09-19-2021 9:00AM

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oh the contrary is necessary the contrary is necessary for the flow of the supernatural god only gets glory in the country we want stuff easy we quote the scripture my yoke is easy my burden is like but if there's nothing against you god can't get glory and i was thinking about that god said what if you ran a race and you the only one running if you're not running against anybody you're not gonna win anything so it has to be something against us in order for god you really get glory out of them uh you're so good to me [Music] worthy [Music] foreign is something that uh is going to hold you in place and so when you have you see these boats and these boats are able to throw out these anchors the anchor is going to keep the boat in this position now without an anchor and i'm going to liken the boat to your and face and i'm a liking hope to the ancients without the anchorage when a storm comes and when the waters get troubled your faith will drift it'll it won't have a basis so sometimes when you're on something i believe that's how the water works come on see i know there's a whole lot of craziness and chaoticness and and and just just turmoil and and and just evil and and and just a trouble all around us these days but that does not negate the fact that there are still heavenly places right here i immediately go to jesus when he was at the bottom of the boat y'all remember that when the stone was raging and everything was going crazy and then and the disciples were freaking out and jesus was at the bottom of the boat and he was taking a nap guess where he was in his heavenly place heavenly places i'm not just talking about when things go your way in your marriage i'm talking about heavenly places are there no matter what is right and what is wrong heavenly places reside in our home heavenly places resides in our marriage heavenly places resides on my child heavenly places resides with my children heavenly places resides in my body come on now thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven hallelujah heavenly come places [Music] i'm talking about us this is what god is doing he has just decided no you're not going to be good you're going to be great i'm going to meet you in the foot soldiers hallelujah hallelujah [Music] thank you [Music] oh [Music] we [Music] [Music] hey come on [Music] good morning good morning [Music] come [Music] on in the morning this is [Music] i'm gonna sing a little louder than before [Music] [Music] a little louder [Music] [Music] i am [Music] i'm gonna run a little harder than before [Music] gonna jump a little higher [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i can't breathe [Music] [Music] i'm gonna run a little faster [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] no more shackles no more chains no more bondage i yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i am [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] dance away [Music] [Music] [Music] much [Music] [Applause] breathe breathe [Music] of victory we are free we are free i am free i am free i am free i am free no much [Music] i am free i am free i am free i am free i [Music] am free [Music] i tell you to be free in this moment [Music] come on i tell you to let yourself be free in this moment come on free from the ninja free from lies free from the enemies diving [Music] come on free yourself from people free yourself from the lies of the enemy come on free yourself from what the doctor said [Music] come on go ahead and free your mind [Music] come on aj you to get free come on lift it up bring it in [Music] right here [Music] [Applause] open your mouth like you're free come on shout out victory like you're free move your feet like you're free clap your hands like you're free get it up come on be free lift up a hallelujah like you're free lift up a hallelujah like you're free come on no more chains no more chains no more bondage no more lack no more low self-esteem [Music] come on i encourage you to lift up a hallelujah in this moment like you're free [Music] i don't know about you but i i'm free right now i don't know about you but my spirit is free go ahead and release a hallelujah [Applause] [Music] come on in the presence of your enemies [Music] [Music] is [Music] come on now go ahead and lift up a hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah come on lift up [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] some things are shaking some things are shifting come on yo hallelujah it's making some things happen [Music] hallelujah [Music] come on use your weapon hallelujah say hallelujah [Music] come on one more time hallelujah [Music] come on stay right here [Music] say hallelujah say hallelujah [Music] in the house [Applause] [Music] come on yo hallelujah just release some things in the spirit [Applause] [Music] your hallelujah just changed some things come on y'all hallelujah just worked out whatever's going on in your body say hallelujah [Music] come on yo hallelujah just brought your healing to somebody hallelujah [Applause] [Music] sing a little louder sing a little louder sing a little louder [Music] sing a little louder [Music] lift up your voices and shout a little louder [Applause] [Music] to the atmosphere [Music] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] singing somebody [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on we are kings and the kingdom of god the lion on the chinese [Music] [Applause] come on give a shout out to god give a shout out to god [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on one more one more shout out to god come on if you know he's been good to you and i don't know about you but he was better to me today and we're just getting snorted than he was yesterday at the end of the day come on now it just keeps getting better hallelujah [Music] signifying that he's a good father we're going to sing god can't put a muzzle over our mouth we can't put chains on our limbs we're going sing loud we're gonna spare night because you've been so good to us thank you father jesus [Music] jesus thank you father [Music] i will sing up in love [Music] though the waiting seems long you have always been faithful to remind me [Music] in the morning [Music] [Music] you are good [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] kindness you're consistent through the agent oh what a friend you keep on getting better you keep on getting better [Music] [Music] every day [Applause] [Music] that's my testimony [Music] in the morning in the morning [Music] you're pouring out your blessings you keep on you keep on you keep on you keep on you keep on you keep on [Music] where will we be of his mighty goodness [Applause] [Music] hallelujah we glorify you we magnify you you are abba abba abba father hallelujah we know you run the whole show hallelujah the great i am with great reverence we come before you today [Music] we ask that you would just have your way in our service god do what you want to do re continue to reveal yourself to us so we know that we know oh my god you're running the whole show hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh my god hallelujah thank you lord god thank you lord god for your presence thank you for your mighty power thank you that there is nothing greater than you thank you that we can put our faith in you and we know we are secure so father we just love you today we thank you we give you all the glory all the praise and all the honor you are abba father in jesus name amen [Music] so [Music] so [Music] well you may be seated in the presence of the lord let's see uh in just a moment we're gonna roll the tape so we can see what god did in ghana but then we're gonna see some other things that god did in kenya that were not in manbasa but in another place uh called kassyrian kenya roll the table um but um once being there um to see god's faithfulness uh for for all the team to be there you know god just his glory just was on the whole team the the team that i was on we we were part of a team that just started off doing street ministry we um we went out in the area that we were in there were about a hundred thousand people in that area um and we just we went out full force one of the first people who minister graves ministered to was a muslim the lord led her to to preach salvation to teach salvation to this this muslim woman and the woman received jesus christ as a lord and savior but not only that she said she wanted to teach others the word of god she wanted to teach others about christ and it just snowballed from there our first mission that we went on we actually flew into a car and on the tuesday morning we left out about 4 30 that morning to take a 45 minute flight to a new territory called tsunami in which we flew into komasi and we took a two hour drive i believe west to shine to sunani in which this was a new location that matter of fact was a location that our organization had never been to before so on the first um night that we were in sunyani we went to a church where minister ray brought forth the word but before bringing forth before the word he wanted uh leah he had asked leah if she could do a dance so there they're not receptive to women like doing things in the church and being up front and shining none of that so all of their wives and everything was sitting to the back of the church on the first night that minister ray ministered in the church but when he told the bishop that's over top of the region that he wanted her to dance they was not receptive to that they did not want it they were very rude to us but after that dance they had a crusade on the last night that we were there and all the women was at the front of the church and uh leah leah ministered and danced and then she ministered in the word then i ministered in word and once she danced every night after they wanted her to dance more they wanted her to dance every night we were sent bishop and pastor dangerfield sent us to sunyani they said that god told them this was the team that was to go to sunyani this was a place that they had never been no one on our team had ever been there before shalom had never been there so basically they sent us in like um joshua and kayla and we just god allowed us to really take the land possess the land all together i believe there were 51 souls that were saved we see the people we see the hope that they need and we start to realize that we carry this hope within us and we start releasing it towards the people 51 people receive salvation because of our ghana mission team glory to god and we can't conclude our time overseas without sharing the miraculous things that took place on our bishop's missionary journey before arriving in ghana he spent five days in kenya with pastor julian dangerfield of shalom outreach and our own elder wesley nicholas their first stop was to visit bishop cetoti he came to mount gilead in 2019 and took hold of the debt-free anointing on this ministry he took the same anointing back to kenya and he had been watching bishop on tv two or three times a week and do you know he wanted to imitate the same spirit the same anointing over in kenya this man has built a debt-free church from the ground in about three months and when he took us there guess what the name of the street to be turned up mount gilead road we was just so excited bishops say toti's new church building includes a sanctuary which you see on the left along with the three-story building to the right which includes a fellowship hall kitchen and office space the church was ready only thing they needed was they just didn't have a floor that's when our bishop stepped in to take care of the floors sowing twelve thousand five hundred dollars from the covenant partners of daniel robertson ministries they told us the project would be done in half a week and they sent us this video update not long afterwards our bishop preached the last message at their old church preparing them for the new and the anointing fell we also saw the manifestation of our debt-free anointing on another pastor in kenya pastor solomon in 2019 bishop walked the land and in 2021 we saw what those prayers had produced they don't build three buildings one for the women's or the young lady safe house a guest house for whenever bishop or whoever or guests come over from america over there they have somewhere to stay and a church and guess what in 30 days i mean you talking about a miracle they don't owe one dime on anything they've done three buildings in 30 days praise god and there was another pastor touched by our ministry pastor daniel bishop preached a prophetic word at his church [Music] is he preached the rain is coming not knowing that this man's situation that they needed water now this pastor has not had water all of his life this man is 47 years old the community they're in have never had water in it it's a school right beside the church where 500 young ladies go this church has never had water they would be getting water to their school the community right beside them they got old ladies who've been every morning got to go out and buy water go up way up the road to get water been bringing these pails back on their back who've been causing the old ladies to have cancer they've been having their spines in interpretation conditions and doing a detrimental health to these young ladies and also the farmers ran their cattles looking poor they don't have a proper water supply and they have to go a long way to get water those days are now over the covenant partners of daniel robertson ministries stepped in again this time sowing eight thousand dollars to provide solar panels to power the water pump with hopeful anticipation we saw water come through the main line at first it was dark and dirty but eventually the water came out clean pure drinking water for the church the school and the entire community do you know i mean i'm getting four right now when i realized that you don't know what your seed is doing for people oh you have one intention and blessing but that that does seem just like that mustard seed has grown tremendously we're gonna bless so many people he said them old ladies will never carry water again them young ladies in that school will never be on water again and that community will never be without water rain has truly came to that community and considering [Music] [Applause] i would like to i would like to personally thank the covenant partners both of those seeds did not come from mount gilead it came from the covenant partners i would also say to the covenant partners please get in contact with my son we're trying to get a current list of covenant partners they've been trying to email people trying to get folk that respond please help them so we can get a current list but uh we are so so grateful even during um 2019 when we were not able to go overseas of 2020 rather we were not able to go overseas people just kept sewing and coming to parties kept sowing and so on and we kept up with those funds and thank god we were able to do both of those projects on this trip somebody give god gloria hallelujah glory glory glory glory where you may be seated um um also we when we work with the souls i did get um uh so on ghana we have 51 souls assistant pastor keeps up with this so he can turn it into headquarters and then i got word from pastor julian lisa gingerfield while they were doing a medical mission in mombasa they went to a few schools and they have a total sold count of 254 254 and then uh at pastor daniel's church that sunday morning there was one soul that came so that's 255 in kenya and then another 51 in ghana amen come on y'all can do a little bit better than that i also got word uh this past week of another debt-free church valley woodley for some of you may know that name we were there several years ago at their church and uh we got word see they were going to try to do another project i said hold up hold on and they were going to try to build a youth facility i said the same thing we were going to do what about how about paying off what you got and then they listened and uh and pulled it back and now they want us to come down and do a debt-free service amen so around i think it may be around november 7th or something like that we'll be coming from guyana and uh we'll go over there and do that service oh y'all didn't hear what i just said oh okay okay hallelujah we on the move man we're on the move we are on the move for the glory of god well on uh thursday uh we were in chicago with apostle thompson very very powerful if you haven't had a chance to see that just just go on youtube whatever bill winston you know uh uh his ministries and you'll be able to see it i want to share a certain aspect of what a apostle shared um is so so important once you go to mark chapter 11. now we have communion today so i'm going to be moving right along mark chapter 11. mark chapter 11 [Music] is something that i have known [Music] uh for a long time thank god for uh brother uh jarrell clark and ashley clarton who got married on yesterday amen praise god we have so many so much good news lord have mercy turn the news off and come to church hallelujah do your whole lot better listen listen there's some good news man it'll just be good for your spirit you know what i mean i don't need a whole bunch of hear a bunch of you know because really for me to uh honestly for me to stay positive and and the flow and do what i do i i've shared this with you before i watch very little news because it's impossible for me to be up when i'm hearing just a whole bunch of things that would incite fear i don't need to see images and and hear uh just negatives how can faith come about hearing and hearing y'all follow me and so it it's literally impossible for me to be upbeat and ready to go when i've allowed all that to get down see whatever you hear you're gonna have to deal with it come on now preach bishop mm-hmm whatever if you hear it now you're gonna have to deal with it so what i do i don't hear it i just shut it off i'm serious it'll be sometimes i'm flipping through the channels and then something coming up i flip right from it or mute it i say oh no i cannot i cannot hear this negativity and accept and expect to be upbeat so where am i getting my report from from god he'll direct me he'll show me you'll follow what i'm saying that's how i deal with it i can't be positive if i'm hearing a whole lot of negativity so i don't i shut it all now y'all maybe y'all smarter than me and so you're like okay bishop i got some insight okay uh-huh all right so now let's go to uh mark chapter 11. um years ago i remember i went to solomon's island that's off the coast of australia and i had to minister and i had done a series of messages on god the father and i came there and they were doing something in their church dealing with their pastor calling him father or whatever and they thought i was coming against what they were doing but it was a revelation that god had given me before i got there i always you but hear what i'm saying i always knew that god run the whole show now i'm gonna give you a few things you know how the mother may prepare the meal but don't forget about the person that provided the meal when i was coming up my mom would take my dad's food and and make his plate before we ate and put it in the oven and um and then we could go ahead and eat whatever and she she pulled the best for him whatever he liked she pulled it for him y'all follow me because why because he was the one that made it possible for all of us to be able to sit down and eat come on y'all so so you don't want to disrespect the person who really made it all possible that's it's like um i'll just use this this terminology like the godfather you don't walk past the godfather and then go in their house and and then be able to partake of everything they have you can't disrespect the person that really made it possible y'all follow me and so what we want to do now i know i know i know i know um within our understanding we have an understanding that okay yeah yeah i know the father i know the father but i think sometimes we might get up we might we might forget how it really all happened the holy ghost some people well the holy ghost is the one in the earth you need to really partner with him okay good good but don't forget who sent them remember when jesus said i would pray to the father that he would send another comforter which is the holy ghost and he'll be with you forever and in other words jesus said i'm gonna i'm gonna leave but i won't leave you comfortless but who am i gonna pray to who am i gonna pray to i would pray to the father that he will send another comforter so when you're dealing with the holy ghost and you know how the holy ghost flow now that's good but don't forget who gave them [Applause] y'all got that now another scripture says every good and every perfect gift comes down from the father of life in whom there is no variableness no shadow of turning where does every good gift come from the father the father uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh now let me go here go uh i told you i told you um go go to matthew chapter 6. now a lot of these things are things we know but you can be tripped up the last thing you want to do is disrespect god that's that's the last thing you want to do is forget his position forget who he is forget the weight that uh that he carries hallelujah hallelujah you know i'm thinking about the seraphims remember the seraphins that had six wings uh with twain and covered his feet between you covered with face and with twain he did fly and one cried into another oh my god y'all remember that anybody remember that and what did they say holy who were they talking about [Applause] hallelujah glory to god y'all remember y'all remember isaiah said it was though he came but he kept on coming oh god remember he said that his train failed to tell what would they talk who are they talking about come on y'all we mm-hmm y'all follow what i'm saying so now now you just got to whatever you're doing whatever you're doing whatever god has provided he has given uh you you remember he gave jesus a name that's above every name who did it who who gave him a name come on now come on down so yeah all i'm saying is don't forget who's behind it all i have known this for years it will it will oh lord it'll put a grip um uh when you're trying to do something you ever been trying to screw something in and it's a little slippery and you you know you know it'll allow you to bear down glory to god and be able to go and do some things that you would not normally be able to do when you really understand who backing you hallelujah because the one that's backing you cannot be denied hallelujah hallelujah so so you know now now you don't want you i'm going to tell you you got to be careful because a lot of times we put a lot of emphasis on some other things but don't forget the one that's running at all hallelujah now in matthew and you and matthew 6 in matthew chapter 6 verse number 5 and when thy prayers i'm in matthew 6 and 5 and when thy prayers thou shall not uh be as the hypocrites are for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets that they may be seen amen verily i say unto you they have their reward but thou wind thy prayers enter into thy closet and when thou hast shut the door pray pray to who pray to thy father which is in secret and thy father and thy father and thy father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly but when you pray use not vain repetitions as the heathen do for they think that they shall be heard of of by their be be heard for their much speaking but but not ye therefore like unto them be ye not therefore like unto them for your father knoweth which things you have need of before you ask them after this man i therefore pray our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name it it is it is it is it is um you you're basically committing spiritual suicide when you go when you go to jesus without going through the father [Applause] in other words you get up you get up in the morning jesus i just want to come before no no no no hold on you can't come before him without you oh my god you no no father father father you got you got to oh my god um didn't the bible tell us to pray to the father in the name of jesus come on y'all anybody y'all with me you you with me i'm just trying to help you and i know in in a sense you know some of this but i'm trying to help you to understand the gravity of what you're dealing with it's almost like i'm trying to get something accomplished without the foundation i can't go to the fourth story without having a foundation [Applause] so i've known for years that the father runs it all and uh so years ago when we went to solomon's island the lord had given me that series of messages on god the father and um it um is so is so critical now now go over to um go go back to mark chapter 11. and this is some things that apostle uh was bringing out because a lot of people they you know when you deal with faith yeah your faith is a spiritual force um but you got to know how to properly use your faith you you got to you and you know another thing too um over in deuteronomy when the lord said that uh he was telling them don't forget um don't say that your your power has gotten you this wealth uh but uh but don't forget the lord your god to give it the power to get well that he may establish his covenant and in other words what i see from that is that god is saying uh um uh god is saying i don't ever want you to get out there without me um it seemed like to me god made the world it seemed like what he made will obey him so you can't get in the world he made and start declaring in some and decreeing without him come on come on anybody here y'all are you listen you can't so cause sometimes we get a little bit we get we think we got it going on man my all i'm gonna do i'm gonna stand out here you better be you you better stand with god backing you you better have something back in you you know um they talked about uh david with the with the slingshot uh and and and the rocks you know when he was facing goliath but did you know the law was with him did you know the lord listen you cannot as a human being deal with a bear and a lion come on y'all but god made a liar and god made the bear but god gave david supernatural strength beyond what he had to be able to deal with it there are testimonies of people there are testimonies of people something fell on somebody there are testimonies of people with strength that they would not normally have 500 pounds never lifted before in their life but all of a sudden that you know these angels are strong too god no hold up who's in angels who's in an angel yeah god sent the angels and then i mean there are supernatural testimonies of of of of people they have some supernatural help it's amazing when you have help you can't see but you know they're there and then wouldn't it be wonderful for you to go tell people god did it instead of telling people you did it because god can get in there and man it's amazing because he'll he'll he'll send is he'll send exactly what you need for the occasion he'll sin exactly and then all i'm saying it when he doesn't let him know it god i just want to thank you god i just want to praise you let me let me let me use the example we went to kenya kasirian all kind of warfare 2019. we walk and land just doing the very best we can we trying to work on a brick making machine next thing we we get word latrines bathrooms are coming out the ground then the church got built you saw the church you saw with the three buildings that's the second church in that area another one was built dead free they just came they said can you pray so i just go there with my foot itself i just go and start praying over the land and then god came through with the money nobody but god are you listening to me nobody but god could do this and then you go to the next place and this man humbled himself and let the first church get built for his son in ministry in whom he's over then we come back and you saw it right on the screen 3 buildings 85 000 u.s dollars debt free all we did was pray they said we you praying over this land and you know god ain't nobody but god prosperity angels all kinds of things started going to work to make this come to pass [Applause] all god wants is when he doesn't give him the credit for it that's all that's all he wants just give me the credit do you know i did it that's all he's like do you know i really did do you know no man could do this do you know that this is not really humanly possible do you know that that that uh um that i move supernaturally man man that's amazing just give them crap have you noticed we keep giving god the credit for everything he does in mongolia do you notice that see it now now you as a father you that provide for your family you know how you feel when they don't disrespect you just walk right on past you come on y'all come on father's day you supposed to be the father right um you can't get too much out but that's all right you know what i mean it's it's it's it's um i was ministering in um in ghana at a leadership conference with pastors and i began to deal with a spirit of uh the spirit of honor and a lot of them and and and i tell you i tell you um i begin to share with them that if this person is over you and they are in a position to be a spiritual father and that's what you say they are well when fathers they come do you give them anything you know you know listen the moderator the writer at that minister he came to me he said says a lot of pastors in america don't know don't know this revelation it's this honor it's dishonor so what you know what i found out god will put you in a position that if you operate correctly if you he gives you an opportunity to honor or dishonor it's almost like i set before you life and death blessings and curses anybody get that i'm putting it right in front of you and so if if you do what you're supposed to do i'll bless you but if you don't do what you're supposed to do i have i have no other so a lot of pastors that i was working with there they were wondering why they couldn't get their stuff up off the ground because they are constantly operating in dishonor no no no these are pastors i'm talking about pastors they said that's my spiritual father wouldn't it make common doggone sense that on father's day you said you're your spiritual father so you don't have time to go find a father's day card i'm talking i ain't talking about y'all but i'm talking about pastors come on y'all anybody get this then you reap with yourself so then these pastors they're trying to lead people and wondering why these people are not honoring them because because they are not there they are hallelujah hallelujah you you know we went to chicago uh-huh uh-huh you know what apostles said there's ten thousand ten thousand that's us ten thousand from the church and ten thousand personally you think i'm gonna go to chicago and not honor oh no and you know what we did too we took a plane full of people we had seven on the jet possible so all of us he knew cause i'm going there to support my no let me let me i'm gonna give you a real good secret i didn't show up at seven i plan to get there at six because i'm not ministering i'm coming to support oh god i'm coming to help my spiritual covering he might need something so i can't be coming in the dog when he come in oh man is anybody listening to the preacher see your father see you got that you you got that praise god in order to have fellowship i mean to have in order to really have true leadership you have to have true followership first y'all not following me just because i'm just reaping what i've sown holly look you said i'm saying and and i'm there i'm waiting for the right part of the message for him to hit him i'ma push him i'ma push him i'm gonna push him so he was dealing with faith he was dealing with faith he was dealing with faith but you know prosperity is on a parcel of heaven it's on them heaven i helped push them with the seed oh why y'all looking like y'all don't know what's going on hallelujah hallelujah now glory to god hallelujah praise the name of the lord now let me point out something the apostle was dealing with go over the mark chapter 11 mark chapter 11. uh in verse number 12. and and on and on on the morrow or on tomorrow when they were come from bethany he was hungry and seeing a fig tree a fall having leaves he came if happily he might find anything there on and when he came to it he found nothing but leaves for the time of figs was not yet and jesus answered and said unto it no man eat fruit of thee here after forever and his disciples heard it now let's pick it up in verse number 20. and in the morning as they pass by this holy fig tree dried up from the roots and peter calling to remembrance saith unto him master ma uh master behold the fig tree which thy curses is withered away and jesus answering said unto them have faith in god now apostle pointed this out many would scholars would say well half the faith of god um uh you know or uh uh uh some other interpretation and and the apostles said no that's not so jesus said i'm gonna show you how to do what i did it ain't about your faith jesus ain't saying have faith in yourself no we got we just got to clean some stuff up uh i'm i'm if you want to have uh when your attraction is not good what i'm trying to share with you today allow you to do it allow you to not be on the surface when you're trying to get grip and it's slippery you have some spikes deeper than cliques that when everybody else has fallen you still standing it's something about knowing that the father is in control hallelujah glory to god hallelujah so jesus said jesus said in in verse 22 and jesus answered him saying unto them have faith in whom and have faith in whom he said have faith and god i've received your seed he said have faith in who have faith in god so now when i'm going and i'm dealing with something i will lift mine eyes until the heels from whence come at my health my health come on y'all coming from the lord that made heaven and earth you got so so so if he made the heaven and earth there is nothing in this earth realm that can take me down when the father is watching over me how can i be afraid when i got him back in me the steps of a good man i feel the holy ghost are ordered by who god uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh you see that you see that you see that you say uh-huh uh-huh so um so the father the father the father and i got that in my mind i got to keep that in my mind he he is abba hallelujah he he is he is abba uh i wonder if god is scared of covet 19. [Laughter] let me take my time and walk through this hallelujah i wonder if god flinches like oh i don't know what to do did you hear that ladies report whoo i wonder if god i wonder if god has any any oh my god any reservations there's one scripture that says and he and i will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee for he trusteth trust in the lord with all your heart lean not into your own understanding in all your way oh i got it thank you holy ghost in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your past [Applause] let me let me okay lord let me go to psalms 23. let's look at this for a moment psalms 23. [Music] glory to god we just got to encourage the body that's all we just got hallelujah we got a father we got a father we have a father we have a father hallelujah glory to god thank god we're not fatherless hallelujah thank god we don't have a dead bee father thank god he is abba abba abba father [Applause] hallelujah psalms 23 the lord is mine shepherd i shall not want he maketh me to lie down in green pastures he leadeth me he leadeth me beside the steel waters he restoreth my soul he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake yea though i woke this is what i'm trying to get to right here yay though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will feel no evil for thou art with me thy rod and thy staff they comfort me even when you got to walk through some difficult times i got somebody with me what about you i thought he said i'll never leave you i'll never forsake you i will be with you always come on y'all he said he will be with you always so you mean so i can walk through this season totally confident in my god hallelujah now let me go back let me go back let's go back to mark 11. because a lot of times you know faith is is so important because okay go to hebrews okay excuse me look we go to hebrews hebrews 11. let's let's okay i'm just rolling with the holy ghost clover we got communion today jesus what time is it lord have mercy all right let me hit this right quick let me thank you holy my god okay now now now uh hebrews 11. and so when i when i think when when i just said thank you holy ghost i know who i know i know who back in him [Applause] see it's it's a consciousness you got to have i'm telling you you know when most people are unstable you'll be still standing oh god hallelujah because you know it is part of my foundation the root system is the father hallelujah [Applause] now look look at hebrews 11 6. but without faith it is impossible to please who him for he that cometh to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him how many times did they say he or him come on somebody. [Music] for he that cometh to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him if your faith is void of god on your own when you crash the concept of having faith in god you are not trying to repeat what he already did you just walking in it i don't need to go possess what he already possess i'ma go take it [Music] [Applause] it gives you another dimension it um when you really really get the revelation you won't have to practice it it will it it just the expression of that revelation would just be with you you will see something and it won't back you down you will back it down on your way to it [Applause] i don't think y'all really heard what i just said it's uh uh you ever tried to work with some tools and you got some plows and you know you're trying to do it the best you can you holding on it trying to you know you turning this one and the other one moving so you got to hold it right here so you can work on the other end anybody know what i'm talking about uh uh-huh uh so you might have some regular some regular plies but there are something called vice grips go over. now you when you turn that thing and you clap it it ain't moving [Applause] ladies you don't know anything about vice grip uh-huh uh-huh you you tighten that thing once you lock some oh my god some people call them channel you once you lock it it ain't going nowhere [Applause] having faith in god is like them channel locks i shall not be moved hallelujah i know what god told me and i'm standing on it oh yeah them channel locks you know a good verse to go with that and haven't done all right stan wind blow i'm not moving i'm not moving [Music] some of y'all like wrestling they get them in a submission hole they give up they just throw their hand up okay i give by gill cause they ain't gonna let them out of it my god it's something i know we know we know a lot but i'm telling you never disrespect the father trying to utilize what he's given us okay let's go over what i told you uh go go one more one more one um psalms psalms 103 let's go there let's go psalms 103. psalms 103. now when we get to communion i just need y'all to move and flow just just flow with me get the tables out fast that's what i'm trying to tell you hallelujah tell you you can't speak in cold you just want to make it clear hallelujah glory to god glory i said glory to god glory to god hallelujah you in psalms 103 my god bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name now i want you to notice the order notice the order i said notice the order let me read again bless the lord o my soul and all that is within me bless his holy name bless the lord o my soul and forget not all his benefits may you see his benefits who forgiveth all thy iniquities who heal if all thy diseases who redeemeth thy life from destruction who crown of thee with love and kindness and tend to mercies who satisfy thy mouth with good things so that thy youth is renewed like the eagles but notice the order you've got you got to bless him first see a lot of people want to take the benefit package lord i need you to do this heard but no don't forget about him don't do not forget about him i'm gonna tell you a secret when something don't quite go right bless him anyway bless him in a way say that's all right thank you lord i just thank you for being on my side lord i know you're gonna come through i thought it was gonna be the day but that's all right hallelujah you see if you keep respecting him if you keep honoring him if you keep magnifying him he he he'll come through if you treat him like a father he will be your father just don't disrespect god and start using what he's provided jesus you know john 3 16 for god so loved the world huh that he gave his only you know he gave jesus y'all know this but you don't don't don't don't use what he's given without letting him know lord i thank you [Applause] father we just give you glory and praise and honor we magnify your holy name thank you for being god all by yourself and we worship you we worship you we worship you you are mighty good father you are yes you are you're mighty you're a mighty good father and we preach the word we we ministered uh uh god we oh my god it's just so much of so much thank you for being our father thank and and father may we may we be an example of you covering us during this season when people look in our eyes may they see you that we're covered hallelujah bless your holy name we bless your holy name now father we preach your word somebody may need jesus somebody somebody that's out there may want to come in today if you've never received jesus christ unto your heart i offer you jesus right now what do you had to lose i want you to leave the losing team and come over to the winning team his name is jesus just come on come on receive jesus receive him into your heart he died on the cross for your sins he died on the cross the father released his only son so we could have fellowship with the father jesus was the bridge back to the father anybody in here today that's never received jesus we ask you to come right now we would like to pray to sinner's prayer with you so you can give your life to the lord jesus christ if there's anybody in this place that dated straight away from the lord why don't you come on back now i'm gonna tell you right now you need you need your church right now oh yes you do you oh my god hallelujah glory to god you need the men and women of god right now of god you know notice what i'm saying hallelujah that that the last thing you need to do is be far away from from from the place from this place you got to be tuned in hallelujah i don't know about you but i need the lord i need them i need them hallelujah the the the hypnologists and the dave said i need them every hour anybody need to be filled with the precious holy spirit it's available right now anybody need a church home you can come right now any one of those invitations bless you lord god glory to god hallelujah anybody need them today anybody need to anybody want to receive jesus christ into the heart anybody anybody need deliverance today they don't need a going around just bombarded and burdened down when you go in that room to pray over somebody put god before yourself because whatever anointing you carrying he gave it to you hallelujah let that devil tremble because god is about to come in the room hallelujah hallelujah bless your name god hallelujah you're glory to god glory to god anybody need them today anybody need them today god i thank you thank you father god i just give you glory praise and i give your honor in jesus name amen well praise the name of the lord we're going straight to communion right now so those we begin to move quickly and swiftly y'all go ahead and go right on into the song as we prepare now only come to the table make sure you you got your heart clean now don't commit um don't bring a curse on yourself make sure your heart clean this is not the time to play with god not right now oh lord have mercy this is not the time and i tell you i'll tell you another secret you're gonna have to be very sensitive around this time as it pertained to disrespect you don't want to disrespect god in any way repent quick if you think you did something let it i mean release it release it we pray over these elements now in the mighty name of the lord jesus christ god and the broken body and the shed blood you told us as often as we do and do it in remembrance of your son this is the broken body and this is the shed blood and we do not take it for granted thank you lord hallelujah we consecrate these elements now in jesus name amen [Music] me [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the blood has made [Music] [Music] make is [Music] [Music] has made [Music] me home it makes me whole yeah [Music] you took my [Music] always looking out for me [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you for loving me [Music] thank you for loving me [Music] [Applause] you is my place [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] come on without the music [Music] [Music] [Music] it's still cleansing [Music] still working on me the blood still [Music] still working on me [Music] still making ways [Music] [Applause] [Music] as every has everyone been served they want to be served don't want to admit it omit anybody if you have not opened them you can at this time this is the broken body [Music] of our lord and savior jesus christ [Music] we want to thank you father how painful it must have been to see his body ripped asunder for our mess but a price had to be paid because the wages of sin is still death but the gift of god is eternal life through jesus christ our lord thank you father hallelujah hallelujah glory to god we eat together [Music] thank you you gave them and then jesus had had to be obedient even under death thank you jesus for dying for my sins hallelujah where will we be if it was not for the blood how many times have we made a mistake and then made the same mistake and then made the same mistake and then oh my god lord thank you for washing it thank you oh my god in the old testament the blood of bullets could only cover sin for a protracted period of time then yearling they had to go in again but once and for all [Music] the blood did it hallelujah hallelujah the blood the blood the blood did it we drink together now thank you for the blood that never loses its power it reaches to the highest mountain it flows to the lowest valleys it's the blood that gives me strength from day to day and it shall never lose its power thank you for it father glory to god [Music] bless you [Music] lord oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it will will be lose [Applause] when we're ready to bless god now with our tithes and our offerings you may be seated different ways to give would be on the screen we're going to flow with that then we have a few announcements and then we'll release you [Music] do we have a price on this oh it's coming okay [Music] glory to god [Music] the bases are loaded single is out now um [Music] hard copies are available in the grand concourse and the transformation center digital links will be available on our social media pages i don't know when it will be available they said it will be so if you want to get hold of one today i would just get it just get it god gave that prophetic work at the beginning of this year the bases are loaded my god we've seen all kinds of stuff happen nobody but god i remember where i was out on koala road coming up though i said i said the lord now i don't want to mess with people's emotions i i need to know this as you i kept driving some more he said the bases are loaded i'll say oh shucks man i've seen god do it man all kinds of things have happened this year all kinds of things amen [Music] all right that single is seven dollars just seven dollars so i know especially the nine o'clock crowd y'all ain't gonna have no problem with that jesus seven dollars let's get several of them jesus praise god all right you ready let's stand and let's lift our seats before the lord repeat after me i am a tither i am a seed sower i'm sowing on purpose and i believe that the money just keep on coming thank you lord god i'll never be broke another day in my life i'm blessed in jesus name amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Music] you grip is heart [Music] is [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] amen praise god let's go to mount gillian news [Music] hello i'm minister trina davis and i'm minister april aguero we are lead overseers for our women's ministry affectionately known as wow [Music] wow stands for women of the words welcome to mel gillian news our top story ladies we encourage you to join our women's ministry for one night of prayer this friday september 24th at 7 pm yes this is open to all women of mount gilead here's more from co-pastor hey ladies september 24 from 7 00 p.m to 8 30 p.m we have the awesome opportunity to come together corporately and pray on behalf of our ministry mount gilead i want to encourage you to come on and be a part of this opportunity to bonbon with heaven as we humble ourselves and pray god will heal our land so not only we're praying for mount gilead but we're also praying on behalf of our country and our land hope to see you there our women's ministry network support group is hosting a virtual fellowship on monday september 20th at 7 p.m ladies if you are a survivor or have been affected by cancer in your family or if you're overcoming domestic violence separation or divorce don't miss this encounter subscribe to our women's ministry text alerts to receive the zoom link text w o w rva 25500 also happening this week helps ministry cluster meetings will take place on tuesday september 21st head to our church event calendar to see when and where your specific ministry is meeting and don't forget wednesday september 22nd is the last day to submit a missions application for miami florida this domestic trip is october 14th through the 19th you can find the application under the forms tab on our church website sos elementary is hosting a private one-hour charter cruise for elementary school girls and their moms it's happening saturday september 25th at 8 30 a.m each young lady and her female chaperone should bring a packed breakfast and get ready to enjoy a power hour of ministry fellowship and fun head to our online registration page to register mount gilead we are celebrating 25 years on the mission field this year glory to god prepare your hearts for a special worship encounter on international day this sunday september 26th remember to wear your international attire as we lift up the nations mark your calendars for our transformation institute fall session starting monday october the 4th we're offering two four-week courses maturing to sonship and miracle signs wonders and gifts of the holy spirit here's more from elder zelda duggar on the monday course our apostle has heard from god and there is a command coming down to all of us each and every one of us to mature in the things of god as we grow and as god is forming the mount gilead army it's more important now than ever that we understand that we are to grow from being disciples who follow jesus into being sons of god and functioning like sons of god who flow like jesus in all of the joint heir authority that the bible declares that we have in romans 8 17 you're a joint heir and you are going to be equipped to take your place and function with everything that god has placed in you for his glory click on the ti web banner to sign up for the fall session as we work to keep you healthy and safe on campus please remember that face coverings are required in our bookstore our media room healing hands room and children's church masks are also required in our cafes if you prefer not to dine in remember you can always pre-order a meal from our gourmet grill online just visit the gourmet grill website and select the meals you want for easy pick up one final note the bases are loaded single from our music ministry is now available for purchase and download simply search for mount gilead f-g-i-m on apple music or spotify a limited supply of cds are available as well for a full list of announcements head to the announcements page on our church website mount gileadfgim.org woohoo yes okay you can step down and off that box [Laughter] cds the single is two dollars not seven dollars two dollars they just corrected and and shared with me now you know i gave you that first price cause they told me i'm only doing what they told me but they said it's two dollars so i said you sure cause you said this is okay amen and uh the download they're hoping to have that ready uh soon we it's not ready right now but they hoping to have the download soon but the ones out in the grand concourse already right now so father so much so much news so much good news today oh my god all these messages that you've given us today good news church paid off this happened that happened oh my god god we just love you today thank you so much we are so glad to be in the house of the lord we are so glad to be a part of this service god we have many viewing as well god we love you today thank you so much for being our father thank you for being abba father we have nothing to worry about because we know you are on our side we love you now father we give you all the praise all the glory and all the honor in jesus name amen ushers mount gilead family take advantage of the gourmet restaurant within our own ministry the gourmet grill you can pre-order meals online for easy pick up on service days simply visit the gourmet grill website and click order online you can also get a sneak peek at the midweek dinner menu by signing up for our gourmet grill text alert group just text gourmet grill one word to join and what are you learning from our changing lives podcast let us know we want to hear from you so leave a comment or review season 2 is available now on apple podcast spotify and youtube just search the alina robertson network
Channel: Mt.Gilead FGIM
Views: 1,480
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Id: klfCzltjYqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 116min 52sec (7012 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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