How to Create an Effective Action Plan | Brian Tracy

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your problem is to bridge the gap between where you are now and the goals you intend to reach hello I'm Brian Tracy and today I want to show you how to create an action plan for achieving your goals everyone has goals but some seem to accomplish far more than others that's because people who accomplish goals at a higher rate than the average person are those who use a systematic proven method of goal-setting and goal attainment the answer is simple you need an effective action plan the first step in creating an action plan is deciding exactly what you want clarity is the most important single quality of goal setting and perhaps the most important single quality of success instead of fuzzy goals like more money better health and happiness be specific about exactly how much money you want to earn in a specific period of time or what level of health and fitness or weight that you desire you need to set goals that are multi-dimensional and for every part of your life so that you function like a well-oiled goal setting goal achieving machine unique goals for your health your career your finances your relationships your personal and professional development and your community and spiritual growth this will immediately put you in a separate category from people because most people have no idea what they really want most people are unconsciously preoccupied with the fear of failure which blocks them from setting clear specific goals if you don't set clear specific goals then you can't fail to achieve them because they're so vague this is a major reason for failure next write your goals or goal down on a sheet of paper only 3% of adults have written goals and everyone else plans to write them down someday success begins with a piece of paper a pen and a few minutes of your time you can start with the three goal method in less than 30 seconds quickly write down your three most important goals in life right now whatever three goals you managed to write down is probably an accurate picture of what you really want in life when you actually write a goal down it is as if you are programming it into your subconscious mind and activating a whole series of mental powers that will enable you to accomplish much more than you ever dreamed up you begin to expect to achieve the goal and you start to attract people and circumstances into your life that are consistent with the attainment of your goal the third step is setting a deadline if it's a large goal a set a series of sub deadlines and what if you don't achieve your goal by the deadline set another deadline remember a deadline is just a guesstimate of when you will achieve it you may achieve the goal well in advance or it may take you much longer than you expect but you must have a target time before you set off a dead lion acts as a forcing system on your subconscious mind toward achieving your goal on schedule and you want to achieve financial independence you may set a 10 or 20 year goal and then break it down year by year so that you know how much you have to save and invest each year there are no unreasonable goals only unreasonable deadlines the next step in creating an action plan is making a list of everything that you could possibly think of that you will have to do to achieve your goal after having a written goal one of the things that holds people back is not taking the time to lay out a list of all the little things they will have to do to get there identify the obstacles that you will have to overcome identify the knowledge information and skills you will need and then identify the people whose help and cooperation you will require to achieve your goal the more comprehensive your list the more motivated you will become the more intense will be your desire and the more you will believe it as possible combine all these things into a plan organized by priority and sequence priorities what is more important and less important sequence is what you have to do before you do something else and in what order list every single step that you can think of that you'll have to follow as you think of new items add them to your list the 80/20 rule says that 80% of your results will come from 20% of your activities the 20/80 rule says that the first 20% of time that you spend planning your goal and organize your plan will be worth 80% of the time and effort required to achieve the goal now that you have this comprehensive list schedule it into a comprehensive plan plan each day week and month in advance plan each month at the beginning of the month plan each week the weekend before and plan each day the evening before the more careful and detailed you are when you plan your activities and tasks the more you will accomplish in less time the rule is that each minute spent on planning saves 10 minutes on execution then as you go through each day of your plan select your number one most important goal for the day again you can set your priorities with the 80/20 rule ask yourself if I can only do one thing on this list which one activity is most important then ask yourself if I could only do one other task on this list which one would be the most valuable use of my time then write a number 2 next to it now keep asking this question until you have the top 20% of your tasks organized by sequence and priority and now you have an action plan your next step is to take action keep track of your progress and make adjustments along the way make sure you're doing something every day to move you in the direction of what you really want in life now if you've enjoyed this video and feel it was valuable and teaching you how to achieve your goals faster share it with your friends or anyone else who might benefit from this information before we wrap up I'd like to leave you with a thought to share with your friends and followers your problem is to bridge the gap between where you are now and the goals you intend to reach now I'd love to hear from you so my question today is what is one of your goals that you want to accomplish leave a comment below and I'll be sure to follow up with you thanks for watching and remember if you want to change your future take action and take action now if you enjoyed this video and feel it was valuable in showing you how to achieve your goals faster subscribe to my channel like this video and share this video with your friends then click the button on the screen for a free gift thanks again for watching
Channel: Brian Tracy
Views: 1,561,713
Rating: 4.9628859 out of 5
Keywords: action plan, how to make an action plan, how to create an effective action plan, create action plan, plan of action, how to create action plan, how to make action plan, action plans, how to make plan, how to create an action plan, personal action plan, strategic planning, how to plan, action, goal-setting, plan, brian tracy, how to set goals, goals, setting goals, daily planning, time management, planning tips, goal setting
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 38sec (458 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2017
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