Christ's Passion and Jehovah's Covert Operation (Part 3)

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we've been looking at the the covert operation we called it of God in the passion which has to do with the crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth and it is this that we've been looking at and the Holy Spirit desires me tonight to tie this into what we know about communion if you are a person who's connected with this anointing you know that we have ministered in the area of communion in some very intrinsic depth and we have taken communion from just an ordinance and a celebration to an actual surgical operation we have taken it to a weapon if you will as God intended it in the hand of the believer a bit tonight but I've got to connect these two things I want you once again to go to Colossians chapter 2 and we've been teaching this as the Lord had me to teach it in in the context of a military operation of God a a covert military operation of God that the Passion of Christ and once again when we talk about the passion we're talking about his suffering that brought him to the cross that death burial resurrection ascension and seating and again the gospel is not just the resurrection the gospel does not end with the resurrection the scripture teaches the death the burial the crucifixion the the crucifixion the death the burial the resurrection the Ascension and the seeding of Christ Jesus and all of those look at your neighbors say all of those all of those are significant for you and I to know and understand if we are going to walk in the reality of the new creation and if we are gonna have victory over sin Satan Devils demons yokes bondage his impediments and everything else that the enemy throws against us we've got to have knowledge of this operation now Paul is the one who calls it an operation and one time as I was reading it the Spirit of the Lord began to show me he said some this was a military operation it was a covert military operation it was kingdoms in conflict and if you read your Bible with that understanding some of these things make sense because the language is the language of warfare he says for this purpose was the son of God manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil this was not some nice little engagement there was a destruction that happened there was an annihilation that happened look at your neighbors say if you believe the Bible yeah if you believe the Bible there was a destruction that happened amen I said hey man Jesus when he is in the garden and they come to take him and Peter gets ready to defend him from being taken he said put that down he said don't you know that right now I could call 12 legions of angels and in this thing but he said but how then could the Scriptures be fulfilled so Jesus understood he had the authority to call for backup are y'all here to stop this the Bible calls God the Lord Sabbath which means he is the god of the armies of heaven are you still here so I want you to look at your neighbor and say never forget this the crucifixion was kingdoms in conflict it was a military operation and I'm calling it a covert operation an undercover operation because of what Paul says here but let's qualify these two verses and then we've got to qualify what happened quickly we've gone over this the last couple of nights but I got to move through it quickly to get to where we have to get to tonight Colossians chapter 2 and verse number 8 when you're there say I am are you there all right Colossians chapter 2 and verse number 8 and Paul says beware in other words pay attention lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit now what is he saying he's saying if you are not paying attention you can actually be cheated out of the victory that Christ bought for you because you don't know what happened are you there and there are a lot of believers there are a lot of Christians who come to church every day well come to church every week read their Bibles go to church do these things but they are not walking in victory because they have not been actually instructed and taught what actually occurred that brought victory to them through what Christ did beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit according to the tradition of men according to the basic principles of the world in other words you cannot compare this action to anything in this world are you still here now this is important lay your hand on yourself and say you must receive the wisdom of God concerning this I'm going to show this to you in just a minute you got to receive the wisdom of God in other words the wisdom that comes from heaven and James teaches us that there is an earthly wisdom he says that wisdom is sensual in other words it is a wisdom that comes from the senses it comes from what you can see with your eyes what you can hear with your ears what you can taste touch smell that is what he calls sensual earthly and devilish and it's not that it's all all evil it is that it is coming to you from a fallen realm it is information that is coming to you from a natural realm and that natural realm will not feed you probably erase then he says there is a wisdom that comes from above see the entirety of the Bible the entirety of Scripture is wisdom that has come from above are you there that's why see it comes from where you've been born from that may help you it's the wisdom that comes from where you were born from because when the Bible says you must be born again born again is actually an erroneous translation of the original Greek the actual Greek says you must be born from above see to be born of the Spirit is to be born from above and once you're born from above you are now in position to start receiving information from above and once you begin receiving information from above you can begin to walk above the beggarly elements of this world and walk above worldly people and people who were just walking by worldly information because you're getting information from above see the thing about Jesus is he constantly moved on information from above he said I only do what my father tells me I'm constantly getting information from above I'm speaking words that come from a book I'm doing actions that come from above that's why nobody can touch me that's why i canti lead overcome are you still here I said are you still here so so so he says be wellness did one cheating you through the philosophy according to the basic principles of the world and not according to the anointed one and his anointing then you never say it is the information about the anointed one and his anointing that will give you victory in every situation in every circumstance what watch this for in him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily are you still with me and you are complete or you are finished in him in other words everything that you need has been finished in what he accomplished do you believe that I said do you believe that let's go on who is the head of all principality and power watch what it says in him everybody saying him now we've talked about what it means to be in him it's that oneness it's that union that occurred which we'll see once again in just a moment at the beginning of Christ's passion I said this last night in his earthly ministry Jesus is one with the father when his passion begins he is one with you boy this is important to understand where a labora shotta when his passion begins he becomes one with you he begins to take on your and my sin our iniquity and the father begins to see us with him we'll see this together again in just a moment are you still here I said are you still here I said are you still here we talked about this once before I don't want to go into all of it but it's important for you to note and to understand that this idea of being in him it means in its totality to have or possess exactly what Jesus has before the Father or to be exactly what and who Jesus is before the Father or in the father's eyes any time the Bible says to you anything about you being in him in him you have this in him you have that it's telling you exactly what he has before the father you exactly who he is before the father you are you got to get this in your mind you new creation you there is no difference between you and Jesus in the eyes of the Father now this this covert military operation we call the crucifixion is what accomplished that for you are you still here I said are you still here I watched you seen him you were also circumcised with a circumcision made without hands by the putting off of the body of sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ buried with him look at your neighbor say you were buried with him look at your neighbor say this is not an allegory this is not philosophy look at your neighbor say this is not a simile this is not a metaphor this is the operation of God this is what he pulled off glory to God I said glory to God man it just does something to my kneecaps when I say it it's just glorious when you begin to get it are you still here buried with him in your immersion into him in which also you were raised with him everybody said you were buried with him and you were raised with him now what this means is whatever state he was in when he was buried is the state you were in before the father and whatever state he was resurrected is the state you are also in now before the father lay your hands on yourself and say get that self whatever condition he was in when he died according to the records of heaven you and I were in and whatever condition he was raised in according to the records of heaven you and I have that status who you are about shotty you and I have that stance in there this is what John in one place just burst open in praise and just behold what manner of love the father has bestowed on us that we should be called his sons in this earth Oh God watch this whoa buried with him in Baptism in which also you were raised with him through faith in the working of God the New King James says the operation of God the King James says through faith in the operation of God in other words he said there was an operation here that God was operating a military operation and you and I have to exercise our faith in that operation in order to get the benefits of it but if you can exercise your faith in it you got to know what it is you got to know what happened are you still here now very quickly very quickly go to first Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 8 because I want to put these two scriptures together in your hearing so you get this connection that Paul is making he says however verse 6 saying 1st Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 6 he says however he started those of us who minister this new covenant who are preachers of the gospel of this new covenant turned me up a little bit in my monitors here if you would he says we speak wisdom everybody say wisdom now he's talking about this wisdom that comes from above he said what we preach is the wisdom of God that comes from above and we preach this among those who are mature that's why not a lot of preaching like I'm doing has been being done because the church has preferred to stay immature and be entertained rather than to be taught and actually begin to take territory and see in this last day please hear me there will be two kinds of churches that are being raised up those that are continuing to be entertained and stay at a baby milk level and then there will be the other church touch your neighbors a the one you and I are in that are growing and maturing that are cutting our teeth on meat that are taking territory and injecting Devils from atmospheres that are rebuking sickness and disease and walking in victory chats we people and said ask my crew stay with me however we speak wisdom among those who are maturing to watch this yet not the wisdom of this age it's not the wisdom of the popular culture it's not the stuff that's in vogue not the wisdom of this age watches nor of the rulers of this age who coming to nothing now once again this word rulers here it is the greek word RK on which doesn't mean just natural magistrates or princes of the earth it it means principalities and powers it's talking about spiritual authorities as well as natural ones and see there are spiritual authorities demons and devils that want to keep you intoxicated with tradition and religion and never really get you into the truth because they know if you ever get the truth you will begin to eject them from their seats of authority oh god I can't get into that I can't get into that right now can't get into that right now watch this verse seven but we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery the hidden wisdom here it is which God ordained before the ages of for our glory in other words God had always planned this but he performed it at a certain time he always planned to get this done that's why the Bible says in the fullness of time God sent forth his son born of a woman born under the law he waited for the time he had appointed he had oh thank you Jesus he had planned it from the beginning of the ages but he was waiting for the moment and when Jesus was manifested in the earth it was the moment watch this he says we speak this wisdom here it is which what which none of the rulers of this age knew for had they known they would not have crucified the Lord of glory see there is the covert op it was an operation of God which none of the Devils or demons Pilate didn't know it the disciples didn't know it the devil that got to Judas to get him to betray Jesus didn't know it see when you understand this you should need to take heart because even people that are moving against you trying to stop you they don't have any idea that's why that's why the bouncing don't fight them you're not wrestling with flesh and blood lay your hand on your brother lay your head on your sister and tell them if they knew who you were they'd leave you alone [Applause] now here's the deal they are praying to God you never find out who you are even devils are asking God don't let them find out who they are God don't let him find out look are you there do you see this in the word I said do you see it in the word look at somebody say they don't want you to know who you are but now here's the point the devils didn't know the demons didn't know the human players in the crucifixion didn't know but the father knit and Jesus knew it is this thing glory to God that Arab r-mo Chateau Marcus T it is this thing that in Gethsemane he is praying about it is this operation that is getting ready to go into effect in Gethsemane that he is praying about because as long as he was ministering in the earth he and the father are one now he and you are going to become one and he's gonna have to take your sin and this is what he's talking about in the garden he's saying can we stop the operation I know we agreed I know we agreed before the foundation of the world that I would come and do this but now the moment is here and the thing is getting weighty and if there's any way that I can get out of this father give me it out and the Bible says he went three times in a burlesque at a he went three times to get out of it and obviously all three times the father said nope nope and nope and so finally Jesus okay not but okay so this operation was the Father's will so now let's look at what happened now I'm saying this because this is connected to the communion and see flyable Robuchon Darumaka rendezvous Sabich esta tamuka say vaca so Maurice and la voz de commander vas mo render a masa and see when you understand this and I've taught you a number of things about the communion table I'm about to teach you another thing about whenever a battle has been concluded whenever two governments cease fire and one wins whenever and on the Lord said this to me today it was magnanimous he said whenever an armistice or a ceasefire or an unconditional surrender or a treaty is signed after an armed conflict it is done at a table [Music] no no no you need the treaty is sad the conditions of the unconditional surrender is sad who won and who lost is recorded the terms of the victory is recorded what the victors get and what the losers lost is documented what is what is supposed to happen when you and I come to the communion table it is a rehearsal of the terms of the surrender it is a declaration of what has been long and what has been lost it is to remind the devil and for you to rehearse in his hearing the terms of his unconditional surrender because he was destroyed for this purpose was the Son of God manifested that he might destroy the works of the nail that's why whenever his works seem to be affecting you go to the table and you don't wait till the first Sunday go to the table [Applause] hello and you said mister what if I don't have great juice and and read I can say get cornbread and kool-aid play on it go to the table lay your hand on your brother lay your hand on your sister tell him that table is swell the unconditional surrender was documented stay with me stay with me so what happened in the operation watch this so what happened in the operation quickly I'm gonna throw out some scriptures here I wrote these down I said these to you last night um I said you see last night but I'm gonna give you scripture for them the first thing I said was this that once again in his earthly ministry he is one with the father when his passion begins he becomes one with us are you still here and and it begins when he is made sin so the first thing I said to you last night and I went through this last night so I'm gonna read it once again in this operation he is made sin he is made sick with our sickness number two he was cruelly he died and we were crucified with him number three he died and according to the scripture we died with him number four are you still here he was buried and according to scripture we were buried with him number five he was made alive he was waves from the dead and according to the scripture we were made alive with him next he was ways to righteous and he was raised our righteousness it's important that you understand that he was raised righteous because he did not die righteous he died sin yes not with his with - but before God he died sin so he dies the sinners death I am already by kata now this is the miracle this is the miracle operation this is the miracle and you must put your faith in because when he is raised again from the dead sin has been put away as a matter of fact the Bible teaches that he was raised again because of our justification not for it because of it in other words our justification our righteousness had been purchased and the resurrection is the evidence that the sin matter is concluded still here he was raised white so now righteousness and then we were raised with him and were seated with him go real quickly to Isaiah 53 verse 5 Isaiah 53 verse 5 Isaiah 53 verse 5 put it up on the screen please but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquity the chastisement of our Shalom our the the the chest David that word again is Moosa the rebuke the correction that had to be endured for us to have nothing missing nothing broken and nothing lacking with God he took are you still here and with His stripes we are healed are you still here look at Galatians chapter 3 well no look at 2nd Corinthians 5 verse 21 setting during this chapter 5 verse 21 for he made him God the Father Jehovah made yeshua who knew no sin to be sin so he's not just carrying sin he becomes it yeah lay your hand on your brother lay your hand on you should say this is the operation this is what you have to exercise your faith in this is what you have to tell the devil no I am not paying for my sin because Jesus took my sin and paid for it you a liar are you still here so he was made sin second he is made sick with our sickness Isaiah 53 verse 10 Isaiah 53 verse 10 yet it pleased the Lord to bruise him he has put him to grief that word there is not grief in his sickness it is the Hebrew word sickness when you make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed he shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in his head he has put him to grief literally in the Hebrew it says he has made him sick so he was made sin and he was made sick with our sickness he was made sin with our sin and sick with our sickness are you still here I said are you still here this is further clarified and this is where the operation begins of in carrying our sickness he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was laid on him and with His stripes we are healed okay number three we he was made sick with our sickness did I just give you that we were crucified with him Romans 6:6 Romans 6:6 so I want you to get this in your Bible I want you to see I want you to in your notes so when you come under attack you can look it up when the devil starts lying and you in telling you you'll never get out of this in your suffering what you did in 1973 you know what you did lying devil watch this knowing this that our old man was crucified with him was goodness this is the wisdom of God this is what God says your old man what old man is that the Bobby that you did your sinning in now when you get a revelation to this you will understand that you have the firstfruits now of a new body this is a part of what the communion is about you right now have the firstfruits of a new body the body you did your sinning in has died you know looking at me like I made this head that bring the Bible to you nothing to me like no see the problem is we haven't believed this we thought this was poetry it's not poetry it's not allegory these are not metaphors this is the operation are you still here knowing this that our old man was crucified with him that the body we did our sinning in might be done away with that we should no longer be slaves to it glory to God and what I'm going to show you in just a moment is one of the things that's supposed to happen when you take communion is there supposed to be a further transfer from his body to yours god that I bought about shunda there's supposed to be a further spiritual transfer of the health he has to your body communion is the divine blood transfusion seen some y'all looking at me crazy see I'm teaching you now the wisdom of God you've been learning religion I'm teaching you now the wisdom of God see this is to what the word says and so you go to a doctor and they say they're gonna give you a blood transfusion they stick some in your needle they put something it could be red paint you don't know what it is that they stick a needle in arm they say we're gonna give you a blood transfusion and you're gonna be better you come on say Amen to this and what you don't understand is you're exercising faith in your doctors word do you believe that's blood you believe it's going to help you you believe it's going to do and you take it and what I'm telling you is Jesus said when you go to that table and you drink from that cup there is a transfusion going on [Applause] hallelujah [Music] I'm gonna show it to you from the Bible you'll have to take my word for it but you gotta be sit there and be still so I get it to you I'm gonna get are you there I said are you there so we were crucified with him good so look at your neighbors and you were crucified then you got to get this you've got to get this the heaven hasn't recorded that you were crucified and if you are crucified then you do not need to allow the enemy to beat you up not one day more for anything you did see you see see listen listen listen I'm trying to teach you there because this is a real problem for religious people because people have been indoctrinated in religion they come to church and they see somebody that they know in their previous life was twice the devil they were come on you know what I'm saying you know you you tried to do everything right and then somebody just that just was just a Hellion just I I mean look more like the devil than the devil himself and they come in the church and they get born again and they have no guilt no shame and you look at Adam think you know what you should be a little shame to what you used to do and they're walking in a victory that you don't understand cuz they understand that the thing was set up look at your neighbor and tell you better leave my liberty alone I'll check you you still here leave your neighbors say we died with him look at Romans chapter 6 verse 8 go there real quickly well now if we died with Christ we believe that we shall also reign with him we died with him so heaven has it recorded when he died you died this is one of the reason I don't have time to get in on this is one of the reason why Allah says teachers you have already passed from death to life and this is why when we have what the world calls a funeral we don't say the person died because according to the scripture if they're born again they died with him so whenever their spirit left their body wasn't when they die and so to be absent from the it's what we don't talk about people dying they transition they move we don't have funerals we have celebrations of life because if that person was born again whenever they breathed their last in their body was not their death date their death date was 2,000 years ago now you understand what Jesus said he that believeth on me shall never die [Music] [Applause] someone said now I get it yeah see that's what I'm saying it's it's I'm okay so we died with him Romans six eight that's also recording second Timothy 2:11 we were buried with him Romans 6 verse four put that up Romans 6 verse four therefore we were buried with him through our immersion into his death so now we got to remember what state did he die in sin and said so he died in the state of sin he died in the state of sickness that's how he was buried so we were buried so your sin was buried yeah Oh Oh see so your sin was varied and your sickness that the doctor said you had come with me come with me come with me come with me come with are you here so so oh are you here so so we were buried with him buried with you buried with him so he died in the state of sin he died in the state of sickness so heaven has it recorded that you have already died the sinners death look at your neighbor and say we're talking about faith in the operation Colossians 2:13 says next thing we were made o alive with him this is important we were made alive with go to Colossians 2:13 and you being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh he has made alive together see there's that soon futo so again just together through the whole process Paul said this back over in Romans if we died if we were buried with him in his death surely we shall also be in the likeness of his resurrection he is saying the same thing again and you being dead in your trespasses and uncircumcision your flesh he has made alive together with him having having forgiven you having forgiven you having forgiven you having forgiven you having forgiven you now I Got News for you having forgiven you means that when you go to him and you confess your sin that's not when he forgives you so what what is the confession about well once again Saku to confess means to say the same thing as an see religion has taught you that to confess your sin is to go and try to remember them all that's stupid you can't remember them all as a matter of fact you committed ones that you don't even know where it's not possible for you to remember them all you're not even qualified to judge what they are neither am i so this idea that I'm to go to God every day and rehearse all my flaws is something that religion has caused preachers to preach for thousands of years so that the body of Christ remains sin conscious instead of righteousness now this is a whole nother lesson I don't have time to get into this and people will quote me and they'll say I'm preaching stuff so bla bla bla bla bla bla to you let me just say this I said it in tongues so social the word confess he says when you confess your sin confess is the world of Hamal or jail homologue a which means to say the same word that homo meaning same logos meaning word what has god said about your sin he has said they are remitted so here is what it means to confess your sin it doesn't mean to live like you never do anything wrong it means when the Holy Spirit convicts you well I wish I had time to teach this I read all that I'm going to teach this in one of our next prophetic in Catalan and I'm gonna deal with you how you really have no sin you can't sin if you're a new creation you can you you can't no no you get no I didn't say you can't do all I said you can't sin I didn't say you can't be ugly and nasty leaving them so you know you can do that so we're mute ever that I'm not saying that I'm saying that when you become a new creation it is no longer called sin it is now called a transgression because sin means the bits in hamartia in greek means to miss the mark and the mark was the law and the law was taken away so there is no mark this is what this is what the new creation revelation didn't say you sin it says all have sinned past tense and fall short present tense of the glory of God see the new creation doesn't see the new creation falls short and God says don't call it sin because I have forgiven you all your sins so what does it mean oh god I'm in it now what does it mean to confess yours if you can bear homologue a if you say the same thing about your sins as God has said what does God said they are amid so here's how you confess your sin when the holy spirit can mix you up doing something wrong you say Lord I acknowledge that I did that you know I did it I know I did it and I acknowledge I did it but I say the same thing that you have said about my sins they are remitted and so I thank you now that I am cleansed I am whole and I am walking in victory touch your nails I can get up and get about your business and stop rolling in the floor and beg in and boo-hooing and spending five days trying to get better [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now I am going to teach on that subject in its entirety in the next few weeks and I'm just gonna call you and say listen I'm gonna teach on this now and you better come because there's more to it than I just said and if you take only what I just said it will become an unjust balance but because I was in it the Holy Ghost said just do the Watusi in for a minute and get out so so I got it I gotta finish it okay so that's not all of it are you still here but watch this and you being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh he has made alive together with him having forgiven does that sound like something he's doing in the future having forgiven you all notice what he calls it still here are you still here all right so you were made alive with him now it's important to understand how he was made alive he was made alive when the Spirit of God came and re-entered that body in Joseph of Arimathea is tomb actually I've got to go a little deeper than that because first Peter chapter 3 verse 19 says that Christ died the just for the unjust he died once having been put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit by which they're putting it up by which he went and preached to the spirits in prison so when he says on the cross father into your hands I commit my spirit the flesh dies but the spirit goes into the hand of the Father and the father carry is the spirit into hell but he is managing that spirit he is making sure that through the process of those three days the devil does nothing that he cannot do legally which is why David had prophesied before you did not leave my soul in Hell nor caused your Holy One to see corruption and Peter says when he preaches David is both dead and buried he is not speaking of himself but he is speaking of the Messiah that when he says into your hands I commit my spirit he commits his spirit into the hands of his father who has promised him a resurrection and he is saying now if a resurrection is going to happen only you can do it because I can no longer do it I died sin I got to trust you and the Bible says he was put to death in the flesh made alive in the spirit by which he went and preached to the spirits in prison what spirits are these these are the spirits of all the Old Covenant Saints who died in faith but were not able yet to legally enter Heaven because the way was not yet made so they were put in a place called Abraham's bosom which is the place of faith which is why when the scripture when Jesus tells the story about the rich man who died he said he went to Abraham's bosom he didn't go to heaven because heaven was not yet a place that the spirits of men could legally enter Jesus was going to leave that procession into heaven which is why the Bible declares that when he raised up he led captivity captive and gave gifts to men [Applause] cavalry ashore tada Ephesians fall 11 and so after he has suffered three days and three nights in the belly of the earth inhale paying for my sin and your sin according to Hebrews chapter 1 the Bible says and when he again brings the first bone into the world go to Hebrews chapter 1 I didn't give this to you but I gotta give it to you and I'm talking about community and I'm not gonna get to all the way to communion but we're gonna take care of you but I'm not gonna get all the way the communities cuz you didn't you don't you go down to verse 12 chapter 1 verse 12 let me see because I hadn't planned on going here I really hadn't oh Jesus just get me out of here some kind of way I'm just I'm gonna read verse one I'm read all the way to verse six and I want to tell you what is happening here because it's part of the operation when Jesus dies thank you master when Jesus dies on the cross and he's his father into your hands I commit my spirit he commits your spirit in the hands of the Father the flesh dies the body which is my sin and my sickness it's taken to joseph of arimathea stew it has been marred more than any man's the Bible says his visage is marred more than any man she doesn't even look human even the passion of the christ' movie doesn't do it justice it was worse than that that body is taken to the tomb his spirit goes into the hands of the Father by which the Bible says he goes and preaches to the spirits in prison the father allows him to go into hell and suffer and then after three days on his way up he stops off in Abraham's bosom that temporary place where the seats of just men who have not yet been perfect because the penalty has not yet been paid are being held he goes there and he says I believe you have something that belongs to me he takes the keys of death and hell and the grave opens ax and the Bible says Ephesians 4 he leads captivity captive and then he begins to give gifts to men it says he that that descended in the lower parts of the earth what is it he the US in and what is it that he also first descended into the lower parts of the earth are you still here I said are you still here so then after that before that ascension begins when God the Father because God the Father is watching the whole thing it's his operation and that's why he says you did not leave my soul in hell you're watching this and he is watching for three days and three nights while Devils demons rebuke ridicule torment the spirit of his son who is paying for my sin and for yours and when justice has been satisfied the Bible says Isaiah promised that he shall see the labor of his soul and be satisfied and when God the Father is satisfied that Jesus has suffered enough he stands up from his throne and the Hebrew writer takes us into what happens in the heavens as Jesus is resurrected how do you know that because I can read look at your Bible it says God who at various times and in various ways spoke in tongues pass to the father's by the prophets has in these last days spoken to us by his son whom he has appointed heir of all things through whom also he made the world's who being the brightness of his glory the Express image of his person uphold all all things by the word of his power when he had by himself purged our sins so we're talking about this operation when he by himself had purged our sins sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high having become so much better than the Angels as he by inheritance in others by what he did he received a more excellent than they so it is at this point that God gives him the name that is above every name because of what he suffered that's when he gets the name stay with me verse 5 for to which of the Angels did he ever say now get what he said to which of the Angels did he ever say in other words he's saying when God said this he wasn't talking to angels David recorded this in the Psalms David was hearing what God had already said because remember the lamb was slain before the foundation of the world so this entire thing had already been practiced in heaven it had already been done it certainly had to be done on earth are you here he said for to which of the Angels did he ever say you are my son today have I begotten you wait a minute I thought he was begotten when Gabriel came and announced to Mary for the which of the angels did he ever say you are my son today I have I have forgotten you and again I will be a father I will beat him a father and he shall be to me a son so well so hug Wow Jesus is suffering for my scene and yours in hell the father is looking at him and saying I will be a father to him again and he will be my son again still here look at verse number 6 and here it is but when he again brings the firstborn into the world when he again brings the firstborn into the world when he again brings the first one he what meeting he did it once in Mary's womb and now he's doing it again when he again bring the firstborn into the world he says oh this is what I want you to see Jesus is born again by the Word of God no you're not listening he is made a new creation by the Word of God why because the Hebrew writer is recording to us what God did he's looking at this and when he is satisfied he looks down at the struggle at the tussle and he says okay enough and then he calls in him and he says let all the angels of God worship Him at the moment he says that all the angels of God worship Him all the angels in heaven bow their knee all the devils bow their knee because they are fallen angels and they begin to worship and [Music] [Applause] and every devil and every yoke has to let him go because he has paid the price the father is satisfied and he has decreed every angel now is to worship Him I have given him the name that is above every name Jesus stops off preachers of the spirits in prison leads them captive are y'all here then he stops by Joseph stoom and this new creation spirit enters that body and not only brings life to it restores it and the Angels who have been attending this military operation because they are part of the army of the Lord roll away the stone and then he comes out and Mary sees him and doesn't recognize him no you're not listening to me she had seen him four days before this but he is such a new creation [Applause] hehe there there such glory only in this rubbish and there's such majesty on him there's such a difference touch your neighbor say that's what they see when they look at you that's why they look at you crazy they see the glory emanating from that new creation spirit on the inside of you they can't handle you that's why they look at you funny that's why the atmosphere changes when you come in the room that's what some people who don't even know you can't stand you and almost shocked ten of us look at your neighbors and you don't know who you are you don't know what you're carrying this gluey I said there's glory in there there's enough glory in there to heal your body of cancer there's enough glory in there they heal your body of HIV there's enough glory in there - perfect whatever consumes hey and see with you and I take the communion we're supposed to receive I don't have time to finish this I need another night sit down I need another night I'm not teaching them on that I'm not doing it but I need another one I got I got it I got it I get I gotta get you got to see this because Mary sees him she doesn't recognize him and she lived he said look I'm looking for my master where have you laid him see y'all read this stuff and you read right past it but I was really one day and I said my god he's changed its resurrection she said look my master where have you laid him oh I love this I love this and he says Mary Oh beloved stay with me he says Mary and then she says rabona why because in this new creation it's not what he looks like that's gonna let you know who he is it's his voice it's his voice you gotta know his voice people are wonder what does he look like is he black white doesn't matter do you know his voice cavalry are shunned honorable SATA vocalist shunned animosity do you know his voice it's his voice it's his voice it's his voice not my shutter I gotta let you go Arab or moussaka Shabbat and excuse me all rubbish and illumise you don't have anybody get you into that foolish conversation what color is Jesus is he black is he white we're from the Lost Tribe of the Ethiopian Jews and all that foolishness do you know his voice [Applause] you my sheep I got a quick [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] kalabaw dava commander Davos [Applause] [Music] I gotta go watch this I'm closing out now you can start playing some song I didn't get to the communion party we're gonna take it [Music] look at your neighbor so this is how you were raised this is what you were raised like this would you or preschool age like this Bible says when he when he says marry she says rabona which means I buy teacher I know I know his voice I couldn't place the face but Bible declares that when she recognizes who he is she reaches out to touch when he says don't touch me for I have not yet ascended to my father now once again this is high priest language because once the high priest had purged the sins of the nation of Israel once he had washed he could not be touched by human hands until he had gone that's why there was all this ceremonial washing and cleansing which is a type of washing from sin he had to dress a certain way then he had to go into the Holy of all holiest of all with the blood of the atonement and he had to pour it out on the altar and once it has it wasn't accept it when it was done according to the law the scripture declares that the Shekinah glory of God the glory of God would descend in the Holy of Holies and once that happened the high priest would come back out and then he could resume his normal responsibilities he can be touched by human hands but after he had washed for the purpose of dealing with the sin issue he could not be touched by humans until he had come out of the presence of the Father because sin is transferred was transferred by the laying on of hands and he couldn't be touched so Jesus now is functioning as our new creation High Priest he's functioning as the high priest over the new creation not the Old Covenant but the New Covenant and so when she gets ready to reach out to him he says don't touch me I'm functioning now as a high priest and I've got to go and appear before the Father and let all the Angels know and all the devil's know that sins price has been paid in full now listen children we know that somewhere in the eight days between when Mary sees him and when he appears eight days later according to the scripture in John marks Upper Room we know that ascension had to have happen now how do we know that because when he goes in there and Thomas doesn't believe he says touch me for a spirit has not flesh and bone the way you see me had so in that eight days he has ascended to the Father to demonstrate the price has been paid and then he comes back out and appears for 40 days and see if you understand Old Covenant typology only once the high priest came back out of the Holy of Holies and was see did the people know that the sin issue had been handled for another year so this is why Jesus has to appear for forty days after his resurrection he has to give testimony and evidence to the new creation and that the sin that has been paid in full are you there lay your hand on your brother lay your hand on your sister now according to the scriptures been after he's appeared for forty days a flesh and bone body no blood flesh and bone it's no blood in that body because the blood has been spilled and that's what he says touch me for a Spirit has not flesh and bone as he didn't say flesh and blood flesh and bone there's no blood because the life of the new creation is not the blood the life of the new creation is the Spirit of God it's the Holy Spirit keeping him alive lay your hand on your brother lay your hand on your sister tell him your life is not in your blood it's in the spirit look at your neighbor say that's why if anything's wrong with your blood the Holy Ghost can heal it because your life is not in your blood it's in the spirit [Music] the Bible says forty days later as he's talking to his disciples in his time for him to go he starts blessing them and the blessing that is coming out of him is so powerful that it causes him to start rising from the ground see he left blessing he departed as he was blessing and the blessing that was coming out of him it's so powerful that he starts rising Bible says a cloud came and received I always wondered why why why why the Ascension he had already ascended one time why the Ascension and the Lord said to me he said the first time he came up he was just to me the second time he had to go through that atmosphere what atmosphere where the powers and the principalities have set up their Kingdom but the Bible says we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against powder and he comes and rises up through that Dominion and they're looking at it and they can't touch him I can't do anything win [Music] [Applause] and he is sins and now he has demonstrated his authority on earth under the earth and above the earth bring the cup the Bible says that many in the body of Christ are weak and many are sick and many died because when we come to this table we do not rightly discern the Lord's body the fact of the matter is that there are two bodies one Jesus but two bodies first Corinthians 15 35 tells us that the body is sown one way and it's raised another way [Music] I tell the story of the visitation that I had of the Lord Jesus I will not go into it in depth but I had a visitation of the Lord Jesus himself my eyes were open this was November the 30th 2011 the Lord had instructed me to take communion with him 14 days straight in the morning I had been suffering from an illness that doctors could not make out my throat had been sore for six months straight such pain that I would cry myself to sleep at night I would preach teach I would travel the world the anointing of God would come on me I would be able to preach and teach and after that anointing would lift I was in excruciating pain six straight months went the doctors went to physicians got checked out they couldn't find anything they finally diagnosed me they said I had acid reflux and I would have to take medicine for the rest of my life my esophagus was affected my throat was sore and for six straight months I suffered with this I didn't say anything about it didn't talk about it people who were close to me some of them knew it it's around this was 2011 2010 2011 I finally went to the Lord and I said God I'm preaching your gospel I'm traveling the world I'm ministering healing to the sick people are getting healed everywhere I go and I am suffering I said something is wrong I went in quiet of the Lord his instruction to me was I want you to take communion with me for 14 days straight every morning I want you to get up I want you to take communion with me you said I want you to spend the hours from the time you get up until 11:00 a.m. with me I don't want you to do anything else I want you to spend it with me around my word and at the end of it I want you to take communion with me every day the 14th day that I took the communion I was in my office and God Mary witness in the Holy Ghost I speak the truth I saw the Lord Jesus himself I saw him this was an open vision if my eyes were not closed I was not hallucinating I was I saw Jesus of Nazareth and he came walking in to my office carrying his own body and he walked to me and he said this is my body for you and he handed it to me and when I reached out to take the body he disappeared and immediately to my right over my right shoulder I look up and I saw another body I saw a fully glorified body it was chiseled it was beaming it was healthy it was cut I mean it was it was magnificent it with you and it was draped in white life and glory and I heard these words I give you this body hole to steward it heal [Music] my mind was jammed but my spirit knew I was receiving from something from the Lord and as I began to inquire about it I I recognized I had seen two bodies one Jesus but two bodies and I said God what is that and then he took me to first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 35 we're gonna read but someone will say how are the dead raised up in other words how does resurrection happen and with what body everybody say with what body and with what body do they come foolish one what you sow is not made alive unless it dies and what you sow you do not sow that body that shall be notice what he says when the body is sold you don't sow the body that's going to be watch this but mere grain perhaps wheat or some other grain but God everybody say but God gives it a body say it as he pleases but God gives it a body as he pleases and each seed its own body look at this all flesh is not the same flesh in other words it may look the same but it's not the same all flesh is not the same flesh but there is one kind of flesh of men another flesh of animals another of fish and another of birds we're reading all there are also celestial bodies and terrestrial there are heavenly bodies and their earthly bodies but the glory of the celestial is one and the glory of the terrestrial is another get what he's saying there are earthly bodies and their heavenly bodies and they differ in glory there's a different kind of gold watch this there is one glory of the Sun another glory of the Moon and another glory of the stars for one star differs from another star in glory so also is the resurrection of the Dead negate what Paul is saying he said I'm not talking about weak I'm not talking about Sun I'm not talking about moon and stars I'm talking about the resurrection so also is the resurrection of the Dead the body is sown in corruption it is raised in incorruption it is sown in dishonor it is raised in glory it is sown in weakness it is raised in power it is sown a natural body it is raised a spiritual body there is a natural and they spirit about it and submitted the first man Adam became a living being the last Adam became a life-giving spirit however the spiritual is not first but the natural and after that the spiritual are you still here the first man was up the earth made of dust the second man is the Lord from heaven as was the man of dust so also are those who are made of the dust look at you there's it that's not you anymore you're made from heaven watch this as well the man that's also those made a mess as is the heavenly man so also are those who are heavenly he didn't say those who are in heaven he said those who are heavenly and the Bible says your citizenship is from heaven stay with me and as we have borne the image of the man of dust so shall we bear the image of the heavenly man now what is taught here these were the two bodies I saw the first body was the one that was so it's the one that took your sin and my sin it's the one that took my sickness and my disease the second body was the one that was resurrected save Jesus two different bodies now Paul says this first Corinthians 11:23 ever see from the Lord that which also I delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said take heed this is my body for you the King James says broken but broken is not in the original language if you look at Luke 22 as the Luke records it in 22 19 I believe it is he said Jesus said this is my body given not broken and he wouldn't say it was broken because the Bible says not a bone in his body would be broken so Jesus didn't say broken this is my body what given in in in Luke 11 that word broken is in italics is put in by the translators it's not in the original language are you there so get in Paul says many are weak and many are sick and many sleep because when you redo this we do not discern the Lord's body meaning what we don't know which body we're dealing with we do it just like well we just go through no no no he said when you do this you are to discern the body watch this huh go back up where am i right here go back up to verse 11 I'm in Robby go back up to verse 23 first Corinthians 11:23 I'm done people but I got to get misty and imma let you go he says I received the Lord that which I delivered unto you saying like Jews was betrayed took bread when he had given thanks he broke it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you keep going keep going keep going and notice what he says taking this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me in the same manner he also took the cup after supper saying this up this cup is the new everybody say this cup is the new say this cup is the new say this cup is the new say this cup is the new here's what the Lord said to me he said notice I didn't say anything about new when you take the bread he said I only speak of new when you drink the cup are you there he said when you take the bread you are receiving the body that paid for your sin and your sickness when you take the bread it is the finish of the whole and every time you take it you are to pronounce a conclusion to something old that is attacking you trying to destroy you trying to take your physical health when you come to this table and you eat this whip you are to receive the body that took your sin and your sickness why is that important because it is illegal for you or I to pay for twice what Jesus has already paid for once and you are to declare whatever is attacking your body your health Jesus has already taken and he says you're to receive that body here it is as your own because it already took the penalty and then he said when you take the cup he said now you're dealing with the new body you're dealing with the new creation you're dealing with that one you saw and he said you've got to tell my people that they are not the sick trying to get well they are the healed stewarding they're healing from an enemy that's trying to take it from now look at your navel and say get the bread in your hand look at them and tell them you are a new creation in Christ Jesus and every time you take this bread from this day forward you ought to see that body that took your sin and took your sickness and you are to receive it as your own heaven has it recorded you already died with it it's already been handled it has already been fixed and with His stripes you were healed don't you ever eat this bread again without declaring what Jesus did for you in the operation you are righteous you are healed you are holy you are blameless you are a new creation in Christ Jesus let's all eat [Music] lift the cup say the cup is the new notice what Jesus said keep it up he said this cup is the new covenant it is the new agreement in my blood he didn't say it was his blood see we've been taught this is the blood of Christ no it isn't it is the new agreement in his blood when I drink the cup I am receiving the new covenant I am taking part in the new covenant if I had the time I would tell you that this is one of the ways that the health from his body is transferred into your body this is one of the ways that the work that he has finished is transferred into your life I know I sound crazy but I'm telling you after taking 14 days of Communion and after Jesus appeared to me that thing lifted off of me and it has never come on me again and it will never come on me again because I found out who I am and I found out he has no right to put that on me and look at your neighbors say he has no right to put anything on you no matter what it is so look at your neighbors every time you take this cup I want you to see yourself moving to the other side of whatever situation has been affecting you don't wait till the first Sunday don't wait till church service do it in your house do it in the kitchen do it in the bedroom with the attack Cubs take the bread take the cup and say no devil this has already been handled and I believe receded in the name of Jesus let's all drink
Channel: Bishop McClendon
Views: 17,412
Rating: 4.8423643 out of 5
Id: imHKrExTeLY
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Length: 87min 51sec (5271 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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