1955 Bel Air Body Back on Chassis

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[Music] foreign hey guys we are back project number two we're getting uh Smokey's body back on the chassis so let's go over it is a hot one first of all man it's 12 o'clock noon and it's already over 100 so behind me you can see here smokey and there's the chassis right down there under there there we go and so we're putting them together quick disclaimer guys I'm not a professional mechanic so if you are doing this on your own just take responsibility for your own actions if you're looking at somebody else's YouTube channel just man up woman up whatever you need to do if something happens it's your fault something happens well I'm doing it's my fault it's not someone else's fault just because I watch your YouTube videos so take responsibility for your own actions period that's all I've got to say all right guys so here we go let's get rolling first um first things first guys we've got um when I put in the uh at least spring relocation kit right here you can see the perches for the um for the back of the leaf spring well what happens here is if you are trying to keep the um get this back here the spare tire will uh you're gonna have to do some modifications because the top of the bracket way up there sorry guys there we go right up there if I can get that to focus come on buddy focus in on there we go uh top of the bracket here is going to hit so today I tried gently persuading it with a ball peen hammers last night yeah it didn't work so I am gonna go ahead and do some cutting today open that up so uh the reason is uh what's gonna happen is what what is this guy right here you'll see um this Bolt if I can get that straight here is going at an angle that means all the other bolts are going to be at an angle because the chassis isn't sitting over to the driver's side no I'm sorry I need to go over to the passenger side sorry driver's side more to straighten that out so that's what's going on here um and I'm going to give it a little bit of movement see if I can move around before I start cutting into things different perspective this afternoon so I'll have to see or yeah this afternoon last night I was pretty tired so let me try moving some things around before I do 40 some cutting and then we'll see what happens lower it down watch um the bolt here and I do have everything lined up you'll see right now it's perfectly straight up and down and as I start to lower see it starts to kick off this way if I move the chassis hold on a sec get this up here I'm gonna leave it there we go if I move the chassis outwards see it's kicking it the wrong direction I need to move it inward like this because once it comes down it's shooting out to the right or the passenger side of the car so I need to get more distance um with this spare tire well so I'm going to cut do a little uh surgery there cut some of it out and then I can fix it later and then hopefully be able to line everything up um and yeah we'll see how things go [Applause] [Music] put on my ear protection okay here we go better a little about for the ears there we go [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I don't know [Music] foreign hopefully it did okay guys you watched from there well this round so you guys can see a little bit better yet yes let's move yet right over here you guys can look right down into there and see hopefully get this guy turned there we go there we go you guys can see as I bring it down here foreign give you just a minute gotta find a missing bushing here all right guys um so we're down all the way uh can you guys see this so um you're gonna have to cut this bolt right here I'm gonna put nylox on when I'm done uh we'll round off the tip of this of this bolt right here that I had to cut off last night I used a hacksaw oh my gosh grade eight with a hacksaw don't do use a cut off wheel took me forever or a Sawzall so anyway um and end up taking the threads off of this one and then I'll use nylocks and attach it when it's all said and done but yeah so this is the kind of modification you have to make and it looks like we'll be able to fit maybe a little donut Tire in here for him when we're done and I'll just fab up a little piece of Steel that comes across here so this is what we've got so let me show you here okay so now we are sitting straight up and down I've got all the weight off now and no binding you're sitting in there nice and pretty on both sides free movement right here and then I'll go ahead and check the other bushings as I get to the front in the middle and all the nine billion other bushings and things I have to put on um let's see here what else is I going to show you guys oh a couple other things the if you are taking out the hinge this is how the hinge works for the trunk so the trunk hinge rotates off of a pin and this is what the pin looks like so here's one that's taken out so here's the pin right here okay this pin on this side is being held with a flap of metal so so here place in here oh hold on just a sec this is better all right so right here focus in I think that's focusing in is a little flap of Steel that's retaining that pin in so you gently Bend this pieces this little flat back and that will allow the PIN to come out then you can drop out the hinge so the hinge rotates on this pin that goes through both of the pieces of sheet metal right in here okay and it's being retained by this flap of metal so B gentle with it when you're bending it out because that's the one thing that's holding it in okay and just gently take it out and then push it back in all right something else so move all my garbage here [Music] so I uh yesterday I was working on it gently persuading with the ball peen hammer and this washer fell down inside here so you got my handy dandy little magnet shoved it inside here to pull it out and I found the original washer that was there it was back under here and then I kept looking under there I found this Square nut sitting in there then on the other side I found all of these little nails were jammed in here so before you powder coat before you finish up I recommend that you get a magnet and get down in here and just pull out all of the garbage and other stuff that little Treasures that you might find who knows maybe you find old coin or Indian head nickel or pieces that you needed see look at all those Nails I don't know what they were doing in this trunk but my gosh there are so many males and I mean must have been in construction they're framing now [Music] I think that's a family meal so yeah if you don't do this you're gonna hear all these rattles and not know where they are also do the same with your chassis with the frame yeah there's another name so get rid of the nails get rid of the junk get in there with the magnet check it all out let's look through here see what you can find like I said maybe you find a treasure maybe you want nothing else you're just going to get the garbage out of there that's in there but you really don't want to Rattle around okay I'm gonna get lost in a rabbit hole looking for stuff let's get back to getting this chassis up more nails when I was installing the floor pans I did the best I possibly could to line up all of the existing holes you can see the body mount bolt holes right there all line up however the driver's side everything I just couldn't get it to line up perfectly there was something about this corner so right here the body bolt doesn't go through so what I'm going to do right now is just take a burbit silver bit and I'm gonna go in and just open up that whole little bit so that I can get in there um I am gonna I talked about in another video I think that I'm gonna clean up these welds I don't like I use I use plug welds and I wish I would have butt welded it so once I have the max Jack set up I'm going to go in and recut these um and fix my mistakes make it look better so that's what I'm doing right now so you guys will check it out I'm just gonna open up this hole so I can get the the bolt through it just about there okay guys looks like we've got a straight shot try to get a little bit all right it looks like just a little bit more that should work [Music] try to clean up the rough edges here so I don't [Music] peel my fingers Charlotte [Music] there we go all right so there we go that should work I think we're good to go and I think I might open up these guys as well let me see no I think they're gonna have a straight shot down this one I don't know about we'll have to see I don't know what's foreign I guess I should open that guy up some more but I think I'm gonna wait on that one all right here we go guys what I'm doing is I'm watching the body bolts here comes down okay I'm gonna get this board out of here washers here and I can see that I need to go that way a little bit that let's check over here I have to give you a lot of leeway here okay so I think I'm gonna have to cut a board two by four to span this little Gap that I've got going on right here all right guys sometimes it just takes perspective one of my friends can hold on there we go one of my friends came over and yeah it's just a fresh set of eyes I guess I came over and he goes up why don't you just lift the chassis up to the body and now that I've got it lined up let's give it a shot so yeah I've got most of it lined up so let's see how it works here we go it's an old 2x4 so hopefully it doesn't break I can't really find that the only problem is I can't fine tune it to where I want it however I think it's pretty darn close let's look here and see oh that guy's coming through this guy Wheels Okay so I either have to drill this guy out anymore going to the right which I think I'm going to do because remember that four pan is sitting on there a little off and I'm going to also Slide the chassis over to the passenger side a little bit more to give myself a little a little space here all the way down so we're gonna go this way a little bit like that see all right so I'm going to open that up and then I'll be back in a second okay I opened it up so it is you guys see that uh perfectly straight right there so let's hope that it works and give it a shot now all right let's see what we're looking like now off we go foreign [Music] guys can you get anywhere there I think I'm gonna have to open up this one this side as well to the other side to the more to the passenger side Okay so what's got on here Paul says I think back in gave themselves a lot of wiggle room all right let's bring this down just a little bit here looks like it's working guys check our Frontier there we go that guy's working this guy is fit in here we've got back on here we go all right all right I am going to turn off the video just for a sec I'm going to open up this floor pan a little bit on this side so I can wiggle around a little bit and then I'll be right back all right open that up we are sitting pretty there well I'm gonna go around now and put the uh make sure all of the washers are sitting on top of the of where they need to be and start to bring these guys the bolts in and just go around here guys so I'm gonna go ahead and stop here and hit you guys in the time lapse and yeah here we go uh the HPI Customs kit comes with a bracket that fits so here's the chassis the bar of the chassis frame comes through here there is a body mount right here and right here but on mine or on my father's 55 here it did not have the holes drilled for these particular body this body mount so it is our top so I don't know why they didn't do that but I'm gonna go ahead and drill this hole out also um from energy suspension the amount of bushings that they give you I don't know why um I don't know if it's because the hard top has more of the 55 or what but it was missing some of the body bushings and I thought originally that it was the gentleman that we purchased the car just lost them or they just got lot or we lost them you know in in the in the shuffle and everything else but um there were some body mounts that were missing um so once I get done with getting everything installed I'll give you guys a count on how many um body bushings you're going to need for the mounts and um the screws and nuts and everything all right cool all right it's been a long day it's uh 5 30 it's 105 outside and I'm done and so is Smokey look at this there you go I got it on huh body is on the chassis there are two um bolts I wasn't able to get through just I tightened things down and it's very difficult for me to get under there and get everything lined up together and anyway it was just one one of the I think um the two oh they're like platter washers that go underneath and I think those are in the way but uh so total count uh 20 body bushings there were these two on each side right here that I drilled and put in they were part of the HPI Customs kit that were set up and then I checked in Rusty in my 56 and mine doesn't have these guys right here so I don't know I just figured I'd put them in I've got extra bushings so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to put in some bushings like that I doubled up some of the bushings I'm going to put them under there when the time's right and then we'll see if everything as long as everything still lines up I've got everything is in I was real worried because when we put the HPI Customs frame bracing kit in it really flexed the frame out and um if you've been watching my video series I talked about this Frame at one point was in a collision at one point and you can there are some marks especially on the back um of the frame not just at the front here where you can tell that they pulled it right here to straighten it out I don't know if this is original frame or not or chassis or not um but anyway so I was worried about that but everything lined up everything was fine I did check the numbers when I put the HPI Customs kit on and before I welded everything I measured side to side and cross diagonal everything I could and everything was fine so it looks like we're good to go um backs in everything's good to go I'm solid he's a roller I'm excited I am hot and tired next thing is next thing I will be doing is pushing this guy into the garage and switching Rusty moving him out here so that I can spend time getting this guy taken care of doing all the stuff I need to do now that I've got him down on the chassis I can check the um the struts make sure the struts from right Tech everything I just have to check and see where they line up because I'm putting in that rear frame brace that I made and I want to make sure it's not hitting the shocks or the struts so I'm now I can do that now if the body's on there's I can start moving forward on a bunch of the suspension things and finish up this chassis I've been working on for a year way too long so I'd like to get it done like to get the brake lines and fuel lines and everything run on it get it moving forward all right so guys this is the end of this one thanks for if you have followed along I hope this helped out a little bit of you guys um I have so much respect Rob at half rods wow you've done this so many times oh my gosh it took me three days to get this done so hats off to you so respect you are the boss man I'm impressed yeah this is uh I'll be happy when we get the uh Max Jacks hooked up so I can just lift it up because this is it's been quite the process but I guess learning curve and so forth so here we go he's dialed in and uh yeah we'll see you guys on the flip side thanks for checking out remember check out all the other um really good YouTube channels obviously half rods Montana garage Rusty wrenches dance tri-fives uh Kyle Phillips all the good ones check them out guys and we'll see you guys later [Music] [Music] foreign
Channel: Sean Derrick
Views: 4,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: krBtMnfSUvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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