09-19-2021 11:30AM

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[Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm gonna dance a little harder [Music] louder come on [Applause] free louder than before [Music] i'm gonna dance a little harder than i'm gonna sing a little louder than before [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] i'm gonna dance a little [Music] [Applause] harder i'm gonna run a little faster is no more shackles no more chains no more no bonds shackles no more chains no more bondages i am free oh yeah no more shackles no more [Music] i am i am [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh god we're free yes we're free [Music] free to lift my hands to worship lord i'm free i'm to dance [Music] no pain holding me [Applause] [Music] thank god i'm free and i'll never [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank god i'm free [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mighty god we dance before you we sing and shout your praises [Music] free [Music] freedom so much freedom [Music] is [Music] freedom [Music] [Music] somebody the father the father the father the father we cried the father the father give him the prank give him the praise clap your head somebody clap your head somebody said freedom [Applause] give him the praise in this place he's an awesome guy he's worthy of the glory and the honor thank you for the name of jesus somebody say jesus somebody say jesus somebody say jesus somebody say jesus somebody say jesus somebody say jesus somebody say jesus somebody say jesus somebody say jesus [Applause] he's an awesome god i tell you and that's why we're here worship in the name of jesus today because we thank god for our father yeah put your hands together go ahead we're not stopping now we're not stopping we're just getting started because when you got the spirit of the living god on board how many of you know you're just getting started the flesh can't stop this my mind can't stop this [Music] and we're getting ready to go somewhere today oh god oh god [Music] is [Applause] is is thank you jesus our god is is [Music] is when you think about the name of jesus what happens when you think about what he's done what happens when you give god the praise what happens what happens miracles signs and wonders [Music] [Music] come on [Music] somebody say sorry [Music] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus christ [Applause] uh oh god you've done so many things and when i think about what god has done and how he delivered me from drugs from sex from a broken mindset it makes me want to give him the glory y'all it makes me want to give him the glory [Music] awesome awesome awesome is yes [Music] only say it if you mean it [Music] [Music] hallelujah hello [Music] he's good he's good he's good our god is good oh how excellent is his name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory glory don't stop please don't stop hallelujah this is our god we're talking about our creator hallelujah all knowing hallelujah all loving all faithful the righteous one hallelujah oh glory glory glory to your name father hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Music] oh my beginning thou who created the plans [Music] my life's journey god you are my god [Music] god of decisions [Music] creator of answers my way [Applause] and through my transition [Music] i held my position cause god you are my god and i will forever give [Music] [Music] [Music] oh god you are my god [Music] [Music] oh god [Applause] you pray [Music] is [Applause] [Music] is [Music] to try [Music] [Applause] [Music] my [Applause] is god [Applause] yeah the power and the majesty and the victory and the glory and the glory [Music] my beginning god you are my god [Applause] [Music] you are my creator god and i worship you you [Music] are you god holy holy [Music] you're greater you're greater you're greater you're greater you are you're glorious your glorious [Music] mighty you're powerful you're majestic how beautiful are you my my god [Applause] i worship you you are [Music] how great you are how mighty you are my god [Music] well father we worship you we magnify your holy name glory to glory glory you are abba a father with great reverence we come before you today we know nothing in the kingdom works without you thank you for being the author and finisher [Music] of our faith alpha and omega beginning in the end father we pray today as we get in your word that you would just confirm some things in us that a sure foundation would be established so even in challenging times that if the wind will happen to blow we'll be still standing we thank you ahead of time for how we are training for reigning we we bless you lord for your word your word is truth just just open it up open up your word to us today we ask and would you show us we will surely we'll walk it out father in jesus name we pray amen hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well praise god you may be seated i need a little bit more up here um god is so good got word this week that um uh son and daughter under the ministry they paid off their church um pastor valley woodley and they shared with me so we're going to go down and do a note burning service i believe it's november the 7th that did you hear what i say the church has paid for [Music] hallelujah glory to god glory to god so we just just we were able to also travel we took uh uh seven people on the jet to go down on thursday night we got word on wednesday around three o'clock apostle was gonna be in um at bill winston's church and so we were there thank god we were there and um and while we were there we were there to push apostle and uh and thank god we were able to sow while we were there ten thousand and ten thousand and uh that means twice just case you don't you didn't catch it um and so just good news you know it's good to be in the house of the lord to hear good news just good news man just hearing all of the great things that god is doing uh in the midst of us um i did also get word that while the medical mission was going on uh uh sister lisa dangerfield and a few others went into schools and they gave me a count of 54 254p came to the lord amen and then we had another one in kenya so that makes 255. and uh then you're about to see on the video another 51 came to the lord in ghana so uh god is just doing a great great work and we are grateful so we want to just share this tape with you now i'm telling you every time i look at one of these videos i'm like man so much more happened than what we can just show you on this screen you know what i mean it's it's it's this is just a fraction of what the lord got done in the uh on that missions trip but we do want to share with you and you notice this is the third sunday in a row that's a blessing man i saw uh minister jeannie uh diggs this morning and sister sharon they're back from tanzania i gave both a mug praise god that's good news so that means god brought back 37 38 39 people from overseas and god brought everybody back safe isn't that wonderful [Applause] so let's see what god did in god and then they'll go back and show part of my missions trip from uh kenya they're gonna show some of the things that happened in kenya because it was miraculous and i'll just share this we were only in kenya for five days so the latter part of this video which you see god did that in five days and i remember that sunday they said bishop is already preaching the bishop say told his church because pastor daniel was like i thought you were coming to my church you know he said that day then the next day i thought bishop was coming to my church anybody catching this he uh you know he so then he said it that other day then he said the next day then the next day uh is it any way bishop can come to our church so pastor julian was saying well bishop is already going to bishop saint told his church so i told we were eating lunch or whatever uh or and on dinner and i said to pastor julian i said this is what i do every sunday i preach twice every sunday it won't be a strain on me tell them to just put their service up a little early or i'll come preach there and then just get me in the vehicle i'll come over to the next place i mean this is what i do every week it's not a pool or string i'm built for this hallelujah glory to god roll the tape um ghana 2021 was truly life changing the moment i stepped off the plane it was um it was exhilarating i'd never been to ghana i never thought i would be in ghana i didn't know god would send me to ghana but um once being there um to see god's faithfulness for for all the team to be there you know god just his glory just was on the whole team the the team that i was on we we were part of a team that just started off doing street ministry we um we went out in the area that we were in there were about a hundred thousand people in that area um and we just we went out full force one of the first people who minister grace ministered to was a muslim the lord led her to to preach salvation to teach salvation to this this muslim woman and the woman received jesus christ as a lord and savior but not only that she said she wanted to teach others the word of god she wanted to teach others about christ and it just snowballed from there our first mission that we went on we actually flew into a car and on the tuesday morning we left out about 4 30 that morning to take a 45 minute flight to a new territory called tsunami in which we flew into komasi and we took a two hour drive i believe west to shine to sunani in which this was a new location that matter of fact was a location that our organization had never been to before so on the first um night that we were in sunyani we went to a church where minister ray brought forth the word but before bringing forth before the word he wanted uh leah he had asked leah if she could do a dance so there they're not receptive to women like doing things in the church and being up front and shining none of that so all of their wives and everything was sitting to the back of the church on the first night that minister wray ministered in the church but when he told the bishop that's over top of the region that he wanted her to dance they was not receptive to that they did not want it they were very rude to us but after that dance they had a crusade on the last night that we were there and all the women was at the front of the church and uh leah leah ministered and danced and then she ministered in the word then i ministered and were and once she danced every night after they wanted her to dance more they wanted her to dance every night we were sent bishop and pastor dangerfield sent us to sunyani they said that god told them this was the team that was to go to sunyani this was a place that they had never been no one on our team had ever been there before shalom had never been there so basically they sent us in like um joshua and caleb and we just god allowed us to really take the land possess the land all together i believe there were 51 souls that were saved we see the people we see the hope that they need and we start to realize that we carry this hope within us and we start releasing it towards the people 51 people receive salvation because of our ghana mission team glory to god and we can't conclude our time overseas without sharing the miraculous things that took place on our bishop's missionary journey before arriving in ghana he spent five days in kenya with pastor julian dangerfield of shalom outreach and our own elder wesley nicholas their first stop was to visit bishop saitoti he came to mount gilead in 2019 and took hold of the debt-free anointing on this ministry he took the same anointing back to kenya and he had been watching bishop on tv two or three times a week and do you know he wanted to imitate the same spirit the same anointing over in kenya this man has built a debt-free church from the ground in about three months and when he took us there guess what the name of the street that we turned up mount gilead road we was just so excited bishop say totes new church building includes a sanctuary which you see on the left along with the three-story building to the right which includes a fellowship hall kitchen and office space the church was ready only thing they needed was they just didn't have a floor that's when our bishop stepped in to take care of the floors sowing twelve thousand five hundred dollars from the covenant partners of daniel robertson ministries they told us the project would be done in half a week and they sent us this video update not long afterwards our bishop preached the last message at their old church preparing them for the new and the anointing fell we also saw the manifestation of our debt-free anointing on another pastor in kenya pastor solomon in 2019 bishop walked the land and in 2021 we saw what those prayers had produced they don't build three buildings one for the women's or the young lady safe house a guest house for whenever bishop or whoever or guests come over from america over there they have somewhere to stay and a church and guess what in 30 days i mean you talking about a miracle they don't owe one dime on anything they've done three buildings in 30 days praise god and there was another pastor touched by our ministry pastor daniel bishop preached a prophetic word at his church is he preached the rain is coming not knowing that this man's situation that they needed water now this pastor has not had water all of his life this man is 47 years old the community they're in have never had water in it it's a school right beside the church where 500 young ladies go this church has never had water they will be getting water to their school the community right beside them they got old ladies who've been every morning gotta go out and buy water go up way up the road to get water been bringing these pails back on their back who've been causing the old ladies to have cancer they've been having their spines in interpretation conditions and doing a detrimental health to these young ladies and also the farmers ran their cattles looking poor they don't have a proper water supply and they have to go a long way to get water those days are now over the covenant partners of daniel robertson ministries stepped in again this time sowing eight thousand dollars to provide solar panels to power the water pump with hopeful anticipation we saw water come through the main line at first it was dark and dirty but eventually the water came out clean pure drinking water for the church the school and the entire community do you know i mean i'm getting four right now when i realized that you don't know what your seed is doing for people oh you have one intention and blessing but that that does seem just like that mustard seed has grown tremendously we gonna bless so many people he said them old ladies will never carry water again them young ladies in that school will never be on water again and that community will never be without water rain has truly came to that community and considering [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise god you may be seated nobody but god man i was just reflecting because one of those churches the one that had the three buildings 20 minutes up the road was another church that one is debt-free i was just thinking about four debt-free churches solomon's church to rolled up 20 minutes up the street number two uh saitot's church and then woodlands church four debt-free churches god is good i'll tell you uh in between services i was just walking around my office and just trying to to digest this thing um go go to um let let me just pick up well apostle um well apostle and you needed that message that he did at bill winston church you can go online on the youtube etc um and uh ifc in a faith conference you can uh uh see that again uh apostle was up there thursday night all the videos are up there you needed apostle was flat out rolling and uh as our spiritual covering we went in there and we went in there with the intention of sowing and supporting our man of god hallelujah [Applause] i want you to go to go go to mark chapter 11 and mark chapter 11. let's start there uh because this is um it's some things that satan knows firsthand don't ever forget he was up in heaven excuse my little country he he know how i work oh he oh yeah he know how it works he was right up there so he know how it works and what his job is is to seek to deceive us so we won't have the full um you ever heard of scripture having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof um you have to be careful because he'll try to trick you so you'll have a part of it but not have the real foundation and so let's look here and you're in mark chapter 11. mark chapter 11 verse 12 and on and on tomorrow or on tomorrow when they were come from bethany he was hungry and seeing a fig tree a far off having leaves he came if happily he might find anything there on and when he came to it he found nothing believes for the time of figs was not yet and jesus answered and said unto it no man eat fruit of be here after forever and his disciples heard it verse 20 and in the morning as they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots remember remember the day before he cursed it and in the morning this next day y'all as they passed by they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots and peter calling to remember us sayeth unto him master behold the fig tree which thy cursive is withered away notice what jesus said and jesus answering said unto them have faith in god now you know some people will say well what it means to just have the god kind of faith and uh uh people would say other little things but the point that apostle bought out was a lot of people have look they try to use god's word and bypass him how you gonna use his word without uh it's almost like you reaching over me to get what i have you know if it's um so a lot of people they they they are you man they got scripture they standing on the word but you know you're just in your consciousness in your spiritual consciousness you got to be mindful you can without me you can do nothing you ever heard that in the bible no not without god without god you can do absolutely nothing and so many people try to use things as that god has provided and ignore him you know it's like somebody coming to your house you at the door they just walk right past you don't even speak to you because i don't like you too much and then they just go and try to be a partaker of everything you provided oh lord do y'all realize that god is the one to run the whole show don't ever forget that don't forget that we're not putting jesus down today we're not putting the holy ghost down but don't forget god gave them both let me prove it to you uh john 3 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life now that scripture lets us know that god was the one that gave jesus you want to know who gave the holy ghost jesus said i pray to the father that he'll send another comforter which is the holy ghost he he had to go to the father so what the enemy wants us to do is use the benefits without acknowledging the one who made it all possible and and in a sense if you hear me now he's trying to get you to disrespect god remember he's trying to get job to curse god he's trying to get you to disrespect him he's trying to get you to go around another way when you got to come through him y'all follow me now now in the first service over in matthew 6 they asked jesus lord show us how to pray and you know what jesus told them our father who art in heaven you don't go praying to jesus no you go pray to the father in the name of jesus y'all with me now now so it is uh you are um it's it's not right uh when you deal with spiritual law when you go and you go to talk and and and and different things uh always remember that god is running at all uh years ago years ago we went to solomon's island and i had done a series of messages of messages on god the father i've known this for a long time i've known that god is the one that's running everything do you know jesus don't even know when when the ending's gonna be come on come on y'all bible scholars you read it in the word jesus said i don't even know this this is all in the hands of the father so as you are using the things that god has provided for us don't forget about him hallelujah and always give him the glory the idea came from him then he put a gift in you to do it don't take the credit give him the glory oh man tell man i don't know exactly what i was saying but it was the lord some kind of way the lord took my little feeble gift and turned it around and used me to do all this y'all follow what i'm saying just give him the credit for it come on y'all you'll follow what i'm saying just just just oh my god oh let hold on let me get this out [Applause] let me let me go go um proverbs go to proverbs right quick proverbs proverbs let's see here glory to god he is my master i've known this i've known this for for years man you got to it's it's about him you have to have faith in god apostle thompson was saying no he when jesus cursed that fig tree they saw it and then jesus answered and said unto them have faith in god don't know don't so many people got faith in the word but you got to have you got to have faith in the god of the word you know you're trying to use something that you don't have a right to use oh y'all you're not getting it you're not no no you don't have a right to use it if you don't know who behind it it well listen listen what i'm telling you things will not obey you it only obeys him [Applause] when you you don't have to try to uh do something new all you have to do is walk in what's already been done are you following what i'm saying so the enemy will have you out there trying to create something when it's already been created the authority that we are walking in in richmond in kenya in ghana is what god has already done hallelujah glory to god holly now in proverbs proverbs uh 3 l look at proverbs 3 let's look at verses oh man let me i may have to go back here hallelujah glory to god bless his holy name bless his holy name oh my god look look at verse 5 trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct our power and all thy ways do what and not who you gonna acknowledge him acknowledge him and he will do now now what i'm gonna tell you a secret if you don't acknowledge him he'll let you gonna do it you bad you big and bad enough you you got inside go go ahead and go go ahead and do it without me go ahead go ahead go ahead and do it so what jesus was trying to show them he was living in the earth's realm to show us how we're supposed to to communicate with heaven and so jesus said that victory is right up he said let me let me jesus answer it because they asked well how did this happen you know how let me explain to you have faith in god that's what you're going to do what you're going to have to do all you got to do is just make sure just have faith in god if you keep that in your mind in whatever you're doing as you travel whatever you do my faith my total dependency is not in me that's why that's why a lot of people shake it right now because they've been dependent on themselves and i would be shaky too oh my god but when your faith is solely in god that's what you try and tell them have faith in god you want to know how that tree fig tree got dried up i spoke to it but i i have faith in god that it was not my speaking by itself that made it die [Applause] i have faith in god now let me walk let me walk a tightrope here i don't know if you ever had these episodes but god will kind of get close to you saying do you trust me i thought you said you trusted me i thought you knew what i could do look at look at look at what i did for you didn't i tell you i would never leave you i would never forth did not tell you i would be with you always even until the end of it didn't i tell you didn't i tell you i would be there for you so why what you worried about [Applause] let me tell you something right now i refuse to wait until after this mess is over to have peace i got my peace right now i am totally confident in god almighty hallelujah hallelujah so notice it says here so notice it says um uh trust in the lord with all thine heart and lean not until thine own understanding in all thy ways do i do what what are you supposed to do acknowledge who acknowledge him and he shall direct your path now now let's go go to hebrews go to hebrews see what apostle part of what he was sharing with us is is our dependency your dependency man you see a lot of people they oh i know the word do you do you you know it's you're breaking spirits along when you try if i want to understand what the author meant i need to go to the author did i read somewhere that he's the author and finisher of our faith if i want to understand something is it is it lawful for me to use something if if if if you have something [Music] and if i want to know how to use it i may read the manual that makes sense anybody but sometimes i'm reading the manual i still don't understand what they mean oh but if i could find the author if i could find the inventor if i could find the one that put it together and talk to them they could show me oh my god i don't want to lose you they could show me the inner workings of what i'm asking for they can tell me more than what i want to know oh god hallelujah and and so in a sense when jesus is saying have faith in god jesus is basically saying before you try to use his word know him first and watch this watch it i got it right here the more you know him the more results you will have in him [Laughter] i live and move have my being. hallelujah no no no no no no no no there's time out for people talking about oh i'm real close another show me the fruit show me let me see fruit let let me let your fruit will show me how close you are [Laughter] hallelujah i said hallelujah nobody but god man nobody but god nobody do do you think god is taking a break every day do you think god is taking a break during this season this is the church's final hour it is our finest hour yet [Applause] how long have i been preaching manifest you need to manifest you need to manifest how long have i been preaching that [Applause] [Music] hope and daniel said in the last days kind of alluded to it be some some peculiar and difficult times but they didn't know their god you ever read it [Applause] shall be strong that lets me know why others are weak but they that know their god y'all ain't hearing what i'm saying but they that know their god shall be strong and do exploits you know what exports mean that means there's not anything regular it it's stuff beyond it's stuff that people were like huh while they trying to figure out uh whether you can do it you already did it [Applause] you know in a sense let me um oh my god you in hebrews 11. look at verse 6. hebrews 11 6. now apostle was pointing out the whole aspect over in mark 11 22 jesus said have faith in god no no no no what so many people they got faith in the word you how you gonna bypass god and have faith in his word and you don't have faith in him how do you talk about you've got faith you're old and you're just using the word slinging the word and ain't spent no time with him with him in him that's what that's what a lot of people do they they haven't spent no time with him but now they want to use his word and make stuff moves hallelujah now look at verse number six hebrews 11 6 do you see but without faith it is impossible to please him for he that cometh to god must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that do what diligently seek what the diligent to seek his word diligently seek his promises diligently seek his blessings no who diligently seek him uh-huh now i'm gonna tell you something i'm gonna tell y'all tests you're gonna have to pass is god has to know you love him more than things you don't have no problem with things uh-huh but you can't you you can't you can't you can't bypass his face and start reaching for his hands [Applause] there will be a period of time on purpose that god will hold back the things to see why you in this to start with do you love me for me or do you love me for what i can do for you i just told you a major secret right then i just told you a major secret right there and god he'll let it go for a protracted period of time to make sure you sold out as it pertains to him and not stuff he don't have no problem giving you stuff but he don't want to just he don't want you to love him just because of the stuff because it's like a husband and wife well when they stop doing what i don't want them to do or when they stop doing what i like them to do then i'ma leave what about loving me for me [Applause] do you love me for me i mean you know when somebody get up the road and get blessed it's kind of dangerous i don't know who can you trust you know if somebody's single and way out you know the lord has blessed them and now they don't know i don't know the person coming for me or for what i got and god got a whole lot so he was saying let me let me i need i need some folk who love me hallelujah glory to god now go to james i believe it's james chapter one go to james james chapter one hallelujah man i i i've known this let me share something with you see what this what this would do it would keep you from disrespecting god on this lie i hope you understand my binocular see that's what the enemy wants you to do well i'm not on purposely doing it but but having this revelation would keep you in a certain place where you always know god is behind it all if i'm thankful for what jesus did as we take communion today i know god sent him if he hadn't sent him he wouldn't have died [Music] remember in the garden of gethsemane and thank god we've been there and walked the garden of gethsemane right over there in israel and uh and and you know remember when jesus said father will you let this cup pass from me come on i'm trying to show you who in authority here jesus said is it in other words is it any other way lord can you just let this cup pass on me but then jesus had finally yielded him said father not my will but let thy will be done if jesus had to do that what do you think we are going to have to do [Applause] if god gave you the gift shouldn't he be the one who should determine how his use or shoot see because see what happens is we'll get the gift and think we own it but when god owns you before you got the gift you recognize he's still on me is anybody are y'all listening to y'all getting this let me tell you something to help you do you know that every person days a number do you know that you can't die before your time huh [Applause] trust in the lord with all your heart lean not to your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your power you don't have to worry about it you can just calm yourself down you don't have to be all worked up during this season am i gonna live am i gonna die am i gonna live am i going to die no i can't go nowhere until i've done what i need to do [Applause] did you know god can't lie did you did you know over in psalms 139 that in a book all my days were written before there were any of them do you know that nobody that do you know god can't lie do you know nothing can change what god said about me now i'm gonna show you what disrespect means let me show you what disrespects me let me show you what disrespect me the devil will have you thinking that kovic 19 is more powerful than almighty god oh mighty god satan has some power let me remind you but god has all power i went to i got on a plane and went to kenya 13 hours 45 minutes flew from kenya to ghana five hours flew from ghana back to the u.s uh that was around uh ten hours or so got on our private jet well first of all we flew to new york that he'd even start the missionary trip and then uh just thursday we went to chicago do i look like i'm nervous [Applause] why you come bishop because i believe yes god yes sir i trust him i said um different parts of that missions trip you know we have challenges now lord i screwed up beside me he said you trust me didn't i tell you that i got you in every one of these didn't i tell you didn't i tell you i would be with you if i can be with you in richmond i can be with you i can be with you in kasirian i can be with you in in tsunani i can be with you i can be with i can be with you in a crowd i can be i'll be man i'm telling you man and and and and um let me share so much i don't know how you but sometimes it seems like god said when you don't believe you hurt him [Music] god said don't you know i'm more powerful than this why are you worried about something i already overcame [Applause] oh god anybody believe the word greater is he do you believe it greater is he that liveth within me than he that's in the world [Applause] be seated go to james i refuse to disrespect god by doubting him and worrying about something hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory to god glory to god hallelujah here i just come to turns i just came to terms i just came to terms and it's not my time to die i just came to terms with it i just came to terms with something come i just battled through it but i'm not gonna die [Music] shoot hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] let me show you something about this now let's we're going to put god in his right place now we got to we we got to put god in his right in his rightful place uh of verse 17 james 1 7 every good every good gift and okay lord and every perfect gift is from above now let me do you know god would use people to be a blessing to you but he was the one that instructed them to do it [Applause] so yes you can thank them i really appreciate what you did but don't forget about him come on y'all anybody getting there because he was the one that later laid you on their heart he basically maybe commanded them to bless you but it was him anybody getting this it was him that did it so we gonna thank him the person man i just appreciate you so much you did this for me you did but it was really the lord that did it he let me show you something he blessed them so they could bless you how they gonna do for you if they ain't got nothing [Applause] so is it possible that god just started increasing them and blessing them and had you in mind why he was doing it so he could raise you up but [Music] it's all right to appreciate who god used but don't forget about him don't be sitting around crying about the person and this and that and never acknowledge the fact that god i know you did it my god it's amazing it's amazing to me because god could have did it he could have done it another way that's the thing that amazed me about god god has many ways to get it to you he could have just did it directly to you but he decided i'm gonna bless them and give them more than enough and then i'm gonna i'm gonna send them back to you just let them do it with the way whatever way he wanna do it lord what whatever you want to do however you oh my god however you want to do it it's all right with me hallelujah [Applause] i love that song they said it he's perfect in all of his ways my god [Applause] i appreciate not just what he does but how he does it it just it amazes me i'm amazed when i see different gifts in people how god anointed them and given and gave them a voice so they could glorify him the lord said i want to be glorified but i'm going to give you the equipment so you can glorify me think about satan for a moment he had the instruments on the inside of him but he didn't want god to get the glory [Applause] he hadn't stopped he don't want you to give him the glory just in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your power that's that's why we're so successful here at mount gilead because we give god all the credit he's the one that did it he's the one that did it let me take you back a little church on warmly boulevard is where we started let me see three acres three acres of land little church seat about 282 people went one hour down the middle including the choir stand 282. how you go from that to 2000 seats paid for now let me let me let me do this y'all got these cameras uh go in my office get get the replica of the jet this is just a replica but we're gonna we're gonna put it on the screen blow it up so you can see it now let me explain something to you before i show you this we don't have an airplane our airplane most people don't understand it they think it's the same airplane got propeller you know it's spinning and why you up there headphones on or not you're gonna hear spin and spinner we have a jet we're talking about engines [Applause] it sees eight people you can do eight people we have a bench up front two people there we have a configuration a chair here a chair here y'all with me go over here these two chairs here i'll sit right here then we got two more chairs back here we have a lavatory in the back gold trim all of that just bless y'all follow what i'm saying this type of jet a citation three requires it requires you have to have two pilots now i'm gonna let them sit it on the podium and they're gonna get a close-up so you can see it big on the screen can y'all take care of that from me y'all know we got these high-level cameras y'all zoom right on in and get it up on the screen so we can see what we're working with you can put it right here i'll put it right here put it right there uh-huh put it right there on the roster hallelujah glory to god wow i'ma stand by let them blow it up so you can see it on the screen i'm gonna wait till it's big on the screen then i'll start talking some more let me see what these cameras can do let me see how quick you can zoom in zoom in zoom zoom zoom all right they waiting to get it right there all right i'm gonna give you time all this money we put out i know we can see this thing my god take up almost a whole dog on screen so people can see what we're dealing with don't get bigger than that get bigger than that slide over get a better that camera right there i need them to slide over okay he's coming here mm-hmm get it big just blow take it take the whole screen up man just my god they need to see that's what i'm talking about uh-huh i receive your scene y'all see that you see the tail number 818 delta echo don't go in there until my 8-1-8 d-e they will not let you in the gate y'all see that that's a replica of actually what the jet look like y'all see them engines you see the 818 delta echo that's one engine then there's one on the other side we don't have an airplane we have a jet and guess what it's paid for that's good that's good that's fine hallelujah glory to god i say it glory to god guess who did it god did it man god did it god did it you do you know what it's called the weapon of prosperity and so when we got it uh as apostle um as we made the exchange i ain't no food i didn't change the name so apostles jet can't be called the weapon of prosperity because that's what we kept the name so guess what his is called the weapon of prosperity too now i'm gonna help you i'm gonna help you i'm gonna show you i'm gonna show you several steps here now god spoke to apostle when we were in uh one of the countries in in southam uh on uh where were we at we were in guatemala and the lords spoke to apostle and said that's dan's jet y'all didn't get it and the lord told the apostle do what you got to do to get it to him so i appreciate him being obedient to do what god told him to do but i know who is behind it all oh come on y'all are y'all following me so it would be disrespectful to god for me to be all apostles did this from the apostle did and forget about the one who really did it [Applause] [Applause] man i've seen god i've seen god do some stuff more than enough i've seen him do it more than enough and then god will it's almost like you can be in a building with everybody else and god will put a spotlight on you and show you to a person that he has given more than enough and then god will instruct that person i receive and god will instruct that person to do something on your behalf see y'all got to understand god is not down here in the earth per se he lived in us and he influenced us but he'll use us he got to bless somebody so he can bless somebody oh y'all [Applause] be seated all i'm saying today thank god for jesus thank god for the holy ghost but don't forget who gave them go to isaiah did i read james 1 17. i read it okay all right let me read it again every good gift and every perfect gift every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the father of lights with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning i don't think i read that i just read it though uh-huh did y'all see that every good girl come from well uh-huh come comes from above i may have read the first part and coming down from the and coming down from the father of lights in whom is no verbalness neither shadow of turning don't forget every good thing every good and perfect gift come your wife came from god god said let me let me let me let me go down up in here let me see i got to find the right person because i know the destiny i know the calling and i got to have the right person so when they come together they won't frustrate what i already desired [Applause] hallelujah man the lord found my wife i wasn't even looking for nobody matter of fact i was disgusted at the time uh from a previous relationship i just said i'm going out to god and god said now because you're seeking me and not seeking them i'm gonna give you [Applause] [Music] hallelujah go to isaiah how much time i have go to isaiah isaiah chapter six you know i'm gonna tell you i'm gonna tell you now i'm gonna go back exactly where i stood let me tell you this what the devil wants you to do is disrespect god on this sly i was standing right here when i said it uh-huh just he wants you he know you won't do it blatantly but he'll try to get you to do it on the slide i heard something the first service you know how the head of the household you know how they go to the mama they don't go to the daddy come on y'all y'all know how i work they go to the mama they want to test the ground try to get mama to soften up daddy uh-huh but if daddy is in a bad mood or daddy is at a point where he hang on he ain't having as much grace as he normally made would have you know they mama would kind of let you know that this is not the time this is what i heard this morning be very careful during this season you all know the stuff that god did in the old testament you know you got you got one son of god are you all full of grace full of mercy but it's getting tight here now do whatever you can do not to disrespect him just make sure you don't flower saying something crazy out your mouth as good as god has been to you just be careful just be careful because it's is that a point now where is it it's getting a little tight here now this this is not the time to play with god forgive everybody did you hear what i said release everybody make sure you doing all you can and do just man just um as much uh based on this lesson that you're receiving make sure you give god the credit he deserves i'm going to tell you something else it's not a good idea to be murmuring and complaining if if there's four it's not if if it goes up to four dollars a gallon just thank god you can afford it don't be up there no no no no just murmuring and complaining because god said hold on hold on the way i'm taking care of you and you still complaining don't do that just thank god see what the devil don't want you to do he wants you to curse god instead of thank god you don't even it's plenty of reasons you don't even have to have a specific reason to thank them just thank him anyway just say god i just i'm gonna lift my hands out i pray in the middle of the day 3 pm god i want to thank you thank you sir hallelujah you might be sitting down eating your meal yes god you've been good to me hallelujah you know when i go home today i i'm not going through the front door i hit a hit a thing and take the maserati on into a three you know three-car garage and i i have to remind myself the house is debt-free [Applause] [Laughter] i feel i'm almost getting drunk here now i mean good man it's just everything in the garage paid for and the whole house paid for everything paid for are you seeing are you are you are you listening what i'm saying but but watch them watch here i didn't i didn't get here by thanking them now i thanked them when i was in the parsonage you know where the parsonage is that's the church house right beside the graveyard i thanked them when i was up in there and uh and i remember i remember i would be in there in my office i was in there uh i'm praying i'll never forget i got on my knees i was in there crying because we had some members i was trying to do all i could to get them saved but they were evil i'm serious some of them i mean straight up evil and then the lord said to me how you how you think you're gonna get them saved if i couldn't [Applause] and that released me that released me for one year i preached nobody came to jesus not one person and then when i got my eyes off of that the lord had a visitor to come and get saved you follow what i'm saying there's something about thanking the lord because the enemy wants you to have a reason well he ain't done nothing for you yes he has he woke me up this morning i got my right mind and i got activity on my limbs my lungs are strong i can still see hallelujah i say it hallelujah hallelujah something i'm telling you man something something happens when god know you appreciate him for who he really is something happened man i'm telling you god let me let me let me explain something god will begin to entrust in your hands areas that he won't see let me break it down for you see i can't go to kenya they don't name the church after mount gilead but i know who did it i know it was a lord the lord built this place the man came and saw it and he said i'm gonna go back to kenya and build as close as i can to it it was the lord it was the lord man let me man there are some people here i'm gonna give you some instructions if you never went to the old church if you never went to the old church even on walmsley everybody know where wandsworth boulevard is cross overhaul street and keep going straight come out this parking lot mount gillette boulevard make a left on what was treated at hicks road go through the light pass cross point shopping center whatever it is look to your left that's what we used to be the old church not the new church the old place with the old stained glass that's where we started amen and when you look at where we are now you know it had to be god it is no way i could have done it are you listening to me it is absolutely no way that i could have done it it was god did you hear me it was god i know it was god i know i know what god can do that's why i'm not nervous during this season because i've seen his track record i've seen god do some stuff with very little resources i've seen god oh my god i've seen god do what man say can't be done and i've seen them do it over and over that's why i have so much confidence in them now here's the thing that satan is trying to do during this season to upset god god is sitting and saying hold up don't but you're supposed to have peace you're supposed to be different from the world they wear it you shouldn't be wearing it they wear it you should be at peace they are going down you should be going up [Applause] now he tried to get you to disrespect god on this lie to have you worried about nothing can i just tell you this god got you did you hear me god got you [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah he's a mighty good god mighty good god hallelujah well bless his name bless his name hallelujah god is good god is gone they're trying to get my cover right hallelujah stay will you stand on your feet at this time just he's he's a good god a good god he's uh he my father yes he is he is my father hallelujah hallelujah glory to god i'm confident i'm coming i'm not i'm not bypassing him to use his stuff i know who he is that devil that devil buzz up in there but he know his training filled the temple it's like i said i said he was coming he was already in the place but then it wasn't the end of him he just kept on coming he kept on his train filled oh that devil he know he know he know who's in charge he know and what and all he trying to do is try to only slide get you to disrespect him or not have the revelation of his fullness father in the name of jesus to the best of my ability i've delivered your word in this place and and i thank you and lord i don't look at numbers we have so many more people here the first service in the second service but i i just give it everything i have glory to god because i abba father you are abba you are our buffalo you are and i thank you for empowering your people for empowering your people for strengthening your people hallelujah glory to god thank you for preparing us and thank you for sending your word thank you for revelation knowledge flowing in this place have faith in god anybody need deliverance today it's available whether you're in this place and you're watching via the internet there is a bomb in gilead there is a great physician if you need deliverance he's here anybody want to receive jesus christ today he's here anybody straight away from the lord today i invite you to come to this altar today i set before you today life and death blessings and curses [Music] will you give jesus a fair chance in your life [Applause] the thief cometh not but to steal to kill and to destroy but jesus said i'm come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly here lately the enemy's been doing everything he could i'm speaking to somebody to try to wreck your life totally [Music] this is what i'm hearing today god is gonna reverse the curse but you're going to come to this altar you can be cute you can stay there i don't want nobody to know whatever you can do whatever you want to do but the power is here to reverse the curse you're going to take a spiritual detour today the road you were going down [Applause] see because everything produces out this on and more of the same time was on his way but you're gonna take a spiritual detour today the power of the living god is gonna reverse it hallelujah and the opposite of curses of blessings i'll say it lord though your beginning be small your louder end shall greatly increase anybody need to be filled with the holy ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues since the spirit of god give you the utterance anybody need a church home anybody glory to god thank you lord lift your voices any one of those these invitations the altar is open [Music] you are perfect in all of your ways you are perfect to know [Music] perfect [Music] perfectly [Music] [Music] father we will continue to give you the glory and the praise for everything that's done because we know as you that's one of the secrets of our success and we know it we ain't no fool we know it's you and we're gonna keep telling everybody it's god god did it god did it god abba he's our father hallelujah he got his hands on this ministry i'm just a figurehead glory to god hallelujah he directs me [Music] and i just say what he tell me to say thank you lord god lord i want to thank you right now because we used to be broke but we ain't broke no more [Music] hallelujah we had very little to work with very little resources now we have an abundance and a overflow hallelujah we just want to thank you i want to thank you sir i want to thank you lord because i remember we had projects and we had very little to work with but we had to trust you and we had to start and we had to do whatever we could but now you've given us abundance abundance [Music] how in the world did you do it god doing a pandemic to give us over a million in reserves [Music] send all of these missionaries overseas some 37 something 39 men just just send them paint the whole way pay for the pcr test no matter how many times they got to take it i didn't even turn in my bill i'm too blessed to do it hallelujah glory to god i said glory to god glory glory glory glory glory glory can you imagine me going in there tomorrow here are my receipts for the pcr attempt i ain't no fool he's been too good to me [Music] we pray for these people who come to this altar god draw a bloodline right now they came because they wanted to and i declare and decree they'll never be the same again power of the living god is gonna meet every situation that came to this altar it is finished it is finished it is finished some torment demon has been riding you a long time but i come to tell you it is finished [Music] thank you father in jesus name just go this way let's go this way follow them this way hallelujah [Music] glory to god hallelujah [Music] praise god you may be seated we're going to bless god now with our tithes and our offerings different ways to give on the screen [Music] never forget that the satan is a thief john 10 10 he come and not but it's steal the kill and destroy don't let him steal stuff from you are you second guessing don't let them don't no no i'm not i'm not losing ground i'm gaining ground we are pursuing advancing and taking territories downsizing man in my neighborhood man they got this this uh this uh area called 55 and older and then they don't you know they built a little small much smaller house uh i don't know maybe twenty uh two thousand a little over two thousand square feet i don't even think it's three and um i just found out what to do why in the world am i gonna leave a nine thousand square foot mansion to go to something that ain't even 3 000 square feet and so they can mow my lawn i'll pay somebody more you know they say well i got downstairs i don't want to work in the yard i haven't been working in the yard for years you know what i mean it's just it's just crazy the way the world kind of put in your mind you're 55 you need to go into retirement i ain't gonna retire man i just found out what i'm doing you know it's amazing i see it then and then they got a nerve that nate that named the little area of the masters shoot i ain't leaving my house on the lake for that no no no siree bob hallelujah [Music] where the recording the bases are loaded hallelujah is available today [Music] in the grand concourse and the transformation center they are two dollars each digital links will be available they have to let me know are they ready they are ready on uh you can download it as well on social media platforms uh it is now if don't nobody else support your own ministry you need to amen two dollars come on y'all so just make sure you take care of that take care of that you can get several copies and bless other people with them it could be a good witnessing tool that was the prophetic word that god gave us at the beginning of this year the bases are loaded glory to god [Music] praise the name of the lord you know in the engineering and whatever and compressing and putting all that stuff together i'm going to find out who did it and we're going to pay them you know we're gonna take care of that praise the name of the lord we ain't broke no more hallelujah we can take we we do everything we do it first class first class first and a lot of oh my god we're blessed because god blessed his ministry man i'll tell you right now hallelujah praise the name of the lord y'all ready let's let's lift our seeds before the lord let me i'ma pray father in the name of jesus i want to thank you that we don't have in empty hands anymore i want to thank you that you have just blessed us and you blessed us and actually god you blessed us you've given us more than what we even thought you you've taken us further than we thought we could go we're going to just be honest and straightforward with your god we knew you were going to bless us but not on this not not on this level and we realized the best is yet to come hallelujah hallelujah we'll never be broke another day in our life we're thankful lord we're thankful even over this offering we're thankful that we were able to sow seeds even in chicago into our apostle 10 000 times too [Music] you bless us lord that's all we can say and we are thankful we know you did it in jesus name amen [Music] hallelujah glory to god [Music] i [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] another [Music] say i am [Music] i he doesn't hear me [Music] father in the name of the lord jesus we consecrate these elements now this is the broken body and the shed blood of jesus the christ [Music] thank you father for giving us your only begotten son [Music] we're reminded of how you had to turn your back on them because of our sin [Music] you told us as often as we do it do it in remembrance of you what a sacrifice these elements are consecrated now in jesus name amen [Music] it was as wide as [Music] oh [Music] the blood can make [Music] has is [Music] the blood me make [Music] see me blood has made me [Music] lift it up the blood can make [Music] [Music] [Music] you took my place it should have been me lord you took my place yes it should have been easy you took my place it should've been me took my place [Music] [Applause] [Music] forgive them for what they do [Music] [Music] [Music] if you have not opened it up just do that now the broken body of our lord and savior jesus christ thank you father blood had to be shed [Music] but before blood could come out that body had to be broken [Music] no easy way to do it no you knew it would cause pain but thank you father with his stripes we are healed we eat together [Music] thank you lord i need you to open your mouth and thank the father right now thank you [Music] i was so appreciative father will we know you did it thank you lord thank you for releasing the gift [Music] thank you for thinking enough of us we do not take it for granted the wages of sin is still death but the gift of god is eternal life we want to thank you for the blood [Music] father thank you [Music] for receiving the blood [Music] and you washed away all our sins what can wash away my sins nothing but the blood of jesus thank you father we drink together [Music] and we say thank you sir thank you so much hallelujah thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you sir for washing all my sins away [Music] hallelujah throwing my sins as far as the east is from the west which is an infinite line when you see me you see me righteous only because of the blood of jesus though my sins were as red as crimson now because of the blood of jesus they are white as snow thank you father in jesus name amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] one can wash away [Music] [Music] amen praise god mount gilead news you can take your seats [Music] hello i'm minister trina davis and i'm minister april aguero we are lead overseers for our women's ministry affectionately known as wow [Music] wow stands for women of the words welcome to mel gillian news our top story ladies we encourage you to join our women's ministry for one night of prayer this friday september 24th at 7 pm yes this is open to all women of mount gilead here's more from co-pastor hey ladies september 24th from 7 00 pm to 8 30 pm we have the awesome opportunity to come together corporately and pray on behalf of our ministry mount gilead i want to encourage you to come on and be a part of this opportunity to bond with heaven as we humble ourselves and pray god will heal our land so not only we're praying for mount gilead but we're also praying on behalf of our country and our land hope to see you there our women's ministry network support group is hosting a virtual fellowship on monday september 20th at 7 pm ladies if you are a survivor or have been affected by cancer in your family or if you're overcoming domestic violence separation or divorce don't miss this encounter subscribe to our women's ministry text alerts to receive the zoom link text w-o-w-r-v-a to five five zero zero zero also happening this week helps ministry cluster meetings will take place on tuesday september 21st head to our church event calendar to see when and where your specific ministry is meeting and don't forget wednesday september 22nd is the last day to submit a missions application for miami florida this domestic trip is october 14th through the 19th you can find the application under the forms tab on our church website sos elementary is hosting a private one-hour charter cruise for elementary school girls and their moms it's happening saturday september 25th at 8 30 a.m each young lady and her female chaperone should bring a packed breakfast and get ready to enjoy a power hour of ministry fellowship and fun head to our online registration page to register mount gilead we are celebrating 25 years on the mission field this year glory to god prepare your hearts for a special worship encounter on international day this sunday september 26th remember to wear your international attire as we lift up the nations mark your calendars for our transformation institute fall session starting monday october the 4th we're offering two four-week courses maturing to sonship and miracles signs wonders and gifts of the holy spirit here's more from elder zelda duggar on the monday course our apostle has heard from god and there is a command coming down to all of us each and every one of us to mature in the things of god as we grow and as god is forming the mount gilead army it's more important now than ever that we understand that we are to grow from being disciples who follow jesus into being sons of god and functioning like sons of god who flow like jesus in all of the joint air authority that the bible declares that we have in romans 8 17 you're a joint heir and you are going to be equipped to take your place and function with everything that god has placed in you for his glory click on the ti web banner to sign up for the fall session as we work to keep you healthy and safe on campus please remember that face coverings are required in our bookstore our media room healing hands room and children's church masks are also required in our cafes if you prefer not to dine in remember you can always pre-order a meal from our gourmet grill online just visit the gourmet grill website and select the meals you want for easy pick up one final note the bases are loaded single from our music ministry is now available for purchase and download simply search for mount gilead f-g-i-m on apple music or spotify a limited supply of cds are available as well for a full list of announcements head to the announcements page on our church website mount gilead f g i dot woohoo yes okay you can step down and off that box [Laughter] praise god where you stand at this time father we are so grateful we have so much to be thankful for you have been mighty mighty good to mount gilead and we know it it it's it's you abba father we know it's you we just want to pause to say thank you mighty good god your mighty good father things that be impossible with man are possible with god we have seen it over and over and over again things that be impossible with man but they are possible with you father and because we have our eyes on you we've been able to do what they say can't be done hallelujah hallelujah so we love you today father we leave this place in power we will walk out what we've heard today have faith in god yeah it's all about you it's all about you as all you you are the one that's running everything and we know it we know it we know it and we thank you for it father thank you for giving us your son you did it thank you for releasing the holy ghost you did it we know you're behind it all and so we thank you for it father in jesus name amen hallelujah mount gilead family take advantage of the gourmet restaurant within our own ministry the gourmet grill you can pre-order meals online for easy pick up on service days simply visit the gourmet grill website and click order online you can also get a sneak peek at the midweek dinner menu by signing up for our gourmet grill text alert group just text gourmet grill one word to join and what are you learning from our changing lives podcast let us know we want to hear from you so leave a comment or review season 2 is available now on apple podcast spotify and youtube just search the alina robertson network [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mt.Gilead FGIM
Views: 1,194
Rating: 4.909091 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 140min 17sec (8417 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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