so you can use that to your advantage while there's not anything specifically mechanical against the mercy you can still pressure a target that you will need to fly towards the heel and when your guardian angel is down there's a window where you can look to kill it against maria don't use your bubbles against her orbs as they do not give you charge however your bubble will cancel out her lifesteal maria is most vulnerable once her fate is down so look to try and kill her when she uses it against zen look to see who he has discorded as they are likely to receive a lot of incoming damage on top of protecting them you will cleanse the discord orb and gain a lot of charge with your grav aim to nullify the effectiveness of transcendence use your gravel on walls to split people between them so that the line of sight does not reach them thanks for having me on cartoon i am so excited to be able to have done this for my favorite hero find me on twitch and youtube at a10 nerd it's been an absolute honor thank you again
Channel: KarQ
Views: 251,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Overwatch, yt:cc=on, overwatch zarya tips, zarya guide, zarya 1 tip video, 1 zarya tip vs every hero, zarya matchups, educational zarya, karq zarya, a10 zarya tips
Id: mS55hDjhAJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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