6. Wednesday - Power Hour - Ivor Myers - CM2018

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all right I think someone left their phone up here okay uh good afternoon everyone how are you all doing good okay do you have your Bibles with you all right very good because as I stated yesterday we are going to get into the Word of God again today we're going to be tasting some honey amen and we're gonna be talking about some important things so let's get prepared and ask the Lord to guide us as we begin to open up the Word of God today okay so let's have a word of Prayer and then we'll begin Heavenly Father we come before you at this time Lord asking that you would please speak to us Lord that you would empower us that you would open our eyes Lord that you would give us understanding and make those things which appear hard to understand make them easy to understand Lord and father above all may we see Christ today this is our prayer in Jesus name Amen amen okay so before we begin I'm going to give you your I'm gonna give you some information that you're going to need to comprehend for this message so let me ask you a question how many of you have ever heard of the 70 week prophecy let me see your hands if you've heard of the 70 week prophecy if you have not heard of the 70 prophecy let me see your hands okay nice and high you have not heard of it okay the twelve hundred and sixty year prophecy if you've heard of that prophecy let me see your hands if you have not heard of it let me see your hands okay and finally the twenty three they prophesy if you have heard of that prophecy let me see your hands if you have not heard of it let me see your hands okay so we have it looks like here a mixed crowd I am going to be sharing some things with you that by the way adventism is based on those three prophecies so remember how we talked about Joseph yesterday and an understanding our gathering the bread for others in time of need as a seventh-day Adventist you must can you guys say that work with me ready 1 2 3 must understand those three time prophecies by the way those time prophecies are all found in the Book of Daniel ok so I'm gonna give you like a little cheat sheet so you'll be able to automatically know what these numbers represent I'm just gonna kind of like juice it down for you and give you what you need to know okay so the 70 week prophecy is found in Daniel chapter 9 and that prophecy was basically God telling the children of Israel that in 70 weeks now how many of you know the principle of a day for a year right and Bible prophecy one day equals a year so the 70 weeks would actually be for 70 weeks times seven days seven days in a week which would be four hundred and ninety days which would really be 490 years very good so this prophecy basically stated that if you were to count 490 years from a certain time period Jesus Christ would appear okay so that prophecy basically pointed to the coming the first coming of Jesus Christ so if I said to you hey guys 70 week prophecy what's that about you would say it is a prophecy concerning the coming of Jesus Christ amen now you got that let me see your hands if you if you are confident that you have that 70 prophecy what is it about first coming of Jesus amen it is a prophecy of Jesus coming to this earth as a man him going through his life his his trials his temptations his death his burial his resurrection and basically what God was telling Israel was if you don't accept the Messiah when he comes you will be cut off and I will raise up a new people in your place and that new people would would represent the Gentiles that's how you and I right became eligible if you will to receive salvation so the 70 week prophecy was pointing to Jesus coming and if the Jews accepted him good if they rejected him they would be what everyone cut off and a new people would take their place that would be the Gentiles okay so that's the 70 week prophecy now how many of you have heard of the 70 week prophecy can I see your hands have you heard of the sudden you prophecy if you understand the 70 prophecy can I see your hands very good I like this we got a good traffic all right so the twelve hundred and sixty now this prophesy 1260 days would really be twelve hundred and sixty years now this prophecy is also found in the Book of Daniel and in this prophecy what you have happening is this power called the little horn how many of you ever heard of the little horn otherwise known as the papal power that would think to change times and laws this is what occurred during the dark ages so which comes first the seventy weeks or the 1260 70 weeks alright seventy weeks coming of Christ 1260 is the dark ages that was a time that the church was undergoing great persecution and then the last of these three prophecies is the 2300 day prophecy that's the prophecy that states on to 2300 days then shall the sanctuary be cleansed very good so you have heard of it and very simply the 2300 day prophecy points to to this thing called the cleansing of the sanctuary and basically it it announced the judgment the final phase of God's work before the Second Coming are you with me so how many prophecies between the first coming of Christ and the second coming of Christ 3 there is the 70 weeks and then the 1260 and then the 2300 all right one more time 70 12 23 all right how many do you think you got that huh okay you're gonna get it be confident let's begin we're gonna go to the Book of Daniel and you'll remember you'll remember that we learned in the Bible yesterday that Jesus is the center of all the scriptures amen we're gonna go to the Book of Daniel so when you get there same end Daniel chapter 1 and here's what we gonna do now I'm going to take you through the entire Book of Daniel don't don't get nervous we're going to juice down the Book of Daniel I'm going to show you something quite amazing so let's see if you can help me here how many chapters in the Book of Daniel 12 chapters okay let's begin with chapter number 1 and that we're not reading through the entire book we're just summarizing each chapter in Daniel chapter 1 who knows what happens there what do you have happening in Daniel chapter 1 okay so Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego refused to eat the Kings meat you remember that story all right are you sure you remember that story okay now in that story right remember Daniel has been taken captive he's been taken from his homeland and he is brought into Babylonian captivity let me ask a question did Israel rebel against God is that why they ended up in Babylonian captivity did Daniel rebel against God alright so watch this are you ready are you ready are you ready for some honey watch watch watch watch okay Daniel is a man whom the Bible has no recorded sin about there's no sin there's no recorded sin of Daniel and yet Daniel is taken captive with his people and taken to a strange land Daniel who did no wrong it's taken and sent to a strange land as as a brother to those suffering with him even though he did no wrong does that sound familiar to you that sound like someone else who does it sound like Jesus all right what is Daniels first test in this strange land appetites like that oh that all means honey very interesting Daniel's first temptation Daniel chapter 1 is over appetite what was Christ's first temptation in the wilderness appetite very good let's go to Daniel chapter 2 in Daniel chapter 2 there is a dream of a man that man represents a kingdom is that right how many of you familiar with that with that with that dream then we can ever had a head of gold chest on the silver a billion dollars of brass legs of iron toes of iron and clay and this man represents a kingdom is that correct and what happens to this man he gets struck how how is he destroyed by a stone that is dashed against his foot so here you have a man representing a kingdom who falls by a stone being dashed against his foot a stone being dashed against his foot a stone being dashed against his foot here you have a man the Bible says pride goes before this and a haughty spirit before far let me ask you a question the second temptation of Jesus Christ what did Lucifer say to him throw yourself down you will not surely do what - your foot against the Sun was he trying to get Jesus was he trying to test Jesus on pride hey if you're the Son of God throw yourself down you won't get hurt you will not surely dash your foot against a stone let me ask another question what happens in Daniel chapter three coomer knows what happens in Daniel chapter three an image is set up and they command everyone to do what bow down before the image okay Daniel chapter one appetite Daniel chapter two your stole your foot being dashed against a stone Daniel chapter three bow down bow down what was Christ third temptation bow down okay who would have thought that Daniel chapter one two and three were a foreshadow of the life of Christ but wait there's more what happens in Daniel chapter four Daniel chapter 4 all right for the sake of time I'm gonna help you in Daniel chapter four Nebuchadnezzar has a dream of a great tree whose branches reach out into the heavens and all the birds of the air flock unto these branches now in this dream the tree represented Nebuchadnezzar and his kingdom and and that tree was a symbol of a kingdom and then God says cut that tree down right because Nebuchadnezzar thought that his kingdom would last forever but God was saying no no no your kingdom is not the king that's gonna last forever there's another tree coming okay there's another tree that's gonna be planted there's another tree Jesus said remember when Jesus were giving this parable and he said the kingdom of heaven is like a tree whose branches reach out into the heavens that tree is none other than the tree of Calvary it is Christ's death that established the kingdom of heaven amen he died on a tree for our sins so Daniel chapter 4 wow you have a foreshadow or a shadow of the coming tree or the coming kingdom that will be set up by Jesus Christ death alright Daniel chapter five Daniel chapter five who knows what happens in Daniel chapter five let me help you in Daniel chapter five Babylon is about to fall you remember the story of the handwriting on the wall right and our Belshazzar his kingdom he's you know king of Babylon he thinks his kingdom is secure and he doesn't know that outside of his kingdom is a man by the name of Cyrus anyone know this history alright I'm gonna tell you in case you don't know so Cyrus has besieged Babylon but but Babylon is so fortified that they think there's no way we're gonna fall so here's what happens Cyrus or this handwriting appears on the wall while Belshazzar is drinking and having this feast and the writing says your kingdom is numbered and finished your Kingdom is numbered and what everyone finished I'll check this out why did Babylon fall that night what did Cyrus do Cyrus the river Euphrates basically surrounded Babylon what Cyrus did was he dried up the river dried up the deep the Bible calls it and he descended into the river bed he and his army and they discovered that the gates of Babylon had been left unlocked so he opened the gates Cyrus descended into the deep Jana feeling he opened the gates in order to set the captives okay all right all right all right what's 3/8 a minute Daniel chapter 1 first temptation of Christ Daniel chapter 2 second temptation of Christ Daniel chapter 3 third temptation of Christ the beginning of his ministry Daniel chapter 4 Christ's death Daniel chapter 5 Christ Barry descended into the deep if we're right about this we might expect Daniel chapter 6 to have something to do with I don't know maybe Christ coming out out of some place that had been sealed with a stone can someone tell me what's found in Daniel chapter 6 oh yeah that's right Daniel in the lion's den whoa whoa whoa are you serious faster yeah I'm serious I'm serious Daniel in the lion's den and check it out they put a seal on the stone did they put a seal on the stone to ensure that he would not come up out of it but yet the next morning guess what he comes up why pause for a second Daniel 1 through Daniel 6 if I were to ask you hey what time prophecy can we think about what time prophecy connects with that what would you tell me come on be confident seventy weeks what do we say the seventy prophecy was about the coming of Christ Wow look at that Daniel chapter one through six who would have thought that I could understand the 70 week prophecy look at my eyes okay so so that's Daniel chapter 1 through 6 now we know that after the 70 week prophecy the next prophecy is what the 1260 which would cover the Dark Ages does anyone know what Daniel chapter 7 is about Daniel chapter 7 is a chapter that introduces us to the little horn that little horn was said to rule for how long 1260 are you captain Asst Wow Daniel one through six seventy prophecy Daniel seven 1260 does anyone know what's found in Daniel chapter 8 Daniel chapter 8 is the Adventist chapter right that is a chapter that says unto 2300 days then shall the sanctuary be cleansed in other words beloved what we have here is Daniel 1 through 6 tells us about the 70 weeks Daniel 7 about the 1260 and from Daniel 8 all the way to Daniel 12 were looking at the 12 the 2300 day prophecy with the conclusion check this out Daniel 12 says and at that time shall Michael stand up who is Michael so what we have here is Daniel 1 and in a sense points us to the first coming of Christ Daniel 12 the second coming of Christ and in between you have what three prophecies alright we just juice the Book of Daniel how do you feel we just went through the entire Book of Daniel yeah honey heartburn sweet alright we're gonna do it again because I need to show you something else The Book of Daniel the highlight of the Book of Daniel is the investigative judgment right that's the final prophecy the 2500 a prophecy how many of you ever heard of the investigative judgment how many they have not heard of the investigative judgment okay so some of you have some of you haven't the investigative judgment is simply I'm going to just say this way it is the 2300 day prophecy it is a prophecy in which God investigates his people so the question is who is going to pass that investigation that's not like a fair question because we're living in that time how many of you want to pass that investigation yeah when you pass that investigation that means says you are fit for the kingdom of heaven so watch this let's go back to the Book of Daniel we're gonna juice it a second time and then we're going to begin the sermon Daniel chapter one who is the king who is the King Nebuchadnezzar and what is he trying to do he's trying to get Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego to do what eat his meat and drink his wine so who is a king Nebuchadnezzar who is it the king of Babylon so what kind of meat is it what meat what Kingdom doesn't meet belong to Babylon so it's Babylon meat and it's the wine of Babylon okay wait wait wait here you have Daniel Shadrach Meshach and Abednego a remnant out of Israel who in Daniel chapter 1 what do they do do they take the wine of Babylon or do they avoid it so they reject let me at the end of time will there be a people who stand firm and refuse to drink the wine of Babylon yes what happens in Daniel chapter 2 in Daniel chapter 2 you have the image set up right and in the image Babylon medo-persia Greece Rome the four kingdoms right Nebuchadnezzar does not understand the dream but who understands it Daniel so watch this only those who avoid the wine of Babylon will be able will be ten times wiser they are the ones that will be able to understand the prophetic message and what message did they did they give to Nebuchadnezzar what do they tell them about Babylon Babylon is gonna fall I should just get excited belong at the end of time the people who reject the wine of Babylon they're the ones that would be ten times wider wiser they will give the message to Babylon that Babylon is what fallen as a result Babylon will set up an image and command all to do what bow down when they do this Daniel chapter four their sins will have reached unto heaven like that tree and when that happens Daniel chapter five Babylon will fall in fact I got to go back to this do you remember when Jesus was on the cross and he cried out it is finished remember what was written on the walls of Babylon your kingdom is numbered and Ellen White tells us that the same hand that wrote it is finished on the wall is the same hand that rent the veil in the temple from top to bottom when Jesus cried out it is finished but wait Daniel chapter 5 Oh Daniel chapter 6 what happens in Daniel chapter 6 a death decree is issued against though against he who refused to break God's law okay a death decree is issued against Daniel who refuse to break you member that story that's why you're stoning lines then so let me ask you will a death decree be issued against God's people who refuse to break his law you guys check this out your identity is found in the Book of Daniel we're talking about identity and knowing who you are if you don't know who you are you don't know what your mission is do you where there is no vision the people perish in other words beloved listen to me the judgment the judgment the 2300 day prophecy leads us to the judgment right and in Revelation challenged how many veteran of the three angels messages right that's what that's the judgment message that message began to go to the whole world at the end of the 2300 day prophecy beginning in 1840 1844 so God is trying to tell us listen I'm trying to show you through the Book of Daniel who my people are I'm trying to show you how they're going to stand but now what he's gonna show us is who will be able to stand because that's what we want to know who will be able to stand and listen to me the basis of the judgment is very simple it's one thing okay remember the seventy prophecy we talked about alright we're gonna we're gonna make this super personal the 70 prophecy is about Christ's coming to his temple the first time is that right yeah now check this out did you know that the Bible says that you are the Temple of the Holy Ghost so watch this how many of you accepted Christ in your life you know what that means you are a 70 weaker okay you didn't catch that so I try it on this side if Christ has come to your temple that makes you a 70 how many 70 weekers do we have in here did you accept Christ has Christ coming to your temple when you accept Christ in your life in the literal Christ literally comes to earth he literally comes to his temple but in the spiritual when Christ comes into your heart the 70 week prophecy has been fulfilled in you every time a person gives their life to Christ they become a 70 weaker now we're happy about being 70 weekers right we're like man praise God nothing's gonna go bad from here not realizing that following the 70 weeks comes a 12 how many of you go into a 1260 right now look at that you're talking to me now this is Bible math right you you you you you give your life to Christ and 70 weeks yes I've got Christ willing in me but you don't many of fail to realize that following the seventy comes a 1260 where Satan will try to come at you and will think to change times and laws will seek to persecute the Saints of the Most High he will do all these things but listen to me the Bible says that the woman's represented the church ran into the wilderness for the 1260 and God protected her there meaning beloved God can protect you through your 1260 and the good news is it doesn't end that 1260 because the final prophecy is the 2300 which says on 223 in two days then shall the sanctuary you are the sanctuary that God is trying to cleanse alright if you follow me so far just say Amen so check this out our mission at seventy weekers is to bring people who are not seventy weekers to become seventy weekers did you catch that just not every time you win someone to the Lord you make them a seventy weaker but ultimately we got to get them to become 2300 earth I just made that up 2300 us the problem is there are many people who are seventy weekers but guess what they are in the wrong 1260 okay okay they believe that God has changed times are lost they think the Sabbath has been changed and they think that when the Dead die they go straight to heaven or say that so our job is to move them out of the 1260 into the how you feeling are you following the twenty nine listen carefully the 2300 day prophecy is really it really boils down to one thing the 20 reason a prophecy proves whether you're a true 70 weaker did you really accept Jesus that's what the prophecy that's what it's all about the 23 ones are they prophesy the judgement it's really about one thing do you have Jesus listen turn with me to the book of first kings I want to share with you a story first Kings first Kings chapter 3 first Kings chapter 3 we're going to look at verse 28 first Kings chapter 3 verse 28 and the rm1 we quoted revelation 14:6 the Bible says they saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth to every nation kindred tongue and people saying with a loud voice fear God and do what give glory to him for the hour of his judgment has come check this out in first Kings chapter 3 verse 28 the Bible says this the Bible tells us and all Israel heard of the judgment which the king had judged and they feared the king for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to do judgment I've given you any context I just want to ask you a question does this verse sound similar to the verse I just quoted all Israel and we read it again all Israel heard of the judgment which the King had judged and they feared the king for they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to do judgment first angels messages fear God and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment does it sound familiar to you this sounds similar all right let me tell you about the story this story is a story of a man named Solomon Solomon is a king in this story and what I want to share with you is why does all Israel hear about this judgment and then fear the king well come back with me I will show you this notice with me first Kings 3 we're going to go back to verse we're going to go to verse verse 5 the Bible says in Gideon the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night and God said ask what I shall give thee and Solomon said thou has showed unto thy servant David my father great mercy according as he walked before the in truth and in righteousness and in uprightness of heart with thee and thou has kept for him this great kindness that thou has given him a son to sit on his throne as it is this day and now O Lord my god thou has made thy servant King instead of David my father and I am but a child I know not how to go out or come in and thy servant is in the midst of thy people which is which thou has chosen a great people that cannot be numbered nor counted for multitude give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people that I may discern between good and dad pause for a second what is Solomon asking for he's asking for wisdom to do what to discern between good and that obviously he's saying I can't do that I don't know how to read hearts is that right all right so the Bible says that God grants him this this this with this prayer and then the verse says he awakes and it was a dream so jump down with me verse verse 13 in fact verse 16 Solomon and woke and behold it was a dream and he came to Jerusalem and stood before the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord and offered a burnt offerings and offered peace offerings and made a feast to all his servants then verse 16 then stop for a second let's recap Solomon is in a dream he's praying for what wisdom to do what to discern between good and bad what is the judgment about is the judgment about separating the good from the bad yeah so the Bible says Solomon prays for wisdom and then he awaits it's a dream he goes to Jerusalem and offers up Thanksgiving and then the Bible says this word then so whatever happens happens right after he had this dream knows what happens next then came there what two women that were harlots unto the king and stood before him and the one woman said oh my lord I am this woman to honor one house and I was delivered of a child with her in the house and it came to pass the third day after that I was delivered that this woman was delivered also and we were together there was no stranger with us in the house safely - in the house and this woman's child died in the night because she overlaid it and she arose at midnight and took my son from beside me while thine handmaid slept and laid it in her bosom and laid her dead child in my bosom how many of you get what's going on here and when I arose in the morning to give my child sup behold it was dead but when I considered it in the morning behold it was not my son which I did bear and the other woman said nay but the living is my son and the dead is thy son and this said no but the dead is thy son and the living is my son thus they spake before the king then said the king the one said this is my son that liveth and thy son is dead the other saved name but thy son is the dead and my son is the living and the King said bring me a sword and they brought a sword before the king and the King said divide the living child in two and give half to the one and half to the other Wow check this out guys Solomon asked for wisdom now when God grants in wisdom is he then the wisest man that's ever lived yes and check this out when the women come to him is he the wisest man that's ever lived these two women both claim that the that the child belongs to them and one of them is putting on such a powerful performance that Solomon in all his wisdom that God has given and given him cannot discern between who is telling the truth and who is lying and so he says bring me a sword divide the child then a Bible says the mother whose child was said known in know why they divide the child but give her the child and the false mother said yea divide the child and then Solomon said okay now I know whose child it is give her the top and then the Bible says and all Israel heard this judgment now you say pastor why this story check this out whenever you see me do this just prepare okay Solomon Solomon is sitting on a throne as if in judgment kind of reminds me of God who sits on the throne in judgment and here you have two women two women in the Bible in prophecy what do women represent churches two churches coming before God check this out both claiming that the son something here that the son belongs to them Wow are there two women found in the book of Revelation yes one is a true church and one is the false church aren't you glad you're part of the true church but don't get too glad yet because in this story both women are in one house so we're not talking about we're leaving Mystery Babylon out of this sermon we're just talking about God's house because in God's house guess what there are two types of Christians one who claims one who truly has the child but the other who is just pretending so so now we get a picture because remember in the judgement God is separating the wheat from the tear and for us it's hard to tell the difference between wheat and tear so so so what happens is we gotta find some things out so first of all are you know in this story the Bible says that both women were harlots some people believe that this is a mistranslation that they were actually innkeeper innkeepers but let's say there were harlots all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God amen but in this story one of these women is genuine and the other is false so the question the question for Solomon is really very very simple he wants to know one thing and that thing is this well first of all check this out how did the how did the mother lose the child she slept on him she slept on him you're not feeling me man she slept on him don't sleep on Jesus don't sleep on Jesus because if you sleep on Jesus you will lose him you will wake up without him kind of reminds me of the ten virgins don't sleep don't sleep on Jesus so one woman stepped on Jesus lost them and now she's trying to pretend that G that the son I should say is hers but the question Solomon wants to know is really very simple he wants to know who loves the child the best that's what he's trying to figure out because who loves the child the best will be that will prove who the true mother is so so when he's talking about harming the child the true mother check this out the true mother said give her the child now that's that's kind of crazy because in essence what she was doing what she was taking she was willing to sacrifice herself that the child should not be hurt did you catch that but love it every time we sin we are crucifying Jesus if you really have Jesus you would rather suffer then cause Jesus to suffer is that right the true mother said in fact when the true mother said give her the child she was actually taking on the attributes of Christ because she was in essence saying okay I'm gonna take on the role of the guilty one even though I'm not guilty that's exactly what Jesus did for us that was a question who love the child the best the false mother was willing and she was willing to have half they'll ever listen to me you can't have half of Jesus you cannot take half of many of us want half of Jesus and half of the world Jesus on Sabbath the world every other day of the week so it's not even even a half and a half we want 1/7 of Jesus you can't divide the child even you have all of Jesus or you have none of Jesus remember windows though those are the seven sons of sceva went in to throw that demon and they women did and they went in there bold we command thee in the name of Jesus whom Paul preaches wait a minute they were preaching jesus's Paul it wasn't there Jesus it was Paul's Jesus and when the demons you know they're doing their thing and actin all crazy and then they'd the guys the guys are like we command thee and they stop there's like the scariest verse in the Bible to me they stopped and they were like wait a minute Jesus we know Paul we know yeah mm-hmm but I didn't get your name what was it and the Bible says the demons jump out of the man and jumped on to these seven sons and like touring the tour they're cold they ran out the house screaming let me ask you a question do you want Satan to know who you are do you want say to some of your life beloved if Satan knows who you are it's because jesus knows who you are it's true yeah yeah yeah you you need Satan to know your name because Satan doesn't know your name it means you're not making noise means you're not doing you're not doing you're not you haven't been brought to his attention so so so Solomon was like okay who loves a child the best now that's a question why did the true mother love the child the best see see what she said she birthed them so what does that mean she birthed him I mean so the child came out of her yes so the child she had a special bond or a special relationship because the child had been I don't know formed within the child was special to her because the child had been formed within her let me ask you a question it does the Bible tell us that Christ should be formed within us listen to me when you become parents for those of you if your parents already when you become parents when I tell you something right now when the child is born you look at that child and you say ugliest thing I've ever seen in my life it looks like an old man while the mothers while the mother is look at her child like it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and you're like in your mind you don't say it out loud but in your mind you're like what is wrong with you it's not your child but when you have your first child you're gonna be like this is the most beautiful child I've ever seen in my life and others would be looking at you like what's the matter with you when it's your child you have a relationship with that child that you could not have with anyone else am i telling the truth when it's your child waddling down the church aisle you're like he's so cute but remember like a year ago before you had that child and someone else's child wallet you control your child this is the house of God right you remember that the holiness when it's your child beloved you have a different relationship we talked about relationships this morning it's a different relationship when it is part of you Jesus must be formed within so that's your identity when Jesus is in you he becomes your identity check this out guys wait wait wait how did Solomon determine who the true mother was he said bring me bring me a sword you know what I've learned in Adventism that silence is the new excitement everywhere I go this is all over adventism it's a given rule boom let me be silent with you right now bring me a sword the sword determine who really possess the child how do you react to the word of God that's what he wants that's what he does bring this or the sword of the word of God is quick powerful sharper than any what - as its sword dividing asunder how do you react to the word of God when a word of God is preached are you like hmm are you like this is honey because we love and listen to me the Word of God is designed to open up open you up to God you see when we realize that Jesus was wounded for us when we realize the sword fell upon him for us we will never want the sword to follow him again so we say not let it fall on us no I'll be broken fat do you remember um Solomon well let me go back you remember David his father remember how David did that really crazy thing and slept with Bathsheba and then the Bible says that he had her husband killed you remember that and and I mean that was wicked wasn't it and then he thought he got away with it and then the Prophet Nathan comes to him and says you know gives me this story about this man who had one little lamb and then the other man who had all this stuff and the man had all stuff killed the man's one little lamb and David was enraged and he was like he should die he should die and then Nathan says you are the man and then David repents praise God David repents amen he saved good story powerful story God is merciful amen except remember David was spared but the child that Bathsheba was pregnant with died now you say nah nah nah messed up story but hold on see we don't know who this child was of Bathsheba all we know is that it was a male child so check this out the son of David who had done no wrong beloved Jesus is all over the scriptures he is everywhere and once we start asking Lord give me honey get set my heart on fire show me your word open the Word of God to me bring the sword to me I'm telling you the Word of God will change your life because you'll begin to see dimensions of God that you have never seen before the son of David having done no wrong died so that David might live you see beloved the judgment it's all about this one thing has Jesus been formed within that's it are you really a 70 weaker or are you just plain you see beloved God when this is exactly how God tested the children of Israel he gave them manna nobody gave a manna in the wilderness the the Word of God the sword of God it represents the Word of God as well as Jesus so he gave him bread in the wilderness and the Bible says that he wanted to test them to see if he would walk in their laws or not so God tested Old Testament Israel by the word Nana honey and check this out the Bible says that arm you know they would uh when God first rained manna down on them they were excited manna because they were hungry why do you think God I let them go hungry let me tell you something the best way to get hungry this is deep the best way to get hungry is to not eat why did God allow the children of Israel to go hungry because he wanted to prepare them to appreciate manner many of us don't appreciate the Word of God because we've been eating all week we've been eating the diet of Egypt all week so when we get to church on sabbath sign no Sabbath school no I couldn't I'm full temperance you know we fail ourselves up with the things of this world so that we don't have space for the Word of God you want to get hungry stop eating and then the Word of God will become like manna to you okay I gotta close can I get can I get tell me how much time can I get just tell me just everyone tell them no pressure no it's skating three minutes three minutes so that's now you know in Adventism we do prophetic time let me try to close with this and and there's a lot I'm about to show you in in three minutes but I'm gonna try to do it jesus said we have two options we can fall on the stone and be broken because he was already broken for us or the stone will fall on us and we will be broken there's a story in the Bible of a stone falling on a man and that man being broken that story is found in Daniel chapter 2 remember the image head of gold chest arms of silver belly and thighs of brass legs of iron toes of iron and clay these represented different kingdoms and these kingdoms all were against God and that's why they fell but it's that this I want you to check this out because this image was the image of a man image of what every one man so could God not only have been showing us what happens to the nations that reject him but also what happens to the man that rejects him check this out guys you see this statue that there was a kingdom of represented by the head here was a kingdom here was a kingdom here was a kingdom here was a kingdom check this out guys every one of you have kingdoms within you watch this a kingdom divided against itself you know what God's trying to do he's trying to overtake your kingdoms his mind becomes your mind his heart becomes your heart his appetite and desires become your appetite and his direction and path becomes your direction and path what he's trying to do is he's trying to bring down the old kingdom and raise up a new kingdom but but for many of us we have Christ here oh I know the Word of God but we don't have them here all we have them here I love you but we don't have them here or we won't walk in the way that he's told us to walk so what happens is our kingdom is divided against itself and a kingdom divided against itself will not stand listen beloved when the kingdom Falls you know what baptism is it's the fall of your kingdoms baptism is the fall of your kingdoms and you come up a new creation alright one more minute listen listen in the book of Revelation there is a beast that has a deadly wound and the deadly wound is healed and all the world wondered after the Beast is that right we know that we should not wonder after the Beast is that correct why shouldn't we wonder after the Beast let me tell you why the world wonders after the Beast for one reason we know better here's why the pieces seem coming up out of the water the NASA question guys think with me we're gonna wrap this up thing with me what is the symbol of someone coming up out of water its baptism what does that what does baptism mean a new creation you died and you came back a new creation guys check this out the world wonders after the Beast because it appears that the Beast had been baptized never feeling the old man you know that would look we wonder after the Beast now because though oh yeah we know what happened during the dark ages but that was the old we're new now you know that was of old us where he knew now but check this out we know better and here's why because the Bible says that the Beast was wounded when he the Beast did not die it was only wounded by what by sword in order to truly come back a new creation you have to die you can't just be wounded stop many of us come to church every Sabbath the preacher preaches with the sword and we get wounded we get cut up all oh oh oh oh that hurt oh and we're getting wounded but guess what we never die we don't allow the Word of God to put us to death see the devil is a healer he wants to heal your deadly wounds what did the pastor say oh hush don't worry you go do your thing what part will you be serious about the Word of God come on I mean you may think I know you're another convicted but come on you know what's waiting for us outside but love it Satan wants to heal your deadly wound God God is trying to put the old man to death so that he can recreate himself and his image in you my view give me Jesus give me G it's not just a song give me I want Jesus formed my his mind for my mind his heart for my heart his appetite for mine his direction for mine give me Jesus Lord I want Jesus to be formed fully within me and then I become a true 70 weaker if that's your desire Lord make me a 70 weaker made me made me to have Jesus fully dwelling in me I invite you to stand to your feet as we close in prayer Lord give me Jesus give me Jesus Heavenly Father we thank you for speaking to us again well we thank you for giving us honey today Lord we thank you for your word we thank you that we have not believed cunningly devised fables we thank you that you have put in your Bible our thousand different ways to show us who we are what our mission is and why we have been called for such a time as this Lord open our eyes open our eyes give us understanding and Lord most of all give us Jesus in his name we pray amen you
Channel: SECmedia
Views: 2,456
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: x2El39r_p9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 55sec (3595 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 27 2018
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