05-25 Unpause: Moving Closer to Jesus by Ivor Myers

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BMI records but then from the Word of God he discovered the three angels messages of Revelation while recording his first album and he quit that group and he decided to dedicate his life to Jesus Christ currently Pastor Myers pastors the Campbell seventh-day Adventist Church in the central California Conference and he has started a ministry called Operation rein global rein initiative and he is the president and he's the founder of a ministry called the power of lamb ministries and as well he is in charge of Army Bible Camp he's authored a number of books I have a several of them in my library and he co-hosts with his wife atonte the 3abn show called battles of faith together they have four children Jayden who's 20 Joshua who's 19 Genesis who's 11 and Julia who's 9 my personal testimony of the power of ivo Myers comes from a time when I met him for the first time several years ago when I was serving as the executive secretary for the Gulf states conference and he came to that camp meeting I was seated behind a group of teenage girls that were in that camp meeting they weren't texting they weren't playing with their iPhones but as they listened to his message that evening and as he presented the cross of Christ in a way that they had never understood before I could just see them kind of putting their hand across their hearts and saying oh my oh my and I realized that the Spirit of the Living God was speaking to their hearts through his message and that is my prayer for you during this camp meeting I'm gonna invite pastor Myers to come up here as we ask God's blessing upon him and then I'm gonna ask you as we have always done to ask God's blessing upon you we ask for the Spirit of the Living God to permeate this campground but what's more important is that the Spirit of the Living God fills each one of our hearts and so I invite you to join me in that prayer as we sing spirit of the Living God fall afresh on me after I pray for pastor Myers would you join me in prayer all loving father in heaven here stands your servant Ivor Myers as he opens the Word of the Living God I pray that you will be by his side that you will bless him with the message that your people have come to hear a message that will draw hearts closer to Jesus that we will be a people that will be faithful till that day when we hear our saviors saying well done good and faithful servant and now Lord bless him with the power and presence of your spirit as we pray together for receptive hearts Spirit of the Living I fall afresh on me spirit of the Living God fall afresh on me break me melt me mold me and a few me spirit of the Living God fall afresh on me amen good morning everyone I was just about to say happy Sabbath I got in at 2:00 a.m. in the morning this morning coming in from California so my clock is a little bit off and I'm hoping that you are more awake than I am this morning so I have good news and bad news and I'm not sure which is which I have 50 minutes to speak to you so you can determine whether that's good news or bad news and then there's no clock to tell me when the 50 minutes is up so yeah I'm sure they will have a clock here in about 10 minutes or so or definitely tomorrow anyway I want to speak to you this morning about Jesus and the the message I have entitled for us this morning is very simply give me Jesus give me Jesus it's all about Jesus amen give me Jesus let's pray Heavenly Father I want to thank you Lord for your word for your power I ask Lord that you would please speak through me now and may the hearts of your people be touched as our prayer in Jesus name Amen in the book of Luke chapter 24 the disciples are going through a very challenging time Jesus has been dead for three days and the disciples two of them in particular are on the road to where Emmaus and as they're walking they're talking about how sorrowful the events of the past few days had been and the Bible tells us in that account that Jesus draws near to them but they did not know that it was him the Bible says there were holding so that they did not recognize him and as he draws near he asked them what's going on why are you guys so sad and they begin to tell him all the reasons why they should be discouraged how many of you have ever went through one of those periods where you tell Jesus all the reasons you should be discouraged right the Bible tells us that that that after Jesus listens to them he says to them all fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have said and then the Bible says and beginning from where Moses and the prophets he expounded on to them in the scriptures all the things concerning himself now I want you to think about something here Jesus is alive amen and and and let's say that you let's say that you died and then by some miraculous means you came back to life and you wanted to surprise your family and friends okay you would you knew they were sad you knew they were discouraged what would you do well I mean okay let me not answer that way let me just say that the normal thing for us to do if that happened to us is that we would simply show ourselves and say look guys Here I am I'm alive be happy yeah Jesus doesn't do that is he interested in the disciples happiness yeah and and and and and listen carefully instead of of saying hey guys Here I am he decides to give them a Bible study Wow this Bible study is apparently so deep so profound that by the end of the Bible study when Jesus is about to leave they're like no no no no no stay with us for a little while longer so he goes into the house with them and he breaks bread and when the Bible says when he breaks bread their eyes were opened and he they knew him not now let's go back to the Bible study the Bible says that beginning with Moses and prophets he expounded them to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning who himself what was the center of the Bible study Jesus was giving himself have you ever had one of those experiences where you're reading the scripture and suddenly something jumps out to you that you never saw before and you're just like wow I want you to imagine Jesus perhaps saying hey you know back there in Genesis where the Bible said let there be light and the disciples must have been like yeah and he says well look that light was the Messiah that light was the Son of God he was a light that came into the world and he's going through these scriptures that that lamb that was slain from the foundation of the world that was Christ and he's going through and I can imagine the disciples getting so excited listen they got so excited that they forgot their misery when we learn how to focus on Christ in the scriptures it will bring about revival so look Jesus disappears right and then the disciples said to one another did not our hearts burn within us as he spoke with us by the way so let me tell you my goal for you this week and my goal for you this weekend is to give you heartburn okay when do you get heartburn after you eat okay let's try this right after you eat when Jesus was breaking bread with the disciples when he broke bread at the table and was not the first time in the account he was breaking bread on the road to Emmaus he was breaking bread and so what I want to share with you beloved is that the Scriptures is truly all about Jesus and when we begin to focus our study on Christ we're gonna get heartburn amen all right so who's ready for some heartburn amen amen I invite you to turn with me to the book of Matthew Matthew chapter 7 Matthew chapter 7 and verse we're all familiar with Matthew 7 verse 21 the Bible says they're not everyone that's safe unto me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works and then will I profess unto them I never watched knew you depart from me you that work iniquity Jesus here is simply telling us that that at the end of time there will be two groups of people those who claim Jesus and those who really have him all right let me say that again those who know Jesus and those who only profess to know him it's like the wheat and the the tares so I want Jesus to know me how many of you want Jesus to know you yeah the bottom line of the judgment is do you know Jesus and does Jesus know you that's going to be the question in the judgment do you have Jesus hence the title give me Jesus I want Jesus to know me you want Jesus to know you amen all right now what a sad thing it would be if at the end of time Jesus looked at you and said I don't know you how sad would that be there's another story in the book of Acts you don't need to turn there sax chapter 19 how many of you remember the sir the sons of sceva who are we're trying to cast out this demon and the Bible says that they went in there into that house with boldness and you know they said they said to the demon we assure you in the name of Jesus amen amen in the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches they were preaching someone else's Jesus it wasn't there Jesus are you with me so far and so the demon almost in a in a in a in a comical way pauses and says wait a minute Paul I know Jesus I know but I didn't quite catch your name and the Bible says the demon jumped on them and and tore them to pieces and they ran out of the house screaming terrified so check this out the demon said I don't know you how sad would it be on the day of judgment for Jesus to say I don't know you and then the spot line turns to the devil and the devil says I don't know him either but I'm going to ask you a question you're going to struggle to raise your hand but how many of you want the devil to know who you are yeah I thought listen beloved the devil knew who Paul was because Paul was causing trouble in his kingdom how many of you want the devil to know who you are you're still like I get it I get it but the point is listen Church if Jesus knows who you are then the devil is gonna know who you are - so you want Jesus to know who you are the devil is gonna take note of you you see beloved the judgement are the question for the judgment at the end of time is do you know Jesus do you have Jesus you're familiar with Revelation 14 verse 6 and verse 7 the Bible says I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto every nation kindred and tongue saying with a loud voice do what fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come the basis of the judgment is do you have jesus now we're going to look at a story this morning that's going to reflect this very truth in a very powerful way it is found in the Old Testament I invite you to go with me to the book of first Kings chapter three first Kings chapter three first Kings chapter three and we're gonna read verse 28 first Kings chapter three verse 28 the Bible says here and all Israel heard of the judgment which the king had judged and they feared the king for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to do judgment I got a question for you does this verse have any similarity to Revelation 14 6 and 7 you see some similarities there right the word fear the word judgment what's the first angels message fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his what judgment has come so the Bible here is telling us that all Israel here's the judgment of this king and fears him because they saw the wisdom of God was in him to do judgment so the question is we've just read the last verse of chapter three first Kings chapter three we may not know the context yet but that's okay who knows who's being spoken about here who is the king that the people saw the wisdom of God was in it was Solomon absolutely so here's what you're gonna do we're gonna go back and find out what is it that Israel heard or Israel saw that made them fear the king because they saw the wisdom of God was in him to do judgment ok sound fair enough all right let's go we're gonna go back to 1st Kings chapter 3 we're gonna start with verse 5 now I'm just gonna give you a little forewarning and I'm just going to tell you just go ahead and get excited I know you're probably wondering okay where is this going but just get excited this is you know just a heads up you know just do it just get it okay ready in Gideon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night and God asked and God and God said ask what I shall give thee and you know the story right I'm gonna just for the sake of time skip some of the the the the verses Solomon what is he asked for he asked for wisdom right I want you to just notice verse verse verse 9 give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to what judge thy people that I may discern between good and bad so that I may discern between let's say good people and bad people let's say wheat and tares in other words Solomon wants wisdom to be able to discern because he cannot read the human heart and the and the the the wicked obviously looks so much like the righteous sometimes Solomon is saying give me wisdom that I may discern between that which is right and that which is wrong sounds like the judgment doesn't it so let's read on God answers Solomon's prayer and in verse 14 or rather verse 15 we read something interesting the Bible says and Solomon what woke and behold it was a dream and he came to Jerusalem and stood before the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord and offered a burnt offerings and offered peace offerings and made a feast to all his servants so Solomon Oh wakes he was just in a dream and he wakes up and where does he go he goes down to the temple he goes to the temple and he begins offering up sacrifices now I want you to notice the next word verse 16 then stop right there then so what does that mean right while he is there in the temple celebrating that God has given him wisdom and by the way did God give him the wisdom immediately yeah when God said I've given it to you Solomon had it he was now the wisest man on earth okay and the Bible says then so whatever is about to happen I'll give you a heads up between the word then and verse 28 where the Israel saw the judgment of the king that in between those two are markers were going to find the event that led Israel to say the wisdom of God is in this man so listen then came there two women that were harlots unto the King and stood before him and the one woman said oh my lord are in this woman dwell in one house and I was delivered of a child with her in the house and it came to pass the third day after that I was delivered that this woman was delivered also and we were together there was no stranger with us in the house save we - in the house and this woman's child died in the night because she overlaid it and she arose at midnight and took my son from beside me while Dinah handmade slept and laid it in her bosom and laid her dead child in my bosom and when I rose in the morning to give my child suck behold it was dead but when I considered it in the morning behold it was not my son which I did there and the woman said nay but the living is my son and the dead is thy son and this said no but the Dead is die son and the living is my son thus they spake before the King Solomon in all his wisdom is listening to these two women speak and he cannot tell the difference between who is telling the truth and who's lying and so he has a solution notice verse 23 then said the king that once safe this is my son that liveth and thy son is dead the other safe neighbor by son is dead and my son is a living the King said bring me a sword what a solution bring me a sword and they brought a sword before the king and the King said divide the living child in two and give half to the one and half to the other how's that for solution check this out then spake the woman who's the living child was unto the king for her bowels yearned upon her her son and she said o my lord give her the living child and in no wise slay it but the other said let it be neither mine nor thine but divide it then the King answered and said gave her the living child and in no wise slay it she is the mother thereof and all Israel heard of the judgement which the King had judged what a story you still don't look excited though so let's go back your remember as we said earlier that the center of all Scripture is on who Jesus so I want you to I'm gonna say it I want you to put on your Jesus glasses now okay have you done it you've got on your Jesus glasses okay and I want you to watch again go with me back again to verse chapter 3 and verse 16 now here's what's interesting Solomon is sitting on his throne he's the king he's the king and and and as a king he's sitting in judgment now that picture reminds us of our heavenly King God our Father right who sits on the throne and he also sits in judgment now please listen carefully we know that Solomon on his throne was a symbol or a type of the true king of Israel which is God our Father but I want you to notice it two women come before the king let's go away I'll try it over this side two women come before the King listen listen both claiming that the son heartburn anyway both claiming that the Sun belongs to them now if you're thinking wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute in the book of Revelation there are two women both claiming to possess the Son of God you are dead on you've got these two women but we know that only one possesses the Sun only one really has the time how many of you are glad to be a seventh-day Adventist today amen but you know what we're not going there today because if you look carefully at the story the two women are in one house so we're not going to be talking about the woman of Revelation chapter 17 today we're going to be talking about those in God's house you see beloved in God's house there are two types of people those who claim to have Jesus and those who really have him are you with me so far now listen I know the story says that both were harlots and there are two things to consider here number one there is some talk that the that the word harlot is a mistranslation it actually means innkeeper so that these were both innkeepers that's one possibility the other thing is that is this that regardless if they were both harlots one of them is telling the truth and one is lying and by the way all of us have fallen short of the glory of God amen so that the point is that in this story one of these women represents the truth one represents error and so how the Soliman decide how does Solomon what is Solomon looking for to determine who really possesses the challenge first of all any shudders before we even go further I want to notice this how did the woman who lost her child lose her child she slept on him she slept on him beloved listen to me don't sleep on Jesus don't sleep on Jesus because in a moment of negligence you can lose the Sun the woman was careless in her relationship with that child and so in the same way when we are careless my relationship with Jesus we run the risk of losing him so what what Solomon is after is this it's very simple who loves the child the best that's what he was after you see when the woman whose child it really was when she saw that song was number divided the child she was look she said London of them gonna give her the child do you know she was doing she was sacrificing herself that the son may lean she would rather because look if you sit before the King and put on a show like that and then was like okay I was lying she didn't say I was lying but in her actions she was she was willing to rather look guilty and have the son live and you know what I don't know but but you'd lie before the king and then get caught there were going to be some consequences this woman was willing to suffer the consequences rather than hurt the child do you want to know if you really have Jesus very simple would you rather deny self than hurt the child you see when we are faced with a decision to sin you know that sin hurts the child so when we sin we're saying look my will and let the child suffer the true woman beloved was willing to sacrifice herself was willing to look guilty and in fact when she was doing that she was taking upon the very attributes of Jesus Christ himself who did no sin but suffered on our behalf all right what about the frost woman the frost woman was content to kill the child the frost woman let me say this way was content to divide the body the false woman would have her will regardless of the body be divided over it would have her will over the unity of the body beloved do you realize that when we sin we cause division in the body of Christ so the true woman pay out sacrificed myself the false woman was content let me put it this way the false woman was content with half of Jesus beloved you cannot have half of Jesus you must have all of him or you have none of him at all so many of us will say hey half of Jesus and half of the world half of Jesus and a half of pride half of Jesus and half of anger no it doesn't work like that either you have the Sun or you do not have the Sun the Bible tells us very plainly that Christ is not dividing so what is it that made the woman the true woman are be willing to sacrifice herself for the child why was she willing to do that can someone help me out here because of what because of love okay because of love so so what does that mean because of love like why did she love the child because it was hers okay let's let's biologically explain that a little bit more what do you mean it was hers it was part of her she gave birth to it in other words the child had been formed within that's right I decided the child had been formed within and when the child is formed within you have a relationship with that child that you cannot have with any other child are you catching this Belov it in the same way we are told that Christ must be formed within you see love it when Christ is formed within it's no longer your mother's Jesus or your father's Jesus or your premise Jesus are your pastors Jesus he becomes your Jesus and when he is your Jesus you have a different relationship with him than when it was someone else's Jesus now how many of you how many mothers do we have in here mothers you remember when you gave birth to your first child okay may I ask you a question how many of you before you gave birth to your first child remember this experience you remember seeing other people's children born and you thought to yourself how ugly remember that and the parents were sitting there like oh this is the most beautiful thing and you were like that thing looks like an old man ugly I'm never having kids you remember that and you weren't being whatever you were just like man this kid is genuinely ugly where do they get this from right and then something happened then you had your child and do you remember how without being biased your child just happen to be the best-looking child that ever graced the planet humor humor I mean you want to be in by so let's just fight man look at this child could be a model you know Gerber baby definitely right because it was your child in fact you know you you probably remember that the days you you know you would look at other people's kids in church and say control your child this is the house of God then you had your child and your little child was you know doing is oh and you think everybody's doing the same with you and they're like control you're right when it's your child you have a different relationship then you could have with someone else's child it's the same with Jesus beloved when he is your Jesus you have a different relationship with him than when it is your mother's or anyone else's Jesus Jesus must be yours so Solomon is in a pickle what is he going to do and you know what he decides he says bring me bring me a sword you see the sword is going to determine who really possesses the child Wow hard burn yet bring me a sword so beloved listen Solomon brings a sword and it's an illustration to us it's an illustration to us that that that it is true by the Word of God the Bible says the Word of God is quick powerful sharper than any one two-edged sword dividing asunder it is the word of God and how we respond to it that determines our connection with Jesus Christ you see beloved God gave the same test to the children of Israel in the Old Testament he said to them I'm gonna rain manna down six days and remember one of the manna represent the Word of God I'm gonna rain Nana down for you six days and on the seventh and on a six-hour raid on arraigned on a double porch and now remember when God hadn't led the children of Israel out of Egypt they were the Bible says they complained that they were hungry this was right there next to the sixteen they complained they were hungry they were starving and my question to you is why would God allow them to get to the place where they were starving because he was trying to prepare them for a heavenly diet okay I can't rephrase that the children as you were left Egypt they were used to the diet of Egypt and the best way to get hungry for something the best way to desire something is to not eat so god cuts off their diet their their bad diet so that when he rains bread down from heaven they are hungry for AIDS they never listen to me in this in the same way God desires us if you are not hungry for the word of God it's probably because you're eating the diet of Egypt come to Sabbath school uh-huh no I'm full had too much to eat already this week we easily get filled with the Word of God why because we've been eating so much of the world during the week check it out the the children of Israel when a God rained manna down for them day one they were excited yes manna no no yes day two mana yes couple days later Nana yes a couple of weeks later man more it got to the place where the Bible said they loathed them the bread that God gave them from heaven beloved how many of us respond like that to the word Jesus God said in Exodus 16 I'm gonna prove them whether they were walk in my law by how they react to the manner it's the same thing it's the same principle beloved how we react to this word how we let this word cut us here are shape us mold us that reveals our relationship with Jesus Christ you see that manna is not just the word it is also Jesus Christ himself I am the bread of life he said remember when he talked when he was giving the disciples are that last supper and he says this is my body which is why give another word for broken divided I died for you why am I willing to be divided now instead of having Christ divided because look what he did for me at the cross he divided he's already been divided I'm not gonna divide him again no no no no let me be broken this time are you following what I'm saying when Christ died for us he was broken for us divided for us and that is the reason when we look at that last supper and he says this do in remembrance of me many of us mistake that to think that every 13th Sabbath if we break bread we've done it no the breaking of the bread is a symbol of death so what he was actually saying was die in remembrance of me okay when someone curses you out in memory of me die instead of respond when someone cuts you off on the road and you want to go into road rage you can either do that and cause me to suffer or you can in remembrance of me see beloved we're breaking bread but we don't actually die where it's a counterfeit symbol it's a false sign so Jesus said something very interesting I want you to notice with me notice with me uh 1st Corinthians I believe it is 1st Corinthians chapter 11 in verse 24 in fact you know what let's just go let's go to Matthew 21 let's go over to Matthew 21 and verse 44 ok how much time do I have does anyone know 15 okay now if you want Matthew 21 and verse 44 Matthew 21 and verse 44 Jesus says this whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be what how many of you want to be broken right we fall on the stone we fall on Christ and that breaks us so I want to be broken in that way but he goes on to say but on whomsoever it shall fall it will grind him to one powder anybody want to be grinded to powder okay so there's two kinds of people here those who fall on the stone and are broken like that woman who was willing to be broken who was willing to die and those who in Pride don't humble themselves and therefore the stone will fall on them and grind them to what to powder okay I want to share some with you this is uh listen carefully this is a trivia question you ready you should know this but most people don't get it is there a story in the Bible of a man who rejected the God of heaven and had a stone fall on him and grind him to powder probably if I asked it can anyone think just if you if you think you can think of a sort of a man being grinded to powder by a stone who had rejected the God of heaven who come on now you seventh-day adventists would you just say though who the Daniel statue okay the Daniel statue is the image are they what are they what it's the image of oh come on say loud it's image of uh of a man what happens to this man what does this man do why is this man destroyed why is he destroyed because why is he destroyed because he rejects the God of heaven how is he destroyed by a stone cut out without hands okay now you're saying pastor I don't get that mean what do you mean to say listen we know that the man right represents what four kingdoms right head of gold representing one Babylon chest and arms representing meaner Persia our belly and thighs representing Greece and then legs representing Rome okay so very good these kingdoms all rejected the Messiah and therefore they fell and at the end of time the Bible says the stone is going to grind this these kingdoms to powder and so we get that as some 10 minutes amen praise the Lord right but I got a question for you could it be possible that the reason that God used a man in this picture is to show not only what happens to kingdoms that reject God but also what happens to the man that rejects God what do you think I mean think about it four kingdoms one Kingdom represented by the head one Kingdom representing represented by the arts one kingdom represented by the appetite one Kingdom represented by our path and direction in other words beloved listen to me could it be possible could it be possible that the image of Daniel - reveals what happens when God desires to be king in our minds king of our hearts king over our appetite and desire and king over our directions but we refuse him when we refuse him in our minds you see beloved listen Christ says I want to be king over the entire individual but many of us would allow Christ only to reign over certain parts of us so I accept Christ here I know the Bible but I don't accept him or I accept him in the heart I Love You Lord and I cry but I don't want to read his word or I accept him in my mind but I don't want to I don't have his desires i I don't walk in the direction that I know to be right listen beloved the Bible says clearly that a kingdom divided against shall not want stand a kingdom divided against itself shall not stand beloved listen when you don't allow the Lord to be fully formed within his mind for your mind his heart for your heart his desires for your desires his direction for your direction when you don't allow Christ to be fully within you fully formed within your kingdom is divided and the same thing that happened to that statue will happen to you do you have Jesus do you have Jesus you know what I like do you know when you get baptized you know what's happening to you the kingdoms are falling when you go down under water your kingdoms are falling you're saying Lord no longer I will no longer reign in my own mind I will no longer reign over my own heart I will no longer reign over my own desires the kingdom falls and the Bible says that the the wind came and took away all the remnants of that old man do you know what happens that baptism your kingdoms fall and the Holy Spirit comes away and takes away all the remnants of that old you that sound good but Ivan I want Jesus to be fully formed within me I want his mind to be in my mind and his heart to be my heart because when he is fully formed within it is a sign that I have been truly baptized truly born again and Christ is actually dwelling within me do you have Jesus alright I'm gonna share one more thing and then we're gonna close this up what is baptism a symbol of death burial resurrection right back to the symbol of one dying and becoming a new creation a new creature and we die by what what leads us to death the Word of God is quick powerful sharper than any two-edged sword so we die by the Word of God amen in fact jesus said he who lives by the sword must die by the sword he who lives by the sword you want to live by this you have to what died by it so now you all should remember this in the book of Revelation chapter 13 there is a power described called the Beast it comes up out of the water how many of you know who that beast is we know who how many of you don't know who that beast is okay how many of you know who that beast is okay all right so we understand that that beast receives a deadly wound right and the wound was what was healed and all the world did one wonders out is the world wandering after the Beast today yeah now how many of you are confused about how the world could possibly be wandering after the Beast today are you confused sort of I mean think about it think about what this power did during the dark ages okay now are you confused as to how the world could have forgotten about what this power did during the dark ages yeah it's a little confusing isn't it butBut I seventh-day adventists we know that we shouldn't wonder after the Beast right now why do we know that because what because of the word of God you said amen amen but I'm gonna share something with you that you may not have even realized before listen carefully the reason why the world is wandering after the Beast today is because listen carefully where does the beast rise up out of rises up out of what water now I got a question for you what what comes to mind when you hear of someone rising up out of water baptism what does baptism symbolize death burial resurrection I knew you I've been baptized hey look the old me yeah I know I used to like burn people at the stake and you know Stephanie but now I'm new I'm a new me look I'm coming up out of the water I've been baptized I died was buried and resurrected but guess what there's a problem Church because the Bible says that this power did not die it was only wounded it was wounded by the sword so we know that no matter what this beast power does it hasn't changed because it didn't really die it was only wounded many of us come to church every Sabbath the preacher preaches and the word wounds out all that hurt ooh but we don't allow the word to kill us we don't allow the word to slay us we only let it wound us and then we get healed you know the devil wants to heal don't you he's into healing he sees you about to die he's gonna call out his team and try to clear the way and resuscitate you clear Shh revive you try over the side revive you yes the Devils into revival did you know that he doesn't want you to die so he brings about all kinds of situations to revive you to bring back the old you beloved many people may be wondering after you when you haven't really changed because you haven't allowed the Word of God to slay you but nothing we have to understand when God comes again he's going to ask one simple question what have you done with my son do you really possess the child are you that woman in the story that was willing to sacrifice herself or are you the woman in the story who says my will be done and let the child suffer but I want to leave you with that very important question this morning do you have Jesus if it's your desire this morning if you want to say this morning Lord I'm not asking if you had them or you lost them or I'm just simply saying today you want to say Lord give me Jesus I'm tired of of putting on a show like that woman can you imagine the tears she was crying well the child is mine but it really wasn't not I'm tired of food putting on a performance help me Lord to be willing to give all for you to sacrifice for you that I may truly possess you please or be formed within me but I might have a relationship that that reveals that you are truly mine if that's your desire I want to ask you to stand to your feet with me Heavenly Father we need Jesus we need to have him formed within us the kingdom of our hearts the kingdom of our minds the kingdom of our appetite the kingdom of our path Lord we need to have Christ fully formed within Christ will not share he will not share a kingdom with Satan we cannot have Satan ruling over one kingdom and trying to have Christ rule over another kingdom know Christ will not be a roommate with the enemy and all we ask that you would help us to truly die to self not be like that power in Revelation which only faked death Lord we may deceive others but we cannot deceive you so teach us Lord what it means to truly die help us Lord to have the Sun formed within us that we may truly sing that song with peace give me Jesus give me Jesus and we may truly reflect that the child is formed within thank you Lord for hearing an answering our prayer this morning we pray it in the Blessed name of Jesus amen and amen thank you at this time are you are dismissed god bless you
Channel: CarolinaConfSDA
Views: 16,524
Rating: 4.7333331 out of 5
Keywords: Carolina Conference, Campmeeting, Ivor Myers
Id: 7h8b5S42qCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 3sec (3423 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 06 2015
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.