1 Corinthians Chapter 4

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[Music] Shalom and welcome to via afta Israel a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel o RG now here's Baruch with today's lesson oftentimes we do not like to be corrected we don't want someone else to set things straight for us because of our pride because that we have arrogance at times and we like to do it our way and this certainly describes the congregation at Corinth they were a group of individuals that although they had potential the Spirit of God was moving in their midst but so was the flesh and whenever were operating in the flesh thinking about our desires our objectives the enemy is going to come in and bring about division and this congregation at Corinth was indeed a divided congregation well with that said - got your Bible and look with me to first Corinthians chapter 4 first corinthians and chapter 4 now in order to appreciate this chapter and it is a great chapter in the scripture because paul is ministering to these individuals he is giving them truth that is a right perspective a heavenly perspective and understanding what they need to know in order that they can be valuable to God and we need to understand that in two ways we are valuable in and of ourselves why because God loves us because Messiah died for us but the second way is that we can be of use to God God has invested himself meaning his purposes his plans he has invested those things in his people that we work and serve that's why we're called the body of Messiah that's why the Holy Spirit was given to us that we might carry on the Ministry of Messiah setting things in order but if we ourselves are not in order if we don't understand the things of God then how can we teach others so again look with me to this chapter 1st Corinthians chapter 4 and our objective is to complete this entire chapter today so verse 1 here again Paul is speaking and he says thus let a man consider us as servants now there's a couple different words in the Greek language for servants and this is not the word we talked about several weeks ago that I mentioned slaves but this is a hired hand and what Paul is saying is this I want you to consider us as hired hands what does he mean that we have been employed in order to assist you what Paul is saying is that he is not carrying on these things in this congregation for some personal objective but he's there for their benefit obviously according to the will of God according to the things of God but he is their servants he has been employed for their spiritual benefit now that does not mean that he takes orders from them no he's faithful to the truth of God to administer it to them so he says thus let a man consider us as servants servants of who he says of Messiah so his allegiance even though his objective is to benefit this congregation his allegiance is to Messiah he says servants of Messiah and stewards now this is a word that usually relates to someone who manages a household think of an estate many things go on in an estate they might have a farm they may have an orchard they might have a vineyard they have their own employment businesses as well and someone is running all of these things the steward the overall manager and that's what Paul is saying here that he has been equipped by God chosen by God empowered by God to rule over these spiritual things for the betterment of this people and for the purpose of this congregation that established there but notice what he says here not only servants of Messiah but stewards and I like this part stewards of the mystery of God now what is he speaking about well one of the things that Paul calls a mystery in the scripture is indeed the congregation of Messiah we could simply say the word ecclesia the church meaning this when we look prophetically we don't see in the prophets the church being manifested they had aware of this time that Messiah was going to come do his work and there would be a period of time a dispensation and allotment of time before Messiah comes back and it would be the church that God used for his purposes so this was a mystery so Paul says I'm a servant of Messiah I am also a steward of the mysteries of God now it's in the plural it also speaks about a nother mystery and that has to do with what God's going to do with this this congregation of the Lord believers and this is to transform us one of the mysteries is that blessed hope so we serve in light of that calling and that event so these two things Paul is emphasizing when he says the mysteries of God because these are the two primary mysteries that we see in Paul's writings move on to verse 2 now he says and the remaining thing he wants to add something to this first first opening remarks and he says it is required for stewards so if someone's going to have a position of oversight managing the things of God being used in that same position he says it is necessary for the stewards that they should be found that it's in the Sigler that one should be found how faithful now this is important because faithfulness is foundational and faithfulness is a response to the truth of God I want to say that again faithfulness is a response to the truth of God so it's not doing what we think is right in our own eyes what is rational what we hear other people saying no faithfulness initiates with the will of God the Word of God the truth of God as it is subjected to us in order that we might follow it so it's given to us in order that we might be good stewards of the revelation of God so if someone is wanting to be a steward he says it is required for for this person to be found faithful meaning they need to be tested they need to have a track record a history a performance of demonstrating the truth of God in his life look on to verse 3 now here Paul is talking about judgment and he says here look at verse 3 he says it is a small thing for me to be judged judge by you so he says you know I'm not all that interested or concern of your impressions of me what's your judgment what your conclusion is furthermore he goes on he says for by the the judgment of up day now what he's talking about it's a word two words of men and day and it is an idiom responding to the day courts probably bringing someone to the gate of the city and having them examine so he's saying you know what what you think of me isn't all that important it's a small thing furthermore if you bring me before a civil court for their administration even if it's of a Jewish context applying what people think are biblical truth to it he said that's still not something for he says I do not even judge myself now what's he speaking about that he's beyond any type of judgment no he's saying I am NOT going to be influenced by by you all this congregation nor some some governmental authority nor even by my self because you know who he has to give account to well if we keep reading we see he says in this passage rather he says it is the Lord that judges me so he is submitting to the mind of God it is the Lord that has that fire I'll say whether Paul is faithful whether he's a good Stewart whether he truly is serving Messiah properly it's his thought his evaluation that's important to Paul not his own not someone else's not some authority in this world no he says it's Messiah that he's trying to please it's his judgment that he is concerned with move on to the next verse verse 5 he says here but not if we're talking about judgment that judgment don't reach a final conclusion in Messiah doesn't either he says not before that's time when something is judged when you are just so don't judge something before its time until the Lord comes who also will bring to light the hidden things of darkness so no it's like looking at some sporting event and and reaching a conclusion in the first half no we don't decide who the winner is who play good who didn't play good until after the game comes to the conclusion in that same way we're all in a process we're growing we're maturing God is at work in our life forming us shaping ups maturing us transforming us so what he says here don't judge you don't judge anything before its time and when it's it's time he says here look again verse 5 he speaks about until the Lord should come who and what will he do who also will bring a light the hidden things of darkness those things see here's the problem oftentimes people render a conclusion they reach some evaluation some judgment and they don't have all the information there are hidden things that they don't take into consideration because they don't aren't a of them but Messiah he knows all things and he will render a judgment upon not just what is presented but also those things that are held back those things as he says the hidden things of darkness and he will manifest also and the word here is the intentions of the heart so not only are the actions the deeds the words but also the intent behind them so messiahs going to bring everything into consideration when he judges those hidden things those things that are only the intent of one's heart they're all going to come into play why well think about this intentions of a heart I might do something and it might look well but inwardly I didn't want it to turn out that way that wasn't my intention I didn't do that in order for this to come out it's what came out but I wanted something else so also the intentions are going to be rendered into God's final conclusion so he will make manifest the intentions of the heart and then then he says let each one receive praise from God so it's after all of this that we'll see who is the one that receives praise from God what is God going to say is good right pleasing to him and what's not it just underscores what we've already talked about he is judge and it's only the things that he sees as praiseworthy that is truly those things that are good and right and correct and as a result of faithfulness verse 6 now Paul is talking to this group in Corinthians this congregation and he's not putting himself above them he is not saying that well this is good for you but I follow a different set of standards look now two diverse six he says but these things brethren and he's seen them as fellow servants on the same level before God and that same truth that he shared in the first part of this fourth chapter it is true also for him why do I know this look again at verse 6 but these things brother he says I apply and he's applying them also he says to myself and also to Apollo's on account of view he's saying these things we follow as well and we do so on account of you for you to see that they are the truth of God that these represent God's methodology how God evaluates what God sees as good and what he sees as evil so he's not excluding them he says I am applying these things also to myself also to Polo's in account of you in order that in us you learn not beyond what is think what is written to think now he's saying something that's very important it's subtle but we need to understand it he's saying in verse the first part of of this this section verses 1 through 5 he's talking about that the Lord he is judge it's it's Messiah's perspective that's manners but how do we know that well he says it right here in verse verse 6 where he says in order that in us that you learn not beyond what is written to think meaning we should think according to the truth of Messiah and where do we find that truth of Messiah right here when it says in that which has been written so do not think beyond what the scripture clearly says and that's why so often I get questions and the questions you know they're not based upon something that is clearly answered in the Word of God and therefore if God doesn't address these things we ought not as well do not think beyond what the Word of God speaks to what the Word of God reveals secondly he says here keep on in verse 6 in order that one beyond another now the word one is actually in the Greek text used twice but we would say one another in order that one beyond another does not think in a sense that this one is puffed up against another so we should not think beyond and that is in regard to another one ourselves being puffs puffed up vanity pride against another now what he's talking about here is the exact opposite of via hafte LaRocca Kamaka love your neighbor as yourself what he's concerned is that people are making decisions they are believing things in order that they put themselves above someone else and in the end it's not just above but here's what it is putting when the word is cata which is against instead of saying I'm going to become the one who wants to be great let him become a servant of all men for the purpose of building someone else up this is the exact opposite it's thinking of myself beyond what I should oppose to someone else that I might be lifted up and they are put down the exact opposite of what the Torah reveals the exact opposite of Messiah's character and these two things are incongruent see meaning this the message the character of the law when we look at the commandments of God we see a character being manifested that's why it talks about Messiah is the word that became flesh what word are we speaking about well in one sense it's the Word of God the instructions of God when we look for example at the law the 613 commandments they reflect they reveal the expectations of God how God wants us to live and Messiah came and he manifested the righteousness of God that is He fulfilled the expectations of God he never violated the commandments meaning this he never sent now this is important because when we look here what he's talking about in this passage of Scripture is that we live in a way that does not set ourselves against others for pushing them down but we live in a way mindful of others in order that they might be lifted up and that is the message of the commandments of God that we love others as are self-motivated to do so because we love God first and it's that love of God that we have received that love of God that we want to to return that's going to manifest itself in building others up not dominating others but becoming a servant to others so he says here look again in order that you think based upon us what you've seen us not beyond what is written in the Word of God do not puff yourself up against someone else but rather look at verse 7 for someone and we could say who is the one that makes this this difference a distinction see worse boast be one but here it's talking about an individual that wants to make a distinction and kind of set himself different and he says here this is not the right way of thinking for for who is the one who makes a distinction among you this is the wrong thing why he says but did you not receive he says no is it not that you have received something what you have is not in and of yourself didn't you receive something and he goes on and says and if you have received then why do you boast as you haven't received now this is what he's talking about he's saying everything that we have that's good everything that we have that's pleasing to God every aspect of my being that God says yes I like that I received it received it from who received it from him so everything that's positive in my life I've received so then why do I act that I'm different better than someone else as though I didn't receive it from God I earned it myself no nothing that's praiseworthy nothing that's pleasing to God originates with man it is all from him what do we say praise God from whom all blessings flow everything that's good in my life I received from him so he says here why is it do you act that you have not received why is it you boast in this way verse 8 already now he's talking about what we have in Messiah remember if we go back up to 2 verse 6 he dresses the congregation as brothers brothers and sisters in Messiah and he says because you are in Messiah what do we have well remember I've mentioned this a couple times recently that scripture from Romans 8 if we are in Messiah he says will he not also give to us all things with him so what do I have in Messiah I have all things and that's why Paul look at the text verse 8 he says already we have been satiated that is it's a word here for for satisfied we are satisfied because with Messiah we have all things also he says here you have been enriched meaning everything that you need in this enrichment is so that we can grow and mature in Messiah so God has provided all things we are people who have been enriched and he says something more than that he says and without us Paul is speaking to them without us you reign now he's talking about in the fact that you are his kingdom servants and that we we can go to the book of Revelation and look clearly for example in Revelation chapter 20 or it says twice that we are going to rule and reign with Messiah when does that begin well in one sense it begins now it is going to be documented and enforced by Messiah in the kingdom but right now we are serving with him we are ruling we are under him and under his authority to carry out his purposes and what Paul is saying is this is true for them without any more influence from Paul and Apollo's in this congregation so he says look again in verse eight he says you have been satiated you have been satisfied fully in Messiah you have been enriched completely through Messiah and you rang without us these two apostles Paul and Apollo's they if they have no more contact with them it doesn't change this congregations call to rule and he says and I wish also that you have ruled meaning that you're doing that in order also we with you can rule what he's saying is this he is not setting himself up as people better than this congregation he said you know what if you are ruling and doing the right things serving God faithfully he says will come alongside we're glad that you are doing this without us in fact we'll come and submit to that we want to be part of what you're doing not necessarily as the leaders as the ones who have all the answers of ones that you have to look up to he says no if you are already ruling faithfully we'll come in and support your rule so Paul st. I don't have to be the leader I don't have to be the one in charge I don't have to be the authority we'll come in and support what you are doing that's what he says look at the text verse eight he uses a word it says I wish that you were already ruling meaning faithfully carrying out the things of God that we would come and and serve with you verse 9 for I think that God God and it uses word here to make manifest now what Paul is saying and this is an important scripture because today there is a group of people who they might have good intentions they might love God but they are deceived because they are seeing themselves as kind of a rebirth of the Apostles and this is wrong because notice what Paul says here and it's so interesting that there'll be some new theology some new movement that will take take traction become very influential in the world and you look at it and you begin to see improper theology and then you see something by them calling themselves these new apostles speaking about the authority that they have exalting themselves exactly the opposite of what Paul's doing he says here pay very close attention to the words he says here verse verse 9 for I think that God us has manifested how as the last apostles so Paul is saying here this this Apostleship he's among the last ones it was those that were the disciples of Messiah and a few others that join in that had a personal revelation where they saw messiahs Paul did on that road to Damascus but that that apostle of apostolic age has come to an end and that's why Paul speaks of him and he uses his word for the end he says four verse verse 9 for I think that and this is a word for for supposing something and he's supposing it based upon the inspiration of the Holy Spirit so Paul writes I think and what he's thinking is correct because he's inspired by God that he's saying that us that we had been manifested and that's at word we have been shown to be the last apostles furthermore he says here as appointed notices has appointed for death and have become a spectacle and this word is an example but one that that is viewed negatively so Paul saying as this last group of apostles you know what we're really appointed - we're going to be appointed for death that we're going to be persecuted and we're going to become an example a spectacle you might say of the world he says and not only of the world but of angels and of man meaning this that God has chosen Paul and these other apostles like Peter and John and so forth that they are appointed for death that they are going to become a spectacle to the world but also an example to the angels and to all men of what it means to be a servant what it means to be sent forth by God to do his will furthermore verse 10 we he says we are foolish on account of Messiah now when he says foolish this is a word that shows from a worldly perspective no respect meaning this that the world is not going to value Paul Peter these apostles the world is going to think that their foolish that their unintelligent that what they're doing is a waste of time so he says look at verse 10 for we are foolish ones on account of massage but you are wise in Messiah now it's very important he's saying the world is going to see you see us as foolish but you because of what Paul and these apostles are doing you are going to be wise ones how in Messiah we are weak but you are strong now what he's saying is this based upon what we have gone through it is going to impact you and give you strength the world's good to see us as weak the world is going to see us as on eloquent the world is going to see us as as insignificant but you because of that when you understand that he says you are going to be strong he says you are going to be honored meaning by God and we by the world are going to be Dishonored of no it's word for value and then we have a letter a prefix the Alpha which is a negation we are going to be seen as unvalued allure dishonor now what he's saying is this all the things that they're going to go through suffering it is for them meaning this all the things Paul Apostle Apollo's Peter all of these what they're going through how they're being viewed by the world all of that is going to have a great outcome for them it is going to bring them wisdom it is going to bring them strength and it's going to bring them honor from God not from the world but from God that's what he's saying in this passage look at verse 11 and now until the present hour he says something now until the present hour he says we are hungry thirsty and we are naked and we are beaten meaning we are then struct and we are homeless now this is important because I really wonder how those who teach this false prosperity gospel saying you know what we're the king's kids therefore we should have the very best and if we're walking with God we're gonna have prosperity financial prosperity we're gonna have a great car we're to live in a nice home we're gonna have perfect we're not gonna have anything but success well how does that square ladies and gentlemen with what we're reading here with Paul is saying look in verse 11 he says now until this present time what are we he's saying now meaning at this moment on going into this present hour and it means in the future it's an idiom he says we are and pay very close attention he says we are hungry we are thirsty we are naked we are beaten and we are homeless now the word means to lack a place it is also a reference may be homeless is a modern way to understand that but it speaks about soldiering going from one place to another oftentimes be driven away from one place to another remember what Messiah taught he says go into a city but if they do not receive you shake the dust from your feet and go to someone else where else and that's what he's talking about error we have no place that that's going to receive us no City no nation that's going to want us to be part of them verse 12 and we labor and working with our own hands he says you know we we are laboring working we are producing our own own keep by laboring with their own hands in order to do this and in light of that he says even though we are reviled this a word to be put down to be loathed by others he says what do we do people loathe us what do we do we bless we are persecuted and we endure verse 13 we are blaspheme and he says what do we do we encourage others so Paul is not returning evil for evil he's returning good to those who are evil against him why because he knows that they're in darkness he knows that they are individuals who has been deceived by the enemy he doesn't have expectations from those that belong to the world that they're going to approve him like him bless him speak good about him know they're going to be slandered look again at verse 13 he says even though we are blaspheme he says we want to be an encouragement and he says even though we are and the idea here is and I did a long study of this word 1 you know what's the best way to translate and in doing so it's really the word for scum and it has to do with something that people want to get rid of seen as as not appropriate something that if it's present is there if it's presence is there we want to get rid of it so Paul uses this term and I think the best English way to to speak of it he says we are blasphemy but we're gonna be an encouragement even though we are thought of as the scum of the world meaning we have become the scum of the world and of all things and he uses another word that we have to deal with properly it speaks of that which is wiped away for example you want to clear a window and there's there's gunk on it there's things on it so you take something you clean and you wipe it when you see on that cloth that cleaning cleaning garment you see the dirt the gunk the scum so it's a synonym he says we have become the scum of the world and in all places they see us as that which needs to be wiped away so over and over Paul is speaking here of being individuals that are rejected and he says even up until this present time nothing has changed and the implication is nothing is going to change so don't think of yourselves as because I've received the gospel because I walk in obedience that the world is going to say well done it's not the world is going to see us as that which needs to be wiped away the scum of the earth we are going to be persecuted blaspheme beaten rejected homeless that's where the world is going and as the times come closer and closer for messiahs return it is going to be ever more the case what we're describing now well let's move on to verse 11 he says here I guess we read verse 11 until now he says we are hungry and thirsty and make and beaten and homeless verse 12 and we labor with our own hands even though we are reviled we're gonna bless even though we're persecuted we're gonna endure even though we're blaspheme we're going to encourage even though we're seen as as the scum of the world as that which has wiped away until now he says we're gonna persevere were not changing now look at verse 14 Paul says as coming to the conclusion of this last section of chapter 4 he says and not to make you ashamed I have written these things he said my intent in writing this was not to make you a shame but as beloved children of mine as my beloved children I admonish you now the word here and I think one I believe that King James says as beloved sons it's not the word for sons it's the neuter so you can have son masculine daughter feminine or children neuter and it's a word children it is not emphasizing at this case and inheritance that we have some future reward for this no it's emphasizing this this current love that Paul has for them it's a term of of intimacy of great love and affection so he says I write these things to you not in order to shame you but as my beloved children I am and admonishing you and this word admonish is to speak harshly to speak boldly to speak frankly to speak to the issue for there to be a change a righteous a godly a change that is well pleasing to God verse 15 for if you have ten thousands the word for Mildred's but it's in the play ten thousands upon 10 thousands upon 10,000 and he uses a word for someone who is a tutor a schoolmaster a guardian of now this word has to do with an authority figure who has been hired in order to bring up a child in the right way based upon the desires of the father and he says here you know you can have ten thousands of these tutors these school masters that train you and prepare you but he says you can add ten thousands of them in messiah good ones in messiah but not many fathers meaning this for in Messiah Yeshua through the gospel I have beget you he says realize something all of this things that he said that they have this this wisdom this strength this power this understanding this this call to rule and reign with Messiah he says all of this came about because of Messiah through what he says through the gospel for I gave birth to you meaning this it was I who took the Gospel message to you in Messiah that caused you to become the children of God I gave birth to you therefore and he's saying this not in some proud way not in some way that says you are indebted to me he wants them to know of his abiding love he sees them as his beloved children he took honor and pleasure in the fact that he was used by God to bring them into the kingdom of God so he says therefore I encourage you that you become imitators of me that you go and you bear children that you lead others to a saving knowledge of Messiah that you carry on the same work that I'm doing that you sow seeds through the gospel of salvation and he says furthermore in order to assist you in that look now to verse 17 on account of this I will send you Timothy who is my beloved child here again not son but beloved child he's not speaking child he's not emphasizing here sonship as his servant or as some future inheritance that Timothy is going to have he uses the word child to show relationship love affection he says on account of this that they might grow and mature and be fruitful a fruitful congregation he says on a cannabis I send to you Timothy who is my beloved child and faithful in the Lord who will make mention of my ways in Messiah he's going to clarify show teach reveal more so even of Paul's ways in Messiah how Paul walks with the Lord in the way of Messiah just as he says I have in all places and in every congregation he says I teach now this tells us Paul saying you know what I share with one congregation is exactly what I share with another and another he says in all places and notice he uses that word congregation ecclesia we would use the word church and I'm sure it's translated in your Bibles this way but remember it's those who are called out ecclesia Glacia call act out or from and it speaks about how we're called out of this world now some people limit it just to mean I'm called out of this world into heaven into the kingdom of God now that's true but in this context it means to call out to be called the world lifestyle the world thought process the world's image how the world lives no we're called out of that and that's what Paul is teaching how to live not a worldly lifestyle in light of the the standards of this age this world but how to live a kingdom lifestyle and he says and he's speaking to individuals and here's the problem he's going back to what he spoke of earlier about those who think incorrectly in a prideful way with the motivation to and and most Bibles use a phrase they puff themselves up it's a term of pride in a term of arrogance and he says look at verse 18 there are those who say you know Paul's not coming here Paul's not going to encounter us anymore Paul and he's saying here these individuals it's as though that they think I will not come to you why because certain one has puff themselves up thinking that they are are wiser more educated more knowledgeable in the things of God and Paul's not going to come before them and debate these things that's how prideful they think they are that they know more than Paul Paul says rather verse 19 but in contrast to that against such a thought he says I will come quickly to you if the Lord allows or the Lord desires and I will make known or I will recognize he says you know people are saying all of these things but I'm gonna recognize what is is true he says not based upon the word of those who have puff themselves up I'm not going to to to recognize just these lofty words of these prideful individuals that are now setting themselves against you wanting to put you down in order to put themselves up he says I'm not going to recognize their words but what he's going to pay attention to look at us that in the verse 19 but rather power he wants to see manifestations of the power of God and realize something there is an inherent relationship between the power of God and don't miss this between the power of God and the truth of God and that's why so frequently when Messiah you can see this in the Gospels when Messiah he did a miracle it was always to illustrate a truth that he was saying a point that he was manifesting revealing in other words these miracles were confirmations of the revelation of God so Paul says we're going to see where the power is manifested and these individuals who are setting themselves above you and putting you down those who have puff themselves up in arrogancy and pride where is the power going to be manifested verse 24 not in word is the kingdom of God but in power where the kingdom of God that is the rule of God the character of God is it's not just based in word but it's based in the manifestation of power finally verse 21 he says his intent is to come and he says do you want basically that I should come unto you with the rod meaning coming with this this punishment or a sense or in love and the spirit even of meekness how do you want me to come now Paul's coming to set things in order and he says I can do so with the rod meaning punishment based upon his title of an apostle or he says do you want me to come based in this sacrificial love and in the spirit of meekness now there's no question Paul's preference is to come in the latter to come and to deal with these individuals I just got it wrong and might have good intentions might just simply have not understood God's revelation and Paul says let me come to you in love let me come to you in a spirit of meekness in order to restore you back to the purposes of God back to the character of God back to the will of God that this congregation might flourish that's Paul's objective he's not coming to show I'm right and you're wrong that's what that spirit of meekness is speaking to he wants to humble himself before them in order to reveal the revelation of God that things might be put in order why so that God's power might be manifested so that God's glory might be seen and God's purposes might be met and that should be our objective your objective mind that were used for the purposes of God while close with that until next week Shalom from Israel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website loved Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
Views: 2,016
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Book of Corinthians
Id: XP2hcxVTr4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 55sec (3175 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 01 2019
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