📝Best Free PDF Editors: Edit Text and More Without Breaking the Bank 🏦

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so if you don't have access to something like  this Adobe Acrobat Pro where you can edit PDFs   I want to show you some options that you  have where you can edit PDFs for free so   by edit PDFs what I mean is to actually go  in and edit the text or take out an image   add a new image maybe change the order of  pages or delete pages so I want to give you   a few different free options that you can edit  your PDFs with today on teachers Tech thank you option number one is an adobe product and it's  Adobe Express so this is completely online you   can sign up for free and you can edit some PDFs  now just to let you know with the free version   you're not going to have a lot you can do every  month but if you only need this as a one-off this   is a great option let me show how easy this works  so what I need you to do though if you don't have   an account go ahead and sign up for a free one if  you do have one let's get signed in so we can see   when I get logged into Adobe Express there's a lot  more options than just working with PDFs you can   go ahead and create a lot of amazing graphics with  this I have a different video about using that   I'll put a link to it as well but if I go just to  here try a quick action I have PDF if I look at   all the things I can do with PDFs they're right  here I could also hit this plus sign and here's   all the PDF ones here now I just want to focus on  this one right here the edit text and then images   but I do want to point out you can organize Pages  or combine files as well so if I go ahead and hit   edit text images this is where I need to open  up or drag and drop it over I want to point   out with the free option you do only get two per  month where you can edit and download that's why   if this is just one off you need it maybe just  use it once or you know you're not going to use   it anymore much this is a good option in the other  ones I'll show you how you can have more downloads   if you are going to be able to or if you want to  be able to do more but let's go ahead and grab   a PDF and drag it in and so it's going to upload  here and when it uploads you're going to see that   I'm going to have the options where I can add  more text and I can go ahead and start to make   any changes so it's all uploaded here I can see  that it's 12 different pages down below I can go   ahead and zoom up if I want to or you have these  different options now I can go ahead and on this   one I can go through and start making some changes  right away where I can type right into it so it's   telling me that the font's not the same but I  can go ahead and add text also on this so I can   click to add new text I'll just click here and  you can see how I can quickly add it and I can   go through and make those customizations to the  font when you're all done you can go ahead and   hit download so now the download is going to count  as one of them but it downloads and then I have   that one again so very easy to use if you need to  change some text in a PDF think about this option   Adobe Express to quickly change but remember  remember you can manipulate the pages like I   showed you I know those other options as well so  do you have an account on canva did you know you   could actually edit PDFs in canva let me show  you how you do this so I'm going to use a free   version I have a paid version of canva 2 but I'm  going to just log in with my free version here so   I'm just going to log in with Google this is a  free one that I created and now I want to show   you how easy it is to edit PDFs in here and it  works quite good so again all I'm going to do is   I have my sample file that I uploaded into Adobe  Express I'm just going to drag and drop it over   so you can see there it is right now I'm just  going to go ahead and open it and when I open   it up I'm just going to zoom up here so we can  see it here if you haven't used canva before   this is a great product very similar to Adobe  Adobe Express what I just showed you but now   I can go through and make any edits in here uh  just like normal editing you can see and then   I can type anything back in here as well so I can  go through even if I go to some of the images in   here if I click on it I can start resizing them  in here so when you're all done you can go ahead   and hit share and what do you want to download  it as well you want to download it as you have   some options I would drop down we have PDF here  PDF standard PDF print so whatever you want and   then we can go ahead and download it and you can  see it's congratulating me on my first design   and now I've downloaded this one so if you have a  canva account think about editing PDFs right in it   the next free pdf editor that I want to show  you and I really like this one is Sage da now   I like this because they don't have to create an  account for this one and it's so simply I can drag   and drop my files just like I did before I have  some options where I can get the uh the PDF from   as you can see I want to point out this right  here file state private automatically deleted   after two hours free service for documents up to  200 Pages or 50 megabytes three tasks per hour so   for me I don't think I would ever need it more  than that but and remember this is a free one   so I'm going to go ahead and just drag that PDF  same one and look at all the options that I have   in here so where I can add new text in here  I could add my images sign lots of different   options in here so I can just simply go through  like I've done before and start editing any of   this information if I wanted to take lots out or  I can input text as I said more text on top of it   so very simple to use so when I have that notice  wherever I click the new text appears and then you   can go ahead and type whatever you want into it  after that point so I play around with this one   when you're all done you can hit apply changes I  can keep or remove I'll say keep and then again   it goes through processes this and I can download  this sample PDF and I'll have my changes that I   made to it so this is sage. this is great because  you don't have to make an account for this one the   last option I want to show you on how to edit your  PDFs for free is LibreOffice so maybe you don't   feel comfortable uploading your documents to a  cloud service you want to keep everything on your   computer well you can go ahead and install Libra  office so this is all free to use now you can just   go ahead and click download now I'll put the link  to this you can install it on your computer if you   don't already have it so I have it installed on  mine I'm going to go to that same file that I've   been dragging over and uploading I if I go to this  here and just right click on it I want you to go   to open with now you could make this your default  opening up but I have Adobe Acrobat DC as mine but   if I find LibreOffice draw and open this document  up it's going to open it up in a way that I can   edit it now I find this gets to be very it looks  a little bit more like Adobe Acrobat Pro as I go   through you can see I can start going through  if I zoom up a little bit that's a little bit   too much here so if I zoom up and then I can go  through and start making any edits and it's very   crisp because this is installed on your computer  if I look over to the side I can start to change   my images I have the handles on them to resize  I can rotate and do a lot of things like that so   this is a good one to go through and make your  edits I really like this one it's a free one   uh that very a very powerful one that you can have  installed on your computer let's say you make your   edits and you're all done what you can do is go  to file and take a look under export as you can   export as a PDF so you could make your changes  uh there and you can export it and choose your   different settings that you want and go ahead  and Export that so there you go our five free   options on how to edit PDFs and some of these are  very powerful some will be just for your quick   uh ones that maybe you don't have many PDFs to do  but uh just kind of a sort of different ones that   maybe will help you find the right one I do want  to point out a couple different options did you   know you could edit your PDFs with Microsoft Word  so if you have Microsoft Word on your computer I'm   going to put a link to a different video on that  where you can click on it and it's a quick video   and I'll show you how to edit your PDFs the other  thing I wanted to point out if if you haven't if   you don't have a subscription to Adobe Acrobat Pro  that is a very powerful one if you are part of a   corporation or maybe a district school district  you might already have a subscription to that and   if you do make sure you take advantage of that  because it's very powerful I do have a different   tutorial for that one as well so I hope you like  these different types of PDF editors on how you   can edit your PDFs for free let me know in the  comments of different ones that you've used thanks   for watching this time on teachers Tech I'll see  you next time with more Tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 93,659
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Keywords: pdf editor, free pdf editor, edit pdf, Sedja FREE Online PDF Editor, edit pdfs in canva, Libre Draw to edit PDFs for Free, teachers tech, jamie keet, best free pdf editor, PDF editing software, PDF editing tools, Top free PDF editors, PDF markup, Edit text in PDF, Add images to PDF, Free online PDF editor, pdf editor free
Id: rsvukScRG5M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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