I Shrunk My Team Smaller Than A Football... in Madden

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today we do what any scientist would do we take nfl players and shrink them into ants nfl players are now ants and although this is easily the smallest nfl team of all time we're gonna do everything in our power to end this season with a super bowl trophy and why are we doing this because we freaking can because science rules as today my dudes the craziest video in my opinion in the history of the channel we put nfl players through like the opposite i guess you would say of the hyperbolic time chamber and they have came out as ants they're freaking ants and today we're going to play a game with ants and try to win a super bowl with ants why because we freaking can't tell you guys i'm putting this freaking lab coat into good use making the lab coat proud and the team we're gonna be using for today's video none other than the baltimore ravens and their frickin is officially at one foot one inch literally stop the video right now look down at your feet and voila there you are that is the size of the freaking nfl players in today's video and as you see every single player is one foot one that is literally 13 inches of height going up against actual nfl freaking players on the other side of the ball i have no idea literally no idea how today's video is going to end up but we're here for it regardless now actually before we jump into the franchise i do want to see like if we go into edit player in the main menu can we see how short he is oh my god you can't even see it my face cam is covered oh my god let's do some magic really quick with the editing voila very freakin look at the towel dog that's a lab coat of his own he's a freaking mosquito oh man this is gonna be an absolute goddang stinker oh of course there's only one freaking man for this job the mad lad himself and like to be honest i don't want to lose this game by a thousand points and just in my opinion with my players being one foot one i don't think i have that much of a chance so no i'm not gonna play this game on all matted it's simply gonna be on rookie and also i'm gonna play on arcade mode so like this is literally the only shot i have at winning the super bowl okay so here lamar jackson looks to be even though it says one foot one at least he is full blown here about if we go into edit players is it different here come on the players normally yeah they're freaking ghosts this is about to be the best video ever so mad lad we need all the look on our side today as first game i mean we are playing the dolphins to be fair but the same time i don't think the freaking dolphins are all 13 inches tall like the goal to be completely honest don't lose by 400 points really quick if you guys do want to have a chance to win a free copy of madden 21 make sure to subscribe the channel if you haven't because if only if we do it 600k by the launch of magical one then we'll be giving away 12 10 copies of madden 21 so make sure to take that meal military that it does take to click that subscription button if you haven't because if only if we do it 600k we have about a month to do it so hopefully we can get there oh god on top of everything it's freaking raining in miami here so i can't tell if they're actually tiny right here so they normal size or is that just the angle because they look normal there but as we obviously saw lamar jackson was at normal freaking height but it could be angle manipulation here well still haven't seen any tiny players yet here it is the click of a freaking button yep there freaking is very freaking oh my god i love it like i don't understand because like him running up off the field he's normal size like right here lamar looks normal but he's not he's a little tiny man he's a little tiny boy little little tiny lad as yep oh my god dawg look at the freaking x factor compared to his body oh this is about to be an absolute legendary video as let's just see i don't like are they fast like they are they normal speed like they can't be fast because they're one foot tall as oh this is not ideal like this is like what's happening [Music] [Applause] it's a flag face mask dog how did he even like dog you have to be so freaking intricate you had to be so freaking like specific to be able to grab a one foot player's face mask how is it even physically possible alright so we have to do some freaking analysis here so first bit of business like i i can't see the players off the snap so i need to zoom in so number one the football is bigger than the center the center is pretty big second lamar jackson is a floating boy he he definitely is floating here so that's already a little abnormal so i don't know if that's a penalty of some sort for your player to be levitating inside of your nfl game and there is towel for some reason his towel became very very big so it was a towel not like big a second ago like was it not just small and all of a sudden transformed into big so i'm just really confused of what's going on right now like that's just this is just a funny angle like i i don't even know what is happening what is actually freaking happening so that's uh that looks like it has to be a little painful for lamar like he's got to be a very strong small boy to be able to hold a football bigger than his body he's a freaking termite this man is a terabyte oh what other channel what other freaking channel do you get content like this alright so let's try that one again so i just want to complete one pass i just don't think like the passing game is very optimal you know when you're being covered by normal sized players although they look like giants when you're one foot one come on up there oh i got sacked poor little boy poor little boy oh they're done in 16 here one pass get the goddamn ball off lemur all right we've been sacked on two consecutive plays and to be honest i understand the offensive line not being able to perform that well because i mean look at them i just want to complete one pass get one pass off so the pass was a little high oh what is that what is happening what was that dog was that seaweed it was now what's going on this defense is going to be an absolute stinker i think the why is this is the left guard so big bro who is the left guard who is that why is he so big like where did he come from why is this guy so big bro what like why is he randomly so freaking big who is that that's a goddamn giant we got a second football get the ball get the ball oh what is happening what is going on what just happened what is going on so i i have no clue where we where we got to this point at but i'm not asking questions at least the freaking defense is locked down like the running game looks like we're gonna be solid against you know being on rookie mode and everything but once they throw the football i don't think we're really gonna be having too much of an advantage we're just so slow we're so god dang slow okay what's going on i just want to complete one pass if we can complete one pass i'll consider this video a huge success no it's just not gonna happen it's just this is not low point pass it's it's still too high dog the ball skid on the freaking floor and it's still too high for my receiver to catch the ball yeah i mean so the the only meta is to run the ball every play probably lamar jackson or like we're not gonna move the ball it's just not gonna happen 97-yard run coming up right here what is like what is this what are this this is this is an exorcism dog we are literally together witnessing a freaking exorcism i mean also to be completely fair i think the one foot one listing of each player is is overestimated i got i don't think these players are 13 inches dog they might be like the size of my wing like honestly come on lamar this is just funky like this is what this is just so funky look at little lamar little more breaking all these tackles thank god arcade mode and rookie mode but you guys see the same time why i put this on rookie mode like if we're being honest this isn't necessarily supposed to be kind of portraying my madden ability i'm gonna still already see some of the comments like i can't believe you put it on rookie mode dawg you think i'm honestly making this video to prove my madden skill like bite me i better stop trying passes like that's probably my last passive tip for the rest of the game oh come on lamar fourth down and four he's swimming we just sway him for a first down we're freaking swimming for first down and we got floating seaweed on the ground again is making me so happy i'm so happy i'm telling you man i'm going to complete one pass one pass is going to happen we're going to try to scramble again with lamar jackson we're going to have to break some like i just i don't know what to do i really don't want to do like do we actually like part of me wants to win this but at the same time part of me on a fourth den and 26 wants to try and attempt to hail mary so i think that's what we're gonna do now if we like this causes like this calls for another experiment on the channel although madden two one's about to come out dude i've got to try to complete a hail mary with a team of one foot one players like it's just got to happen like it's just gotta be a thing but at the same time we're gonna try it right here and maybe we don't have to actually try to conduct the experiment because maybe we can do it on the first attempt imagine a freaking imagine we actually complete this like this is if this is completed this place is going to go down in history like literally like i just don't see it as a possibility okay and that that's understandable that result is very understandable so unfortunately i tried simming that drive and they got the ball already all the way down to the 22 yard line i'm really hoping they run the ball here they don't throw it not good me i think the big man got in the way i really don't know what happened in the kind of scientific experiment to create that big man i don't know where he came from but he's here we have to deal with it if i was the dolphin i'd line him up a freaking receiver imagine we actually block a freaking field goal if we had that big left guard to be able to try to block the field goal maybe it'd be a possibility but i don't even think we can jump high enough to block the field goal even if we were free so third dead and six i'm mostly in qb draws it's the only possibility the blocking scheme is a little weird for these offensive linemen spin moves nasty lamar jackson fighting forward mighty lamar close to the first down as fourth and inches how about a qb sneak with a 13 inch little boy i have no idea it's about to happen because even if we fall forward for our entire body length like we're not gonna get the inch because we are not an inch yep that's get up oh so that's where it comes into play as long as it's effective that's all that matters like i don't even think they could touch him because he's so small so we're gonna score his x factor's enabled what a joke move what a juke move i love it go lamer it'll probably take me like seven hours to complete but if you guys want me to honestly try and sit here with an experiment and attempt to catch a hail mary with this team against a full team of just regular sized players 5 000 likes and i'll make that happen it might take me a lot of time and a lot of suffering but i'll attempt it god dang it shoestring tackle well four thousand twelve good luck mr ant man as the blockers like they are doing their job go lamar go first down we gotta we gotta hurry up no huddle oh there's nine seconds left oh that's unfortunate i should have caught a timeout you know what okay so so we know the maida and the only option here at the second slap is throw another hail mary or not because he just literally stepped over my offensive tackle into the second half the dudes i've tried everything i just tried triple option i tried to read option i tried half back screens i've tried freaking cubies i've tried throwing the football the only thing that works is design qb runs they're just so slow that like hitting the football off takes too long they're hitting the backfield every time so this is our only option to actually win this game like the blockers are so small that it's actually effective keep going lamer one more jackson one like how do they tackle him to be fair like how do they even reach down there all they have to do is they can only kick him i want to score touchdown simply for the reason i want to try to kick an extra point this is this lamar jackson is a little like they still boy another flag is it another face mask though okay so i've got to go back and do some scientific analysis here how did how is how are they so like honestly dude these guys should be carpenters they're able to be that like specific and that good with their freaking hands so somehow grab a face mask about as big as an atom on your index finger like you've got to be skilled [Music] it's just this is this whole video is making me so happy come on lamar jackson keep on powering your way forward my man we are literally one yard away quarterback sneak time a chance to give us the lead here okay that was ineffective all right so actually try another running back draw here come on man we made it this far we've got to score a touchdown like we've got to i guess we don't have to stay up oh do i get the field goal like do i try i don't know what's gonna happen i mean dog the football is bigger than my body like how am i supposed to expect a one inch long kicker to be able to kick this like 10 yards like there's just no way like i like this is i i just i'm excited to see what happens here even if he doesn't make it exorcism the only explanation so justin tucker is an alien so justin tucker kicks a grass pedal at the same time the football flies in the air i mean it was effective but very unique that's what i'm gonna call that a very unique field goal strategy like they literally cannot complete a pass against me i'm wondering if the ball trajectory from the quarterback is messed up because it's just breaking the game that these players are about as big as each actual player's dong all right we're blitzing the entire city of russia on this play try to get the ryan fitzpatrick maybe force a fumble maybe some seaweed forcing a fumble here we bliss everybody oh no not good not good not good at all swim your way to the tackle come on please oh shoot dude i think i think there's gonna be a fourth down as it is a fourth down in inches i don't expect this to be able to block this so i'm simply going to try to cheat going super simple maybe they missed it in super sim now they got big made it down by three four minutes to go come on tidy men might be a tiny man but big hearts how did you catch that where did he come from to even make that catch kick return for a touchdown lamar jackson you're our only hope this is the greatest run of all time keep on going lamar this is the greatest one of all time go go go go go swim your way swim boy swim we did it lamar jackson is the greatest anteater of all time that man is a termite but he's a nice little termite that single-handedly is the greatest run in the history of madden he might look like a galloping very miniature horse but it worked effectiveness look at them swimming look at the man's women i can't actually believe it i genuinely can't freaking believe it i can't believe it we're going we're going for two this is not so super sims sort of let us down because they are now on the five yard line got to come up with a monumental stop here as how does that man not prove to be effective as a lead blocker like that's just just something about physics and what's going on right now it doesn't make sense but sometimes it doesn't have to make sense second down and goal big plays are needed force a fumble maybe oh sad i mean we have the blockers if you consider them an actual blocker he's just extremely slow for some reason he actually got the first down i swear to god i think lamar jackson is actually better as an ant than he is an actual human being he's got sneaky speed i tell you he's got the sneaky speed a minute to go 50 yards to go we still have two timeouts trying to preserve him unfortunately we have to run the ball every play because it's you've seen how ineffective throwing the football is imagine we won this game though on a hail mary keep breaking tackles a little more lamar get okay okay lamar you i will have your babies although i don't even think i don't think you could impregnate anybody with what your size probably is but let's let's just not talk about it you get the point first tenants in keep it up lamar we just gotta make sure we don't run out of time that's the first down can you break these tackles lamar we're gonna be five yards away two yards away two yards away with 23 seconds left we have one timeout not good one more dyson breaking tackles oh dude we are literally two yards away oh no oh no two yards with 16 seconds i'm pretty sure if we don't score here it's a gg because there'll be like too much time shoot off the clock if we hurry up so this has got to be it this gotta be the one lamar jackson please one more run run run run swim we swam it might be raining in miami and we might be about an inch tall each but that does not mean we don't have big hearts we're swimming boys we're big boys they'll never let anybody make you feel like you're tiny as we can't control our sizes but what we can't control is our hearts our will and determination as we take the lead there's there's no way we allow it to kick off return for a touchdown right let's make sure we at least get a field goal to make it a field goal game as once again very strange but effective like fingers are faster than this two oh [Music] no who did it who made that tackle that has got to honest to god be the most clutch tackle in the history of youtube in the history of madden there is not a more clutch tackle than that because number one i didn't even see somebody back there to make the tackle and the receiver just fell down on the ground so somebody had to make some sort of goddamn freaking miraculous play as this is this has got to be the greatest play of all time so the seaweed did it i didn't even see him there i did not even see him there that is that is the greatest tackle in the history of madden what just happened we just won we just freaking won with ant particles as it's time my dudes to see me like the end of the season and see how the team of actual freaking atoms actual freaking germ particles do throughout a 16 game nfl sleep now to be fair if they do in the season a lot of them injured i wouldn't be surprised with me mad at them i don't think they'd stand up physically i don't think they have the physical stature you know the physical stamina has the rest of the league but never underestimate a big heart oh no four guys poor guys they went seven and nine so sometimes unfortunately men women may say size matters and it might it might very well
Channel: RBT
Views: 1,815,093
Rating: 4.8761249 out of 5
Id: y88fKOKWcJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 32sec (1232 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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