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[Music] this is looking tough ready it's your last final year of high school now yeah yeah as you're in your final year obviously exams looming a little bit stressed a little bit a little bit next week there is the big korean sat exam we thought in the spirit of you know getting behind the korean students are all getting ready for this exam right now give you guys a little taste of what they're going through okay i'm confident yeah yeah firstly before we start on this people will often give to students or yacht which are famously sticky sweets the word for sticky and the word for get accepted into university are actually the same sounding words maybe this will give you some luck on the exam i think we'll need the luck yeah [Music] is that chocolate or something hot is a type of red bean paste yeah i guess i like red beans now okay koreans will get 70 minutes to do 45 questions i'm gonna give you guys 10 minutes and just just see how far you get your 10 minutes starts now no cheating right look at the phone [Music] even ones that wait hold on what is this just try and answer as many as you can within that time limit okay and for the grades can we just do a priority of how many answers we exactly exactly yeah well so we're going behind our monday either he's another level before he revised for this had test this doesn't make any sense [Laughter] the way i would fail this test if i was korean oh my god you wrote this test you need to talk right it's going to take me a minute just to read it and then i have to read it again it's making me rethink if i know english or not you're two minutes in just [Music] gonna need a bit more than 10 minutes this is tough [Music] oh i've got it what question three is becoming maths it looks like i need a calculator we'll just do like an eyes closed then whichever one of my pen number five i guess okay oh how is this a second language five minutes oh my god [Music] how do i know what does it fit the flow what is the flow stay on question one yes three two one fence down [Applause] um you're feeling stressed right yeah psychological harm i don't even know why i'm stressing out like it's not like actually what did it feel like you were being tested on when you were reading through not english like if they think this is what english is it's just not i hope i don't meet people that speak like this okay this is like a google translate kind of that's kind of what it feels like right i don't know how you could revise for that yeah how did they study for this i really thought knowing the language would have made it better you know it's done in a way where every answer could be the answer the margin for error is so small it makes it so difficult so they do this in korean no so this is a test that they take in english as korean so so we're struggling when it's in english and it's their second language which of the following sentences do not fit the flow of the passage well i don't think any of them fit the flow it's got to be a bit simpler workers are united by laughing at shared events even ones that may initially spark anger or conflict humor reframes potentially divisive events into merely laughable ones which i've i'm just reading it i don't even know what they're saying [Laughter] is english is it mandatory for them to like it's mandatory mandatory there's no way of getting out of it all right yeah it's crazy it all happens at the same time same day literally it's such a big deal that around the entire country all the students your age are taking this test they divert planes to make sure there's no noise distractions near test if centers are running late to get to their exams police will come and pick them up and deliver them to their exams they don't miss it really it's very important it's a big deal so for you guys when you're done with school what does your daily routine look like the teachers are going to watch this okay i work every day i know i know what you're going to talk about you're going to talk about the um the night school yeah yeah it's called the uh yes i watch the documentary about that okay and they're optional but because options does the government provide education in korea yeah but the hogwarts the art school academies are all private so like the higher income families are higher income you go to or the more prestigious of the after school academy you can go to you'll study until about 10 p.m so no fun is just literally just work pretty much that's the life of a high schooler in their last year in korea if i have homework i'll do their homework ciao watching youtube yeah take talk now addictive i've tried to delete take talk on my phone i delete and i tap on the playlist i should probably see something about it so if you guys want to go over the answers see how you did i don't want to know out of these 10 there are two that aren't so truthfully in the rest i guess okay wow we could just cut it here you know i'm happy not to know for your answers for question number one effort two happy two as well four five three everyone's different correct answer was three oh my oh oh someone stopped me oh yes oh answer number two was one yes nice oh sir go on let's go green pen what did you guys put for number three i put two i put two because i copied that okay and these are the ones we actually tried these aren't even the kids did you guys manage to actually do more than that i guess the rest of them because i had no time so i got one right yeah for the ones i tried yeah my own like oh yeah let's not go there oh you beat me guys three out of ten then what do we get three out of ten i'm sorry to give you guys delicious korean food today to try it's fine i must say my heart was let down just okay that shows how good the food is we need to bring english exams and korean food together okay that's the whole point of this channel now any words of advice or encouragement or anything you want to say to the students in korea good luck yeah just good luck your sticky sweet and oat [Music] i'm so sorry i don't know who wrote this exam i'll email them strong email because this is this is actually ridiculous trust me you are smarter than most of western society failure isn't that bad it's not the end of the world you can do loads of things especially in an exam like this yeah where you're judged on circling a number yeah yeah yeah but yeah still work because obviously yeah obviously still work stress is the enemy exams aren't the end of the world health as well health is well nice yeah what else you got for us bro in korean you could say fighting fighting fighting what's the word for the food [Music] i like that i mean i don't i don't like it i don't like it one two three yogi gotcha i was eating that was our best one these guys aren't students well they come here they'll be teaching me english i swear [Music] you
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 11,486,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean, 영국남자, 영국, 조쉬, 올리, Josh, Ollie, KoreanEnglish, English, Man, englishman, food, 음식, 외국인, 반응, 영상, 웃긴, 남자, 외국, 도전, 매운, 조니, 조엘, 신부님, 크리스, 올리아빠, 해물, 치킨, 삼겹살, korean, BBQ, fried, chicken, 라면, 불닭볶음면, 미친남자
Id: M_uGV2L5q3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 10 2021
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