🌀 Lone Soldier | Full Movie in English | War, Drama, Action

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Go! Go! TV REPORTER: Here on the Thai-Myanmar border, a surge of violence has again sent hundreds fleeing for their lives. While all eyes are on the Myanmar's military's brutal campaign against Rohingya, a decades-long civil war has erupted once again into violence. Myanmar has been in a state of crisis for some time. In the last twelve months, tens of thousands of Rohingya refugees have fled to the northwest of the country, with a third of the world's opium still being produced there in the Himalayan mountains. Joint Navy and U.N. forces are stopping ships bound for China, Indonesia and Australia, full of heroin and crystal methamphetamine. Even with their president's new laws on the prevention of child labor, many of the illegally-run sapphire and jade mines are still labored by children under twelve. But tragically, it doesn't end there. It seems the country... [surreal boiling] [pants] [louder boiling] and are in desperate need of medical assistance. While they remain unsafe and displaced, many refugees are praying for intervention, asking, "When will the world step in and protect us?" Rebecca Stansberry reporting from Mae Sot, Thailand. [knocking] [sobs] [whimpering] [crying] I can't do this. Can you get it through your fucking head? Just not now. Why? It's not like your own country. You need help, Seth. Still seeing things? Fuck you! I've got it sorted. Just not now. She is your daughter, Seth. Lizzy should have her father around once in a while. I can't do it on my own. I've been offered a transfer in Melbourne. I've been talking to lawyers, Seth. I have a case to take full custody of Lizzy. Go fuck yourself, Sara. Fuck! [knocks] Ah, thank you for coming. Like I said, if there's anything I can do. Please, take a seat. Can I get you anything? Tea or coffee? I'm good. How can I help you? What can you tell me about Seth Corban, the sole survivor? Seth, hmm. He's a national treasure. One of the bravest men I know. A rare breed. A true soldier, trained to succeed no matter what. But that's not what you're asking, is it? You've been doing some research. Well, that's my job. Stay away from Seth. His mind's not what it used to be, PTSD and all of that. A little unhinged, let's say. Your national treasure. I know that they weren't removing land mines. Observing the clearance of land mines. Dangerous work for anyone, including the ex-military types. You can cut the crap, Major. Special Forces operators observing the clearance of land mines for the U.N.? I don't think so. I have a contact there in the Karen state. I'm thinking of going there myself. You go in there asking questions, you'll never come out. Simple as that, Rebecca. Then we'll have to send in people to find you. We'll have to endanger other people's brothers in order to find a civilian who just wouldn't let it go. Are you hearing me? I have to go. I've been looking into him. I know he's a father, a husband. Your killing machine. So how's that working for him? Seth's no family man. Daddy! [laughs] Come here! [kiss] Nice to see you turned up. Still thinking of leaving? Can't take her out of school, away from her friends, Sarah. Name one of her friends, Seth. Take this job, she can come stay with me. If this goes to court, you're finished, Seth. Where's she gonna live, in a Dumpster? - Mum! - Shh. It's all right. Come on, let's do it. Don't worry about Mum. She's been working a lot. I haven't been around much lately, have I? It's okay. When we can't get in contact with you, she gets me a babysitter. She's pretty cool. [Seth laughs] [chuckles] You should've seen him, Emmy Let me see. It's all just a front. See, it's the Army manipulating something. Yeah, he's pretty easy going on the eyes too. Emmy! What? I mean, he is. Don't deny it. Come on! [laughs] Josh talked about him in his letters. Yeah, he said he was like Johnny Cash. Oh. I have to find this guy, Emmy. I need to know what happened to Josh. [buzzing] REBECCA: Oh, that would be fantastic. Do you think you have an address? Okay, ah, yes, I do. Um, mm-hmm. That's it. Amazing. Thank you. Thank you. - Bye then. - Bye. Seth Corban? Captain Seth Corban. You knew my bother, Josh Stansberry. You knew him? Yeah, I knew your little bro. Nobody gets left behind, eh? And you're the only one here. What happened? WELSHY: Ah, here we go, fellas. Three, two, one. Smile. Looking good, Hollywood. Snap. Looking good. Searing mosquitoes, fucking massive. - What do you got? - It's your go. Well, I've got a bit of... Bam! How about them apples, bitches? - Huh? - [whistling] Deflated. No. Nope. Yeah! Hey, hey, hey! - Fuck the cards! - [shouting] Cheat! Cheat! You cheat! Look at me, for God's sake! Josh, yes, Josh? Josh Stansberry. Do you remember him? Do you remember what happened? I'm sorry for your loss, Rebecca. Yeah, but he's still missing. There's not even a body to bury. I can't find him. Did you read the report? I don't believe they were removing land mines. You were his best friend. He told me. You were his big brother in the pack. There is no pack. Not anymore. Look, I need answers. I don't have any. WELSHY: Seth! JOSH: You haven't kept your promise, bro. Fuck! Bartender. [speaking Japanese] Arigato. You speak fluent Japanese? [speaking Japanese] Nice tattoo. Scotch, just neat, thanks. Scotch? Cheers. Sorry for stalking you. What's your aim here? To get the truth. What else would it be? Redemption? What are you saying? Got to be careful who you talk to about these things. There's always someone listening. A paranoid soldier. Who would've thought? Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get you. How does it go? "Silence like a cancer grows". I'm not one to question my missions, Rebecca. What did they order you to do? You were right about your brother. How was I right? It's all in the truth. That report won't get it to you. Then tell me the truth. Tell me about him. Josh? You knew him. You tell me. War changes people. What was he like before? I guess Josh was always at war. If not with our father, then with himself. Daddy issues. Don't go there. Twins have this kind of bond that most people don't understand, and Josh was always fighting for me, with boys, with Dad. Now you're fighting for him. Tell me what happened to him. - It's not that simple. - Just tell me something. What were you doing in Burma? If you don't blow the whistle soon, I can't do anything. I can't help you. Seth. Seth? [panting] Seth, hey, hey. I know your mission had nothing to do with landmine removal. What about your daughter? Oh, fuck. You do not let up, do you? I want to help you, Seth. I appreciate that, but I'm not asking for you help. I didn't know you were twins. You going to be okay giving up those things once we're in the thick of it? You should just worry about existing and leave me be. It's your sister's, right? Yeah, she made it for me when we were kids. It's, uh... well. It's my daughter's. STRETCH: Seth, we've got movement from the east. SETH: Copy that, kid. Boys, you heard him. Spread out. What now? We wait. Refugees. Steady. They're just civilians and some priest. STRETCH: Contact! [gunfire] - [screaming] - [speaking Burmese] - We can't let this happen. - Josh, stick to the mission. This is not our fight, Seth. It is now. [gunshots] [screaming] STRETCH: 35 meters half-left, RPG. I see him. SETH: Stretch, are we clear? Clear, boss. SETH: Josh, check enemy down. Push on casualty. Got her! Okay, put some pressure on the neck. Quick. - You got it? You got it? - Yeah, got it. No breath, so a little CPR. Breathe! - She's breathing. - [girl coughing] She's priority one. Head, facial and neck injuries. - How we tracking on Rhyo, kid? - All good. Bring the girl over. Locals will look after her. [speaking Burmese] Yeah? That's for her. It's some chocolate. We did the right thing. - What were you thinking? - Hey! You just compromised every single one of us! Welshy, stand down! Oi! Listen to me! Face out! - Stay in line. - Face the fuck out! What in God's name are soldiers like you doing here? Beats me, Gandalf. Why are we here? What do you know, old man? You look for the Australian, Carl Boddi? Were they his men? Only death follows that man. Where is he? You are a dead man. You're all dead men. What the fuck was all that about? I got no idea. All right, let's go. Got to get the fuck off this track. Boddi will know someone was here soon enough. JOSH: Promise me you will tell her. A fucking kid, Seth! [knocking] - Enter. - [door opens] Seth. Been making new friends, I hear. What do you know about her? She is a ball buster. She's been snooping around. Yeah, you could say that. She's a smart girl. She knows we weren't in Myanmar, looking for land mines. There comes a time when we all need to be honest with ourselves, Seth, and she will find it. Find what? The truth. We're gonna start giving people the truth now, are we? [scoffs] Truth, lies, does it matter? It's in belief where we find peace. You had me bury the truth. We all have our missions. How about you? You still having nightmares? Still seeing things that aren't there? I sleep like a baby. How are you getting on with your ex-wife and Lizzy? I had a call from her lawyer. I get it, Seth. You train for one sole purpose, and you give your life to it. Then you get home, and your purpose is gone, your meaning is gone. The ones you fought for turn against you, and your new mission is restraint. Restraint? Yeah. Restraint. Hey, there's my friend Billy. - Hi. - Hi. Dad, can we have an ice cream, please? Ah, yes, sure you can. - It's okay, Dad, I'll get them. - Okay. You stay here too, Billy. Look after my dad. He doesn't get out much. Hey! Soldier? What makes you say that? Ah, yep, okay. - Did you ever... - Did I ever kill anyone? No. Save anyone. That's a very funny question, Billy. I guess that's not what you're here for. One soft serve with chocolate. - Bye. Bye, Lizzy. - Bye. You don't want to go and play with your friend? No. I wanna hang with you. How's that? Good. Before I forget... I made you this. Thank you. That's all right. Imagine if I got a house like that, eh? It would be so cool. - [pop] - Ah! - [panting] - Dad? Come on. [locks case] [flushing] [sighs] Scotch. Just neat, thanks. Wow. - Pleasantries over, eh? - [chuckles] This isn't an interrogation. Oh, come on, now. My favorite sport's waterboarding. [laughs] It's a confession. Yours. Been awhile since I last went to confession. You should probably know that. I can tell. Geez, you trying to get me drunk, are you? I'm trying to get me drunk. Fair enough. Well, I like this angle anyway. You owe me an explanation. Forget journalism for a second and forget my professional integrity and all the bleeding hearts out there, and the fact that the public deserves to know what their tax dollars are funding, and you can forget the Army or whatever the fuck you're in, and your code of silence. What's left? I am. I'm the sister of your best friend, and I'm fucking grieving here. And whether you tell me what happened to him or not, I'm gonna find out. Hey, what are you talking about here? I'm thinking of going to Burma. They will never approve that. Where Josh was killed is a fucking war zone. You can't just walk in with your fucking Handycam and be killed. You understand what I'm saying to you? Don't patronize me. I was there not long ago. I'll take my chances. I'm not getting any answers here, so I don't really have a choice, do I? I spoke to your boss lady, a Michelle Pennyshaw? She says that your sick, and I should stay away from you. Does she, now? This guy is amazing. He specializes in trauma... and daddy issues. Rebecca, there are some things I need to tell you. Hey, hot stuff. How's it going? You want a drink? She's got one. Thanks, mate. Wasn't asking you, cunt. I was talking to the lady. I have one, thank you. Well, how's about a game of pool then? You'd, uh, look pretty good bent over that table. - I said no, thanks. Okay? - Oh, come on, darling, No need to be like that. I'll cop a beating if I go back without you. Just come over for a quickie. Come on! Come on, kid. Come on, kid. Come on! - Come on! - No, I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's going on! Rebecca, now is not the time! I leave at the end of this week, so if you want to show me this courage that everyone keeps talking about, - you got until then. - Rebecca! I leave Friday. And you might wanna work on your aggression. Rebecca. Fuck. ♪♪ Well, I've seen you look worse. First parade, Monday mornings. What do you want? We may just get your boys back. We've got assets on the ground in Myanmar. Bring them back? Why? To address the genocide or to clear up your loose ends? Well, that's none of your concern now, is it? You're retired, aren't you? - Oh, am I? - Yes, you are. Oh, and the governor wants to give you a medal. Well, we all like a good fairy tale, don't we? You think I enjoy this, Seth, this game we play? It's not a fucking game! Bring him back. SETH: Do you know this man? They're just kids, man. Why don't you shut the fuck up? [speaking Burmese] What are you doing here? Well, growing up is all about change. Where are you going with this, Dad? [chuckles] And I thought I'd change things up a bit and start walking you home. How's that sound? - Dad... - Yeah? - I'm the kid. - Oh, yeah? I have to grow and change. You're a... boring adult. Oi! I am not a boring old man, thank you very much! What you got planned this evening? Homework. You? I'm cooking Thai food for a friend. [knocking] Hello. Hi. I thought you said we were just cooking. We-- [clears throat] We are. I haven't, um... Is it the jacket? Too much? I'm really sorry about the other night. Thank you. Come inside. When he enlisted, I think he was trying to get back at Dad. You know, Josh was always a bit of a kid, you know? I don't think he ever properly grew up. Yeah, I guess. Kids are smart though, aren't they? Mm. Like your daughter? Yeah, like my daughter. She's amazing. And you forget... You let life punish you so much, you forget the beauty. The wonder. Does this mean anything? Lizzy would make these bracelets for me, but they would tend to break, which would upset her. Of course. So I got this. It will never break. Touch wood. Look I can't imagine what it's been like for you. But my God, it's hard to accept that he's gone. You know, we've relied on each other our whole lives, ever since we were little kids. Yep. Even, even to get through the night. Our father would come in to our bedrooms and... Yeah, I don't know why I just shared that. [laughs] - Sorry. - That's all right. - Do you want some more wine? - Yes! Yeah, let's have some. I'm sure you had a, um... special connection. Yeah. I can see that. To Josh. I don't know if I could live without him. Isn't there someone else? Like a man? [laughing] Well, all the men that I've been with have all actually turned out to be liars. Ah, yes, yes, except the kid. He was a good guy. - Absolutely. - Yeah, he was. Listen, do you see anyone? Do you talk to anyone about your visions? You ever look at these, these fellas and think that they're just three cowards, hiding from what's really happening in the world? I just thought that they were referring to the impressions of evil, like... evading a disease. I wouldn't call human nature a disease. Hey. ♪♪ [boiling] [boiling] [gasps] Hey! [gasping] Seth! Seth, what's wrong? Hey, it's okay. It's okay. It's okay. Look at me. It's all right. [panting] Hey. WAITRESS: Hey, guys, have you seen the specials menu? LIZZY: It's fine. I know what we want. Dad, do you just want the chow mein? Ah, sorry darling. I'll just have a house beer, thanks. WAITRESS: And your food order? One chicken chow mein and a small fried rice on the side. One chow mein and a small fried rice. LIZZY: Thank you. Dad? Dad? He was our brother! He was our brother! He was our brother! He was our brother! He was our brother! [shouts] I'm sorry! I'm sorry! - Daddy! Daddy! - [shouting] It's all right! It's not real, Dad! It's not real! You're with me! - You're with me! - [shouts] Daddy! - Daddy! - [continues shouting] Daddy... You need help, Seth. Lizzy, sweetheart, I'm sorry, okay? - Hey! - I'm sorry. Your dad's just a bit sick. Look at me. I love you. Get help or don't see your daughter again, okay? Mum, Dad needs me. - I do. - You're the adult, Seth. She shouldn't have to grow up like this, okay? I promise I'll see you again. I love you so much. SETH: I could've hurt her. REBECCA: But, Seth, you didn't. I just can't get it right. I'm gonna lose her. You know what the fucked-up thing is? I don't even deserve her. I don't... I don't deserve a child. That's not true. They've got troops on the ground in Burma, looking for the bodies. There's no need for you to go anywhere near there. Do you want to know the truth? Your brother and I were part of a Special Ops unit. The mission brief was like any other, except this one for me was personal. The man we were sent in to take out was one of my old commanders. An evil bastard. On his last mission, he took out his own unit and went rogue. Disappeared completely off-grid... until this year, when he popped up in Myanmar, killing civilians and running drugs for their military. We had three days to go in, assess the situation... and take out Carl Boddi. JOSH: What's going on, big fella? STRETCH: My son's pendant. I can't find it. Is that your pendant? Hand of Fatima? Bad juju, boss. Stretch, better get out of this gorge. Hey, it's the luckiest charm you'll ever have. Don't lose it. Come on. Seth, are we still on point? Only two clicks from the position. [bleating] Hear that? Goats. [bleating] Karen farmers. Goats for dinner, anyone? Welshy. Seth. They're just kids, man. Why don't you shut the fuck up? I know where he is. The Australian like you. The one you're looking for. Bring him here. Do you know this man? Where is he? [speaking Burmese] [speaking Burmese] I don't trust them. The little fuckers probably work for him. We don't know that. Pretty convenient they survived the attack earlier. Welshy has a point, boss. Do you know this man? Look at the photo. Mr. Boddi? There you go. What'd I tell you? Just because they know who he is doesn't mean they know shit. - Shut the fuck up, Josh. - You gonna fucking scare 'em. Hey, they're not scared of nothing. They're fucking scaring me. Welshy, quiet! Where is he? Do your fucking job, you understand me? Do your fucking job! That's what you came here to do! - Seth, it's a fucking ambush! - Where is he? Those kids are walking-fucking land mines. Don't be ridiculous. They're just kids. - Shut the fuck up, Josh! - Where is he-- Welshy! Ah, shit! Stop! Nice one. They've heard us now. Oh, fuck. Do you work for Boddi? Tell me the truth. Do you work for him? No! Mr. Boddi kill all our family. You're the same as him. You're the same as Mr. Boddi! Fuck. What have we done? Oh, my God, Seth. I'm so sorry. No, no, no. I'm the fucking one that's sorry. I can never forgive myself. So after I cover the dirt with his brother's brains, we get this kid to show us where he last saw our objective. Seth, check this out. I didn't think this was part of the mission. I know. I didn't ask for this either. What the fuck happened here? FUBAR, huh? Who would shoot up a hospital? Radio this in. On it. Gonna clear out the rest of the building. Stretch. There's no service. [vehicle approaching] We've got company. All-around defense. You seeing this? Burmese Infantry! M60s! Where's that kid? They've got armor! You've gotta be kidding. Motherfucker. Coming in! Stretch! Firing! Find us an exit south towards the tree line! Break contact! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! - Clear! - Covering! - Move out! - Covering! Clear! You little fucker. What'd I tell ya? Welshy, no, the kid's with us. - Fuck you, Seth. - Welshy, stand down. [speaking Burmese] WELSHY: You're dead, kid. SETH: Drop your weapon, kid! Welshy, stand the fuck down. Fuck this kid. STRETCH: Guys, I'm under heavy fire. Fuck! ♪♪ [somber] Stretch. Fuck. Where are the others? [gunfire] Where's Stretch and Welshy? I thought I told you not to be target practice. Keep pressure on it. Just let me rest here for a bit. Oh, no, kid, you're coming with me. [sighs] Legs up, legs up. Hand. Lower me. Fuck. Fuck. [coughing continues] Fuck. I shot Welshy. What do you mean? You shot him? He was gonna shoot the kid, and I couldn't let him do that. And Stretch... Stretch is gone. [speaking Burmese] Who is your commanding officer? [coughing continues] We're not military. We're JOTS. You've made a mistake. We're here as part of the land mine observational team. We're U.N. certified, okay? We got fuckin' lost. The U.N. not authorized to be here. If you are non-military, what is your organization? Who is your commanding officer? Major Pain. [laughs] That's what we used to call her, you remember? So is she still sending you spooks out, or is she retired to the country, sipping tea, trying to clean that filthy fucking conscience of hers. I don't work for her anymore. I told you, we're JOTS paid with the U.N. [speaking Burmese] [spits] It's all about the suffering, really. Before you drown in your own piss and shit, Toodle-pip. What are you thinking about? Welshy and the kid. What are you thinking about? About the kid. My sister. Fuck. [coughing] Josh, I'm so sorry. Promise me. SETH: I promise, mate. You're coming with me. [groaning] [straining] [gasping] [groaning] [gasping] Okay. [groaning] Shh, shh, shh. Hey, hey, hey, easy. Focus. Mister! Mister! Kid! Thank Christ. Yes. You got this. Hurry! Soldiers come! Josh, get on me. Josh... Okay. Get on my shoulders. [straining] [groaning] [straining] [straining] Josh! No! Thank you. Now get out of here. Mister, wrong way! For a god, you don't seem to hear very well. Neither did any of your men. My suffering ends here. REBECCA: I don't understand. You left him? You left him? You let him drown. You're the reason it all turned to shit. [scoffs] National treasure. - Get the fuck out of here. - Rebecca. No, you lied to me. You should have told me that before. [crying] Michelle was right about you! You do need help! [continues crying] You have got to be fucking kidding me. Having a bit of you time? Yeah, why don't you come on in then? They found our boys. Their bodies are in transit now. We are bringing them back. Does Rebecca know? I thought you should be the first to know, all things considered. And that priest was captured by the Burmese military and killed a few nights ago. That's convenient, isn't it, to tie these things up now? All you need is Rebecca to be up her fucking bus. Did you tell her? She has a right to know. And I have the responsibility... to you, to those boys coming back in body bags, to their families, Seth. My job description doesn't end with the mission. What is your job fucking description, huh? To maintain lies? I'm a fucking monster! Look at me! [crying] I don't know what to do anymore! I have a daughter. I have the most beautiful daughter. I want her to look at me and see a father. Not this. Not this! [crying] Not this! It hurts. It will never, ever go away, what you're feeling. Believe me, I know. But there is help. You can find a way to survive this, Seth. Soldier. I never trained you to be a victim. Let's do this, motherfucker. Let's do this already! Come on! Come on! Please let me forget. All this rain and all this mud. All this... fucking mud. I failed us. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. They didn't train us for this. I am so sorry. Josh, please make it stop. Can you forgive me? Can you make it go away? Can you make it go away? You made it. I'm proud of you. It was me who stood up to Dad first. I guess Josh was always punishing himself for that. Like we all do. He was a good man, Josh. I knew that. Rebecca, hey, come on. So... just knowing that he knew he was doing the right thing, fighting the good fight... it's enough for me. [sobbing] Sorry I'm late. My appointment went longer than expected. Appointment? Daddy! Hey, kiddo, come here! Mwah! - Got your bags? - Yep! Good. So you've got this right? Yeah, I got this. Come on, we better not keep Billy waiting. He'll call us MIA. Billy? You know, Mum, my friend from the park. Come on. Come on, come on! Bye. So did Mum tell you? Tell me what? She's not taking the Melbourne job. Lucky too. She would not have been very happy there. - Bang bang bang! - Boom! Die! Die! Die! Dad? Dad? Dad, are you all right? Yeah, I'm fine. Come on. Is it your birthday? Um, no. That's a shame. I got you this little present, but, ah... But it's not your birthday and-- Dad, what is it? Oh, my God. Really? Yep! It's a house? Let's go check it out. Come on. I love you, Dad. I love you too.
Channel: Boxoffice | ACTION | Full Movies
Views: 3,641,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: full movies, full movies in english, thriller, thrillers, full movie, english
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 6sec (4806 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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