How to Study the Bible: Access Your Photographic Memory

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know that you can hear me all right let's see hello hello all right very good so it looks like on YouTube you can see me yes just give me a yes we can see you yes we can hear you on Instagram you can see me yes give me a thumbs up or something and on Facebook all right so I have at least one person telling me they can see me they can hear me so very good hello guys and welcome welcome to photo Theology this is photo theology basic alright so basically what that means is I'm gonna be sharing principals of photo theology what most of you have been looking forward to how to study the Bible hopefully all of you been looking forward to how to study the Bible we're gonna be going through some very basic principles but these basic principles are not basic okay we're gonna get deep into the Word of God but we're just gonna move at a slower pace I have shared with you previously that I do have another class and that class is our photo theology master class this is our photo theology basic class alright so this class is only going to be about 20 minutes that's what we're where we're aiming to you know cover about a 20 minute or so period maybe a little bit longer but we're gonna be breaking down the principle of photo theology right what does it mean what does it mean to study the Bible through the use of pictures through the use of images so let me begin by asking a question and that is this how many of you would how many of you have a photographic memory just let me see by show of hands now let me ask it this way how many of you wish you a photographic memory all right I'll ask it that way how many of you wish you had a photographic memory especially when it comes to the Bible you wish you had a photographic memory I'm waiting for your response yes I wish I had a photographic memory all right okay I'm getting a lot of questions here that are that are off the topic but guys I see your questions some of you want to know about my testimony from the past maybe we'll try to set another venue for that but right now we got 20 minutes to focus on the art of Bible study okay so yes I believe that many of you wish you had a photographic memory how excited would you be if I told you that you do have a photographic memory that you can have a photographic memory all right well I am telling you that okay you can have a photographic memory when it comes to this style of Bible study in fact this very style of Bible study is totally based on having a photographic memory so that's what we're gonna focus on first initially how to exercise a photographic memory now I know what you've seen yourself right now pastor I don't have a photographic memory I want to know how to study the Bible many of you in the Facebook group in particular have been saying listen one of the issues I struggle with is how to remember things in the Bible right how to remember where I saw something how to remember this or that so many of you are struggling with memory well I want to suggest to you that you can have a photographic memory and I'm going to demonstrate to you right now that you do so watch this ready are you ready listen carefully so Moses and Aaron and her all go up to the mountaintop because at this time the children of Israel are in battle whether with an with an opposing army in the valley below and God instructs Moses right to go up to the mountaintop and as he goes up into the mountaintop God tells him Moses I want you to lift your hands and every time you lift your hands the children of Israel are going to experience victory below so Moses goes up to the mountaintop and he lifts his hands now what does he have in his hand he has a rod in his hand so his hand is connected to wood and he's got his hands lifted up and every time his hands are lifted up the children of Israel are experiencing victory below but his hands begin to get tired so what happens is Aaron stands on one side of him her stands on the other side of him and they are now holding up his hands what's going on in your mind right now I want you to think carefully Moses is on a mountaintop he is standing with his hands connected to wood his hands are elevated lifted up and on either side of him is someone holding his hand up all right how many of you realize that you just utilized photo graphic memory yeah guys I hope you're catching this what did you just do what just happened here's what just happened guys what just happened is you remembered in your mind another picture how many of you remembered another picture in your mind how many of you remember bird another photograph in your mind that reminded you of the picture I just showed you all right are you catching what just happened you just exercised what photo graphic memory let me say it this way when it comes to foil Theology photographic memory is simply remembering where you saw that picture before so some people believe you know that I have a photographic memory in one sense I do in another sense I don't write well you know you asked me to look my memory is when it comes to the Bible I have a photographic memory and it doesn't mean that I can remember you know every single verse in the Bible my photographic memory I'm sure that my photographic memory is basically understanding or looking at images in the Bible and and bringing those images together to create a picture that's what photo photo theology is that's what photographic memory is when it comes to the Bible that's the photographic memory I want to teach you how to study the Bible through the use of images through the use of pictures yes photo graphic memory all right so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna do something we're gonna do an exercise that is going to show where we are going to memorize the first 20 chapters of the book of Genesis right now okay I know what you're saying I know what you're thinking it to yourself right now that's impossible we can't do that paster you just said we're gonna be on here for about 20 minutes yes we are only gonna be on here for about 20 minutes and yes I am about to teach you how to start exercising photographic memory right I want to teach you how to begin to see the Bible in pictures how to begin to see the Bible in images now remember where we're gonna start at a very basic element because I want to share this with you with photo theology the power behind it is this the more pictures you have hanging in memories Hall the more powerful your Bible study is going to be the more pictures you can hang in memories Hall the more you can train your mind to think in images the more powerful your Bible study is gonna be so with that said we're gonna do a simple exercise today for our first class remember this is just class number one but I'm gonna teach you how to memorize the first 20 chapters of the book of Genesis we're not memorizing words what are we memorizing come on guys what are we memorizing we are memorizing pictures we are memorizing images okay so let's let's do this I want you to imagine with me a high-rise building that high-rise building has 50 floors okay tell me why does our high-rise building have 50 floors I'm gonna wait for your response yes there's a 20 second latency so I'm gonna wait for your why does our high-rise building have 50 for our Genesis high-rise building why does it have 50 floors because there are 50 you got it there are 50 chapters in the book of Genesis okay so we're not gonna memorize all 50 chapters now we're just gonna memorize 20 of those chapters and again you're saying pastor that's impossible I can't memorize anything well I'm gonna test your memory now we have 50 floors we're only gonna be using the first 20 floors okay so follow me we go onto floor one and on floor one when we walk into this this Genesis high-rise on floor 1 we are walking into the creation of planet Earth so here's what I want you to see I want you to see the the number 1 maybe on a birthday cake and that one on the birthday cake is a symbol of the creation of planet Earth right you can see the cake as like a nice round certain a circle cake a a uh however you want to envision that cake imagine that cake looking like the planet look at my planet Earth and on top of that planet Earth is the number 1 what are we going to remember from now on every time I go on floor one of my Genesis high-rise and I look at that planet Earth with the number 1 on it I'm thinking Genesis chapter 1 1 which is about the creation of the earth ok that's Genesis chapter 1 I want you to make that picture as vivid as possible alright now let's get in the elevator and we're gonna go up to floor - and on floor - when the elevator door opens what do we see we see a picture of two people who are those two people those two people are Adam and Eve very good Adam and Eve okay so we're not going to talk about birthday cakes and the Greek goddesses and all that's I'm using this as an example okay we're not talk about worshipping goddesses and you don't like the birthday-cake use something else use up high whatever you want to use okay this is just for example all right so let's let's stay focused amen alright so Genesis chapter 2 we see two people those two people are Adam and Eve and so now we know that every time we go on floor to when when the elevator door opens four four two we know that we're gonna see who they're we're gonna see a picture of Adam and Eve and we will now know that Genesis 2 focuses in on the story of Adam and Eve all right very good let's go back in the elevator and now we're gonna go to floor three floor 3 and when floor three opens up what do we see there we see the tree of the knowledge of good and evil but I want you to see that tree in the shape of a three all right so three tree I want you to see that three in the shape of a tree and it's got all kinds of fruits hanging off of it you could see the fruit maybe in the shape of a three that's going to remind you that every time you open you go to floor three in your Genesis high rise that that is where the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that is where the fall of Adam and Eve is you can even imagine that as the elevators door open you see Adam and Eve falling by just falling right from the ceiling boom every time the door opens it surprises you you see them falling it just catches you off guard all the time okay do you see what we're doing we're simply using images I want you to make those images as creative as you possibly can so that you will not forget them why because a picture is worth a thousand words so floor one creation floor to Adam and Eve for three the fall of Adam and Eve okay let's go to the floor for floor four we get into the elevator and on floor on floor for when the elevated door opens what we see is a a very sad picture it's a picture of Cain killing Abel I want you to imagine maybe King uses a rock and on that rock is the number four I want you to see that number four in blood on the rock every time we go to four floor I want you to see the picture of Cain killing Abel with that rock the number four is on that rock okay here's what's what's happening guys we are using images to remember that's what I call for Jamaicans tree is easy because that's the number that we use for three yes that's a word we use for three all right so floor for Cain kills Abel all right how many of you are getting the idea of what we're doing here all right let's go to floor five floor five is the genealogy of Adam now I know what you're thinking how are we gonna remember the genealogy of Adam very simple when you open floor five I want you to imagine all right get ready for this I want you to imagine Adam in a pair of jeans yes yes yes Adam in a pair of jeans what is that going to remind you of floor five is the genealogy of Adam let's call those jeans 501 blues or whatever you want to call them but those jeans floor five when you see Adam in a pair of jeans you're gonna remember that floor five is Adam the genealogy of Adam all right guys so I know that I have latency but I'm gonna do this anyway and I'm just gonna show you how you floor five what is it very good you just said the genealogy of Adam floor for what is it very good you just said Cain killing Abel floor three what is it very good you just said the fall of Adam and Eve floor to Adam and Eve floor creation look at what we're doing we're not memorizing words we're memorizing the themes of each chapter and beloved listen to me when you're able to recall the themes of each chapter it is going to go a long way in your ability to use photo theology let's keep moving Noor sixth floor six God instructs King God instructs Noah to build an ark so I want you to see that number six and I want you to just flip that six on its side so now you have six in the shape of a ship you see that I want you to see that six in the shape of a ship so every time we go to floor 6 you remember this is where God tells Noah to build an ark all right floor six God tells Noah to build the ark floor seven floor seven is the flood now check this out guys when the elevator door opens for floor seven water just rushes in it and the water is really weird it's in the the molecule the the the water is not in an or in the normal you know it's in the shape of sevens so I want you to imagine a whole bunch of sevens just just tiny little sevens in the in the form of water just rushing into the elevator you hate floor seven why because every time the elevator door opens water just rushes in okay are you with me so far all right let's keep going floor eight what's happening in floor eighth floor eighth is where the waters recede so we like floor eight why because on floor eight when elevators door when elevator doors open the waters go back out of the waters are receding so now we know every time we think of floor seven the waters come in floor eight the waters recede all right very good let's go to floor number 9 floor number 9 floor number 9 is the rainbow the rainbow this is where God gives the rainbow to Noah as a sign so here's my question to you how can you imagine us seeing that rainbow right I want you to imagine the number 9 and I want you to think about the rainbow as the at the top of that 9 every time we get to floor number 9 what do you see you see the rainbow you see the rainbow okay it looks like I may have paused here or may have lost somebody some of you on this connection Instagram or you are you still with me just give me a thumbs up if you're still with me all right I think yeah Instagram you guys are still with me Wow I may have lost YouTube and Facebook all right Wow okay we're just gonna keep going guys I'm gonna see if far we can get our YouTube and Facebook back on live and if not then we'll just upload this Instagram over to Facebook and YouTube all right so now I'm focusing on you guys what's wrong we on we are on floor number nine floor number nine is about the rainbow all right let's keep moving remember floor 9 rainbow floor 8 what's happening to the waters you guys can answer me in real time so floor 8 the water's going what the water is receding right floor 9 am i on Facebook all right cool cool I'm not showing anything on Facebook so I'm just gonna see here all right let's see if that'll fix it okay so floor eight floor eight the waters recede floor nine is the rainbow now when we get to floor ten floor ten is the genealogy of Noah so let me ask you a question what are we gonna use for floor 10 floor 10 the genealogy of no I want you to think with me if floor five was a genealogy of Adam then all we simply gonna do is we're going to see Noah in a pair of jeans right so now Noah has his genes and these genes have ten on the back of them this lets us know these are the genes of Noah okay cool YouTube we're still there Facebook it looks like we're still there so all right that's good news that's good news okay so floor 10 genealogy of Adam floor 9 are the rainbow floor 8 there we go floor 8 what is flooring the waters recede floor 7 the waters the the flood for 6 Noah builds the arc floor 5 the genealogy of Adam floor for Cain and Abel floor 3 all right you guys catching this you guys have photographic memory it appears because you're catching this you've just memorized the first 10 chapters of the book of Genesis alright we're gonna make this quick okay we're gonna go through the next 11 for the next 10 floors and we're gonna see just how quickly we can do this okay so Genesis chapter 11 that's easy you want to know why because in Genesis when we get to the 11th floor we see the number 11 when we elevated door opens we see this huge 11 and that 11 represents a side of the Tower of Babel catch that 11 is the Tower of Babel you will never forget every time you go to the floor for a floor 11 it's the Tower of Babel and the number 11 remind you of that it's the two sides of that tower all right so let me go back because some of you are asking a question it looks like some of you miss floor three floor 5 floor 8 so floor 5 Adams genealogy we see Adam in a pair of jeans floor 3 is the fall of Adam and Eve you can either see the tree in the shape of a 3 you can see Adam and Eve falling out of that tree you're gonna remember floor 3 is Adam and Eve and floor 8 the waters are receding so floor 7 the waters flood the elevator floor 8 the waters go out of the elevator all right so floor 11 that's right Twin Towers if you want to think of it that way Deborah Twin Towers right floor 11 floor 12 is where God calls Abraham to begin his journey now we know that Abraham was old when he began his journey right so here's what I want you to do I want you to take that too and imagine it using the 1 as a walking stick alright this is Abraham beginning his journey see that 2 walking with the one as it's walking stick that's Abraham beginning his journey by the way what are we doing here I'm trying to teach you how to begin to think creatively I'm trying to teach you how to be able to think outside the box that makes sense because what you're gonna find is that God is a creative God and in order to understand him in the best way possible you have to know how to think creatively why because God is creative just look around a creation we have a creator he is creative and he made us to think creatively that's why everybody thinks better in pictures right you can remember a picture I shouldn't say everybody let me let me rephrase that right we are we are in essence created to think in pictures look at the book of Revelation look at the book of daniel it's all about pictures is all about images so the more we understand the better we under now I know we said we were only gonna spend 20 minutes but you know what I know just imagine that technical difficulty we were having just erase that time and so we're really at like 24 25 minutes okay let me keep moving so there are Genesis chapter 12 is God is Abraham beginning his journey Genesis chapter 13 now I want you to see this okay okay Genesis chapter 13 I want you to see that one and that three separating when an elevator door open imagine one on one side of the elevator door three on the other side of the elevator door and they're splitting why are we seeing that because it's in this chapter that Abraham and lot separates Abraham and lot separate that is true we are quarantined are on lockdown so I don't think anyone is going to work or anything else like that still not trying to you know impede on your time but I'm just saying all right so the one in the three Abraham and lot what separate very good when we get in our elevator and go back or go up to floor 14 what do you think we're gonna see if Abraham and lots separated on floor 13 what happens in the very next chapter Abraham delivers lot they are in a sense reunited you can either see that one in that four closing or you can imagine that one as Abraham and that four as lot and imagine the one grabbing the four and running leading the for Abraham delivers lot what are we doing we're simply using images - remember the themes of the Bible now watch this we're gonna do this backwards so what's on floor 15 I'm sorry floor 14 on floor 14 what do we have abraham delivers lot what's on floor 13 I'm imagining by faith and you're getting this yes yes yes that's right Abraham and lot separate what about floor 12 yes yes yes you got it floor 12 is Abraham begins his journey what about floor 11 wow man you guys are doing really good floor 11 is the Tower of Babel what about floor 10 yeah that really crazy picture of Noah in a pair of jeans the genealogy of Noah what about floor 9 yes yes yes you got it remember inside the 9 is that rainbow right what about floor 8 yes the waters what are the happy waters doing they're going back floor 7 yes you open that elevator door and the water floods in that's the flood floor 6 that 6 turned on its side Noah builds the ark floor 5 yes yes yes the genealogy of Adam floor 4 you get this you see what you guys are doing you guys have just memorized the first 14 chapters of the book of Genesis you have photographic memory Wow look at that okay we got six more chapters to do and then we're going to close it out and your assignment I'm going to give you your assignment after we finish these last six chapters so let's go to chapter 15 in Chapter 15 this is where God gives the promise to Abraham so I want you to imagine the 1 and the 5 like shaking hands every time you go to floor 15 you see the 1 and the 5 and they're shaking hands you're gonna remember chapter 15 is the covenant chapter 15 is the covenant okay what about chapter 16 what happens in chapter 16 chapter 16 is the story of Hagar and Ishmael now I ask you a question how old do you think what is the age of Israel what do you think the scholars believe was the age of Ishmael when this whole thing happened where he had to leave yeah yep floor what what floor we on floor 16 scholars believe that Ishmael was roughly around 16 so we're just gonna go and see he could have been 17 could it but we're gonna go with 16 so now every time I get to floor 16 I'm seeing Ishmael that 16 year old right when maybe he's got a you know a shirt on saying hey I'm 16 today who knows what a 16 and Ishmael that's the connection I want you to make all right now chapter 17 is gonna be a painful chapter chapter 17 is gonna be a painful chapter why because chapter 17 is the circumcision of Abraham so I know it's gonna be painful that I just want you to imagine that 7 as a pair of scissors you'll never forget for 17 is about the circumcision of Abraham and his household so chapter 17 the circumcision chapter 16 Ishmael chapter 15 the promise chapter 14 Abraham and lot abraham delivers law chapter 13 abraham a lot separate chapter 12 the call of Abraham Abraham begins his journey chapter 11 the Tower of Babel look at this man I'm so proud of you guys right now you guys are doing so good I'm saying that by faith because there's a 20 second latency but I believe that you guys are following perfectly along and check this out guys do this a couple of days and you will have Genesis 1 to 20 down down someone says to you hey where is the Tower of Babel and you'll be able to respond or that's Genesis 11 oh hey where did where was Abraham circumcised again oh that's Genesis chapter 17 hey where's the genealogy of Adam oh that's chapter chapter 5 what about the genealogy of Noah oh that's chapter 10 beloved this helps to build a confidence in the Word of God that you may not have had before alright come on let's keep moving we just got I like what you're doing Richard I like those pictures amen alright so let's go to chapter 18 in chapter 18 we only got three charges left guys in chapter 18 Abraham or God visits Abraham I wanted to imagine the top part of that eight coming down and connecting with the lower part of the eight so the top circle comes down and connects with the with the bottom circle what you have happening here is God coming down to visit Abraham alright you follow that God coming down to visit Abraham that's chapter 18 in chapter 19 this is where Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed by fire so check this out this time in the night when you get the floor 19 when the elevator door opens up fire you see fire all across that floor you are watching the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by the way on each floor you should see that floor as like a movie theater or actually the real thing imagine you are really their floor 19 you are at the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and you can't wait for that elevator door to close fast enough in other words I want you to experience what you are seeing on that floor because when you experience it those images are actually being written in your mind and that's what I want for you I want the pitch these pictures to be written on your mind so if I say hey Genesis 3 you automatically know fall of Adam and Eve Genesis 7 flood Genesis 15 the promise Genesis 18 God visits Abraham Genesis 19 destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah alright last chapter guys Genesis chapter 20 Genesis chapter 20 is where Abraham lies to Abimelech about his wife so very simple I just want you to see that 0 lying on its side 2 and the 0 is lying on its side Abraham lies and when Abraham lies he's a big 0 got that Abraham lies to Abimelech and when he lies he gets no points for that that's a big 0 so then here's what I want you to do I'm not gonna say anything I'm just going to go I'm gonna start from the top and see how what you guys do ok so floor 1 I'm gonna give you five seconds for each floor floor one floor to excellent floor three yes yes yes you got it you got it you are doing good floor four mm-hmm mm-hmm good good floor five yes yes yes yes those jeans mm-hmm floor six Wow see and you guys are talking about you don't have a good memory you don't have a photographic memory what you got a photographic memory man you got a photographic memory that's powerful all right floor seven yes yes yes you got it floor eight yep spot-on guy's floor 9 yeah yep floor 9 you are getting it very good floor 10 mm-hmm halfway there guys floor 11 good good good floor 12 excellent North 13 perfect perfect perfect perfect floor 14 yep yep got that floor 15 mm-hmm floor 16 floor 17 I hope you guys are glad that you are are on this class right now because you're doing something that you thought you'd never be able to do which is to memorize the first 20 chapters of the book of Genesis in roughly about 15 or 20 minutes okay Noor 18 floor 19 and finally floor 20 all right guys you got this you got this now here's what I'm gonna ask you to do because we have been going through these floors at a Believe It or Not at a very slow pace so what I want you to do is I want you to practice going up each floor and getting it to where you are only spending like two or three seconds on each floor Genesis one creation okay Genesis 2 Adam and Eve Genesis 3 the fall Genesis 4 Cain and Abel Genesis 5 Adam our genealogy of Adam Genesis 6 the the Noah bells the our Genesis 7 the Genesis 8 the waters recede Genesis 9 the rainbow Genesis 10 genealogy of Noah Genesis 11 the Tower of Babel Genesis 12 Abraham begins his journey Genesis 13 Abraham and lot separate Genesis 14 Abraham delivers a lot Genesis 15 the the promise Genesis chapter 16 Ishmael and Hagar Genesis chapter 17 circumcision Genesis chapter 18 God visits Abraham Genesis chapter 19 the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah Genesis chapter 20 a brand lies to Abimelech I want you to see how fast you can go up the floor and then I want you to reverse it and see how fast you can go down the floors so I want you to start from floor 20 and go backwards Genesis 28 ham falls Genesis 19 the destruction of sodom and gomorrah Genesis 18 God visits Abraham Genesis 17 the circumcision dennis is 16 ishmael you get the idea i want you to see how fast you can get from floor 22 floor 1 now after you practice that i want you to start skipping floors i want you to go from floor one to floor five to floor eight to floor 17 to floor 20 back down to floor 6 to floor - and then floor 9 I want you to mix it up why because I want to be able to say to you hey Genesis chapter 11 and you don't have to think about what floors before it or what floors after it you can just say yep that's the flood yes yes yes it's a challenge so I'm putting out this challenge to my class right now all 86 of you on Facebook all I can't even tell all hundred and 25 on you of you on our YouTube and all I can't even see how many of you on Instagram but yeah this is a challenge ok this is your homework assignment for the next week I just want you to get Genesis chapter 1 to 20 down so that you can repeat in under a minute maybe under 30 seconds maybe under 20 seconds so we're gonna end class here guys and here's what I'd like you to do I would like you if you would be so kind as to create a video of yourself and if you're in a Facebook group post it in the Facebook group if you're my YouTube page hmm maybe I'm gonna give you my hmm we'll figure it out I want you to email me if you're on youtube if you're on my YouTube page or you know what you could just put it up on put it up under under the link of this particular class okay and if your my Instagram same thing I want you guys to take this challenge I want you to spend the next week you guys listen to me I guarantee you if you take five minutes a day to do this by next week you'll be doing it in your sleep I promise you this is just 20 chapters and I promise you as well that you can actually go on and finish the rest of the book of Genesis and get all 50 chapters down like this I promise you in fact I have Genesis all written out where you can actually do the whole book of Genesis and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna place that that graph that chart if you will up on my YouTube page up on the Facebook page I'll post it here for Instagram as well and I want to challenge you guys you don't have to do all 50 chapters I want you to focus on the first 20 chapters because this class were taking slow this is not much photo theology master class that's another class this is the photo theology basic class all right so are you up for the challenge I'm gonna assume that everybody is saying yes because I know there's a 20 second latency but I'm assume that everybody's seen yes you guys the blessing of doing this is very simple once you can begin to learn how to store images in your mind your photographic memory is going to become very very effective and efficient why because it's easy for us to remember pictures it's easy for us to remember images and when you begin to apply this method to Bible study it's gonna take your Bible is gonna blow your Bible study out the water it's gonna just take it off the charts alright that's it guys my twenty minutes is done I promise you that next week really really really will be twenty minutes I promise you I'm gonna have someone standing like right by my side and if I go over twenty minutes they're just gonna shut the video off and we will be done okay because I want to make this in bite-size snippets for you so that you can digest what we are learning okay guys listen invite other people to this class I know we have a waiting list on our Facebook page of like I don't know like a couple hundred people let me just mention something very quickly if you're going to invite people to the Facebook group don't do a mass invite because we want people in the class who want to be in the class so we don't want to you know have people what about doing the class so again we just want people who are interested in learning how to study the Bible better for themselves how to understand the art of photo theology so if you're going to invite people make sure they fill out the questionnaire three questions simple questions and then they'll be they'll be invited into the group and with that guys we're going to go ahead and close god bless you as I mentioned earlier I will put the Genesis pdf up on on the page so look out for that so our next class will be next Tuesday 4:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time this video will be uploaded to YouTube as well as to Facebook the Facebook group not my Facebook page but the Facebook group so if anyone missed it you'll be able to catch us okay all right guys with that said god bless you and I will see you next week until then peace you
Channel: Power of the Lamb
Views: 26,203
Rating: 4.9177489 out of 5
Keywords: PhotoTheology, photographic memory, ivor myers, how to study the bible, how I study my bible, bible study, how to study your bible, in-depth bible study how to, how to in-depth study the bible, scripture memorization, how to memorize bible verses, bible memory, tips and tricks, bible memory expert
Id: a61KJrjWMrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 45sec (2865 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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