Rapture 62 - 1 Second After Rapture pt 6 - 09-12-2021

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us in this hour and in the main service that follows i specifically pray for the illuminating ministry of the spirit that guides us into all truth and we're going to just take a moment lord if we have some unconfessed sins to deal with before your throne before we study your word we just take a moment of silence to do that individually do lord we're thankful for your character which is the same yesterday today and forever we're thankful for the fact that the grass withers and the flower fades but the word of our god abides forever so make us good stewards today as we seek to make an eternal investment in your word we'll be careful to give you all the praise and the glory we ask these things in jesus name and god's people said amen well if you can locate the book of proverbs chapter 14 and verse 34. thanks to pastor jim for filling in last week my family and myself were at frontier camp where hans monardus one of our former elders and his son were there and they they run the whole thing and it was just a lot of fun happy september 12th i'm glad nothing blew up yesterday particularly since i was flying back from a conference in wisconsin i suddenly realized i was flying on 9 11. i said all right lord if this is it this is it but i got back he must want me to teach this bible study amen so next sunday if i have my dates right is a congregational meeting is that right so wouldn't it be great to finish the rapture study this sunday so to do that i'm just going to have to skip through this whole introduction look at that you guys have heard this 8 000 times anyway and i'm going to do my best to end the study on the rapture today although i can't promise anything so you know we're basically in that part of the study the very end where we're talking about once one second after the rapture and we're dealing with what the unbelieving world will face one second after the rapture there's going to be a perverted explanation offered for all the missing people as we talked about there'll be a change in god's program since there'll be a dispensational change back to israel for one week or one seven year period the antichrist will be readily identifiable global governance will finally reach full bloom there'll be a one world religion and the antichrist and the false prophet are going to carry on a signs and wonders movement so just two more things to cover here you think we can do that i think i had eight things total the seventh thing that i think will happen one second after the rapture and this is sort of speculative i mean i'm assuming that this let's say it happens in our lifetimes let's say it happens today which would be a great day for the rapture amen if the rapture were to happen today i believe that what would happen to the united states of america is it would immediately collapse one of the things to understand about the united states of america and everybody everybody's denying this today but god has blessed the united states of america because it's one of the few nations on the face of the earth that was started with a judeo-christian underpinning and god in his word promises not just to bless israel but he promises to bless nations that honor him so it says here righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people notice it doesn't say tax policy exalts a nation the right inflation or deflation numbers exalt a nation growth of gdp exalts a nation what the bible says is righteousness exalts a nation and the reason i bring that up is when you look at the political sphere today everybody is talking about anything and everything except what is necessary to restore greatness to the united states and any country for that matter and that's a return to respecting and honoring divine principles so nations just like people that honor god's truth just like churches that honor god's truth god promises to bless god does not promise to bless a man he does not promise to bless a method he does not promise to bless a movement he does not promise to bless a denomination but he promises to bless any group church individual or nation that will put god as a sinner and people say well this is in the old testament this is talking about the nation of israel but you'll notice that these two quotes come from what we call the wisdom literature your old testament is divided into three parts the historical books 17 historical books 17 prophetic books but right there in the middle is five wisdom books which are job psalms proverbs ecclesiastes song of solomon is that five i think i named five and those are a little bit different than the historical books and prophetic books in the sense that they contain what we would call trans denominate trans dispensational principles that apply to all of god's people no matter what time period they're written in or living in so we all enjoy proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6 trust the lord with all your heart lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your path straight and we don't say oh that's only for israel because i have that on my refrigerator at home in addition to the sign that says don't eat so much you know nor east west north south to die at best just shut your mouth next to that sign that's a little digression there but the truth of the matter is proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6 basically applies across the board and it's the same with proverbs 14 verse 34 and psalm 33 verse 12. righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people and then you have psalm 33 verse 12 which says blessed is the nation whose god is the lord so if you want your nation to be exalted you have to make it righteous or the people within it have to desire righteousness and if you want your nation to be blessed then you just ask yourself is god the lord of your nation so you can sort of see from this standard why and the united states is falling apart it has nothing to do with all of these public policy things that everybody's amped up about it has to do with basically a departure from the standards of god there is no doubt that the united states was founded on a christian nation as a christian nation um we've done a lot of teachings on this around 4th of july but one of the ways to prove it is this quote from a case called the church of the holy trinity versus the united states 1892. and in this particular case the united states supreme court cited i think it's about as many as 87 historical precedents beginning with christopher columbus and why he came to the united states to prove that the united states is founded as a christian nation and so it's a very interesting case because it dealt with a church i remember right in new york that wanted to hire a pastor from across the pond from europe to be a pastor in new york and as this pastor was getting ready to come suddenly the pastor ran afoul of america's immigration laws so i guess this was back in the day when people actually cared about the immigration laws and so they were applying this immigration law against this pastor and this united states supreme court stepped in and said wait a minute now hold the phone you can't have a law against a christian pastor that doesn't make any sense you're misapplying the law because the intent of this country is to be a christian nation so go back to the the your law books and discover what that law was about and apply it correctly so the person that wrote this majority opinion in fact it wasn't even a majority opinion it was a unanimous opinion no dissenters is a man named david josiah brewer who took his notes from this particular case and presented a series of lectures on this subject at a college called haverford college so when you take those lectures and you take this supreme court case and you put them next to each other and they're both basically describing the same thing i mean there's absolutely no doubt that america was started as a christian nation it's not a perfect nation no nation is but there's no doubt that christianity was at the core of the beginning of the united states so here's how they concluded the supreme court case justice david josiah brewer writing for the majority or not the majority a unanimous decision quote uh america is a christian nation this is historically true from this discovery of the continent and it's interesting they start with christopher columbus and everybody all you hear today about christopher columbus is what an evil person he was but the truth of the matter is christopher columbus wrote a book called the book of prophecies and christopher columbus in that book and it's quoted in this case believed that he was actually coming to the united states in fulfillment of prophecies found in the book of isaiah which speaks of the gospel coming to the distant lands now was christopher columbus exactly applying the literal grammatical historical contextual method of interpretation probably not i could quibble with his interpretation but that's irrelevant i'm just trying to show you the motivation of the man so america is a christian nation this is historically true from the discovery of this continent to the present hour there is a single voice making this affirmation these are not the sayings declarations of private persons they are organic utterances and they speak the voice of the entire people these and many other matters which might be noticed add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a christian nation close quote interesting he doesn't even say this is a judeo-christian nation he says this is a christian nation in other words if christians were not involved in the establishment of this country there wouldn't be a country and so that's i believe the reason why god over our past 200 years has exalted the united states because of this judeo-christian underpinning there is no country in the civilization of humanity that has a greater christian influence than does the united states of america so you say well what does this have to do with the rapture i think it has everything to do with the rapture christians in the united states have the ability to rise even with our current problems have the ability to rise to the highest levels you go around the world and that's not how it works most of the of christians are caught in very low level positions they're basically street sweepers and things like that and it's the system itself that keeps them down it's like a cased or cast system if you're born you know into one of those stations of life you're stuck there your whole life and christians really can't influence the culture like they can in the united states but in the united states of america you can have christians at the highest levels of business you can have christians at the highest levels of the legal profession believe it or not i know that's hard to believe you can have christians in the white house i don't know if the current crop qualifies but there have been christians in that white house you can have christians on the united states supreme court you can have christians that become leaders in academia in literature in music and christianity has the ability even today with all of our problems to influence the culture so what does this have to do with the rapture well when the rapture happens think of the brain drain that will take place in an instant i mean think of the of people at the highest levels of society you know you think of people like dr ben carson um all of these extremely gifted people at the highest levels of their profession think about them just disappearing in a nanosecond i think think what that would do to a civilization or a culture so there's a lot of speculation as you go around and teach prophecy everybody wants to know where is the united states in bible prophecy and the truth of the matter is the united states isn't mentioned people think they can find it here or there but they're really you know manipulating the bible to make that work the united states isn't mentioned and so the big question is well where is the united states my speculation on it is that the rapture will destroy the united states for the reasons i've tried to explain now if the rapture is a lot longer way off maybe we're going to end up destroying ourselves as christianity continues to wane you know in our society but if the rapture were to happen today tonight this evening before this sermon is over some of you may be praying for that to happen i believe the rapture would have an immediate deleterious negative effect on our country and that's why the united states is not found in the pages of bible prophecy i mean these are things that i don't know categorically but this is just some speculation on my part the last thing that the world will experience one second after the rapture is the world will become a candidate for divine wrath there are a lot of bad things i'm sorry she had her camera up and was ready to take a picture and i i switched it on her and i see the pain in her face and i didn't want to be inflicting pain here today these are online by the way you can now she's totally embarrassed that i that i outed her you know but there's a lot of really bad things happening in our world amen but they are not the wrath of god what is what is the world experiencing what are what are christians around the world experiencing right now very severe things such as trials we would expect that because jesus in the upper room said in this world you will have tribulation but take heart because i have overcome the world so christians go through trials our doctrine of pre-tribulationalism does not teach a life free of suffering christians today are experiencing the wrath of man paul wrote to timothy in 2 timothy chapter 3 verse 12 and he said all who seek to live a godly life in christ jesus will be persecuted christians today are experiencing satanic wrath that's why we're to put on the full armor of god ephesians 6 verses 11 and 12. christians today are experiencing the world's wrath jesus said in john 15 verses 8 and 9 do not marvel that the world hates you because it hated me before it hated you in other words the world really doesn't hate you they just hate me but because you represent me the world hates you so we're warned over and over again at the very beginning of the church age that if you trust in christ as your savior and then you become committed to the walk of discipleship the bible on the front end tells you that it's not always going to be easy so christians experience trials christians experience man's wrath christians experience satanic wrath christians experience the world's wrath but there is a form um of wrath that we are exempted from and that would be what kind of wrath god's wrath so i have all these antagonists that are always on my case on social media um you guys know i have a few antagonists their tribe seems to keep growing i notice but they i've got this one guy who's upset you know that i'm a pre-tribulational and so his way of arguing with me as he sends me all these pictures of christians being you know whipped and tortured and my answer to that is it's horrible but you don't even know how to experience you don't know how to distinguish the different forms of wrath that's not god's wrath you would put that under man's wrath satan's wrath or the world's wrath or an ordinary in this case an abnormal trial of life but it is not divine wrath so the truth of the matter is god's wrath right now is not being poured out now why is that true because we're given a promise it's the top bullet point there that we as the body of christ are exempted from god's wrath we are not exempted from these other forms of wrath but we are exempted from divine wrath let me read some of the verses if i could i won't read all of them but first thessalonians 1 verse 10 to wait for his son from heaven whom he raised from the dead that is jesus who rescues us from the wrath to come first thessalonians chapter 5 verse 9 for god has not destined us for wrath but for obtaining salvation through our lord jesus christ romans chapter 5 and verse 9 much more than having been justified by his blood we shall be saved from the wrath of god through him so you are promised an exemption from divine wrath on the basis that jesus absorbed that wrath in your place and so if you are a christian one of the promises that god gives us is not that we're exempted from these other forms of wrath but we are exempted from his wrath so if the church is currently on the earth right now the wrath of god cannot be poured out it's an impossibility it would only become possible if god broke his promise which we all know he cannot do because god cannot lie so with the church present on the earth the wrath of god can't fall you can have a lot of repercussions of the fall like earthquakes and tsunamis and things like that you can lose your job because you don't want to be jabbed you ca i mean there's all kinds of things that can go haywire but that is not god's wrath that is the world's wrath the wrath of god cannot come while the church is here but one second after the rapture everything changes you see that god's people are moved in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet and suddenly the world itself without god's people in it any longer without the church present is now a candidate for god's wrath god now can bring forth his wrath upon the world because if he brought it forth he wouldn't be breaking his word to spare his people from divine wrath so one second after the rapture not only does america collapse and all of these other things happen but now the world becomes a candidate for divine wrath so when does the divine wrath start exactly it starts the moment jesus in heaven takes a seven sealed scroll revelation 5 and starts opening it as that seal is opened it will bring forth the seal judgments which will trigger the trumpet judgments which will trigger the bowl judgments those things are the wrath of god caused by jesus himself who was opening the see the seven sealed scroll that's why in the second bullet point below and we don't have time to look at all of those verses but they are revelation 6 verses 16 and 17. actually we'll look at that one in just a second revelation 11 verse 18 revelation 15 verse 1 and verse 7 revelation 16 verse 1 and verse 19. you look up all of those verses it'll say wrath wrath wrath wrath wrath wrath wrath and it doesn't just say wrath they typically say god's wrath or the great day of his wrath has come that bottom bullet point can't happen while the church is here or else god would be breaking his promise as recorded in the first bullet point but with the church removed now the earth becomes a candidate for divine wrath god can bring forth his wrath on this world without breaking his word to his church and that begins to happen with the opening of the seven sealed scroll based on my current understanding of the chronology of the book of revelation i'm of the persuasion that the seals and the trumpets will take place in the first half of the tribulation period the golden bowls of wrath which are the most severe will take place in the second half of the tribulation period the moment jesus starts to open that scroll is the moment the whole planet changes boom first seal the antichrist comes forward as god allows the world to move into spiritual deception he gives them what they want you don't want me okay you're going to get the antichrist and it's god actually allowing that through the opening of seal judgment number one seal judgment number two the whole world breaks out in war that jesus causes by opening seal judgment number two seal judgment number three the whole world breaks out into famine sealed judgment number four a quarter of the world's population is wiped out jesus is causing all of these things by opening the scroll sealed judgment number five there's massive martyrdoms of those that are left behind that are converted jesus is causing that by opening that particular seal and then seal judgment number six there are cosmic disturbances so revelation chapter 6 verses 16 and 17 says and they said to the mountains and to the rocks fall on us and hide us from the sight of him who sits on the throne from the wrath there's our greek word or gay for wrath from the wrath of the what's the next phrase at the end of verse 16 the wrath of the lamb see that there it doesn't say the wrath of the world it doesn't say the wrath of man it doesn't say the wrath of satan says the wrath of the lamb that's a different category of wrath altogether verse 17 for the great day of their wrath there by maybe a veiled reference to the triune godhead bringing forth this wrath for the great day of their wrath has come and who is able to stand and i agree with what robert thomas says here in his commentary on the book of revelation which i believe is the greatest exegetical commentary from our perspective on revelation that's ever been produced in church history the late robert thomas says the verb elephant has come is an arist indicative referring to a previous arrival of wrath not something that is about to take place men see the arrival of this day at least as early as the cosmic upheavals that characterize the sixth seal but upon reflection they probably recognize that it was already in effect with the death of one quarter of the world's population the worldwide famine and global warfare the rapid sequence of these events could not escape notice but the light of their true explanation does not dawn upon human consciousness until the severe phenomena of the sixth seal arrive so what he is saying here is the pagans in revelation 6 verses 16 and 17 finally articulate what is happening the great day of their wrath has come and as they make that statement grammatically they're making a statement about everything in the chapter he's not saying that the wrath of god somehow started with what is this seal judgment number six a lot of people are trying to convince you of that today they're trying to tell you that the wrath of god really doesn't start until sealed judgment number six so the church has to be here until seal judgment number six or some variation thereof that is total insanity to believe that because to believe that you would have to believe that death famine war and the destruction of a quarter of the world's population that jesus himself is causing by opening the seven sealed scroll in chapter five is not god's wrath does that make any sense to think that it makes no sense whatsoever so our contention is the wrath of god starts pronto when he begins opening that seventh that seven sealed scroll that's what the grammar i think of the passage is communicating which means the wrath of god cannot start until revelation 5. the wrath of god can't start until he takes the scroll and starts to open it and he's not going to take the scroll and start to open it with his bride on the earth because he's made a promise to his bride that she may be subjected to satanic wrath man's wrath the world's wrath but she's not subjected to his wrath see to put the church in the tribulation is like getting engaged to somebody and basically beating beating the daylights out of them prior to the wedding and all these yellers and screamers on youtube trying to teach this that's what they're teaching that they're denying the promise of god they're denying the blessed hope of the church life is very tough but right now is not the wrath of god the wrath of god doesn't start until he takes a seven sealed scroll and starts to open it so if you think life is tough now you haven't seen nothing yet and by way of divine promise you can't be here when that happens but boy it sure changes once the church is translated isaiah 13 verse 12 of that time period god says i will make man mortal man scarcer than pure gold and mankind than the gold of o fear humanity is going to be pushed to almost a point of extinction once the wrath of god hits jeremiah chapter 30 verse 7 of that time period says alas for that day is great there is none like it i mean there hasn't been anything like this it is a time of the church's distress whoops doesn't say that does it it is a time of whose distress jacobs who's jacob israel but he will be saved from it oh god has a different plan for israel than he does the church the church's plan is to be exempted from divine wrath israel's plan as an unbelieving nation is to go into that time period with the remnant converted in and through it you got to keep your program for israel and your program for the church separate or you're going to be confused on this your entire life as a christian daniel 12 and verse 1 talks about that time period it says now at that time michael the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your people israel in other words will arise and there will be a time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until that time and at that time your people everyone who was found written in the book will be rescued god's program for israel not the church the church didn't even exist when this was articulated jesus himself in matthew 24 verses 21 and 22 describing that time period says for then there will be a great tribulation such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now nor ever will unless those days have been cut short no life would be saved but for the sake of the elect israel in other words those days will be cut short in other words the wrath of god is going to be so severe that if it went beyond seven years there wouldn't be anybody left including israel something that god can't allow to happen because he's got to fulfill his millennial kingdom promises in and through a believing jewish remnant so there has to be a believing jewish remnant left and if the wrath of god goes beyond seven years there's nobody left so i think that's what jesus is getting at getting at here so charles dr charles ryrie most people know him as a great theologian i mean charles ryrie like wrote the bible didn't he the ryrie study bible i mean there's like a great big systematic theology written by charles ryrie and everybody kind of looks at the late charles ryrie as if he's a theological giant which he was he's with the lord now so now he's more of a giant i guess let me tell you something about charles ryrie that you probably have never heard the very first book that charles ryery wrote was a children's book his goal was never to become a double phd great theologian he wanted to communicate truth at the lowest level possible as jay vernon mcgee said to put the cookies on the lowest shelf so all the kids can get them that's what charles ryrie wanted to do that's why when you read ryrie it's not like reading your typical theologian you can actually understand what he's saying he's extremely clear and he would have these ways of communicating these really high-level concepts that anybody could understand and he was speaking when our family was living in dallas he was speaking at a little tiny church probably about four or five doors down from where we lived and so obviously we went to hear him speak and he was talking about this subject here the extent of the tribulation period and he just said this he said put up four fingers in fact you guys can do this just take four fingers and put them up here okay those that aren't doing it i'm gonna scold you publicly everybody put up and hold them high so i can make sure okay we're all participating and he said take your index finger and put it down so go ahead and do that he says that's revelation 6. then he said take your middle finger and put it down and so 4 minus two leaves how many fingers two when you put your index finger down that's revelation nine and what he was communicating is by the time you get and we can put our hands down well done we have some gold stars for everybody what he was communicating is the severity of what's coming and what he was saying is by the time you get outside of here i got to put my hand down i'm going to shake it off a little bit so i don't get cramps there we go by the time you get to revelation 9 half of the world's population is wiped out i mean covid is serious when people start to die but we're talking about a 99.99999 chance of survival what we're dealing with in the book of revelation is it is an eradication of 50 of the planet in a relatively short period of time that's god's wrath you say well what are the verses for that well revelation 6 8 says authority and you know this little thing with the hand i mean it's weird it's corny it's simple but see it's something you'll never forget that was charles ryrie that that's what made him so special in my opinion is he had these really terse simple ways of communicating things that anybody could get in fact he told he told us this one time he said you if you want to know if you have the gift of teaching teach teach the kids don't don't start off with the adults teach the kids and if the kids can understand what you're saying then maybe the adults at some point will catch on because teaching is not about having the gift of ambiguity i've heard sermons that remind me of you know genesis 1 verse 2 where it talks about you know what does it say over there in genesis chapter 1 verse 2. it says there the earth was formless and void and darkness was over the surface of the deep that reminds me of a lot of sermons i hear formless and void i mean i have no idea what he just said and we don't need that kind of thing what we need is edification and if you want to edify start with children and teach them because if you can communicate to them you can communicate to anybody so ann and i took him up on that and we were at a church and we had really you know one of the greatest kids sunday school things around in fact they went into almost morning m-o-u-r morning when we left that particular church because we were so good at communicating with kids and of course ann did all the work she had all these games and all this stuff and then i talked for and she would put a limit on me so that's why i became a pastor i got tired of having limits placed on me so you can talk for 10 minutes and then she would make me give my talk to her first and she would edit it and she would say don't use this word don't use that word this word is too high-minded and so i submitted to her authority and i discovered through that that maybe god had given me the gift of teaching see that that's what charles ryrie was communicating so the truth of the matter is by the time you get outside of revelation 9 a quarter of the world's population is wiped out actually revelation 6 a quarter of the world's population is wiped out and then in revelation 9 verse 15 it says so that they would kill a third of mankind so you take away a quarter that's 25 leaving 75 percent and then a third is wiped out that takes away 25 percent leaving two fingers and that can't happen with god's people present you see that because of a divine promise but it can happen the world becomes a candidate for that one second after the rapture it is very similar to the book of genesis chapter 7 verse 16 which says those that entered the ark in other words male and female of all flesh entered as god had commanded him that's noah and his family getting into the ark you know with the animals etc and then it says this and the lord closed it that's the door behind him noah is active building the ark and preaching the and preaching and teaching coming judgment we would think for about 120 years we get that number from genesis 6 3. and as long as that time period was extending the global flood couldn't come but the moment genesis 7 verse 16 happened and noah is in the ark with his family and god closes the door everything changes now the world becomes a candidate for a global deluge that's what the rapture does right now this side of the rapture the wrath of god with the seven sealed scroll that we've described cannot manifest itself if it manifested itself god would be breaking his word but one second after the rapture it's a game changer the earth now becomes a candidate for radical divine judgment leading to the elimination of 50 of the world's population in a very short period of time it reminds us of lot second peter 2 verses 7 through 9 you'll notice there four times i've got them underlined that lot was a righteous man or godly yet his lifestyle wasn't very righteous was it so who was lot lot was an example of what we would call today a backslidden believer in fact i have a sermon title entitled are you a lot like lot and no it wasn't even original with me i stole it from somewhere that i don't even remember so as long as lot is in sodom and we know what happened to sodom and gomorrah right we know that lot's wife was as my wife likes to say was assaulted and we know about the fire and brimstone that came down on sodom and gomorrah that fire and brimstone could not come as long as lot even in his carnal state was in the city you see that the angel that came that was dispatched by god to destroy sodom and gomorrah said to lot hurry escape there for i cannot do anything until you arrive there the name of the town was called zoar so as long as lot even in his carnal state was in the city the wrath of god could not come the angel didn't say i will not do anything the angel said i cannot do anything but once lot is removed now sodom and gomorrah becomes a candidate for divine wrath that's those are types of the rapture right now the wrath of god can't be poured out but one second after the rapture with god's people in heaven the church i should say suddenly the earth becomes a candidate for divine wrath that's a game changer so one second after the rapture what does the world become a candidate for a perverted explanation concerning why everybody's missing a change in god's program holy spirit wise and also his change in program for the church back to israel's final week or seven years the antichrist has now come forward and everybody knows exactly who he is no ambiguity no guesswork global governance is now in full bloom as is world religion as is a signs and wonders movement the likes of which the world has never seen performed by the two beasts in revelation 13 america if this happens in our time period i believe is immediately decimated and the earth moves into a time period where now she is a candidate for something that she's not a candidate for this side of the rapture which is divine wrath so the last part of this is so what who cares and i have four points of application first one is to reject uniformitarianism what is that that's what all of your children and grandchildren are being taught right now if you have them in public education they're basically being taught that the way to determine what happened in the past and what is going to happen in the future is through slow processes that you can see in the present it's called uniformitarianism because it is based on an assumption masquerading as science it is a philosophy masquerading as science that everything is uniform in other words yesterday was just like today and tomorrow will be just like today and with our studies in genesis and with our studies on the rapture i hope you're seeing that that's a false belief charles lyell in the area of geology is the first one that really came forward with this idea that's my understanding of it anyway and charles lyell's stated goal was to rid the fossil record of any mosaic interpretation he did not want the fossil record to be understood through the lens of moses because moses in genesis gives you an understanding of the fossil record through a deluge charles lyell did not like that he wanted it to be understood based on slow processes that you can see in the present so that's why carl sagan by the way that name's sagan that reminds what reminds me of the word pagan but that's another issue that's why carl sagan and all those videos i grew up with is always saying billions and billions and billions you guys heard that billions of years what is that that's uniformitarian peter predicts that one of the heresies of the last days will be unitary uniformitarianism he doesn't use the word uniformitarianism but he says this the mockers are going to come saying where is the promise of is coming for everything continues on just as it was from the beginning that's uniformitarianism peter is predicting that 2 000 years in advance what's happening in our day through lyell darwin sagan etc peter says you should reject uniformitarianism because you cannot evaluate the past by what you see in the present because god in the past did two things that you would never know about unless you had the bible they are creation where god started everything suddenly and they are the flood where god sent a sudden catastrophe to judge this planet so obviously the the present is not the key to the past so therefore i shouldn't interpret the fossil record according to the lyell charles lyell model because biblically i know that this earth went through a major major catastrophe and before that catastrophe it was brought into existence through the instantaneous miraculous hand of god so is the present the key to the past absolutely not not if you care about your bible the fact of the matter is and i'll try to bring this up in the sermon today the world that we're living in has been altered three times did you know that there was original creation and then there was the fall that was an alteration of our physical world then there was the flood violent judgment and then it was altered again as god confounded the language and multiple languages ethnicities and nations developed and so i have number four they're highlighted because that's the world we're in now the post tower of babel world we're living in a world that has been cataclysmically altered by god three times and unless you approach the fossil record with that right assumption which uniformitarians do not because they deny all of this you can't understand the fossil record and this is why charles lyell was trying to get rid of moses to get rid of that interpretation of the fossil record he was introducing uniformitarianism and if all of this is true the world that we're living in is about to be radically altered three more times did you know that and the first radical alteration is going to be the rapture because once the rapture happens all the rules change and the earth becomes a candidate for divine wrath and then god will establish his kingdom upon the earth for a thousand years and even that world is going to be changed because this world is going to be destroyed by fire so if you're into global warming that's where you would put it i would think and replaced by a new heavens and a new earth this is what's called a biblical worldview completely contradictory to uniformitarianism the biblical worldview says we are living in a world that's been radically changed three times and it's about to be radically changed three more times beginning with the rapture now just think about this for a minute think about how our world changed in between 2019 and 2020. we just got finished commemorating memorializing would be a better word 911 think about how the world changed pre-911 to post 9 11. i mean everything changed and then with covet everything changed again so i think the lord is sending us some signals here that you cannot evaluate yesterday based on what's happening today and i can't evaluate tomorrow based on what's happening today so we should completely reject uniformitarianism because it doesn't even work in the natural world excuse me natural world let alone in the outworking of god's purposes so reject uniformitarianism second point of application is live for jesus romans 13 11 and says do this knowing the time that it is already excuse me that it is already the hour for you to awaken from your sleep for now salvation is nearer to us than when we first believed can anybody say amen to that people all the time ask me you know are we the end times generation my answer is well i don't know but we're one day closer than we were yesterday i know that much the night is almost gone the day is near what's the day the day is the the kingdom that's coming the day is near therefore let us lay aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light close quote beloved this is not the time in your christian life to be experimenting and entertaining sin you have the we have the resources to say no to sin don't play games with god don't waste the waning moments you have left to invest into something that's displeasing to god you'll notice that salvation there is in the future tense because we teach the three tenses of salvation here he's not talking so much about justification nor sanctification although he's making applications to sanctification he's talking about glorification glorification is right around the corner so we should be living according to our identity which is children of light why go back to the darkness that's not who we are third point of application is to reach the lost jesus at the as the church age was about to get off the ground said to his disciples go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation it is interesting to me that in our time period we are completely and totally uniquely positioned to do that right here at sugarland bible church did you know that because when you look at statistics the teachings that we give here go all over the world how do we know we go they go all over the world a we look at the statistics and b we read the emails people from all over the world in this little tiny church are listening to what we're saying right now that there hasn't been an opportunity like this in my estimation in all of church history simply because we're sitting on top of all of this technology and fortunately the elders of this church that founded it were wise enough to pay off the debt of this church which means the preacher doesn't have to beg people to come please come to church i'll tell you exactly what you want just help us pay down our debt that's the condition most churches are in very sadly that's why the book of proverbs says the borrower is servant to the lender we're not in that position we can teach what the bible says and if people don't like it as we like to say the exits are clearly marked so we have the ability to teach truth in this building and have it beamed all over planet earth i mean i'm not even sure the apostle paul could have done something like that and the last point of it of course is the gospel which is to believe the gospel truly i say to you he who hears my word believes in him who sent me has eternal life and does not come into judgment but has crossed out of death unto life we want people to hear this information and be saved so one second after the rapture three things for the believer beginning with the letter r reunion resurrection reward remember that eight things for the unbelieving world we went through those and then four points of application and drumroll please the rapture series is over can you believe it so i was hoping right when i said that the lord would say come up here so i've been doing these rapture drills all week trying to get ready all right god's timing not my timing so here's what i want you to do i want you to send me via email uh your questions because obviously there's a lot of them send them to a woods at slbc.org to quote that great theologian bill o'reilly keep them pithy pithy is better because i can't read a dissertation so if you've got questions we're going to go through those next time next week is the congregational meeting so we're going to do a q a specifically on the subject of the rapture don't send me questions about everything what about the dinosaurs we'll leave that for another day send me questions on the rapture or the end times and i'm going to try to answer those not next week because it's a congregational meeting but the week after if the lord tarries by the way i'm going to be one year older when we come back together did you know that because my my birthday is on the 21st so you only have a few shopping days left so with that being said let's pray father we're grateful for the blessed hope of the church and i just pray that these studies would continue to edify people as they're posted we lift up all of these things in jesus name and god's people said amen happy intermission
Channel: Lean-into-God
Views: 55
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 23sec (3743 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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