🔴LIVE: Best Bluey Episodes from Series 3! | Unicorse, Mini Bluey, Pizza Girls, and More! | Bluey

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[Music] dad [Music] Bing okay she's asleep what do you want to watch tonight bed do you watch TV after we go to sleep blue not again come on back to bed I don't want to go to bed too bad kid but why do we have to sleep why can't we just stay awake all night cuz that's the way the world is well I'm going to make it so that's not how the world is that might be tricky people like to sleep well I'll take everyone's bed to the dump yeah they'll probably just sleep on the couch well I'll take the couches to the dump too oh sounds like a big jum you'll need a full night's sleep for that yeah I will night hey wait no come on I'll read you a story you know she can't help it I know can you help me oh yeah I've got an idea wait is it a bad idea Mom are you grumpy with me no honey I'm okay come on once upon a time there was a village are you sure you're not grumpy no I just want you to go to sleep and in the village hey hey unicor oh no not unicor this episode of Louie unfortunately is called unicor bu bu watch the horn what are we reading well it's a story here read this it's got a unicorn in it I'm not reading that fine I'll read it on up on uh Tim I wish I could read un of course Lou is finding it a little hard to get to sleep so we're actually trying to calm things down a bit well it's got to be we Bingo's asleep I don't care what do so how about you and your little mate jog on ain't going nowhere toots my name is Chile oh I'm sorry Silly chil Billy yeah that's what I said oh Mom please can unicor stay BL he's the most annoying unicorn in the world guilty but I can turn him into a nice unicorns I promise I can right unicor n don't listen to him please Kenny stay fine but we're reading this book not yours you will live to regret that once upon a time there was a village and in the village everyone walked around bare foot yay you're in a to I can't see the page why should I cat I forgot about the cash phras if you block the words mom can't read the story and what should again but those stories are nice my story was nice it had a unicorn in it this one has zero unicorns and the ending is boring she just makes don't spoil the ending why not cuz Bluey hasn't heard it what you unicor I'm trying to make you a nice unicor okay okay okay please continue Millie I W spoly ending where she makes shoes W wo woo woo one day the queen decided to get off her litter and have a walk around changed my mind oh wait changed it again actually I will nope not today up down up down up down up up down up un course that is bad behavior so is that shall we continue yes Meep so the queen walked a few steps and stood on a prickle ouch a un of course that's mean how would you feel if you stood on a prickle I feel good I feel so good at dance you wouldn't dance you be crying like the queen well maybe she should wear some shoes you're always anyway the queen discovered that her whole kingdom was covered in prickles what was she to do make sh blue oh I know unicor what's your favorite food [Music] children oh just kidding I like chicken bucket oh great look here's some chicken bucket a thank you mighty kind okay we're good to go so the queen had an idea she will cover the whole Kingdom in leather that way no one will ever stand on the prickles again so she got to work all day and night the queen worked covering her whole Kingdom in leather oh can you please chew with your mouth shut I can chew with my mouth shut of course I can thank you the queen just but I'm not going to that's it I'm out catch you on the flip side Willie wait no I'm done L I can handle this mom you're not all ow my back my neck my back and my neck I just tap you on the shoulder Whiplash Whiplash call my lawyer look Louie good on you for trying but you can't change unicor I think you're right not sure you can change anyone very much but what can we change well we can stop letting unicor Annoy Us really how maybe we ignore him he's pretty hard to ignore let's give it a go the queen just couldn't do anym she was too tired oh here he comes remember just ignore him are you really healer I'm chilly healer Mom oh yes sorry but then the jester said to the queen your your majesty instead of covering the whole Kingdom in leather why not just cover your feet stop that reading this is a very serious matter one of you karate chopped my client karate chop Louie oh yeah sorry so the queen cut two little bits of leather and made them into shoes hey I'm talking to you yeah listen to him so the people could walk anywhere they wanted and the freckles couldn't hurt them stop reading unicor let me handle this yeah watch it mate I have to get a little Poky okay as your lawyer here I go they all happy shall we leave some to yeah I'm tired get it get it now [Music] mate [Music] ding mom can we do Facey talk with muffin and socks uh please yeah that's fine but no hogging a little Facey face thing okay Louie I'm talking to you yes Mom no hogging cuz you know what happens when you hog don't you yes we know what happens when you hog wait do we hi hi muffin hi ah stop stop hogging this episode of is called Facey [Music] talk can I have a turn doing the drawing yet blue um yes but can I just finish this sure muffin is my turn not yet muffing hi girls hi Aunt Trixie muffles make sure you give socks a go drawing the silly stuff okay but I'm not finished socks get off girls I can't do this right now I've got somewhere I need to be I can handle it uh are you sure yeah I got it covered kids you better share that thing or I'm switching it off what whoa okay maybe not off but look I'll handle it no I can do it you go do your thing well okay if you're sure right I'm setting the timer on my phone when it goes off it's socks is turn Okay Muffy B I'll take that as a yes I'll just draw some clouds ooh nice clouds okay Muffy there's the timer sock's turn now yay I have to finish my cowboy hat a no you don't have to finish your cowboy hat you have to give socks a turn but I want to finish my cowboy hat Muffy muffin healer give your sister a turn now but I want to draw a cowboy hat just give her a turn muffin no muffin cupcake healer cowboy hat if you say cowboy hat one more time you'll be in time out ow boy okay that's it you're going to time out oh boy bye muffin muffin stop wriggling there now you have a good think about it young lady no I don't want to I'm sorry girls but muffin was hogging so she can't do your Facey call thing anymore okay she needs to learn that other people have what the she's got my phone muffin you get off my phone this instant he's coming muffin muffin R will only make it worse muffin muffin you can't steal your dad's phone yes I can now where do I hide under a bed okay don't help her big go why not cuz she's not meant to be running away she's meant to be in time out for Hawking hey that's why you canele you led it to me yeah but that was ages ago I'm still playing with it muffin you hang that boat up now young lady no okay well I'm ending the whole Facey talk okay okay muffin this is your last chance you hang that up and March down here [Music] now you get this thing off me that's it where are you okay you're under a bed can't see who well there's only so many beds in this house kid I'm coming oh no he's going to find you Muffin just give him back his phone no tell me if he's out there it's clear but muffin I don't think I should help you what about now not clear not clear good gravy what's going on Uncle SC is chasing muffin classic stripe get back here muffin R muffin wa okay there we [Music] go what's going on I'm handling it it doesn't look like you're handling it time out we don't do time out anymore what since when I read a Blog you didn't tell me cuz you're never here hey uh guys just let me handle it strip no tricks let me handle it I get to parent too yeah but you have to do it right this is how I do it guys kids can you switch this off ah but we're doing drawing things all right well can you mute it yeah we can I feel like you hog all app parenting oh is it this one I don't mean try this one if you say one say another the kids get confused you can turn the sound back on when stripe and tricks are finished chatting okay yes [Music] Dad uh muffin better look behind you [Music] why St running muin muffin I would urgently advise you to stop right now listen to your father let's split up good idea they're working together come on then come back here no where are they your mom's hiding behind the couch what couch the couch we've got lots of couches is that couch right [Music] there my [Music] phone oh boy sorry Dad maoon yes time out okay finish oh wow that's great socks thanks can I have a turn now blue oh yeah sure thanks no problem cuz we know what happens when you [Music] hog [Music] [Music] D Bingo where is my to Lou can you be as quiet as Bingo for a bit Lou I can't find your library books in they duw back have you seen schurle the Dirty Turtle no I have not these the dirty turtle you have to keep better track of your things what about bingo bingo puts hers in a neat pile when she's read them finished ding ERS up oh cheese and jam dad I don't like cheese and jam what I thought you did no Bluey does I like banana and peanut butter how can you two come from the same parents be raised in the same house but be completely different don't know well I'll tell you this sa free my life would be a lot easier if you were both the same tell me about it P I've got an idea okay wait what why do you keep setting them up what are you looking for hair talk ooh give me your arm this is going to be great all right done here you go Bingo peanut butter and [Music] banana this episode of BL is called mini Bluey oh so cute let me introduce you to us I'm blue and this is mini blue hi she's just like me watch have some cheese and jam minue we love cheese and jam I love it see this is going to be a long day okay mini Bluey let's learn about me h o I like to say seral instead of serious oh and I'll show you how I dance I like to do this sort of thing and sometimes this y that's it and I sort of just talk all the time it doesn't even need to make sense just noises are fine and I like to sing singing things a bit louder singing things yeah that's great I like to just leave my toys on the ground isn't it better to tidy them away yeah it doesn't make much difference where is it I like to ask a lot of questions mom what are you doing you know what I'm doing blue but I don't really listen to the whole answer o and if I see a bomb I give it a little boom get boom hey get out of it hey blue I need you to pick up these grass clippings and put them in the wheelbarrow yes Father wo wo wo where do you think you're going to help Dad I like wheelbarrows Bingo likes wheelbarrows Bingo helps dad you're mini Bluey now oh yeah and blou does not like grass clippings I'll tell you that for free but Dad said we have to do it let's find out if P cereal excuse me big fella here we go these grass clippings you're talking about why do we have to put them in the wheelbarrow they don't belong to us well you know all that food in the fridge that doesn't belong to you either but if you want to keep eating it I suggest you get to work okay he's [Music] through mini Bluey that's quite loud yeah mini Bluey I don't really sing when I'm doing chores I usually winge and do the job a lot slower than what you doing what why do we have to do this it's hot okay you know what can I order double bingos no it's double Blu forever my arm hurts double bingos M yeah here you go start on my tail h w this is big Bingo he may we help you tidy these grass clippings away uh yeah come on Mini Binger result I like to pretend I'm hugging a w hug hug now put it to bed good night night night where are you schurle there he is oh thanks um big Bingo big Bingo double bingo I could definitely get used to this what Bandit oh I didn't mean oh blue wait big Bingo but seriously how good's double Bingo yeah I know I big bingo I wasn't sure which bed to sit on are you okay Mom and Dad want to of you they don't want any of me it's very rude it's because I'm annoying and you're not annoying at all yes I am I'm super annoying really yeah I'm just different annoying I'll show you where's the sticky tape here you go oh thanks and can you find a fake teeth for me o okay here you go you look crazy follow me oh man chill the beans God what stop it freaking me out get away from me what's going on in in here that's it we want one Bluey and one Bingo from now on you got that okay you think it's safe I think so it's been 20 [Music] minutes close [Music] enough [Music] [Music] Bingo ready okay ring ring ring ring hello pizza shop would you like to order a pizza yes please I want one supreme with no mushrooms do you want garlic bread yeah I want garlic bread you got it it will be there soon do you need my address no I can see you bye one supreme pizza please Pizza girl no mushrooms okay I'll do the garlic bread can we pretend with sisters and our mom owns the pizza shop oh yeah and we're going to run it for her so she can go on holiday yeah to [Music] Italy Bread's finished great don't for getet the free drink thanks Pizza sister see you [Music] soon here you go oh nice one no no mushrooms no mushrooms great no no you can't have the box it's our only one right so what do I do just take the pizza H okay thanks bye oh man I'm back Pizza sister a not again oh I can fix it mom can we get a new car oh but you've had Pedley since you were two but the wheel keeps falling off I know but there's just a lot of stories in that car how can a car have stories well fixed ah there you go see good as new is my car scratched this episode of is called Pizza girls what is this muffin it's an electric car my dad bought a new car and this came with it it drives without petals yes and it's very expensive muffin so be careful with it can we buy pizza girls in it okay [Music] hoay okay we're all sisters who run the pizza shop got it h there's no roof to stick the pizza sign on it's a convertible okay well I guess we don't need to use it hello customers and you just do this with your foot and that opens the boot oh cool customers the phone's not working I'll just ask them wait bu no we meant to do a over the phone they want a supreme okay one supreme thanks Pizza sisters our mom started this pizza shop she worked really hard so we're trying to give her a all of it wow we're going to deliver pizza fast now stop I'm just putting the pizza in you can't bring m in the new car what why cuz it's very expensive oh okay well what do we do we have to play something else a what else do you play in it I usually just drive around okay let's do that wipe your feet sorry no m in the car we ready M but just don't drive [Music] too [Music] hey hey you're getting fingerprints all over it do you like a trick uh I miss the old one we brought the kids home from hospital in it you know that was fun can I have a turn okay all right here we go what's going on oh it's out of battle we a we have to charge it Dad okay battery is charging kids how long does it take to charge this long oh what should we play while we wait I guess we can go back to Pizza Girls yeah so there's one supreme pizza with extra pineapple yep but no mushrooms you hear me got it you put mushrooms on it I'm good to okay bye let's put mushrooms on it yeah Lou Who can I be well I need to fix my delivery car you can be the mechanic okay ready here's your pizza oh great here's your money oh extra pineapple hey hang on what are these enjoy the mushrooms what a you little okay okay thanks bye goodness me the customers have ordered 10 pizzas 10 they said they're having a pizza party and we should take our time okay I'll get started how's the car mechanic I put this one on which makes it Go extra fast oh wow you're a good mechanic thanks all right I'll make the garlic breads hey girls the battery's charged you can ride the car again oh thanks it's your turn to have the drive blue um yeah it is and you just keep the keys in your pocket you don't even need to I'm more about your car mate your pizzas are here oh great well one of them is how's Italy uh good here you go enjoy thanks I'll be back in a drippy oops oh dear maybe it is time for a new car blue no way I've had at least since I was two hello mechanic I broken down coming hi I'm here to fix your car my goodness that was quick fixed there you go good is [Music] name [Music] dading you ready for past Apostle kids yeah I love pasta parel me too oh no uh Pat would you mind doing the music yeah too easy Sheila ready kids I'll just close my eyes ah Pat no you have to stop on each kid once what why so everyone gets a prize but how can everyone get a prize there's just one in the middle no there's a prize in each layer what so no one misses out hey Bandit you hearing this yeah where you been mate stop the music Dad look when I was a kid there was only oneic okay okay I'll start but this is not how you play past the parcel this episode of blue it is called P the [Music] parcel okay and stop all right it's me oh it's a bracelet oh this is just [Music] wrong it's not from Me lollipop yeah okay Lea this time stop ah good one Pat you got a bracelet too hey Missy have you had a go yet no okay and stop I said stop oh this touchcreen stop me again oh no that was supposed to be hers here get it here but it stopped on me luy dad oh man I'm not cut out for this balloons are blowing up Janelle thanks I'm almost there with pass the parcel oh good oh hang on are you putting a present in every layer yeah of course no way I want to play it the proper way none of this present in every liar business put one big present in the middle winner gets that well what about everyone else we have to suck it up that's not how it's done anymore Pat I'm putting my foot down Janelle we're raising a nation of squibs fine but you're handling it no worries you watch this will blow their mind ready for pass the parcel yeah we're going to mix this up a bit kids you're going to love it go see now I'm not looking I'm just going to push this button at any time yay bingo I can't find the present uh yep that's right check under your legs luy dad where's the present ah now you see there isn't one there's just one big present in the middle what yeah what we're playing it the proper way okay let's go keep passing so I don't get a present no cuz just like in real life you oh boy um she'll be right come on just keep [Music] passing Mommy and stop this is how you're supposed to play it this isn't the 80s Pat uh you know don't look at me mate man look at that do I not win anything oh it's okay you won five bucks here and soed you everyone win five bucks wait who can break a 20 actually look take one of these they're my presents chy you got 20 you can give us oh yeah well that was fun wasn't it yes except for past parcel I don't like lucky dad's rules yeah it's hard when you don't win yes it is maybe next time okay that's kid number five Mom where's my out out why I'm wrapping past the parcel for your birthday tomorrow oh can you do it lucky dad's way with only one present in the middle yeah but as good as this one honey that was a bit of a disaster no it was awesome please time for B the parcel okay kids and parents Jasper has asked that we play pass the parcel by Lucky's dad's rules they're not my rules oh what so let's just do our best okay okay here we go oh it's me a sorry Binger keep [Music] tossing ah it's me a sorry Leela a I was an helicopter B wo I was so close maybe next time ready for pasta pastle yeah we're doing luy St did I say hoay please let me win this time [Music] it's me ah Bingo look a bubble shooter wow I love lucky stars w y what have you st I'm sorry you didn't win past the parcel Bingo it's okay I don't mind really yeah when Lela is happy I'm happy oh Bingo maybe next time you know what bingo I think you're getting quite good at losing [Music] Louie how do you want to do past the parcel tomorrow um I'll let Bingo choose really thanks blue which way do you want to play Bingo H okay ready for pasta passel yeah I think it's only fitting to let Lucky's dad do the honors yeah oh right good on your which rules are we playing BL I it up to bingo to choose did you choose Lucky D World you'll see well Bingo whatever way is okay with me what happened to raising a nation of squibs ah look let them have some fun let's get a bit rocking eh oh yeah this is a good song luy oh yeah sorry nothing lucky St wo wo [Music] wo oh Bingo it's okay white [Music] [Music] foot oh [Music] dad [Music] bingo done mom can you play with me oh you know what Bingo not right now honey oh why not well I just don't feel like playing right now so Bingo what hey Bingo do you want to play Blue yeah hoay Mom said she wouldn't play with me you know there is a way you can make people play with you really how you use Magic magic yeah you can use it to make people do anything mom taught me oh show me okay turn around watch I can make your tail go this way oh Bingo pretend my hand controls your tail oh okay I can make it go this way W and this way and look at it and it's not just Tails I can do this watch teach me um sure I guess Mom won't mind this episode of blue is called Magic okay Bingo let's do this try to Magic my ears it's not working you've got to be more dramatic like you know okay arm up feet out okay try again it works you know magic now if someone doesn't want to play with you you can just make them l frog see is there anything else I need to know well there was something else mom said some RW oh I forget let's use it on Dad yeah I think that's it looking good hi Dad good out Bingo check out the new grass ooh looks great um can you play with me oh not right now mate we got to order this in oh well that's too bad is there something wrong with your arms mate it's not working I told you more dramatic like this bingo I think you need your racket rung racket rung I said that's too bad oh no fingo learn magic run Pat oh no you don't no what should we do with them H this is not fa K stop making this dance stop it okay time for the big finish oh no you better stick The Landing pack it's not up to [Music] me we did it we did it Christmas crackers you we a turn Pat you're losing me Pat you're losing [Music] me I love magic what's going on here oh know you don't who taught you how to use magic Bluey did I should have known and did you teach her the most important rule about magic I couldn't remember it the rule is never use magic for cheekiness oh yeah that's right oh Bandit get your armpit out of my face you two get out of here this doesn't concern you Bingo magic should only be used to help people we were helping we were helping them learn to dance Lou okay okay noral cheekiness thank you starting tomorrow it should be up to us how we use our magic if we want to be checky then we can be chy it's not your magic it's everyone's hey and it's stronger in some than others [Music] woo magic should be used for goodliness I was using it for goodliness Bingo was sad because you didn't play with her now she's happy no R up should play with kids whenever the kids [Music] want grownups can't just drop everything and play when kids ask them [Music] to one not cuz then who will do all the chores like cleaning the house and making the dinners we'll bring the pizza boy you can't just ring the pizza boy we can do whatever we want can't we Binger um I guess no Bingle don't listen to her the pizza boy is not the solution Binger I need your help join your magic to mine people should play with you because they want to not because you make them otherwise it's not playing hey uh is all that crazy stuff still happening get off it's not up to me you see Bingo cheeky magic always wins cuz we've got ticking it out now Bingo bring all the Pizza Boys me yes you why do I have to do it cuz I said so you can't just tell me what to do yes I can [Music] sorry bab it's the magic huh who's doing that Bingo no hooray Bingo joined the good side I am not an object well that was a big day nice gr Dad thanks kid that'll be the Pizza Boy ho come on who coming we need a grown up off you pop actually I'm pretty comfortable right here yeah but you're still going you going to make me if I have to oh man okay wish I knew magic that was
Channel: Bluey - Official Channel
Views: 2,217,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bluey, Bluey Disney Junior, Bandit, Bingo, Dog, Pups, Puppy, Australian, Blue Heeler, Wackadoo, disney, disney jr, disney junior, Chilli, bluey disney jr, bluey full episodes, bluey clips, bluey disney junior, bluey australia, bluey and bingo, ludo studio, bluey season 3, bluey full episode compilation, bluey full episodes season 3, bluey series 3 full episodes, unicorse, mini bluey, pizza girls, faceytalk, pass the parcel, magic
Id: 0Zs8CzowMsg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 59sec (2579 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 11 2024
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