VFX - Avengers Infinity War Dust Effect in Blender

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in this video we're going to create this sort of effect and you can use it on any object that you want so let's get started i'm going to turn on screencast keys and overlays and i'll delete everything we've currently got in the scene so the first thing is to add your object whichever object you want i'm going to use suzanne and ctrl 2 to add some subdivisions that will create a subdivision modifier set to two levels of subdivision f3 and then type smooth and then choose shade smooth to make sure it's shaded nice and smoothly in the viewport okay and what we'll do then is add an explode modifier into the stack and if i press play now still nothing will happen so that's because it needs a particle system in order to work so into the particle tab click on plus and then press play and we're getting the particles but it's having no effect on the actual geometry and the reason is we need to move the particle settings above the explode modifier and if i press play now then it is breaking up the geometry let's hide the sphere so we can see what's happening so into the particle settings down to the render section and just change the render as from halo to none and then press play again and there we are okay so what we need to do is control the direction of the uh particles so the first thing we can do we change the gravity to maybe 0.6 so they don't fall as quickly and then we'll add a little bit of wind so shift a and then a force field and we'll choose wind and i'm going to rotate the wind on the y-axis to around about here press play and it's not really strong enough to have much of an effect so let's go into the physics tab and just turn the strength up to maybe uh something like eight i think so it's now blowing away it's the static particles are the dead particles that are left over from the modifier so if we go into the modifiers panel just make sure to uncheck dead on the explode and then it'll make sure as soon as particles are dead it doesn't show them so they'll become invisible basically okay and then under the particles they're dying a little bit too quickly so i'm going to go up to the top change the lifetime to maybe uh 100 and that'll ensure that they live a little bit longer and i also want a little bit of turbulence so there's two ways we can do it we can firstly add a turbulence force field and turn up the strength of that maybe to five give that a try so that is having an effect maybe try a little bit higher maybe 15 and that's much much better okay so what else can we do we need to increase the number of particles so let's click on this suzanne into the particle settings and we'll increase that to maybe five thousand so now we're getting a lot more particles it's also dependent on the number of subdivisions so the more subdivisions you've got it will be slower though but you'll have the opportunity to turn uh the number of particles higher but because i'm using such a small particle count there's no point in turning the viewport or subdivision up so you'll notice that it's it's quite slow and it's also quite random where the particles are breaking up from so what i want to do is i want the particles to travel in one direction uh well to break away sort of uniformly across the model so to do that i'm going to change it from a jittered distribution to a grid distribution and i'll also need to increase the resolution because now the resolution here is what controls the number of pieces so if you press play for example and you can see we're not getting many pieces at all if i increase this to 60 then we're back to having quite a large number of particles and you'll notice that we're getting a weird effect don't worry too much about that that's just because it needs to be baked in order to work properly i also find turning on invert and hexagonal grid also has a positive effect so try that now we are getting a much more realistic sort of breakaway okay and the second thing i want to look at is the speed at which suzanne disintegrates so i'm going to change that to in the particle system the lifetime and sorry the end time is how long it's going to take for all of these particles that are generated here to appear so if i have them all appear on one frame so if i change the end time to two that means it's going to start on frame one and it's going to finish generating the particles on frame two so we're going to get all of these particles in one frame let's have a look at that so that's that sort of effect and i wanted to be not quite that fast so i'm going to change this to happen over maybe 30 frames and just bear in mind as well it's only calculating at seven frames per second currently on my system so it will be a lot faster once it's cached it's a good idea to play it for a little while so it caches which is the red line at the bottom here press play and then you get a better idea of how long it's actually going to take and as i mentioned the weird uh things that we're getting over here just all you need to do to fix that is under the cache settings just click on bake this is now full speed let's just have a look at that okay so in the video that i showed at the beginning it was actually breaking up from the right hand side and in order to control that the direction in which it disintegrates all we need to do is look at how it's been generated so we're using the grid method and basically what the grid method does if i just quickly create a cube and i'll subdivide this cube maybe a few times and change that to simple i'm going to wireframe and turn off optimal display so basically we've got this grid that encompasses the geometry and each one of these cubes the grid is made up of is given a number and the number is generated depending on the direction of the object's x-axis so we'll get zero um you know zero one two three five six seven eight and it will get large until we get over this side to the number of divisions that we've got and then it will basically just finish so we'll get rid of that so in order to get the direction to change i need to change the direction of the origin so of the monkey so what i can do is i can use the options and change this to origin and then press r z 180 so that's changed the direction of the x axis to point over here so just disable that now and if i play this back i also need to make sure i get rid of the bake so into the particles delete the bake it's still not deleted the bait we've got 130 one frames in memory did it all bakes nope didn't work so what i need to do is just change one setting and then just change it back and then you can see it's breaking up from the opposite direction and again if we now bake this i'll just change it to 50 just so it bakes a little bit faster this time so bake that okay and turn the overlays off press play and now we get in so the same thing we had initially i'll just change the end time now to uh let's see where did it end around there so one three two and then we can loop it okay so thanks for watching and i'll see you next time
Channel: 3d illusions
Views: 20,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blender, blender tutorial, 3d, explode modifier, blender particles, particles, boid, wind, force fields, thanos, avengers, marvel avengers, avengers endgame, avengers infinity war, vfx, avengers vfx, dust, blender particles tutorial, blender particles simulation, beginner, blender 3d, blender 2.8, blender for beginners, learn blender, how to learn blender
Id: 6G63m1Pd0DI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 35sec (575 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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