2019 LoveIsrael.org San Diego Conference 2nd Teaching from The Book of Ezra

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we mentioned earlier that timing is important and when we look at every chapter three we see that timing is foundational and understanding what this third chapter reveals so look with me to that portion of Scripture the book of Ezra in chapter 3 we read here the third the seventh month arrived now that seventh month that he / was the month of Tishri and it's important because this is where the High Holy Days the festivals of the Feast of Trumpets the feast of yom kippur the day of atonement and the feast of tabernacles and that whole month is set aside in a unique way for worshiping God and if you read what we skipped over you will find as chapter 2 says there's a group of individuals that go up to Jerusalem and they get there and after telling us that they have arrived they've been waiting for something they've been waiting for that seventh month this sacred month in order to worship God but here's the key it is through worship that God reveals they have come to Jerusalem not just to serve but to hear what God has for them they understand that through these festivals of the Lord we were talking about at lunch today these festivals are called mow a day Hashem the festivals of the Lord and what you may not know many of you may know the word moines but what you may not know is that the word mow head with in it the root of it has a Hebrew word which means destination where you are supposed to be where we are trying to get to and it's only through and this is an important truth it is only when we understand the revelation that the festival's give to us and remember what Paul says Paul says in Colossians chapter 2 he speaks about these festivals and among other things he speaks about the dietary laws he speaks about the new moon that is marking the new month on the Hebrew calendar he speaks about Shabbat and what we're talking about now festivals and he says that these festivals are a shadow that which is coming now the question we have to ask ourselves is what's coming you know it's said because some of the more liberal and more translation that paraphrase more than speaks literal they change it they say the festivals which were to come meaning this they believe they're of no more relevance what they speak to has no more significance but that's not what Paul says Paul says they are a shadow of things which are to come and you know I like about this that which text the setting is Messiah so what do we learn and there's really no way you can debate this you can reject it but it's still God's truth these festivals they revealed biblical truth they are instruments of Revelation so that we can understand the kingdom better and not just the kingdom but the king of kings better each of these festivals reveal an important aspect and in sport and truth about Messiah himself so look again at verse 1 in chapter 3 the seventh month arrived and the children of Israel were in their cities so we had left that everyone went back to his South town but when the seventh month came things began to change look at the second half of verse one and the people they gathered as one main' now there's a play here in the Hebrew grammar and the reason for that is very simple the reason has to do with the fact that people should be a singer word in Hebrew it's the word on scene but here it has a plural verb many times it does thing and the reason is to show diversity dichotomy that the people aren't unified but because of their obedience to God dropping what they were doing interfering with their plans and going up to Jerusalem leaving their cities going up to Jerusalem to worship God notice it says the people gathered but what's unique is this they gathered it's how one man now as I was talking a few minutes ago to a friend in Hebrew there's two words for one there's a word yes he which is an absolute oneness one and only one but whenever we speak about God we don't use the word in Hebrew yes he we use the word as HOD and that word have had well another word that comes from it is absolute and a newt is unity for example that word is used for the two meaning the husband and the wife they becoming one flesh so two becoming one flesh you could never say that to become bizarre yes even one flesh you have to say but Sir I've had a unity and this is why this word is used here there's multiple people but they gather they come together in a unique in a holy union and they do so here again the emphasis Jerusalem at Jerusalem look at verse 2 now Ezra remember it's for more chapters between this one and when Ezra arrives in Jerusalem but God is moving among other leaders they are preparing things for Ezra to come up on the scene and we read in verse 2 that there was a man he's a priest that says yeshuaa this is the same hebrew way of saying Jesus so Yeshua who is the son of yo seductress means the Lord is righteous don't you like that the Lord he is righteous and some of the rabbi's they look at this and they understand that the term Yeshua means salvation and they they look at every aspect of the biblical text that's a wise thing to do and those say that salvation should bring about something in one's life and that is righteousness see we don't sometimes don't hear that in the church we hear a lot about salvation and praise God for that we know the means of salvation and that is the Gospel message what the gospel rebuilds but sometimes we lose sight of the fact that God saves us freely correct it's by grace but there's a purpose and that is that we might become righteous meaning not only a declared righteousness but also a behavior that is righteousness to God does not he say seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness so here we see kind of a teaching many rabbis would give a whole message just on that name how you schewe salvation should lead to righteousness the righteousness of the Lord so you should the son of your son yo the duct and his brothers Rosa and the priest because you sure here was a priest and also another man saruba velak now we have here a priest Yeshua and a leader is aruba bowl is the type of Messiah in other scriptures for example in the book of Zechariah Zerubbabel gives us a typology of Messiah so zerubbabel the son of shealtiel and his brothers and what did they do notice the first thing they did was to build the altar of of the God of Israel now this is important because they come back to Judah they gather in Jerusalem for the festivals and there's something consistent we're in the book of Ezra correct next is a book of Nehemiah and if you read and it's a great chapter I would encourage you to do so if you read Nehemiah chapter 8 there's something very similar because also in Nehemiah chapter 8 the people they gather in Jerusalem because the seventh month arrives and what do they do they have ezra of course this is later on ezra reads to them the torah he reads to them the commandments of god and what happens to them they are overwhelmed with sin that is their sinfulness what they've done in the past they are convicted by their unrighteousness and they begin to weep and cry and lament well here we have something that relates to it they come to jerusalem it's a seventh month and what's the first thing they do they build an altar for the god of israel why to offer up upon it burnt offerings how as was written and the law of moses i like this the man of god now there's two things that we are told about moses that's so significant now here it says moses ishshah' elohim the man of god now what do you like to be thought of it that way that someone you know we all are going to die unless the Lord returns before that time okay looking at some of you and that's oh sure so you're going to die there's going to be a tombstone now much more I would much more prefer that my name appearing there I'm gonna be great just to have on your tongue to so man of God woman of God wouldn't that be great well I'll tell you how I can become a reality whether it's written there or not how God thinks of you what was unique about Moses two things you know not only what's called the man of God but you know how it was mostly called the servant of man that's the first thing if you want to be known as a man of God a woman of God first be a servant of them that's not easy is it how do you have to become a servant of God what's required here's where it gets difficult it's not hard to know it it's hard to be that because the scripture says Moses more than anyone else he was the most what humble there you have them if you are humble and you want to serve God if those two things are reality in your life you are gonna be a man of God or a woman have done so Moses here is mentioned it says that they offered up burnt offerings upon that altar of the God of Israel according to what was written just as Liberty says just as it was written in the law of Moses the man of God verse 3 and they prepare that altar upon its basis for why well this is what caused them caused them to say we need an altar meaning this we need a sacrifice what was that look carefully at verse 3 because of the fear now there's two words really more than that but two primary words for fear what is the word year.i which is a good fear it says the fear of the Lord is the beginning listen that's not this word this is not what your atheleisure mind the fear of God but this is word which is being afraid and usually of the enemy it is a fear that it's not producing that which is good but a fear that causes you to flee to move away from where you need to be but notice that they handled it properly verse 3 they prepared the altar upon its basis because of the fear that has fallen upon them from where the people of the lands meaningless and they begin it notice very carefully how the scripture is put together obviously we know that all of Scripture is what inspired by God right now that means that not only the words but also how they're put together why things are said one before another or after one this is to tell us when the children of Israel began to worship God when they began to fall under conviction of sin you know who didn't like that the enemy see the enemies that mentioned things are going really well for the children of Israel it's good to change because once they get serious about worshiping God I wonder here how many people are really serious about worshiping God above all of the things you desire to worship God that is to praise it - given thanks that you walk around day after day no matter what's going on with gratitude with a sense of worship because no matter what your suffering I'm not trying to be insensitive to maybe some very hard and difficult things that you may be going through lots of times I'll be speaking and someone will come up to me and they'll say I have stage 4 stage 5 cancer the doctor says three months maximum and that's it I mean there can be some heavy things going on in some of your lives not trying to be sensitive to that but in spite of them you know what God is still gone he's still holding and he is deserving of gratitude because of why he's got a place for you in his kingdom see we're all all of our lives James says is but a vapor and you know what now I love my wife whenever I get together they get to say what I'm gonna say it kind of upsets her so I'm what you say here I love my wife but but if someone comes up to me and says the doctor says in six months I'm not gonna be here you know what if I knew if I knew in six months I'm not gonna be here where am I going to be by God's grace by the blood of Messiah having nothing to do with me but what I've received graciously through faith from him I have assurance that I'm gonna be where the kingdom of God now Paul says he desires to be there than here he says you know it's more beneficial for those who was ministering to that he remained here he had confidence that he would that's what it says in Philippians but he says just by giving the two so people come up to me and they tell me I'm gonna die I don't have pity for them you are going to experience if the doctors right six months you are going to be stinging in the very presence the very corner of your seat so we need to see things from God's perspective now looking at this fix these people they were fearful because of the enemy and what did they do it's so simple they said this we better get right with God so simple right there's an enemy in your life he is moving it gives you whether it's disease whatever it may be get right with God that's just what they did and they said we need an altar so wise so simple go before the altar and today you know why there's not an altar and ruseler because God is omnipresent right wherever you seek Him wherever you come and offer a praise and thanksgiving an adoration God is there don't need to move to any other place not the case here they went to Jerusalem they build the altar because of fear of the people of the land's around them and they went up or they offered up upon it burnt offerings to the Lord now here again what I like about the text is see the Word of God in this passage is so common and other passages as well it goes back and forth between the term Elohim and the term push em back and forth and it's so significant when it does that what's trying to be told and here what it speaks about offering up offerings unto the Lord it uses that supreme name that all-powerful name that you have ave that transcendent God why because the concept here is sin offering up offerings and because of sinfulness and aren't you God that God that God can transcends all of our sin there's nothing to make nothing too problematic God is able to handle them so they offer him up how offerings in the morning and in the evening now that goes back to how what the Word of God reveals there was what's called the Tammy to meet that time eight but the worked a medium Hebrew is a word for always and it's usually referring to in the scripture the daily sacrifices which are in the morning and in the evening what it tells us here is that they went back to daily worship see we are not a person that worships God one day a week whether it's Shabbat or something that's not the people of God that's not what we see in the scripture we see that worship is daily in fact not just once a day but in that great book of Daniel Daniel worship daily how many times a day three times that's biblical worship and that's what they were reinstating reinstituting at this place so let's press on they worship both day and night these offerings verse four now they began that seventh month but now the emphasis is on a particular holiday and they did just like they did in Nehemiah the emphasis was on the Feast of Tabernacles and they did the Feast of Tabernacles according to as it was written and they offered up daily each day the number according to the word of the Lord day in and day out now what are they trying to tell us here during the Feast of Tabernacles how many days does the Feast of Tabernacles seven there's an additional day afterwards called chemin yet sorry but that is connected but separate see Judaism has all these answers yes but no it's right but it's wrong it's forbidden but it's permissible that's Judaism so when we look here at the catch the Feast of Tabernacles is seven days and they offer up these special offerings these ox of these bulls and you know how you can read about this in numbers the Book of Numbers chapters 29 or 28 and 29 speaks about these sacrifices that were offered up on Shabbat and all the festivals and it says on Sukkot the Feast of Tabernacles the first thing you offer up 13 second 12 third 11 and so forth and you do that and if you do that each day for those seven days beginning with 13 12 11 10 and so forth at the end you don't have any Bulls the dirt off row 7 now why 70 here get no dispute in Judaism you do 70 because of the 70 nations that came from north that is known what it tells us is this that issue is supposed to exist in obedience to God in order that the nation's might be OS and the main message of this festival the Feast of Tabernacles is dependent upon God trusting God because it's only when Israel does them will the nations be blessed so they offer up these offerings according to the exact number each day that Moses revealed look at verse 5 and afterwards they did that to me those daily sacrifices and monthly satisfied sacrifices for the new month and according to all the festivals of the Lord that he sanctified and everyone who had a and it's a phrase here for a a giving spirit a spirit of volunteering and offering spirit every one that did it not out of compulsion but because they desired to give unto the Lord look at verse 6 and from the first day and vii they began to offer up these offerings to the Lord and it says in 2 verse 6 but the sanctuary of the Lord that is his dwelling place had not yet been established they had not built the foundation yet for the sanctuary of the Lord drop down to verse 8 and in the second year so they had been back one year they've been worshiping God serving God rebuilding Jerusalem and Judea and we read in verse 8 and the second year they came to the house of God in Jerusalem and the second month now we're not going to get to this probably tonight but do you see in verse 8 we have the second year and the what second month what's being emphasized the number 1 now usually when 2 appears in the scripture it speaks about two different opinions and that's what's going to happen we have the opinion of the children of Judah the exhales that have returned those who are building Jerusalem those who have built an altar who have restored worship and now moving to do what well it says that there is no sanctuary meaningless they have not built yet this building uses the Hebrew term hang on we might say the Holy of Holies that inner sanctuary they have not built that for the dwelling presence of God to to return in a very powerful way to Jerusalem now what's gonna happen is this remember the number two two different opinions we're gonna see as they begin to move and rebuilding Jerusalem rebuilding the temple doing everything's according to the word that gave to Moses there's going to be composition realize that whenever you get serious about God coming into your life ruling over your situation there is going to be opposition that's where we're going these two different opinions look again at verse eight and in the second month they began to do this saruba Bowl the son of Satya and Yeshua the son of you hosted them and the rest of their brothers the priests and the Levites and all the ones who came out of captivity to Jerusalem and that Levi stood meaning all those who were leave us according to the Torah those who were twenty years of age and older they began to do something they began to supervise meaning this there happened now a order not only were people there but they began to put things back in a Torah observant order that the worship could be the same worship that God gave to Moses remember something we read for example in the book of Hebrews that Moses orchestrated everything according to and the word is has the meat now in modern can Hebrew a tough meat is kind of like a a plan a recipe that which orders things properly so Moses saw this type of meat in the heavens of that heavenly sanctuary and everything that he did down below was based upon what he received from up above so what are we seeing here we're seeing God's order God's rule come back to Jerusalem remember that because there's going to be opposition drop down to de verse 10 and they did something and they laid the foundation who's they those who were building the sanctuary of so they wanted this holy of Holy's thing what had God to once again dwell intimately with his people and they began to build the foundation for this structure the Holy of Holies and the priests they stood dressed and it also says with their what does your Bible say trumpets now this is not the chauffeur of the shofar these are these silver trumpets because a different word appear soon so they were there with their trumpets and the leave us the sons of a son they were there with what their sins now let me just pause for a moment share with you my wife says that I'm becoming more that as they get older and older man but when we were first married she said you are an old man in a young man's body based upon like for example when I would come and take her out for for dinner my mom could always know I was coming because she could hear my radio and I didn't have rock music on no no I was much too holy for that I had Andy Williams Frank Sinatra those type of in the business I'm a little bit old fashioned and when it comes to worship mentally I I'm not so much with what's going on in a lot of congregations and such but when I look at this I think well maybe I'm wrong because when you look here they have trumpets and what else do they have now we're told to make a noise I guess it's a joyful noise but they were making a noise but do you know what it was all done for the right reasons why look at the middle of verse 10 - praise the Lord by means of David the king of Israel now when they say they were praising God making this noise with trumpets and with cymbals they were doing it according to what when it says according to the King David what does that mean the sons they were putting the Psalms to music and let me just encourage you as a side thought how important it is to read something if you really want change in your life a godly change if you want to know how to worship God just begin to read The Book of Psalms now in Judaism you can buy a book of songs and it breaks it you don't need to buy this book this way but it's interesting that they break the Book of Psalms up then you can read the entire book every month or read the entire book of sons every week in fact did you know in Orthodox synagogues that once a month now think of this I wonder how I see the pastor back here maybe you can try this how many people would come early once a month on Sunday as you would read through the entire book of songs that's what's done in many Orthodox synagogue once a month on was called Shabbat made more effort which means the blessed Sabbath what is the blessed Sabbath it is the Sabbath before the new month every Shabbat before the pneuma they read the entire book of summers and we struggled to do that the entire we if you come away from nothing from this weekend come away with the desire and a commitment to read daily whether it's one song or five songs or read the Book of Psalms I guarantee you it will change my life and that's exactly what the congregation was doing they were worshipping God yes they had their trumpets yes they had their cymbals but they were doing so by means of David that is the Book of Psalms that he wrote the king of Israel now the rabbi's look at this and they're saying that type of worship brings dahveed and they're not talking about David the son of yishai David the son of Jesse they're saying that type of worship hastens the Optoma ship the coming of Messiah so they were worshiping in that way look at verse 11 and they responded that is the people responded to this by praising with praise and with Thanksgiving to the Lord saying for he is good and His mercy what proof now what were they emphasizing now you have the word mercy in witness and Hebrews were kissing if you get a New Testament in Hebrew every place that your Bible in the New Testament says Greece in the Hebrew New Testament where they translated into the Hebrew language they use the word Hesed for grace what were they praising God for His grace now grace understand that grace has a purpose it just doesn't save us but the Bible says Titus chapter 2 it teaches us to deny ungodliness and to live soberly and righteously we're in this present age true grace not only saves but it causes us to live a kingdom life in this world so they were worshiping God saying he is good and His grace endures forever upon Israel and all the people they did something they shouted a great show now that word is true even though it may say a shout it's specific show it is a shout of the shofar everyone knows the shofar it is that ram's horn that makes that that peculiar sound so when they were dedicating this is just the foundation now think about this you know usually we don't get excited to something until it's over and done with but that's not how true people of God should be I think about the example I use this a lot because just think about this David he begins to move the Ark of the Covenant from Kiryat yaari no me messed up earlier but now he's doing it right he's doing according to how the tour rebuilds and he begins to move this Ark and he's in carrot yari which is about a eight to ten miles from Jerusalem from the Templeman and the scripture says they take six steps that's not very far on the journey right and David stops the whole congregation and he begins to dance and worship and praise God for what what will be don't be so spiritually immature that you have to wait until it all's done and tied up and finish for you to say thank you begin to praise him and think as it begins why because the whole process the whole process is for you not forgot if God wanted it done he would just do he wouldn't mess around with us right now he was just doing it but he gives us the opportunity is there's word that you need to remember to participate remember that word participation he gives us the opportunity to participate with him and anticipate problems why because every time there's a problem you know what you should do we have as we serve God we will encounter problems so that we turn back towards him that we make ourself dependent upon him when we try to go it ourselves doing it by ourselves without his help without depend upon him well we move away from God but when we praise Him along the way giving him gratitude that's when there's intimacy we experience God and therefore when we look here go back to where we left off middle of verse 11 and all the people I like that all the people all the people they lifted up a grape shouting with praise to the Lord concerning this foundation of the house of the Lord versus woman and many of the priests and many of the Levites and the leaders of the father's meaning those leaders of the tribes and the elders those who saw the first time now there were people who witnessed the first temple and now there they are witnessing this and some of them when they saw this two different buildings and there's a debate among the rabbis because if you look for example at the book of Haggai and we'll be talking about Haggai tomorrow his prophecy and his buddy Zechariah in the book of Haggai it says when people saw his Second Temple they began to weep one because the second one was was kind of less than the first now that's one interpretation of this they were weeping and crying because it was not like the first but the second interpretation was simply this when they remembered how they felt when the temple was destroyed they lost all hope they never thought it was going to ever be restored that it was all over and now they're seeing God's faithfulness so there was much weeping but there was also much joy that they were lifting up look at verse 13 and it says it was not possible among the people to discern the voice of the shout of gladness and the voice of weeping of the people for the people they were raising up a great shout and notice the end of verse 13 it says they lifted up this great shout and the sound of the shutter was heard where and are far away remember that it was heard far away what was this place this acknowledgment of what God was doing I'm asked a question is God moving in your life if he's doing something and I believe he is the question is this do other people know that he's working in their life do other people know how God is leading you what he's done for you and nothing else how he saved you let me tell you no matter what you may endure in this life how much you suffer by the way a lot of people don't know this but God promises us to suffer do you listen okay so don't be surprised don't fall to pieces don't say what's the matter with me when you are suffering when you are having hardship the scripture says in the book of Acts chapter 14 that it's necessary and that's that word which means it's absolutely a must in order what God wants to be brought about it says it's absolutely necessary that you suffer must much tribulation why to enter into the kingdom of God so expected be ready for but with the scripture says here that because the people were worshiping done because this worship was restored it says the sound this unique sound of worship was heard from a distance what does that mean that that others not those just an issue but others heard this now I'm going to pause for a moment because this this I come from the scripture that I'm going to share with you in a few minutes it is really foundational you need to learn the truth of this because when the children of Israel came to Jericho Rahab that woman Rahab she said something to the spice she says the fear of the Lord has fallen upon all of us did you know that everyone what the scripture reveals is this everyone knew about the children of Israel they knew just read that they knew about that victory at the Red Sea they knew about that victory over the two great Emerick kings they knew that and they said the fear of your God based upon what we've heard he he's done this fear has fallen upon all of us but here's the problem of that large city only one woman one woman and only one woman responded to that fear in the proper way meaning what she gave God priority of her life now many people and there's an argument in Judaism whether she was a prostitute or just an innkeeper and they debate about this think the New Testament answers that question but but let me just tell you this I mentioned that last week we were talking about Passover and when you look at Passover you're finding something at Passover master it's about death is it not Passover you have death there's even the angel death and it Passover every home experiences death is that true or false it's true now the reason why I say that business because there's two types of death if you're wise that depth that your home is going to experience is the death of the Passover way right so if death comes your house through the Passover lamb you're going to experience life he dies not you but if you reject that Passover sacrifice then that angel death is going to come with the Hebrew Scripture calls them escape which is the word for destruction then destructions going to come to your home but here's the thing and I had this conversation with so many people in Israel because they look at the gospel and they said you know that's just kind of cheap that's because that's just kind of ease that's it well we know it's not he he died a horrible death it wasn't cheap at all his precious blood but here's where I tell them I don't get into all of that I say this it's a domestic question you believe in Passover you believe in that account oh yes that's a whole domestic question if you had a really good man I mean a big guy right just one now we can argue if there's a righteous one or not the scripture says no one is righteous than that one but just for this example if we have a really righteous Jew in each of them and he didn't keep the Passover he didn't take that blood and put it upon the the doorposts and the lintel what would happen to him he said obvious the firstborn of his house would die that angel if you didn't see the blood death would come beside you I said but what about this wretched person the worst person that you can come up with if he did that pestle killing that lamb eating that plan and taking that blood and appropriate it properly upon the doorpost immortal even though he was wretched and devoid wicked what would happen to him he's by the merit of the blood of the land that angel death would pass over Heather so what we are to blame from this is that it's only through the blood the Passover blood that we escape death right doesn't matter about anything else it's the boy that's what we need to remember and if we appropriate the blood of Messiah properly then we're not going to experience death eternal death we're good experience that Redemption that brings about the eternal life now what does this have to do with this is what the people are being prepared for the truth of the revelation of what's God's going to do through your denture which leads ultimately to Messiah and maybe that people didn't understand how significant their worship was but you know who did the enemy look at chapter 4 we're just gonna do the first few verses of chapter 40 we're going to stop and into it but notice chapter 4 verse 1 the last thing that we heard in chapter 3 was this sound was heard from a distance chapter 4 verse 1 and the enemies of Judah heard the enemies of Judah and Benjamin these two tribes these people they came out of Babylon out of of exile when they get right with God they began to worship God what does the scripture say the enemy heard now this word for enemy it's unique usually we have some Hebrew speakers tonight you hear the word enemy you think of the word Oh yet it's not the word boy if it's worth SAR now why is that important because if we want to say the Antichrist in Hebrew we say sarcoma chef or it's so rare how much it sorry I'm a chef same word it speaks about an enemy and we read here when the children of Israel worship God the enemy manifested himself for the sons of the Exile they built the sanctuary to the Lord the God of Israel 9 chapter 4 we see that progress was made do you see them they were worshipping God praising God and a very public way and the next thing we're told is that when they completed the sanctuary what happened the enemy manifested himself and what did they do look at verse 2 they approached Zerubbabel and the heads of the fathers that is the leaders of the truck and they said today we will build with you for as you we desire the Lord your God now that is a lie what do we know about these people who are they enemies what are they saying we want to come in with you we want to be part of you we want to do the same things that you're doing what does that tell us more often than not the enemy is from within did you hear that and we know in the last days there's going to be a great apostasy that means from within there's going to the improper doctrine so these enemies heard and they said like you like us we want to come and participate with you and to him meaning that God of Israel we want to still in verse 2 we went to him to offer him for we've done so from the days of a Tsar haedong who is the king of what Assyria who brought us up here now realize what they're saying now when we talked about going up being brought out this is a term of redemption it has to do it's a same term for the exodus from Egypt and what they're saying is we had our own exes and our saviors who will they tell you who it is a Tsar huh don't that's not a savior what they wanted to do is to bring their false story of redemption what their false god and they want to say we want to come together with you see what it tells us is this I never am able to say this word be ecumenical empty medical Satan uses them we need to understand that worship has to be precise specific done in accordance with the Word of God and they knew we'll see in a moment but this was a lie these were the enemies they came in like friends but they worked look at verse 3 and so ruble said to them and also Yeshua and the rest of the leaders of the fathers of Israel they say not you but us not you will build this house of God but we together meaning the children of Israel we will build unto the Lord to the God of Israel just as commanded course that is Cyrus the king of Persia now what it's saying is that there are roles and God has given the purpose of building the temple to the Jewish people and do not you serve that role remember them there are roles within God's church within a family within a household and don't assert the roles that God has given to each just because someone's not doing a good job that doesn't mean replacement disciple them grow him trained him mature him or her to do the role that God has has given to that person not to replace we see a replacement theology here so they say no it's to us that we have been entrusted to do this look at verse four and it came about that the people of the land now these are the nation's not the Jewish people the people that land that were there there was inhabiting it what did they want to do they wanted to weaken the hands of who the people of Judah that was their objective now that word for what does your Bible say weaken it's a word which means to let go it's not what any if you're saying just let go now if you don't look at some of the good rabbinical commentaries but they point out that this word is is usually related to letting go of something because of either forgetfulness or just being careless it's used in a phrase that God will never leave us nor forsake us and it uses another term which says God's not going to cast us away and God's not going to let someone just kind of know if you ever tried to hold on to saying it's kind of hard isn't it just goes right through your fingers well the scripture says that's not gonna let anyone through his fingers God's not gonna let go you know one of my favorite scriptures is from the book of John chapter 10 you know I like the concept of assurance I don't know why people want to call into question the promises of God what does God promised us he promises us eternal life he says now if you went into a covenant with him he says no one is able to pluck us out of his hair now people say well what if does matter with it because the new covenants different than the old come the new covenant the requirement of maintaining it is on new god I don't know it's the Old Covenant we could break it the new covenant not so it is all upon God to maintainer and he says something he says I will forgive their sins right all of them this man you cannot do a sin that God won't forgive when Messiah hung upon that cross he was aware of all the sins that you would ever do and he has forgiven all of them completely but he gets better than that not only does the scripture says I will forgive their sins but how does that text end and their transgression I will remember what I love them now I'm married and we're called to forgive each other right we forgive she doesn't she doesn't forget God does right God does now how do I know she doesn't forget your friend no she doesn't remind me I make the mistake of doing something that reminds her and it could be 10 and we're all this way I'd pick on her because she travels with me and but but things that happen right 10 years ago 20 years ago if I'm so foolish to do something to remind her that same that's human beings right we all have our shortcomings we all have our problems I can't forget just like she can't forget but I'm up here now I could just but we all have shortcomings God doesn't so when I go and stand before God and this has to do with entrance into his kingdom he sees not me but he sees the righteousness of his son how righteous was Messiah absolutely Laurentiis and my sinfulness was placed upon him at the cross and his righteousness was imputed to me so when I stand before and I have assurance because of the power and the truth of the gospel he sees only righteousness of a segment and secondly any of those sins he doesn't remember any of them that's able to do that human beings we don't we forgive they still remember God so there's nothing that's going to keep me out of the kingdom of God because of the sufficiency and the cross because of the power of the blood now what is that to do with what we're talking about look at the scripture that's the message of truth these people that wanted to come and participate with God they didn't have that message they didn't have that faith they weren't interested in building a house to the God of Israel they were enemies of them and what they wanted to do looking for me these people wanted the hands of the people of Judah to become careless and what did they do look at the end of verse verse four and they troubled them from building if you do it good its words saying this work trouble is that what your Bible says it's a work discourage just another one delay the actual word has to do with bringing fear so this discouragement this delay this trouble it's all an outcome of fear they brought fear upon the people not to build verse five and they hired for them counselors and order that they could make void the council mean what the leadership of Israel were telling them and all they did this all the days of Korus the king of Persia unto the kingdom of Doria fish that is darius the king of persia and in the kingdom of Hosparus it says at the beginning of his kingdom they wrote accusations against those who dwelt in Jerusalem Judah and Jerusalem and in the days our touch them they wrote and speaking about these men vishwam and also a man by the name of mitt red dot and tavella and the rest of their their companions they wrote a letter to the king of Persia our test recipe and what do they write well that's what we're gonna see tomorrow and we're gonna see this accusation against what the children of people of Israel was doing they wanted to build a temple they wanted to have worship they wanted to do the will of God and order that and here's the key where to see this in order that God's purpose is fulfilled and what is that to release blessing what we need to remember nothing's changed from this that God has sovereignty God has perfectly chosen Israel to be an instrument of blessing how is that going to be pouring out ultimately very simply the kingdom of God will not be established until Israel gets right that remnant in the last case until Israel gets right spiritually with God it is only when Israel gets right and they say boof ashin meaning raised up blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord until they walk beside what's not coming the kingdom so if you want that Kingdom which is a kingdom of blessing a kingdom of joy a kingdom of righteousness you know what you should be doing praying for his seeking is real spiritual condition to be transformed because the kingdom is not coming until that countries and we need to tone up close with this we need to know that in every generation there arises those that are against that purpose against that point and the question is this what are we doing about do we realize that there's a spiritual war going on for example President Trump said that he wants to recognize the Golan Heights as part of Israel now I'm grateful that he does that and it's really prophetic because the hills of issue not the hills of Judah but prophetically the hills of Israel are significant and the last states there's going to be a war over that portion of land and what we've seen today is that there's a proclamation and you cannot believe how quick the European Union spoke against that how quick the United Nations came against it and what we're seeing is this when truth it's true God has given that land the Golan Heights to the Jewish people and the world most of it stands in opposition to it now what's going to be interesting is when we leave the thugs of the golan hunts and we get to the real proof Judea and Samaria what's gonna happen with that what what is the president go to say we already know what the rest of the world's going to say there is going to be a conflict over that piece of land and the reason why I'm sharing that with you is because we're going to see tomorrow in our first and second then after lunch our third and fourth lessons we're going to see the principles of victory we're going to see what the Word of God revealed to Ezra zoobel you sure these leaders in order to bring about triumphantly God's will and if we're wise enough and humble enough and committed to the things of God and utilize these principles that Ezra reveals we can utilize them for victory in our old life in a way that defeats the enemy and brings glory to God and you know what that's called vividly Hudson uh-huh what spaetzle huh success or prosperity seek true success true prosperity is what I accomplished God's will for my life and because of that God's glory is manifesting you do that you are a successful person you do that and you're going to experience great prosperity in the kingdom of God don't be deceived by seeking all of this wealth all of this prosperity in this age all of that's going to eventually you can use it for God's glory but in the end all of that is going to come tonight that's not the book of Revelation said that in one hour that all the riches of the world are going to be destroyed don't lay them don't be passionate about those things that ultimately they're going to be destroyed but rather labor be committed to those things that are going to have eternal ramifications be an individual that when you're in the kingdom of God you're going to meet people and be eternal friends with them because you led them to a lord you did something that participated and then coming to salvation then overcoming some obstacle overcoming some attack from the enemy be in divisions that have something eternal to show for your life don't fall to this a seat of the enemy what we're going to see here is Ezra the reason why this book holds Sicily is because when he comes to Jerusalem he makes a difference and my hope and my prayer for each of us because we have gathered and we study this book tonight and tomorrow that we might make a difference a difference in our marriage is a difference our family's a different in our neighborhood a difference in our business forever that we might be change in some way that we can bring change godly change kingdom change to the life of other people that's all price many communities to have a tradition to to stand when they pray so let's do that tonight father God we want to hear from you we want these words that we read to speak not only to our ears but to our souls that we want to hear what the Spirit wants to reveal to each of us so father make us to be like Ezra a helper someone that influences impacts others to bring them closer to you that we might be individuals that that causes your glory to be manifested do the decisions that we make the words that we speak and the things that we do father God forgive us for under estimating what you can do with our lives whether we're young or old no matter what it may be you can use us and you delight in healing broken vessels and using them to the instruments that can pour out blessings upon others God you are faithful allow us to walk in faith once for this is our prayer in Messiah shows me may be seen [Music] [Music] you
Channel: LoveIsrael.org
Views: 2,542
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Bible & Teaching, Creation, Israel, Missions & Ministry, Religion, Spiritual Growth, Education
Id: mP0Kop885vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 15sec (3975 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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