How to use the Best FREE Premium PDF Editor

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today I want to show you how to use the best  free premium PDF editor you won't believe all   the different options take a look at them all  these are free I kept on looking for a catch   when I was going to click on one was it going to  ask me to pay for something but nope you get all   of these and it even has its own AI built into it  let me show you how this works [Music] today the   PDF editor that I want to show you today is called  PDF gear I'll put the link to this site Down Below   in the description all you have to do is go and  click on the free download no email required and   then just install it on your computer and you can  see all the different operating systems this is   available to be installed on let's get started on  how this works now I just wanted to point out you   could use the online version to edit your PDFs  as well I'll put the link to this and then you   can just drag and drop your PDFs into this and do  many of the same features that I'm going to show   you with the installed version let's go ahead  and open a PDF file I'm just going to go ahead   and drag one over I could go and open the file  and go find it but if I go drag this one let's   say a sample file it will just open up in PDF  gear now I can do a few things right away to   adjust how I want to see it if you look right  through this area if you wanted to see double   pages I could click on that and then as I scroll  through through you'll see everything with the   double Pages you can quickly go back to single you  can zoom up quickly go back to 100% just like Norm   normal adjustments in other PDF editor uh you have  continuous where you can turn off and on you can   see at the bottom as I click on it shows the other  page below you can even turn on autoc scroll so if   I just click on this notice how it's moving and  I can speed this up as well uh just by adjusting   those numbers click it again it turns off you can  turn this into a slideshow view so if you wanted   to just click on slideshow it goes through and  you can uh use it as such I'm going to exit out   as I go back notice that there's also a screenshot  so right within PDF gear if I click on screenshot   I can take a screenshot right within this PDF  editor and I can go and download it I could   copy it or close it cancel it or done so I'm just  going to hit cancel on this to remove it now we   have OCR and I'm going to open a different file  to explain what this does so if I go ahead and   just close this notice when I close that PDF I  still have this here this is a scan here of uh   so it's a PDF if I go ahead and drag it over this  is just a image that was a note that they have   popped up in it so this is a scanned image that  I can't go through and edit normally but with OCR   what I can do and I'm going to zoom up on this  let's say I wanted to take this text out I could   go to OCR highlight the area that I want and hit  done and notice it processes here and pulls that   text out of here at this point I could copy it  to the clipboard or save it as a text file so   you can pull that text right out of an image all  right let's move over to some other things with   editing a PDF once you open up your PDFs you  have them in your recent list if you wanted   to clean out any of these you can remove them  from the list right here let's go ahead and open   up the sample uh PDF that I opened at the very  beginning and we'll go over some of the editing   but what I want to show you first if you don't  like this light theme if you look up in the top   corner here notice that we can quickly change our  themes if you wanted it to a dark theme here and   you can even uh change the background so if I go  to night mode it just makes it a bit darker there   I'm going to keep it for uh to light for and day  mode for this tutorial here and over on the side   we have our bookmarks that we can click on uh  there's none in this one we have the different   thumbnails of the pages so we can navigate quickly  through any of these by just opening and scrolling   down and then we also have comments but there's  no comments in this uh document that I'm working   on and I'm just going to close it to open up  full view okay so if we look across the top   I showed you the home I'm going to move over to  edit here so under edit it is very very quick to   change these PDFs as soon as I click edit text  notice that it goes a line around and I can go   through now and just start deleting Del in so if I  wanted this whole paragraph gone I could select it   hit delete on my keyboard and it's gone I could go  through and write whatever I would like wherever I   would like and just make it work like a normal  document I can adjust things like the font if   I want it a different style I can uh just quickly  change there I can change this size here and make   all these different adjustments with the color and  I'll bolt it uh so all these options to edit the   text are very easy when you're done editing the  text just go ahead and hit exit up here and then   you need to save any of the things that you have  so if I hit save this is the copy that I'm working   with now I'm going to move over to add text so  at any point if you wanted to add more text I can   click add and where do I want to have it well if  I just click anywhere on this so if I click right   here I can say uh example and that's where that  text is going to be added so wherever I click no   noce that's where the text box is going to be  added and all the options are the same to get   exactly what you want and then exit when you're  done same thing with adding more images so if I   want to go add an image I can go and find an image  on my on my computer so if I was just going to go   on my desktop and I'll pick this one here I can  pick it and place it I can size it uh just like   normal editors notice that they it's not going to  be uh adjusting to where things are in this but I   can relas I could delete things and then put the  picture in but if I don't want the picture here I   could just go ahead and rightclick on it I could  duplicate it but I can go ahead and delete it but   if I move down and let's go to a picture here if  I click on any picture notice I get this edit here   so as soon as I click edit image it opens up where  I could save it I could rotate it if I wanted to   adjust it I could go through and pull text out  with OCR I could delete the picture or I could   replace it so if I hit replace this time and I go  and pick this one and hit open it replaces that   VI that picture with a different picture so you  can go through and make those quick adjustments   I'm just going to go back to home and I'm going  to zoom out back to here just so you can see it a   little bit better okay so under editing uh if you  wanted to add a link to something so if I go ahead   and click on link now I'm in uh link editing mode  I can just highlight something so if I are if I   just draw the Box around it that's where the link  will be so I could go ahead and then put the URL   or do I want it to go to a different page in this  document or do I wanted to leave the document and   go to website I would just go ahead and put those  in and hit okay quickly add a watermark so if I go   uh create Watermark let's say this is a draft if  I was going to go in here and I type just draft   and I can adjust colors I'm not going to adjust  too much of this but if I just hit okay notice   that uh there is a draft on this document here and  I could go through and add it to more pages if you   want it gone just go ahead and delete Watermark  and hit yes this doesn't have any page numbers   on it but you can quickly add those page numbers  and set them up the way you want and as soon as   I hit okay notice that the one is across the top  here same thing headers and Footers if you need   to add any go through and we can even stamp so  if I go through and stamp I could go to a preset   that's already here I could make a stamp so if  I was going to say if this was something that   needed approval I could take the stamp I could  place it wherever I want and I could make this   larger uh and I could go through to make sure  that people knew this was approved or I could   put it as a draft as well if I hit delete on my  keyboard it's gone and another great feature is   if I need a place to sign something if I go to  my signature here I don't have one in here so   I could go ahead and create so I could add a  picture so maybe I have a picture on my on my   on my computer I could upload that picture and  I could even remove the background of it and I   could type this in or I could write this in so if  I was going to just quickly scribble my name here   and know it's going to be a little messy with  my mouse I could hit okay so now I could quick   quickly place my signature in and flatten and then  it's going to be in the document so these features   in the editing and this is all free I haven't  had to do any upgrades are right in here with   PDF gear let's keep editing but let's just change  it to page view now so I'm going to click on the   page Tab and I'll show you how quickly you can  make adjustments let's say about page order let's   look at this page right here I can click and hold  and drag it to wherever I would like I'm going to   click yes and now I've changed the order of the  pages if I wanted to extract certain pages from   here uh I wanted it by itself I can go ahead and  select I could select multiple if I wanted and I   go up to extract notice it's under selected is the  range and I have Pages two and four so I could hit   okay and extract those two pages alone if I wanted  Pages out of here I could go and select multiple   ones again go up to delete and just hit okay  and make sure you have the right pages and hit   okay yes I can still undo if I use contrl Z notice  it puts it right back I can insert pages so if I   wanted to go insert from a blank page insert from  a PDF insert from word or even an image so if you   wanted to add more to your PDF that you already  have take advantage of the insert here we can crop   Pages we can even rotate so if I wanted this to be  rotated left I can just click on it and as I click   through through it notice I can go right as well  so those are some great features under the page   tab that will help you edit your document getting  looking just the way you want it as you go through   and edit your PDF remember to save your document  so whether you want to save it back to the   original or do you want to do it as a different  document and save as sometimes I like to keep my   original and be working on a separate one so I'll  do the save as and we can also open or print from   here and our undo redo his here as well let's go  over to comments and I just want to point out how   we can mark up our document so what I mean by Mark  up is that we can highlight we can add comments we   can add shapes uh so if I click highlight here  notice that I get these uh different colors I   can choose so if I chose red and I go through  and just pick an area then that becomes red if   I don't have this on so now I turned it off if I  just highlight something notice that as I let go   of my mouse I have some options that I can do  here so if I wanted to do strike through with   orange I can mark it up this way so if you're  going through and someone sends you a draft to   something and you just want to do some markups on  it you can quickly add these uh in different ways   they're using these up here or just highlighting  anything and seeing the uh the different options   come up now we can quickly add shapes we have line  rectangle oval so as you pick any of these you can   just draw them on and then we can also Al use ink  which allows you to just scribble uh around and   we have an eraser as well so if I hit exit then  uh we can also add notes so notes are kind of   an important thing as you're editing especially  with other people if I go to uh note I could go   ahead and pick a certain area now as soon as I  click on it I can add a note so I could say uh   make make changes so if I was going to say make  changes in here and I can go ahead and click off   of it if I don't want to see any of the comments  if I go up top here and hide comments all these   different markups are gone so it doesn't look  all messy but I can turn it back on to see all   the different markups that are on here the last  thing I want to show you is under the tools here   and we can make quick conversions of this document  if we drop down we can convert PDF to Word PDF to   Excel PDF and so on look at all these different  conversions ones that you can quickly do if you   have a large file and you want to make it smaller  we can compress it so if I click compress notice   right now that I'm under 28.1 compression level  let's go high and we're going to go ahead and run   a compress if I wanted this to be in a different  document place I can make the adjustments on the   output path but I'm going to go and hit compress  and let's see what the difference is so it opens   up the new one I'm just going to close this down  and look at the size now the compressed is at 418   kiloby that's a massive difference refence  here uh as I go through notice that we can   merge split signature but we also have password  and remove password so if you wanted a password   protect this I'm going to go click password just  type your password Here confirm it and then when   you remove it you can go ahead and you'll have to  know your password to remove it as well I opened   up a different PDF document and I just want to  leave you showing you the AI That's built in   here also so if I go down below and just click  on this little face here and open up the c-y   here for PDF gear you can see it went through  and analyzed this document that I had here and   it's got given me some examples what I can ask  it so if I wanted to summarize this convert this   to word add a password to this the AI will help  me do this so if I click on summarize it's going   to go through this document and give me that  summarization of it so that's a nice feature   to have if you have a lot of PDFs and you want  to quickly go through this if you wanted to go   through and ask more questions just type down here  and then you can ask just like a normal uh normal   chat with AI you can go through and work with  it here so what do you think of this PDF editor   I'm always happy to find free things like this  where it seems to be no catch at all well thanks   for watching this week on teachers Tech I'll see  you next time with more Tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 11,437
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Keywords: edit pdf free, how to edit pdf file, adobe acrobat pro, PDFgear, PDF editing, PDF tutorial, PDF software, free PDF editor, how to edit PDFs, document management, PDF tips, PDF tricks, OCR, PDF conversion, form filling, PDF signing, teacher's tech, jamie keet
Id: -WZ6ifHNEYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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