Blackbear | Two Marines Fight To Get Home | Starring Eric Roberts, Kevin Sizemore, Scott Pryor

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[Music] [Music] [Music] my yeah [Music] multiple is in sight request permission to engage over permission denied death angel your extraction point is five clicks away exfil at 100. satellite shows multiple enemy hostiles at your location bear you copy that we need to move we're not roger that we got bad intel there's more threats than reported play some hate brothers play some mate just went out on another mission you don't get any crazy ideas you're on your own i love those budget cuts bear we gotta move to the extract point now [Applause] copy that cowboys [Applause] [Music] nash get him out of here [Music] yes [Music] no one come for you you are expendable no we both know we're not gonna talk so why don't you just get on with whatever you need to get on with we don't want you to die too soon that would ruin our fun and my experiment [Applause] nothing strikes fear into my men more than when they hear the marines are coming you have very big price on your head you must be proud how did you find our location if you tell me what i want to know you will save yourself and your friends a lot of pain i call this the tour of afghanistan only the purest of heroin for our celebrity she will be your greatest lover and your worst enemy all in one focus on this beautiful woman your girlfriend tell me everything or you will never see her again yes [Music] you get us in i get us out now we gotta go and we still gotta find ryan and nash while the guards are still at a call to prayer up maureen let's go okay hold pull [Applause] [Music] come on let's go move marine let's go [Music] um [Applause] we want our weapons end our gear then you're going to tell us where we are you'll never make it no okay who won't make it wait your weapons are next door down get the laptop i'll tell you what you want to know hey me and ryan can take care of the rest of the guard you guys get out of here with this intel that intel is priceless meet us three clicks due north at oh six thirty simple five boys we're not there by 6 30. you guys move on maintain radio silence until o 6 30. all right cowboy all right a lot of sheep to shepherd low sheep to shepherd come in i said lost sheep to shepherd lost sheep to shepherd come in move out don't wait we're a little tied up keep fighting we're coming back that's a negative angel proceed as planned end route to you hold fast negative we found cops airstrike called danger close eta eta 30 seconds tell my son i'm proud of him even if he's thirsty get out of there number five they were our responsibility back our responsibilities and we got them killed no you gripping the world none of this had to happen man this is your fault that's what we do as many as we can as often as we can we kill them all and ryan and mass just paid the price we move right now but we died now get up besides mia wants that baby you promised baby it's useless now leave me or leave me alone i am not leaving your child get up this ain't going away bear all right move your legs [Music] [Music] [Applause] and exactly when can i go home that's what we're trying to figure out right now looks like your uh analysis and liopays levels are elevated and now your liver function really isn't what we want it to be i mean you got to understand that they injected you some pretty bad stuff such as that's part of the problem we're trying to put together now i understand this it's difficult for you just try to be patient there oh god you're alive i promise i was coming back for you scott remember the plan yeah i remember the plan get you out of here you wanted space i gave you space yeah you gave me plenty of space you broke up with me three years ago let's just start over again why so you can leave me again i had to leave you chose to leave i was protecting you no you were running i hear the guys call you dr rev so you're a reverend then the doctor you're the body and the soul i don't really heal anything i just i don't know just try to help out a little bit that's all oh see now you're talking see i want out of here today doc and that's what's gonna help me i'll tell you what if you let me out of here today i'll go to one of your little bible meetings you do with the guys deal jesus would want you to let me go so you're telling me you know jesus oh yeah he was on my first sniper team hispanic guy five foot seven great shot jesus has got skills yeah it looks like chris has got jokes spare me discernment doc i know all about jesus i guess i just feel guilty because i only call on them when i'm getting shot at you know it's not really about that right if you want to be my friend doc let me out of here oh chris i am your friend trust me i want you out of here cause you're driving me nuts man i'll check in with you soon buddy sign me out doc there what are you doing here just thought we'd hang out a little bit with a box of my favorite chocolate that's not random do you remember the time that we stole a box from howard's and we scarfed the entire thing in the alley we got so sick my dad got a hold of us made us clean the entire gym your dad drove me the boys home you almost dropped me off i think you would have if you weren't such a great fighter so what is all this i want to fix this there's nothing to fix everything's fine promise you i'd be back and now we're like this you left me i see i hear your dad's words coming don't blame dad he took you in and he trained you and he got you a title fight you had a shot at the title and you blew it there's something you need to know about that fight it's too late you lost and then you ran away and i am not the girl that you leave i'm the girl you hold on to [Music] oh when did i lose myself [Music] inside [Music] we're not gonna make it ryan and nash were our responsibility our responsibility i am not the girl you leave behind bear if you love me let me go will be your greatest lover and your worst enemy all in one your love and your hate for her will never go away [Music] i he's playing know on us get on the ground [Music] get up let's go look what you did why would i let him go it's in everyone's best interest everyone's best interest i don't speak bureaucracy who is this guy and why would i let him go his name is bear and the rest is top secret all things exaggerated look hardwick his team is our most lethal weapon that's all i can say now let's just pretend that bear doesn't exist and that this whole thing didn't happen i take assault and battery on my men pretty seriously you're lucky they're not dead besides your department has had seven brutality complaints in the last year and if this goes to press you're gonna have another riot on your hands so let's just call this even on who's authority as high as i need to go charlie is he a good guy or a bad guy he's necessary there this can't happen again did you hear me this is in afghanistan sometimes the lines get blurry but these are the people that we're supposed to protect we're gonna get you a little help we owe you that much you will report here regularly for treatment that is an order do you understand well i still think you need to treat in-house but i mean if you don't want to that's fine too i'll write you a prescription free withdrawals i almost forgot remember what we talked about you know just in case you need it that's just really not my thing no i'm not trying to push it on you just um leave it land right there you never know bear you might just change your mind [Music] [Music] um doc tell me you got my test results back because my wife wants me back home if you know what i mean yeah i've got him right here let me guess i got six months to live i don't wish we had that much time doc's always got jokes man that's not funny actually that's kind of cruel i'm not making a joke chris but you have three months to live are you serious we'll check it again because that's wrong i'm i'm fine chris i've run them three times when they captured you they injected you with something called zinc cadmium sulfite it gets into your system and it tries to poison it tries to shut your organs down they've got to have a cure we're only 10 minutes away from the cdc it doesn't matter the v8 they're not going to pay for it because they can't afford it they're broke what are you saying to me man i'm sorry you're sorry yes it is you're sorry you're sorry i want to be alone though listen chris okay i want to be alone please i understand no you don't understand [Music] three months [Music] [Music] hey doug hey bear hey man i need you to hook me up contract job private sector good pay and cowboy needs help paying for his medical treatment you still got your ts clearance no man they got me benched i'm sorry bear no clearance no work bro there's nothing i can do there's got to be something barry you remember that kid tommy brown let's see what we work with in iraq yeah man good guy yeah well look he's about to fight this psycho darwin god i hope he gets this guy beating you need to get back in the ring bear that's gonna be your ticket [Music] [Music] hey hey i heard somebody's been asking for a cowgirl that would be me um you're not happy to see me i'm always happy to see you we're gonna be fine i have some news you're gonna be a dad dad i thought you would be ecstatic i i'm very excited i mean this is fantastic baby i just want to get out of here wait why are you gonna tell me something else yeah no look we're gonna have a baby i love you bunny i love you too i thought you were gonna leave me again no i'm not leaving you ever again we did it after all these years we found yeah we did we're gonna have a baby [Music] i love you so much i love you i'm gonna go get a snack what was supposed to be an exhibition match to help wounded veterans turn tragic only minutes ago tommy brown the former navy seal turned mma fighter faced jabari darwin the reigning light heavyweight mixed martial arts world champion we take you now to karine dyer who is live on the scene darwin the most controversial fighter in mma took this fight in an attempt to clean up his reputation these cheap shots literally knocked tommy brown into a coma as his son watched the tragic ordeal from the front row darwin is now suspended for a year if not permanently here comes darwin now darwin tell us your thoughts what would you tell tommy son right now i tell him when i tell everybody else it pops me not to get him catch with me he knew the consequences and he suffered a risk but this was an exhibition match that was supposed to help clean up your reputation you clearly made it worse in fact you've recently been suspended from mixed martial arts for a year how did that help your career look ladies i'll talk to you man get out of my place there you have it so let's go be careful bud what can i do for you is a coach bronx still around uh yeah he's in his office are you a friend of his no are you gonna get a membership i can give you the first month free but don't expect many favors for me cody blackbear come visit your old trainer huh scholar told me you're in town how you been son outstanding yeah well you look good i thought you'd be all shot up by now sorry to disappoint you so you're still uh dancing with the devil oh no i gave up dancing but the band keeps playing don't you know ah come on just game i'm respecting your grandchild but i'm sure scott mentioned that congratulations thank you baron you'd understand understood you always made your position on me and skylar very clear it was skyler's decision skyler's decision i stayed out of it i'm older and wiser oh you're wise now bear she's moved on she's finally happy red engineer graduated from tech helps me train he breaks down fighters stats and all that smart stuff you know is he still training that and we got lots of kids in here keeps him off the streets off the streets a role model father theresa here what's going on bear i never said that i never said i was a role model i still see the same old broken down nightmare are you drunk bear so you're gonna train me i'll be my life coach train you you can't be serious about fighting again pal is that why you're here i'm here for your wisdom i can't train your bear there's too much just too much tell you what bear you can work out here i cannot train you [Applause] i know you got more than this come on you can do better three more three more i can't even do one let me see here i think they gave me the wrong paperwork what's that because it says here mistakenly of course that you're a marine but let me correct that because you're more like a girl scout i see you failed out of charm school oh and i see the marines made an exception to the man and we're looking for a few good men easy easy easy how you doing buddy oh everything's wonderful i feel like i'm in disneyland i'm having so much fun don't worry doc it'll get tougher i'm just easing him into it well i kind of got some good news for you we have an anonymous donor that's going to help you get into that treatment program that we talked to and it's not going to get you all the way through it but it is going to get you started and nurse london here she's going to get you back on track does nurse london also specialize in waterboarding nurse london is the best that we have so just stick to the program girl scout so does mia know about your diagnosis no not yet hey i can't wait to show you the nursery i love you mia i carried bear over the mountains of afghanistan just to see their smile again pretty sure i heard that a little different i'm sure i don't think i'm going to be there when our baby is born okay so you'll be in here we'll just just figure it out here i won't be here another mission you told me you were getting out you can't go you can't go my last mission was my last mission take another mission it'll kill me i mean i've only done it like a thousand there are no more missions mia i'm dying my organs are shutting down i no no puppy no no we're starting a family no no you're gonna be right there beside me you're not going anywhere you've got to be strong you've got to be strong i can't do it yeah you can i knew it i knew it i had a feeling and i told you i said not this time not this deployment come here [Music] you can't leave me you've got to be strong for all three of us [Applause] you got to [Music] [Music] so [Music] hey bro check out father time trying to be fancy over here [Music] get out of the ring before you get hurt we got a mike tyson here huh yeah hello in the champ don't waste any of your time on this old man yo he might be ugly but he ain't stupid hey hey i'm talking to you you know i'm talking to you oh you're not listening to me now oh man you washed up old man oh yeah come on you know who i am come on oh who was that you come here get up chulo that didn't happen okay it just happened man hey listen to me that didn't happen let me see your phone get it now take a walk good night jack you kidding me with this get him up get him out of here sir can we talk i've been thinking about what you said and i changed my mind i want to train you bear it'd be like old times only better i know you heard me i said i want to train you nah i'll change my mind too there's a huge underground fight it's called the basement single elimination event when it takes all big cash prize ever heard of it i know you want to fight in a bear i can get you in i know you heard me i said i can get you in and it won't be easy by the way you know you got some nerve father theresa first you turn schuyler against me then you don't want to train me now you see an opportunity for yourself and now you want to train me hey look you want to fight the basement i'll train you we'll spit the purse 80 20 not negotiable trained by my rules and we train with who what and how i want to train you no exceptions the game has changed out there little buddy now you surprised shulo but i don't think that'll happen again and that punk darwin he's been suspended so he'll be going underground he'll be fighting in the basement what do you say pal yeah i'm not interested rule number one you gotta drop that monkey has been sucking the life out of you and i know you tuned up those cops have the apd works out here and in 30 minutes i want everything i don't want you using on my desk if not deals off and i'm going to screen you too i'm going to drug test you once a week if you pop up positive you're done pal 30 minutes oh [Music] when i [Music] when i got red william yeah i need your help i have a new fighter for the basin i need to train him you'll see when you get here hey what's up hey nothing well if that's nothing you might want to consider starting a career as a fighter you give those girls a run for their money hey um i'll see you at home okay sounds good all righty here we go what's he doing here he's part of the deal and you already agreed to it we need red to help us win are you out of your mind for what it's worth skyler said you guys are through stop talking look pal i know a lot of things eating away at you when i came back from nam i had to make some adjustments too things don't have to be this way pal just training that's it just training that's it warm up five minutes with the rope then grappling then circuits with the weights cardio lots of cardio lots and lots and lots of cardio you've got this bear what's up big boy how you doing micah all right put your put your feet apart like mine there we go all right come on give me some whoa how's cool you studying hard how's your mouth you taking care of them put your hands up like this like this all right lean over lean your head in now go whoa that's pretty good all right square up micah take care of your mom no time for no friends why you've been fighting bear you got a death wish or a miracle up your sleeve because darwin can't be beat i had to fire for my crew man he's crazy he beat up some of the girls ruined some of them for life he ends careers you too good to talk to me now listen if you're still mad about skyler you need to drop that man her and red's been friendly for a long time and i mean really friendly now i know coach bronx kept you around because he needed you for his big payday but you and schuyler were never gonna happen i mean you had to know that right what do you want hey you know the drill i might need a little favor be in touch [Applause] [Music] [Music] my guts take a break i'm running out i don't mind picking you something up no thanks i haven't seen you eat all day i'll uh leave my number on the counter in case you change your mind [Applause] here are the pictures congratulations you too thank you hey so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] i need you out please let me stay here so i can be a good father to this child [Music] please [Music] lift those knees lift those knees there you go push it push it come on can you excuse us for a minute drill instructor sergeant nurse london ma'am okay we'll take a break but it's gonna cost you what are you doing here just came to check on you well he right here cowboy i'm trying to make things right oh i'm trying to make things right too i'm fighting for this little one so he can have a dad i just want to see how you're doing all right now you see i'm right where you put me you always had to push it you always had to go the extra mile you always had to take another shot done here yeah we're done here hey the least you can do is win that tournament [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] blackout blackout everybody keeping wondering if i still rap now you serious anybody out there hearing this you i came in the game as a lyricist and i'ma leave like that period you slip flies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is the current condition of my state of mind [Music] [Music] every time they play it raiders this my calling or not father maybe i should just not bother [Music] [Music] it's all mental i ain't in a place where i can't let go i still work a job and do this and y'all know it's stupid i thought all you had to do was get a record deal when your things start moving but that's not the case because most of the time the artist you hear you keep on [Music] and this hip hop's [Music] what you're hearing now is me whether i'm in front of behind that curtain i stand behind these words i'm a christian but i'm not perfect don't tell me to calm down i'm calm now listen i'm just working yeah it might take a minute to get it but once you get it everything will be crystal clear they've seen my vision here i don't think they see my vision here don't tell me that this isn't real don't tell me [Music] don't tell me that this isn't real don't tell me [Music] don't tell me that this isn't real don't tell me [Music] don't tell me that this isn't real don't tell me [Music] don't tell me that this isn't real don't tell me [Music] don't tell me that this isn't real this isn't real this isn't real this is [Music] all right there 10 passwords let's go one more time let's go okay tomorrow show time get some sleep come on out of here let's go we're out [Music] is [Music] i'm paralyzed i'm scared to live but i'm scared to die and if life is pain and i buried mine a long time ago but it's still a lie and it's taking over me where am i i want to feel something i'm numb inside [Music] i'm the problem is [Music] [Music] let's keep it clean no cheap shots touch gloves back up to your corners let's make it count [Music] [Applause] we got it we got it [Music] he didn't he didn't fair one you didn't [Applause] ugh [Applause] [Applause] oh tell bear i'm coming for it when i'm done with them not even the boy scouts will win [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Applause] get that [ __ ] out of here you think you're joining my drive ain't nobody better than me i'm too bored [Music] i hope i'm not disturbing you i decided to come out here and say congratulations and i was hoping i could take you out to celebrate i mean if you're hungry and don't mind the company mike is with my mom so it would just be us i can't summer yeah i don't want to disturb the tournament i just thought maybe you needed to relax yeah no worries um maybe after the tournament we could hang out i mean micah has really taken the liking to you and summer you don't want this trust me just tell me you're not interested bear i'm a big girl i can take it cody listen uh you're gonna take a tumble in the first round okay you're gonna go down i'm gonna make a lot of dough but most importantly because you and i will be square you got it that's not gonna happen okay all right i'll tell you what i'll cut you in 20 percent hey i'm patriotic you big jar head now you listen to me coach bronx is into me for several g's you got it he came to me to get you in on this deal hey hey first round all right who you calling cops yeah all right tell them i said hello first round remember that i will make sure you never forget it what's up all right bear give him a good show well you both have been here before we will have a clean fight protect yourselves at all times touch gloves back up your corners we'll fight on my signals [Music] are you ready are you ready let's fight [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] my god [Applause] [Music] you're a dead man that guy can't take a hint [Applause] hey bronx tell us because your boy bear now he's got some heat on him but you're gonna set it straight no that would be your problem since you're the idiot who bet against him actually it's your problem because his dead is your debt that's not the way that works that's between you and bear i got nothing to do with it see bear owes me and you owe bear so i'm going to collect from you that's how this accounting works i owe bear nothing are you crazy are you going c now you owe him everything i don't know you or bear a thing now what you guys going to do going to cut off my legs i don't think so is he serious you you really don't know do you know what [Music] [Music] huh so hey hey interrupting the transaction here as requested thank you so much don't mention it i owe you one you got about 10 minutes okay thanks hi dre [Music] let's get ready to go [Music] oh give me your back [Music] let's go [Music] oh fair come on man give me a cheap shot it's not happening again look at me hey look at me smell back in your corners huh [Applause] you see your hands [Music] good put your arms out [Music] oh man what's up oh what's up grandpa come on you ready back up for me back up bring it in guys [Music] welcome to the semifinals touch close back up to your corners [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] breathe for me deep breaths there wake up wake up buddy wake up wake up buddy [Applause] why don't you tell me i mean did you really believe i wouldn't find out you cost me my future skyler's future get online maureen get your hands up oh i ought to tear you apart from your eyebrows to your toenails you think i'm a fool how dare you coming to my gym after all you've done you didn't think i could handle it did you you think i'm a weak old man i'll show you weak old man why didn't you tell me why did you tell me for the title fight to protect us from scorch you didn't have to throw the fight for us we could have won we would have won yeah you protected us but i can't fix this one bear the bell's wrong and you can't it the fight's over oh thank you oh [Music] hey bud hey is your mom gonna walk up yeah awesome i'll see you tomorrow okay [Music] uh micah where's your mom she's in the back she doesn't feel very well she doesn't feel well no no go get out of here no go [Music] three years of fighting this every day go on and look at what i do to micah oh god what kind of a mama am i it's my past right maybe if it wasn't a young mom then would you give me a chance somewhere else there's something you need to know [Music] [Music] hang in there i'm just gonna give her a little fin again for the nausea you okay bud yeah i'm okay is my mom gonna be okay yes but i need you to take care of her from now on okay okay i can do that i know you can these are for me yes listen i need you to be tough like a marine got it got it all right buffy chris chris wake up chris this isn't funny wake up here we go i need a nurse all right let's see what we have you're not waking up he's falling into a toxic coma what does that mean his liver is starting to fail okay his vitals they're actually not as bad as i expected um good transport to getting to the third floor now [Music] uh uh he's in a coma [Music] just talk i'm sorry don't i am i'm sorry mia what i'm back in the fight they making my drink you cannot do this i beg you don't do this there you can't pretend me little buddy you're hurt and bad even at your best your very best you're an underdog with this guy he's a killer i won't be a part of this i will not be a part of this if you walk into that ring if you walk into that ring you're not walking out the same do you understand that guilt gets trapped in the soul doesn't it it's hard to keep from choking when it's just itching to come out you talking crazy bear just let it out bronx you got a lot of nerve what do you got to say spit it out tough guy right tell me i'm gonna tell you what somebody making my drink for the chulo fight why'd you do it or mickey a drink i didn't make you a drink i mean you get hit in the head one too many times i just want to know why why what why i mickey do you drink i didn't mickey a drink why would you say that how much did he pay you pay me you crazy who why'd you do it then i didn't do it i had nothing to do with it you're lying it was the only way to protect you bear you're like my kid you can't win this one bear the lord is my shepherd i shall not want he maketh me lie down in green pastures he leadeth me beside the still waters he restored my soul he leadeth me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake [Music] yea though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no evil for thou art with me and i rod and thy staff they comfort me that prepares to table before me in presence of mine enemies thou anoint this my head with oil my cup runneth over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and i will dwell in the house of the lord forever [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] this round we're gonna start off punishing his legs just take him to the ground go for the submission i don't care if he taps out you don't stop put him away and put him away now let's go now two gentlemen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] fight [Applause] break that one [Applause] [Music] wow [Applause] fight man you're finished come on bear i gotta stop this fight you're finished this one's on you bear [Applause] [Music] i will lift up my eyes into the hills for when it's cometh my help okay god help me bear listen we've got one shot and one shot only switch to southpaw stance that'll put your weak leg in front that's the bait and darwin won't resist it block his kick then give him a shot to the chin with everything you've got that's gonna stun him and then you choke him out bear if you don't land that punch we lose [Music] [Music] [Applause] um [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thinking about the way you stain my heart [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we don't always know where this journey we call life is going to take us do we one of the greatest gifts that god gave us in this life is friendship love and friendship the two are inseparable jesus led by example he died willingly as our savior to pay for our wrongs but he was and is our greatest friend jesus said there is no greater love than when one lays down his life for his friend i'm reminded of that old hymn what a friend we have in jesus all our sins and griefs to bear and so dearly beloved we are gathered here today to mourn the loss of one of our most precious friends we will greatly miss you staff sergeant cody bear black bear bear was a warrior a man of war who was at times at war with everyone including himself yet cody was that friend who in the end gave everything when he was captured he was poisoned with toxins by his captors but chose to suffer in silence telling no one cody had a choice he could either have saved himself or another his last mission was to fight to save christopher cowboy parker knowing it would cost him his life the marine's motto was semper fidelis which in latin means always faithful so today we recognize the perfect example of always faithful in our lord and savior jesus christ today we also recognize an imperfect example the example of staff sergeant cody blackbeard godspeed bear and semper fidelis [Music] hey [Music] on behalf of the president of the united states the united states marine corps and a grateful nation please accept this flag as a token of our appreciation of your loved ones faithful and honorable service to country [Applause] [Music] [Music] sometimes all you got to do is just trust let's go let's go yeah people don't know what i've been through people don't know what i feel the fact that i'm back on this mic is making me sick another rapper who won't swallow the pill munch housing i wanna be ill turn up the music and send me the hospital bill i'd rather do this be me forget everyone i just wanna be real yeah see i stepped in the ring i stepped in the ring gloves on fists uh took the hits by took the hits for the ones that i love now i'm down on the ground body bruised eyes closed blood flows blinded by lights in the roar of the crown my demons stand over me now i flash back to my worst days with my worst pain full of mistakes for full of myself these days i'm in hades facing blue flames in the form of my true shame full of disgrace where's your grace where's your face i swear to god these are my last days like yeah i'm outside of the gates i feel so untouchable i feel so ashamed a leopard who knows this miserable fate with no faith i'm a man blinded by my rage by my hey god i ask again where's your love where's your grace [Music] if you hear me i just wish you wouldn't know that i don't have a plan i don't understand i think i can get up again for what all i know is that i'm not enough all i know is that i felt time and time again time and time again every motion just flood in like violent waves of the ocean that run dark with my sin blood water my hands they run red once again what have i done i see the bodies floating the stream i scream god please help me i've been losing it lately i've been feeling so crazy bible inside of a drawer i never read it anymore every prayer locked away inside the darkest doors but i'll give you all of the keys and i'll give you all of me yeah just break this prison that i made with my own words for me i mean not my own worst enemy god give me mercy look me in the face tell me that someone like me really gets all that grace god give me mercy look me in the face and tell me that someone like me really gets off that great [Music] is [Music] but all i hear is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] you
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 4,312,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Full Movies, Entertainment, Deep C Digital, Scott Pryor, Darrin Dewitt Henson, Kevin Sizemore, J.M. Berrios, Blackbear Movie, Blackbear Full Movie, Blackbear 2019 Movie, Blackbear 2019 Full Movie, movies 2022 full movie, action movies 2022 full movie english, movies, free movies, war movies best full movie, Blackbear, Marines, Interrogation, MMA, Mixed Martial Arts
Id: UJj0lD_20jQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 32sec (5672 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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