The ONLY D.Va guide you should ever need

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[Music] [Music] as the mean profits on my discord server had foretold Blizzard have decided to rework diva only a month after the release of my initial guide after getting over the sadness and depression from spending a lot effort making a guide and from the bottom requests of my subscribers Here I am with a reworked version of the only diva guide you all haven't made rather than hammering my own accolades like I did last time I'd like to give thanks to everyone that helped with the creation of the reworked version of this guide bf4 footage writer or general advice all of the social media links for these amazing top 500 and grand master diva players are available in the description alongside a link to the written version of this guide that you can read if you prefer that deivis been through a lot of changes through her release she went from a very poor and enviable pic and after reworking her matrix a comfortably as a damage mitigation offtank they could use her mobility to dive in clear areas for her team after becoming matter receiving buffs nerfs and now a rework divas found her place as an offensive bruiser with lesser capabilities and damage mitigation diva strengths revolve around her high mobility and large zone control with her booze and/or ultimate however DB is limited by her large hitbox and crit box and her much less suitable matrix for extended fights diva after her rework is best classified as a bruiser Bruce a character specialized in both offensive and defensive characteristics with divas combination of surprising burst and damage mitigation through matrix giving her great offensive and defensive capabilities in tandem with a realistic DPS potential around a hundred downs per second deva is able to deliver good damage within her effective range these dual full auto style shotgun weapons have a large spread there are a primary method of dealing damage so using them optimally is the best way to maximize the damage you deal in your mecha outside of her mech Deva is equipped with a light blaster dealing 14 damage per shot and firing seven of these shots per second with a magazine size of twenty these twenty shots have no damage to drop off and act as a projectile rather than a hit scan shot like her canons do just like mercy these bullets can deal a surprising amount of damage to unsuspecting enemies many people considered Eva's damage 3-week mainly due to the damage drop-off distance present in a shotguns and the nerf set of the code overtime to our weapons however it must be noted that this drop-off calculation does not apply to targets under 10 metres away so you still have a large zone of consistent damage potential when firing as mini Deva though remember that the closer you are to the target the easier might be to land shots as there is less distance for the target to move as you fire but it also makes it easier for enemies to hit you try to stand out of your opponent's effective ranges you maneuver around and call your mech back whilst the roantree hash the same joke staying alive as mini Deva is your number one priority due to the nature of divas weapons and the way damage in this game is calculated max range shots by Deva will still denied shield regeneration on characters such as Aya's and yacht or Symetra and will also deny Mercy's passive additionally because many divas bullets are projectiles and necklace divas sports a very small hitbox you are able to peak shoot around corners this is a common skill found in many FPS games both of the past and the present and by peak shooting it allows you to deal damage without risking your own skin in the middle of a fight on top of the 50% move speed penalty Devo also receives 50% not crack resistance while shooting it may sound useless but is definitely an important factor to consider when against characters like Lucia as they will only be pew half the distance before hurry work defense matrix used to be the epitome of her kit and divas placed our revolver and effective use of her matrix blocking damage for her allies and saving her own skin now that her kid has been a rework it is no longer the primary focus of a kit but instead serves as a simple offhand factor to it she can still block the following Ultimates but most of these cannot be blocked for the full duration defense matrix is still undoubtedly one of the strongest abilities in the game but ki usually but has become even more important than ever as you have less matrix to spare and underutilized features divas defender in Chiefs is blocking fire focused towards ulting teammates if your friendly fire is ready for a game-winning barrage in seal success by making them as they unleash hell on the enemy team this works with any channel ultimate such as tactical visor barrage Deadeye whole hog or configuration tank given enough time and practice you should be able to learn common attack cycles for characters the easiest example to show cases against tracer who is a burst of damage for 1 second then a second of reloading against characters like these you can efficiently cycle your matrix by tapping the mouse instead of holding it to prolong the amount of time you can deny their shots for as a more generalized guideline however it's best to flash matrix up when your opponent shoots then drop it when they reload already they're working again doing so will allow your matrix to last longer and possibly change the outcome of the fight a key facet of divas matrix that needs to be understood is the nature of it unlike Ryan shielding Ziya bobble divas matrix clocks damage in front of her rather than behind or around her this often means that diva may be better at the back of the team rather than the front leading the childhood matrix as is often a bad idea unless you're diving with someone specific in mind boosters for diva are a primary way of disengaging and engaging into fights she can turn and change directions at will damaging and knocking back enemies with each enemy being - and knocked back only a single time during a boost one quick and underutilized technique for boosters is flying upwards it might sound silly but in most scenarios and will see the only target boosting up in the air and then dropping back down is an easy way to re-enter a fight and gives you a second of breathing room so you can choose the best targets are dropped back down on as a diva player you should use the knock back portions of divas boosters to knock back enemies as they approach or to clear some space for yourself or your team if a Winston engages on your team deny his leap with your own boosters and put him in an awkward position to deny as Splash Damage as he lands another trick for booster usage that very few people outside the most experienced diva modes utilize is cancelling boosters as soon as possible like most but not all channels in the game the ability cooldown will only start being restored at the end of the channel by cancelling boosters as soon as you're not using them you can shave off time yet otherwise not have boosters up for and generally create more efficient use of them whilst this is a known bug by the blizzard team and definitely will get patched in the future you're actually able to booster then male 8 without canceling the boost movement at the start to your booster usage if you're fast enough this can be used to finish off 55 or HP or lower health targets without canceling flight or for a surprise booster plus melee plus melee combination for an 85 damage burst similarly but not a bug this time you are able to animation cancel a melee attack straight into using boosters as an extremely fast and reliable method of telling the 55 damage booster male a burst combo as soon as your melee animation begins you can begin boosting seeing the melee damage even though your animation is longer playing and then dealing additional booster damage as you bump into your target micro missiles with a new addition to divas kit in replacement for a weaker defense matrix whilst it sounds odd the new skill adds both defensive and offensive capabilities or other than maitre singing yourself or your teammates you instant using these bad boys to blow the attacking enemy up the ability also is a great offensive usage and could be used to dive and burst squishy targets quite reliably in combination with our previous tip of our boosters involving flying upwards to create space for yourself micro missiles can be used on the downfall to dive-bomb unsuspecting enemy players or to create an easy sight line for you to land a full volley onto an opponent hiding behind a shield or an object whilst divas cannons a hit scan her projectile missile volley is not ensure that when you are using them you focus on aiming with the one type of damage in your mind depending on the range your target is at at longer ranges it'd be better to focus on aiming your missiles by leading your shots at the expense of cannon damage because it is a weaker at longer ranges anyway it is important to note that micro missiles are a channeled cast meaning that they will be interrupted by CC but not by yourself if you get CC before a single missile is fired the cast time is reset and your cooldown is refunded because you cannot cancel the missile barrage once you start it it is easy for targets just as Genji or zyre to take advantage of the volley and either reflect it or gain charge respectively you can bait these abilities or save yourself by looking at the side or straight upwards so the missiles missed them instead a technique that's often underrated micro missiles is the potential to farm up ultimate quickly a fully accurate volleyed is 162 damage to one target so with her missiles alone it would take eight full volleys to fully charge a diva bomb if you are accurate combining these with the guns and the rest of her kit you can farm alts quickly off targets such as winston hog as our only long range damage toward missiles or a reliable way of farming are all quickly at distances her cannons cannot reliably hit people and compliment her all charged well while in pilot form Devers the ability to cool down a new mech which will bring her back into a mecha with all of her cooldowns reset and she'll be fully healed upon entering her defense matrix will also be restored to full charge the ability has a small area of knock-back until 50 damage to all enemies in the radius since a recent change Cormack channels can be interrupted by crowd control resetting the channel and all charged towards calling in you mecha because of this be careful calling your macaron road hog or McCree as they can easily cancel your mecha call and force you to recharge your old from zero divas colemak can slightly damage enemies and also has a surprising amount of knock back you can use this to knock back opponents off the map as you re into the mech or give yourself some breathing room in a fight you can change the direction you eject from your Mac by holding the appropriate directional key as you checked out words you will strengthen the direction you're holding additionally you can eject whilst holding the jump key which will allow you to eject at increased height in the rights and IRS this can let you jump onto higher ledges or will do it yourself away from characters like Reinhardt which will try and kill you quickly after you leave your mecha if anticipated and time correctly a mecha calling diva is able to completely negate CC effects from abilities such as earth shatter and in various fringe cases even the damage completely anticipates alts with your mecha call to read you in the fight in your mech and assist your town to allies as you will not get stunned yourself additionally it is important to note that divas mech actually is 599 effective HP as debo we instantly Domecq one she hits one HP not zero self-destruct as divas more acknowledged ultimate ability and takes longer to charge activating the ability pushes deeper out of a mech into pilot form setting the reactor into a mech to explode after three seconds the mecha detonates dealing a thousand damage in a 20 metre radius with a significant linear drop off the alt takes 1375 points to acquire has strong offensive and defensive capabilities but is often under utilized by most players activating year-old while standing still is almost always at nono and will be much less effective mastering basic diva all techniques is an easy way to make your looks cooler and net you more kills comboing your ultimate with another teammate is a quick and easy way to ensure more kills when your bomb does go off here's a few combos and how you can use them whilst really well known the Reinhardt earth shattered + Steven bomb combo is quite a common one this best works against an enemy Reinhardt simply put toss your bomb behind the enemy Reinhardt force him to turn a shield around and then allow your own Reinhardt to earth shatter him and the rest of his team as the bomb goes off in a similar fashion against enemy Reinhardt's you can use an asleep dart or Makris flashbang to create an opening for your bomb to explode and decimate the enemy team other than comboing their teammates there are other ways that you can create effective alts just by itself nothing fancy is required such as an earth-shattering Dart just some use of your own intuition and appropriate analysis of the situation flicking your bomb into the air at the end of your boosters angling in them or nose-diving them into the ground or air bursting them above rime shields are all simple and effective ways that you can create much more effective alts when using selfish truck look at where your bomb shred land to cover sight lines that enemies will commonly run to and leave them no options for asking if the enemy team is a shield to hide behind try and either disable it destroy it or make sure that it explodes above the shield if possible whilst an exploding mecha is boosting it will attempt to travel in the same direction relative to the starting trajectory began its flight path on this allows for some very sneaking in unique cults that ride on walls and ceilings to be made as the bomb will try and continue its flight path even if it meets a wall if you want some guides on how to utilize these sorts of techniques refer to the playlist that will appear in a card in the top right [Music] I make music [Music] whilst it is included in the written version of this guide it linked in the description below and it was also included in the previous guide many people had requested a match of this video to be included along with the video without wanting to track on this guide via far too long ayuk read a separate video detailing all of the diva matchups that are available I am to release it shortly after the release of this guide video so don't worry I'll add a card on screen now if you'd like to redirect yourself to watch the match up video against Eva rather than break this section down into a map slash team comps like I did in the previous guide I will similarly talk about that different reason you picked Eva and the expectations of this role because of our combination of mobility damage and defensive capabilities Eva is a very flexible tank pic that complements most if not all lineups effectively because everyone's opinion of what diva should be played as or liked varies from bracket to play style this section will simply talk about what you'd be picking her for and what diva is strong at within that category if you're picking diva for our offensive capabilities then you can easily make use of a great burst arsenal with booster and missiles and consistent and annoying damage produced by our cannons as they do not need to reload offensive diva players should aim to create danger zones for ending players much in the fashion of road hog does in the area that is hooked and rich good players will respect these areas whereas lower ela players often won't for diva she creates danger zones on high ground areas that she can reach for their boosters as it is here that she isolated target and burst them down before our often less mobile team support can save that isolated target characters such as soldier 76 Widowmaker Anna and McCree should position themselves in the high ground and by doing so make them vulnerable to being blown up by a diva that notices them isolated map such as watch point Gibraltar King's row Hannon Laura and Dorado all feature common high ground areas that diva should be controlling to take advantage for her team it might be easy for you as a diva player to attack and gain the high ground but for most of your team they would struggle to fight someone position there so it's your job to help your team out defensively whilst matrix now has a much lower duration and as a result can't block as much damage consistently there are still definitely opportunities and not just to use her matrix but a whole kit to defend your team matrix are still able to block major sources of damage pretty reliably and when assisting characters in your team such as Reinhardt ERISA or Winston you can keep their barrier sustained for longer pie-maker Singh large down resources like junk up grenades fire stripes or TRO top right clicks body blocking is also an underrated defensive part of our kit you can use boosters to fly it as how its shooting it supports in DPS and de set the projectiles with your body if you don't have matrix up saving them from damage you can also stop people from escaping by blocking doorways or corners and that can secure kills and also infuriate enemy players whilst I myself and most of the other people that have helped me with this guide play on PC on number-one console Diva dishonored Lombax is here to give some advice for you console players viewing this video and maybe you can copy some of those settings if that would help you controller bindings are entirely up to preference and it is best to experiment with your own setup to create the most comfortable bindings for your playstyle if you are curious though here are a few findings that long box users and you may want to use them yourself especially in the current meta high sensitivities definitely advise console players as it allows them to track agile characters like tracer in Genji who are commonly appear in most team lineups lower sensitivity does allow you for more consistent tracking and is definite of preference but long box uses dual zone 70 70 sensitivities that allow them to track more agile characters regardless of platform however it is Amelia advice to use higher sensitivities on characters such as Reinhart Winston or Deva as you will need to flick your mouse around a lot more to catch off enemies we are the shield's matrix or perform precise booster maneuvers if you are running a higher sensitivity however it's generally advisable to also run high aim smoothing to then allow you to track precisely when it is needed again whilst console controller Bree pines are entirely preference just like your sensitivity and your aim type Lombax prefers to rewind l2 or left trigger to our want or right bumper as it allows them to use matrix in the old fashioned way before the rework another preference of long back to see use toggle matrix on whilst this is arguably less efficient it allows them to go stromae tracing straight in term using missiles melee or more precise aim or movement whilst I don't want to make this a full guide on aim as it isn't specific to diva your general goal and over what true sensitivity and dpi is to go as low as comfortably possible to minimize pixel skipping and promote healthier habits using a farm to aim over your wrist that being said at the end of the day sensitivity and your preferences on controller bindings or keyboard bindings are completely up to you and just because one pro player runs a certain sensitivity and dpi doesn't mean it will work as well for them as it does for you create your own sensitivity in DPI settings with what you like as this area of the guide is only going to give general advice on how to improve your aim and make sure it's optimal for a gaming environment depending on the quality of your mouse you may have additional buttons available t2b bind binding mouse forward or something such as your alt is great and is a comfortable way to make out combos without having to adjust your finger from the shift key to cute I even remember hearing somewhere that someone specific close to me use their pinky to press key which is quite an awkward thing I definitely don't recommend doing additionally if you have mouse for Mouse five can be used to melee and that's what I personally used myself if you don't have a fancy mouse whether there are a few changes that you can make to your binding user to improve your experience you can swap by in such a scroll wheel up and down to things that just alt melee or Crouch to crack spam more easily or call your Mac oh and you need it in regards to sensitivity however it is advisable to keep you in game sensitivity as low as possible to avoid pixel skipping make your dpi higher to compensate instead to reach the same ETP eye setting having sensitivities in game above four are likely to induce pixel skipping I've linked as tool in the description that you can use to check whether your current sensitivity and dpi settings can create pixel skipping in your game [Music]
Channel: Level 5 Pidgey
Views: 486,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dva,, overwatch dva, overwatch, overwatch gameplay, blizzard, Grandmaster, Master, Diamond, Top 500, Level 5 Pidgey, Level 5, Pidgey, a level five pidgey, lowkeynerd, sciknight, competitive dva, high rank, high rank dva, D.Va, pc, dva streamer, overwatch competitive, The only D.Va guide you will ever need, the only dva guide you will ever need, Guide, advanced guide, master dva, dva tips and tricks
Id: 5H7o62dng4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 8sec (1148 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2018
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