1 Corinthians Chapter 3 Part 2

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[Music] Shalom and welcome to via afta Israel a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel o RG now here's Baruch with today's lesson do we really listen to what the Word of God says it is as though today within the believing community that this concept of obedience doing good works serving God's submitting to his instruction it's almost as though this is becoming something that people see as faithlessness that they cry out legalism no legalism is when we say you must do this to be saved we're going to be looking in this study at the second half of 1st Corinthians chapter 3 and I believe it's going to give us a different perspective than what much people are being led to believe lies instead of the simple truth of the scripture and I think more and more people are basing their religious views on what they hear others teach what they read in books that are written rather than what is clearly taught in the Word of God this is an important passage so take out your Bible and let's study it together the book of 1st Corinthians and chapter 3 now Paul has been writing about Messiah that he is the foundation of our faith and the word there that's used foundation is one that has significant instructions for us because its foundation in the sense that it is something that should be built upon and we're going to be talking about how our life should take the truth of the gospel being empowered by the Spirit of Messiah the Holy Spirit based upon the truth of the gospel and that that should produce something in our life yes God wants to see good works fruitfulness he wants us to build upon his work meaning this that we are his body in this age and we are called to carry on his work his ministry and if we don't do that we are disobedient so look with me to where we left off last week first Corinthians chapter 3 and we're going to begin in verse 12 Paul writes here and if someone and this is the Greek word tist which means anyone doesn't matter anything about them this is relevant for every individual whatever language they speak whatever country they're from doesn't make a difference it's universal this truth verse 12 for if a certain one builds upon this foundation so he's building upon the foundation that Messiah has set the truth of the the fundamentals of the faith he says if you build upon this foundation there's going to be an outcome and what is this now he's speaking in kind of symbolic languages because he's saying here that it will be gold silver precious stone this is one category the first three and then he's going to mention three other things and that is wood we might say hay or straw and the last one is double so the first three look at it again gold silver and precious stones well they are something that endures now what's going to be added to this this equation the answer is fire and if you put gold in fire or silver or precious stone the fire can refine it remove impurities get rid of things that that are not are not profitable but when you put hay or the stubble straw or wood into fire what happens well they are consumed some consumed in a moment and what we're seeing here is that there's going to be a test look again let's go back to verse twelfth for if a certain one builds upon and by the way the word upon is seen in the verb to build so build upon and that same prefix becomes a preposition after the verb so it's emphasizing to build upon upon this foundation he says if you do what's going to be the result well there's possibilities gold silver precious stone and then the second category would we could use the phrase grass or or hay or straw and stubble verse thirteen the works of each one here again doesn't matter who we're speaking about this is true for every one the work of each one shall be manifested for the day discloses so there's a day coming and what is that Judgment Day now we need to understand Judgment Day in two ways there's possibly a relationship between the two we usually think of Judgment Day as God's judge being poured out into this world but there's also a judgment of rewards when God's judgment falls I was speaking specifically of his wrath remember that verse that so frequently I allude to first Thessalonians 5:9 a very significant promise from God that has significant implications for rightly understanding the last days there it says you have not been appointed for wrath but for salvation what a great promise God has said to me and to every believer each person who has received the gospel we will not experience God's wrath we will not experience Judgment Day in the sense of condemnation and being consumed by the wrath of God his punishment but there is another day a type of judgment and this is what Paul's referring to here it's called a judgment they theologians called the judgment of rewards when your life and everyone's life is going to be evaluated based upon their deeds what does the Messiah say in the book of Revelation I'm coming and my reward is with me and that just simply means the recompense his his outcome he says my reward is with me to render to every man according to his works so messiahs coming back and everyone is going to have a judgment day a judgment of rewards very important that we realize that and that's what he's talking about here in this passage of Scripture so the day that judgment day of rewards it's going to reveal he says that in fire now the image I already gave to you is though that God's going to everything our lives the outcome of our lives and he's gonna do so with fire a spiritual fire and in the same way that a earthly fire can act as refining gold and silver and precious stones in that same way he's going to take our work refine them and we're going to have something good at the end better gold better silver better precious stones he's speaking about the rewards what we will have for the outcome of the life that we built that we built upon the foundation of Messiah but what's another possibility well that fire it says here it will be revealed in the day and then it says that in fire it shall be revealed and it's two words one is to display or something disclose something and then the second one is for it will be revealed and the work of each one and then we have a very significant word it's a word that speaks of what type of what substance what's kind so he says look at it I'm in the in the verse 13 and the work of each one what type it is it says here it is going to be by fire documented so he uses three different words one I would translate it to disclose something the second one to reveal something and the third one it is the Greek word document where we get the English word document usually a document is some official writing that has some Authority and some some authority to reveal and that's what it's going to be done here it says the fire it is going to declare it to document it so one of the questions that we should ask ourselves is this how is that day going to come out for me have I been building properly on the right foundation and in the end there's going to be gold silver precious stones as rewards and these rewards are what I offer up to Messiah to say thank you for what he has done in and through my life their rewards for me to to enjoy and to offer to him but if I have not belt built upon the right foundation if I have not served properly built not just on the right foundation but in the right way for the right purposes what's gonna happen that fire is going to document that what I have done is wood hay stubble what's gonna happen just like that it's going to be consumed and that's why the scripture says look with me - now verse 14 if the work of someone remains which has been built upon so if after that judgment of rewards if what remains he says here if something remains he will receive a and here is a reward it is a word miss stone which is a reward a salary it is a payment it's an recompense so God is promising now realize something that's very important there is a theology that says God he has already prepared for us all of his rewards he is not someone that waits and says well after I evaluate you I'll put into your account no it's already there if we and this is an important point if we were to perfectly submit to God we're gonna see all what could have been ours in the kingdom of God this outcome what our life could have amounted to but notice what he says look again verse 14 if the work of someone remains which he has built a pond meaning built upon this right foundation he will receive a a reward but if the work of his is burnt up consumed it says here this one is going to what he is going to suffer loss now this is important because the only way to rightly understand this that this one is going to suffer a loss meaning it was already there so this is the idea God is faithful God is generous and therefore he has already produced their waiting for us in the kingdom of God this great reward that we can receive through obediently submissively serving God but on that Judgment Day of rewards not just Judgment Day but the Judgment Day of rewards when everything we spoke everything we thought everything that we did it's all going to be judged by God that which is pleasing that which was built upon the right foundation for the right purposes what's gonna happen well what's gonna happen is this that that God is going to refine those things and they're going to become perfect and the outcome is this gold silver and precious stones it's symbolic language of rewards that he has for us but those things that were not pleasing to him that were not in agreement to his purposes those things that were based in selfishness based in my will those things are going to be consumed and those rewards that God has prepared for us what does it say here very important it says and he will suffer loss but look now at the second part of verse 15 I'm going to talk a moment I'm in the process of writing a paper a article and it's about eternal secure meaning this our security in Messiah our salvation our relationship it is eternal nothing can change the fact that once a person has experienced God's grace he has been forgiven what has been forgiven all of his sins all of her sins and they by the blood of Messiah through Redemption they are justified usually in the scripture when we have this concept of justification that God makes us just meaning acceptable to him appropriate for his kingdom that phrase is usually in the perfect passive a people say why do you bother saying this because it's significant the perfect tense has to do with something that was accomplished in the past that still has relevance today and it will continue to have relevance on into the future so think of it this way I have been saved that's in the past there was a day for my life I could go back to December 12th 1982 the day that I came to faith and I was saved at that day that's true today I'm still saved and I'm gonna continue onward to be saved God's justification is eternal the second thing it's not this perfect but it's also passive what does that mean well if it was active I did it I saved myself but it's not active I didn't save myself it is passive which means I have been saved someone saved me I'm a recipient of what they have done they did the action I received the benefit and that's why the grammar is so important so we have been justified by God's grace through the sufficiency of the Cross by the shedding of the blood through what the writer of Hebrews calls eternal redemption notice what he says in this passage if a certain one if his work is consumed burnt up it says he will suffer loss but the same one it's the word off toast this same one what does it say will be saved it assures his salvation and it's also in the passive to emphasize he didn't save himself he was safe someone saved him and we know who that is Messiah Yeshua and in this manner as through fire meaning this this is gonna happen to everyone this fire experience having our life our work the substance of our existence it is going to be judged by fire everyone's gonna have that but this one it doesn't matter who it is if they have been saved they're going to be saved forever so when we look at the grammar it is very clear look again but this one will be saved we could say thus basically it's necessary as through fire meanie he's going to be saved it's speaking about two different aspects one is salvation the other one is this judgment of rewards through fire everyone has to pass that verse 16 to emphasize how precious we are who we are notice how he speaks of us verse 16 and do you not know that the temple of God you are now verse verse 16 has a word Aida instead of janowska what's the difference well this is an experiential we should know that we are the temple of God why well what made the temple to God different than some other building one thing Suki not Hashem show Han it bow which means the the presence of God God's glorious presence dwelt in the holy of holies and it was because of the fact that God dwelt in this building that it had a totally different stature a totally different status it was not just a house but the house of God and he says here you should be experiencing this this is a fact do you not know that the temple of God you are and the Spirit of God dwells in you so he says something once there's no temple today once there was a building in Jerusalem there will be again when in the last days that building that's going to be built in the last days will not be pleasing to God it is for the purpose of the Antichrist God is not going to be honored through it in it or by what's done there that's in the last days but also we need to realize according to ezekiel beginning in that last section starting in chapter 40 realized there is going to be a temple a temple in the millennial kingdom that Messiah will dwell in that will be pleasing to God the temple and the work the offerings that are offered up during that Millennial Kingdom but notice what he says the same thing that we talked about do you not know that the temple of God you are and if that's the case he says and the Spirit of God dwells in you what an amazing statement a statement of reality as through salvation I now become one and so do you if you're a believer where the Holy Spirit dwell in you that's not something that I hope to be the case that I believed to be the case because I read it you experienced the Ministry of holy spirit the conviction of sin being led guided by the Holy Spirit empowered we know that we are recipients of the indwelling Spirit of God so he says you know that the Temple of God are you and the Spirit of God dwells in you verse 17 if a certain one the Spirit of God or let me say it this way if a certain one the temple of God destroys so if someone were to destroy the temple of God God will destroy this one so what he means is this in the same way that the temple was precious to God we're precious to God now there's two ways to see this I believe when we look at verse 17 he's giving a hypothetical situation that is not based upon reality why we think of that temple and we oftentimes think of the Temple in Jerusalem but realize something the Temple in Jerusalem was just a example it was a physical manifestation of the Taven eat Tov meat is a Hebrew word it is kind of a blueprint and it says Moses received the tough meat for the temple here initially the Michigan the tabernacle which was simply a reppin replication of what was in the heaven and I believe what he's talking about is not so much the Temple in Jerusalem that's just a paradigm it's an outcome of an example did the Spirit of God dwell there yes he did but this is all to show the temple up above and can that temple above in the heavens be destroyed it cannot so it's a hypothetical situation he's saying if someone were to do that God would destroy them and we can look at it in the last days there is so going to be someone who wants to go up to Jerusalem to destroy the temple that's the Antichrist after committing that abomination of desolation after being rejected by Israel he is going to want to destroy Jerusalem and the temple and this one God is going to destroy that's true but look at it this way if a certain one the the temple of God he destroys God will destroy this one for the temple of God is holy which you are so he promises this we just as precious as this eternal temple in the heavens that's going to come down to earth in the Millennial Kingdom and be transformed into the New Jerusalem in that final state this is precious to God God dwells there in a unique way yes he's omnipresent but in a unique way this is his place and in that same way he's saying to us we're precious because we are the temple of God we are holy verse 18 let no one deceive you now I would would underline I would highlight the beginning of verse 18 because it's so important because what's happening today is that believers are being deceived and it's rewarding here and he wouldn't warn us unless there was a true threat so he says verse 18 let no one deceive you if a certain one thinks he is wise among you in this age says let him become fool in order that he becomes wise here's what he's saying if there's someone among us in this world that thinks that he has wisdom that he understands things no he does not why because there are natural laws gravity in this such we have scientists brilliant individuals but you know what so many of them reject God now isn't that foolish because I'm looking I see a world that was created a world that was created with order with purpose with design and the more the more that we in the scientific world I'm certainly not a scientists but the more that the scientific world understands we see order in creation this idea that just a Big Bang happened by chance and things kind of over time fell into place that is ridiculous that is foolishness so these individuals that teach that things happen by chance it's all random that's an important word random we don't see randomness in creation we see order we see design we see purpose and people who think there is no God they are foolish so he says here let no one deceive you these people who say I don't believe there's a god everything just came out of nothing and and it just happened by chance randomly they are foolish individuals they have been deceived he says if anyone thinks he is wise among you in this world let him become foolish meaning let him foolish here has to do with someone who says you know what I'm going to have to accept the revelation of another foolish this word if we do a good study of it it's rooted in this concept of the pendants let me give an example I haven't shared this too recently but there's a Hebrew word Tom Tom can be a foolish individual someone we use that old English word sometimes it's translated in the King James is a simpleton I mean everything's just what if it's not simple this guy can understand it well this same word can also mean a blameless one or a perfect one and we hear that we think wow how can that be that we have the same Hebrew word Tom and it means foolish or a blameless person well here's the wisdom it's when we understand that we're foolish now aren't we foolish compared to God God is omniscient that is he knows all things when did God know all things always God's never learning why he already knows everything now compare a human being you can take the smartest person perhaps Einstein the greatest scientists whatever and compared to God he understands nothing likewise he understands nothing spiritually if we know anything spiritually it's because God has revealed it to us through his word what I know about God the work of God the purpose of God the nature the attributes how God functions what's important to him all of that I read none of that came naturally none of it came through the wisdom of man it was through trusting him being dependent upon his word and that's what he's talking about here when it says if a certain one doesn't matter who it is thanks among you that he is wise in this world let him become foolish let him become dependent in order that he might become wise verse 19 for the wisdom of this world foolishness alongside God meaning when we speak about the wisdom of this world I mean the deep the great scientific discoveries when we talk about this wisdom of this world compared to God alongside of God it is foolishness it is nothing and therefore notice what he says for it has been written that he this would be God God takes hold of the wise ones or the wise things in what in their cleverness now God he is gonna take Holden this word means to capture fall into a trap here's what he's saying when a person trusts and their wisdom they are gonna fall into a trap that is God is going to take hold of them not in a positive way but in a very unpleasant in a sense of judgment they are going to be captured by the judgment of God so he warns us and it's written he takes hold of the wise in their craftiness in their intelligence and again look at verse 20 and again the Lord knows the thoughts of the wise now they might be compared at lease peaking very wise in this age God knows everything they're thinking now think of it this way people are playing chest and if I knew what the other person was going to do their moves ahead of time it would be so easy to defeat them and that's what God is saying here he knows their thoughts he knows exactly what they're going to do you look at it in a sporting events football if if they knew the defense knew the play who's going to get the ball who's going to throw it whatever it might be where it's going to be thrown to whom it's going to be thrown that defense if they knew what the offense was getting ready to do they would dominate they would defeat this is what God is saying here he knows look again verse 20 and again the Lord knows the thoughts of the wise because they are futile now here's what he's saying very important this word I translated futile which is probably in my opinion the best way to to understand it hear what it saying is this you take all the wisdom the natural wisdom that can be discerned from this world and when it comes to that which is eternal that which is pleasing to God that which is of substance that which is good all that wisdom is futile if you trust in the wisdom of this world the knowledge the intelligence it is going to lead to futility it is in vain if the objective is being with God in his kingdom and experiencing his blessings and his goodness in his love the wisdom of this world does not help you receiving the good things of God nor earning rewards that are pleasing to him and living a life that is in line with his purpose is built upon that right foundation so he says and again the Lord maybe I said God but it's actually the word Lord the Lord knows the thoughts of the wise and they are futile so that let no one boast in man never let someone say that man he is great in the sense that he deserves praise and honor the idea here is those things which are reserved to God don't give to man that which is reserved for God he says at the end of verse 21 for all things are yours now the message is this in the end all things all the things that God wants us to have they are in our grasp God what does the scripture say God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son and he says that he will freely give to us all things with him so if we have that new covenant relationship with with Messiah Yeshua he is going to give us freely all things together with him that's why Paul says same writer he said it in Romans he's saying it here he says for all things are yours in a right covenant to relationship with God we're gonna lack nothing we're gonna have everything that we need and this is true look at verse 22 it's true whether you're Paul or whether you're Apollo's whether you're caifa that is Simon Peter whether it's the world whether it's the life whether it's death whether it's those things standing those things that are coming whatever we're speaking about it says all things are yours so we never have to worry about lacking what do we need to be concerned about committed to building upon that right foundation and that foundation he says if we go back to where we left off last week that right foundation is Messiah Yeshua now notice how this third chapter ends look at our last verse just a few words actually six words in the Greek text what does he say verse 23 and you are of Messiah now the messages all things are ours why he says because you are of Messiah Messiah he is the Lord of lords and the king of kings and saya is of God so we see something here he just wants to remind us through Messiah we are belonging to God what's the the message we are the children of God and I would say it differently we are the sons of God because that word been it has to do with an heir and inheritance and that's what he's talking about here through Christ through Messiah Yeshua we become the children the heirs of God and we have all things in the same way that a very wealthy man a billionaire what does he lack he lacks nothing of the things of this world he can buy anything well because we belong and we're sons of the king of kings and Lord of lords anything in this kingdom we have access to through Messiah and one of the things that I like to do least once or twice a month is to read about the New Jerusalem and the glory there those streets of gold those pearly gates and so forth we're not talking about heaven we're talking about the New Jerusalem don't confuse the New Jerusalem in heaven you're not spending eternity in heaven you're spending eternity in the New Jerusalem you're gonna spend a thousand years in the Millennial Kingdom but there'll be that transformation of the New Jerusalem and remember Jerusalem that word means to inherit Shalom what Shalom the fulfillment of the will of God we have a wonderful promise to God we have a perfect future and if we really believe that what are we gonna do we're gonna go to work we're going to get on that right foundation and we're going to labor joyfully why because when we labor for the purposes of God we never labor alone it brings us into fellowship with others but no something else it also deepens our relationship our experience with the Living God with Messiah Yeshua so go to work submit obey build up on that right foundation that we might have works that are pleasing to God that are going to be refined and perfected by him when that Judgment Day of rewards take place let me ask you are you looking forward to that day with anticipation I used to run when I was in high school in a little bit of college run and I could always point out who was going to probably win the race because other people were like oh I'll be glad when this is over I hope I do well and the really good guys they were excited they were looking forward to it because they knew they were confident that they were going to do well because they had been equipped they had been perhaps given talent by their creator they knew they were qualified to do well in that same way we have been qualified by God to do well we have been equipped by him we have been prepared by him and therefore if we listen to the Holy Spirit and act in the instructions of God's Word we are going to accomplish that which is pleasing to God that which had eternal consequences so get to work with joy get to work and purpose participate with Messiah in doing his work I'll promise you you'll never regret being faithful to the things of God well I'll close with that until next week Shalom from Israel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others police plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Beru these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
Views: 1,518
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Book of First Corinthians
Id: 4agxYB_Tc7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 35sec (2555 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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