스트레이 키즈가 한가위에 모여서 한 일은?!|Stray Kids: 제 9구역 시즌5 EP.03

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The roles of the members...the right one (I can't understand Korean so I still based it on what I see. If they said stuff regarding their roles, feel free to correct me):

Felix - Grandpa

I.N - Grandma

HAN - Felix & I.N's son (eldest)

Seungmin - Felix & I.N's son (youngest)

Hyunjin - HAN's wife (HAN and Hyunjin are a couple for years)

Lee Know - Seungmin's wife (Seungmin and Lee Know are a pretty recent couple)

Woojin - Eldest son of HAN & Hyunjin (college)

Changbin - Second son of HAN & Hyunjin (high school)

Bang Chan - Youngest son of HAN & Hyunjin (child)

STAY - Chan's favorite teddy bear toy.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/maehustisya 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Feeding crackhead culture I see 😂👍

Edit: also, now I know that if Chan ever raised his voice seriously it would be terrifying.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/molinitor 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Jeongin stole this episode. His grandma impressions were perfect and made everyone laugh so hard 😂

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/secretxxxadmirer 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

Oh my, I couldn't stop rewatching the cheating scenes. The two couples being unfaithful hahaha such dorks😂😂😂 Also, Felix' grandpa voice, damn, he nailed it! And Jeongin being the grandma was the wisest decision ever made 😂😂

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/jmvsr7 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2019 🗫︎ replies

There’s a bear on Woojin’s book

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/blind_squash 📅︎︎ Sep 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
(Grandma, full of love for children) (Hip & sweet grandpa) (Kissy dad) (Tough but lovely mom) (Wife loving uncle) (Rough but cute aunt) (The first son, a bear expert in law school) (The second son, a 15 year old insider wannabe ) (the youngest son who grows up too fast) (On their way to the dorm, V LIVE #2019.08.29) What's STAY doing for Korean Thanksgiving? (Study) Isn't it all about that? (Gonna watch SKZ in ISAC) - What? - Meet with families and talk (Korean Thanksgiving is all about game of yut!) Game of Yut (Eat delicious food with family!) - Eat something delicious - That's good (How was your thanksgiving, STAY?) In get-togethers, we always turn on ISAC We always watch ISAC at grandma's (Let's check out Thanksgiving of happy SKZ family!) (SKZ family) Oh my, time to update my Instagram (That's my wife♥) You look very pretty, dear - Bang Chan! - Grandpa! You're so good at drawing Bang Chan Grandpa! Bang Chan, when I was your age I used to learn hip-hop dance (Grandpa used to dance hip hop in his days) - Want to give it a try? - What's hip hop? (Bang Chan (5) / CB97) Hip hop?! I'll teach you This dance is called the hammer Dad, I'm here! Dad, you promised to buy me that! (Grandpa Yongbok froze into a hammer) - You promised - I promised nothing! (Dad and the second son came back from grocery shopping) (Yes, he's dad) - I didn't promise you - Why you! Dad! My youngest son (Confused) The youngest child grew so fast (Being scolded by a back scratcher) Dad, where have you been? Dad, is he really the youngest? (The youngest seems... different) Dad! Bang Chan! Be quiet (Ignoring) Dad! Don't talk like that to the youngest! (It feels like one should use honorifics to the youngest) Dad Dad Dad (Surprised) Where have you been? I went grocery shopping Has Bang Chan been working out? He's been going to a swimming class (The secret of growth, swimming) and this is how he returns What? (Grandma wants to say this) Why did you gain so much weight? (I.N ^^..) He's pig + rabbit!! Bang Chan! Dad! Save me (Stop him) Have you ever beaten by a green onion? You'll lose in a fight Are you happy, Bang Chan? You'll get hurt Son, when's your wife coming? My honey? My baby is.. (HAN's baby♥) When's mommy coming! She's coming late because she's still filming (the first daughter-in-law is working at Show! Music Core) You know that 'See you at the next week's Show Show Show~' (Mom's Show Show Show is on every Saturday♥) When's my baby coming? (My baby!!)(Mommy!!) Mommy! (Mom brings the first son who's studying even on the holidays) Hi, grandma! Welcome! Baby, you're here! ♥ (Daughter-in-law, the working mom is here) Son (Baby/AKA super mom) Did you study? I studied hard Baby! Give me a kiss (Seriously?) Baby, we're married (Dad worked so hard to get married with mom..) (<Sudden role play>) Send Woojin to a medical school Yes, ma'am Big brother is the last one in his class! What? Son, come here Mom I send you to a law school and you're the last in class? I'm in my third year of university You're already quite old There's nothing like the last place in university! Little brother! Stop studying! Sit, sit - You'd better study - You little! What's going on now? You need to be scolded Dad (HAN), You wanna get scolded? (You sure?) (SKZ is such a loving family^^) Woojin, Are you studying hard? (It's hard to talk to the first son) Yes, I'm studying hard (Into the grandma's role) Take interest in your son! (The 9th is made by SKZ's creativity and wits) He's so good Are you a real grandma? You're just like your father! (laughing out loud) (I.N's mom... are you watching...?) (The true art of acting) Looks like grandma is the boss Grandpa, you're spilling something It's my beard (So sad) Shave your beard! Baby We're calling each other baby? Yes, it's baby When's the second son coming? (This is uncle's first visit since married) He said he'd bring his wife I bet she isn't pretty as my baby (Can't wait to meet her) When is she coming? Hurry up I want to see mom and dad kiss You're too little for that! (Bang Chan wants to see too!) You little Don't do that in front of your child! (This couple doesn't look ordinary) You're here! (My dear youngest son♥) (This couple is new to situational acting) Uncle, where's your wife? I heard you've been a bad boy Where's your sexy? Grandpa! It's wife not sexy Wife (Watch out the accent) Husband, this is sexy (Look at him) Don't turn your back on the camera (This couple is still so innocent) Are you amateurs? You said wife but you brought a princess Princess Fiona (It's Lee Know's nickname) Show respect to your uncle! (Whop) (Don't be like that) (Rabbit + pig rather got scolded) Come here! Say you're sorry Sorry! I heard Changbin has been bad lately (Fifteen years old hits puberty) Changbin became a troublemaker So I went to the mart and bought something delicious Thank you Who eats these!!!!! (Here comes the back scratcher) You little! Don't throw away food! Grandma is the scariest Grandpa, you have to scold him I'll do that Give him a good scolding Why did you dye your hair? I didn't dye it (He loves fashion items) It's a fashion item! How old are you? (Dad asks her age on the first meeting) How old? Even if you're his older brother I bet I'm older than you (Lee Know's wit) Are you sure? I'm 51 years old (HAN dad is 51 years old all of sudden) Oh you're 51 Stop it bro Dad, why are you taking interest in aunt? Mom is right here! (Why you) Baby (Please calm down) You're all I have, baby! (Family crisis in a holiday) Dad is going to get hit You're all I have, baby! Me too, baby! Just like his father! (Heart)(Unseen) - Let's do good - You're my all, baby - Let's be good - Of course Sit Don't fight Honey, this is Bang Chan So you're Bang Chan (The youngest was forgotten) How are you doing, Bang Chan? Give me your hand, Bang Chan! (This is how the cat owner aunt says hello) - Give me your hand - Hello I've seen you from somewhere, aunt What? Smile Come on, smile I saw aunt at the sauna She had a dragon tattoo on her back No My sister-in-law has a beard (Aunt is a suspicious character) I saw her from the sauna! Don't say that (Pretend you didn't see anything) - She's my mom but... - Ehem! Don't be mean to my baby She's my woman before she's your mother Honey♥!! (Their love is as hot as always) Stop, you're embarrassing me (Love... is beautiful...★) So embarrassing Mom, what did you call dad when you were dating? What did I call him? (High hopes) I called him an enemy (A common pet name, 'enemy') I still don't know why we're married (Grandma is giving a cold shoulder) Mother, are you his mom or my mom? - You kidding? - You're a daughter-in-law! I'm a daughter-in-law? (Hyunjin is still confused) So I'm a daughter-in-law You must be pretty dumb (Sister-in-law's payback) Woojin, you must be tired from studying so hard I go to a law school in Seoul (Woojin studies bear in law school) Wow, law school in Seoul Law school gives you a bear encyclopedia? Yes, I'm studying bears His dream is to become Fabre Wait, he was an entomologist - Isn't Fabre an entomologist? - Yes You need to study more (Years later, Changbin finds a dream) (Studying isn't everything) Aren't we eating anything? It's Thanksgiving Go Sister-in-law, come here Don't make a move on my wife He's my man (I protect my own love) (Runs away) (Did I do good honey?) So why are you two going...? Wait...! - Get away!!! - I say why not? What's between you two? What's wrong with me (Here he comes) cooking with my sister-in-law! You come with me What's this! What kind of family is this? (SKZ game of yut) It's game of yut! You can't miss this game on the holiday! (The game starts with MC mom) Ready, start! (Start with Felix & I.N couple!) ('Gae') (Customized for SKZ, each spot has a mission) (This is I.N...) Keep balloon until the next turn (Keep a balloon without dropping it until the next turn) I don't like this Honey (Felix & I.N prefer to stand) - Let's do it - You're so sweet, dad 'Geol!' Tie your hands! (Team members have to tie hands until the next turn) You look lovely Is there camera here? (Professional MC looking for a camera) Grandma is so good (While the first son's team is tying hands) Pumpkin sweet potato! (Impressed by grandma's acting) (SKZ loves pumpkin sweet potato so much) 'Grandma, sweet potato?!' 'Pumpkin sweet potato!' You two are so sweet Next! 'Gae'! Got you! Got it Aunt, are you feeling uncomfortable? (This newly wed looks uncomfortable) Do you love him? Yes (Wife / She loves but doesn't show) - You have to love him - I loved him Did you go on a honeymoon? This doesn't look good (What's this couple's mission?) Act cute? Accurate (Correct) Act cute 3 times (You have to act cute no matter what) (Be cute 3 times: Take turns to be cute) (Close your eyes) Don't look 1, 2, 3 Seungmin is not good at being cute! Lee Know as well Next cuteness, 1, 2, 3 That's not cute (To Seungmin, whining is also cute) That's not being cute Done How much longer with the balloon? Until the next turn Sit (Help STAY) Our turn! Youngest, you start I think we'll get 'Do' You can do it! (Another 'Geol'!) Got it! (Since we got it, one more time) (Push up with a member on the back) Woojin, watch us from the side (Bang Chan, challenging with hands tied) - So heavy - What are you going to do with your arms? Got it, got it Just one (Dangle) (Just one to prevent injury!) The youngest child is quite strong Let's start (Glance) Good job Good job, youngest (The youngest's power comes from swimming) He's really strong What a youth It's your turn, mother and father (Finally Felix & I.N's turn) Remove balloon Shall we do it together? (Grandpa Yongbok is so sweet♥) Whatever (But grandma I.N is so cold) 1, 2, 3 (Another 'Geol'... Tie hands) 1, 2, 3 (Being cute is easier than a kiss) You go first honey (Cute master Hyunjin & HAN) (Shameless) Just one more throw Are you sure that's cute? We can go one more time (Making ad while eating snack) 'Mother, did you go grocery shopping?' What's this? (Only Hyunjin doesn't know about this skit) (He doesn't get it but tries again) Have you been to the mart? 'No, this is sweet potato flavored pumpkin' (Cool) 'that comes directly from other mom's garden' (Hyunjin doesn't get it) What's this? (Unable to continue) (Three brothers are teaching mom) 'Sweet potato pumpkin you say?' Then you say 'It's pumpkin sweet potato' (Dialogue that comes automatically whenever SKZ sees food) 'Pumpkin sweet potato' 'Pumpkin sweet potato' 'Pump! Kin! Sweet! Potato!' 'Pump! Kin! Sweet! Potato!' (Yang I.N / Top pumpkin sweet potato) 1, 2, 3 (Grin) - Got a good one - Hold on, time out! I think there was a little trick when throwing them But they were perfect Why! (He's practically putting them down...) (Again, Lee Know, again!) (You never change Lee Know) Good job Again! - It just came out like this - Throw it again (Tsk... fine) This one is okay! Victory will go to Seungmin's team ♪ You will act cute, anyways What's this! (Another acting cute penalty!) (The game plays itself) You will act cute, anyways 1 plus 1 is cute (Same cuteness, feels different) (#Lee Know is cute) So cute (They don't mean it) (Three brothers are finally free) Give me Mo or Do Mo or Do You get Gae (Change characters for 5 minutes) Then we can change like this (The youngest)(The first)(The second) (How will woojin play the youngest?) (Let's see how Woojin acts it out) Hello, I'm Woojin (They've never seen anything like this) Only for 5 minutes! (Falls down) (Changbin acting a law school student) I studied too hard Give me your glasses (Shake) What a critical look! Take it out! (They'll never let go of 'critical look') (They're teasing Bin again) We're mom and dad Son, don't give a critical look! What's our second son doing? (15 years old all of sudden, a rebellious age) Leave me alone! Stop calling me! Throw it (Catch, Yongbok) You just hit grandpa (Act cute 3 times: Take turns 3 times) 1, 2, 3 (Elders being very cute) I'll let it slide, it was cute Is it our turn? (Why are you asking?) (Help us) Honey, stop!!! Relax honey! (HAN falls down) 1, 2, 3 (Do=moves just one space) (Aunt looks quite disappointed) - Soda! - Nice (Is it really good?) What's that? (What kind of 'soda' will SKZ family see?) So cool, isn't that something new? (Only two of them don't look happy) So new! (This is) Glasses? (Hyunjin looks so excited) So cool Is this how you do it? Drink in 10 seconds? (Drink coke in 10 seconds using glasses straw) (So curious) (This makes them look like a real couple) Have a good drink (Somebody stop this cat) 1, 2, 3 (What's wrong with this picture?) 10, 9, 8, 7, (So funny) This is too funny (Funnier than expected) (Trying hard) too long (Lee Know is funny) What if they can't done it in time? This can't be done in 10 seconds (Save Seungmin) This mission is meant to be failed (We recommend Lee Know for blanking out competition) Having fun, Seungmin? (Someone stop this cat) This is honestly too funny (Bursts out) I want to try it Take this back I'll turn the table around Throw it (Woojin did turn the table!!!) (A video message for STAY) We'll be singing here (It's like a campfire suddenly) You look cute today Who's cuter? Me or STAY? But... Changbin is the cutest..! Please give your love and support..♥ So this how the game of yut ends (SKZ family's game of yut is over!) Mom and dad's team wins! (Congrats mom and dad) Kiss! (Charge) (Oh you!) Did you have fun, mother? (SKZ family had such a good holiday) This was fun It was good to see you grandma Grandma, give me some allowance! (I.N (19) / The youngest one in SKZ) Allowance! Give me allowance, grandma! You immature guys! Me first, grandma I heard you wanted to do something, second son? (What does the second son want to do?) What would you like? - It's been so long since we gathered together - Yes, it's been long To be honest, I didn't want to come but I had a great time (The second son had a good time) (Looks like Changbin matured) I heard you prepared something from school to show grandma and grandpa I prepared a camera (Changbin brought a camera for a family photo) Since we're together, let's take a photo Let's leave this moment in a photo Good! Go to the center grandma Okay Grandma, do you do that? What? Faceb**k?! No I do Instagram (Grandma, a social media star @realstraykids) Grandma is so popular We'll take a photo and put it on Faceb**k Aunt! You look like a ghost - Come down a little - She is a ghost (# Uncle is a single?) Mom's hair! What? Looks pretty This looks good I'll go to the center - You've grown - Here we go Too much talking - Did you set the timer? - I did! - Let's go! 1, 2, 3 (SKZ's family photo on 2019 Korean Thanksgiving♥) Happy holidays! (This video will be released after the holidays..) Did you have fun holidays? We hope you did! Did you have good holidays STAY? Happy birth... Not happy birthday Have a great rest of the year! (Please continue to love Stray Kids!)
Channel: Stray Kids
Views: 4,417,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stray Kids, 스트레이 키즈, SKZ, 스키즈, 방찬, 찬, BANG CHAN, 우진, 김우진, WOOJIN, KIMWOOJIN, 리노, 이민호, LEE KNOW, MINHO, LEEMINHO, 창빈, 서창빈, CHANGBIN, SEOCHANGBIN, 현진, 황현진, HYUNJIN, HWANGHYUNJIN, 한, 지성, 한지성, HAN, JISUNG, HANJISUNG, 필릭스, FELIX, 승민, 김승민, SEUNGMIN, KIMSEUNGMIN, 아이엔, 양정인, 정인, I.N, YANGJEONGIN, JEONGIN, Clé 2 : Yellow Wood, Cle 2 : Yellow Wood, Stray Kids Side Effects, 스트레이 키즈 부작용, 제 9구역, 제 9구역 시즌5, 스트레이 키즈 제 9구역, 스키즈 제 9구역, 제 9구역 한가위, The 9th, The 9th Season 5, Stray Kids The 9th, SKZ The 9th, The 9th 추석
Id: dGEFy345kXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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