🔴LIVE: Surprising Moments! 😮 | Bluey and Bingo Playtime | Bluey

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if he can just stick to his [Music] [Music] R safe okay I'll go hide again wait Lou did you get cernus to sleep uh yeah here you go thanks okay I might go and watch the look I have more children can you get Jerica to sleep and teach Delina to ride a bik ah Bingo my name is otah otah I blou can't you play the same game as me and bingo no fine oh and drop cernus off to daycare rock baby on the treetop that's it mate ped yes I'm still holding on this is a good spot to take care just a quick check for any nut bags clear here you go mate don't bite anyone lineate hang midle all right I'm coming hello [Music] [Music] huh ow hey you forgot to pick up [Music] cernus hard competition out there he's been chased by his competitors I don't know how he's going to get out of [Music] this twinkle twinkle little stop how I wonder what you are blue that's what having kids is like oh no what was that nothing um let's go and see the bedrooms no I definitely heard something that's just ghost basket ghost what ghost nothing come on let's go check out the sun room uh this is the sun room here's the room and there's the sun woo look I really think I heard something back there you did you didn't see nothing [Music] nothing please take in this colonial s bathroom very nice okay let's get going uh out this original Heritage window but we're on the second floor try not to land on the world landscape Garden I am not jumping out of a window what keeps making that sound ghost basket J it huh ghost basket comes with the house and I have to warn you he doesn't like young people Hugo look it's true the house is haunted by a ghost basket I'm sorry I should have told you earlier I just really wanted to sell this place liar liar pants on fire let's get to the bottom of [Music] this here's your ghost basket oh hello [Music] huh what wait a minute your ghost basket yep I've been trying to sell this house for 6 weeks but every single buyer has been scared Away by ghost basket and it was you all along oh R how could you this is wasn't it we don't want to I'll take it huh really yep just get those Granny's out and we've got a deal come on get in Bobo we'll check a flat first what's Bobo it's the name of our car there's no room for me oh no Bobo's full you have to stay here oh what this is the worst day of all my life Louie you'll have to sit in the front seat what the front seat really is that allow Queensland Road Rules say that if all the seats are taken a child older than four can sit in the front seat yep it's allowed come on get in this is the best day of all my life well GL someone's having [Music] fun no frisky's not here Chile sorry no worries cookie if she turns Up Ring me straight away we'll do good luck frisky's not at a flat wherever could she be I don't know what's it like in the front seat blue it's great I've got a draw ooh what's in it ooh it's a book about Bobo o oo the front seat is the best thing ever police oh I don't need this Queensland law states that a child about 4 years old can ride in the front seat if all the other seats are taken well there you go I probably should have known that yeah I had to look it up are you over 4 years old yes and you're all good sorry for the mix up thanks Mr polic I wouldn't normally do it but this is an emergency we're trying to find Aunt frisky she's run away from her marriage okay girls the policeman doesn't need to hear this Aunt frisky you say English a spaniel blue car likes to drive fast yes yeah I gave her a sping ticket about 10 minutes ago what where Smith Street near the Juice Shop that's brisky's favorite Juice Shop brisky's getting a juice bubble thank you it was a little cranky now what we didn't know was that Russ Dusty loved Cricket he play all day with his brother and sister can you hit me a cat not yet Dusty I'm almost at 50 yeah and when they wenter around he played by [Music] himself far [Music] out that's it Snickers man this kid's good look he likes the square cut stri you and me move to Gul and point you send one to his off stump lure him into the catch it was a good plan but we didn't know about Rusty's kitchen uhoh run hey come back here that was good motivation to work on your square [Music] cut I had no chance [Music] it was time to mix up the attack give me that I've had enough of your pies better spin okay Rusty all good M Herer St put it right on that crack there see oh yeah good call strip couldn't spin to save himself but if he could landed on that crack Rusty would have no chance but what we didn't know was that when Rusty's dad was away he get a lift iron with his mate Jack and this was his front yard got him a not fair Rusty played at Jack a lot that [Music] year so he got pretty good at playing on a rough Wicket yeah he could handle Stripes fruit any [Music] day how did he hit that time for pass the parcel okay kids and parents Jasper has asked that we play pass the parcel by Lucky's dad's rules they're not my rules oh what so let's just do our best okay okay here we go oh it's me a sorry Bingo keep passing ah it's me a sorry [Music] Leela a a an helicopter B wo I was so close maybe next time ready for pass the passle yeah we're doing lucky St hooray did they say hooray please let me win this [Music] time it's me ah Bingo look a bubble shooter wow I love lucky stars w y what have you started I'm sorry you didn't win past the parcel Bingo it's okay I don't mind really yeah when Leela is happy I'm happy oh Bingo maybe next time you know what bingo I think you're getting quite good at [Music] losing you have pay me money for a ticket oh yes here you go thank you here's your ticket ooh now if you AR happy with your whale watching trip I'll give you your money back lovely but that won't happen this will be the best W watching tour you've ever been on well I don't know about that kid all oh blue that's too loud here we go yay it's a lovely day to go boat riding the sea is nice and calm yeah it's smooth sailing today oh no we rough Seas what hold on customer here comes a big wave Dad we hit rough Seas no we hit smooth seas and oh look we're at the whales h no you're not the whales are ages away and point of fact the boat doesn't decide about rough Seas the boat driver does yeah uh point of fact whales can't talk second point of fact today there are no rough Seas well I'm going to find some rough Seas s here we are Ries nope well I'm just going to sail around till I find them okay fine hold on to your breakfast here we go hold on customer W I'm sorry customer we have seemed to accidentally wandered into some rough Seas accidentally please don't go to the lunch bre thing before the storm is over Storm's over and look we're at the Wales watch out Snappy Turtles oh yeah Snappy Turtles a all right snap snap snap snap snap [Music] snapy and now we're at the tole wave oh [Applause] man oh man are you okay customer yes I'm fine you don't want your money back no this is fun but we almost at the whales yes no what finger you're back in your bad mood yeah but I got you out of it why did you get back in um focus mom I got Bingle out of her bad mood well done but she just went back in it what Then She chased me with her boogers oh I've seen this before she must like being in a bad mood why would anyone like being in a bad mood I don't [Music] know so what do we meant to do ooh that's tricky um oh I got an [Music] idea oh wow this is the best house I've ever made oh I'm so happy with it I hope it lasts forever B me oh I might just wander over here now if you want to squash my house you got to catch his [Music] b fast food hat running [Music] around come on big no I want to St my bad MO [Music] mom I got her out give her here what do you reckon Bingo now you're in a good mood cuddle cuddle cuddle cuddle maybe I should give my bad mood a [Music] cuddle no way he's bad no he isn't he was just [Music] bad this way this way keep on eye for Mom Bingo she just wants a smoochi kiss no more Smoochy kisses for her yeah you belong to us all right so am I still married we'll figure that out later but now we have to get you somewhere safe yeah come with ew your arm pitch is leaking ew so is this one yeah I've just been for a run okay well just keep your arms down please what come on check for Mom Bingo she could be hiding okay ew Dad what's that huh oh looks like gravy e yep gravy she's not here I looked everywhere me as well yes okay I just want a smoochie kiss come on hey kids I actually need the toilet what no way it's too risky oh well your mom lets me go to the toilet okay it's clear okay do your business and do it quickly yes boss and peeing only deal I'll stay here Bingo you got outside okay a that's it keep your eye out for Mom she'll do anything for a smoochie kiss God are blame her are you almost finished almost ow a du cake what happened nothing why are you hopping I pee on my foot why did you pee on your foot I wasn't paying attention why not I was trying to pull a nose hair out you got hairs in your nose that's disgusting welcome to be of Age kid what are you doing now what's it look like I'm watching the pee off for foot but that's the laundry tub so it's not the Wasing pay off your foot well it is [Music] now okay Cinderella good choice can you make it funny yeah okay you help me once upon a time time there was a young girl named Cinderella no no her name is Cheryl yeah Cheryl and Cheryl lived with her step sisters who made her do all the washing and ironing and cleaning up and they never lifted a finger to help oh well that sounds familiar one day the king announced a royal ball where his son the prince call him Leroy where his son Leroy would find a wife oh I would so like to go to that ball you know do funny voice oh I would so like to go to that ball that's terrible suddenly the Fairy Godmother appeared poof her name is m m appeared and said good day darling let's get you ready for the big dance so she uh look I'll skip all this stuff it's getting late she did a bunch of magic stuff and soon enough Cinderella was cherl Cheryl was at the ball when suddenly she saw Leroy cutting it up on the Dance Floor oh yeah oh yeah so Cheryl shimmies up and busts a few moves of her own and Leroy goes what's cooking good looking and Cinderella's all like Cher I mean Cheryl Cheryl's all like not much dude how good's this music oh hang on I missed a bit where mad said something about midnight I'll just wing it from here anyway they had a great time Leroy did his moonwalk and Cheryl did a few party tricks because she could pop his shoulder out of its socket and it was all going well but it was getting late so Leroy said to Cheryl thanks Cheryl I've had a great time and Cheryl's like yeah you go all right so then Leroy asked Cheryl if she wants to do some circle work in his new youth but Cheryl remembers something about a pumpkin so she legs it out of there oh says Leroy where you going but she was off into the night on a dirt bike [Music] calm bedtime remember but she'd left behind a glass slipper no make it something funny uh any ideas roller skate okay so she left behind her roller skate so the prince lero so Leroy went from house to house trying to roll to skate on all the ladies until he found Cheryl and she put him on and they fed and he was like yeah and she was like chice and then they had a big wedding in barley and the step sisters accidentally wore the same dress and Leroy's dad fell in the the end again [Music] no okay honey should we go home now um no let's play all right just for a little bit this is a tea party would you like a cup of tea while you wait oh yes please blue that would be lovely I'm a bit parched as it happens don't ask him if he wants sugar three sugars for me here you go I hope you've warmed the pot your dad likes it nice and hot and make sure you leave the tea to Stew for at least 2 minutes it's not stew it's brew and it should be for 3 minutes would you like milk with your tea yes of course you would wait a minute did you put the milk in first um no you must always put the milk in before the tea oh okay milk before tea is best for me and can I have a biscuit on the side I like to dunk a nice biscuit a wafer would be nice you can't dunk a wafer it'll go all soggy don't be so silly Marcus well I like a wafer I like the way they go all soggy Oh Oh Marcus it needs to be a ginger nut they're much stronger and they hold the tea better or an Anzac biscuit they work well dunked I'll just have a nice cup of tea and a piece of cake sounds great [Music] yeah two little in a fighting flew the world one day they looked left or right but they didn't like the and then they flew away one little man in a flying blew around the world one day it look like R but they didn't let and then they flew away three little in a flying the one day they right but they didn't like and then they FW away four little in flying the world one day they but they didn't like and they flew little man in a flying flew around the world one day they looked right but they didn't like and then they flew away fing the one day they but they didn't like and [Music] F in flying the one day they but they didn't like and they flew away in a flying flew around the world one day they left and right but they didn't like the side and then they flew away [Music] they flew away 10 little men in flying flew around the world one day they looked like the right but they didn't like the and then they flew away 12 little in aing fle around the world one day they looked right but they didn't like and they flew away two little men in a fighting 10 green bottle sitting on the wall 10 green bottles sitting on the wall and if one green bottle should accident fall there'll be dark green bottle sitting on the wall n green bottles sitting on the wall and one green bottle abely fall there will be eight green bottles on the roll eight green bottles sitting on the wall and one green bottle should accidentally fall there'll be seven green bottles sitting on the wall seven green bottles sit on the wall and one green bottle should accidentally fall there be six green bottles sitting on the wall six green bottles sitting on the wall and if one green bottle should accidentally fall there'll be five green bottles sitting on the wall five green bottles sitting on the wall and if one green bottle should accidentally fall there be four green bottles sitting on the wall four green bottles sitting on the w and one green bottle can accidentally fall there be free green bottles sitting on the wall free green bottles sitting on the wall and one green bottle should accidentally fall down be two green bottles sit on the wall two green bottles sitting on the wall and one green bottle should accidentally fall there be one green bottle sitting on the wall one green bottle sitting on the wall and one green bottle should accidentally fall there'll be no green bottle sitting on the W no green bottle sitting on the wall and if one green bottle should accidentally fall there be there wasn't actually any green bottle sitting on the wall [Music] sing a song for Granddad and we'll send it to him ready go Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall humpty dumpy had a great full all the kids and nothing all the K and the horses couldn't put Humpty together again okay one more you ready go H dump sat on a wall Humpty Dump had a right all the king hes and all the king men could put together again you [Music] okay let's try twinkle twinkle twinkle twinkle little star how I wonder what you are up above the world so high like a diamond in the sky twinkle twinkle little star I wonder what you are that's great ho [Music] five fat peas in PE pressed one gr two grew and so did all the rest they grew and grew and did not stop until one day the pop went Pop I don't really feel like seeing that one five fat sausages sizling in a pan all of a sudden one went bang four fat sausages sizzly and a p P all of a sudden one went B three fat sausages sizzling in a pan all of a sudden one went bang two fat sausages sizzling in a pan all of a sudden one went bang one fat sausage sizzling in a pan all of a sudden one went bang no fat sausages sizzling in a pan all of a sudden num went bang sausages are ready ooh [Music] okay let's do this you ready y try and make me laugh it's not going to happen I am impossible to make laugh hang on let me get my serious face okay there go what was that okay okay okay okay I wasn't ready for that go again wait wait serious face zerious face okay ready W this is impossible Bingo you try okay okay hang on hang on okay [Laughter] go oh man I can't do this you get some bananas give me another go Bingo okay deep breath okay okay I'm ready oh man I give [Music] up all right ready yeah Old McDonald had a farm and on that farm he had a pig [Laughter] okay you ready Old McDonald had a farm and on that farm he had a [Music] peacock oh McDonald had a farm and on that farm he had a goldfish wait a blue fish H not bad but something's not quite right oh wait two monkeys so true okay one more Old McDonald had a farm and on that farm he had dinosaurs my dinosaur B is a terrible [Music] idea ready fingerpop [Music] [Music] a they want a supreme okay one supreme thanks Pizza sisters our mom started this pizza shop he worked really hard so we're trying to Del all of it wow we're going to deliver pizza fast now stop I'm just putting the pizza in you can't bring m in the new car what why cuz it's very expensive oh okay well what do we do we have to play something else a what else do you play in it I usually just drive around okay let's do that wase your feet sorry no mine in the car car we ready muff but just don't drive [Music] [Applause] [Music] to hi girls hi Aunt Trixie muffles make sure you give socks a go drawing the silly stuff okay but I'm not finished get off girls I can't do this right now I've got somewhere I need to be I can handle it uh are you sure yeah I got it covered kids you better share that thing or I'm switching it off what whoa okay maybe not off but look I'll handle it no I can do it you go do your thing well okay if you're sure right I'm setting the timer on my phone when it goes off it's sock's turn Okay Muffy B I'll take that as a yes I'll just draw some clouds ooh nice clouds okay Muffy there's the timer Sox's turn now yay I have to finish my cowboy hat no you don't have to finish a cowboy hat you have to give socks a turn okay let's decide what sort of granny's will be I'm going to be a can't hear anything granny I'm going to be a kind granny what sort of Granny granny can I be oh um I'm not sure there are any other types of granny's that's not fair I know I wouldn't get to be a granny oh that's it you can be a grouchy granny oh yeah and make it that you want to sell us your granny mobile okay let's go Bingo b how much do you want for this oh well what do you think $2 okay that's fine thanks Dorene that V is worth way more than that oh I don't want to make a fuss Dorene can we play with your runny mobile please go for it I'm taking the battery out so it won't move oh yes it will bug is going to push it yeah am I buger lugs yes [Music] n hi muffin I'm sorry I can't stop sucking my thumb it's okay muffin I think I have to wear my cone forever well then we're going to think of a game while your cone is okay really yeah thanks buoy what if we pop it down oh yeah Aunt Trixie didn't say anything about that o okay yeah you look like a wedding wife or a traffic H or a ballerina I know let's play wedding wi traffic home and ballerina yeah sorry Trix I what happened to the [Music] chips Trix it might be time to take off muffin's cone we're getting married we're getting married we're getting Mar hi buoy hi Bingo hi muffin what are you playing we're playing Library I'm the library Lady this is my desk I've got a stamp and a computer and this is the book Dole where you get your books out and this is where you return those books oh this is a sign to say no talking loud and that's it oh wait these are the books wow can I play so let's get you a library card okay I'll just take your picture look into this and smile excellent just waiting for it to be ready there you go I want a pink one mys are orange but I want a pink one okay I'll do a pink one feel free to choose some books just remember to keep quiet okay what your wa it's easy muffin first you pick a card but don't let anyone see it okay okay then you look at the picture on it okay got it what's on the card no M I need to see it oh oh no sweetie we don't look at it Lou's going to act it out and then me guess what it is oh okay ready ready Eagle no oh it's like Bush turkey I SW nope Broger chicken what about you socks H dock yeah hooray hooray good one Bingo my turn I want to turn maybe just watch one more sweetie okay Nana go on Bingo pick a [Music] card wake up Sheil my name is Boo bo b boo bo b needs to go to bed uh no she's fine she just likes plants H hi be all ready [Music] CH let's start the museum Shayla this isn't a bus here are the menus yes just warning you I think we'll take a long time deciding no you won't oh it all looks so good [Music] by coconut have water in them Jayla what are you doing let us get my Resturant this doesn't mean we're finished blou maybe we'll just go to the Chip Shop man these backpacks are so heavy well let's find a place to stay then Mom you need to look in the guide book for a hotel I need to look in the guide book for a hotel right where's that Sky book it's in somewhere ah what is that I bought it from someone on the train she said it would bring good luck ah you ding-dong here it is don't that go right down him got it I'll find us a nice hotel in the guide book you're very hungry I'm very very hungry hey look some guy's selling croissants I'll be right back please don't eat too many bour mate I'll take one croissant please no no you want all the croissants ah I'll take all of your croissants please all day she would say the same thing here's your carrots baracus these carrots are nice but what I really want is my very own puppy maybe you should wish a pun a okay oh twinkly star please may I have a puppy and then the next morning she woke up oh my wish came true my very own puppy I will call you bumpy bumpy why is everyone wearing purple pants Barnacles and bumpy went everywhere together I'll have some carrots please shopkeeper bumpy loves carrots oh yes what a lovely puppy ow so gentle and Mild barus was finally happy I'm the luckiest horse in the world hores can't talk ladies and gentlemen my Sparkles marry G today socks the wedding is [Music] started it's not working get them to say some things you may now say some things uh I'm not marrying him he stinks my heart is breaking I said hes can't talk oh I mean make them get married you may now get married no she said you now get married you have to say I do yeah but in horsey talk we need Sal dressing okay so what did you do can I borrow this Dad mud more mud oh mud I have to make some more [Music] dad which way do I turn on the hose Dad yes Bingo worry I got it [Music] walking there now I'll fill up my JW I'll just put this down [Music] here finger what are you doing down there think have the I'm [Music] TI forget the turn off the T
Channel: Bluey - Official Channel
Views: 1,306,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bluey, Bluey Disney Junior, Bandit, Bingo, Dog, Pups, Puppy, Australian, Blue Heeler, Wackadoo, disney, disney jr, disney junior, Chilli, bluey disney jr, bluey full episodes, bluey clips, bluey disney junior, bluey australia, bluey and bingo, bluey season 1, bluey season 2, ludo studio, bluey season 3, bluey surprise, bluey flash forward, bluey old, bluey surprise episode
Id: eMxeLY9es4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 40sec (2500 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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