Behind The Scenes: Pre-Service

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well hey everybody this is pastor Brett here and I'm up in my office just before service and I thought it'd be fun to kind of show you guys what we do upstairs backstage before the service so sometimes I'll be here in my office there's a little last-minute prep drinking a little nectar of life right here just this is this is what I have like before service sometimes and and anybody able to hang out with the folks but the worship teams up here and we get things going this is my office I spend some time here and you know we do some study in here got a few of my books most of my books are at home these are almost more of the books and I don't use and I've created for decoration my real library is at my home office but this is my wall of a few of my instruments I love playing banjo this is one of my banjos and this is my mandolin this is not a ukulele I get a lot of people out there saying oh I love it when you play the ukulele don't know how to play the ukulele I play the mandolin it's tuned like a violin and then that's my holding guitar this guitar I bought this like 27 years ago and that hole is there I think it's shaped like the Holy Spirit did you see that this hole was from playing it too much and maybe too hard but I do love this old guitar and I don't use it as much anymore just for rehearsing up here in my office stuff like that but I'm gonna go out and pray with the worship team and the tech crew we got our sound people and our video camera folks and stuff here I'll show you kind what that looks like here's the group we'll go out and say howdy can hey everybody how's it going say hi to everybody out there in yeah yeah this is this is the worship team and the tech crew and we kind of keep an eye on what's going on with the service out here and then this is like the video video tech room where they mix and do all the fun stuff with video multi-site live-streaming all that stuff and we do that stuff here and then we we oftentimes will pray and sing before the service so you guys ready to go hey I've got a baby dedication if I forget the baby dedication somebody give me the universal signal yeah that I'm forgetting the baby dedication yeah yeah just start crying yeah wow they're crying in the spirit of day three I know well let's ask the Lord to bless this service and then we'll head down and get things going and Lord we are thankful for this beautiful sunny day and a chance to worship you this last service Lord I pray you just bless the congregation as they're coming in the doors even as we speak Lord just get their hearts and their minds tuned in to you Lord like psalm 115 not unto us but unto thy name be glory and honor' lord that's what our desire is you'd be glorified that you'd be honored in your church today bless this worship team as they lead us in song may it just be anointed and blessed and largest leading by example I pray I thank you for the work that they put into this this weekend and for all the technical stuff we pray you and hold everything together and that it worked well we pray for the children's wing and the kids classes and the teachers all the stuff that's going on behind the scenes Lord the parking lot guys that are out there work and I just pray that you just cover everything and that Lord as people drive onto these grounds of incense your presence your love and your life so we offer this morning to you and pray that you just get our hearts and our minds in that right place now Lord prepare me to be a sanctuary pure and holy tried and true with Thanksgiving I'll be a sanctuary [Music] for you so be glorified be honored we pray in Jesus name Amen amen all right off we go gotta check the batteries because if the battery packs kill out you're in big trouble you know we got a not too shabby of a view up here upstairs we kind of look out over Westland Hills here's it's not too shabby of a view it's kind of fun especially on a sunny day like this but I let the crew go out a little bit just for a minute because they've got to get all the way to the sound booth and get ready to turn on mics and stuff and I gotta get my little mic here ready to roll and they basically will be ready by the time I get down there so hey let's go get things started gotta go down a dark staircase watch your step well good mornin easy creak oh come on you guys you got to sleep in you guys should be all arrested you guys should be all peppy come on so good morning Nathan creak yeah there we go let's all stand together hey it's time to worship the Lord so you guys ready for that all right let's let's go for it here we go praise the Lord together singing okay right down the middle here we go praise the Lord together singing praise the Lord [Music] nice okay now we'll do four so this is a group 1 group 2 group 3 and then group 4 is the section here we go praise the Lord together singing praise the Lord together singing praise them together [Music] and they barely brought it home that's great nice job you guys you know what's fun about that song is it's easy to sing but we're singing like you know four-part harmony there and it sounds like you guys are well-trained highly skilled singers when we go to Israel we find these huge cathedrals and we get to go sing in them as a group and we'll have 180 creatures and we'll sing that song and I'm not kidding literally other tourists and crowds come gathering around thinking oh listen to this group sing and it's echoing through the bay it's actually pretty fun to do that can you imagine what its gonna be like when we get to heaven and sing worship songs around the throne of God like that's going to be an amazing time and what we get to do today is sort of like heaven practice but it's not that we're you know we're not in heaven but God is here in this place he inhabits the praises of his people that's where he dwells and that's what we want the Lord to be at home in our sanctuary here but also in your heart as your worship the Lord so Lord we pray your blessing on this morning as we worship your Holy Name we want to give you all glory all honor you deserve all the glory so we pray your blessing now in Jesus name and all guys children said hey let's worship Lord together [Music] me break [Music]
Channel: Athey Creek
Views: 4,856
Rating: 4.9793816 out of 5
Keywords: Brett Meador, Micah DePaoli, Behind the Scenes, Back Stage, Before, Pray, Sing, Service
Id: FtC7fSmzI9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 26sec (506 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2020
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