014 m1-646 Revelation 4:1-4 05-15-2013

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it's good to be able to go through the Bible with y'all and tonight we have a great section that we begin and I love these passages of Revelation and there's a chance for us to take a little glimpse a little journey we're gonna be caught up a rapture tonight tonight is the rapture yeah you're like oh no brats naming the day or the hour no in our study verse 1 of chapter 4 we're gonna see I believe a beautiful picture of the rapture of the church you'll see what I mean as we get into this by the way the rapture itself is something that you'll hear you know there was there's always been throughout the ages criticisms and and doubt and even controversy that swirls around the notion of the rapture of the church and some of the controversies are in house with between good Christian people that is it's not something that we need to argue about in front of non believing people it's something we can lovingly discuss as Christians and see what we see in the scriptures so be careful on this one don't get all fired up and I think it's it's important for us as Christians to the non believing person not to air the the controversies or the things that we don't understand as much as just making all about Jesus because really it is it really is all about Jesus the rapture is a fun thing to talk about something I believe we can look forward to as believers but it's not necessarily something you know it's like you wouldn't go into a elementary school and teach you know quantum physics necessarily you know to its highest degree and I believe in the same way as a Christian there's a kind of a higher level of discussions that get into divine election predestination you know their ideas of the dimensionality of Jesus and eternal now and ideas of the rapture even Bible prophecy itself can be divisive but it's a fun discussion in house so make sure that that's something that you kind of keep you in the back of your mind to keep it something that's fun and light and and yet I am a believer in the rapture and I'm a believer in the pre-trib rapture that is in my estimation as I read the Bible to me it's very clear and so I like to sort of defend that position and teach that position and you'll notice that as we get going on this but those that are opponents of pre-trib rapture my friends that are either post-trib or mid-trib or a millennial or preterists there are those particularly those that would argue when the rapture will be other Christians even argue if there's even a rapture the opponents of the rapture will say oh there's no such thing as even a rapture in the Bible the word rapture is not in the Bible and that's true if you have a King James Bible there's no word rapture and by the way there's no word Bible either in the word Bible in the book of the Bible and there's a lot of words or in fact I would argue just just to keep it sort of humorous that every word that we read in our Bible is not in the Bible what do you mean Brett well unless you're reading the Greek or Hebrew text or Aramaic you're not reading original language what you're reading is a translation so they had to instead of it be like if you go to South America and you're saying well you're not speaking in the original English down there but nobody to understand what you're talking about so you got a you know if you're in South Amer got to speak Portuguese or some kind of Spanish or something to make sure you're communicating and the words will be different than that would you speak here in America see you say that's ridiculous we know that that's translation exactly the word rapture is in one of the translations an older translate in the Latin Vulgate is where we get that word rapture from first thessalonians chapter 4 where it says those who are alive and remain shall be caught up to be with him that is to meet him in the air that's what we're told in the Bible we'll get into some of that tonight so some say well I don't know if there is a rapture and then there's this whole thing you'll hear out there called the secret rapture now I don't know where the secret rapture idea came from the only people I know who are trying to keep the rapture a secret are the people who don't believe in it I've been spent my life trying to tell people about the rapture that's in the Bible I really have spent a lot of time and sermons and studies on that topic and and I also believe not only am I not trying to keep it a secret but when it happens it's not gonna be a secret either I think when the rapture of the church happened it's gonna be a cataclysmic world event and you say but what's the world gonna do if you know millions and millions of people suddenly disappear well I don't know I won't be here but there is speculation and what's interesting by the way if you're a student of the New Age for example the New Agers have an age that they believe is going to be ushered in called the Age of Aquarius and there are some of those New Agers who have a whole description of how that's going to be kicked into gear and some of those some of the new thought people New Age they say there's gonna be a mass disappearance and some explain it by alien abductions and if you listen to coast to coast at night and hear all the conspiracy theories and the craziness that's on there you will find that there are people who believe to this day that there's going to be a massive disappearance in the world and they've written books and gone on record so when the rapture happens it's not that unforeseeable that the world will try to describe something that somebody wrote in a book somewhere that's other than what the Bible says at the same time could it be that some of your family members that knew you were one of those rap radical weirdo Christians who believed in the rapture when suddenly millions people disappear and you're maybe in that list of people who are missing could it be that they will say wow we've heard of this from our Christian fellow you know brothers sisters family members and maybe it'll be that which makes them believe after the rapture of the church that could be a good thing but all that to say the opponents of the rapture there that you'll hear something I'm gonna kind of give you a heads up on if you talk to people that are you know preterists or ominous a lot of times not all of them but a lot of them will say well the rapture is a brand-new idea in fact it was invented by Margaret McDonald they will say and Marburg doll in 1830 invented the rapture a pre-trib rapture view that is that the raptures can happen before the seven years of the tribulation and it's a new thought and they'll use that as as an argument by the way the fact that something's new when it comes to prophecy or a new understanding as it relates to prophecy is not necessarily off-limits by the way as far as doctrine in the bible new is not good you don't come up with something new in Bible doctrine but in Bible prophecy the Bible says that these things will be sealed up until the time of the end and at the end of book revelation is don't seal up the words of this book and knowledge shall increase Daniel says in Daniel chapter 12 and I believe that knowledge wasn't just technology and all that but understanding about how the end times will unfold so we are gonna understand according to the Bible greater and greater truths as it as it gets closer and closer to the time of the Lord's coming so that's okay and I don't I don't get too bothered when they say it's fairly new even though it's not and you know there was one guy by the way who challenged all pre-trib rapture people too he would give them a financial reward if they could prove that the rapture idea of pre-trib was prehnite 1830 and it took like ten seconds and a several guys came up with a bunch of example dozens of examples one of the big ones Ephraim the Syrian that's a early church father in 373 ad that's going back aways 373 let me read you what he said for all the saints and the elect of God are gathered prior to the tribulation that is to come and will be taken to the Lord lest they see the confusion that will overwhelm the world because of our sins he was a pre-trib or this guy Ephraim of the Syrian in 373 ad and by the way there's a lot of writing from every in the Syrian here he wrote a lot he was a guy who was a Bible believer early father in the Christian Church in the early centuries but anyway the guy that offered the reward to anyone who could find a quote he had to fork out the dough and it was kind of funny actually but um all that the the pre-trib rapture is there's a lot of reasons why I believe in a pre-trib rapture and let me just go over a few of my favs and by the way some people say why don't worry about it why should we even worry about these end times things it's just gonna happen and we have nothing to say or do about it just live your life as a Christian and ignore it that's a popular theme by the way in the scriptures but one of the things you have to remember there's six things in the New Testament that we're told not to be stupid about or the King James was an ignorant be not ignorant concerning six things the first one of spiritual gifts or pneumatic costs things of the Holy Spirit 1st Corinthians 12:1 says we're not to be ignorant of that we're also not to be ignorant concerning Satan's devices 2nd Corinthians 2:11 tells us that 1 we're also not to be ignorant concerning the mysteries of the nation Israel and God's plan and purpose for Israel that's Romans chapter 11 verse 25 we're told not to be ignorant concerning God's timing that is not that we know the day or the hour but that a day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day don't be ignorant concerning the timing 2nd Peter 3:8 also we're told not to be ignorant of typology interesting what's that one 1st Corinthians 10 1 it says be not ignorant concerning typology that is the Old Testament pictures or types as it relates to New Testament truths and then it goes and says like for example the rock that followed the people that gushed water in the wilderness that rock was Jesus Christ that's what Paul said in first Corinthians 10 verses 1 and into that chapter so don't be ignorant concerning the types which is interesting and then by the way isn't it interesting the first 5 that I just gave you if you really think about it what are the things that the church is most ignorant about really think about this could it be spiritual gifts or the things that relate to the Holy Spirit or Satan's devices or as God pertains to Israel and his work with the Israelis there's such ignorance in the church so many of the church denominations now are going on record saying we support the dividing of Israel and a making of a Palestinian state because they have no real interest in seeing Jerusalem stay as a United City and so they'd rather see it divided in half and there's an ignorance there because the Bible says those nations that encourage that or be a part of that are handling a cup of trembling God is interested in the Jews he's got a plan for the Jews and to deny that is a real show of ignorance and the Bible says don't be ignorant concerning the Jews and and I could go on and on the typology in fact there's so many churches today that avoid the Old Testament altogether and sadly the church is ignorant of the very things that the scriptures say don't be ignorant about but the sixth and final one is don't be ignorant concerning the rapture of the church 1st Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 13 says this I'll read it to you but I would not have you ignorant brethren concerning the things which are concerning them pardon me which are asleep that you sorrow not even as others which have no hope for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again even so them which sleep in Jesus God will bring with him for this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout and with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up Greek harpazo latin vulgate rapture rapture together with them in the clouds and meet him and meet them of the lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord wherefore comfort one another with these words so right here in 1st Thessalonians 4 it says don't be ignorant concerning this whole idea of the rapture of the church and what God's plan is for his people so six things were not to be ignorant of it's sad you know ignorant is something that's kind of embarrassing you're so dumb that on your way to the airport you saw a sign that said airport left and turn around and went home you're so dumb you studied for a blood test they're so dumb that you thought meow Mix was a CD for cats you don't want to be that guy you don't wanna be that person so a Bible numbskull don't be don't be and watch out for those six things that the law says don't be stupid don't be dumb these are important so why am i a pre-trib or first of all just if you're jotting down I'm just gonna go over as many as I kind of feel like I've got a lot but I'm not gonna go over them all tonight but one of the reasons I I'm a pre-trib er is it's the only view that is comforting you say Brett that's no no good reason just because you were comforted by the the pre-trib view yeah in fact it totally freaks me out to be a post trimmer that you have to go through the tribulation and wait till we read revelation 6 through 19 you'll be going man that freaks me out 100-pound hailstones pounding you on the head two-thirds of the planet being wiped out and dead pestilence and famine and leaders that are gonna behead you Oh who behead people today oh never mind but all that to say the tribulation is very uncomfortable topic why would you care Brett well see here's the thing I already read to you that one section about the rapture church wherefore comfort one another with these words the words of the rapture of the church and then and then in the next chapter for us alone in chapter 5 it totally goes into the the way the Lord's gonna come back and he's gonna come as a thief in the night but he's not gonna overtake the believers and you are not appointed unto wrath which is another name of the tribulation period at the time of God's wrath the wrath of the Lamb and it says you as a Christian will not be appointed unto unto wrath but to obtain salvation wherefore comfort yourselves together with these words and and then of course Luke I love what Luke has to say because because it's a it's a funny thing how people saying oh Brett you're just trying to be an escapist but Jesus said pray that you be counted worthy to escape these things and so I always say guilty as charged I do want to escape the tribulation so sue me for that but I I I'm comforted to know that the rapture comes before wrath that's one reason by the way that's luke 21:36 that talks about escapism that when you somebody says you're just trying to escape these things you just don't want to go through the tribulation say right that's correct luke 21:36 jesus said that but not only that the pre-trib is a comforting knew why am i a pre-trib number two because the church is not going to be in the tribulation period we're gonna hear about tribulation Saints but they're different than the church tribulation Saints are the people who during the tribulation will repent and believe that Jesus is the Messiah and they will not take the mark of the beast and the Lord will seal them and we'll see those guys when we get to the end of the book but these are gonna be people accept Christ believe Christ during the tribulation by the way some of you might say Brett then I'm just not gonna believe oh if you get raptured and you're suddenly gone and I show up to Athey Creek on a Wednesday night and there's like five people here hopefully there's not not that many but if you come here and you're saying well then I'll believe and I'll go through the tribulation I'll become a tribulation Saint cuz they're gonna go to heaven too right but here's the thing you gotta remember the Saints the tribulation Saints of the tribulation it's going to be a horribly brutal thing for them the Bible says and if you reject the leadership of the coming world leader that the Bible talks about and not take his mark and do all those things as a tribulation Saint will be you will you were literally according to the tribulation be beheaded for that cause if you become a Christian and if you think being a Christian is hard now and you're gonna wait till the tribulation do you really think you're gonna be that bold to be a believer during I wouldn't trust myself with that I like the idea of just being taken up to be with the Lord so all that to say you don't see the church in the tribulation period also another reason I already gave you kind of some other we are not appointed unto wrath that's one of them but but also some people say well Brett Jesus talked about how in the world you will have tribulation in fact Jesus said in John 16:33 listen to this he says these things have I spoken to do that in me you might have peace in the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world and so here's the question Jesus says you will have tribulation but that's in this world and I believe that is happening as true Christians really are experiencing some level of tribulation around the world now we as American Christians are probably the least under tribulation times or trials or troubles but many Christians around the world are being killed for their faith today we kind of forget that sometimes as comfortable churches in America but in China in places in Africa and other places around the world Iran others there's places where a Christian can truly be killed for their faith and it's very sad to see so the point is I don't believe in a double Tribulation I really don't believe that the Christ would allow you to go through tribulation now which we do and he does allow us in some ways kind of like we as parents allow our own children to go through trying things so that they might grow stronger and be lights in a dark world and all those things the Lord does allow us to go through that tribulation but I don't believe he's going to appoint us twice unto tribulation or double tribulation that's inconceivable to me and just as I read the Bible and see God's nature to get hit both from Satan and also get hit from God's wrath as well both but instead those who have rejected Christ will be appointed unto wrath according to the Bible so that's another reason why I'm a pre-tribbers because I don't believe in double tribulation another thing look at the Old Testament pictures remember we're not to be ignorant of Old Testament typology and pictures and types think about that every time God's wrath is poured down there are evidences of God doing other things in including pouring out the wrath think of some of the big ones some of the people that say no you're gonna go through the tribulation consider Noah and his family they went through the flood and God protected them and then they survived but here's the thing those that go through the tribulation and believe in Jesus will not survive that's what the Bible teaches we'll talk about that when we get there beheaded we've already talked about that but not only that those who go through the tribulation are experiencing the wrath of God as did Noah but there was there's one thing that they forget to consider and that is before the flood the Lord had an interesting little character who walked with God and pleased God any members named Enoch and he was a guy who was taken up to be with the Lord he did not see death and I believe that's a great picture of what the Lord's gonna do before the flood came down Enoch went up and I love that what about Sodom and Gomorrah that's another Old Testament picture of God pouring his wrath fire and brimstone man that's very much a picture of the tribulation when you when you see the description in revelation 6 through 19 but before the wrath came down remember Abraham had that little Jewish debate almost like going back and forth of are you gonna destroy the righteous with the wicked and the Lord said no I'm not virtually and in that long discussion that Abraham had and what happened did lot leave Sodom and Gomorrah know what happened he was taken up literally people you know when you colored the picture you saw a lot running out of the gates and if you saw the Bible movie you saw the ninja angel that came and saved him the latest Bible movie I didn't know it was a ninja angel but all that to say the idea is the Lord picked up a lot and family and set him outside of the city and then the wrath poured down some people say well what about the Jewish boys who went into the fiery furnace and in Babylon that's a bigger picture of the fire being burned and God's people going through tribulation true but where was daniel does anybody wonder where daniel was in that picture oh we think Daniel bowed down to the idol so he didn't get thrown in the fire first have you heard people say that if you know Daniel even slightly you know for sure that he would not have done that because he was one who wasn't afraid to go to the lion's den you know what I'm saying I mean he was a guy who was faithful he was just not there and I think that's a great it completes the perfect picture now you say but Brett why are there some people that go through tribulation and why are they pictured in the Old Testament and I believe that is heartbreakingly a picture of a group of people and I believe mostly if not totally it's a picture of God's people the Jews Romans chapter 9 10 and 11 says that right now the Jewish people blindness in part has happened to Israel they don't see as the Messiah and by the way you you you know me if you've been around here very long you know I'm pro-israel and I'm Pro Jew but that does not mean I believe the Jews are doing well right now or living righteously or making good decisions as a nation even you have to understand that and I believe that the Lord loves the Jew and he also loves the Palestinian one of the great things you can know is there's a great revival going on with Palestinians in Israel there are many Palestinians who are coming to Christ it's a really good thing at the same time there are Jewish behaviors that are not defendable and not good but all that to say they're still God's chosen people the Jews and God has a plan and a purpose for them they will go through the tribulation I believe many of them unless they're Jews have become part of that one new man Ephesians chapter 2 where they came to Jesus Jew can be saved today by accepting Christ just like anybody else and they'll be raptured with the church because they're part of the church once they accept Christ but if they've rejected Jesus the Messiah they'll go through the tribulation but after the fullness of the Gentiles come in Romans chapter 11 verse 25 26 tells us that after the fullness of the Gentiles then all of Israel shall be saved and I believe that after the rapture of the church the Jews will all see that Wow Jesus really is the Messiah and they'll go through the tribulation with that knowledge and they'll be part of those tribulation Saints as well during the tribulation period so you say so what's that all have to do with anything yeah well the Old Testament pictures Noah went through the flood type of the Jewish people who have to go through same with Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and on and on you could go but all that to say that's another reason why I believe in pre-trib rapture the Old Testament pictures line up perfectly with a pre pre-trib view another reason oh man I probably shouldn't get into this one the seventy weeks of Daniel if you've not been through the 70 weeks of Daniel you might want to download that teaching we did in Daniel chapter 9 the first half of Daniel 9 is this beautiful prayer of Daniel but the second half is the Lord speaks to Daniel radically a radical prophecy one of the most radical prophecies of the Old Testament and he gives to him the vision of the seventy weeks that are determined upon thy people Daniel who would those people be the Jewish people seventy weeks are determined upon thy people now the seventy weeks the word is HEPT ad in the hebrew which which is translated as 70 weeks of years or you know the word hepatech could be seventy weeks as we call it a week of seven days but unlike our week when we say a week we mean seven days in that language of that tad could be seven weeks of seven seven days or seven years so when he says seventy weeks are determined by thy people at seventy weeks of set of seven year periods so 490 years are determined upon thy people and then it goes into this radical description of what would happen and all that to say one of the things that you have to realize is God is pronouncing upon the Jewish people a determination of time that will be on the Jewish people the first 69 sevens or the first 69 years or 483 years have already taken place and you can read that by the description in Daniel chapter 9 the last seven-year period has yet to happen on the Jews there's a gap a variable space between the 69th year and the 70th year of Daniels 70 week prophecy of Daniel chapter 9 you say Brad I'm totally lost that's okay you can download that and kind of catch up with that when it's a great it's by the way remember when Jesus wrote into the donkey and Jerusalem and he wept over Jerusalem it's at all Jerusalem if you would have known in this thigh day how could they have known the very day when Jesus wrote in Jerusalem Daniel 70 week prophecy says from the time of the destruction and the commandment to rebuild Jerusalem until the Messiah the Prince shall come will be 69 weeks and if you do the math when artaxerxes gave the declaration to restore and rebuild Jerusalem as that time goes by you realize it brings you to that very day when Jesus wrote into Jerusalem they could have known but then there's after Jesus the Messiah came in then there's this variable gap and why is that it's interesting when Jesus came and they yelled out crucify him we will not have this man rule over us that's when there was a time period that that that changed and that that's where I believe we see a whole new thing it's not that God came up with a new idea but God's plan starts to unfold in that he says the Jews have rejected my Messiah and thus I'm going to do a larger work through the through the the Gentile nation through the Gentile people and that's really the church age now the church don't be confused as made up of Jews and Gentiles but mostly Gentiles and so the church age begins and that's the variable time the church age which we're presently in that's the variable of time you're gonna see that all through the Bible there's a variable that's that's how by the way we don't know the day or the hour of the Lord's return if you took out the church age you could still do the math of when the rapture that's when I should say when the Jews would go through the tribulation you could do the math and when the abomination of desolation would happen and you could do the math of when the Lord's gonna return in a second coming but you cannot know that because there's a variable gap between the 69th 7 and the 70th 7 and that is seven-year period and then and Daniel chapter 9 says and then that 70th week will be a determined upon Israel so you say but why does that convince you to be a beat free driver it's real simple where was the church in the first 69 weeks of Daniels 70 week prophecy anybody where was the church we didn't exist yet we weren't in the first 69 weeks my question to you then would be why would we be in the 70th week of Daniel prophecy these are weeks that are determined upon thy people Daniel the Jewish people specifically now I've got friends in Jerusalem and they don't like this one my buddy Steve I totally loved he's an intellectual giant he's fun to talk to you our tour guide he'll be guiding us this year as we go through Israel and I love talking about this he's like Brett I III I hear you on the pre-trib thing all that but you guys are all loopy you're gonna be raptured but he says I'm a Jew and I go through all my friends and people here in Israel I can't get excited about that going through the tribulation and and so he struggles with that I don't know man and but I understand his struggle and I think we by the way have to be careful especially when talking to Jewish people to say we're gonna be raptured you guys go through the tribulation but you'll be saying they'll be on all of Israel be saying but hailstones are gonna hit you on the head and you're gonna die like dog don't don't do that it's the Lord's goodness that leads men to repentance okay so don't forget that be sensitive but all that to say that's a reason because you don't see the church in the first 69 weeks I think it's a big goof to put the church in the last 70th week of Daniel vision to the to the people of Israel I could go on and on I believe of in pre-trib because it's the only view that leads to imminence that is where you can believe that the Lord the rapture the church could happen at any moment it's the next thing that could happen it could happen tonight I joked around how we're gonna be in the rapture tonight but actually pre-trib is the only view that says this is the only thing that needs to happen next is the rapture of the church if you're a post tripper it can't happen tonight you can't say the words gonna return tonight because there's things that have to happen like the Tribulation Period specific things like the abomination of desolation if you don't know what that is we'll get into that later on in the in the book Jesus talked about that Daniel talked about this event in the middle of the tribulation three and a half years into it that's very specific and very detailed there has to be a rebuilding of a temple in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount that hasn't happened yet so you have to be the servants as are the Lord's not coming back he delays his coming he can't come today he can't rapture the church today I don't want to be that servant I want to believe like I believe they in the early church believe that the Lord's rapture could happen at any moment eminence that's another reason why I'm a pre-trib ER and by the way the the pre-wrath people have more of an in as well they could share that with us I should say because they believe before the abomination of desolation comes down the church will be taken so there's still a certain imminence they they have on there so you know kudos to them but also another reason I'm a preacher it is not as the time it's called the time of Jacob's trouble again it's for Israel that's Jeremiah 30 verse 7 it's also Daniel 427 and verses chapter 4 verse 30 and 31 it's a time of Jacob's trouble that's what one of the names of the Tribulation Period is it's not the time of the church's trouble it's time of Jacob's trouble and also another reason I'm a pre-trib ER is because we as free tripperz look for Jesus Christ we don't look for Antichrist if you're a post-trib ER or a mid-river you got to see a world leader who's gonna come do you ever get sick of hearing people's I think Obama's the Antichrist I get sick of that I'm not looking for an antichrist and I don't think Obama is the Antichrist I think that's a little bit loony and if you believe that you can be loony if you want to I love you still by loony new Looney Christian friends that's great but I don't believe he's the Antichrist I don't believe the Pope's the Antichrist and you can think all those things and I see billboards everywhere and that's great good for you but I don't believe that I believe the Antichrist is gonna make Obama look like a pipsqueak quite frankly you know the the the Bible sort of indicates this coming world leader is not this evil little guy in a black suit with the pitchfork he's gonna be according to the scripture able to speak with great oratory skill he's gonna make Ronald Reagan look mean he's gonna make a JFK look like not a politician at all or Richard Nixon with his you know international deploy it I believe you take all the best characteristics of all the leaders in times best throw it into one guy I think that's that's the guy that the world is gonna jump on board with when you read the scriptures about this guy he's gonna be as slick as it comes and people are gonna love him that's what the Bible says especially now Obama's pretty swirled up in controversy he's got his hands full I don't picture the Antichrist getting that that tied up with those kinds of things so we don't look for antics we look for Jesus Christ that's the best thing to keep your eyes on anyway you have to look for those other things to happen first if you're gonna be a mid trigger or a post trigger and and also I want to be a preacher ever because I look for that imminence of his return but I don't want to be the guy that's the wicked servant of Matthew 24 you remember that one where it says the the the good servant is the one who's busy about the Lord's business watching and being vigilant sober watching for the Lord to come for his church but it's the evil servant that says oh the lord delays is coming he can't come today I want to be the guy that says man that could happen today and if I'm wrong the worst thing I did is I lived as if the Lord could come back right today and I don't want to be found messing around with sinful things I don't want to be found where the Lord returns you know living in a sinful lifestyle but that's the implication of Matthew chapter 24 is that servant that's evil and wicked not lazy being doubtful the Lord's coming let me just read it to you therefore be ready for in such an hours you think not the Son of man cometh who then is faithful and a wise servant whose Lord hath made ruler over all his house to give them meat and due season blessed is the servant who when his Lord when he comes finds so doing verily on just say I say unto you that he shall make him ruler over all his Goods but and if that evil servant shall say in assert my lord delays his coming and shall begin to smite his fellow servants do you ever see Christians being mean to one another smiting each other you know it's the it's it's the Christian says man Lord come back right now we should be nice to one another least that's what the rapture should induce kindness to each other but this guy's punching their other servants in the face smiting his fellow servants eating and drinking with the drunken the Lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looks not for him and in an hour where he is not aware of and shall cut him asunder and appoint his portion with hypocrites maths that's pretty heavy I I'm not saying that post Trevor's are these evil wicked servants I'm not saying that what I am saying is I don't even want to be close to these dudes I don't have anything to do with these guys that are gonna be called hypocrites where it later says they'll be weeping and wailing and gnashing teeth I don't even be related to those guys I want to be the faithful servants in Lord I'm watching I'm waiting I'm expectant that your return be here so I'm giving you a reasons just kind of rapid-fire but let me I got to get into our text so let me give you my final reason for tonight I've got hundreds but I'm just giving you some of my some of my faves um the order of the book of Revelation that's another huge reason I'm a pre-trib er the order of the book of Revelation do you recall where we were given that beautiful god-given outline a fine divine outline there in verse 19 of chapter 1 where John was told to write down right first of all the things thou hast seen and what did John see up to that point Jesus right chapter 1 he saw a revelation of Jesus and that's where we saw a beautiful description and he did just that he wrote the things which he had seen then he says and right number two the things that are and the things that are is it's the church age that I was just talking about John was at that time when he was on Patmos at the beginnings of what we know now is the church age that is when Jesus ascended into heaven right around 33 ad that was the beginning of an age of the church age and and then John did just that he wrote down the things that are and he wrote those letters to the seven churches and we saw how it applied locally but it also applied prophetically in a panoramic view of all of church history quite amazingly you see a description of how it all unfolded to the present day and we just completed that study in Revelation 2 and 3 so John check and check he wrote number one the things which he had seen Jesus chapter 1 the things that are the church age chapters 2 and 3 the churches the seven churches of Asia Minor and then he said then right number three the things that shall be Hereafter Greek word meta tota which is a flag a signal if you look if there is our word hereafter doesn't quite do it justice that's why I always bring that up meta tout de means after these things after what things after in consecutive order that the implication is Jesus saying write these things because this is this is the way it's gonna come down right the things which you have seen Jesus who came and he is a beautiful picture of Christ then writes things are out of the church age and then write the things which shall be after these things after what things the church age the things she was seen right now present right those things and then chapter four of the book revelant says the first word is met it out so we just finished the churches in chapters 2 and 3 tonight the first word on our list here is meta Tata after these things which we just read the churches these are the things that are gonna come here after meted out to after these things the point that I'm making is I believe if you read the book of Revelation as it's just laid out so simply it becomes very easy to understand if you put the rapture of the church in the middle of the book of trip revelation during the tribulation you know some put it in some of the Trump's of the trumpet judgments and they say see the Trump of Christ the Trump we'll talk about that but all that to say man I starts to become convoluted and brutal you have to sort of be this person who contorts and struggles puzzling the whole book together and you can't just easily go through it I believe it's so simple to take the book of Revelation as it's laid out and so in the meta Tata after these things starts with a heavenly scene and I believe it's the rapture of the church and I'll show you why in a second the rapture church you see heaven that's after the church age then chapter 6 is meanwhile back on earth you see the Tribulation Period begin 6 through 19 is the the tribulation and then in chapter 19 we see the second coming of Christ remember the rapture is not a coming really because he meets us in the air and takes us up to be with him forever we're with him forever I should say then and chapter 19 we see the Lord coming with ten thousands of his Saints that's us we've been with them and why were we with them it's because I believe for the seven years of tribulation here on earth we are spending that time with him and time is a relative thing I think when it comes to us in heaven with the Lord but meanwhile on earth there's a seven year period of tribulation then chapter 19 we're gonna see him return with us if you're a post tripper by the way you believe your rapture then you come right back down that's no fun I want to be used to taking up and hang out there for a while be with the Lord and I like that idea and that's the way I see the book of Revelation laying out chapter 19 their coming of Christ then you see the Millennial Kingdom described a bit and then you see the of course things like the great white throne judgment in chapter 20 you see a new heaven and a new earth new Jerusalem we're gonna see all that and where we all live happily ever after that's gonna come up and we'll see at the end of book so really the outline holds true the things which you have seen Jesus chapter 1 the things that are the church age right now we're living in that age chapters 2 and 3 but the things that shall be Hereafter starts right now in chapter 4 verse 1 he so he says verse 1 after this metadata I looked and behold a door was opened in heaven and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me which said come up hither and I will show the things which must be Hereafter the word Hereafter at the end of that verse is metadata so the words used twice in that verse it's a signal that after the church age this is what's gonna happen and what do we see if you're following with me you might take notes on a few of these things that we see in this little picture that John sees he he first of all sees a door a door by the way while we're going through this little heavenly scene where John's taken up into heaven um you know I like to know a little bit about where I'm going when I travel the different countries I always like to read about those places that I'm gonna go one of my favorite things is those little Lonely Planet guides does anybody ever looked at a Lonely Planet guide before you go to a country and it's great you know because these guys traveled around to these countries and then they write a book about things you should know about like like when I went to Vanuatu I was reading it and I set it down you know and my wife came up and she picked it up but she's reading about Vanuatu when I was first going there this is back like and like 95 or something and and I was just trying to forgot you know cuz I heard it was kind of a wild place you know jungle and South Island and but I was reading this section on coconut crabs and in the Lonely Planet guide these coconut crabs there are there giant they're huge in the South everything's kind of big in the South Pacific the spiders are huge and the snakes are huge and the but the coconut crabs are giant and I was just reading this little section said you might be where the coconut crabs are slow but dangerous and if you're laying on the beach for example just you know getting some Sun or whatever coconut crab will sneak up to you and its pincers which by the way I've seen these I've actually four four full-grown guys tried to eat one coconut crab and we couldn't finish it it was so huge I mean they're giant giant crabs and but these they have these like molars on their pincers like our like our molars molars all the way to the pit the incisors is that what you call a little cutter all the way down to dentist would have a field day with these guys but and and remember the cartoons works like like that that's what these crabs do you can hear like well anyway they'll come up and sneak up to you and they'll grab your arm with their softly or your head even with their pincers if you're sleeping on the beach and they'll just grab ahold of you and the book and the lonely blesses do not move because if you try to jerk away or try to move away well let me just tell you what these crabs do they climb up coconut you know palm trees and pinch off all the coconuts and they'll drop and then they'll climb back down and they pop them open they just take their pincers and go pitch and pop open coconuts for those of you that know that that's pretty mighty um so so I was reading the book said don't move a muscle because these could you know break an arm or crack open your head or whatever it's like yeah and and what do you do lay there for seven hours and get sunburned you know so that's why I read those books because you want to know about coconut crabs all that to say do you want to be when you get to heaven do you want to be a tourist or do you want to be a an adventurer do you want to be a tourist or you don't what do you want to be a tour guide when we get to heaven I believe there's gonna be things that we will see that John sees right here and this will keep you from being a tourist when you get to heaven you go oh there's the throne and those 24 dudes there that four and twenty elders and this is the seat of glass and that big halo this is what it is and you'll be able to give the the guide to people you know just kind of got that and well I smell smoke but I'm here whoo praise the Lord you know I made it to heaven you could say hey check this out let me let me tell you about where you're at okay so that's why this is important the first thing we see here is a door a door you see that after this I looked and behold a door was opened now open doors in the book of Revelation are several in fact we saw in Revelation chapter 3 verse 8 the Church of the open door remember that that was what they were called the church at Philadelphia the open door the Lord opened the door to missions or can we talked about them and we also saw an open door in Revelation 3:20 behold I stand at the door and knock If any man will hear my voice and open the door I will come in to him and sup with him and he with me right so we've seen to open doors thus far of course here we see an open door into heaven and then in Revelation 19:11 we're gonna see the door opened again in fact revelation 19:11 when's the next time the door is going to be opened it's interesting we see the door open in chapter 4 verse 1 but turn to chapter 19 real quick in chapter 19 verse 11 says and I saw heaven opened just like chapter 4 verse 1 he saw a door into heaven opened but it says this time I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called faithful and true and in righteousness he doth judge and make war his eye flame of fire on his head were many crowns and he had a name written that no man knew but he himself and he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood and his name is called the Word of God and the armies which were in heaven followed upon him upon white horses clothed in fine linen white and clean out of his mouth goes a sharp sword that with it he would smite the nation's and he shall rule them with a rod of iron he that treadeth the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of Almighty God he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written king of kings and Lord of lords what's this this is the door that's opened only in chapter 4 verse 1 it's John being taken up into heaven then in chapter 19 we see Jesus coming out with all these armies which were on white white linen clothes which speaks of purity and righteousness and we'll talk about who those people are that's us but we'll get into that even more in that time so so this idea of the open door kind of interesting in two of these cases for sure it's talking about heaven so this first open door I wonder if the rapture of the church is gonna be like that the Lord's gonna open a door into heaven what does that look like I have no idea but when it happens maybe it won't take us too much by surprise because that's what it is it's an opening door now by the way this idea of opening the door of heaven to me revelation 4:1 here something I want to remind you if you shut the door of your heart remember in chapter 3 verse 20 I stand at the door knocking a man if man man open the door I will come in the Lord wants to come in and open you have you open that door if you open that door then he will open heavens door but the converse is true as well that is if you shut the door of your heart then there's no going back and the Lord will shut the door of heaven I see a correlation there is any remember an Old Testament type of that the shutting of a door where people could no longer be saved no I'm the Ark remember that the people pound and let us in let us in but who was it that ended up finally shutting that door it was God himself there's a picture there of a closed door man I hope all of you have opened the door of your heart and accepted Christ and let Jesus in he's knocking at that door man that's important but we see the door that's important a door open in Devon number two we see a trumpet um it says first a voice which I heard as it were of a trumpet talking with me now trumpets are a confusing thing when it comes to Bible prophecy to a lot of people I don't see it as confusing and let me tell you why I see the trumpets sort of defined by who's blowing them you say Brett what's the big deal well there's trumpets of angels there's trumpets of men and there's trumpets of God or a trump of God and there's a first trumpet and a last trumpet of God in fact the first Trump of God that we read about comes from Exodus 1916 where it says it came to pass on the third day in the morning that there were thunders and lightnings and a thick cloud upon the upon the mount and the voice it says there and and and the voice of the trumpet exceeding loud so that all the people in the camp trembled and Moses brought forth the people and they all went up and and they said man we don't want to go up there we don't want to die because God's up there so this first Trump of God I believe happened when Moses was there at Sinai that's a key point in in Bible history I believe that's the first truck perhaps I wouldn't die in that battlefield by the way but it is just something for you to tuck away and think about the the first Trump Exodus 19 the last Trump is an important Trump and I believe we see that in 1st Thessalonians 4:16 I read that already for the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel with the Trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds so that's that is the the Trump of God not of an angel the reason I make that point is those that would believe in a mid-trib or a pre-wrath often times they will ascribe the rapture of the church which they agree has a trumpet but they'll ascribe one of the trumpets of Revelation 6 or 19 specifically chapter 8 you'll see them ascribed or all the way through 11 there's Trump's that they will try to say that's the one the rapture the church happens when that angel blows that Trump my problem with that is the rapture of Scripture the 1st Thessalonians 4 says it's a trump of god not the trump of an angel don't confuse those two and by the way it's not just there another mention of the rapture of the church I believe is there in 1st Corinthians 15:51 let me read it to you now this is 1st Corinthians 15:51 through 58 it says behold I will show you a mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed that's the scripture we have in our nursery we shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed it's it's the scripture right there on the wall a little out of context but kind of cute however but this is I believe this is speaking of the rapture 4 it says verse Allah to you in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last Trump for the trumpet shall sound the dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed for this corruptible the ideas corruptible body must put on incorruption this and this mortal must put on immortality so when this corruptible shall put on incorruption this mortal shall have put on immortality then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory Oh death where is thy sting o grave where is thy victory the sting of death is sin the strength of sin is the law thanks be to God through it which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast unmovable always abounding in the work of the Lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord that's a glorious passage those of you that fear death and worry about the sting of death make first Corinthians 15 verses 51 through 58 your key scripture Oh death where is thy sting o grave where is thy victory by the way I think the context of that is the rapture of the church that's something another reason to look forward to the rapture as I believe we will be taken up even as Enoch was even as a lot was taken out of Sodom but all that to say it's the last Trump there in first Corinthians 15 the same description and so when it talks about the Trump here in first in Revelation chapter for the first verse here the door was open to heaven then the first there's a voice which he heard as it were of a trumpet I believe that links this you see John being taken up to heaven with the sound of a Trump and an open door does that sound kind of rapture esque I think it does and so we see the Trump that I think is not to be confused with other Trump's of the Bible yeah don't begin view with Donald Trump it's it's a Trump do you ever wonder what that Trump's gonna sound like and will the world hear the Trump that's an interesting thing you know will it sound like you know a big ship on so the people are gone or will it be like dizzy you know I mean what's the Trump that some jazz trumpet guy or so I don't know I don't know what it's gonna sound like but it's an interesting thing well well they hear the voice will they hear the Trump don't know but it is gonna happen according to the Bible third not only do we see a door we see a trumpet but also what thirdly we see that he was immediately in the spirit the ideas his his perspective changed who he really was kind of changed he's now not in the flesh but he's in the spirit is the idea and the idea of when we are raptured we will be changed we saw that in first Corinthians 15 that will be changed in fact the Scriptures tell us much about that in fact first John chapter 3 verse 2 says beloved now we are the sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is and I look forward to that day don't you these old bodies fail us we get ugly as the days go by you know and you feel aches and pains and and this old body we use it for sinful things and that's just gonna be great to have be changed when we see him we will be like him I believe that's going to happen for the church during the rapture the church when we see him we will be like him that's gonna be great and I think that's what happens to John here when it says he was in the spirit and behold the throne was set in heaven that brings us to the fourth thing we observed not only number one the door number two the trumpet number three that he was taken up and in the spirit immediately he was changed his demeanor if you would but number four we see the throne itself and by the way the throne of heaven the throne is a key theme not only in this chapter but in the whole book in this chapter the word throne is gonna be used 14 times so that's a pretty big deal in this chapter the throne of God everything's kind of centered around circled around the throne but also in the book itself the book of Revelation it appears 46 times the throne of God so I believe God wants us to know something about his throne because the revelation of Jesus Christ includes 46 mentions of the throne so the reason I says whenever we come across the throne let's look at it let's consider what we see and discern what it means so there's a few things that you can notice about the throne itself notice the throne itself it says here in verse verse 2 immediately I was in the spirit and behold a throne was set in heaven the idea of a set throne the word set there the implication is more than just we're gonna set that chair over there but the idea is it's set it's firm immovable and unshakable that's the idea permanence is the idea and that's something that's all through the Bible the God's throne is an everlasting throne and it's a permanent throne God is seated upon a set throne let me give you a quick tour on the throne scriptures jot them down as we rip through them here Psalm 9 verse 7 and 8 says this but the Lord himself shall endure forever he hath prepared his throne for judgment and he shall judge the world in righteousness he shall minister judgment to the people in uprightness so speaking of his throne as it relates to sitting on the throne in judgment not only that Psalm chapter chapter 45 verse 6 says thy throne O God is for ever and ever the scepter of thy kingdom is a right scepter and then also we see in Hebrews chapter 1 verse 8 and - says but unto the son he saith thy throne O God is forever and ever the scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom now has loved righteousness and hated iniquity therefore God even thy God hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows again this became the Lord's throne that will be forever and ever so you know it's interesting because the world tries to act like God has been toppled off his throne remember back in the old days when Time magazine said God is dead I think they were wrong people say we found the god particle I don't think so you know it's funny other worlds we've figured it out God cannot exist and here's why and they come up with their kind of harebrained things but as time goes on we see more and more of God in his in his forever nature is is a movable throne he's seated upon that throne so we see that it's a set throne but not only that we see not only there was a set throne but we see that he's sitting on the throne I say Brett that's kind of obvious but what is sitting imply you know when I think of someone who's sitting down it's someone who's kind of chilling out and what's what's the other options pacing but we don't see God pacing around the throne what are we going to do America is in trouble the economy and we Christians we pace and we freak out and we get all flustered but God is seated upon the throne and the implication is that he's calm and cool and collected I like that sometimes I think if we want to be more like the Lord then we should chill out a little bit and not be anxious for anything but be given everything to the Lord in prayer with Thanksgiving let our requests be made known to the Lord it says there that we might have that peace that passes on standing the idea of pacing and freaking out that's not a godly nature it's it's to put our trust in the Lord well so we see I'm on the throne Almighty God that's that's great in fact as we see quickly verse three and he that sat looked to pardon me he that sat was to look upon like a Jasper and a sardine stone and there was a rainbow round about the throne in sight like unto an emerald now this is where you say Brett are you supposed to take the Bible literally remember when the word like or as is employed then we realized that there is some symbology that's going on here don't look for literal diamonds or literal Jasper stones the reason I think John employs that by the inspiration holy spirit those are the most sparkly things humanity knows about and the idea is the throne is going to be sort of an embodiment of light Jasper by the way is a clear gem probably like we would call a diamond and we see that also in Revelation 21 11 and the sardine stone even know what color that stone is red and I believe each one of these things the colors whatever you see colors in the Bible I think it does speak of certain things when we talk about red it always is a picture of what in the Bible the blood of Christ and I believe the throne of God well Brett is this Jesus or is this God and the answer is yes right and the Lord so the idea is that he's got light in and of itself surrounding him and boy we're gonna talk about that as we get into revelation how God declares himself to be light and boy when you hear some of these Christian people who happen to be physicists and whatever it's fun to hear their I can't even repeat what they say cuz I can't even repeat the words they talk about but it's it's great stuff when they start talking about the speed of light and and how God declares himself to be light and what light really is it's great stuff but here there's a few things you should know that the Lord is literally sort of robed or clothed in light that's the idea psalm 104 verse 2 also tells us about this I'll just read it to you it says who the Lord Himself cover us thyself with light as a garment who stretches out the heavens like a curtain now this is the hugeness of God spreading the heavens like a curtain like a shower curtain here's the universe and he is the embodiment of light boy that gets you scientists some stuff to chew on for a while so the ideas says there that there was also not only was there a Jasper stone and a sardine stone but there was also a rainbow now you see rainbow and you're suddenly thinking knowing that in the Ark but that's probably not the idea when you look up the word rainbow in the Greek text the word is is an interesting word it's iris in the Greek and it and it means a bow but more often it means a halo a perfect circle so when you see again those paintings of people try to do about heaven the throne here that's being shown you oftentimes see a round circle around the whole throne the reason they do that is because the word here is not just the rainbow half but it's a complete circle a circle in the bible does speak of completion which is kind of cool but god is perfectly complete and there's this light that sort of surrounds him all the way around to him is the idea and judgment here is about to fall we're about to see the tribulation coming down in chapter 6 but what's interesting about the bow or the light god show showed the world a rainbow after he judged the world with the flood isn't it interesting that the homosexual community has used the rainbow as their symbol I don't think that's just an interesting thing I think that's actually flying in the face of God frankly and it's God showing his mercy after judgment and wrath I believe this rainbow or bow or circle that we see around the throne that's full of many colors the idea I believe that's gonna that's seeing his mercy but this time before the wrath is poured out and we'll see if they'll like that symbol those who reject God those who say we don't agree with Christ or believe that he came we don't believe that he died we reject Jesus we're gonna cross this is going to be showing the Lord's mercy if you would but before the judgment comes down as we'll see here revelation unfold judgment is about to fall but the rainbow reminds us of God's mercy is the idea now by the way you might be saying breath this throne room that's pretty impressive are we gonna be totally freaked out here's here's the thing Hebrews 10:19 says we will enter into his throne room by a new and living way and that is Jesus Christ we can enter in boldly the Bible says so when we get to heaven we will enter with boldness not because of who we are but because of who he is if you're if this heavenly scene makes you nervous don't be you as if you're a Christian if you've accepted Christ and applied the cross the blood of Jesus to your life he will welcome you into his throne room and you you won't have to stand there freaked out that he's gonna squish you you deserve to be squished and so do I but because of God's grace we will enter into his throne room this the scene that we're seeing what else do we see around the throne we see a rainbow we see God Almighty with these the light that's emanating but we also see 24 elders it says in verse 4 and round about the throne were almost done round about the throne were four and 20 seats and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting clothed in white raiment they had on their heads crowns of gold elders who are the four and twenty elders that is the question and people will speculate you know different opinions on this and some people say they're angels I think that's unlikely and I'll tell you why because angels are not ever numbered he Bru's 1222 they're never crowned or enthroned we don't see them in the Bible in any of those roles besides in revelation 7 11 the elders are distinguished from the Angels you're going to see that also in Revelation 5 verses 8 through 11 the word elder in the Greek is pressed but arose so it's gonna be Presbyterians no just kidding the word press but you're us it means a person of responsibility and authority in the matters of social religious concerns both in Jewish and Christian circles if you look it up in the Greek press put you Ross that's what it means and that's kind of an interesting word because elders are always applied to humans in the Bible you see that the crowns they wear that we're gonna see here the the the word there is kind of important remember there are different kind of crowns there's there's the diadem and there's the stefanos the crown these guys are wearing is the stefanos crown if you've been with us we've covered that it's the victors crown and we have no evidence in the Bible that the Angels receive any kinds of rewards it's it's actually people humanity that gets those crowns or victors rewards if you would if we see that in Revelation 2:10 but no other evidence and there's those crowns are promised really all throughout the Bible we receive a crown of life in James 2 apartment chapter 1 verse 12 we have the crown of righteousness 2nd Timothy 4:8 we have the crown of glory 1st Peter 5 4 talks about the crown of glory that we're gonna get and then there's an incorruptible crown first Corinthians 9:25 we get a crown of rejoicing first thessalonians 2:19 and on and on it goes these crowns that are rewards for good works I believe that's never promised to angels in the Bible but it is repressed to those who serve the Lord and will receive those crowns at where does anybody remember where do we receive the crowns of victory or the Bema seat or the judgment seat of Christ right that's where the Christians will be judged according to their works and we've covered that in other studies so um who then would these four and twenty elders be and and again this is one I wouldn't die on the battlefield for but I believe just something to throw out for suggestion and I'll get into this later because these elders are going to come up several times in the book of Revelation but since there's 12 tribes of Israel and there were twelve apostles well Brooke Judas was one of the Apostles and he went hung himself so you only have eleven well do you remember the book of Acts they quickly filled that position because they needed 12 and we could get into that whole selection of who that was and was that even the correct way to do it but all that to say there were 12 apostles and there were 12 you know tribes of Israel these elders are mentioned eight times in the book of Revelation and so it's going to be interesting to kind of look at what they do and by the way if you're an elder or a church leader one of the greatest studies is to look at the eight mentions of these elders and see their behaviors because we can learn from how they elde from the from heaven and there's a lot of good things to glean from these guys but could it be that there's twelve apostles and twelve tribes of Israel I wouldn't again spend too much time on that but jot this down Matthew 19 verse 28 says this and Jesus said unto them verily I say to you that you which have followed me in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit on the throne of his glory you also shall sit upon the twelve Thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel that's Jesus's words so he's talking to his apostles there in Matthew 20 or part of me Matthew 19 verse 28 any saying you're gonna sit on twelve Thrones so that leaves twelve more who are the other twelve so I'm pretty sure that the first twelve are the apostles the second twelve might just be the the twelve tribes of Israel maybe the the patriarchs if you enter the the sons of Jacob but that's a whole other discussion we can talk about as we get into this later um so you see their clothes and white raiment by the way those who wear white raiment are those who were once wearing rags filthy rags but they've been clothed they've they've led sinful lives but they've been clothed in white raiment the the idea is imputed righteousness again angels don't get that they don't really need that these these are the elders who have been given white raiment and they've been given crowns of gold on their heads so all that to say that that's food for thought the four and twenty elders um I know it's late so we're gonna stop right here in verse four but here's the deal this heavenly scene now we've seen the stage set we see the situation around us but there's kind of a drama that's gonna unfold and it's radical and it's life-changing for us and it's earth-shattering for eternity and and so read ahead if you want chapter 4 and chapter 5 and we'll see this drama in heaven that John is about to see unfold good stuff well Lord we are thankful for this little snapshot that we get to to peek into heaven for this evening and see what's there we acknowledge Lord that we only see through a glass dimly or darkly right now but father we pray that you just give us that hope that expectation of being able to be with you I pray that you'd find a church here a Nathan Creek watching and waiting being the good servant who was busy doing what you've called us to do not being the lazy wicked servant who just says he's not coming back or later lord I pray that we we'd think about that imminent return and and that Lord we would we would also have that blessed hope because in first John you say that he who has this hope purifies himself I pray that purity would be upon our congregation that Lord that sin would seem even worse and perhaps more of a waste of time and more problematic as we consider that you really could return for us tonight so help us to live with that ex I pray father that we would worship before your throne even now but before we are there literally I pray that would be worshipers right now as people that are just attending church and live in our lives driving down the road may we just be giving glory to your name and honor to you so as we go tonight we pray your blessing on the families the people that have taken this time on this Wednesday night just to carve out first study may it bring forth good fruit we pray in Jesus name Amen you
Channel: Lean-into-God
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Length: 74min 14sec (4454 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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