1 Corinthians Chapter 1 Part 1

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[Music] Shalom and welcome to via after Israel a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Sarah Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel o RG now here's Baruch with today's lesson if you were to ask me what was one of the most sexually immoral places 2000 years ago I would answer a city located in Greece not that far away from Athens a city that we've all heard of named Corinth and we know of this city because the Apostle Paul wrote two epistles to the congregation in Corinth now we know that this place was highly immoral it was located as a type of transcendence a kind of port city where people would pass through it on the way to somewhere else and frequently people would travel alone and being alone without family and friends people who would be able to identify them by name people who would not know one another this gave him a sense of freedom freedom away from the constraints of a moral society from the peer pressure of those who knew them and therefore they would come to Corinth in order to gratify the desires of their flesh now Paul did not tell this congregation to leave but Paul understood that they had a spiritually strategic that they could impact those who were passing by with the truth of God with the message of salvation a message of holiness a message of repentance and that individuals could be one to Messiah and they could leave Corinth taking the truth of God and sharing it in those locations that they were from and those locations that they were traveling to Paul wanted them to utilize their location for the purposes of God and this brings about a very interesting question not too long ago I received an email and the person asks a very familiar question and that is as followers of Messiah Shula does that mean that we should separate ourselves from others perhaps start our own communities so we wouldn't have to interact with the world is that not what what the Word of God meant in the book of Revelation when it speaks to the people of God saying come out come out of Babylon or is this what God meant when he told the Avraham to leave his location his country his family and go to the land of Canaan what I would argue strongly is that this was not God's intent this was not what God told Avraham the implication yes it involves a change sometimes a change of location but not for the purpose of leaving society and separating ourselves into some close community no God wants us to be the salt of the earth the light of the world so we're supposed to come out of Babylon meaning not to participate in an immorality of those things of falsehood those things which are in conflict with the truth of God but that does not mean that we leave Society no God wants us to be a force and an instrument of change in order that people might see our good works that they might hear our testimony and that they might turn to the Word of God both the written word of God and the Living Word of God Messiah Yeshua well what we're going to do and this study is to begin our are going through the book of 1st and 2nd Corinthians we're going to take both of these books one after another over the next year or so in having a proper understanding of Paul's message obviously that he's received through the Holy Spirit that he gave to this congregation and we're going to see that there's much wisdom much practical application for us living almost 2,000 years later so with that said take out your Bible and look with me to 1st Corinthians and chapter 1 1st Corinthians chapter 1 we read in verse 1 Paul called an apostle now Paul is sharing here that he has a call upon his life and that is to be an apostle that word means one who has sent sent from God or in this case the son of God Messiah shoot with a purpose for this sending meaningless an apostle is one under Authority the authority of Messiah for the work the purpose the objectives of Messiah so look again verse 1 Paul called an apostle an apostle of Messiah schewe through the will of God meaning it was God's will that Paul served Messiah in this way Paul called an apostle of Messiah Yahshua through the will of God and there's another one who is joining him in this epistle and that is so famous the brother so a fellow believer a spiritual brother of Paul and we see here that this epistle notice now verse two to the congregation of God now the term congregation has to do with those who are called out a claisen but here again it's not so much being called out of a physical location rather it's being called out of the ways of the world how the world thanks how the world behaves it has to do with answering in obedience the purposes of God so this congregation this church this ecclesia is located there notice what he says to the congregation of God being in Corinth now what's significant is that we see a a participle being used it's describing a participle it oftentimes describes it is a stative verb in this case the word ami in the participle form the word ami is to be so the congregation being in Corinth so this congregation by the terminology grammatically speaking is supposed to be in Corinth and then he speaks further on to those who are sanctified in Messiah Yeshua now I want to say two things about this concept of sanctification the word sanctification and I realize I say this frequently it comes from the same word for holy so sanctification involves a process whereby we become holy it is not a declarative holiness meaning because of the gospel we are the Saints we are declared to be the saints of God but here it's not a declarative state of holiness but sanctification is a process and usually sanctification involved purpose it involves a call it involves the objectives of God so as one submits to the objectives of God the purposes of God we can say the commandments of God many people point out that in Judaism there are blessings and we frequently say a share Kadesh onnu which means which are sanctified shared a shinobi Mitzvah Tov which are sanctified by His commandments now that does not mean that we are saved by the commandments it doesn't mean that the commandments make us holy but when we do the commandments of God when we obey the purposes of God what happens we are in agreement with God were manifesting the character of God by the work of God so this is what sanctification is it is when one through obedience that he manifests the character of God the expectations of God the work of God in behavior it is not a violation of grace but rather one of the purposes of grace is that we might live a sanctified a holy life so sanctified and here's a key in Messiah Yeshua and called Saints so the ones who are called Saints and that same word Saints and sanctification they both are derived we translate them differently but they're both derived from the word holy so Paul is emphasizing that they have a purpose to do and they have an identity and our identity in Messiah is for the purpose of us doing the purposes of Mosiah let's keep reading the ones who are called Saints with all the ones who are called by the name of our Lord Messiah Yeshua in every place so now in every place those who are called by the name of Messiah realized named his character and what he's emphasizing is that we're supposed to demonstrate the character of Messiah who all believers doesn't matter in what place that you're located and that's why says look carefully at this text in the verse to the ones who are called by the name of our Lord Messiah Shu Lord if we're going to do the purposes of God we need to first understand the lordship of Messiah that he's our Lord not just Savior so those who are called by the name of our Lord Messiah Yahshua in every place this is true no matter where one is located then we had the phrase of them and of of ours now not many people are clear and how to understand this last part of verse verse 2 where it says of them and also of ours and Paul could be speaking and he's talking about every place in this congregation in Corinth there was a high Jewish population in this city and in this congregation and because of that he may be speaking that this is true whether you're in Israel in a community of the Jewish people or of those of the Gentiles this message is relevant and it's the same message for both look now two diverse three Paul speaks here as he frequently does to most believers he says grace to you and peace through the grace of God we have the peace from God so the grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord my Sai Yeshua and this is parallelism and we see unity between God the Father and our Lord Messiah Yeshua he God provides Grace and it's Messiah that that does the work that grace is manifested and available to us now press on to verse 4 Paul is speaking specifically to this congregation about those who are part of this congregation he says I give thanks to my god always concerning you Paul is encouraged by this congregation now we're going to see that this congregation has problems they are oftentimes confused oftentimes they they fall into dissension with one another but nevertheless Paul is praying for them always because he realized just what I said earlier because of their strategic location great things can happen they can have an impact not just in their city but throughout the world by touching and evangelizing and ministering to those who are passing through so he says I give thanks to my god always concerning you for the grace of God that is given to you has been given to you how in Messiah Yeshua now I cannot overestimate the importance theologically of that phrase in Messiah Yeshua this term in relates to a covenant --all condition the only way that we can be in Messiah schewe is by means of this new covenant so we're in Messiah through receiving the new covenant that messiahs blood ratified and his work in able to become and offering an invitation to us so notice what he says for the grace of God which was given to you in Messiah Yeshua verse 5 that in all and we have hear that in everything and the next word is so significant it is a verbal form of the word for for abundance or the word for being wealthy or rich and what he's saying is this we've already saw that that God is a provider and he provides things through his son Messiah Messiah is the air and therefore if we're going to receive we need to be in this covenant 'el relationship with him but we read in verse 5 that in all all things that you be in rich in him notice that same phrase in him what he's talking about is this in Messiah we have access to the abundance of God the prosperity of God in order that we become wealthy individuals that we have lots of assets many material things don't believe this is what we're talking about why not because we need to go back up to where we were earlier in verse 2 where he speaks about those who are called Saints that gives us a holy context and all those who are what who are called by the name of our Lord Messiah sure the purpose is that we manifest the character of Messiah Yeshua and the implication of this text is this that God is going to provide for us everything that we need in abundance so that we can't manifest the character of Messiah and do the purpose the work of Messiah that's what he's talking about here so that in all things we be enriched he says that you are enriched in him in every word now the word here can be relating to scripture every word and in all knowledge so God wants us to grow in the knowledge of the word and in the knowledge of the purposes of God and it's through the word and that's exactly what this this text says some Bibles translate it differently but it's a word logos which is word but not just any word it relates to the the purposes of God and the reason why I say this is the word logos well it's where we get the English word logic from and we need to think of it as a type of blueprint what God has has created for our lives and he wants us to be prosperous in his purposes when we take ahold of the blueprints God's blueprints for life and we do so knowing the truth of God this is going to bring an outcome what outcome move now to verse 6 just as the the testimony of Messiah which is certified in you so why does we talk why do we talk about the testimony or the witness of Messiah well the purposes of Yeshua the the will of God is going to be testified by us when we are exemplifying his character we're going to see that all the promises of God they're going to be made manifest in obedience when we do his will so this scripture is so important verse verse 6 just as the testimony of Messiah what he spoke about what he did it is we could say certified in you when when we're walking exemplified his character when we're doing his purposes then the testimony of Messiah is going to be seen in us verse seven now verse 7 tells us the faithfulness of God and what ultimately we should be living for we need to have a right perspective and we need to have a right a right objective and what is that verse verse 7 so that you and the implication here is you being every believer what Paul is teaching here is not just relevant for those in Corinth but it's for all believers remember what he said those places that belong to us and those places that belong to them it means that this truth works in every location there is no excuse no reason why what Paul is saying here won't be a reality for you if you apply it to your life verse 7 very important verse he says just as or so that you lack nothing so remember in all things that you are prosperous that you are rich in rich so that you verse 7 lack nothing and any of and the work here is word charisma which is the greek word gift God is going to provide for us every spiritual gift and these spiritual giftedness can also be physical things whatever we need so he's promising here that we are not going to lack anything God's going to make sure that every gift we are a recipient of in order to accomplish his purposes and we're doing so here's the mindset we serve God we do the things of God why he says anticipating looking forward to the revealing of our Lord issue now what is he speaking of the revealing of our Lord Messiah Yeshua was talking about our Blessed hope this is one of the verses of Scripture that it speaks about the day of Messiah now let me share with you we all are familiar with the term which is very much appearing in the Old Covenant in the Hebrew Bible the day of the Lord and this day of the Lord is a term of judgment of the wrath of God but this is not what he's speaking about here and we'll see this in a moment he's talking about the appearing of Messiah for who specifically for believers nothing in regard to the wrath of God but rather to remove us from this world and to take us into heaven so that we do not experience any of the wrath of God and what should be on our minds always someone to say that again what we should always be cognitive of thinking expecting looking forward to really realizing that this day will happen and that is when Messiah takes us to be with him we want to be prepared in that day and there's no reason why we shouldn't because he tells us so that look again at verse 7 so that you lack nothing of any of the gifts looking forward to expecting the revealing of our Lord Messiah Yeshua look now to verse 8 who also has done something that he has certified you for the in and that is he has certified this is a word that he has brought stability into our life he has established us and this work of him certifies his faithfulness so that you would be stable that you would be certified for the end and how would we be certified by blamelessness meaning this there would be a conduct without anything related to any spiritual problem anything that is defective anything that is a spot or a blemish now that's what God wants to do and this all goes back the context has been established or he says you are in the process of sanctification I am working holiness in your life that your behavior might agree with your identity as a saints of God and this is found in you demonstrating the character of Messiah by doing the will of Messiah and that I'm going to provide for you everything that you need so that you'll be ready in that day and that you will be blameless without any spiritual defect when here it is look at the second part of verse 8 he says in the day of our Lord Messiah Yeshua now in the day of our Lord Messiah Xu is not the day of the Lord but it's that blessed hope referring to what's commonly called the rapture and this is one of about six places in the New Covenant where this phrase the day of Messiah or the day of our Lord Messiah Yeshua is spoken of it's not the day of the Lord it refers to the promises promise of God taking us away from the wrath of God away from the day of the Lord and that we should be living with an anticipation of that day all of this is going to be brought about why will now look at verse 9 God is faithful and it says through whom he is called into the fellowship of his son Messiah sure our Lord so here's one of the great promises that we are call into fellowship and I love what he says here because the more we submit the more we're going to experience Messiah and the more you experience Messiah the more that you're going to be transformed and the more that you are transformed you are going to become a better better vessel and God is going to entrust to you more giftedness more provision more access to the things we need to do greater and greater work to have that testimony of Messiah in us so he says God is faithful through whom you have been called out called out of this world we might say called for the fellowship of a son and what he's saying here it's just a word for call but we are called into the Fellowship of Messiah sure and that calling is going to bring us out from a worldly thinking from the perspective of the world and that's why I gave it an idiomatic translation called out because it's going to bring a change into our life verse 10 now here Paul wants to give encouragement he says and I encourage you brethren that through the name of our Lord Messiah shown an order that all speak the same thing so there should be a similarity a congruence between what we all say we have that same message rooted in the Word of God and that's why there should be agreement and here's something when we utilize the proper methodology for interpreting Scripture we are going to come from or arrive to a very similar understanding of the word of God now sometimes the Word of God when we look at it it has many aspects attached to a right understanding but these numerous views are going to not be in conflict with one another it goes back to what Judaism teaches when it speaks about the Word of God and the many facets of a diamond you look at a diamond you can see it from different perspectives there's one diamond but you can look at a different manifestation of that diamond but any manifestation is going to be in agreement it's not going to say well you know one time the Word of God this first means this but because we're living five hundred year later well we need to interpret it different no it's that same message but we can see numerous applications but one primary truth that we can look at from different perspectives look again he says I encourage you brethren through the name of our Messiah Yeshua our Lord and ordered that all of you speak the same thing and that there should not be and this is very important there should not be and it's in the subjunctive meaning there's an element of doubt Paul is saying there should not be any schism that means disagreement in other words there should be unity but Paul he already knows that this is not the case so it's what should be but there's a doubt because of the reality and the problem is that we always don't submit to the Word of God that sometimes we reject it sometimes we walk in the flesh and not the spirit and this is certainly a a common experience for the members of this congregation so he says that there should not be among you any schism any differences any disagreements but he says that you should fit together and the idea is perfectly together that you should be knit to gather that you should come together now here's the image when we talk about the Assembly of the temple of God we know something that they did not cut the stones in Jerusalem but they cut them far away and brought them they assembled and everything fit together perfectly and that's how the body of Messiah should be that is you and me we should come together mutually effective relying upon one another's call giftedness and order that together the will of God is manifested it is performed it is done so that together we become an instrument that manifests the glory of God and this is what he's talking about here he says but that you should fit together how here it is in him now it's when we're in him that is going to bring about a change in our life that we would be fit together in and here's what it says in that same knowledge and in that same same knowledge now it's two different words the first word has to do with knowing something or mine perhaps that's a better way for it to be translated in that same mind and in that same knowledge but here's the key that's in him we only have that mine who's mine the mind of Messiah and we only have knowledge whose knowledge what Messiah imparts to us so it's all based upon this covenant or relationship being in him but it says literally look again at the text that we fit together in that same mind and in that same knowledge verse 11 for having been been declared to me concerning you my brethren by by those of Chloe now this is an individual or group a house of who has reported to Paul that there's a problem and that is these hope that he's sharing here about fitting perfectly together not having any schism any different differences any disagreements he says that he's learned that this is not the case rather he says that there are divisions or conflicts that there are conflicts among you and he says in regard to that look down to verse 12 he says but I say this that each that each one of you should say or saying he says it's been told to me and I say this it's been said to me that there are those to say that I am of Paul and I'm of Apollo and I'm of caifa that is Simon Peter and I'm of Christ now here's the problem I mean there is massive difference between Paul and between Apollo and between Peter and the son of God Messiah and what has happened in corinth is that it has been broken down into division divided groups some identifying themselves saying we belong to Paul others saying we belong to Apollo others saying we belong to Peter and others saying we belong to Messiah sure and one of the things that Paul wants us to see is how this congregation has has deteriorated into confusion not knowing and here's the key not knowing the uniqueness of Messiah Messiah being fully man is not just another man he's not just another spiritual leader yes he's fully man but he's also fully God he's divine were Paul and Apollo and and caifa Simon Peter is not and then he asked a question look at verse 13 he says is the Messiah divided and what he's alluding to is this we're the body of Messiah believers and we are fit together in him so as Messiah divided he is not therefore this congregation should not be divided and any times that there is a disagreement within a congregation it's because certain individuals they have separated themselves from being faithful to Messiah they're not about his purpose they're not about his objectives are not demonstrating his character no they have a personal desire a personal objective and when we do it's going to bring about division so he says here can Messiah be divided and the answer obviously is no he cannot has Paul look on he says in the middle of verse 13 has Paul been crucified in your behalf or in the name of Paul have you been baptized and when he says baptized he's just not talking about that physical act but dying in Messiah and being resurrecting having a new life he says I can't do that my death if Paul were to die wouldn't impact in the same way that messiahs death because Messiah is the Lamb of God perfect and therefore his death made possible redemption the redemption through the grace of God which is taken hold of by faith so Paul is saying listen there is a humongous difference between me and Messiah I wasn't crucified in your behalf and I was not the one that you were baptized in in the name of Paul he says that wasn't the case verse 14 he says I give thanks to God that that none of you I baptized except for T list to people Crispus and Gaius he says in order that that none of you should say that in my name i baptize he says I didn't baptize in my name he says also look at verse 16 he said but I baptized also the household of stephanas and he says in regard to the remaining ones he says I do not know if any other i baptize now he did baptize a few he gave the example he says perhaps I baptized a few more I I don't remember why because his primary objective was not to baptize but his primary objective was let's move to our last verse verse 17 for he says here for Messiah did not send me to baptize that wasn't his call now that doesn't mean he didn't do it or couldn't do it but he says primarily my my call was not to baptize but rather notice this next word to evangelize that is to preach the good news what's the good news the only message of redemption whenever we see the word gospel good news glad tidings preaching sometimes in the New Testament it uses word for evangelization giving people the gospel and that's what Paul says he came to do he came to be a Herald of that message so look again he says boldly but to evangelize and to do so not with the wisdom of word meaning not with elegant speech what he's talking about here is this he says I did not come to persuade people with with with lofty elegant words words of wisdom that is to to cause people in their rational mind to agree with us he says no I came not to eloquently reveal things but the focus he says notice the focus was on the cross he says in order that the cross should not of Mosiah should not be of without effect meaning that it should not be emptied the point he's making is this when we shared the gospel the focus must be on the cross what Messiah did and why he did it that he was hung on that tree in order as Paul sells says other places in quoting the Torah curse it is the one who's hung on the tree Messiah became a curse for us he who knew no sin he became a curse for us when he was crucified and ordered that the righteousness of God the blessings of God the promises that God gave Abraham could become a reality so Paul wants to and we'll see more the more and more of this in the upcoming weeks and months and over the next year that we go through first and second Corinthians we're gonna see very clearly that Paul wants to exalt he wants to emphasize the cross the work of Messiah and what the cross brings about one of the things that Paul speaks boldly about is the suffering of Messiah and let me begin to wrap up this message by saying I do not hear much about the suffering of Messiah this very morning I was going through the internet and listening to some very popular preachers today and one of the things I saw that was kind of a reoccurring theme was all this we get through Messiah and it's always the emphasis on what we get but it's not so much these spiritual gifts that we're talking about or these resources may be physical in order to do the work of God rather what they were talking about is our in the flesh our dreams in the flesh what satisfies us what we want out of life that is an abomination before God it is a lie from the enemy it originates in the pit of hell not in heavenly revelation notice here what Paul says I want to preach the gospel people talk gospel gospel gospel but do they emphasize the suffering of the Cross well we're to talk more about that next week when we continue on in this first chapter of first Corinthians until then may God richly bless you and Shalom from Israel well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website loved Israel dot o-r-g there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Beru these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel [Music]
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
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Keywords: Bible & Teaching, Creation, Israel, Missions & Ministry, Religion, Spiritual Growth, Education
Id: Q5DwoPdpDrk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 27sec (2607 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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