1 Day in Lost Ark: BEST Mount & The WORST Raid..

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now guys i want to say thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to make this possible i want to say a thank you to everybody who is going to give me money to buy my red cerberus and everything like that i really do appreciate it thank you guys all so much uh it's absolutely uh very thoughtful of you all and it's just such a kind and good and uh and nice thing to say gentlemen let's see is there uh my product inventory let me see here okay okay all right guys that would suck that would really really suck unless i got it last night unless last night the [ __ ] came in and they sent me another [ __ ] pack gentlemen are you ready to get the actual red cerberus let me go right over all right i'm gonna go right over here in luterra and i'm gonna get on my mount right here guys let's go they finally sent that thing over to me we are good to go shimmel thank you very much for the five gifted community subs we are not goofing around at all here alrighty guys so let's see it and we'll open this up right here and we are going to open the cerberus mount selection chest all right now guys we're gonna we're gonna pay attention actually if they are so 20 gifted subs i appreciate that thank you so much thank you thank you thank you all right focus focus i'm not going to buy the wrong one okay i will not buy the wrong one so no no no no no no all right so we're going to buy guys we are buying the red servers nowhere thank you merits they're five get the community subs i appreciate that thank you thank you thank you okay guys i'm going i'm doing this very slowly so i can make sure that i make the right decisions and i don't do anything wrong okay we cook on red i have red i have i've clicked on red and i will select red and red will be the one that i click on i select item here we go gentlemen we've worked hard everybody everybody move away a little bit move away a little bit we got we got to get on this one all right kane thank you very much for the 20 20 gift of community subs thank you everybody make a circle make a circle around me make a circle around me okay here we go gentlemen it's time yes dude yes dude oh my god i knew i would get it they thought i wasn't gonna get it i got it look at that look at that oh whoa look at that dude oh man god damn it looks [ __ ] good holy [ __ ] it looks [ __ ] good god oh my god i look good wow why is the red one special because it's red that's why holy [ __ ] man look how good i look too with the red now oh my god ready's fat yeah red makes him faster oh my god he's so fast he has a double jump yeah i know somehow they gave it to me for free look at that call him ferrari oh my god dude this is what i want our descendants will honor you and his highness with statues like this at that dude man i'm feeling good now i'm feeling real [ __ ] good i finally got the mouth i've wanted for so long man i really am this is [ __ ] amazing oh he's got special abilities too okay frontal security oh my god what the [ __ ] this is crazy wait so what if i do q and one at the same time boy he's on fire oh my god this is so cool damn man damn i went right up against the wall i couldn't jump over it i forgot look at that man look how fast he is too jump forward he's so fast jumping is now pay to win in this game look at that look at the mobility look at the control white cerberus can't do anything white servers there are no abilities that white cerberus has yeah only red cerberus can do abilities that's true true so true it's pay to win jumping yeah exactly right wow wow look at that i'm going so fast i'm going so fast dude the storm out yep that's right they sent you another amount out of school it's a cerberus mount wait really okay let me check my mail okay everybody if y'all want to get in a big circle around me preferably with red cerberuses so just so i can take a look and uh and see what all this is okay let's look at my mail lost ark log in reward oh there's my crystals okay great let's remove that wire wow sent me 1800 gold holy [ __ ] thank you dude read my message out loud give me personal attention thanks the bald man rides the red dog yep draelos thank you america the five gifted subs i appreciate that thank you thank you thank you wow thank you yeah leaving for new server what's wrong with my server this is a great server yeah thanks nine gold thank you very much midnight with one gold thank you i appreciate that bro you're so right heels okay true all right i'm trying to get through these wire um okay that's not any gold oh dear oh my god this guy sent me the vernees wait i already have this one though wait yo y'all are sending me all this crazy [ __ ] can i just loot that dude i don't i should return this to him right sell it i don't know if i should sell it i mean that's abyssal dungeon first the tower too yeah i'll do i'm gonna do the abyssal dungeon okay guys i will do it it's not that big of a video i'm only like 30 minutes away from it okay i've wanted to do the new guardian i like starting off the stream with doing a guardian okay a brand new guardian raid it's fun for me it's time to win gentlemen it's time to succeed it's time to overcome it's time to sign to be a winner let's go oh it's not even that big how could it even be that hard it's not even that big of a mob okay wait what what okay what how's this fox so damaged jesus christ i need 200 300 more eye level no i just need one more chance man okay he's doing balls he's using his balls on me he's using his balls on me it's okay it's not okay all right all right we've got one life left i'm just going to take the instant resume i take the instant resume and do it again wait i shouldn't have done that because now i don't have my [ __ ] heel okay it's not a big deal oh i just used it i hit the wrong button okay no heels okay it's over all right one more attempt one more attempt i'm gonna go all out i'm gonna go all out no mistakes i have to be very very careful here i i literally cannot make a mistake [Music] okay i always forget about those is a mistake okay that's two right okay it's it's not a video it's not oh my [ __ ] god man are you kidding me i really i really really calm down all right all right let me calm down let me calm down this is my last attempt if i can't kill her here it's over i'll do it later on or i just won't do it i'll do another one because i do want to get the story done it's not even because i'm like i'm busy i know i could do it i was two percent away right i can easily do it but like [Music] okay good start okay okay this is already a really bad start okay let's go ahead and just heal up right now okay um all right okay got through that fireball okay okay let's just um uh let's just instant resurrect all right all right [ __ ] i'm just i what happens then okay this is really this is really bad okay um wait i i [ __ ] i i'm gonna leave the red i'm gonna leave the red yeah i'm just gonna leave the raid i i i i got too much uh too much adrenaline let me let me calm down let me calm down let me calm down let me calm down okay okay yep yep i i can tell when i'm losing i can tell when i'm not doing it i can tell whenever i'm not my brain isn't working that's okay okay my brain my brain got overloaded my brain got overloaded with with information i can't use my brain all right let's go okay um all right uh we're gonna report you for your name i'm gonna report you for your name and you're gonna get suspended okay you're gonna get suspended mike i mean yeah like what do you what do you what did you expect i was going to do all right guys let's get this done here we go can handle [ __ ] darts either yeah i i could probably talk to somebody amazon maybe gives a count band but i don't really want to do that i'd just rather just not have to deal with it anybody that tries to annoy me like i have a policy that if anybody tries to [ __ ] me i [ __ ] them back as hard as i possibly can that's always what i do [ __ ] damn this [ __ ] does a lot of damage okay let's focus well i actually thought that was gonna crush me the first time we did this okay okay this is going pretty well these mobs aren't really that hard to kill but [ __ ] yeah this is this is no problem at all god [ __ ] damn what a joke dude well okay i thought that was the other player apparently i think it's a party okay here we go no i'm not gonna worry i'm not gonna worry about it's gonna be fine okay i don't know if we're doing it right or not okay i'll just heal oh my god just turned around and immediately killed me jesus okay let's try and do it again come on [ __ ] die all right that one's dead rook went berserk wait what wait what do you mean it went berserk wait is this what i think it is oh my god okay let's go and get on him here there we go okay so whenever he jumps it's the same okay we have to kill him at the same time obviously i don't know what the [ __ ] i'm doing all right yeah i think you need to move behind like the rock or some [ __ ] right what the hell is she doing okay jesus christ this is only the first boss too okay all right we have to kill his ass we have to kill his ass right now we have to kill his ass [ __ ] i'm dead kill his ass kill his ass all damage let's go finish him finish him he's almost dead he's almost dead get him nice nice [ __ ] job there it is there we [ __ ] go boys holy [ __ ] all right who the [ __ ] is this guy oh it's the guy with the pole arm right okay listen it's only one guy that means it's twice as easy as the last boss good job stay on him stay on big dick got him boys there it is there it is okay all right all right we [ __ ] got him how about that [Music] how about that [ __ ] how about that [ __ ] look at that boys look at that [ __ ] boys oh my god there we go all right let's go ahead we try and do the next one okay uh let's go ahead and let's start it okay what's this let's go guys there's nothing really going on here seems easy what's this [Music] [Music] oh it's this [ __ ] okay this is an easy boss okay guys super super easy boss just get her okay um that was not a good idea okay uh thank god this is why we brought two supports right okay bro oh i see i see i didn't know what to do damn i gotta move fast the [ __ ] can i leave that circle okay now i understand [ __ ] okay oh it's not that way how does it how do you know yeah i'm not sure how you know which side to be on she does it twice right no she doesn't try to escape okay jeez bro have i got hit by every single one this is [ __ ] embarrassing okay red blue um okay oh okay okay okay okay yeah let's go let's go again that's fine i understand now okay i i [ __ ] i messed up my ability i forgot what i was doing nice okay we're gonna wait for her to do something dude i i keep messing this up okay okay dude i'm [ __ ] this up so hard okay okay good what why did it teleport me to the middle you can't pick purple wait oh purples are traps okay so is purple like uh it's a debate mirror okay all right i understand yeah i didn't know that all right okay that's no problem okay i get it now all right so we don't do perpe boys zero zero perpee boys okay [ __ ] [ __ ] god damn it i know that god damn it okay okay i hate that mechanic man [ __ ] okay all right we go over to red this is no problem boys this is no problem no problem this is an easy gg paladin's dead doesn't matter it's just man oh my god where is she [ __ ] it'll be fine guys we don't need to worry about it oh my god i'm i'm tilting i'm tilting i'm tilting stop tilting stop i'm playing my trash god i'm so bad i don't know why that happened or whatever okay i've got two heals left jesus christ jesus [ __ ] holy [ __ ] okay we can still beat her it's fine i hate this [ __ ] boss so much she teleports around constantly whatever dude whatever no dude yeah right yeah right okay i didn't see that one [ __ ] god damn it i took that damage on purpose to be fair okay we've got one minute until she until she enrages it's fine i should be able to kill her okay let's stay focused just stay focused we can do this just stay focused oh my god god dammit [ __ ] okay god damn it all right where the [ __ ] oh my god you're in the corner why are you in the corner thank god okay all right let's kill this [ __ ] let's go jesus jesus they're so annoying so annoying all right we got her god [ __ ] damn man five five seconds left yeah i know i'm assuming it's not like a hardened rage where you just get deleted but you probably die really fast like she does like like 500 damage or some [ __ ] right okay yeah i dude i [ __ ] hate it dude [ __ ] that boss man [ __ ] that boss let's go next okay what's this oh [ __ ] it's this one isn't it oh boy all right let's go [Music] ralshasa let's do it okay bro like why are they programmed to go against the wall oh my god get away from the wall guys remember it's easy okay so what i have to roll out of that so it doesn't hit me okay here we go let's go boys come on big dick damage we got it never mind crystal why do you keep dying what is it what what do you need help with let me figure this out it says yeah i'm sorry well no i don't know i didn't ask why i didn't i i didn't ask to apply i didn't ask for an apology save your cooldowns now start saving them now okay here we go we didn't get it all right guys listen crystal you cannot keep dying you please please crystal like i don't want to put pressure on you i know it's probably stressful please please stop dying please stop dying let's go let's do it like i know you can do it like how do i know you how to think about how many like thousands of people beat this you really think you can't do it why not i [ __ ] up i just wanted it okay i'll just save the other one then just die just die just die just die just stop just die just die just die just die come on let's go come on don't get demoralized i know it sucks that's [ __ ] that's such horse [ __ ] that is such horse [ __ ] god damn it get out of the giant meteor dix crystal dead again crystal um how does this how does look how do i repair gear you you find listen you go to you mouse over the pet you hold down control and you right click i've repaired now yeah i can see that you just gained half your health bar wait you just use one of your potions okay [ __ ] [ __ ] okay i'm playing [ __ ] right now oh my god this is embarrassing okay guys just let's get it right okay keep it up boys let's do it just stay focused we can still win it doesn't matter because nobody can die i mean it doesn't matter if we can do it with less than two people if nobody [ __ ] dies come on break it there we go nice [ __ ] job come on guys come on you can do this just stay focused please stay focused okay okay we're doing really well guys we're doing really really well keep it up god damn it okay it doesn't matter it does not matter none of this matters let's go guys there it is let's go number two number two big dick please do not [ __ ] die guys let's go massive [ __ ] damage guys massive dicks massive damage [ __ ] avoid that was kind of me that was that was something to see i should have listened my own advice ah okay let's see how this works i'm gonna try try to go to the very edge of the room this time if you get the x yeah try to go very edge of the room okay go edge of the room okay yes we can do it then okay all right can she still about six minutes she's got four million health uh i i don't know if i can do this or not i mean we'll see what happens okay stay focused just watch me watch what i do okay apparently it's one for each person got it okay it's my fault i shouldn't have done that bad planning okay see how easy this boss is guys see how easy this is as i said i don't know if i can solo or she even does it if you're solo i'm assuming that she still does and it's just going to be like a raid white but we'll see okay see this little bit of damage we've got five four minutes left uh okay that was my fault you can't just i'll survive let's just do it okay okay okay so what happens now [Music] how long do i have four minutes let's do it come on [ __ ] come on i'm gonna push as hard as i can okay watch out for that let's go guys we can do this actually wait a second nevermind it's just me come on it doesn't matter how many more do i have i have one more potion okay i also have to do a lot of damage too i can't afford to make a mistake again right it only goes on for one person okay okay let's go guys let's go stay focused come on [Music] [Music] good job guys good job great work really good job [Music] how troublesome there we go [Music] there we [ __ ] go [ __ ] oh look at me thank you for the 20 gifted subs i appreciate that dude i was shaking at the end i was so worried i was so [ __ ] scared man oh my god crazy so queen of illusions oh my god but you're too little too late oh my god now watch the demise of your precious rohan darrell souls of our ancestors jesus in the name of the queen jesus man we had to be disastrous to repel the darkness remember i told you guys i was gonna solve the abyss rage right [Music] i said i was going to do it [Music] did everybody else get dropped yeah they'll get they'll go literally bug no uh it doesn't bug it's if there's one person that doesn't stun him that's why i was wondering that's why i went to the corner because i assumed either it would stun me and kill me or it would drop in the corner and i had to run away from it that's why i did it it's all just god [ __ ] damn the light this world you'll see the truth holy [ __ ] [Music] wow [Music] [ __ ] yeah dude [ __ ] yeah dude [ __ ] yeah wow all right guys let's see what we got for luke here we go [ __ ] yeah holy [ __ ] look at wait what's is this what i is this what i think it is and are these where i think they are no [ __ ] [ __ ] no [ __ ] oh my god oh my [ __ ] god dude wow okay let's [ __ ] do it put the helmet on okay all right let me see what the helmet looks like wait a second let me cancel this wait wait wait okay oh i can't change the gear on on on here all right let me leave the instance to make sure there's nothing else have to do here right i think we're all pretty much good yeah great job guys too i'm going to upgrade all my [ __ ] oh my god look at this all right let me see what the armor looks like too give me one second let me see what the armor looks like what's the same thing it's just a different color what is this it's the same side [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 272,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold ffxiv, asmongold final fantasy, asmongold lost ark, lost ark, mmo lost ark, lost ark mmo, lost ark gameplay, lost ark raid
Id: Ja2DuqkCxvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 49sec (2269 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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