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welcome guys thanks for having us here we're going to be trying some Korean street food these stand you'll find them all over Korea but especially outside of Korean high schools have you had Korean food before never never once in my life first up we're going to start with what they call a hot dog similar to like an American corn dog I've heard of him I've never tried it cheers I was not expecting that oh my god get that cheese get a long cheese come on pull it out pull it out yeah she got sugar yeah sugar and cheese that's cheese yeah B cheese mate amazing it's like a donut with cheese inside yeah I like it yeah it's nice but it's weird cuz I was expecting chocolate or something like that doesn't taste like cheese that's a combination hot doger so the top half is cheese the bottom half is more of a traditional St it's got sausage oh my hey that is that's mad that is so good that is a good mix they should s the outside here they really good you think they do well they do really good I'm nearly done you're nearly finished mate yeah this is good all in wow you're enjoying that you're enjoying that you finished it you guys polish that off quick I'm starving delicious next up we're going to try ducki ducki looks like pasta yeah I thought it been pasta they kind of look like sausages to me yeah small sausages it's nothing like that is it it's not sausage it's not sausage right you want to try something right now this wasn't actually the plan for you to try the plan I saw what is this giant Pastor dish in my playground come and eat something with me for 2 minutes this is my boss this is the CEO of F and boy School try one of these that's looking good looking good give the d gear [Music] try that is really good I didn't expect the spice as well it's nice you going for more way better than I expected it's quite spicy it's got Spice to it it's pretty spicy similar texture to um nois yes I like it I like the chewi yeah feel my jaw sharpening already what's it called duck duck made from Duck is that like duck fat or something no no no whis what is it I don't know it is traditionally made from sticky rice you like it this is actually made from wheat to make it extra chewy yeah it's good the square thing is a fish cake fish cake [Music] yeah M it's nice like like crabsticks okay and these ducki are often eaten together with a bit of kimari Kimi and napak Mandu napak Mandu which in Korean you call T noodles on the inside wrapped in Kim and deep [Music] fried oh yeah that's quite fishy looking at it I thought this was going to be very very first saw that I'm not going to lie I think get scared okay cuz it could have been blue cheese could have been anything I can eat like more of them cuz they're actually very nice okay that was my favorite one so good it's simple you know what's inside it and I like the the seaweed I don't know who created that but well done it's weird it's it's really weird flavor I'm going back for this one you want to try this that's a vegetable na Mandu that's nice yeah that is nice you would even know that vegetables I buy that i' buy that dipping that in there that's beautiful all of this is something I've never had before so it's good to have experence you've been liking everything so far I hope you're feeling adventurous oh okay yeah why not yeah okay this is a Korean street food specialty it's called sunde it's covered that's good sign okay here you go oh my God what is it oh oh my God are those I think there's a limit to my adventure it's not snake you said is it a snake snake snake you got to take a POS you got take a looks like a fist something like that it looks like a f listen listen listen remember remember this one you didn't like the appearance no but this ISO look at this skin on that look at this looks like it's fried listen J I'll grieve you I'm just trying to take a positive out of this I don't know if that's cheese that's not cheese no yeah yeah we'll cut down we'll cut down nothing to do with sea no it's meat it's intestine it is well well done that's a shout it's like black pudding it reminds me of black pudding a bit yes the main ingredient in this is actually sweet potato noodles held together with Pig's blood p p pig p p pig blood Pig Pig's blood sort of like black pudding with Pig's blood oh delicious and then wrapped in a pig's intestine oh you said I've never tried intestine you know no every piece of sausage you have is led by the intestine your sausage are totally made of intestines yeah they are they're wrapped cut cut that so it's like a giant black pudding exactly like a giant black pudding sausage black pudding I'm ready to try it never tried I've never tried you like it so this is a sun it's already quite salty but if you'd like dip it in the salt you're welcome we win this together yeah this together sounds like a punishment you're welome that's cracking oh you're a fan I like it oh I'm glad you like that culture boys this culture this is culture culture it's actually nice it's not bad it tastes better than I thought it would told you be all right it tastes nice yeah it tastes really good okay yeah um put the I'm not the biggest fan I'm not the biggest fan do you not like it no I'm not going to lie to you brother it's extremely hard to swallow oh no it tastes interesting it tastes interesting means bad we all know what interesting me I think a bit too cheery for me personally but let me a bit but it's good no it's good it's good it's so good no it's so good very polite it's interesting it's interesting it's interesting maybe that was a bit of a lie but well you guys both tried it that's that's what counts I'm just being open to trying new things apprciate it your own thank you thank you now we are going to move on to and it's these nice warm sticks over here that very Clos thing I've seen to this is a kab stick did they keep boiling water it's basically a soup Ork P you get a nice cup of the soup and you get your or milk on a stick warming me up already basically made from the same stuff that the fish cakes in here were made from very nice very nice I would say I think I I can see it's like buying a hot chocolate you know so cold D you go buy that war like a warm tomorrow I feel mean but it's leagues better than that this is good this is good I like it that does does taste nice but I just don't know what type of protein it is it's a fish cake no no that the stuff here is that fish as well it's all made of fish fish it's nice ni it's nice oh yeah it's good I think I think what it's missing is actually this sauce I think that's really good I think that's really it was a good assessment I love the toi sauce I like the pronunciation say that again toi pretty good you have a little sip of the soup as well from the car oh yeah that's yeah I like that very nice I like a bit of fishy taste but it's really nice I promise I promise I promise it's just you know it's kind of cold outside and you can just feel it go down it's nice soothing warm you're feeling a bit cold you know Korean Winters day or a British summer day you know either way never really summer in brit exactly gosh UK weather it's finest this is yeah I nearly had a heart attack do you want to help yourself to a drink yes I've been eyeing this up the whole time I thought it said milk and yogurt flavor so it's like a AC and then Z and this has a bit of coconut jelly inside one of each for it you I'll go for this first Cheers Cheers oh yeah this is good this is so good this is so good yeah this is so good that some this does not taste like mil or yogurt at all that's really nice that is delicious so good do taste like milk and yogurt if you taste it again there an off taste with milk this drink is banging this drink is% fat you know come on if I ever went to ker I'd definitely be trying stuff like this it's absolutely this in particular I actually really like amazing amazing all's just strapping that t down as we go this the first time we've ever been attacked by the wind Max this one's amazing all right all right all right here we go we got R which one's the best all right n this is better no way oh oh all right no you win you win youn you youn youn did you get the coconut jelly in the inside get a nice big Swig oh yeah that's so good you need to chew the drink do you like orange juice with bit personally I like it I do I do like it so on out I would prefer that over that I love the jelly as well see I'm I I think the milk's better okay okay yeah you're wrong you're wrong the milk is no the milk is good you're wrong all right guys you've had the full range of Korean street food what do you think is your favorite Tui I think Tui yeah I just like the flavors the texture the spice actually it's hot to cheese cuz I love this as well the hot what's the name of this that's Kimi kimari I like this one a lot everything was nice one was nice one I was most scared to eat was the sunnd but it was a nice taste I think my favorite dishes were this one amazing this one's too American oh no amazing every this time youd have I love understand and yeah twe it's very diverse um I think uh this is something I definitely try again for sure if I ever went to Career you have opened my eyes oh fantastic and he's good to Career it's tasty it was really good is there anything you want to say to Korean students who might be watching this I'm jealous very it's definitely better than the KFC on McDonald's down the road I think what the the street food in England they're not even like English Street Food yeah what's England got fish and chips and like Lano pie no thank you the pressure got to us the pressure got 3 two one Yogi G the MS take this with me take it with you the drink yeah yeah keep keep please I can give you some more if you want be H that's good that's good there you go thanks very much your handsful you got to cut your [Music] handsful
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 19,586,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean, 영국남자, 영국, 조쉬, 올리, Josh, Ollie, KoreanEnglish, English, Man, englishman, food, 음식, 외국인, 반응, 영상, 웃긴, 남자, 외국, 도전, 매운, 조니, 조엘, 신부님, 크리스, 올리아빠, 해물, 치킨, 삼겹살, korean, BBQ, fried, chicken, 라면, 불닭볶음면, 미친남자
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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