06-11-19 Kevin Zadai Supernatural Interview

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[Music] hey good evening everybody welcome to living supernaturally with yours truly David Martin and as you can see I have a very special guest with me here today Kevin's and I and you have yet to meet Kevin you're in for a real treat I didn't know Kevin the new he is on Sid Roth aye I missed this episode but when when I knew we were going to be ministering together for a week here in Germany I get to know this guy find out who well ministering with and I was absolutely blown away I've heard a lot of people over my 40 years of walking with Jesus but I'm telling you this is the real deal and we are so honored I am so blessed that spent a week with him here I'm recharged I have more vision and I'm more excited about the operation of the supernatural than ever before I know most of you then the hope units hard to believe but this is it and like my goal here today is that you're going to be inspired just like I've been inspired encouraged and getting ready for the best year the best season ever of the supernatural no I'm gonna let Kevin tell his story but I'll give you the brief introduction that he worked in marketplace ministry for 30 years yes 30 years 30 years after he had the most incredible experience that most of you probably didn't want to have but you would be forever changed if he did that's not literally I in an operating table and but Kevin did that and he had an incredible experience yes sir in heaven yes sir when I heard this I'm thinking I'm gonna be ministering with a guy that's been personally discipled and tutored by Jesus yes sir I had no control over I know that is awesome absolutely awesome and it has been a marvelous week we did the conference for businessmen for four days yes and now we're a pastor Greg violas church and we're doing finishing up tonight actually a conference on supernatural and ironically we're going from here in Germany both of us are going to Wisconsin yes we are and you go there regularly up to a pond yes yes I'm excited about that conference you know I'm I'm excited about whatever God's doing to send us places and I know you are too and yeah watch I've watched the night encourage you know watch the what on conference since on YouTube incredible absolutely incredible anyway Kevin I got so many questions I mean this and I think about borrowing it what questions I got so last week bicurious now what what is the most common thing besides wanting to know the length of Jesus is here and the color of his eyes yes what are people most interested in your experience well a lot of times David they that people are asking if if what's different between heaven and earth what right now and then a lot of people asking about career because they have up they have issues with their prayer life yeah also there's a lot of you out there that are possibly having financial problems there's a lot of questions about financial problems and how to implement that but the biggest one that I'm getting right now and I don't know if it's because I had that show us it is about angels there's a lot of questions about angels and it seems like because of the things that have happened to me I became more aware than then I've ever been in my life and so I'd like to talk about that a little bit but that's the biggest question that people have right now is their prayer life and then tying it in with the Ministry of angels and their finances and things like that that's what God's really been using me and lately well I can tell you this whatever reasons it's awesome but on conference was about angels and I played that conference probably three different times but then I bought the book and I've gone through the I always buy audio books but I gone through the audio book now twice and is so rich before you tell us about it how would people in get that but what's the best way for them to get your products well right now the best way is you can go to my website Kevin's a dot-com but it's going to just link you to Amazon and in the different places if you want CDs it did there's this links it just will take you right to the store to do it but I have over a hundred audio teachings as well as study guides so I do the whole thing I do a learning system where there's an impartation CD there's a study guide a book but right now most of my books are on Amazon so you can go get them everything everything you need is right there so with a hundred different topics that are on Amazon yeah I want to narrow it down to Kevin's and I angels or something yes and also to see you know I put a lot I've got probably 60 or 70 videos on YouTube and we add one every week so if you can't afford to buy the book or if you just having trouble financially right now you can just go to youtube my channel like Kevin's a tie and and you can just sit and probably get a lot out of what would be on the CDs now the big deal is is that I have a school and that that is where your notes school of ministry Helen please tell us yeah and that one just so you know the Lord had asked me to be a person who disciples and not just goes around talking about my experience with Jesus so what I did was the Lord had me start a school and it's really interesting because just in four months of this recording right here we have 3,000 students we also we're gonna actually break 3100 this morning you know it's all great but but you can go and take those schools now those are gonna be accredited to where you can get a degree with that so you can get a two-year degree a four-year degree and then that you can go on from there up to your doctorate when we're done accrediting this so I'm excited about that so if you want to get higher learn and more intense than you can take Kevin you know go to the warrior notes school ministry and I have right now about seven or eight courses that are available and BB add them every month so I'm excited about that how when they come when they connect to that and that's not an Amazon yeah no of course you go to my site Kevin's a dot-com and then there's a tab for my my school ministry and you just click on that and then you can go register and then pick out what course you want any of course it's at your own speed we don't buy pressure people you know you just take a course in every members where you left off and there's a quiz after every every session and then there's tests at the end but it - made it fun but I want people to walk and what I what Jesus timing you know I think that everybody should walk in the supernatural because the the God that I met in heaven Jesus that I'm in heaven there's nothing really normal about about Christianity after I came back from heaven trust me it's just I'm all lit up you know we want to talk about angels we could probably go five hours non-stop and though there have been never even get tired or scratch the surface of all of this but so we want to talk about angels whenever you think it's gonna be most valuable for people in a short time you don't want a lot things you've said that just most blew me away no you didn't tell you this part of it but besides going to happen and spending like a week there Kevin time I guess yeah yeah they don't go by the same rules though when he got incredible I mean you've seen the licensed experienced ascending innocent yes anyway but aside from that experience in heaven Jesus visits you every year for the last 29 years yeah I don't understand that either and and I guess from what I could pick up he just it's just a usually a minute he's just checking up on me because I don't really deserve that and I don't want people to to feel bad about when people have encounters you should just build your faith up and increase your relationship with God and that's what it's all about I if I thought that I was hurting people or if they were you know getting to the point where they were frustrated I probably wouldn't talk about my experiences in fact did you know that I went 23 years without telling my story of going to heaven that's amazing yeah because the Lord wanted to develop character in me so that I could walk this out as well so you know a lot of times when people get pushed to the forefront because of the counters and things like that even in business and any kind of success sometimes people's character can't handle the exposure to the public and things like that so I believe that God preserved me all those years just like he did with King David King David went back to tending sheep after he was anointed by Samuel and then even even after he took out the Giant you know he spent years on the run you know it's estimated that he could have spent up to 17 years in different periods of time between these things so but David's character was being developed so I would never want anyone to feel frustrated they haven't had this these things happen to that because that's not why I'm doing this I'm doing this to encourage you in your faith knowing that there is a heaven that Jesus is real there is a God who is a father who loves you and there are angels that have been sent to help us you know so that's that's what this is all about yes and all this year those are going to follow our ministry you know then for the last four months I've been talking about angels and the supernatural and and I'm so excited because I have a new layer upon layer of depth of understanding matter of fact while we're both in Milwaukee I I said that the our publicity most people public I know they're ready and I'm talking about angels Wow and I have a whole new a whole new batch of information that tried to disseminate but anyway so I want you to talk about angels but the one thing that blew me away was the age of father God oh it's all right I mean you probably I'm gonna guess people watching might have a similar Western rate we're image in your mind of what father God might look like being not he's the Ancient of Days yes but that's not quite right no I was surprised that you know when you get to heaven you realize that people they kind of fall under the same age category even though there are certain individuals that I've seen where that was in a vision and I saw what they look like on the earth but in heaven there seems to be a certain age that people are you know all similar but there aren't children in heaven so I'm not talking about children the children that die early if they didn't have a chance to grow up then they're taking to heaven immediately so they were in heaven and playing at the river of life with Jesus I saw those that sitting and standing with you now they that that's that's different because those children are waiting for their parents to come to heaven and then they get to join them and God does something special for them that's that's kind of like and so cool yeah so they actually grow they actually grow up at a faster rate after their parents get there and they get to enjoy that but then after that then it seems like we settle into our early 30s up there so Jesus when I met Jesus I was shocked that he was so young you know because you can Isis Poteau suspect these certain things you could you hear things people tell me but I was surprised Jesus is so handsome and he's he's just around 30 years old I can't tell if he was 28 or if he was 35 but it was it was just very very young and very vibrant and and the Father God had taken away his scars from him being beaten so that there was still nail nails nail holes but there wasn't and the scarring that you would think of him being I mean as a beyond recognition he was very handsome and his his skin was like bronze it was it was it was kind of I had a glow to it but it was dark and he was very very full of life so anyway Jesus is humanity yeah that's full life but then when I was thinking that the throne it was interesting because I didn't I didn't expect it to be so big the throne room you know I don't know why but I got a look around but I was really really blown away today I don't know what else to say and the amount of saints that I saw at the end of this age so think about all the saints that have ever been on the earth and they were all in one place at one time I could see is far I mean further than you could on the earth because of the your ability there is a lot better I saw white robes with Saints smiling as far as I could see out in with a multitude in every direction and they were singing and they were singing this song in one voice and it was shaking heaven and it was it sent like the rushing mighty water it wasn't it was like a big waterfall like you know I've been to two different waterfalls where you're at the bottom and it's deafening but this this was beyond anything I've experienced on the earth so there were angels that were there in within the crowd but there was mostly Saints so I got to see at the end of the age everyone that came into heaven God had a family back and they were all together and it was funny because I looked over and I could see Jesus he was seated at the right hand of the Father so Jesus was you'd think he'd be you know because he's a king and everything he'd be sitting there very proper he was watched over because of the worship was washing over him and it was this gold like a gold liquid but it was in the air and it was like a gold mist that was coming out of the breath of all the saints and it was coming up and wot washing over him and he was just basking it so he's like this in his chair smiling and he was receiving his reward for his suffering so at the end of the age he gets worshipped for doing what he did he redeemed all the whole family at this point I thought well I'll sneak a peek at the father I know yet so as soon as I and as if we could gonna get away with that and I wasn't immediately blocked from from see his face so I got to see everything except his face but I was surprised because he wasn't a old gentleman he was he was a young man and he was it was very very big but very majestic but I kid I didn't get to see his face and I wonder why and it was explained to me that that my body because my body is fallen on and it was still in the operating room at this time that if my spirit saw the face of the Father and saw that perfection it would do something to my spirit then my body couldn't take me back because my body wouldn't be able to handle what happened to my spirit if I see the father so that's why Moses was told you can't see my face and live it's because he would have died in the flesh immediately so anyway yes so the Ancient of Days is he's very wise but he he's not old like we think of old he doesn't have the same body we do and there's a scene with the Angels the angels are all very young and you you look at them and you can't even believe that something could be that beautiful and so now I understand why some people thought that angels could be women because they their their their male you can tell they're male but there there's so much beyond what we see down here yeah so there's no painting or anything that could be painted to represent what I'm talking about here so just so you know like all the pictures of Jesus that you see the paintings and stuff there's some that are really close there's that there's one big particular that's really close but for the most part they don't do him justice but they're everyone's y'all out there yeah amazing yeah and everybody's happy it's amazing they all get along they're very happy I even saw one gentleman he had made it in and he was so happy that he had made it to heaven that he was skipping around heaven introducing himself to me because he was so happy to be there so he was just waving and Skippy down a path and he didn't stop I watched him for for a long time as he lived through the path of this area in heaven that seemed to be like paradise it was like a beautiful park and the river life was flowing through it so when I was in heaven I saw the throne and I saw some of the creatures that are there and I can understand now what people that were worth taking to heaven in the Bible they they had a hard time describing what was there because there's nothing on the earth like it some of the things I saw what I remember in particularly there was a creek there was a there was a creature on each side of the throne that that was a charity event and I was I was well I will never be able to tell anyone in the earth about those and I saw I have never to the state of my wife bothers me about it but it's true there everything's there they're not permissible totter and there's voices I heard them whispering there were different creatures that were whispering at the throne to each other and I think that they were describing God to each other and it was part of the whole thing that goes on in heaven all the time so they actually talked back and forth across the way you know and the in the throne room so there's all this whispering and there's all these flaming angels that are that are soaring above God they're they're they're proclaiming he's holy they're called Seraphim and then the cherubim actually are on each side of the gods the Father's throne and they are covering God with the wings so God doesn't have wings but he is cherry of them do it so it's elves 91 when we're in the shadow under his wings it's it's that's talking about the chariots yeah it's remember now I mean the Sun I have been so privileged I mean is you've done many sessions yeah they've all been awesome and they're available by the way you can contact their ministry in but but basically all these sessions have been recorded and they're on livestream and for a fee I think it's 30 dollars that you can get this to conferences yeah so through menace amounts of information there when periodic curiosity does a father ever lengthens wrong journey listen well here's the thing I had these questions and I didn't have them at the throat see at the throne you can't ask any questions because there are no questions and anything you know it's amazing how many you have this list of questions so like if if you thinking well if I ever go to heaven I'm going to ask all these different questions you know when you get there it's impossible to ask questions at that raw throw because the throne is is only answers so you you're giving you're given all the understanding all the information and if it's not permissible then you don't it doesn't even come to you so I could not think of anything to ask as Ben's wrong but the the throne the throne of where it is and it's there's no time and so when you walk into heaven it's from you go from the event to event that there's no reference point so there's no calendar there's no clock and there's no way to actually actually put it down on anything it's it's part of your walk with God through heaven you go from visiting with people and you have things that you're assigned to do and you have your part in heaven but then there's these events where Jesus actually visits with you so he's walking around heaven then you get to talk with them if it's not your time he'll he'll either acknowledge you and just kind of like say oh I'm doing this you know that's what he did with me he just said don't listen I just was about my way but what I got is gonna blow you away because what I got in heaven was is that God has been sitting on his throne in our in our reference point about four hours in eternity so eternity has been a reference way it's not even lunchtime in heaven all the person and so you know like we have all these days on the earth you had to set at the six days of creation and then the seventh day he rested well when he rested down the Cox stood that have stood still so I was told that God isn't even taking his lunch break yet on the first day because he's just sitting there for a few hours or you know to him there's no reference point because everything serves him so he's not subject to any law so he's not sitting there waiting you know for the next you know hey wait can I get up here from my throat it's not like that there is no reference points like we have here so we know we got our appointments today we got things we got to do with God he just is and so no time has passed but for us there's there's creation and then there's the Genesis account then there's after Moses was given Genesis on the mountain you know that he wrote Exodus Leviticus Deuteronomy numbers you know although and uh those Genesis was written after the fact but there was by Moses who didn't even live right during that time but yet it's very accurate account well that's because in heaven there is no time he knows the end from the beginning and so in heaven I was I was there for about a week like the information that I got was down here it seemed like a week but yet when I got back into my body from the operation only about an hour had passed but yeah I have all this wealth of information that every year it seems like it's unfolding inside of me that I have to write another book or there do something you know it just it's continual and so you don't age you know it in fact um when I do go to be with the Lord years from now I will just fall into place behind Jesus when he walked away from me in the operating room in 1992 but he left me in the operating room and sent me back to my body his own not even been a minute has gone by since I said when I do passed away I will fall right behind him and walk with him to heaven and it will only have been you know less than a minute has passed it's nice it's nothing it's yeah but it was down here it might have been 30 40 years no but he just turns around and so you decided to come with me it was a it's not easy and the thing about that is you should never be afraid of death ever you because it's a promotion I didn't feel any pain I didn't even know how I had died on the operating table but it's a promotion everybody celebrates you so you're not told how you died you you don't remember any of that and the earth it just seems like it's like a little little speck in in space and not you don't remember anything bad we just remember that Jesus was was was your Savior and that God was so good you have nothing bad to say so many questions and the other will tell you but the cloud of witnesses is that people and have been interacting with us yeah it's it's amazing you know people don't understand that there's a everybody in heaven continues to live so they not died so it's kind of funny kids you know how people say well you know you're the bottle says you've got a lot of communicate with the dead the sea the cloud of witnesses to them they they they just got promoted and the veil of the ability to just to be in heaven and be on the earth that little veil is so thin that as the day's progress even in our Christian even our walk with God things are so much easier these days and they've ever been because we're coming to the end of an age you know so in I saw I saw that the cloud of witnesses they were they were people that have walked over they had experienced death and walked over but to them they're still part of the family even down here so we're all part of family some have been promoted and some have not and so they it together with them just like with the Angels we can't see the angels but they're with us my mother said to help us well it's the same way with the Saints the Saints they there's they're still alive there it might my loved ones there briefed on how I'm doing spiritually they know a little bit about what's going on and I suspect because of what I was told that they they can actually request for a might of my case I I've had several people that passed on that have actually asked Jesus in and said can you help Kevin because he's he's really doing what what you've called him to do and they remember the times that they spent talking with me and they told Jesus they said you know just help him you know like you know they were like almost like they were putting in a good word for me and they told me that if they passed on that they would put so I have evidence that that has happened now then the cloud of witnesses is ecstatic right now they're just cheering us on screaming and up there they get excited about everything but down here we're kind of reserved you know but they're ecstatic about the plans and purposes of God and they finished their race but they want everyone down here to finish their race so it's very exciting up there all the time yes yeah you know we do want to probably catch an Angels before it's over but when the way we're going you may need to just get the book and really encourage you to do that one of the things he said another really striking thing one of our personal conversations was how Jesus interacted with you yeah that I mean just looked at you yeah and like judgment was all done but it wasn't bad no I you know you know how you you hear things growing up and you know that most of us have been and I probably you have to you better than a lot of different religions there's all kinds of different faiths you know and they're different levels so if you're like Presbyterian or Lutheran or things like that a lot of times people don't understand the fullness of the Spirit of God the things that are available to us like I was in a search didn't even believe in being born again they never told me I need to be born again so there's all these different levels that were at that I'm surprised that how when I met Jesus he was none of those he was not any religion he was I am and he created the universe and he created us with a plan so when I would look right into his eyes I would see the day that he thought of me and put me in my mother's womb I actually literally heard him think of me and he formed me in himself and then he breathed me out I saw that and I saw that I was planned that even if my parents who are my fleshly the genetics were transferred from my mother and father and and my body was created in my mother's womb but my spirit came from God and that's the real you so like down here you have this body an assistant earth suit you know it's just something you have to have a feel and be here well I saw that then and even really look like me that I was made in the image of God they you know according to Genesis 1:26 so if you're wondering but what she look like that your spirit your spirit looks like your father God and it kind of resembles like it with Jesus he who he kind of resembled his mother and I saw that he had a human side to him but he was also look like his father or you don't believe this I was looking at Jesus as he was talking to me and he if he just let him talk he'll just keep talking I mean he could talk he's teaching the whole time he's going step by step of everything that I needed to know but I looked at him and I thought he I kind of look like him and it's so funny as we all look like him because we're the same I thought we have the same father that's amazing yeah and I couldn't I was like so so you look like you look like your father God we're all part of the same family but down here of course we have generations and generations of genes you know that we we have our generations and we kind of look like our forefathers a little bit you know but as it gets to down so many generations we don't even resemble the original you know because it's just part of that so that was that was something when I looked into Jesus eyes also I saw that he valued me and there was no one that that I've ever met that valued me as much as him to the point where he told me when he told me that I had to come back you know and he didn't actually make me come back he asked me but I was distraught because I had just found somebody that that thought that he made me think like I was his favorite and to be around a person like that that values you and validates you I mean you don't want to let go but personally then so he really understood me and then he he was able to to encourage me into the to what he had for me and it was just so he was just fire would come out of us about wanting to talk it just energizes you and then his eyes his eyes are so deeply actually lets you walk into them so you'll be standing you're looking at Jesus and all of a sudden you'll start to see yourself walking into into his heart as he's talking to you and you're inside of him and then and then and then you realize that I don't know a thing so when I came back you know I had all these college degrees I wanted to take him off my wall because in my my effort to understand God it was so limited that I realized that the Holy Spirit was the person that I needed to walk me through the Bible and reveal Jesus to me because his character is hidden within the verses of the Bible so I saw this ice but he let me walk inside of him through his eyes and this is the thing that blew me away the most there was no record that I had ever sinned when I looked when I look when I looked into his eyes he was talking to me as though I had never sinned and I thought well surely you know he you know he just he's just being medics you know because he was talking to me and talking me up but he I saw that that there was no file in heaven that he could read about me about my past it was all this beautiful book that was written like it solves 139:16 this is it they each day of my life is written in a book before one of them came to pass and I saw that the book in heaven with my name on it is all God cares about me that your sins are wiped away there's no reference to them so they can't go to a file somewhere and look up your past yeah so I saw that when I was looking at that into Jesus's eyes and he gave me value and I felt safe around him I really felt safe so that was my experience with Jesus and and then he started to show me about prayer so that most of the visit was was him educating me on the spirit realm yeah so he was showing me how we can interact in prayer with God but that through that we can actually change history did you know that that everybody has the ability to it's almost like a movie you see you can go into and Jimmy with you can change history and make make God a predominant part of your environment everywhere you go and it actually reroutes people's lives well and they gotta do that well you have to interact with God first and God God causes you to be a history maker and change a whole generation by transforming you so when you get born again you know we've sung Jesus in our heart well there's this transformation that happens inside your spirit second Corinthians chapter 5 talks about this especially verse 17 it says that that once you're born again your spirit becomes new old things have passed away and now you're a new species it says it says you're actually a new creation but you're a new species there's nothing that's ever been like that before well that's in your spirit but then down here on the earth you have to let the Holy Spirit and the Word of God start to win you over in your soul so your your mind will and your emotions the way that you react to things it needs to be rerouted needs to be its misinformed because we this world has fallen so once you get born again you have to allow the Word of God to renew your mind so the Word of God renews your mind and this is in Romans chapter 12 I believe and once the happens then your mind can side with your spirit but then we have our body which is a whole nother creature in itself because the body doesn't get bored again and it's not renewed in any way I mean you know the day after you got saved you're still going to have the same habits you're gonna have the same body that you had the day before and then the same with your mind so your body Paul said he said I discipline Paul the Apostle said I discipline my body daily having having disciplined as I didn't he said that that it would disqualify me from my race so he said even though I preached Christ had been a preacher an apostle he said that that my body could actually make me disqualified if I let it so he said I discipline my body daily and and because of these things I saw in heaven I realized that my effectiveness on the earth had to do with allowing the kingdom of God to come into my life and then after these things are developed in me not just in my spirit but in my soul the way I think rerouting my thinking processes and then making my body behave so to speak you know that then I can start influencing my environment so well you know when you go to work you are representing as an ambassador God in your workplace know no matter where you go the decisions you make but this is what's what's interesting I've spent 30 years at an airline and people are watching me and they knew I was a Christian so they were watching how I would go into a situation and what I would do and they started to see what we call failure you know we've heard people that are talking about favor of God and you know boy that's real favor you know you had that happen to you you know well I found that that is God's way of promoting himself he actually favors his children in the marketplace so that the the people around you can see that he is the one true God so I wants us to prosper he wants us not to succeed at everything we do we should be the best at our jobs than anybody you know we you know our bosses our we work for they should say you know you ought to be like David you know he he comes to work on time and you know he gets his stuff done and you know it's above and beyond and that testifies of God because there's like well they want to be like that they said well you know what do I have to do to be a Christian because I want that kind of favor and then you tell them well you've just rerouted a person's life and now they are they are in the eternal book of life because they're going to heaven because I accepted Jesus as Lord well you were part of that because you represent God you went into your environment that God called you to and people's eyes start being rerouted well what if one of those persons that was rerouted accepted the Lord what if they ended up being the one that found the cure for a disease well that would be in a history book so saying that the cure for diabetes came through this person well they're going to testify that they're a Christian and that's one in the history books that that person did that and you've changed you you know when you when you reroute people's lives through the Word of God through the Ministry of the Spirit of God then those people effect history and because they intensify well you know this was I give Jesus Christ credit for this patent or whatever invention that they had or you know the Lord gave me the wisdom to understand how to kill cancer cells well then God gets promoted again and then other people say wow you know this person got the cure but they claim to be a Christian I want to be a Christian now see then he started I saw the end of an age at the end of this age that how many people had influenced if I came back so I could have went and met with Jesus and stayed there and I've been in the heavenly City and you know just to join might like my eternal life but if I came back I can reroute people's lives by letting God reroute through me and the influence the whole generation it's interesting to see at the end because you don't see that until you get to heaven but you would not believe how effective you really are by just being you you know Jesus created all of us unique because he loves if you look at all that he loves the diversity like even birds you know you look at the animals they all like like wow what was going when you do that yeah but there's a I've been in countries where the birds are that it looks like they all have beautiful paint jobs you know like they were all been like uniquely made I was in Australia and every bird there is no normal bird oh it's just all beautiful well in heaven that's what it is and so I saw that for us to be effective on the earth we've got to allow the Holy Spirit to have this way through us so that we can change the environment we live in and then other people can be changed people need to know that there is a favour that God gives them and then they can come in and accept Jesus as Lord but then they can start to walk this out and have favor and that favor draws other people into the kingdom and these are these I think the basement you know that the more you serve in you are a blessing that the favour increases are that a constant yeah it actually does increase and it gets to the point where do you think what if I've been doing all my life because you get into the favor but there's always that fear when something good happens that it's gonna end but with God in the goodness never ends it's us that kind of like waiver but as you increase in your faith in your relationship with God your trust builds to the place where I call a stayin in a sweet spot and everybody has to find their sweet spot now more the sweet spot is is that think about like surfers when they get up on a wave they have to find that balance with the the board the surfboard and stay on the wave so that they don't get behind the wave and they don't get in front away too much they have this there's a sweet spot and so that's what I saw when I was in heaven that if you can find our sweet spot and stay there that the favor just keeps increasing and it feels like it's never gonna end because it really doesn't it see it's our humanity it's our weakness in our flesh that caused us to get out from underneath the grace of God because we we have to learn to walk in this favor and and the angels are sent to help us the Angels actually do a lot more I was so surprised that scene three and four angels standing around helping people it wasn't just one at times there was there was many and I think that for the most part people just don't know that that these angels are there they think because they don't see them or they don't feel them but I'll just be honest with you when I when I came back I started having an angel encounters and I realized that they were happening all the time B even previously but now that I had been on the other side and come back I learned to sense in my spirit when there was angel activity but but for the most part people wouldn't even know it in fact I've had people that have come to me and talked to me they were angels and I didn't even know it they were they were coming to check on me but they appeared as real people that were just wanting to help me and they were just very very nice and kind but they they were real tight lipped about who they were were they there from and now I realized that they were coming appearing to me but for the most part if you have angels around you you won't really know it you won't you won't be able to see them and this is why I asked God I said why is that he said because they were created to not draw attention to themselves so they don't want to get any credit that's why they don't appear all the time they want to just do these things for God and let him get credit for it so they they don't want to be known as them that's why they stay hidden and I thought that was very that's it was very admirable to see angels not wanting to get credit at all they think works so hard to make God look good they really do they have a ministry there's probably a message than that for us I've learned a lot from the character of angels because they were created a special way and I saw that because we have learned in our society in our cultures were taught to be prideful and we're taught to be strong in ourselves but actually when I was in heaven I saw that it was Paul that said it best he said that I actually glory in my weaknesses because then the power of God is revealed through my weaknesses I totally understand that now but I didn't understand that before I died on the operating table there's a lot of things that I understand now that I was sent back to tell people listen hey the Bible is actually true you know just so you know when I was in heaven I saw that we could just live off the book of John for the rest of our life sweetly and there's enough in John the book of John the Gospel to live especially chapter 14 15 16 and 17 I was told that that and I do this all the time I actually just my meditation times my study times a lot of times I just stay in the book of John in those chapters 14 15 16 and 17 because it talks about the Holy Spirit and in who his role in our much you know and there's enough I saw that there was enough just in what Jesus said to to run us the rest of our lives just like that and so encouraging that's nothing I've been telling people oh they're right those those four are my favorite because that's where Jesus as you just said my feeling the one spirit yeah but something you said that I like to come back on that maybe because shed some light on it but Paul said that you have been disqualified mm-hmm what does that mean well you know there there is within us it's placed in there it when we're created God created us with a reward system and so a like inside of us do you ever notice like when you do something you like to be like to be rewarded for it or at least a complimented or acknowledged that you did something they did it well well that's there's just a need within out every person to be to be rewarded so like you don't work and not expect to get a paycheck and if you do in a business you don't go to work to lose money it's the same with everything else you know that we do in our lives so I saw that in that that's inside of us there's a reward system inside of us so we want to be rewarded for what we do and I saw that with with with heaven that everything that we do is recorded without a doubt everything is recorded and God rewards those who diligently seek you so I saw I saw all these these systems like it was like governments of God that were in place but it was all so that we would be faithful and then we'd be diligent and so it's within us to do that so what Paul was saying was listen if you want what's written about you then you have to be disciplined which is actually part of being faithful and being loved because down here this for instance if you if you don't clean you're cleaning your house it's automatic doesn't clean itself did you notice that everything wants to go towards chaos so you can just put a couple of wires or cords you know your electric or do something in a bag and when you get your destination it takes you 30 minutes to unravel they've gotten tied up in there you can see everything in a fallen world goes to chaos it doesn't go to order so down here Paul was saying listen if I don't discipline myself make my body do what what's right I don't think right that I could be disqualified from my race I could actually be on the sidelines and that's what he was saying was is that his body wouldn't allow him to finish his race and do what God had written about him in his book so his books he knew about his books so he in order to fulfill that he was fighting against his mind the way that this money thought and his body yeah so that's what that means so I doesn't mean someone can lose her salvation that means you lose your reward right oh it's a reward system heaven everything is a reward system hey we're you - another bourbon Ella you know I probably sound just like the mill because that's what it was we're in pastor Greg vo vehicle and the make up by coming over here in a few minutes actually I think they were right yes they so are about the years of people noise as people come thickest so much today yes but we're in the last ten minutes so we'll see if we can do this year with the people coming into our our living room set here but can we can say too much about angels but and again I want to encourage you to get the book that is in this site but you comment on something because I've had this overwhelming leading of the Lord Blackwell better wait a second better way of saying it is that spiritual feeling that weren't a season unlike anything ever yeah and it's in the best way that I can explain it is in the Lord's Prayer like what we've done on earth as it is in heaven yes and that there's this like an invasion of heaven to earth to manifest God's desire on earth and it's in this guy my sense it's happening exponentially so yeah does that sit right with you yeah we add something delenn well just just that just exactly what you're saying and you know in a different time it might not be the way it is now because at the time it might not be the season or the need for certain things but we have cycled into another move of God so it's that we've done the transition to into the next move of God so it's already transitioned into it so it's begun but it's not evident in all places because people think certain way so there's lag time between what's happening in the spirit and what's what's it happening in people's minds so the angels that that talked to me about the next move they told me don't wait for the manifestation because it's going to take a couple of years for people to become accustomed to what's happening around them it's already happening so they totally just jump in and then other people will jump in and it will seem premature in in the scheme of things down here but it's actually you are right on time so I'm actually participating in this move that might not spread for another couple years so that this is the season and the time for that the the move of God that were were that that were experiencing now in our meetings has to do with a glory it doesn't have to do with just the gifts of the Spirit or even the presence of God you know even though it's very strong there's another stage that has to do with the father got regard himself and that's through the glory the cloud that comes into the meetings and and and is evident at times and also because of the effects of that cloud of glory the Angels operated their highest level as well so this next move is going to be like nothing we've ever seen before except in scripture where the even even the Solomon when he instituted the temple that he he did so many sacrifices and please God so much that the golden call came in and they couldn't even minister they it was beyond you know that that is what I saw in these last days so in our closing minutes here what would you recommend for people to really participate than get involved and not miss it or if this qualifies yeah the the most important thing is your relationship with God and that is to make sure that you keep every form of communication you have with the Lord through the Word of God through with the spirit and praying in the spirit and and in your relationships with with people and having godly people in your life having people over you submitting to Authority and and being with a man and a woman of God that that have the similar call to what's in your heart and you know so I encourage people in these last days to make sure your relationship with God is up-to-date and stays really strong but then if you have relationship with people I call them crazy friends you just need some crazy friends I have I have people in my life that they'll call prophesy and they'll tell me things there that happened the next day and I'm thinking how did they know that there's people that are walking this kind of thing you know and so that's why I encourage people this next movement God's gonna involve the body of Christ it's gonna ball the glory of God but first and foremost you get your relationship with God in order to where you are feeding your spirit daily not just your flesh that you are walking in the fear of the Lord that you were and what I mean by the fear of the Lord is is that you know he's holy and you've the Holy Spirit that's inside of you is wanting to walk a certain path so that gets me to the next point which is you've got to know the will of God for your life and the way you know the will of God for your life is by praying in the spirit and and like I do I try to do an hour a day for was what I tell people is at least trying to do an hour a day here and there so like a couple minutes here and there all through the day and then at least spend at least 10 minutes a day meditating on some verses of the Bible that that you get inside of you so if you can't pray an hour in tongues a day can you pray 10 minutes a day so start with 10 minutes and then build yourself up so that's why I encourage people and then what happened is you the biggest thing is you got to find a group of people that have the same heart for the move of God now what we do is we find people that are like us and we meet with them and like like we can have a move of God we're having to move of God right here because we both are in agreement and then the glory comes in and then we experience that see that's what that's what I encourage people in these last days is get together often it's your relationship with God right and find some crazy friends name those of you that are partners with the ministry you found one crazy friend and the Kevins is fun thank you so much forever oh you're welcome David I just bitter awesome it's yeah you know we have according to the clock there are three minutes left yeah want to say anything in closing yeah I just I have a word of prophecy coming forth it's just like fire Indy yeah and I'm so I just I want to speak that to the people Thanks and just just just in your heart right now open your heart up and if you could just extend your hand out and I'm just gonna extend my hand out I'm a nun ominous speak this this word to you that you see in the throne room there is fire from the altar there is fire in the Seraphim that thought that are flying above God right now and it's a holy fire and I just I just didn't part to you the holy fire because see fire is going to help you from the throne room from that altar it's going to help you be separate it's going to help cleanse you it's gonna help burn out all the chaff everything that's not of God and that that's what you need right now you need a baptism of fire in the name of Jesus baptism of fire right now in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I feel that going out right now this there it is just receive that and this is what the Lord say he said if you will walk with me he said you will never regret what I have written about you the Lord said I have many powerful things planned for you just walk with me and trust me and yield to the fire that's what the words say intonation yeah I feel like the phrase that's how we it's been just amazing yeah it has been heaven on earth Vanda and has been to it this bend entire week in the glorious it would be crazy it's been a great week so hey everybody thank you for the privilege of giving us here to speak into your life and those of you that are friends to the ministry here I wanna say thank you for your prayers thank you for your partnership and if you'd be able to join us as a partner I encourage you to do that and we are doing something this year that anyone that supports our ministry any way shape or form dollar a month or $10,000 a month any level of support we're offering you the supernatural discipleship program level one absolutely free no registration fee no monthly fee and in that in program what you'll find is a daily devotional it's eight minutes matter of fact the same daily devotional is on Sid Roth's Network every day so you can you can go get it there for free as well but every day they play one of my devotionals three times a day but it's part of the the discipleship program that God's given to me totally different than what Kevin's doing but again remember way or no it sounds like an awesome awesome deal but what God showed me to do with their our discipleship program is build in faithfulness to do the basics so you know there's an accountability program and one of the things that's so marvelous that God gave me and it's it's in the the free section for as a partner is every day you grade yourself on 12 different questions it's just creating yourself on your walk in the spirit how well did you do it today at bringing negative thoughts in the captivity no one ever sees a score except you but when the problem says most Christians have no accountability so this gives you a level of accountability but it's going to have a meditation scripture that encourages as Kevin just said to melody about a couple of minutes every day and it's going to happen via the journal built-in so you can begin to journal your activities it's going to have my 100 key points and that's a great 14 minute meditation and then it's also going to have an intent of heart taking about one minute but these are things that are going to help you to establish in quality behavior in your walk in the spirit so anyway thank you for being a partner thank you for liking the video you liked it and then West best yet share it with your friends that that spreads up out there and if want to be a partner in the ministry you can do that by going online and living supernaturally calm or you can mail to the opposite P o box 144 Broken Arrow Oklahoma and however we can say thank you for whatever you do and till next week to is they have yourself a blessed great week and we'll see you then god bless [Music] you
Channel: livingsupernaturally
Views: 10,793
Rating: 4.8943396 out of 5
Keywords: Kevin Zadai, David Martin, Livingsupernaturally, miracles, heaven, healing, supernatural, glory
Id: p7i6gkQBUfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 15sec (3615 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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