Sermon on the Mount | Ivor Myers

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I thank you for all your blessings happy Sabbath make sure you say your amens nice and loud okay it's good once again to be here with you today I pray that you're going to catch a glimpse of God's care for us this morning I've been titled the message this morning the Sermon on the Mount the Sermon on the Mount how many of you read the Sermon on the Mount before let's pray Heavenly Father we come before you today Lord seeking your face open our eyes help us to behold wondrous things out of your holy book speak to our hearts Lord draws to the cross we pray in jesus name amen the Sermon on the Mount I believe will be the most talked-about sermon throughout all of eternity in fact I believe that the Sermon on the Mount by far was Christ most powerful sermon you may have read the sermon before and found very good principles in that sermon but you're probably wondering I've read the Sermon how can that how can this sermon be the sermon that we that will be spoken about throughout all eternity likely to turn with me to the book of Matthew chapter 5 Matthew chapter 5 Matthew chapter 5 now generally when when I mentioned the title of this particular message there's a tendency to just kind of shut your minds down because I'd read this before so I'm going to invite you not to do that today amen I want to invite you to approach this parable as though you have met oh I'm sorry this this story as though you have never read it before let's begin with Matthew chapter 5 verse 1 and seeing the multitudes he went up into a mountain and when he was set his disciples came unto Him and he opened his mouth and taught them saying Matthew chapter 5 verse 1 and 2 is so rich that I can get excited right now you're saying pastor the Sermon on the Mount has not begun yet this is just the introduction and I understand that we're going to do something a little bit different this morning if you have Jesus's words and read letters just let me see your hands you have his word read letters okay so you'll know that that the Sermon on the Mount begins in what verse verse eree this is where Christ begins to what to speak okay but verse 1 says seeing the multitude he went up into them into a mountain and when he was set his disciples came unto him and he opened his mouth and taught them saying and then begins the Sermon on the Mount now I know that we said we're going to talk about the Sermon on the Mount but right now we're going to skip the entire sermon on them so let's go ahead and just roll your eyes down all the way through to Chapter five all those words are in red letters that means when you get to the end of chapter five all of that is what everyone the Sermon on the Mount you get to chapter six you'll see the red letters pick up and you go all the way through Chapter six and all of this is the Sermon on the Mount Matthew seven you go ahead and continue all the way through and when you get down to the end of the chapter you'll see there that Matthews five six and seven is all the Sermon on the Mount look how Christ ends this sermon Matthew chapter seven verse 21 he says not everyone that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven many will say to me in that day Lord Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderful works and then will I profess unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquity so Christ after he delivers the Sermon on the Mount then says not every one that one saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven not every one that's safe but he that one do with the will of my father which is in heaven so Jesus closes a Sermon on the Mount with this analogy of listen it's not about saying it's about what doing now he's about to close a Sermon on the Mount with a parable here is the parable beginning in verse 24 therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and do it them so once again it was not just about hearing and saying but doing okay who serve hears and us I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock and everyone that hear these sayings of mine and doeth them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand and the rain descended and the floods came and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell and great was the fall of it I want to suggest to you that Christ is found in this parable remember wherever we study we ought to be looking for who Jesus now where do you think Jesus is in this parable okay most of you have said the rock and absolutely Jesus himself is known as the rock but I want to suggest to you that Jesus is somewhere else in this parable Jesus I would like to suggest to you this morning is the wise man in this parable he's a pastor the wise man well how so what does that mean remember the wise man builds his house upon a rock listen go with me to the book of first Peter chapter 2 first Peter chapter 2 and let's take a look at verses 5 through 8 first Peter chapter two verses five through eight the Bible says ye also as lively stones are built up a spiritual house okay who is built up a spiritual house who we are you are lively what stones built up a spiritual house so here's a question if we are a house then who's the Builder who's the Builder Jesus Jesus is the wise man in this parable that builds his house are you with me so far in other words build his church upon a rock listen as we read on a spiritual house a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ wherefore also it is contained in Scripture behold I lay in Sion a chief Cornerstone elect precious and him that believeth on him shall not be confounded unto you therefore which believe he is precious but unto them which be disobedient the stone which the builders disallowed the same is made the head of the corner and the stone of what stumbling and a rock of offense even to them which stumble at the word being disobedient so we're told here in 2nd Peter chapter 5 that that the house or the stone rather was a stumbling block of a fence let's let's recap this the house or Christ is the wise man who builds his house or the church but the chief Cornerstone upon which the church is built is a rock of offense or stumbling to them which were disobedient now who were those that were disobedient who were those that rejected Christ it was his own people okay so we want to get a little bit more specific what is it that caused them to stumble what is it that that that that they did not accept about the Messiah go with me if you will to the book of 1st Corinthians first Corinthians chapter 1 verse 23 first Corinthians chapter 1 verse 23 the Bible says but we preach Christ what crucified unto the Jews a stumbling-block unto the Jews a stumbling-block let's put this all together Christ is the wise man who builds his house or the church upon a rock that rock that cornerstone was a stumbling block and Paul tells us that the stumbling block was Christ crucified in other words beloved Christ is the wise man who builds his house or his church upon the foundation of himself crucified are you with me so far now go with me to the book of Matthew chapter 16 Matthew chapter 16 Matthew chapter 16 we are studying the Bible this morning is that okay Matthew chapter 16 notice with me verse 16 Matthew 16 we're going to read from verse 16 to 18 this is what the Bible says here I say also unto thee thou art Peter and upon this rock now pause right here different what just happened Jesus and Peter were speaking and Peter said Jesus to Peter Peter who do you say that I am and Peter says thou are the Christ the Son of God and then Jesus says to him thou art he says I am blessed are thou simon barjona flesh and blood has not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven and I say also unto thee thou art Peter and upon this what rock I will I will build my church upon what rock the confession that Peter had just made you are the Christ Christ says upon this rock upon this confession I will build my church and the gates of what hell shall not prevail against it so our question this morning is did the church was the church actually founded upon this confession go with me to the book of Mark chapter 15 mark chapter 15 a little bit of background Jesus has just been crucified mark chapter 15 and at the cross there is a Roman soldier and I want you to notice what happens mark 15 verse 39 the Bible says and when the Centurion would stood so cried out I'm sorry when the Centurion would stood over against him saw that he so cried out and gave up the ghost or what what did he do he died he said truly this man was the son of God remember what Peter's confession was you are the Christ now watch this Jesus dies question when was Jesus's Church formed when was it birthed if you will when was a New Testament church birth where it was birthed at the cross I shared this last night do you remember how Adam received his wife how did Adam receive his wife he was put to what sleep and his side was opened up and his bride comes out of his side Jesus the second atom is put to sleep at the cross so the church his side opened up and out of his side out of his death comes the bride now this Roman centurion is the first person to make this confession upon Christ's death in other words we might say the church began with this confession now I believe this Roman centurion knew who Jesus was he had heard him speak before he had what heard him speak before I'm sure everybody had heard Jesus but but the Roman centurion was not fully convinced even though he may have or at least heard rumors of Jesus's talks it was not until the Roman centurion saw Jesus dead that he said truly this man was the son of God would you like for people to say about you truly would you like for people to say about you truly this is a man of God guess what Jesus talked the Roman centurion okay good words interesting words but not until the Roman centurion saw Jesus live out demonstrate by action okay okay so whosoever heareth these sayings of mine and doeth them I would liken him unto a wise man that built his house how many follow me Christ is the wise man that built his house upon a rock rock how not just by saying but by doing but if you want people to see you as a genuine Christian it's not enough to just talk the talk it's not enough to just to just know that the doctrines and and and know you know how to answer this question in that question you have to live what you're preaching you have to live what you're teaching you have to live what you're studying you have to you want people to really believe that you're a Christian you have to die when you die people will say truly you understand what I'm saying when self is dead people will say truly this man was the son of God do you know have you ever seen a dead person like you know on this maybe in a car accident or something and you know the ambulance comes and what do they do with that dead person before they haul them off.they they cover them don't they cover them with a white sheet anybody want to be covered in a white sheet huh but neither listen to me the white sheet is only for the day do you want Christ's righteousness he will only put it on you if you are you want to scare somebody get under a white sheet and then move do you know what people are so terrified of Christians because that's what they're seeing people who claim to be dead and are yet really what alive Christ is the wise man that builds his house upon a rock not only was that rock Christ's confession I'm sorry the confession of or his his death I should say not only was that Rock the cross the chief Cornerstone where Christ died where he built his church beloved I want you to think carefully where where did Christ died he died on a cross but where was the cross where was a placed Golgotha a place called Calvary do you know what Calvary is it's a rock in here for a moment Christ is the wise man who built his house upon the rock amen you keep going upon the rock of Calvary review and Herald June 7th 1887 she says he that is Christ laid the cornerstone upon the blood-stained rock of Calvary beloved the reason why Christ Church will stand through the rain and through the storm and through the floods is because it is built upon the death of Jesus Christ not only is the church built upon the death of Christ go with me to the book of John chapter 19 verse 41 John chapter 19 verse 41 John 19 verse 41 the Bible tells us John 19 verse 41 it says now in the place where he was crucified there was a garden and in the garden a new Sepulcher wherein was never a man yet laid where was Christ buried he was buried in a Sepulchre can anyone tell me what a Sepulcher is made out of beloved listen carefully the Church of Christ is not only built upon his death it is also built upon his burial upon this rock when I build my church and watch this the gates of hell shall not prevail against it now gates of hell pastor what are you talking about go back with me to the book of Matthew chapter 16 Matthew chapter 16 and I want you to notice something in Matthew 16 we had read this verse a little bit earlier Matthew chapter 16 beginning again with verse 16 you'll remember that Jesus tells Peter upon this rock I will build my house verse 18 rather and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it okay so he's just told him that he's going to build his house upon this rock and now listen Jesus begins to explain to Peter exactly what he's talking about notice with me verse 21 from that time forth began Jesus to show unto his disciples that he must go into Jerusalem and do what suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and then what raised again the third day so watch this Peter Jesus tells Peter Peter upon this rock I'm going to build my house and then he says listen let me tell you plainly I'm going to die at Calvary that's where I'm going to build my house he tells Peter this and then Peter turns around and says to him far be it from thee o Lord you will not surely die in other words what Peter was ignorant ly saying was Christ no don't build your church Christ said I'm going to build my church is going to be built upon my death and burial and I'll be raised again the third day Jesus says far be it from you to die now what does Jesus respond to Peter how did he know it was sea demon was sitting tall Eve in the garden you shall not surely die but love it listen very carefully any time you hear a voice telling you that you don't have to die live a little have some fun why crucify self you know who it is speaking Amen but Jesus says the gates of Hell shall not do what prevail against it go with me to the book of Matthew 27 verse 65 Matthew 27 verse 65 Matthew 27 verse 65 something interesting here is happening Jesus is dead he's buried the Jews come to Pilate and say Pilate listen verse 63 we remember that that deceiver said while he was yet alive after three days I will rise again command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day lest his disciples come by night and steal him away and send to the people he is risen from the dead so the last era shall be worse than the first Pilate said unto them you have a watch or what everyone a watch go your way and make it as short as you can so they went and made the sepulchre sure sealing the stone and setting a watch a great stone is rolled over the tomb of Jesus the stone a seal is put upon that stone and Pilate says you have a watch now what is a watch I want you to listen it is a Greek word custody' are from which we get our English word custody you know you have someone in custody you see Jesus was being held in custody you have a watch go and make it sure now the definition of the word custody which is a Roman century listen it is this a century is a soldier standing guard at a point of passage such as a gate upon this rock Peter I will build my church okay you're going to make me get excited alone by myself upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it so so please get the picture here the Roman century is now surrounding the tomb and upon the rock there is a seal now what does a seal represent a seal represents Authority amen authority and something that cannot be what changed or altered very interesting here this Romans this seal was the Roman seal but according to Bible prophecy the book of Revelation 12 speaks about the dragon who went after Jesus right and the Bible tells us that this dragon that went after Jesus or tried to destroy him but failed okay now who does the dragon represent okay in its very literal sense who was the power that went after Jesus when he was alive wrong okay so the seal represents Roman Authority but in a greater sense Rome was only a puppet of who Satan so that seal on the stone okay that seal on the stone in a greater sense symbolize whose authority Satan's authority keep him in the tomb do not let him out the Roman guards and demonic guards are standing but jesus said I will build my house upon this rock and the gates of hell now question what is hell come on seven dead minutes what is hell according to the Bible hell is the one grave so what Jesus was saying not I mean he'll will will be burning not yet but as of now hell is a grave so what Jesus was saying was the gates of that Matthew 28 verse 1 in the end of the Sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week a Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre and behold there was a great earthquake for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and let me share with you so you get the picture of what it means to sit upon the stone my older brother is six-nine he's six years older than me when I was a teenager around twelve thirteen five eight my brother was six nine back then and you know brothers get into fights and my brother would oh you just irritate me and I get meta you know he made me cry you cry I go to fight him right and these this is how our fights usually went I will be swinging and he that is his have his hand on my head and he'd be laughing and I'm just grew bitter kids you're gonna get you right and then I always say you know what when I turn like when I get 18 then I'm going to be your high two and then it's going to be on there's gonna be over I never got there but that's how far to me they he'd be laughing laughing and after a time of laughing he would then just pick me up he put me on the ground and then he'd sit on me the angel sat under the angel sat on the stone the gates of Hell shall not prevail can you imagine the cheer that must have went up when the angel not just for good measure after he rolled a stone away then shot heaven wasn't like beloved listen to me that angel seated on the stone symbolizes that the gates of hell cannot hold you what hell are you living in right now remember there was an angel seated at the storm the Church of Christ is built upon this thing the death burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ this is why the church will not fall now if you don't want to fall what do you need to be built upon you need to be standing firmly on this thing Christ crucified Christ buried Christ risen he is inviting us beloved to stand upon that rock because when we do so do you realize the reason why the Church of God is still here even though the the floods came you know when the dragon sent out the flood after the woman for 1260 years you know why she's still here despite the flood because she was built upon a rock when the rains descend when the winds are let loose when those four angels let go those four winds the Church of God will stand because it is built upon a rock now beloved in order to better understand this concept of Christ's setting free by the way when he opened the gates of Hell you know what he was doing he was setting captives free in order to understand this I want you to go with me to the Book of Daniel because this concept of the gates of Hell is actually taken from a story found in Daniel go with me to the book to the Book of Daniel chapter 5 Daniel chapter 5 Daniel chapter 5 beginning with verse 1 the Bible says Belshazzar the king made a great feast to a thousand of his lords and drank wine before the thousand Belshazzar while he tasted the wine commanded to bring the golden and silver vessels which his father Nebuchadnezzar had taken out of the temple which was in Jerusalem that the king and his princes and his wives and his concubines might drink therein then they brought the golden vessels that were taken out of the temple of the house of God which was at Jerusalem and the King and his Prince's his wives and his concubines drank in them they drank wine and praised the gods of gold silver brass iron wood and stone what's going on here Belshazzar which is the king of who of one Babylon decides that he is going to mock God and how does he mock God he takes the vessels out and parades them before his people while this is going on while they're drinking notice what happens in verse 5 in the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand and wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaster of the wall of the king's palace and the kings saw the part of the hand that wrote then the Kings countenance was changed and his thoughts troubled him so that the joints of his loins were loosed and his knees smote one against another why is this going on while Nebuchadnezzar or while Belshazzar is is having this feast Belshazzar is actually under siege how many new did you know that who was he under siege by a man by the name of Cyrus king of the medo-persian Empire remember medo-persia overthrew babylon okay so watch this Cyrus Cyrus is outside the city walls okay and and Balthazar is pretty secure because he knows that Babylon is surrounded by the river Euphrates it all it seems impregnable however the Word of God had prophesied hundreds of years earlier that Cyrus would penetrate Babylon you want to read about it let's go to the book of Isaiah 45 Isaiah 44 and 45 will go to 44 first Isaiah 44 Isaiah 44 beginning with verse 27 the Bible says here ah let's look at verse 26 that confirmed the word of his servants and preserving and performed the counsel of his messengers that save to Jerusalem thou shalt be inhabited and to the cities of Judah you shall be built and I will raise up the decayed places thereof that's saved to the deep be dry and I will dry up thy rivers that saith of Cyrus he is my shepherd and shall perform all my pleasure even saying to Jerusalem thou shalt be built and the temple thy Foundation shall be laid now get the story here okay Jerusalem Israel is being held captive by who by Babylon while they're having this feast Israelites are captive to Babylon and Belshazzar the king of Babylon but Cyrus it is prophesied that Cyrus would come and set the Israelites free so that they could return to Jerusalem and build the temple how we do this the by says he would dry up the deep are you with me so far if you're with me so far just say I'm with you because when I share this if you weren't with me you're going to be really upset that you weren't with me going to comes that Casso going to get your notes I'll give you my notes don't shut down but you're with me so so so Cyrus was going to dry up the deep meaning he was going to dry up the river euphrates do you know I actually entered into Babylon that night he took rocks that's interesting and he began to build a wall in the riverbed so it diverted the rivers and then he descended into the riverbed chapter 45 verse 1 thus saith the Lord to his anointed to Cyrus now pause right here that's kind of strange that God as he's speaking about Cyrus calls him number one his Shepherd and the number two is anointed you know the word anointed means it means Messiah how could it be that Cyrus was a type of Jesus watch this whose right hand I have Holden to subdue nations before him I will loose the loins of kings remember what happened to Belshazzar when he saw the writing on the wall his loins were loosed watch I will lose the lines of Kings to open before him the two leaved gates and the gates shall not be shut Wow what so watch this Cyrus as Belshazzar thinks he's comfortable in his impenetrable Dominion Cyrus is out Side the city walls heed averts he dries up the deep and descends into the river bed he opens up the gates and enters into Belshazzar's dominion while this is going on there is a writing on the wall Babel they can't read it no one understands it it's by the way spying on sin hand they bring in who Daniel and Daniel says this is the meaning of the of the end of the dream your kingdom is numbered has been found all weighed in the balance and is finished your kingdom is finished and so when Babylon Falls Cyrus makes a decree and the decree is found in second chronicles 36 just write it down for the sake of time second chronicles 36 verse 22 and 23 Cyrus says whosoever there be of you that will go up to build the house of the Lord go up you're now free who Belshazzar beloved is a type of who leave all of you know Balthazar is a type of Satan Belshazzar is secure in his Dominion he is safe and he decides he's going to mock God how is he gonna do it he's going to take one of the most treasured know the most treasured vessel Jesus Christ and mock him that was the line he brings him to the cross and there he is mocking Christ little does he realize watch this Christ is a type of site or Cyrus rather is a type of Christ in fact do you remember when Christ came after he came back from the wilderness and he comes and he sits in the temple and the Bible says that he opened up the the scriptures and he began to read and what did he read the Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to preach deliverance today do you know it's taken from Isaiah 60:1 do you know what Isaiah said do you know who has a sixty ones talking about Cyrus Jesus announces his mission as though he's saying Cyrus is here Here I am what is his mission it is to set the captives free so watch this while Satan is mocking Jesus he sends him Christ is being crucified outside the city walls outside the city walls Christ in his death descends descends into The Devil's Dominion opens up the gates watch this at the same time this is going on an unseen hand tears the veil in the temple listen to what we're told by the spirit of prophecy it was not the hand of the priest that rent from top to bottom the gorgeous veil that divided the holy from the most holy place it was the hand of God when Christ cried out it is finished your kingdom is numbered and finished are writing on the wall unseen hand Christ cries out it is finished an unseen hand tears the vit are you seeing this when Christ cried out it is finished the holy watcher that was an unseen guest at Belshazzar's feast she says the same hand that traced on the wall the characters that recorded Belshazzar's doom and ended the Babylonian Kingdom rent the veil of the temple from top to bottom beloved every time I study the cross I don't know about you but it makes me just fall in love with Jesus more you know like man you're my hero like Jesus that was deep I like that how you did that I mean God is so good he lays out for us the pattern of how he's going to work centuries before he does it and then when he doesn't he says I just told you I just want you to know I gave that story to you so that when I did it you could recognize that I and the Sirus of God and so Christ through his death burial and resurrection sets us free but he doesn't just set us free so that we can relax he sets us free for a very specific purpose he sets us free so that we can build and finish the temple of God why doesn't the house fall because it's built upon a rock Christ sets us free because he has something that he needs us to do I would love it I want to share this with you because when we look at Christ's example in fact do you remember what the prophecy stated about a house being rebuilt God's house being rebuilt it's found in Daniel chapter 9 you all should know this you know that 70 week prophecy remember that prophecy seventy weeks are determined upon you and your people and it's all talked about how the sanctuary was going to be what rebuilds rebuilt and ultimately cleansed I want you to notice the work that was to be done go with me to Daniel chapter 9 verse 25 you say pastor are we still talking about the Sermon on the Mount absolutely Daniel 9 verse 25 Daniel 9 Daniel 9 verse 25 the Bible says here seventy weeks are determined upon by people and upon thy holy city to finish the transgression to make an end of sins to make reconciliation for iniquity to bring in everlasting righteousness to seal up the vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks and threescore and two weeks excuse me the streets shall be built again and the wall even in troublous times please I want you to notice four things here that we just read remember Cyrus had set the people free so that they could begin the work of doing what rebuilding the temple or the house remember who is the wise man in our parable Jesus Christ Christ is a wise man that builds his what house upon a rock so listen carefully thank you there were four things that were to be done to complete the house this is absolutely not only amazing but beloved you need to pay attention because how many of you want to go home you want to go no no not home are you bored no how many of you want to go home amen but in order for us to go home the work must be finished when God's house is completed when everything it desires to be built is built what happens the Shekinah glory comes and fills the place you want this kind of glory to come we got to finish we got to be aware of the work that's going on and what needs to be done in order for it to be finished amen so so watch this there were four things to be done for the house for the building of God to be completed number one we're told that Jerusalem was to be rebuilt number two the temple itself was to be rebuilt this is not an order but Jerusalem the temple the streets and the wall repeat that with me the temple the city the street and the wall I want to share with you that Christ accomplished all of this at the cross the temple when you think of the temple what is that place the bet the most holiest place in the temple where is it it's in the most holy place there's something interesting about the most holy place that I want you to get here very quickly the most holy place he'll the throne of God and wherever the throne of God is there you have God's kingdom it represents his what authority are you Utley so for God's authority or his kingdom is wherever his throne is now you remember that Satan challenged God's what Kingdom right he challenged his authority his throne and as a result Satan was cast of heaven now God proceeds to create planet Earth and in Earth he creates a Garden of Eden and in the Garden of Eden he puts something that is the sign of his authority who knows what that thing was you got it the The Tree of Life the Tree of Life that Tree of Life represented God's authority in fact the Tree of Life we are told was in the midst of paradise are you with me so watch us wherever you find the Tree of Life or God's throne there you find paradise or God's kingdom now what Adam and Eve sinned something happened you'll remember that God curses the ground do you remember that now why did he curse the ground it's very simple the reason God cursed the ground was because he was now using the ground as a symbol of man's carnal mind and hearts you know when the Bible tells us about you know stony ground or or or you know the thorns and the thistles that began to grow out of the earth it's a representation of you know before man sinned the earth was what perfect right it was reflecting the perfect nature of God and the perfect nature of man but now when man sinned what happened the earth the ground began to grow thorns and thistles it's representative of our human hearts and our minds so the ground became cursed representing man's carnal mind God's desire therefore would be to re-establish the throne of his authority where on earth so when Jesus comes to earth his plan is to replicate is to reproduce the throne room scene remember God's throne by the way when you look to God's throne you remember that and if you look in the most holy place you have the Ark of the Covenant what was inside the Ark the law of God and what was on top of the Ark the mercy seat right and then on either side you had the covering cherubs okay so Christ's mission was to reproduce the throne room scene on earth I need to take a drink and on white tells us she says this it's interesting when Jesus was telling his disciples that he was going to set up a kingdom on earth and they were excited about that remember and or he was going to set up his kingdom the kingdom of God has come and they were excited but then Jesus turns around and says except the kernel of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone but if it die it bears much fruit and he was talking about his death and the disciples couldn't get it God how are you talking about setting up your kingdom when you're not talking about dying that doesn't make sense to me how does that add up listen to what Ellen White says review and Herald June 5 1900 I saw the results of his sacrifice Christ exclaimed now shall the Prince of this world be cast out and now if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me in the place where Satan has his seat there will I set my cross now what what does a seat represent throne Authority in the place where Satan has his throne there I'm going to set my cross he wasn't world's he talking about listen where did Jesus die place called Golgotha anyone know what the word Golgotha mean place over what skull question question think about this possible that the skull-shaped Hill of Calvary would symbolize or represent the combined human and demonic hatred against Jesus what do you think this is the place where humanity demonstrated its what hatred against Jesus she says in the place where Satan has his seeds there I will set my cross could it be that Jesus came to darkness earth to die at Calvary to redeem our carnal minds wouldn't it be nice to have the cross of Christ planted firmly in your mind you know what Christ came to do when he died he came to write his law in our one in our hearts and in our minds so picture this with me imagine that skull shape he'll Calvary imagine that's your head you got it and in your head when you look at Calvary Christ wants to write his one his law in your in your mind it's almost like your mind is to become the Ark of the Covenant now if your mind has become the Ark of the Covenant what did we find on top of the Ark do you know that when Jesus died on the cross when he was on the cross did you know that his cross had a seat okay I guess you didn't this seat is called the secular so that when I when a person is being crucified if they were just nailed to the cross they wouldn't be able to you know hold themselves they would just kind of fall the nails they would their flesh would rip and they were just fall off the cross so there had to be a seat upon which the victim sat Christ comes to reproduce the throne room scene at Calvary beloved at the cross Christ is sitting on his throne do you know what was written over his head King of the Jews Christ is seated on his throne there's a reason why the devil was trying to get him to come down Jesus knew I can't come down because I'm on my throne mercy seat Ark of the Covenant on either side of him check the sava love it in heaven there were two angels one was for God and the other turned against him so tiny you guys are kind of like zoning okay oh I just miss I'm telling you I'm telling you one was for him one was against him beloved at the cross Christ rebuilds the throne room scene he is sitting on his he's seated on his throne - one for him one against him he's wearing a crown of thorns in fact do you remember when the disciples came to Jesus and said would you grant us that we might sit on your right hand and on your left hand when you come into your kingdom and what did Jesus say to them are you sure are you sure you want to sit on my right hand and my left hand when I come into my kingdom are you sure I don't know if you know what you're asking do you see why we will be studying the cross throughout all eternity not a thief on the cross remember when you come into your kingdom I know a seventh-day adventists we have the comma comma he didn't mean today he meant in the future you'll be with me in paradise but but but could it be that when Jesus said verily verily I say unto you today remember wherever the tree of life is found wherever the tree you understand the cross is the Tree of Life wherever the tree is found there is God's paradise so Christ he sets up the paradise he sets up the kingdom right there on Calvary not only does he set up the kingdom he sets up the city Jerusalem we've already seen that because the church represents God's city doesn't it you our royal nation God wills that the temple he builds the city and not what about the streets the word is singular what is the street it provides the way eleven do you understand that at Calvary the way the truth and the life has been provided for us so watch this he builds a city he builds the temple he builds the street and now what about the walls who builds the walls who remembers that story who built the walls in Jerusalem Nehemiah remember that check this out this is do you know that Nehemiah he goes up on a wall and he begins building the wall and you know what happens the Bible says that the enemies of Jerusalem come around and they come to you Maya and they try to get Nehemiah down from the wall Nehemiah says I cannot come down because I am doing a great work do you know who Nehemiah is a type of Jesus Jesus is up in an exalted place doing a great work and by the way do you know the Bible says that they came by four times to try to get near my to come down guess how many times they try to get Jesus to come down four times here's the beautiful thing it took Nehemiah 52 days to build the wall 52 days he completed the wall in 52 days do you know that if you count from the day that Jesus went up on the cross if you count 52 days do you know what you come to you come to the day of Pentecost ever White tells us that when the Holy Spirit fell on the day of Pentecost it was like a wall of fire it took Christ 52 days to build the wall around his city beloved listen to me Christ has gone to every length to provide for you a place of safety the reason the house will not fall and those who are found in the house will not fall is because the house was built by a wise man so when the floods come when the storms are let go when all these things begin to hit us but other guess what I want to be found in that house do you remember how we began the Sermon on the Mount Matthew 5 Matthew 5 verse 1 are you ready open our eyes Lord that we may see Matthew 5 and verse 1 and seeing the multitude he went he went up into a mountain and when he was set he his disciples are you seeing something different in this verse now watch this the Bible says his disciples came unto him and he opened his mouth and taught them now watch this Jesus begins to speak he's on his arm out he begins to speak right and then he ends it by saying now it's not just about what I just said it this what I just said must be done so so get this could it be that the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew five six and seven was only a snapshot of the Sermon on the Mount of the Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 27 28 watches well I remember jesus said in sermon amount if if someone smite you on the cheek turn your other cheek and give it to them oh well he had just said that right but now on the Sermon on the Mount he demonstrates it remember he said look if you're a pray for your enemies and pray for those who despitefully use you he had just said those words in Matthew 5 but now he is actually demonstrating what he had preached in Matthew chapter 5 read the entire Sermon on the Mount Jesus demonstrates acts it out all on the Sermon on the Mount beloved do you see why I say the Sermon on the Mount will be the most talked-about sermon in all of eternity Jesus says I will liken you unto a wise man how many want to be like that wise man beloved Jesus is appealing to us today get into the house come into that place where you have a wall of protection my holy spirit where I have done the work for you come and abide there and when the winds are let loose you will be safe how many of you desire to be safe in the house of the Lord I want to make a very special appeal someone in here is outside of God's house I don't know who you are I don't know your back I don't know what it is but you are realizing today you know what I'm out doing something else I have not been drawn to the cross as I should be Lord please have mercy on me and you're deciding today you're deciding today Lord I'm coming to the cross I want to live in that wise man's house I'm tired of the winds coming and always blowing me away I'm tired of the floods always carrying me away I'm tired of Lord I want to build my house upon the sand anymore I want to build it upon the blood-stained rock of Calvary I want to start anew today there's someone here like that would you raise your hand praise God praise God God and the angels are rejoicing because today beloved you have been set free by the blood of Jesus Christ there's an angel seated on the stone that says remember you are free in my house go go and finish the work I have called you to do let us pray Heavenly Father your word is so rich your word is so powerful Lord we have seen price and him lifted on Christ and him crucified is on every page of this book teach us Lord to look for him and behold him because by beholding him we shall indeed become changed teach us Lord that it is not enough for us to simply hear your word we must not only hear we must also do further help us Lord to be found in that house and upon that rock is our prayer in Jesus name Amen for a fateful man I could have
Channel: 3AngelsSermons
Views: 33,843
Rating: 4.8504672 out of 5
Keywords: Ivor Myers, Sermon, Sermon on the Mount, Mount, Blessings, Ivor, Myers
Id: GbCzH-cUbeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 59sec (4439 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2013
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