3. Tuesday - Power Hour - Ivor Myers - CM2018

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[Music] well good afternoon everyone it is good to be here with you I'm a little bit jet-lagged coming from California we got up at 3 o'clock this morning and could not go back to sleep and like I don't know what what's the matter with the Sun over here but it you know Rises very early and I think it was 9 o'clock last night we were walking back and we were like wait a minute it's 9 o'clock and the Sun has not set so anyway we are trying to kind of get on this schedule here so anyway we are glad to be here and I believe that God has a blessing in store for us throughout this week so did you bring your Bibles very good because we are going to be using them and we have we're gonna pray that the Lord will do something mighty here throughout this week amen all right so with that let's go ahead and jump right in I'm gonna have a quick word of Prayer and then we'll begin that's pray Heavenly Father we want to ask in a special way that you would speak to us Lord Father than you would open our eyes that you would give us understanding thank you Lord for what you will do because we pray this in Jesus name Amen all right um turn with me in your Bibles if you have them if you if you don't have your Bibles and you have a cell phone please you use that Revelation chapter 10 revelation chapter 10 and we're going to look at verses 9 and 10 Revelation chapter 10 John here is is in vision and he is speaking with an angel and the Bible says in verse 9 Revelation chapter 10 verse 9 and I went on to the angel and said unto him give me the little book now let me give you a little bit of context here the angel has just told him that this book that he sees in the hand of the angel he is to take and to eat it he used to take and to eat it so the Bible says now John goes to the angel takes the book says give me the little book and he said unto me take eat take and eat it up and it shall make thy belly bitter but it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey and I took the little book out of the Angels hand and ate it up and it wasn't my mouth sweet as what honey and as soon as I had eaten it my belly was bitter and he stood and said unto me thou must prophesy again before many peoples and nations and tongues and kings so I have a question for you how many of you like sweet stuff okay if I told you that I'm gonna give you something to eat and it's going to make your belly bitter how many of you would eat it right that would be a big turn-off wouldn't it you were like I don't want to eat that because you just told me it's gonna make my belly bitter but let me suggest something to you John the reason he takes this book is because God is telling him look it's gonna be bitter in your belly but it's going to be sweet in your mouth and I want to suggest to you that it was the sweetness of the book that even led John to the risk of having a bitter experience that does that make sense in other words let me speck and refreeze it what is the book that the angel holes it's actually the Bible and the Bible is a sweet thing it should be so sweet to us that we are willing to experience bitter things in order to get the sweet thing amen so let me even say this week what keeps us when times get hard you know anyone ever have like bitter times what keeps us when times get hard it's the sweetness of the word of God the Word of God is designed to keep us in hard times to keep us when things get bitter alright I'm setting the foundation here did the disciples have a bitter experience yeah you know what that bitter experience was what was a bitter experience at a cyber fan the death of Jesus that was pretty bitter would you agree come back with me let's look at that story Luke chapter 24 Luke chapter 24 Luke chapter 24 you know Jesus said man shall not live by bread alone but by every what word that proceeds out of the mouth of God the Bible says in psalms 119:105 I words to my to my taste yay sweeter than honey to my mouth the Word of God is to be like honey to us amen wow that Amen sounded really really weak the Word of God is to be like honey to us amen amen amen so look at what happens here in Luke chapter 24 the disciples have have just experienced something very bitter it is the death of Jesus Luke 24 and I want you to notice verse 13 Luke 24 verse 13 the Bible says and behold two of them went that same day to a village called Emmaus which was from Jerusalem about threescore furlongs and they talked of all these things which had happened and it came to pass that while they commune together and reasoned Jesus himself drew near and went with them but their eyes were Holden that they should walk should not what know him all right so catch this okay are the disciples discouraged have they just had a bitter experience okay and so now you got two of these disciples they're walking on the road to this road to emmaus and then the Bible says that Jesus draws near but they don't know it's him their eyes were holding so that they could not recognize him and so Jesus asked them hey what is this they defragment verse 17 it says something to them what manner of communication are these that you have one to another as you walk and are sad and one of them whose name was Cleophas answering said unto him are there only a stranger in Jerusalem and has not know the things which are come to pass there in these days and he said unto them what things and they begin to tell Jesus all the reasons they have to be discouraged have a question for you have you ever told Jesus all the reasons that you have to be discouraged have you ever gone down the list if anyone had a reason to be discouraged who was it these disciples who had just lost the one that they thought was the Savior and so they're going on and telling Jesus all these things remember they do not know it's him now notice with me verse 25 then he that is Jesus said unto them all fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken are not Christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself okay just pause for a moment how many of you have ever lost a loved one and in that moment of losing that loved one the last thing that you would probably want someone to do for you is to give you a Bible study I want you to think about this Jesus wants his disciples to be happy is that right because that Jesus always wants us to be happy amen he wants us to be to be peaceful he wants us to have a surety he wants us to be joyous so if you let's say that you had somehow died and then by a miracle came back to life you know that your family is discard your friends are sad because they're like you know our beloved is gone you know if you came back to life what's what's the first thing you would do some of you having like really bad thoughts right now all right but think about it what would you do you knew your mom your dad your your spouse your son your daughter was mourning you what would you do you would simply say hey guys look stop Mourning Here I am Jesus doesn't do that he gives them a Bible study you all don't look excited he gives them a Bible study I mean think about that now let me read on because notice what it says here verse verse 27 beginning at Moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them and all the Scriptures the things concerning himself stop for a second have you ever like been studying the Bible and you suddenly see something that you never saw before how that make you feel were you kind of like wow yeah was it kind of like that experience of whoa eyes so I just discovered something I have never seen before and this is like mind-blowing listen how much would you give how much would you have given to be at that Bible study where Jesus is going back into the Old Testament and beginning to break down the scriptures familiar verses and texts that they had read maybe dozens and dozens of times where Jesus is now saying hey guess what this was talking about the Messiah and this was talking about the Messiah and they're having these aha moments remember they are depressed because the one whom they believed was a messiah was dead and here comes this man giving them a Bible study and I want you to notice the response check this out in in verse 28 it says and as they June died and went into the village whither they went he made as though he would have gone further but they constrained him saying abide with us for it is toward evening and the day is far spent and he went in to tarry with them and it came to pass as he sat at meat with he took bread and blessed it and brake it and gave to them and their eyes were what opened and they knew him and he vanished out of their sight when did they recognize Jesus when he what when he broke what when he broke bread when he broke bread when he when he broke bread when he broke bread it was in the breaking of bread that their eyes were open and they saw Jesus now what was the response notice what it says next verse 31 verse 32 and they said one to another did not our heart burn within us while he talked with us by the way and while he opened to us the scriptures let me ask again how many of you ever lost a loved one when you lose a loved one is there anything that is can you think of anything that would make your heart burn in that moment I can't think of much but this Bible study was so deep that the disciples momentarily forgot their sorrows think about that think about that what kind of Bible study months that have been if Jesus goes back into the Old Testament and begins to break down scriptures and begins to say hey listen this was talking about me you know what let me tell you I believe that Jesus is all over the Scriptures no I mean I believe that Jesus is all over the scriptures yeah you still don't look convinced I believe that Jesus is all over the scriptures if you go back to Genesis chapter 1 the Bible tells you you need you don't need to turn here we'll just just just listen the Bible tells us that in the beginning God created a havn't in the earth and the earth was without form and void and darkness upon the face of the deep and then God said what let there be light do you know that Jesus is the light of the world you know on day 2 when God brings water to prominence do you know that Jesus is called the water of life on day 3 the Bible says check this out on day 3 the Bible says that the first fruits came up out of the ground on day 3 let me rephrase it on the third day the first fruits came up don't make me get excited all by myself up in this place right now on day 3 the the first fruits on the third day the first fruits came up out of the ground you realize that Jesus Christ is the firstfruits who was raised out of the ground on the third day on day four the Bible talks about the son of the son come into existence you realize that Jesus Christ is the Sun of righteousness on day five the Bible says he created the fish and the birds you realize Jesus said follow me and I will make you fishers of men on day 6 the Bible says that God created man in His image you realize that Jesus Christ is the image of his father and on day 7 the Bible says that God rested jesus said come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest in other words beloved in just Genesis 1 & 2 alone you find Jesus and pictures of him all through this all through those two chapters we can go back let's go let's go back and do this again the Bible tells us that Jesus is the center of all scriptures the Bible says search the Scriptures for these are they which do what testify of me every time you read the Bible guess who you should be looking for Jesus you should be looking for Jesus because when you look for Jesus what happens that your heart begins to burn when you find him so how many of you want heartburn that's what the gospel does it sets the heart on fire so I want you to check this out because we're going somewhere with this and believe it or not I'm just setting the foundation right now because what I'm gonna show you I'm gonna show you who you are and I'm gonna show you what your mission is of God's people and I'm gonna show you why it is so important that you understand the message that God has given us for such a time as this but come let me show you some more things real quick and that is this honey anyone did anyone have any honey just now this is honey right if this is the Word of God the Word of God is sweet to the taste and when we begin to experience that sweetness let me tell you it does something that allows us to live through the bitter times in our lives amen come in Genesis chapters 1 through 5 the main character of those chapters is Adam do you realize that Jesus Christ is called a second Adam and and just as Adam himself was put to sleep and his side was opened up so that his bride came forth from his side you realized that Jesus Christ the second Adam was put to sleep on the cross and his side opened up from which came forth the New Testament church his bride the main figures are from Genesis 6 to 11 is a man named Noah Noah don't mom yes I get excited all by myself for a second Noah is a man who who was lifted up on wood above the earth in the days of Noah salvation came through wood that was lifted up above the earth you realize that Jesus Christ he's that second Noah who himself was lifted up above the earth and said I if I be lifted up I will do what draw all men unto me the next major figure in the book of Genesis is Abraham Genesis chapter 12 to 20 Abraham was sent into a strange land to a home that was not his own to be a wanderer you realize that Jesus Christ is the second Abraham who was sent out into a strange place this earth not having a home of his own after Abraham you have Genesis chapter 21 to 25 which is covering the story of Isaac and you know you know what happened with Isaac right Abraham says God tells Abraham to take your son your only son and he shows on the mountain upon which he was to be sacrificed and and and then by the grace of God you know there was a ram in the thicket but you realize that I think that Jesus Christ is that second Isaac and then you have the story of Jacob Jacob who gained the birthright over his twin brother Esau why did Esau lose the birthright he gave it up for for food he gave it up for food so you say pastor like does Jesus have a twin you heard me earlier say that Jesus is the second Adam well what happened to the first Adam he gave up his birthright over what so Jesus becomes that second Adam he becomes that Jacob if you will he is the one who regains the birthright that was lost by the first Adam and then there is Joseph who was betrayed by his own sent to prison even though he was innocent was placed between two criminals a butler and the Baker both having dreams having to do with three days you guys I'm talking about honey the Word of God is like honey it is sweet to our taste and so once we begin to realize beloved that that that our Christ is all over the scriptures it does something to help us as a church understand our identity see I want to talk to you about Joseph a little bit remember that Joseph had been how can I say this do you remember how Joseph in actuality had been sent ahead by his brothers he was sent ahead to prepare a place for them was he well he sent I had to prepare a place for his brethren yeah he was and so he goes ahead now they meant it for evil but God meant it for for good so he sent away to prepare a place for them and but then the Bible lets us know that that when the brothers finally come back to Joseph like before they could enter the place that he had prepared for them remember they wait wait they come before Joseph their brother but they do not know it is him why do they go why do they go before Joseph what were they trying to get ok give me a specific food bread ok they go looking for bread there was a famine in Atlanta is that right so they're going looking for bread and they see Joseph but they don't know it's him just like the disciples on the road to Emmaus did not know that it was Jesus so they're talking to Joe offenders I'm on but but check this on here's what I'm trying to get out before they could enter the place which Joseph had been sent ahead to prepare for them Joseph had to investigate whether they had changed or not do you catch what I'm saying so Joseph's like ok I'm gonna see how is he gonna investigate them how is he going to test whether they have changed or not you remember the story right so what happens is are Benjamin who is the youngest right he says I'm taking Benjamin and how did the how do the brothers respond mm-hmm yeah you're not that's not gonna happen take one of us you're not taking Benjamin who is Benjamin he was the youngest or the least you would say the least of the Brethren the least of his brother that's what use it okay all right so Benjamin was the least of his brethren here's what Joseph wanted to see hmm let me see how you treat the least of these my brethren because how you treat the least of these my brethren will be how you would treat me you see beloved who would have thought that in the story of Joseph you have a snapshot of the landmark doctrine of the seventh-day Adventist Church the investigative judgment who would have thought that God is trying to let us know listen guys you have not believed cunningly devised fables these stories in the Bible are given to you yes they really happened but it's not just a historical account God is trying to reaffirm your faith you know why because many of you are struggling with your faith right now you're not sure what you believe you're not even sure why you believe it you just know I'm a seventh-day adventists because I was born as such and God is trying to I believe God's trying to wake his people up because I truly believe that the end is near I believe the end is coming I've a sermon about that that's coming up so just don't don't you know think anything well we've heard that order just hold on but I want you to check this out look because there's something else about Joseph that we need to know I want you to come with me Genesis 37 we're gonna go deeper into the story of Joseph and I want you to watch this Genesis chapter 37 beginning with verse 1 and 2 when you get there say Amen Genesis 37 are you there Genesis 37 1 and 2 the Bible says and Jacob dwelt in the land wherein his father was a stranger in the land of Canaan the these are the generations of Jacob Joseph being 17 years old and feeding the flock was feeding the flock with his brethren and the lad was with the sons of Bilhah and with the sons of Zilpha his father's wives and Joseph brought unto his father their evil report now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children because he was the son of his old age and made him a coat of many colors all right how many people in this story it's Joseph and his his brothers right okay so Joseph and his brothers who is their father who's their father you think it's it's Jacob okay who are their mothers okay so did the brothers and Joseph all have the same father but but his brothers had a another mother so these were brothers from another mother but they all had the same father okay wait wait okay wait so so they all have the same father are you with me but they are brothers from another mother another mother okay all right you'll get it you'll get it alright so uh let's talk about these brothers the master question did the brothers from another mother hate Joseph they did is that right and we're gonna find the reason why they hated Joseph and it's very simple our verse for Bible says and when his brethren saw that their father loved him more than all his brethren they hated him and could not speak peaceably unto him okay let me give you two reasons right right here now the Bible says that Joseph brought the evil report against his brothers what does that mean about Joseph he was good which means what that he he was righteous and he must have what kept his father's Commandments alright so the brothers from another mother who all have the same father what a different mother hated Joseph because he kept his father's Commandments is that right okay so check this the brothers from another mother hate Joseph number one because he keeps the commandments but wait look at the next verse verse five and Joseph dreamed the dream and he told that his brethren and they hated him the more what kind of dream that Joseph dreamed how many of you remember the dream right that they were all going to come and they were going to bring their sheaves to his so they the eleven were going to bring their sees to him so what kind of dream is this what would you call this prophecy so that Joseph had the gift of prophecy okay so they hated Joseph because he kept the commandments and had the gift of prophecy look at my eyes guys look at my eyes Joseph had brothers from another mother who hated him because he kept the commandments and had the spirit of prophecy how are you feeling right now are you are you getting an idea of your identity okay they also hated him because it appeared that the father liked him more than the others like he was the favorite so verse 12 after he has dreamed the dreams the dreams the Bible says and his brethren went to feed their father's flock and check him and Israel said unto Joseph do not thy brethren pheeba flock in Shechem come and I will send thee unto them and he said to him here am I so watch this the father is concerned about the brothers from another mother because he loves them you guys look like you're following me yep see you're going like this like mmm I like that he loves the brothers from another mother like the brothers got it all countries they think oh you know what like Joseph I mean Jacob really likes Joseph he doesn't really like us he doesn't care about but that's not true in fact the father loved the brothers so much that he was willing to send Joseph whom he loved to check on them because he wanted to see about their welfare he loved them but they didn't understand that so anyway the father says Joseph I am calling you to go check on your brothers from another mother anybody's heart feeling hot like heartburn I'm calling you to check on your brothers from another mother so so so this demonstrates so the father's love for the brothers from another mother but but when the brothers from and by the way he he's you know gives Joseph like you know go check on them he wants to make sure that they're doing what they're supposed to be doing but when Joseph gets there you know the story right they're not doing what the father had called them to do Jana you're not feeling here they're not doing what the father had called them to do and when they see Joseph they're like oh here comes that dreamer here comes the one who thinks that that he's so because he keeps the father's commandments and he has a spirit of prophecy so you know what they decide to do they're like let's throw him in the pit let's get rid of him let's separate him from the father let's make sure he knows that he is not one of us let's get rid of him and then let's see what becomes of his prophecies can you imagine can you imagine how Joseph must have felt wait a minute you know God gave me this prophecy and now it looks like it's not going to come to pass I mean I don't even know what the dream means but how can this prophecy come to pass when I have been sold into bondage was Joseph going through a bitter time did he go through a bit of time but you know what kept him honey the Word of God to him was sure it was sweet and beloved I believe that that's what kept Joseph in his bitter times you know have you ever heard anyone laugh at the prophecies we hold of the church a Sunday law Yeah right let's see what becomes of this prophecy now can you imagine Joseph maybe downing in his own mind did God really speak to me you know did I hear right or was I just imagining things is this thing real or maybe I'm just maybe I just heard stuff maybe I was just making maybe I was just wild dreaming I don't know but if you can imagine Joseph's struggling then that's the same struggle that many of you may be going through right now why am I an Adventist yeah I hear them talking about this stuff that's gonna happen in the future but really like I don't see how that can happen can you imagine how is Joseph how are this going to happen when Joseph has and separated from his brothers maybe thinking I'm never gonna see them again can you imagine that I'm never gonna see them again so what happens Joseph is thrown into jail and while he is there God is doing something through him I don't know if you realize it or not but God is preparing Joseph for something big did you catch that he's preparing Joseph for something huge so here's what he does while Joseph has been separated from his brothers you're not one of us you're a cult I mean you're crazy let me ask a question does God do we have brothers from another mother who is that mother Revelation chapter 17 Mystery Babylon mother of harlots and abominations of the earth God says he has people in those fallen churches he says come out of her my people but guess what beloved those people are our brothers from another mother and just as Joseph love them but they hated him guess what our disposition is supposed to be towards them not haha God loves me better than you but we need to realize they are our brothers from another mother and they just don't understand the dream that God has given us that there she's y'all not feeling me man their sheaves will come before God's remnant and you see there's a reason why but before I tell you the reason why you got to understand God is preparing chosen he's got to make sure that Joseph is the man for the job so you know what happens was with Joe Joseph while he's separated from his brothers number one he is overcoming a strange woman okay he is overcoming a strange woman in other words Joseph is is through the power and grace of God is showing is overcoming as God desires us to overcome so he's overcoming strange women but there's something else he's doing and this is where there's where I need you to focus in now okay so just like lock everything out and you need to hear this clearly Joseph has another dream and I'm sorry Pharaoh has a dream what does he dream remember the the fat cows and the skinny cows and the fat stalks and the skinny stalks right and then he doesn't understand the dream so then someone tells him hey Joseph dreams dreams so pharoah's Joseph is brought before the Pharaoh and then Joseph tells the Pharaoh this is what the dream means a famine is coming so Pharaoh's like what are we gonna do and Joseph says well what you need to do is start to gather gather bread so while Joseph has been separated from his brothers he's doing two things he's overcoming a strange woman and he's gathering bread okay I'll just go ahead and get excited by myself - he is gathering bread wait a minute pastor why is he gathering bread oh wait a minute oh yeah because a famine is coming and when the famine comes his brothers from another mother will have one place only that they can go you guys you are Joseph okay I will try it again you you you are Joseph you see beloved the Bible says behold a famine is coming not of bread nor of water but of hearing the Word of God we know a feminist coming and if we know that a feminist coming guess what we ought to be doing before the famine hates you guys Joseph was not gathering bread for himself he was gathering bread because he knew a much greater responsibility rested on his shoulders if I don't gather bread thousands will die you see we look at our salvation and we look at it just as that our salvation why am i studying for myself why am i reading the Bible for myself because I'm trying to and I'm trying to listen God has called you because you are the only ones that will be able to reach the brothers from another mother but how can you reach the brothers from another mother if you're not gathering bread when the time of famine has not yet come if we're not gathering bread now listen when the famine hits it'll be too late to gather bread so God says now is the time now is the time he needs to be gathering bread now sweet bread honey bread bread that will grant heartburn because when when the famine hits our brothers from another mother gonna be like wait a minute this doesn't make sense and and yeah yeah this doesn't make sense no we want the truth and where can we go to get the truth and God's gonna bring them to us can you imagine the brothers coming to Egypt and Joseph light well let me ask my pastor if there's any bread many of us have this disposition that I'll let my pastor you know the deep stuff and all that you know lets someone else and you know we'll just like you know be happy and you love jesus yeah great you're good to go beloved that's not it I mean loving Jesus is more than just a verbal confession I love Jesus there's more loving Jesus is like it's it's loving his word you see God wants us to to get into his word because the image of God is revealed in this book amen Jesus Christ is on every page of this book and Christ is the image of God and how do we why does Jesus want us to be in the word because by beholding we become changed so if I want my face to shine with the image and the glory of God then my face needs to be in this book my face needs to be in this book so face book face book and when when this becomes my face book God will hit like so but now that God is trying to tell us this and you you need to become like me and so what was he doing with Joseph in order for Joseph to be prepared to give bread he had to take Joseph through this experience that was just like his so Joseph as I said earlier between two criminals in jail being put in jail knowing knowing he was innocent and yet he was put in jail Joseph went through all these experiences that were a reflection of the very experience of Jesus Christ himself that's what God's trying to do with us because when we start to take this bread and make it our own beloved we begin to change into that image we begin to become his likeness it is your responsibility to gather bread let that sink in for a moment it is your responsibility to gather bread not for yourself but for others who will come seeking it and when you do that in a selfless way I'm telling you you begin to be transformed without even realizing it God is calling his people to get deep into the Word of God like if you were put on trial right now and someone said explain to me the 2300 day prophecy explain to me the state of the Dead explain to me what happens when Jesus comes again would you be able to on your own do that and beloved that's the elementary stuff because heaven access to heaven is not based on a written exam really you could know these prophecies you could know the Bible you could know it backward and forward and still be lost because Satan knows the Bible better than many of us so it's not just a matter of head knowledge okay I know the Word of God so I'm good to go know what you see what you read what you study must transform and become part of your character okay so does anyone know how honey is made remember when God rained manna down from heaven remember how the children of Israel described the manner they said it tastes like what honey honey the manna tasted like honey what is the manna symbolic of the Word of God how many of you want to get honey out of the Word of God okay let me tell you how you get honey just let me see anyone here knows how you get honey okay let me tell you so [Music] honey comes from nectar bees they will go and you know pollinate the the flowers and a certain at a certain time because a time comes when the flowers die and they can't do their thing with the flowers so what they do is they will gather nectar now nectar is like eighty percent water it's it's it's a very diluted form of sugar so what the bees do is they will take in the nectar and when they take it in they after they take it in they regurgitate it I know who they regurgitate it and that process actually evaporates some of the water out of the nectar then they'll take it in again and then they'll and they keep doing this every time they do it the nectar the water in the nectar evaporates until you get honey so you eat and then you regurgitate you don't just stop there you take it in again and then you regurgitate and the more you take it in and read so you eat and hey guess what right and then she's like and then you know you're back and forth you know and and the more you share the more you share the more you digest the more you guess what you get honey no but never listen to me on the surface its nectar and that's what many of us are used to nectar the problem is nectar is not a good source of energy you get weak really quick and when you get weak really quick then you get tired and when you're tired and you're sitting and listening to a sermon you're listen to a sermon like this amen because so if you want energy like energy energy you know like come on energy like like did you hear this energy like let me go tell someone about this energy if you want energy you need honey but in order to get honey you have to go below the surface you take a text and you read that text and then you think okay I got it and you move on all you've gotten is nectar God wants us to take that text and eat it over and over and over and over and over until we find the honey and beloved let me tell you something when you start finding a honey in the Word of God your heart begins to burn when you start finding honey in the Word of God you begin to realize your identity your mission and when you have a mission identity you're no longer just oh I'm you know maintaining my church well no no you have a mission you know what's coming and you are moved with a passion that you did not have before and not is what God is calling you are Joseph and the world they don't know it now but they are depending upon you to be gathering bread for them when they're gonna need it how does that make you feel how does that make you feel so whatever listen to me we're gonna be covering a lot over these next few days we're gonna be getting we're gonna be honey izing the Word of God it just made that other but but I'm going I want to I want you to understand that I believe the time of passively listening to the Word of God like it's it has to be over now like we've got to come to the place where we say all right enough enough is enough like Lord take me deeper into your word I want a deeper experience with you through your word through the Holy Spirit I want my face in this book I want to be transformed into your image into your likeness like we cannot keep doing Church as usual and expect a different result right you cannot keep thinking you know what so I'm a young adult you know young adults are not supposed to know the Bible the old adults are supposed to know the Bible so we're just gonna kind of have our fun now and you know it's just the expect no no longer settle for nectar no longer settle for nectar demand honey I want honey not nectar I need energy from a make it through this thing I need the pure Word of God so here's my appeal it's very simple Lord I accept my mission as Joseph you understand what I mean when I say that I accept my missions I didn't know before I didn't and and check this out I was even doubting like you know this doctrine of the investigative judgment and and and us as God's remnant endtime people but now you're seeing look God gave us the shadow of it in the very story of Joseph that's not a coincidence that's not just happenstance that's that that that's not just a chance thing God is showing you look I was thinking of you when this book was written can you imagine that God's saying I know the thoughts that I think towards you God saying I knew you before you were born God is saying look I'm showing you your history I'm showing you your future in the history of the Bible and so today you're saying all right Lord I accept my mission as Joseph I'm gonna start gathering bread I'm gonna start taking the Word of God more seriously than I've ever taken it before I am going to start gathering bread so that when that time comes that you send my neighbor to me that you send my brother from another mother to me that you by the way does the Bible say if your enemy hunger do you see what God is doing he's telling us to prepare bread for our enemies the very ones that that Sainz gonna try to use to persecute God's people to denounce your faith he said I want you to gather bread for them why because in doing that you will be children of your heavenly father what good is it if you love those that love you but I would imagine that now your Bible study is motivated by love for those who hate you how much closer can you get to the character of Christ than that Wow so if that's your desire you're saying today Lord make me a Joseph make me a Joseph take me through the training get my mind to where you need it to be because I want to be used and that way because that is your desire for me if that should is I'm gonna ask you to stand to your feet where you are and I want to have a very special prayer a consecration prayer that the Lord will use you for this purpose Heavenly Father Lord your people stand before you today acknowledging that you have called us for a very special purpose not because you love us more than others but because you love others you have called us Lord you are sending us to check on your sons and Lord though they are brothers from another mother we love them as you love them now Lord we're asking some of us do not know how to gather honey we do we haven't practiced but Lord we're asking over these next few days and over the next few weeks and months you will help us to know how to gather bread to store it up for the time of famine teach us Lord we stand here before you today giving ourselves to you Lord we thank you for your mercy towards us we thank you Lord for your patience with us forgive us Lord for taking the bread for granted now though it use us as our prayer you see everyone standing here Lord you see those who have made a decision in their hearts please Lord honor those decisions and grant us the honey this we pray in jesus name amen and amen you may be seated [Music] you [Music]
Channel: SECmedia
Views: 2,720
Rating: 4.8518519 out of 5
Id: 3ZlaJKvUKss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 17sec (3317 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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