British Highschoolers Try Korean Beef + Ramyeon Combo for the first time!!

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there's nothing to get your appetite up like a good day of playing in the water you're hungry more delicious man wow can't wait man i'm starving oh look at that if you're gonna do a barbecue outside you need a camping set of meat wow do you guys want to open that up [Music] shout out to sirloin these guys make some very high quality that looks good we've got a whole bunch of different cuts we've got some anshim some dung shim oh look at that flavor a wise man once said when he sees fat he sees flavor what are you thinking when you see that much fat i'm thinking unhealthy i'm thinking flavor favorite the thin cuts of meat are what they be saying my mouth is salvation right now it is salvation keep that in please this is what we needed after a long day grab scratch i'm off oh grab some more trying to keep the whole play you tried we try it bye chopsticks bobby can't eat the chopsticks i can't use the chopsticks all right you ready boys cheers go for it [Music] it's delicious so juicy as well it's lovely juicy chewy amazing unbelievable perfect straight into a sam you know what to get on there harvey never started always [Music] oh my god we don't wait anymore try this kimchi is spicier oh oh you liking the you like the spicy kimchi it's nice it's hot and smoky [Music] you just blow on the kimchi no keep it with you you don't like it what's your one right here oh it's spicy you know oh it's got spice spicy yeah yeah just how i like it so what's the difference between this and the last cup it's completely different part of the cow it is [Music] good it's so juicy more healthy oh that that's my favorite one i prefer you like that yeah this one's really good wow okay more as well because it's way more like um the meat we have in the uk 100 but it's better i agree how are you guys liking this especially with the wrap with the wrap second cut was unbelievable all right lads uh it looked like some of you were running [Laughter] you can help can help yourselves [Music] you're just munching away i've got to test the menu to make sure i'm giving them you know the good stuff yeah yeah i'm livid i'm sure sir loins is good enough it's literally knighted that's a good one you should be in the videos so guys fun day yeah definitely i lost my lens halfway through i was with one eye i fell in in a really weird way as well what do you mean i went onto it and i fell backwards and like an envelope boom through the letterbox i think the best part i think for everyone was probably the boat because i wasn't expecting it and then i just tipped over onto armond and then i wanted to move on to you and then just created a whole chain i still can't move my arm back just bounce into my elbow just got you know what you're doing what do you need a little bit of this garlic here oh man's eyes just lit up you looked at me straight away there you go natty bobby and jaden nut button cut that out please and our max of it a little bit but of course you are too kind you are too kind thank you very much my sam is overflowing this is going to be a mouthful man cheers max cheers i'm ready i'm ready [Music] [Applause] unbelievable that's ridiculous love it all together it's perfect yeah i'm not going to wait for you guys i'm sorry you're ready josh that mushroom elevated it with everything i'm leveled yeah with the mushroom and the garlic crazy nutty that looked like a good mouthful yeah that good mouthful he looks happy i mean what can be better after a long day at the water park just burning so much energy just perfect food do you guys want to eat some chili yeah let's go come on come on we gotta do it we gotta do it we gotta do it okay no sam chang get some drink as well not everything's sam jambo like no no you're supposed to dip that into you but i'll let you know we've done it in the video before we remember thank you all right cheers guys oh [Music] it's really not that spicy really is it not spicy it's not spicy at all the end is never spicy [Music] i think i ate a few seeds you know now they're going to grow in my belly [Music] i did something [Music] this is potentially my favorite cut of meat right it's quite thinly cut yep heavily marvelled soft like butter i can't wait soft the mountain of food lovely i love my mushrooms thank you oh the new one's so good that's so good go for it [Music] [Music] we're hungry we're hungry wow look you guys are just churning through that mr smith jamaica come on [Music] all right guys you cannot come to a water park and not have a bit of ram yeah it never stops with the korean englishman it never stops look at that does that look good all right guys give it a taste wow that's cooked to perfection as well man very good noodles yes nice very very very good you can't go wrong noodles absolutely so you guys i mean you might not think a hot dog a frankfurter is much but when you cook it on coals like that look at that grilled sausage let's go put some of that in with your army on yeah and get out and get by that out share that out yeah we'll just keep it i'm on the maximum again no no no it's part of hot dog that's my favorite thing this is really good i know you love a hot dog i bet you that would be good with a bit of sand as well as well [Music] oh yeah my belly's about to explode come on is having a food coma over here yeah i'm i'm i'm dead the beef though that beef was good very very good meat was good ramen to finish but i know that ollie's got one more thing i just know that ollie and josh have got one more things for us we're dumb oh crap the only time i say it perfectly good job guys good job every day hard day of play at the lake come some crazy day never thought i'd spend more than eight hours at war parts it's been about nine hours not just playing also eating yeah on the subway watching the sunset water day and turn out all right guys it's time for the next meal in korea korean fried chicken he's presenting it for me well guys we're sucking [Music] it's gonna be a great day today
Channel: 영국남자 Korean Englishman
Views: 7,936,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Korean, 영국남자, 영국, 조쉬, 올리, Josh, Ollie, KoreanEnglish, English, Man, englishman, food, 음식, 외국인, 반응, 영상, 웃긴, 남자, 외국, 도전, 매운, 조니, 조엘, 신부님, 크리스, 올리아빠, 해물, 치킨, 삼겹살, korean, BBQ, fried, chicken, 라면, 불닭볶음면, 미친남자
Id: MmQbN6IN7uw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 13 2022
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