$1 Bill WORTH THOUSANDS! Check If You Have One NOW! Rare Dollar Bills Worth Money!

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what if I were to tell you that you could have a dollar bill in your wallet right now that was worth thousands crazy right crazy part is it could very well be true welcome back to treasure hunting with devious guys and today we're going to be doing something really weird really different so if you've been watching this channel for a while you can tell that I've gotten pretty interested in this whole collecting money thing so today we're gonna show you just how easy it is to be able to find dollar bills single dollar bills that could bring in a lot more than face value so when you get one dollar bill there's a few things you're gonna want to look forward I'm gonna go over this first and then we got a pretty good sized stack from the bank just got them and then we're gonna see how many's a rare notes we could actually find and see just how much they're actually worth all right so the first and most obvious thing you want to look for when you're doing this kind of thing is a different color seal as you can see on a regular dollar bill they all have green seals it's a Federal Reserve Note that's what you see because that's pretty much what all money is right now but in the past they have different colored seals which meant completely different things and those could have value I'm putting this first because they are extremely rare to average see an actual circulation probably never will but they're also the most obvious if you pick this up you will notice it right off the bat so instead of the green seal you could actually have a blue seal on the bill which means it's not actually a Federal Reserve Note it's a silver certificate which is basically means that bail is backed up by silver so not just the Federal Reserve no but it's actually backed up by silver in their extremely old you could also have the red seal on the bill which means it's technically a United States nope not a Federal Reserve Note and that basically means it's the same thing as a promissory note not a Federal Reserve Note so they are different but again it'll have a red seal which is very easy to see when you're skimming through your cash you can also have the yellow seal on the note now I've never came across these myself yet I've have a couple balloons they have a couple of Reds never seen the yellow yet now another thing that more and more people are figuring out myself included as we get into this is you want to look out for the star notes now every bill is gonna have a serial number on it that's normal but some of them will have a star at the end of it which basically means that whenever being printed that bill was originally printed with some type of hair and they had reprinted and now has a star at the end of it which is why it's collectible to some people now star knows can range is very very big some of them can be worth as little as face value up to like 10% more so on a buck you might make a dime but also taking the consideration hundred dollar bills you can make making ten dollars at a time but some of them depending on the serial number can be worth a ton more than that a lot of money so if you see a star on your bill it is always always worth looking up now the best way to do that is to use my currency collection.com you go right in there and you basically put in your serial number you select the type of bill and everything it is and it'll basically give you a chart on how rare that bill actually is so if you do choose to sell it and not hold on to it you can have an idea if you're gonna be looking at a good amount of money or a little bit over face value that's if you decide to sell it now of course if you hold on to them 50 years down the road they're gonna be even more older so you might want to hold onto them the last thing we're gonna be looking foreward all these one dollar bills are web notes now this is something completely new to me as I said I'm just getting into this whole currency collecting thing but as I've been doing research on these these are worth quite a bit of money too now typically they're not going to be worth a crap ton they're gonna be worth like say 4 to 20 bucks somewhere in that range but just like the starter notes there are rare exceptions that are worth a ton of money so again if you notice it definitely take your time to look it up cuz you could be sitting on a big big check now the first step in identifying a web note is to look at the date on the bill they're only printed in three different years you can have the 1988 a series the 1993 and 1995 those are the only three series you'll ever be able to find a web note and by the way if you're wondering what a web note is you know how money is currently printed where you have the giant square of like 32 bills maybe I might be off on that but it's a giant bill a giant paper that it's cut into bills the web roll is more like a receipt I guess is the best way to put it it was just a bunch of rolls and it was printed out like that so that's what it is if you were wondering the easiest way to tell if you have a web note is not only the date but to look at the back of the bill you'll see a little number usually that number is gonna be found under the e on the word one but if it's a web note it'll actually be above the e very small detail but it makes it really easy to pick these out and again these can be worth a ton of money so if you see one make sure you check it out and do some research on the bill now that you know what we're gonna be looking for with these bills we're gonna go through the giant stack of $1 bills I have here just got these from the banks up no telling what could be in there this is supposed to be $200 now they better not cheating me it supposed to be 200 $1.00 bill so we're gonna see with 200 bills how many of these things can we actually find in there and again I have gotten star notes and these things back as change so always take the ten seconds just to look and see what you got but without further ado let's go through all the ones and see what we got alright guys so we got a big fat stack of $1 bills here all we're gonna do is I'm gonna speed flee go through them and every time we find something will slow down and show you what we got and while we're setting it aside so let's go through these bills alright guys so stopping at this one not because of this start now because it's a seal but look at that serial number it has all ones except for two numbers now different and weird serial numbers is something else that collectors do look for so not a hundred percent of sharing a value on that one but that is a lot of ones and I mean the bills not in that good of condition anyway so it might not be too valuable we're looking for George Washington's face definitely been used in abused but we'll definitely set that one aside for now [Music] [Applause] hey star we finally found one geez I can't believe I went through that many bills we have one star bill now at the end of this we'll go onto my currency collection calm and go ahead and punch it in and see if it's a rare one or an extremely common one but man we went there with all of them we've got a one-star bill only one bill that's even from the 90s it wasn't a webnode year but still one veil from the 90s but it didn't even keep it anyway so let's keep going [Music] I don't think there's not real value in now but I thought I put it up there 2019 look at that it starts with 2019 it's kind of cool and the one just looks a little strange to me like is that a printing error look at that one why is that one bigger than everything else on there it's weird let's set that aside because I'm just not sure about that [Music] all right this one I'll set aside two because certain collectors like the ones that start with zeroes or ends with zero so this one ends with three zeroes in it so we'll also set that one aside well guys that is literally all the bills in out of 200 we kept for one because of the repeating ones right there one freaking star bill one out of 200 so one star this one I don't really know like somebody marked out or two printing error or what but look at that one that one is just significantly bigger than everything else is just kind of strange so I set it aside in this one just because it ends with three zeros I decided to put it aside all right so we look to start out up on my currency collection now common unfortunately it is as common as common gas which probably means it has very little value over face but anyway we're not selling these I'm keeping these now if it's interesting to look for so it's all good not really to worry about the value but you do look up if you get anything more in the red you got a lot more money all right guys so if you wanted to know how likely you are to find something interesting at 201 dollar bills there is your answer of course your odds could be a lot better or they could be a lot worse you never really know literally the other day all we did was get changed from the bank and I got a hundred dollar bill started note and when we happen to look this one up it was actually extremely rare I don't know which one it was now we have 200 our bills in here with stars on but the one I found the other day when we looked it up it's actually very very rare so always look for him because you never ever ever ever know but again 200 single dollar bills worth just a buck which we can just take back to the bank and do it all over again which is kind of this is fun I really do enjoy this alright guys so thank you so much for watching you can enjoy make sure you leave a big fat thumbs up if you're not already hit that subscribe button for awesome treasure hunt videos like this all the time plus you know storage units in the regular stuff with you this has just become another hobby of mine I figured why not let's just make it into interesting videos and some people do enjoy it too if you do want to follow us on our social media links W on screen click links down in the description below make sure you follow us on whatever you have thank you so much for watching until next time peace out [Music] [Music]
Channel: Treasure Hunting With Jebus
Views: 1,267,374
Rating: 4.8407402 out of 5
Keywords: $1 bill worth thousands, bill worth thousands, $1 bill errors, $1 bill hunting, $1 bill silver certificate, $1 bill star note, $1 bill tricks, dollar worth money, money worth money, money worth more than face value, old money worth millions, rare dollar bills worth money, coin roll hunting, couch coins, couch collectibles, finding money, rare bank notes, rare currency, rare dollar, rare dollar bills, rare dollars, rare finds, rare money, rare notes, silver certificate
Id: -YMCbxJjLPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 22sec (622 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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