Asmongold Reacts to LOST ARK Launch Trailer & Hardest RAIDS

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He's not wrong about the release date trailer. If I were trying to get someone interested in the game, no way I'd show them that.

👍︎︎ 88 👤︎︎ u/jibboo24 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

I am far too dumb for this fight.

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/crovax3000 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

funny enough, the best zerker in KR almost managed to solo phase 6

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/KizushiX 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

thank god he change to a better mmo player from a toxic wow player who used to shit on every other mmo

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/SnooConfections8873 📅︎︎ Dec 12 2021 🗫︎ replies

Look at his chat during the that boss fight. Very entertaining reactions. From "That looks so cool" to "How can I remember all those mechanics"

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Nessarra 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

"jesus... i hope this game is p2w" xD

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/TheGaijin1987 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

I agree on the trailer being bad. The earlier trailer several years ago was much better!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/VonDinky 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm glad he likes the game so far. He said he is going to be a Lost Ark Andy which is really cool but: I think this game will only be 2nd game / chill stream Material for his zackrawr channel. Just how the game plays / progresses doesn't seem to me this will be his Main game to play / stream. Maybe when T3 Hits and LA pops off harder than I can imagine it can change but only time will tell. I just hope people give lost ark time until T3 or come back to T3 to see the real endgame.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

I agree with him that the trailer was trash. Made the game look like a cheap phone game.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Sengura 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
lost ark it's going to contribute to a lot of lost time so lost art getting released on february 11th uh now if you buy the founders pack that's the uh thing you pay them extra money for and uh they just release the game early basically that's the scam i'm gonna buy it uh you get to play the game three days early [Music] is more dangerous than you could ever imagine once again the chaos gates have burst open the demon legions of casseroles blot out the sun to not give i feel like the trailer sucks i'm gonna be honest i think that it's so bad they should have they should have just like showed all the features with like a few ominous scenes yeah like that like doing combos into a group of npcs that are just perma-stunned what is this diablo 3 uh yeah i think the trailer sucks they could have done a much better job with it and like i played i i actually um myself and uh the pink sparkle uh two of us we played this game together whenever it came out on beta both of us actually liked the game a lot we had a lot of fun yeah as a lot of you guys know her as izzy this is a bad trailer the game is much better than what this trailer would make you believe the pink sparkle yes the the pink sparkle the so many games are with the gates are open and hell is coming through well yeah it sounds cool no yeah it's not a good representation like i mean this game has like crazy ass pvp it has really cool boss fights it has a housing system that's very expansive it's got professions that are in depth uh it has a lot of character customization it also has i don't know if i said like the really cool raids i've seen a number of the rays that they have at max level uh it also has uh what's like a sailing around like a ship and [ __ ] like that like it's got a it's the most ambitious isometric game that i've ever seen really and like i i think that it's hard to compare it with poe because poe has a much different goal but uh it's it's i would say like as ambitious as poe oh and by the way i i know that there are some people who think that it's pay to win other people think it's not pay to win uh here's what i'm gonna do i don't wanna argue about if it's pay to win or not anymore because i know that there were like weird translations people were taking things from what the russian website was going to have etc i'm just going to play the game whenever it comes out and if it's pay to win i'll probably just stop playing it because it will not be fun that's it so i'm going to play the game see what it's like if it's pay to win we're just gonna stop playing it and and that's it geez this is this looks so bad this is like if they brought out final fantasy 14 15 years ago [Applause] yeah i mean i played the game it was really cool and nobody downvoted the videos so i mean it's got to be it's got to be really popular this is what the boss fights i've showed this before so i'm not gonna get into it too much like they should have just taken this youtube video and played it as a trailer it would have been better than what they decided to put together but it's okay i mean the thing is i'm excited for the game i just wish the trailer was a better representation of it because i do think this game has a lot of potential and it's a really cool game this is what we could have had with deathwing you understand that this is what we could have had at blizzard but instead they were stealing breast milk this is what this is what it could have been [ __ ] happened and i'm i'm pissed man i'm pissed oh it's quick to move yeah it's quick to move i have no problem with it being clicked to move i played poe i played diablo 3. i have zero problem with quick to move if you do it is what it is but i think that if you want to give the game a try i thought i wouldn't like it with the click to move stuff with diablo 3 and it turned out that i got really used to it very quickly so yeah if you don't like it though i mean [ __ ] don't play it i'm really looking forward to seeing how the game is i'm not gonna watch the limit max video uh actually i'll see how long it is um uh if it's more than 10 minutes i'm probably not going to watch it okay okay okay look can somebody tell max that you only need to do eight minutes now to put extra ads in like we don't actually have to have seven extra seconds yeah we i don't know maybe he's just talking this long like he plays wow so he's probably used to talking for a long time yeah we only need to do eight minutes now man it's fine uh nobody's taking any damage well no [ __ ] because they've wiped on it 50 times because they know what to do because people are taking damage the fight the video wouldn't be 21 minutes long it would be like 30 seconds oh wow everybody's taking damage they're dying yeah he's going to say what i'm going to say it's not really a whole lot that i i can really add on to that or not search how difficult is radiant lost ark um you know what i actually do want to watch this hey everybody today i'm breaking down what an endgame encounters like in lost art korea currently the fight we're looking at is the fifth gateway of the legion commander alberts raid this weekly raid is split into six different boston councillors with checkpoints to stop and save the lockout after completing the second and fourth boss encounters you can reform and pick up where you left off with the same party members or switched it up with replacements if they're also at the same checkpoint loot's also received at each checkpoint in equal proportions so if you complete phase two you'll earn 33 percent of the potential materials for crafting the new set phase four net 266 percent and phase six get 200 okay five puts you against the queen of nightmares herself obviously he has 23 billion hp in this encounter evenly split into 200 individual lines of hp this helps us more easily identify when certain gimmick mechanics will occur at he has a total of 31 different patterns so i guess like the number there functions as like a phase counter yeah he talks a little bit too fast i wish this i i wish this video was 10 minutes and seven seconds using any random order between major hp thresholds but we'll just be covering the major gimmicks though to keep this video concise at 180 lines of health the first major gimmick happens all the players are given a black or white shape therefore shape so two people will get the same shape one black and one in white the periodic intervals shapes will be summoned while your dpsing operator that will float across the screen you must collect a certain number of shapes depending on which shape you were assigned at the start of the mechanic circles have to collect two squares have to collect four hexagons six and star eight if you collect the wrong color shape it's considered minus one there will also be patterns that are needles that travel across the screen holding in on a player for a few seconds but we're traveling in a straight line that if you're hit by it it's a 50 chance it's either a black or a white shape so it could help or set you back the other mechanic are long line telegraphs across the entire map that if you're hit do the same thing as a needle there's two variations of that one that also summons a needle which travels in the same direction at a high speed always lines of health while collecting the correct number of shapes for every player it's common to have the correct number of stacks of your shape only to get screwed over by the last summoning of shapes needles and line telegraphs and around 145 lines if any of these players has an incorrect number of stacks when entering the 140 line gimmick it's a guaranteed raid wipe and you have to start over at 140 lines ambershot either has a circle or a cross shape underneath her this helps us determine where we need to stack with the other player to safely place a symbol on the ground for the next pattern before we stack we have to dodge line laser telegraphs twice with the second one giving us about a second afterwards to converge with the other player if done successful all four players will place a symbol in four sections of the map evenly spaced from each other that doesn't seem that actually doesn't seem that hard and one of the eight players has to guide a certain shaped meteor it's the corresponding symbol placed in the previous mechanic uh failing to do that wipes the raid while doing this players have to dodge a lot of large aoe telegraphs the red scary ones that are one shots uh the expanding black hole also has to be avoided and if it touches another one of the symbols then it wipes the raid which is why they have to be placed equally distant apart from one another if everyone's successful at placing all four meteors then you proceed to the next phase which is a burn from 140 lines to 110 lines at 110 lines our side ports to the center and a short intermission place two large spheres are summoned into the map and there's also glyphs on the ground which light up that tell us what to do in this mechanic they indicate the order in which targets have to be neutralized with fatigue damage from our spells the inside of order wipes their races god i hope this game is paid to win holy [ __ ] oh my gosh oh wow i hope this is paid to win yeah jesus christ wow dulong also wipes the raid at the same time illusions of operation can spawn in up to six positions three above and three below it's random every illusion that gets summoned has to be countered within a second of it appearing failing to do so silences the entire party which screws up the neutralization and also the illusion blows up and does like 50 of your health if all the illusions are successfully countered and the three main targets are neutralized in the correct order then you move on to the next phase the next phase the two orbs that were just neutralized create portals that lead to a different cube mini boss in a separate area the past the game make one player has to collect 12 white ore buffs in the right portal and then in the left side portal four players have to collect three gold orbs each the twelve white war player is probably going to have to be a support because the white orbs inflict the dot are stacking damage over time debuff on you as you collect each orb at least one player has to stay outside to deal with albert or elsie immediately casts a raid wipe but there's no one in there so i'll go on not collecting it the right number of orbs also incurs a raid wipe in the next gimmick uh and also this is cool outside fighting her dies she also kills the raid during the battle with the cubes there's also needles in line telegraphs that can reduce the number of orbs you've collected needles drop you to zero stacks in the left one and in the right side room nine targets holy [ __ ] by one once the cubes are defeated you gotta exit within like two or three seconds or else it kills you after all players have exited albuquerque begins the next pattern which reminds a lot of people of frieza from dragon ball z he'll summon a huge ball of energy and you have to break an hp shield on her well if it actually reminded me from frieza from dragon ball z uh i would just continue talking for the next two weeks and then uh the next week at the same time i would just start the video over and then play the same video again and say the exact same things so that's actually what it would be like lines of light protrudes from eight different positions get some maneuvering into the lines of light to avoid being silent says there's a neutralization check that has to be cleared you also have to remember where each of these lines of light are because at the end of this pattern after the neutralization check has been succeeded five different safe spots emerge only one of which is correct to stand in the safe one is the one that if you remember there was no lines of light from armor shut in the previous pattern it will form that shape yeah you're successfully neutralizing the correct safe spot and have the correct amount of ore buffs on five players they'll survive the raid wipe that falls afterwards after lowering the boss from 110 lines to 90 lines players are once again assigned shapes from well it's the same thing as the 180 line gimmick you have to once again collect the correct amount of shapes by the time you reach 50 lines while also avoiding a lot more dangerous patterns that begin to emerge at around this point at 50 lines you have to once again converge with the other player that has the same shape as you to place the symbols on the ground but instead of line telegraphs everyone has to kite four meteor drops uh you have about one second after the last meteor drop to stand within proximity the corresponding shape to place the symbol hopefully at this point everyone has survived and was able to place their symbol to prevent the last eight player gimmick uh as after you successfully guide these meteors into the correct symbol it's a burn of the last 50 lines to zero hp against the torrent of even more deadly attacks if you've managed to claim victory at this point though pat yourself in the back uh because that was the dwarf you defeated the easy part she takes the battle up in space and the real battle against the real boss begins at that point they're gonna add a difficulty mode above that oh wow the thing is like welcome back this is part two how difficult is raiding in lost dark oh no we're dissecting the finale against the space opera phantom obviously as a disclaimer if you're trying to face this stop watching this video as it contains fight spoilers otherwise this is kind of like a guide but a really terrible one the video is just meant for entertainment for people thinking about mechanics that aren't obvious by just watching the gameplay at the time recording the highest level encounter in lost ark and the most mechanically complex fight to date 20-25 minute endurance battle against 28.5 billion hp split across 250 health bars you made the dps check in the previous fight in phase five oh wow clear to phase six since there's more damage up time and a longer fight timer yeah of course for clearing phase six isn't unique but you're guaranteed two legendary engraving boats additional ancient fragments for crafting and a small chance of looting the highly coveted esther stone bring this one holy [ __ ] i hope this is pay to win this is insane man am i gonna have to do this 25 minute fight the thing is like i wonder with any fight like this i wonder like what the because like how many people are they doing this with it looks like they're doing it with like eight people or so am i right about this it's eight people like that's that's a hundred percent uh easier than doing like a myth a grade with twenty because you just have less than half as many people that can [ __ ] it up so the checkpoints make it easier yeah like you guys obviously are making this out to be like it's really hard and it is really hard but the truth is that like if unless these mechanics are like one-shotting you and like it one-shots the raid you can probably recover from some mistakes and get through this and it's probably not as hard as you might think but we'll see they do yeah if they all one shot you then it's different but what i'm saying is like i've learned with final fantasy that and this is the same with like challenge modes is you can make much better and much cleaner plays whenever you have a smaller group of people to make decisions yeah you only have to worry about yourself yeah there you go necessary for anything in particular but there are achievements linked to it you can progress your gear fine by opting to skip the fight and just clearing the earlier fights in the raid for materials besides for 27 unique attacks some of which are strengthened after the second half the fight begins there are four major gimmicks that can be tricky to resolve two witch of repeat and a final desperation attack at one hp that's mostly for theatrics the first major gimmick appears at 225 lines of health all raiders induce a hallucination and are isolated from the rest of the group while a shape appears throughout their screen memorize this shape since it'll be important in a moment a demon spawns in the center tile checking orals would reduce your movement speed if you're hit by them but we can cheese this by standing in a narrow blind spot behind it afterwards two rows or columns of the map grid will start to light up and you must navigate to a sp that isn't lit this is repeated three times oh this is happening you'll occasionally be afflicted with a debuff which flips your controls symbolized by a purple swirling ball above your head making your character move in the opposite direction oh bro this reminds me of like that [ __ ] super smash brothers thing where like you ever have like that [ __ ] friend that like plays the ball that turns the screen upside down oh man it makes me so mad learning curve is smooth it's not that insane whenever you get there i don't think it probably will be man like i don't think it's going to be as insane as people are making it out to be another difficulty above this which isn't out yet it's called hell mode well [ __ ] most mechanics one shot the raid on and off a few times during this if you're struck by one of the lit up grid spaces you'll be killed after three of these everyone is released from the hallucination and albert should teleport to the center they'll start releasing the same orbs from before which reduced movement speed by hitting her and standing close by a shape will appear near her the one player that saw the shape in the hallucination must guide the other seven players to the safe grid spots as opposed will repeat the attack again in the same order that they saw it before once this is resolved the players can fight again normally but the next game appears very shortly several tornadoes travel across the map dealing heavy damage to anyone they touch a few players have a debuff that can be removed if the tornado touches them but it's important that they don't remove it the player still has the debuff and it naturally expires they're sent to another plane where there's a single black orb they have a few seconds to destroy it should they fail they're spit back out to join their party and the orb blows up into a swirling vortex greatly impeding movement and either pushing or pulling players away gradually this lasts for a very long time and makes dpsing the boss very difficult but destroying the orb is important more players that lose their debuff by getting hit by a tornado the more difficult it'll be to break the orb dps continues until 188 lines of health at 188 lines of health the fight officially begins oh right of course meteors are summoned in and each of the players is marked sequentially one second apart from one another the rain map is split into a three by three grid each grid space has three hp when a blue meteor lands on any of the spaces it reduces the tile's hp by 1. a player marked by a golden meteor reduces the hp of the tile it lands on by 3 as well as all adjacent tiles by 3 as well the first player during this mechanic is marked with the golden meteor while the other 7 are marked with blue ones the raid must carefully place these meteors in such a way that no more than three tiles are destroyed at any given time when a fourth tile is destroyed applesaud will immediately perform a raid wipe finally tiles regenerate back into play with full hp one minute and 40 seconds after being opened when a tile is destroyed it also means the map is shrunk as well like the first legion general vaulten players are instantly killed if they're hit by a stagger knock back or knock down while standing near the edge of the map jesus by getting knocked off but fortunately the game doesn't let you just walk off after resolving this mechanic blue meteors will begin to fall on random party members every one minute while golden meteors will select a random party member at specific hp intervals the next which happens at 137 lines oh my 88 lines though the boss becomes considerably more dangerous our moveset is expanded to include several heavy knockback attacks that are designed to smack players off the map these are the yellow telegraph attacks no matter how geared you are if your reflexes are slow here you'll face the depth by gravity it's important to understand what super armor options you have in a pinch you also have to avoid tanking yellow telegraphs as much as possible since every time you're hit by one you'll gain an infinite duration debuff which at three stacks will cause the blue meteor to begin dropping on you after dealing with the golden meter you'll just walk for a minute and 40 seconds for the destroy tiles to respawn before entering the 113 line pattern this is because you'll want the full map space for what comes next at 113 lines and new installation plays [Music] holy [ __ ] [Music] players navigate to the center and position to dodge a quick pizza attack and divide themselves in different parts of the map to avoid the giant palm slam in the center a black hole forms that gradually pulls players towards it and a huge number of red auras begin flying in from outside of the map towards the center we can use esther shandy here which is kind of like a party ultimate or a limit break if you're coming from final fantasy xiv to slow down time and assist with dodging these the red orbs steal heavy all the way on the player if they get hit by it at three stacks of this debuff the player dies at the same time gold auroras will fly in as well all players have to collect two these in order to survive the explosion at the end there'll also be four smaller black hole orbs on four of the tiles four players have to each enter one of them right before the pattern ends to avoid getting sucked into the center and pulled into another dimension you have to time this carefully as entering the orb too early won't protect you from getting pulled in if performed successfully four players get pulled into the center and sent to a separate plane on the same map while the four that entered the small black orb stay in the original plane with overshoot eight phantoms of operate appear in the original plane and the four players outside must run close to each of them if any of the clones turn clockwise or counterclockwise you've got to notify the team on the inside where that clone is usually with a ping this lets them know that the clone will appear on their side shortly at that position the clone that turns clockwise will appear on the other side and must be neutralized within two seconds while cloning turns counterclockwise must be countered when the clone is dealt with properly it drops a golden buff that gives the player in the inner dimension a shield that lets them survive the explosion at the end of the eight clones two will turn and this repeats in a second wave for a total of four clones and four shields probably allowing all four players inside to survive the clone isn't properly countered or neutralized not only is a player guaranteed to die since they won't have a shield the clone also drops a blue meteor on the tile that they were on potentially destroying it which can kill players on the outside as they won't be able to see the meteor itself oh my god based on two versions of the same map and so quick communication and cooperation is needed for everyone to survive this from this point onwards most of our shows random attacks have been strengthened and have additional mechanics that you'll have to deal with of course meteor appears at 87 lines at 66 lines tornadoes will appear again and the debuff players once again have to destroy the orb to prevent the vortex from spawning the spawn vortex is especially deadly at this stage of the fight where obviously has her expanded strength and moveset there's one final gold meteor at 37 lines after you deal with it and reach 28 lines the dream world pattern repeats and you must once again memorize the shape and the safe spot oh my god as part of the map is destroyed at this point it can be tricky to navigate from one side to the other prevail at this point you're on the home stretch at 25 lines obviously will destroy the four corners of the map you'll no longer kill the entire raid if more than three tiles are broken however as blue meteors are still spawning and that will gradually get smaller until only the center tile remains the goal is to bring her down to seven lines of health before this happens as the smaller the map is the more likely people are to get knocked off at seven lines of health the final major gimmick begins in an act of desperation alberta begins to summon one last giant meteor designed to wipe out the party oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] bro who thought of this fight she's like sending a black hole or some kind of [ __ ] [ __ ] during its slow descent you have to break through a 22.8 billion hp overshield that she gains or 200 additional lines of health before the meteor lands in two to three minutes if you're tight on dps on this point and you're getting close to the 20 minute enrage timer five minutes are added so you don't have to worry so much about it and any of the broken titles or the corner ones are brought back into play right away 200 more lines is ridiculous though and the following mechanic is designed to help you punch that shield while battling opportunity and chipping away the shield the screen will flash at the 1 o'clock 5 o'clock 7 o'clock or 11 o'clock positions this signifies that a counterable meteor will be flying in towards the center of the map this will happen five times once in each direction and one more time in one random direction when the meteors arrive they'll either flash red or blue blue ones have to be countered while red ones have to be ignored altogether if a red one is countered it'll explode dealing heavy aoe damage to players and likely knock them off the map when a blue meteor is successfully countered though the player receives a buff that when expires fires along can you rest people like if somebody dies can you like just res them no oh [ __ ] here that'll deal about 14 lines of damage to albert's health in total five rounds of meteors will appear of which at least 15 will be counterable and 14 is practically required to meet the damage check at people in each of the quadrants with excess players prepare to assist in case two blue meteors appear in one quadrant if you fail to break the shield the final meteor lands killing everyone but if you succeed then buffs will scatter across the map players only need to pick up one which will grant them a shield that lets you survive the meteor finally bring opportunity down to one hp and the last gimmick occurs and orbs spawns at the seven o'clock position which she summons in order to wipe out the remaining players the euro has to be destroyed with normal damage before she can however it regenerates 40 million hp per second as you hit the orb buffs will pop out of it which when collected greatly increase your damage output stacking up to nine times pick up as many worms as you can and then nuke her last attack faster than it can regenerate bringing an end to the fight once and for all please stop watching here if you want to avoid story cinematic spoilers and that's it while there will be raids holy [ __ ] is definitely the most visually stunning 40 million hp a second deal with this encounter on hell mode which has equalized gear tighter dps checks additional mechanics and a prestige achievement for completing both this encounter as well as the previous one from the other video back to back with no restarts and not a single death across the entire party i look forward to showing you all that encounter whenever it comes foreign wait oh i was like what the [ __ ] wait she's not dead he spent 23 minutes on her face she's not dead oh my god that's the rate team it's just some big [ __ ] catch oh there she is i have to admit having the final fantasy music in the background makes this better it actually makes it like it makes it so much better yeah this is so much better okay uh so uh let's see how housing is in lost art yeah let's look at housing yeah so uh take a look at that maybe instead this is a bunch of menus where's the house there's a bunch of [ __ ] menus where's the house [Music] okay this is not gonna work i'll figure it out myself mobile game housing i have no idea okay so look the game to me i think that i i'm glad that i watched that video because that video told me one thing and that's that it's pretty much time for me to go to bed that i quit final fantasy yeah i'm the lost ark andy now i'm i'm gonna play that instead uh so look i think it's [ __ ] badass i i think this is super cool i i'm i'm hoping that maybe one day i'll do that fight [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 658,995
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, new mmorpg, new mmo, lost ark, lost ark raid, lost ark p2w, lost ark pay to win, lost ark release, asmongold lost ark, lost ark mmo, lost ark diablo, lost ark pvp, lost ark trailer, lost ark 2021, lost ark 2021 release, new rpg, pay to win, p2w, new mmo 2022, new mmorpg 2022, rpg 2022, hardest lost ark raid
Id: r9sZoyQXwug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 41sec (1721 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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