003 m1-640 Revelation 1:4-6 04-03-2013

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so the first Wednesday we got to tackle verses one through three and so we'll begin in verse four but let's let's just since it's so short let's just start at the beginning again here goes chapter 1 verse 1 the revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him to show unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John who bare record of the word of God and of the testimony of Jesus Christ and all things that he saw blessed is he that readeth and they that hear the words of this prophecy and keep those things which are written therein for the time is at hand amazing thing as we looked at this last week to see that this book is the one book of the Bible that comes with that little tag saying anybody who reads this and hears the words of this prophecy and keeps those things that are written therein will be blessed or happy that sort blessed is just happy and yet what is interesting is if you ask the average person in the church or in the world you say what's the book of Revelation about oh man the apocalypse doom and gloom bombs blowing up and people dying of disease and death and famine and pestilence and hailstones and 100 pounds bonking people are mad and earthquakes are gonna make the the the islands disappear it's doom and gloom but here's the thing isn't it interesting that this book says it's gonna bless your socks off if you read it and if you hear it and if you keep it and one of the things I want to really be a theme as we go through this book is to say Lord we want to see that blessing that you've promised to us and so what I also want to pray is Lord keep us from just looking only at the bad thing see we we have to understand that people major sometimes on the things that freak him out but the Bible is not meant to freak us out he's not giving us over to a spirit of fear but of love and power and a sound mind that's what we're called to be so if the book of Revelation puts fear in your heart we're missing the point if we come out more frustrated or afraid then we're missing God's heart he wants it to be a blessing and and you say well Brett I've read Revelation chapter 6 through 19 in that little section or most of the section really of the book of Revelation is has a lot of doom and gloom but oftentimes if you watch a movie isn't it interesting that over and over and over again you see in a movie in its plot it's always gets really bad things get really really bad effects not even a good movie unless there's something really really bad and then after it gets really really bad well hopefully it gets good I like old movies I'll tell you why because they always believed in happy endings you know what I'm saying pre 1960s then when everybody took drugs they thought it was cool to like make movies that have bad endings remember that but it all changed to that now you never know how it's gonna end out and they think that's really cool I love those old movies because they always ended good you know what I'm talking about you younger people that haven't got into the classics yet if you want to be pepped up man look at some of those old pre well in the 50s and earlier there's some really happy nice endings you see here's the deal it's not a great an a-team classic example anybody here watch the a-team yeah okay clearly some of you young guys over here that's cool I remember growing up watching the a-team and it was great because man there was always really really bad things really really bad guys and then mr. T and you know the old guys would come and Murdock was my favorite he would come and and they would blow bubbles with the bad guys and stuff and it was awesome you know bubble gum or whatever they use to get the bad guys but but it always ended out good for the person who was being oppressed for the person who's being wiped out and that's why we liked the a-team and the thematic music was also a plus now here's the deal if you don't understand what the a-team is well the point is before you can really enjoy the glorious end of a story you have to also appreciate how horrible things could have been or or how bad things actually would have gotten apart from the Lord you see in the book of Revelation that's what we're gonna see we're gonna see how bad it really is going to get before the good stuff comes and the good stuff coming well let's just not even say the good stuff it's really the good person the amazing Good Shepherd the the King of Kings the Lord of lords he's gonna be the one who's gonna come into the picture and restore all the things that have been wrong to all the evil in this world that's been piled up all the sin that's accumulated the point is man the Lord's coming back to restore and bring in an everlasting righteousness Daniel chapter 9 there in the one of the most amazing prophecies of the Old Testament though the Lord says to Daniel at the end of that time when the Lord comes to restore his kingdom he's gonna make an end of iniquity that sounds all spiritual and everything but it just means there's gonna be an end of sin it's not sound good for anybody just ending sin man we have so much sin in this world we have so much sin in our own lives we're plagued with sin and and sin brings about death and destruction and man we are a people who are helpless but we're gonna have our our Prince come the king of kings is going to come and restore those wrongs you see that's why the book of Revelation if you read it I believe it's going to be a blessing just on that point alone that we get to see the end of the story the way it turns out in the very end now by the way if you don't understand or appreciate the book of Revelation I believe the rest of the Bible can also be a frustration to not know what the Lord is gonna do to not really understand his plan and his purpose for the end it doesn't really help with your understanding of what's happening right now you hear people frustratedly ask well if God has loved and why do bad things happen to good people or if God is love how can he allow horrible things to happen on this planet really the thing is the book of Revelation answers that question quite clearly in my opinion and you won't have to wonder those things because you know how it's going to turn out you know the Lord will interact and will intervene when he returns and so we have the glorious hope of Christ's return when he comes and rules and reigns in this earth to bring in an ever fasting righteousness man that's a glorious thing to look forward to so yes we will go through some of the dark days of the book of Revelation as it comes but the book of Revelation also speaks of the glory of Jesus Christ and we get to see Jesus past present future God in His Holiness in his fullness and the book of Revelation depicts the Lord quite radically and quite beautifully so that blessing I believe it's very practical those who read this book the practical part of it is that man the Lord's going to come and restore all things that are wrong that's the practical I do believe there's perhaps it implied here a supernatural blessing that has nothing to do with practicality it's just if you read the book you hear the words of the book keep the words of the book you're gonna be blessed so good that's good stuff now that was a sort of beginning introductory statement verses one through three and then he picks up in verse four let's read it says John to the seven churches which are in Asia grace be unto you and peace from him which is which was and which is to come and from the seven spirits which are before his throne to the seven churches of Asia what are those churches well if you recall this the the the word Asia there throws us off we we think of Korea or Japan or China or something like that but in John's day Asia or we might call it Asia Minor more accurately we call it modern-day Turkey that's what Asia Minor would be and an included of course Ephesus Smyrna Pergamum Thyatira Laodicea and Philadelphia Sardis those were the churches that were in Asia Minor that were planted there and it was it was really to those churches now when we get to the the seven churches there and we talked about later here we're gonna find out that there's a literal church that represents each one of those seven churches the literal church in Ephesus but we're also going to find that there is a church historically that is a in meaning that is linked to that church in fact a certain kind of demeanor and what-have-you linked to each one of those churches that we can apply and learn from today but there's also the seven churches it represents sort of a panoramic view of church history and it very much has to do with all of us even today and where do we fit in as American church where do we relate to the seven churches and we're gonna find that to be a very rewarding study it's gonna have great application for us as we go through all this so those seven churches that's going to be a huge important thing for for our study here and I'm looking forward to getting into those seven churches of Asia Minor now why not the churches there in Jerusalem or in in Rome I mean wouldn't those be more of a major thing well it seems that the Lord wanted to use those specific churches of that small area of Asia Minor not including Rome in Jerusalem or Antioch or those other places where the church was existing but a very centralized group of churches and I believe the reason he addresses those churches specifically is because he's sort of painting a portrait of a whole notion of all church history and God puts all the pieces together using those seven churches and their tendencies even their names even the people that attend those churches he's gonna use that to be sort of a picture to paint for us to learn more about what Jesus Christ once from his church how much he loves his church it's it's almost like the Lord sort of orchestrated all the events of those little seven churches to come together rich and meaning plenty for us to study and learn from so I believe that's why he specifically chooses those churches he he puts it all together like a beautiful piece of art and all those little pieces fit perfectly together to show us massive amounts of truth so I love that he chose the seven churches of Asia Minor quite instructive for sure and then he says Grace and peace unto you or grace be unto you and peace from him which is which was which is to come so we've got grace and peace some people say a typical salutation of the day and they say that's all it is that John's just saying howdy you know he's just saying hi everybody like we would greet each other you know what's up or whatever we say to each other it's just that typical greeting but I don't believe so I know that those were in fact typical greetings of the day but keep in mind don't ever sell short the words that are in the Bible when somebody says grace and peace I think we can realize that was a word that was inspired by the Holy Spirit you'll read commentaries and say oh just a typical greeting it's just like saying hi but really grace the word in the Greek is Karis and there's peace of course Shalom was the word that the Jews would use there and those were in fact common greetings and if you go to Israel today you can say Shalom and they'll say hey Shalom and it's the way to greet each other but I believe inspired by the spirit he is saying Grace and peace and he's speaking to the church there and I believe that's the greeting that inspired by the Spirit John would say grace and peace that's what the Lord would have for his church isn't it interesting that the church oftentimes lacks those two things even though that's the way we're often addressed in the scriptures we lack grace and we lack peace instead of grace we have legalism it's all about do's and don'ts and hopefully you're saved if you measure up or if your good outweighs your bad that's not how a person's saved is it Ephesians 2 says it's by grace you are saved through faith and not of works lest any man should boast grace it's just that notion that truth of saying that that we are saved and it's over and beyond anything we could have deserved it's like the Lord blesses us what we deserved well if you want to call it justice what's justice according to the Bible is death we deserve to pay for our sins and the payment is death that be justice by the way be careful run around something what we need in this world is justice be careful because you don't want justice nor do I for justice would leave you and I dead and burning in hell for eternity that's what's just so I've got to kind of remember that one be careful now and I understand what you're saying we say we need justice and but I also believe that justice is not going to really be seen we shouldn't be saw shocked when we see injustice in this world because the Bible says we're not going to see that fully until Jesus returns we're the king of kings and the judge the true judge is gonna come and bring about true justice so I'm always careful when I'm talking about justice because I don't want gret justice I want mercy see mercy is that next thing while you and I justice would be to burn in hell forever what we experience is mercy that is where the Lord does not give us what we deserve he does not give us what we deserve he's merciful he shows us mercy and he forgives us our debt that's what mercy is to be forgiven really to have your sins blotted out like the Bible says he remembers your sins no more puts your sins as far as the East is from the West the glorious truth of Mercy is amazing and by the way I think I'd be really happy with mercy alone when as I look at the big picture of eternity just mercy alone is great but you know what's so amazing about our Lord as he moves it to not even just not justice for us and not just simply mercy he does do that for us but he brings it to the level of grace I love the level of grace because that's if I said justice is getting what you deserve mercy is not getting what you do deserve but grace is getting what you don't deserve the blessings over and abundantly above anything you ever deserve it's just the Lord being quite merciful laguardia was not just an airport he was actually the mayor of New York City and what's funny about laguardia's he he was kind of known to be sort of this eccentric dude he was just a short little guy of just over five feet tall and was was the mayor of New York during the days of the Great Depression and so there was poverty that was his biggest challenge and and he was there during the Great Depression all the way through World War two actually and they called him the little flower that was his name and New Yorkers call him that endearingly because he always wore a carnation in his suit and so this short little guy with a flower they called him the little flower and and he used to you know ride in the fire engines of New York he used to talk to the orphans and bring him to baseball games I mean he was very known for interacting getting him in the midst of the people but one of the things he was known to do is to relieve the the judges who were at the at their bench during holidays and what-have-you and give them the night off so so he would do that one particular evening he in in 1935 he showed up at a at the night court that served the poorest Ward of New York City and he dismissed the judge for the evening said you'd go home and he took over and as the night went on he was you know doing the work of the judge when a woman an elderly woman was brought before him and she was accused of stealing a loaf of bread from a store owner there in that poorest part of the city but when he asked her the old woman said oh I I did steal the loaf of bread but my children are starving and my grandchildren are starving you know and she talked about her husband died her daughter's husband left their family and they were on their own and and the children were literally literally starving so that's why she stole the bread and knowing what he had to do he pronounced her guilty and he said you're fine shall be ten dollars even as he was saying that reaching in his own pocket and paying her her feet and then he said now the next one on trial the person standing behind her was waiting thinking that he was going to say that was his time for whatever crime he had committed but he said the rest of you are all on trial now next you're all guilty of having a poor old lady in our city and her children going hungry without anybody's care or concern you're all guilty fifty cents per person and he passed a hat around the room and made everybody all the people who got caught speeding or or the people who had little petty thief crimes or whatever and even the police officers that were there you're all guilty and they put in their fifty cents the store owner even that was there that she stole the bread from hee hee with red face he had to put 50 cents in the in the Hat as well and and and they raised $47.50 of those people that were in the room and and what's interesting is she went away the newspapers printed that I guess the next day and and and that just made him the more popular because well it was an act of graciousness I mean this woman she deserved judgment and notice that LaGuardia didn't say uh-uh you're off the hook you can go free that would not be justice so while justice still needs to be served there was also mercy you know and and even more impressive was the act of grace mercy is when he paid the debt for her and then she didn't have to pay anything her her debt was paid so she didn't have to go to jail she was forgiven of her debt because it was paid by the by the judge but grace came when he took a collection and sent her away with $47.50 in the same way we have a judge who loves us so much and has compassion toward the sinner that he has paid our debt but he's also blessed us over and beyond anything we could have imagined her thought and frankly if you really think it out it's it's it's embarrassing how much the lord has graciously blessed us especially those of us that live in America we have been given so much and we complain about the smallest of things and we forget that the Lord's grace really is amazing we forget how much of the world lives but we've been given so much and I almost wonder if it's the curse of a mare because we've been given so much we don't even realize what bad really means what a bad day really is all about we don't know what pain and suffering generally is comparatively when you look at the rest of the world so something to be humbled by really is the grace but here's the deal this is really important the reason you always see grace linked to peace like here in our text like Paul the Apostle always does is I believe the Christian cannot really experience God's peace until he understands and knows and appreciates God's grace you will have no peace until you really understand the grace of God that's why I think these two things are often joined together at the hip Grace and peace be unto you the church and that's sadly what the church doesn't have we find ourselves frustrated arguing about topics and issues and you know upset about this that the other thing and we lack the peace and also those that tend to be more legalistic and it's not about God's grace it's about us doing more or being better or trying to earn his lovers affection man you're not gonna have peace that way that's legalism so it's so important for the church to have Grace and peace I believe that's why John and Paul the Apostle and others would say grace and peace be unto you because that's what the church needs and I believe that's just as true today as it was back in John's day I pray that you as a a theory Kerr can know grace it's the whole deal grace is the is the way that we're safe we're saved by grace through faith and then as you realize that you'll have a peace in your heart that will by the way the PISA job will make you want to serve the Lord and walk in his truth even more you show me a person who gets grace I'll show a person who's living for Christ and that's why James and Paul aren't disagreeing when James says faith without works is dead I don't believe that's a problem Paul says in Ephesians 2 group by grace you're saved through faith not of works James says faith without works is dead are they angry at each other are they in disagreement no it's the person who hands are saved by grace through faith when you realize that it makes you really want to serve the Lord it's a get to not a god - you're not serving the Lord or doing good works so that you can be saved you're doing the good works because you are in fact saved by the grace of God he's been so gracious why wouldn't we sell out everything to the Lord and give our lives to him holy that's what he's talking about here grace and peace and if we got just that tonight and really apply that to our lives practically we'd be a healthier stronger more balanced bunch of Christians if we really really get grace very very important well he says John to the seven churches of Asia grace unto you and peace from the Trinity huh I don't see that there doesn't say Trinity there no in fact it's funny because those that don't believe in the Trinity those that are outside of the pail of Orthodoxy that is those who don't believe that it's God who has one God in three persons they would say we don't see the Trinity in the Bible the word Trinity's not there and you'll hear that over and over again from those that don't believe that God is in three persons now we see the three persons described for us here he says grace and peace from him which is which was and which is to come who is the one who is and was and is to come that is speaking of God the Father he always has been he always will be and he is presently right now God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit that's a description of God the Father the the one who's the great I am that spoke to Moses it's God in the in the father part of the Holy Trinity and it says from the seven spirits which are before his throne and from Jesus Christ you see that's that's where we see it now you say but Brett what are the seven spirits isn't that some gambling consumer down on canyon village oh my god the seven spear not now here's the deal the seven spirits it's not an American Indian thing it's also questionable there's there's good debate on what these seven spear sorry now let me just tell you a few of the theories we're gonna see seven angels that are of the churches and we're gonna talk about who those angels are the word angel or on glass in the Greek is messenger and so it speaks of these seven angels of the churches some argue that that's what we're talking about is the angels of the churches but it's possible that we're talking about the Holy Spirit himself and there's an interesting Old Testament passage remember the best commentary on the Bible you should write this down if you don't know this is the Bible the best commentary on the Bible is the Bible turn with me to Isaiah chapter 11 real quick keep your finger here in the book of Revelation and Isaiah chapter 11 there's this mysterious description of the Holy Spirit and it talks about the Sevenfold Ministry of the Holy Spirit how many fold ministries seven how many churches in Asia Minor seven yeah and how many bowls of wrath how many trumpets see what you haven't got into those chapters you already know the answer is almost always seven but something you should know about but the seven fold ministry of the Spirit is listed right here in Isaiah chapter 11 verse one is where we'll start it says there in Isaiah 11:1 and there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse and a branch the Hebrew word is nets are in the and and that's a that's a flag word for you Bible students nets are speaks of Jesus the Messiah who's going to come this is a prophecy there and it shall grow out of his roots this branch of Jesse which would be David who's the son of Jesse speaking of Christ there and verse two the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the spirit of wisdom the spirit of understanding the spirit of counsel and might the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord so you've got seven things the Spirit of the Lord is the first one and you have the spirit of wisdom number two the spirit of understanding number three and the spirit of counsel and might number four and five and the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord six and seven so these operations or ministries of the Spirit here that's kind of interesting speaks of the Sevenfold Ministry of the Holy Spirit which some scholars link and say maybe this is talking about this nature of the Holy Spirit and by the way that's a great study if you want to do a study on the Spirit of the Lord and what he does that's a great little place Isaiah chapter 11 so many would link this and say what we're seeing is we're talking about that which he that is that was it is to come that would be God the Father and from the seven spirits which are before his throne that very likely and possibly could be the Holy Spirit himself with his seven fold nature and by the way we're gonna come across that seven spirits quite a bit here in the book of Revelation and so as we get through this and refer to these seven spirits it's your job to discern and say man who are these seven spirits and where do we apply that you'll see what I mean as we get further in this because the seven spirits are going to be brought up quite a bit so I'm not done with that but we're just gonna let it lie there for now and then from the third part of the Holy Trinity that is of Jesus Christ verse five and so we see that as very possibly the Holy Trinity now by the way why we believe the Holy Trinity is God in three persons there's one thing you need to know there's there is only one God sometimes when people talk about the Trinity others would try to say well you guys are polytheistic because you believe in three gods God the Father God the Son and God the Holy Spirit but we believe that it's a mystery a mystery how its how God can be three-in-one and there's all kinds of illustrations you'll hear it tons and every time I bring this up I get emails people they know did you hear about the one about the egg it's a shell and it's a yolk and it's a white and it's but it's one egg and but yeah but you can divide those up and doesn't always work time is another good one I think you got past you got present you know for future but it's still called time and so in in in a sense you can kind of come up with the illustrations what at water vapor gas but it's all still the scientific term for it moisture liquid something like that but there's all the illustrations you'll come across but the fact is they all tend to break down because I believe the mystery of the Holy Trinity is beyond our ability to comprehend and I'm not I don't have a problem with that but it's possible that that's what we're seeing right here God the Father that is the one who is was it is to come yet the Holy Spirit spoken of in his Sevenfold nature perhaps right here and then you also have Jesus who's mentioned as well but we believe in one God not monotheism how do we know that just just for you that are interested Isaiah 45 verse 5 says I am the Lord there is no other beside me there is no God isaiah 44:6 says thus saith the lord the king of israel and his redeemer the lord of hosts I am the first and I am the last there is no god beside me now this is interesting in isaiah 44:6 let me read that again but you're gonna hear two people mentioned they're speaking of one isaiah 44:6 thus saith the lord the king of israel and his redeemer who would that be who's the Redeemer Jesus so you got the Lord is the king of Israel and the Redeemer and the Lord of hosts saying I am the first and the last and there is no god beside me yea but Brett what about when God says like even in the Big Ten Commandments thou shall have no other gods before me so there's other gods but here's the thing we know the implication is clear in the Bible that really they're false gods aren't they Jesus made that clear didn't he in John 17:3 where Jesus said I always like to go with Jesus on this one and this is life eternal that they may know the the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou has sent Jesus those are red letters from John 17:3 and John and Jesus is saying there's only one true God all the others are false I just like what Jesus says there and I'm gonna go with that one so don't be duped when people try to you know say that if you're a Holy Trinity person that you believe in three gods in one no it's just it's three persons represented that is really one God and we see that mystery throughout the Bible very very important so all that to say we can see that verse verse four and the beginning of verse five very likely is speaking of that threefold being of God great stuff well when it speaks of Jesus at the end of that description then we see a whole nother list here and there's there's initial descriptions of who Jesus Christ is and what he's done question how many things do you think are listed here about Jesus seven good good eye you're always gonna be right on that one pretty much and it says verse five and from Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the Dead and the Prince of the kings of the earth unto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood and have made us kings and priests unto God and his father to him be glory and Dominion for ever and ever amen radical little list here let's break it down just as quickly as we can the seven initial descriptions of Christ who he is what he's done first of all he's called faithful I love that about Jesus he's the one who's faithful even when you are faithless he remains faithful still that's a nature that's a characteristic of Jesus Christ but he's a faithful that's number one but number two he's a faithful witness he's a he's testifying and we've already kind of seen that sort of language in verse two do you remember last week in verse two Jesus Christ who bear record of the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ Jesus is giving us his testimony it's the revelation of Jesus Christ given eventually to John for us to read and to learn so the testimony is he's a witness and keep in mind when we read the book of Revelation this is the witness of Jesus Christ of what's going down what's gonna happen revealing and and and it's almost like we have trouble with Christ being a witness because a witness in our mind always speaks of what happened when you're standing on a stand in a in a courtroom or sitting there at the seat you're giving a testimony of what what what happened but Jesus is giving a testimony on the witness stand of what's going to happen because remember God knows the beginning from the end he knows the future unlike Nostradamus who only got 35 percent right in his predictions and people think CDs amazing what's amazing is the Bible is so far perfect in his predictions and it's prophecies the book of Revelation I believe is one of those great witnesses of Christ that's saying here's what's coming down and we can count that witness that testimony to be faithful so he's number one faithful number two he's a witness giving testimony number three he's called the first begotten of the Dead does this ring a bell the first begotten of the Dead we read this even on Sunday as it was Resurrection Sunday we went over first Corinthians chapter 15 if you'll recall hopefully you're getting some of these scriptures down if you ever want to go to some good Resurrection Scotia scripture think of first Corinthians 15 I like to think of it that way if you want a good chapter like you guys don't have this works if you want a good chapter on love where would you go to that first Corinthians 13 is a good one if you want to talk about marriage where's a good chapter talking about marriage these is five see if you can almost topically think of good things and the more you read the Bible you'll add to those lists of scriptures and stuff but just for you guys that are wondering if you ever wondered about the resurrection 1st Corinthians 15 I think is a great section but it's also where it talks about Jesus being the first of the begotten or the first of the Resurrection I should say when when there Paul says in 1st Corinthians 15 verse 22 for as an Adam all die even so in Christ shall be made alive but every man in his own order Christ the firstfruits afterward they that are Christ's at his coming what's he saying their Christ is the firstfruits of the resurrection the reason that's important is that's one of the titles given or the description of Christ here in Revelation that where it says that Jesus was the first begotten of the Dead and the reason that's important is because if Jesus didn't rise then none of us would rise after we were dying we would all have a sort of resurrection unto death as we're gonna read in Revelation chapter 20 but we're gonna have resurrection unto life because he is the first fruit of the Resurrection you see that's why the the resurrection of Christ is in fact essential without the resurrection of Christ we have all men are most what miserable right because man we might as well pack up our Bibles and go home if Jesus did not raise from the dead that's 1st Corinthians 15 so the resurrection is giant hopefully you you believe that Christ died and rose from the grave and if you confess with your mouth believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died and rose from the grave then the Bible says Romans 10:9 10 you'll be saved that's how he's seneschal the resurrection of Christ is it's what saves a person to believe and embrace the work of the cross and his resurrection so these are all major descriptions of who Christ is and what he's done he's faithful he's a witness he's the first begotten of the Dead but number four he's called the Prince of the kings of the earth now your newer translations don't say Prince but king over all the rulers or some of your newer translations imply that he's over all the kings of the earth but the reason the King James stuck with the word Prince is because the implication perhaps in the original language was that he is called the prince you say well Bret why would he be called the prince over the kings of all the earth why wouldn't he just be called the king of kings and what's interesting is maybe it's speaking of present tense where Christ is not the king of kings if you would right now in fact the Bible tells us that the Prince of this world right now is Satan the king of this world is Satan he's the ruler over the power of the air we read in the scriptures and so right now the kings of the earth they're kind of in charge but when Christ comes his second coming he is going to take over as king of kings and Lord of lords so perhaps the implication is the prince is the next in line to be king and maybe that's what the the Lord is speaking to us here but the fact is either way it's all good because we know that ultimately he will rule and reign over all the kings of the earth so we know that's all true just kind of an interesting nuance in translation is it is he is he spoken of as the Prince who's going to take his rightful reign and thin the throne or is he speaking of just the fact that he is overall I believe that's something we've yet to see in its fullest extent that's why we have pain and suffering in this world because right now Satan should get all the blame we shouldn't call our insurance problems where trees fall in your car we shouldn't call that acts of God we should call that acts of Satan because Satan is in charge and he should get all the credit for all those bad things after all he's the one that caused Adam and Eve to stumble in the garden and the earth became in this ugly fallen state Satan should get credit for that and man can also say so did we we were part of that too but when God comes and rules and reigns on this earth there'll be a hugely noticeable difference where it's gonna be glorious but the fact is he's coming and he's going to be the king of kings so he's called the Prince of the earth that is next in line after Satan's destroyed then number five in Ollie number one faithful number two witness first begotten of the Dead number three number four Prince of the kings of the earth but number five he's called they're the one that loved us unto him that loved and and then it goes on but the word loved you'll notice in your newer translations the translators tried to help the Scriptures out by putting the word love's present tense when in that actuality the word in the King James is loved past tense now the reason the new translations put the word loves instead of loved is because it makes sense to them and it's true does God love you present tense yes but the question is did God love us past tense and and that's why the translators had trouble with that but but I believe the King James translators were right to keep it loved past tense because there's something you should know about this whenever the word loved past tense is used in the Greek New Testament I believe it's speaking to a single specific event you have to understand this and this is where the new translation is I miss it because we know that God loves us present tense but when the Bible says he loved us it's speaking of none other than the cross for God so loved past tense the world when did he do that he loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son I mean that everybody knows John 3:16 right and that explains the word loved for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son when did Jesus the Son of God when was he given it was there at the cross He gave His life so just a little heads-up freebie for you guys when your study in the New Testament for God so loved the world that's speaking of the Cross when he loved us when we sing songs about Oh how He loves loved us or loves us depending on the tense we can speak of how He loves us present tense cuz it's true he does love us but when we sing about or speak about how he loved us we're speaking of the cross are you guys with me on that kind of important you can even maybe make a note in your newer translations because it is a past tense word and I believe it's speaking of the Cross number six on the list of things Christ does and who he is it says he washed us from our sins in his own blood man this is one of the more glorious truths of Jesus Christ that's why Peter would call the blood of Jesus his precious blood and the world bulks at that why are you guys always talking about the blood of Jesus man why do you guys always make movies where Jesus's blood is spurting out everywhere and stuff like that you have to understand to the Christian we understand that the blood of Christ is that beautiful and precious as Peter calls it's truth of the fact that our sins require death the only way that our sins can be washed is by the blood of a perfect being and that was God sending his son Jesus who knew no sin and when his blood the perfect blood of Christ was shed it offered the cleansing of sin and this is what the Scriptures teach and that's why Jesus instituted there at the Last Supper communion the Eucharist if you would by saying listen you got to eat the bread and remember my body and drink the blood this cup that he's talking about as he passed the wine in remembrance of me and and how important that is to make that a regular part of your Christian walk is going to the table of communion because of the precious blood of Jesus man as we drink that and remember that our sins are washed away I love that you know it's there's an old story of a little boy who was in England who was looking out in a parade with his father they were up in an upstairs room looking out at the parade as it was going by and as the Redcoat army came marching by and the dad was there and the son said dad look at those white coats dad says son what do you talk about well look at all those soldiers the white coats and and the dad said son those are red coats no daddy they're they're white coats and and the dad was confused and he got down by his son he said son those are and then he looked and he realized you see the edges of the window that they were looking at was stained glass and there was a red panel of glass that was there and little boy was watching the parade through the red panel of glass and if you look at red through a red glass it looks white so he was saying dad those are white coats and the son said yeah or the dad said yes they are they're white coats and I love that because really though your sins be as scarlet they will be what white as snow how can the blood of Jesus make anything white and clean it's just the Lord doing that beautiful work of takes it taking our our red sins and as the even though there is scarlet the blood of Jesus comes upon our our lives and brings about whiteness and purity the blood of Christ precious is the blood of Jesus man I love that but the last thing that's mentioned here of Jesus and what he does and who he is is verse 6 and he hath made us kings and priests unto God and his father to him be glory and Dominion for ever and ever amen so here we've got this this description of what he what he's done he's made us kings and priests interesting that he's done that to the church because in the Old Testament you did not combine those things you were not to combine the Prophet you were not to combine his role with the priest nor were you to combine the priest with the king or the Prophet with the king in fact some of the Kings that tried to move into the role of a priest got into big trouble that was not God's plan nor was it his purpose then there was a reason for that Jesus would be prophet priest and King and in God's economy there's only one of those only one prophet priest and King but what's interesting is he calls us a kingdom of priests and kings how could the church be that if in the Old Testament that seemed to be sort of forbidden and by the way the word prophet it wasn't just the guy telling the future the Prophet was a guy who would speak words that were from God to people and really it's funny because it's not and sometimes that included the foretelling of the future in prophecy of the Old Testament I believe in the New Testament prophecy does not tell if you're moving in the ministry or the manifestation holy spirit of the role of prophecy you are not foretelling the future your forth telling God's heart in his mind 1st Corinthians 14 says the the one who speaks a word of prophecy speaks a word of edification exhortation and comfort but the implication is it comes from God through you to somebody else by the way one of the most beautiful manifestations Holy Spirit is not tongues speaking in tongues oh it's I believe it is for today but Paul diminishes it and says man it's the least of all the gifts that's what he says tongues is the least isn't it funny how we make it the big deal everyone's talked about that tongues man when you talk about the whole experience the Tongass but it's not about that in fact there are many beautiful manifestations of Holy Spirit 1st Corinthians chapter 12 lists them there but a word of prophecy is one of the ones that I sometimes most appreciate that is when a person is by the Lord given something to say to someone that is very encouraging comforting or a good solid word of exhortation I hope you you are filled with the spirit so much so that you can just rely on the Lord to speak of word of prophecy through your lips to a person there's nothing cooler by the way and those of you that have moved in that role it's sometimes you you realize it but sometimes you may not but you'll know you've you've the Lord spoken to you when you're saying stuff you had no idea what you're talking about you're way over your head have you ever been there when you're talking to somebody was like man how did I get into this conversation and then and then you just speak a word and then a lightbulb goes on with the person you're talking to you and you're like man did I come up with that and the answer is no that was the Lord speaking through you it's one of the glorious evidences of God's power people if you tell them too much about that they'll probably think you're wacko and nuts but those of you that have been at a loss for what to tell a person and then you just start speaking a word and and it really does hit home with that person you can say man is this the Lord speaking a word of prophecy that is exhortation comfort edification those are the those are the parts of prophecy first Corinthians chapter 14 talks all about that so what's interesting about all that is the Lord allows us to move in all those roles prophets in that sense priests and kings he says that you are a royal priesthood were called that in the book of Hebrews and we're also Kings that is we will rule and reign with him we'll see that when we get to the end of the book here the book of Revelation that we're gonna rule and reign with him well what am I gonna rule and reign don't know but I do believe that the judgment seat of Christ will have something to do with that what's that well the judgment seat of Christ is that not the great white throne judgment that's where everybody gets judged for their sins if you're a Christian and you've confessed Christ and you believe you will not be at the great white throne judgment because you have no sin or no record of sin your sins have been blotted out I don't believe the Christian the true saved person is going to be at that judgment however we are told in the scriptures that we will be at that that judgment seat of Christ sometimes it's called the Bema seat judgment and that's you know that trial-by-fire where the things that you've done with your life will be tried but lord ha-hi taught Sunday School and the Lord said well good let's let's try that by firing it as you're sticking the rod of all your good works and all the things you've done from the time you're a baby till their death and the Lord sticks that in that fire halls and that parts gone Lord but didn't I that was Sunday school for crying out loud yeah but you signed up for Sunday school because there was that pretty girl that was in the class I was teaching with you and you were there just oh okay well well what about I I gave I tithe okay let's try that one out it's gone Lord what but when you tithe you did it because your wife wanted you to and you knew you didn't look very spiritual if you did if you didn't tithe oh you see your motivation all your the things you did that we're so good it's gonna be tried by fire someday and the Bible talks about how the the wood the hay the stubble it's going to be burn up but that which was right and true and truly just serving the Lord for the sake of loving God that's going to be remaining and that's called gold silver and precious gem will remain it's gonna be tried by fire so you say what Bret rewards in heaven cuz because then you get the crowns of rewards the Bible talks I'm not into crown so I don't really care about that well it's not that you have a crown that you're gonna get it's the rewards that you get and I believe somehow someway that's going to apply to your role in eternity and just something to think about could it be that the way you spend this life might have everything to do with the way you spend the rest of eternity I believe it's all gonna be good he's gonna wipe away all our tears we're gonna heavens gonna be a glorious thing eternity with God is gonna be good however I think that there is going to be different roles that we have to play in eternity and it'll have something to do with the way you lived you know I think that sometimes being a pastor could be a bummer because a lot of times as a pastor you have your reward that is you know I get to see all you guys and see the blessing and people getting baptized on Sunday and there's just so many good things and I get to see and people come up say oh nice sermon I'm like oh great because jesus said you have your reward that is good congratulations you know but it's true but I believe some of you who have very covert ministries you know you work at that secular job and you're praying for people and you're you're just looking for an opportunity to share the gospel and nobody knows you're doing it and when you get to heaven there's gonna be things that are gonna be tried by fire where you have no reward for what you did on this earth maybe even some of you that have been through pretty radical suffering maybe it's cancer or maybe it's some kind of sickness or something that you've been plagued by and people just go on their merry way in this life but you you've been through more somehow some way I think somehow and that's all gonna pan out how you dealt with that how you lived through all that it's gonna somehow play in the reward that we get in heaven which also might speak of whatever capacity you have in heaven to rule and reign with the Lord so I know that that might be somewhat mysterious it's interesting the Bible doesn't give us great detail on that but it does speak of reward and and there's gonna be people to have more reward than others I think that's just implied in the scriptures will you be bummed out well I think we're all going to be glad to be there some of you will have smoked it will say man you were close buddy man yeah hold on say yeah there we go okay welcome to heaven some of you be that way others of you maybe we'll have barrels and barrels of rewards and somehow the Lord's gonna bless you in eternity for that I think it's something to think about because a lot of times people that along them save by the grace of God that's cool but I think we should consider serving Christ keeping the bigger picture in mind and the role that we may play in heaven you are called those that are priests and kings and I believe that's coming and and it's even happening right now as we represent the Lord as Christians that's what were called to be he hath made us kings and priests but what's interesting is not to people it says here in our text he's made you priests and kings unto God and his father to him be glory and Dominion hmm how do you say to God and his father we thought about that who's God's father well we're talking about the Trinity aren't we cuz God Jesus is God this is a scripture I believe we can say Jesus is God and it's speaking of those two parts of his being God the Father and God the Son that's what's being said here it's kind of an interesting phrase there he's made us kings and priests unto God we're serving God keep in mind that's what we're doing we're not serving others if you are serving others you're gonna be disappointed if you're living to serve and to save people if that's your motivation for why you exist then you're missing it what you do should be motivated by your love for God you're serving the Lord I can always tell when someone's been serving Athey Creek because when they don't get the appreciation that is due or if they don't get the level of you know a reward here and now you know and they're frustrated because of that then then I know that that's means they're looking to Athey Creek the church or people to sort of reward them for what they're doing nice job and you're really great here our best Sunday school teacher and if that's why you're doing it for that kind of thing guess what it's not worth it you should resign right now cuz a the creeks not that great at giving you compliments we're not that great we might give you a gift certificate at Christmastime you know or something like that because we try to try to be thankful but frankly there's so many people that do things in this church that I don't know any adequate way to reward them but Hebrews 6:10 says for the Lord is not unrighteous to forget the work and labor that you have shown toward his Saints and do Minister the Lord's going to reward you ultimately but really when you serve the Lord don't be serving people you know I think of you parking lot guys and you know being out there and trying to direct traffic and people are going against you like me you know and you're saying go this way and I'm going hi how's it go god bless you I'm the pastor the guys put a cone for me cuz I might end to run a little late sometime so I get a little parking spot back there it's kind of nice and they can't keep it there but but those guys but they have to put up with all of us and if they're there to be seen of men they're not gonna last very long as a parking lot dude because it's a no glory situation and really you only get the flying fish driving through there with their little you know fish stickers on the back and just ripping through ignoring them and all but but if you're doing it there because you just say man I want to serve the Lord I want to make this easier for people at park to get in that room so that they can study the word and maybe their lives can be changed and I'm doing this for God I'm serving Jesus Christ that's what makes you continue that's how you keep from being weary and well during you serve and minister to the Lord and not to men that that's a real key if you're serving men you're gonna be disappointed you will burn out it will not be fun eventually because people let you down that's just the way it is well anyway as we go on here it says to God his father verse 6 to him be glory and Dominion for ever and ever would you mark the word Dominion there the word Dominion interesting we believe the gospel the traditional Christianity and and and I believe that the gospel of salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ his shed blood on the cross these are things we've talked about but the emphasis is that we need to repent and to confess our sins and that's how we're converted as we as we become Christians or born again now the kingdom of God this is an interesting thing we're talking about kings and kingdoms Dominion is a kingdom term of a king which is Jesus as the king of kings is coming to return to rule and reign we know all this is what we're talking about here but the kingdom of God we believe is spiritual jesus said the kingdom of God is not meat nor drink but righteousness peace and joy and the Holy Ghost there's this mystery around the kingdom as we know it what the scriptures say my kingdom is not of this world john 18 verse 36 jesus said but a spiritual rule in the hearts of men i believe the kingdom as we know it now is is the lord ruling in our lives where we're sort of the the pre understanding of the way the kingdom is ultimately gonna be when he when he comes we believe the literal kingdom is gonna be established when Christ returns and rules and reigns and by the way I believe it's gonna be a literal throne in Jerusalem where Jesus was gonna rule and reign but but now we have the spiritual rule of Christ in our hearts Luke 17 verse 20 and 21 talks about that the kingdom is finally realized when Christ comes a second coming and it'll establish his literal and physical reign now the thing that's you got to be careful is teaching of dominionism that I see in churches today that I'd like to just give you a little bit of a red flag for and something to watch out for because I believe it's a dangerous teaching Dominion dominionism and the gospel of salvation is by setting up the kingdom of God that is we as Christians are setting up the kingdom of God it's it's more of a literal physical Kingdom right now that we need to fit setup have you have you kind of bumped into this yeah it comes in different names Dominion theology or Kingdom now theology and they believe that we need to have that advanced we need to elect Christian politicians we need to bring in righteousness end abortion stop gay marriage all those things that we see as Christians as sinful things we need to get busy because we need to assure in the kingdom it's our job to do that that's what they say these these Dominion theologians and I disagree with this whole notion in fact some Dominion it's like in the new testament to the kingdom of the old testament where they even can some of these dominionists the radicals versions of it justify taking up the sword you know and even the ar-15s and say we're gonna take back God's world you know and even if it means you know other methods methods to war against our enemies and I'm not saying I'm anti war and guns and stuff like that I'm so thankful for guns that killed our enemies like Hitler and others and I think there are righteous wars that have been fought throughout the ages and centuries but I don't believe that your ar-15 is gonna bring in the kingdom of God that's that's something hopefully you don't believe as well but some of the Dominion is kind of go that way others teach no no we're gonna bring in the kingdom by bringing in peace it's almost like they go the other way not to the militant kind but almost the overly peaceful side and we're gonna bring in peace like this ultimate Star Trek where everything's gonna be peaceful on earth and we're all getting along and go visit other planets but that's that's another weird side of dominionists they teach that men can be coerced or compelled to enter into the kingdom they assign the church duties and rights that belongs scripturally i believe only to jesus christ this includes an esoteric belief that believers can incarnate christ and function as his body on earth to establish his kingdom they almost believe that it's the body of christ that's gonna rule and reign do you see the problem with that they they use scriptural terminology but that's not the we are the body of Christ and we sing songs we are his hands we are his feet and all that and that's the truth to that but not to replace the fact that there's a physical physical literal Jesus who's going to come back with ten thousands of his saints and rule and reign on this earth watch out for this kind of Kingdom now when you hear somebody talking a lot about the kingdom the kingdom the kingdom it's the kingdom is a good thing if you think about a biblically watch out for Kingdom now Dominion theology I think it's dangerous an inordinate emphasis is placed on man's efforts that's the that's the big red flag when it's all about us bringing in his kingdom and by the way the doctrine of the sovereignty of God tends to be diminished so it's more about our power and less about God and in sovereignty you see the problem there really be cautious on that one today there's a growing amount of false teaching in the church that many Christians haven't even heard of but I'm just gonna give you a few heads up the the New Apostolic Reformation or na are also called dominionism or kingdom now and and sometimes even dabbles in replacement theology that is the God's done with the Jews and it's all about us bringing in his kingdom the Jews are no longer part of God's plan these are all very dangerous teachings if you ask me and as I read the Bible and then see what's going on today those who disagree with their false gospel must be removed they say through intense spiritual warfare and by raising up a new breed of Christian that they call an army of God that's what some of these people have they call it the army of God interesting because there's a hostility by the way that some of these people have toured churches who just believe Christ is coming and is going to rule and reign and we look forward to that we look for Christ's return these dominionists or kingdom now people like to make fun or even put down the the Christians who believe that Christ is going to return a literal return a literal Millennial Kingdom they'll sort of make fun and mock and there's a current movement in the church to even take people like ourselves who believe the Bible and take it very very literally you'll see you'll see them poke fun at pre-tribbers and premillennial people and stuff like that even if you're a mid-trib post-trib they'll make fun of those people who believe in a literal rapture of the church these are all some of the things that mark that by the way end-times theology is a non-essential doctrine of the Christian faith people can disagree and still be good brothers and sisters in the Lord the dominionism and Kingdom now theology breaks out of just endtime stuff and starts to get into who Jesus Christ is and God's sovereignty those are more dangerous subjects so it's not that I'm against this teaching because it disagrees with my end times theology the reason I'm concerned about this teaching is it diminishes who God is and it puts us in a place that's much higher that scares me hopefully it scares you as well do you guys understand what I'm saying they're very very important part and watch out for that and we only got through verse 6 but it says Amen at the end there so maybe that's a sign from God let's let's let's pray how thankful we are Lord for your grace that you give to us the peace that we experience that passes all understanding Lord may we be a church that is full of people who understands how gracious you've been getting that which we don't deserve blessing us over and over again and we find in you a peace not as the world gives but a peace that only really comes from you but because of that I pray that we would know your son even these seven characteristics that we've seen tonight listed here for us how thankful we are that you're the faithful one who's a witness of things to come we're thankful for that Lord and we're thankful that you have given us your spirit to guide us as we study these passages and to learn from what you telling us in your word so we pray that tonight as we go our way that there be again good fruit from the study Lord show us how to apply these words that we've heard Lord and that we'd live them out give us that joyful expectation that you are literally coming back to rule and reign we see that great need rising daily in this world of a true righteousness that your power and your might and your love would truly take over but we don't see ourselves assuring that in our with our strength or us really having that kind of influence we see you coming with ten thousands of your Saints where you're gonna rule and reign and we look forward to that day but until then I pray we'd be busy about the work of your kingdom that is that's not of this world that's not meat nor drink but righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost so bless these are people who've put in this time Lord reward them I pray that even tomorrow as they go to work in school and do that the things are called to do I pray that you just give back to them ten times just the blessing as they've taken time to be in your word tonight in Jesus name you
Channel: Lean-into-God
Views: 273
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ErKt0ssPaVc
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Length: 68min 29sec (4109 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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