🔴 Photoshop LIVE - Portrait Retouching Q&A

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hi everybody how are you good evening good good morning good evening depending upon the time zone you're in and so today I'm gonna be talking about portrait photography and we are going to learn portrait photography and taking your questions also I'm going to show you some tips and tricks so if you join in live if you're joining in live let me know down in the livestream or at the side wherever your live chat is so I'll be waiting for your live chat as soon as I get the first hire the first good evening or the first good morning I'll just begin just say hi or something I'm not sure whether the audio is right the video is right so today I'm gonna be touching some of Andres images and some off Amanda's images sent by Jim so I'm still waiting for anybody to join in life so I need to really see with them live or not so let me know whether my life is working whether you guys are watching whether things are happening let me quickly see whether everything is happening right or wrong or perfectly okay hi there's the first time i KS angeles hi great to see you hi check ramela do you have any questions make sure you ask them on portrait photography okay so hi good morning okay so what's the time there where are you from let me know okay hi hi everybody so today I'm going to be talking about portrait photography against so for the guys who are joining now and if you have any questions on portrait photography I'll just simply love to answer them okay now we have Eric hi Eric how you doing hi huge Lynch I'm sorry from if I'm pronouncing anybody's names wrong because I have my English my English is a little it's not that good okay hi array now though great to see you hi Netherlands amazing 11 6 a.m. here oh that's great it's around 8:30 7 p.m. as you can see from the computer screen okay Ireland hi great to see you hi Eric hi I missed someone Blair Hart hi madcap amazing names right hi David see if you have any question make sure you ask them ok there are some leaks that are coming on about ok this video is going to be wait for this this video is going to be a leak for my future video that's going to show you how to smoothen skin in 1 minute or less or 32nd or less do you want to know how to do it so if you want to know let me know or if you are willing to wait for the video wait for the video so it's your choice okay so the first thing okay hi Reinaldo good to see you too Philippines amazing I had some friends back in Philippines so so okay I've just zoomed in accidentally so we are in Photoshop so the first thing this is one of the pictures submitted by Andres Vargas so go ahead guys check out his Instagram so the first thing that you need to do is open the image in Lightroom do the do all of the light adjustments that you have to do do all of the global adjustments use all of the what do you call it adjustment brushes and then you bring it on Photoshop to finish it so so the first thing that we're gonna retouch in this is the skin now skin before you do any kind of smoothing before you do hey hi Alena Poland amazing now before you do any kind of smooth knee you have to make sure that you remove all kinds of blemishes all kinds of spots all kinds of eye bags and everything remove it before applying any kind of smoothing because if you apply smoothing above those blemishes it's it's going to look really bad you don't want to do that then later removing it is gonna be really really difficult so retouching is structure by structure when you make a sculpture how you make a sculpture you set the frame right and then you add clay to it okay I'm talking about a clay sculpture okay now so in retouching also you need to set the structure right and only then you can do a lot of painting above it and a lot of retouching smoothening and stuff lighting dodging burning but before you need to set the structure right okay so have any questions hi Alena guys if you have any questions make sure you ask them so the first thing that we need to do remove the blemishes or the line sir and here's the thing the best way to do it I'm telling you period the best way to do it is either using the patch tool or using the Healing Brush tool the regular healing not the Spot Healing Brush tool now if you don't have time and if your client has not paid you well you use the smart investor I'm just gonna show you really quickly the Spot Healing Brush tool you can use it to remove lines but let me tell you something it's not gonna look so real as compared to the Healing Brush tool okay now before you do anything I got to tell you something a plan to make a copy of the background layer okay because we have a great way to see the before and after also what's special about this is you have a backup you have an original file now I have a tip for you if you are in case if you are using the Spot Healing Brush tool and if there are straight lines all you can do you can click at one of the ends press and hold shift click on the other end gone isn't that amazing okay so if you have straight lines my antivirus just fired up okay if you have straight lines you can do that very easily if you can zoom in quite a bit and if you make the brush a little bit smaller just click once click one more click one more there you go it's gone instead of just painting a line there you can just click once click once click once click once gone it wasn't that amazing okay let's move on to the other one click once click once press and hold shift okay click once click once click once gone isn't that amazing okay hi madcap is laughing I don't know why math cap just let me know why okay so uh that's one of the ways of doing it now the next thing once you have removed all these blemishes then the next step is to remove the eye bags okay removing the eye bags is gonna be really simple select the patch two and make sure you select the eye bags okay I gotta I have an amazing example since you guys are special and since you guys are watching it live I'm just gonna share it just with you just with you okay and after this this video will go either unlisted or private like nobody else can see it so you guys are special to me okay let's move on to this image don't miss it okay now removing eye bags it's gonna be really simple but here's the trick you need to know the right things to do so select the patch tool make sure the patch tool is selected now select this I bagged there I don't know why it's called I bagged but it's called I bagged for a reason now once you make a selection move the selection to an area where you would like to replace the eye bag with so now the problem is it's totally gone is it's completely gone now you don't want it to be so gone so all you can do press control shift and F if you're using a Mac its command shift + F and oops it didn't happen I don't know why it didn't happen edit ok ok ok I did some mistake ok now once you replace it don't press ctrl D press ctrl shift + F ok this will open up the Fate dialog box and if you don't want to be completely gone you can reduce the fade the opacity now here's the thing this is like undo on a slider this is completely undo this is no undo and this is half undo do you understand what I'm trying to say ok so this to me seems right 93 is OK ctrl D now here's the thing I bags ok I reek just I just was about to start retouching a portrait and I'm doing exactly what you do hire a great - great to know that Eric Eric am i pronouncing your name right just let me know that ok now you can remove this too if you want to okay Eric I would suggest that you first open the image in Lightroom and then do all the adjustments ok now once you remove all of these we have to just fade the selection in this case ctrl shift + F just fade the selection okay click OK now eyebags can be divided into two things guys the first thing is the dark patch okay the dark skin tone I have a little bit of eye patch eyebags so i bags can be divided into two things number one the dark skin tones okay and number two the wrinkle that goes along with it so we need to treat both of them separately now here's the thing we have removed the wrinkles but we have not yet removed what the dark-skinned term and to remove the dark skin tone you need to take a sample from an area with a lighter skin tone okay to do that select the clone stamp tool a very old friend it was there since Photoshop six and then we need to make some adjustments make sure it's on current layer make sure the mode is lightened and make a copy of the background layer before you do anything and then let's zoom in and take a sample from an area which is light for example this area okay make the brush a little smaller and make it softer press and hold alt or option click on it the see the cursor changes into a target I can just like the one guns okay and then start painting over under the eyelids now here's the thing here's what lighten will do lighten will not paint over any area which is brighter than the sampled area it will only paint over the areas which are darker than the sampled area so if I paint over any bright area it will not paint it will only paint over areas which are dark so wasn't that what we wanted isn't this amazing now since this really makes it just like a wall and we don't want that and that's the reason why we created a separate layer for it guys please bring the questions okay so we have to decrease the opacity to forty eight forty is fine let's look at the left eye and the right eye a lot of difference can be seen alright so isn't this amazing but it's gonna be really different guys whatever I'm teaching right now if you are worried about I will not remember it I'll be bringing up a video about it maybe in two or three days so you don't worry about it I'm just leaking out this information because you guys are special too special special to me because you're watching me life okay now let's take up some questions okay great watching you amazing thank you Reinaldo okay what did you miss jack three can you show that thing again which thing let me know which things okay I'll let you know again okay I honestly don't know how you remember all these shortcuts Gary here's the thing I just love doing it and it's practice and if you're forgetting doesn't really matter you can always go okay Gary let me show you a little trick to remember all the shortcut in case you forget shortcuts all you have to do for example there's a shortcut for fading patch selection so the shortcut is ctrl shift F in case I forget that shortcut for example I have to remove this in case I forget that shortcut I would go to edit fade patch selection just look here what the shortcut is if I forget the shortcut to repeating the filter I would go to filter and repeat filter I would look at the shortcut okay I would look at the shortcut from the menu bar and that will make you remember all the shortcuts that you have to remember okay let's look up the questions can I smooth a cleavage area the same way as facial wrinkly RIA I tried inverted high-pass and it didn't look good hmmm this is a nice question now here's the thing Mary you can try frequency separation that works really great now here's the thing Mary depends upon what do you have in your cleavage you don't want to smooth that line you don't want to smooth that cleavage line you don't want to do that in the area around the cleavage there's gonna be some spots that you would like to remove okay remove that using the Healing Brush tool or the clone stamp tool if necessary remove that using the patch tool but do not do not apply frequency separation as of now first remove those tiny little spots then apply frequency separation to make it more smoother and also retaining the texture if you don't know how to do frequencies I don't know why I'm looking at the icon of Mary right there and I just forget that I have a camera here so if you have to then you do okay very frequency SEP then you do frequency separation that will allow you to keep the skin texture intact also same out at this time it will also smoothen up the color information okay if you really want to know how to do frequency separation I have a video about it and the channel itself so Emma dye came late but I can ask why are you not using frequency separation technique now here's the thing Emma I already said before I do any kind of smooth Ning be it frequency separation or any other method you need to make sure that you remove all the kinds all kinds of eye bags all kinds of spots now here's the thing if I apply frequency separation here what's gonna happen it's not going to get me rid of this ibex it may make the wrinkle smooth it we may make everything go away but we'll still have dark bad eye bags so the darkness can only be removed by the trick I just showed you the light and trick okay okay should I make the selection a separate layer yes definitely try to do everything in a separate layer if you can amazing because then you have the audacity to go for opacity okay audacity for opacity amazing can you tell me about your portrait workflow hey part my portrait workflow is really simple first I bring up the portrait from the camera into Lightroom then I do all kinds of adjustment that I have to do now everything is about now in Lightroom I just do what Lightroom had is supposed to do I improve the light that's what I do I don't do skin smoothing I don't do any kind of stuff I just improve the light okay then I bring it to photoshop then I do all kinds of smoothing that I have to do i we touching i brightening i whitening eyelashes you get the idea okay now thank you for all your to do at the very inform thank you it's only great to know that okay Mary asked okay got it we'll look for the video okay Mary uh Hema Delhi okay okay thanks okay now I really would like to know love to know how many people are watching the video right now guys if you can let me know because I cannot see how many people are watching the video right now so let me know down let me know at the side the comments below comments okay if you have any questions make sure you go ahead and ask and by that time I might do the other eye if you've some few guys have not cached I might do the other eye so here to what we would do it's gonna be a little sticky because we have a hair here so select the patch tool and make a selection around the eye bag thank you very much for letting me know that 28 is a really great number okay so we would okay we just forgot that we are on a different layer let's flatten it up okay thank you thank you guys alright guys if you have any questions about portrait retouching asks me right now so last week I covered I retouching extensively so much so that I got fed up of I retouching so now next week I'm going moving forward to skin retouching if you guys are interested and from there I might go to some places I don't know so I need your suggestions okay so guys please questions this is a Q&A session I'm just not gonna do and retouch stuff right here okay so um select the clone stamp tool again sample from an area which is lighter make sure the mood is lightened and simply paint over these areas now it's going to mock up mock with an M okay so let's see let's zoom and we need to clear it up okay we really need to clear it up how's the audio on the video quality let me know how's my new shirt let me know okay this is a very bad job I know but there's one more trick guys do you want to know one more trick if you want to remove the hair hair hair area you can always go ahead to blending options and remove the area which is dark so from the underlying layer just take it there you go let's make it a little smooth okay click OK it's much better decrease the opacity much better okay I don't know if I can ask you about this but I want to buy DSLRs my first DSLR which would be good EMA Delhi what's your budget let me know that first then I can recommend your DSLR for a first time I can suggest you that 700d that's a good DSLR okay and it's si excellence is I want you guys to know that excellence is not achieved by purchase but by practice okay anything you buy doesn't really matter unless you work hard okay so now what we need to do once you have everything cleaned up only then we can apply apply the frequency separation so we'll open the Healing Brush tool and we'll just flatten that up flatten it up again so can you please explain how to remove any flyaway hairs that are a bit of out of place from the rest of the hair and possibly distort the picture does that make sense yes that makes sense flyaway hairs are really really really bad thing so and one of the best ways to remove flyaway hair is nothing but the Spot Healing Brush - okay so there are not a flyaway here so you're so fortunate to have them now you just need to make sure you select this that way gone gone isn't this amazing now here's the tip Gary here's a great tip sometimes it's going to smear sometimes the Spot Healing Brush tool is just gonna smear better when you select anything from the edge it just smears up have a look have a look this is super zoom but when I have to select anything well it just smears up this shows up just crazy just line you just cannot get over it it just smears up so how do we get rid of those smears now here's what you can do okay here's what you can do Gary break it down break it down see spot healing brush to stool is great for things when things are on their own for example you have a vast Oshin a bird's-eye view of a vast ocean and there is an island and if we want to remove the island very easy using the Spot Healing Brush tool but if the if it's not an island if it's attached to a other piece of land and if you remove that try to remove that island kind of thing it's going to smear so it's great for removing things which are on their own now think of it this way what if we make things on their own wouldn't that be amazing so select the clone stamp tool and just break things up you just break things press and hold alt or option click on this area near to it just break this thing now what's happening okay change then change the mode to normal just break this stuff and now when you use the Spot Healing Brush tool bingo it's not gonna smear so tip here is if it's smearing break things down good it's that clear Gary if it's not let me know again I will explain again okay Chris yeah advanced retouching about skin painting skin tone no what do you mean by that I didn't quite understand that I'm so sorry okay okay thanks I think someone did a good one for me as my budget is around dollar five hundred years - that's great 700d is really awesome guys if you have any questions make sure you ask them right now I'm going to end this stream in 20 minutes so if you have any questions make sure ask them so flyaway hairs Gary spot healing brush tool is your way to go and if there if it's straight click once present hold shift you know the drill gone okay now it's a tedious shot and it's gonna take you some time but that's okay now we are going to learn a little bit of skin smoothing a little bit of secret that will allow you to smoothen the skin keeping the skin texture intact in less than 30 seconds you wanna want to be amazed okay okay so first let's remove stuff okay so let's remove stuff right and now it's time for us to smoothen the skin now frequency separation is something which I have already covered some not going to cover again but today I'm going to be covering something really special which is different from frequency separation and it's really nice so wait for it I'm just going to show you a teaser to that wait for it Windows actions and skin smoothing just play that action and now take the brush and simply paint over the areas boom your skin is now smoothening watch this the skins texture is still intact your skin is smoothing let's together before and after so this is the before this is the after we want to know what I did if you want to know I'll explain you okay so let's move on to this image hey Lisette is on line amazing Hey great to see you Liz at first time okay mary says up to 34 amazing gary says man dude that's awesome you are awesome - Gary okay join me next for the live session join me for my next live session please please Gary okay it would be great to see you so Lisa what's your question I just shown how do I keep the skin color looking as natural and realistic as possible please ed the thing is there are a couple of answers to that a lot of answers to that it depends upon if the skin is reddish you need to go to curves if it's looking reddish in case it's looking reddish you need to go to curves and then you need to go to the red Channel and decrease the Reds see the best way to do this is let me make it a little smaller the best way to do adjustments is that find out the area which is red okay for example this this image is perfectly fine find out the area which is red and then click on this icon and simply click on the area while the red channel is selected just click on that area and that will automatically detect that point where you have excess of red and then just decrease it and it will be gone there you go let's look at the before and after before after so wasn't this amazing wasn't that amazing if it was not I know it was not amazing but that's the way to do it okay guys this reminds me do you want to know how to go to that natural desaturated amazing look that everybody is trying to achieve these days using Photoshop the skin texture okay I'm gonna show you this is gonna be really cool and you're gonna love it and I'm just you're just gonna love it okay I'm falling short in words so to get that look at that desaturated amazing kind of look all you need to do you need to make two copies of the layer which you're working on let's name it working layer okay let's name it working layer okay we need to make two copies of it two copies of working layer working layer copy let's name the first one BW and let's name the second one color just for fun okay and let's turn off the color layer now let's change the blend mode of the blackened b/w layer interest okay let's make the BW layer black and white let's desaturate it so image adjustments desaturate this makes it black and white now decrease the opacity to about 70 great now turn on the color layer and change the blend mode from normal to I know you cannot see it I'm just gonna say it from normal to soft light isn't this beautiful let's make a group of both of these color and B&W control G and let's decrease the opacity to the thing that you like there you go 70 is just fine 75 is great now let's create a mas the thing is it's being applied to all of the image we don't want that we just wanted to apply to the skin so press and hold alt or option and click on that mask and take the brush and just paint over the skin just the skin not the eyes nothing just paint over the skin now this gives you a really nice desaturated look that everybody is after these days okay I'm doing a very bad job but you take your time guys so let's look at the before and after isn't this looking amazing this the before this is the after I'm so in love with this okay so questions guys okay Liz X question is done Lizette let me know whether that helps how to remove highlights and shadows from face okay I have a great way to remove that okay we'll come to that okay let's take that question how to remove highlights and shadows from face now part the best way to do that is using Lightroom and in Lightroom you have highlights and shadows just decrease the highlights I'm so sorry that will get rid of rid of the highlights and increase the shadows that will bring up the shadows now if you have taken the picture with a flash that's going to be really counterproductive and will result in tiny hotspots that you don't want okay tiny flashy oily skin you don't want that to happen for that I don't have an image right now - count er that I really don't have an image but let me search an image about Flash that's really ok so this is one of the images that we can try on while this is downloading its downloaded at very easily so the plug-in if that I'm using right now it's called the pixels photoshop plugin and that allows you to search for free stuff photos from inside of Photoshop if you want to download it you can go ahead and download it it's a really good one ok in this image as you can see it's taken with the flash and there are a lot of hot spots that you don't want ok so see there's a hot spot here that we would like to get rid of so to get rid off let's first change it back to rasterize rasterize it now select the patch tool it's very simple select the patch to select the hotspot area and select the area that you would like to replace it with for example this one and now the hotspot is gone but it's totally gone we don't want that let's try a different area okay now the hotspot is gone but here's the thing we didn't want it to be completely gone so press control shift F and fade the selection click OK control D let's look at the before and after so this is the before oh so this is the before this is the after isn't that amazing I should have created it in another layer so this is given a soft get it this helps you get rid of hotspots bi5 a you I would replicate it here I would replicate it here I would replicate it here so that's the way to go alright I hope that answers your question part now I get to see you very good to see you Barry alright I'm so sorry Barry I got super excited Becky so Becky Chavez have it has a question when I use the refine mask it does not always work right wondering what I'm doing wrong Becky Photoshop max up muck with an in Photoshop just max up so we really refined and why do you want to use the refine mask use the selected mask that's much better okay and one of the ways okay Becky I have a tutorial about this let's let's just search whether I can get hold of that image Becky just hold on I have a tutorial for it I can show you what to do okay now for example I'm working on this image okay I cannot find that image right now but for example I'm working on this image now control T let's make it a little bigger and you want to make a selection of the subject you want to extract the subject now here's the thing the color of the subjects t-shirt is kind of white okay and when you try to make a selection it's going to select the background also so if you try to quick selection so what will happen is a little bit of background will also be selected it will just spill out watch it will just spill out okay to prevent it from spilling out this is not the perfect example but here's the thing to prevent it from spilling out all you have to do you have to add an adjustment layer called levels now you need to cheat Photoshop and take the slider from the left all the way to the right unless you have created a contrast now that you have created the contrast between the shirt and the background don't worry about the image quality now when you create a selection it will not wash it doesn't spill up even from the sides it just doesn't spill up spill out okay it makes a pretty nice selection so that was this not a great example but that's the way to go okay once you're done with your selection you can always throw off the levels adjustment layer and that's one of the ways of getting a better selection but there's no way of refining the edge now one of the things that you can also do let me show you a demo of selecting masks once you select any selection tool and go to select and mask and once you're making a selection for example okay once you're making a selection like this and just don't touch the edges for now now if you want to refine the selection set the refine edge tool and just start refining the selection and one of the things that can help you in getting the hair right is get getting rid of those hair fringes is make sure you check this decontaminate colors and that helps you get rid of hair fringes watch it just recreate some hair so that's one of the things you can do I'm just gonna cancel it hope that helped okay now okay so what was I where were we Becky okay Becky after Becky can you explain me how to change the image to smudge effect or cartoon effect please okay hi kanesha morty so here's what you can do now there's a lot of ways of doing it I'm not actually that kind of retoucher I'm a portrait retouching but there was a smudge tool that I saw somebody using that so all you have to do you have to select the smudge tool now I'm gonna give you a tip Ganesha create a new layer okay and check sample all layers this allows you to be non-destructive so now when you just simply smudge areas so that's all you have to do to create a cartoon and it's gonna take some time because this image is really really big you just have to smudge in areas smudge in the nose and smudge in one by one now here's the thing now once you have created a new layer it only keeps the areas which you have smudged so that way you can always go ahead and decrease the opacity if that's too much you can also increase the opacity and it still is non-destructive so that's your way to go okay well is that I hope that answers your question she is just saying thank you thank you I'm really great a really glad ok can you can I ask what kind of pen tablet you use for your Photoshop work Gary do you wanna know what kind of pen tablet I use for my Photoshop work this one this this this is what I use for my Photoshop work this just cost me around $4 or $3 and that's what I use don't have the budgets to afford a pen or tablet or whatever okay how to paint skin realistically why do you wanna paint skin I really want to know why do you want a paint skin there's if you want to know dodging and burning that's a different thing that's relighting the skin and if you really want to paint skin I have a way to do it so create a new layer take any color you want make sure it's whatever color your may is just so if see if it's red so change the blend mode to color and start painting that's one of the ways of doing it one of the other ways of doing it change it to you that sometimes he'll sometime doesn't but color is a good way all right just start painting there you have it now if you really want to paint there's one way to do it one another way so paint it go to blending options and in the blending options take this ladder from the left it helps a little bit take the slider from the right there you go it helps you a little bit for the painting I suppose you have to take a darker color for it but that's one of the ways you paint it and you don't want to do this I don't I don't know why am i doing this okay so that's one of the ways of doing it okay Eric asks so where are we okay that's exactly what I wanted to know how to remove the red Thank You Mitch very grateful to you do you ever use Nick collection how do you create a cinematic style and outdoor portrait for the kind of color cast and out-of-focus area Eric I have the answer to your question okay now somebody just asked a question that I would like to address Nick okay I use Nick all the time you can it's great for landscapes I don't usually use it for portraits but I use it for landscapes it's really great filter you can see Nick is there so the thing that I use again and again is the color EFX Pro and let me show you some of my favorite Nick plugins presets that I always use that you should remember note it down guys if you guys if you're not using Nick use Nick please and this is an order use Nick it's free Google is giving it it's totally damn free if you're not using it you're at loss okay so many open color effects Pro Eric I have a goldmine for you just hold on let's let it load till then let's look at some other questions the fact that you don't use a pen means everything you can okay that I just really missed it missed it okay everything you can show us really can be done by us awesome hey Georgina Harkness do you know what I was thinking about buying a tablet in a couple of months but now that you've said that even if I buy it I don't think I'll be using it mum in my tutorials thank you for letting me know that okay so I just hope you can you guys can see me let's can you make it smaller there you go now some of my okay some of my I'm sorry it's going over my face but that's okay so some of my favorite funds are I have not saved it now remember this it's tonal contrast tonal contrast this is the one that you should be using you've added two favorite next one we're gonna add it to favorites one by one together tonal contrast is important okay vignette filter is little important vignette lens is important vignette filter is not that important yet lens is important mark it as I do it because this video is going unlisted write it somewhere market right now okay next it's gonna be important as Pro contrast is gonna be really important okay and let's detail extractor is one of my favorites so let's mark it favorite detail extractor is important okay black and white is not that important if you want to do black and white there's another plugin that you should refer I'll tell you what that plug-in is not really important which I use the ones that I use are tonal contrasts and the what did you call detail extractor let's look at some of the other plugins so Y can utilize are not important that those are all garbage so photos polarization here paper old photo not important ink infrared not important high key not important graduated folks not import foliage why the heck they put it there dynamic skin softer not important there was a plugin called glow glamour glow it's really important that you should not miss glamour glow let's mark it okay this gives you a really nice glow also cross processing nos not important brilliance want okay want is important and let's mark it one by one cholera is not important so these are some of my really really favorites the one I use the most are tonal contrast detail extractor glamour glow okay so these are the ones that I use okay I just can't remember these okay so that's pretty much it Pro contrast is really great glamour glow what that glamor glow does is that gives your picture a glow also keep keeps the texture intact so let's try the glamour glow gives a really nice glow and there are a lot of presets which you can avail so if you click on this you have a lot of presets number this didn't work distant look how beautiful this one looks look how beautiful it looks let me zoom in so this is the before this is the after so much more dimension and beauty okay so that's some of my favorites let's look at Nik collection second question is how do you create a cinematic style in outdoor portrait with a kind curves curves curves curves is the secret to everything's curves is the secret of my success okay so it's I've not successful yet but curves is the secret you can do anything with it curves do you know you could do D Hayes with curves so let's create a curves adjustment layer if you understand curves you can do anything with it so if you want to have if you want to do color grading if you want the darker areas to have blues okay and if you want to remove the details from the darker areas all you have to do first remove the details from the darker areas and okay now the trick is not to use just one curves adjustment layer use multiple curves adjustment layer used one for one job for example if you wanted to increase the highlights of this area and if you wanted to decrease the shadows from this area what's gonna happen this is going to mock up again it's going to increase watch if I go over both this is also going to be affected we don't want this to be affected we wanted this to be normal so that's why I suggest that you create multiple curves adjustment layer instead of one so first off - to do a color grading to have the shadows a little bit of bluish affect a little bit of Instagram effect let's remove the details from the shadows that's the first job that you need to do now you can move to blue channel and try increasing the Blues there but that's just going to invent the details again and that's why I asked you to create another curves adjustment layer and in this curves adjustment layer you moved to blue and in red the details watch the details are gone now you can make curve like this okay so let's look at the before and after so this is the before this is the after similarly if you want to add any color to highlights you can do that just do the opposite okay similarly if you want to add any colors to mid-tones you know where the mid-tones is it's in the middle that's how to do it now if you want to add color something like purple you need to find out which two colors mix to form purple okay and once you get find out awesome okay we need to make the chat a little bigger it's going small now Oh Kari thank you okay guys I have just five more minutes just five more minutes Judy the thing the thing is - guys I just want to take a poll do you want the video to go unlisted or do you want a video to go live let me know because it's you are my audience you are the king I'm your servant I'm just serving you I'm a public servant so let me know I'm gonna take a poll do you guys want to be want to remain special and keep this livestream unlisted or do you guys want to want this to be lives I want this to be live later so that you can refer it later if you want to it's your call just say yes or no in the comments okay I'll respond to whatever you want stream stopped oh god oh god am I live guys I really need to check am i live okay it's sewing him I'm live every okay okay I think I'm live okay I'm live now guys am i live is everything okay is the stream okay and my life please let me know now okay Angeles okay Hutton is doing be bachelor and design from me another and I have to worth it it's graphic design a good career option by good I mean in terms of money approved seven eight I'm preparing from IDC guys career advice don't take it from me because I applied for an ID and didn't get selected and now I'm I'm grateful for what I'm doing right now I'm doing a Bachelor in Mass Communication and that's really amazing you know why it's amazing let me tell you something the college is not the college is very a it's not doing anything it gives me extra time to create tutorials for you the college is so I just cannot say the word but you understand what I'm trying to say right it's just so cool with me not doing anything not attending any lectures it's so great that I can create video tutorials for you okay Chetan Singh Chetan Shah all I can say you right now is do what you love that's what I can say money will come do what you love and work hard okay okay I'm live I'm alive Wow everything is still good if we can view this later that would be amazing okay stream is good hello didn't show us about skin what skin okay yes skin do you guys want to know because guys that's really going to be a suspense and I don't want to break that suspense guys please try and understand that will allow you to retouch skin in 30 seconds or less but I don't want to break that suspend that I'm gonna keep a video about it so that's really gonna be aired tomorrow so if you can just wait I'm just requesting you please wait for tomorrow I'll just let you know okay if you guys cannot wait let me know but I request you it's my desire that you guys can if you can wait please wait okay Gary would be great to view this later okay I take my words back we need this video as a reference okay Lisette we'll make it available how to make our photos to cartoon images Ganesha I'm so sorry I don't do that kind of retouching I don't I just I cannot do honestly I don't know how to do that kind of retouching let me be really honest with you that's a different genre I'm not working on I'm into some realistic retouching if you say that if you I'm into retouching retouching is different I'm into retouching I'm not into art by Photoshop creating an art with Photoshop is different retouching and different I'm into retouching okay now we how to soften yes I will let you know in the video if you can wait please Bob I was late so I would like to see it later info okay Bob amazing now I'm ending the stream in three more minutes it's 9:22 here right now I'll end it in 9:25 okay so if you guys have any question make sure you ask them right now it was so great having you as an audience and I would I'm really I'm really really happy to have you with me thirty people if you guys were really present in front of me I would have loved to personally teach you Photoshop personally answer your question I don't know when that's gonna happen but I really dream if that can happen that would be that would be my dream come true okay guys any questions Mary great it's great to see you there Mary you can use the blur tool to soften the skin when they here's the thing if you blur it let me show you right now if you blur it let's create a new layer now let's create a blur - and if you soften the skin what's gonna happen I don't know what's happening but anyway if you soften it let's soften it really fast and okay sample all layers if you soften it right now using the blur to it let goes of the skin and texture you don't want to let go of the skin texture the method that I explained keeps the skin texture let me show you my method which I'm going to reveal tomorrow okay okay oops the my method was really different okay now let me show you my method if you use my method okay let me flatten everything down let me flatten everything down let's just keep this layer and let me show you the method let's delete everything okay now if you use this method which I'm going to reveal tomorrow this one this is going to retain skin texture okay now if you paint in with white this is retaining the skin sector you can still see the pores there watch but the skin is going smooth by using the blur - what's going to happen is that you're going to get rid of the skin texture which you don't want okay so look forward for this tutorial is gonna be up tomorrow okay can you let us know in advance where you have this live session Thanks legenda here's the thing i if you follow me on facebook and if you are my friend on facebook i always post a link of always announce it 24 hours before this i and i try to announce it on my facebook page if you follow me there so i usually announce it there so just follow me on social media I'll let you know where can we get that action Glen as I said I am going to reveal it tomorrow I'm going to I'm going to release a tutorial that's going to explain you how to do it manually and also I'm gonna tell you how to create that okay so stay tuned for that it's going to come tomorrow 9 o'clock ist okay I have some guests I'll talk to you later till then bye take care thanks a lot for joining in
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 5,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IJr-PfnxcN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 4sec (3004 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2017
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