✨Recent Reads✨// all the books I read over the past 6 months

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i have so many problems with this book i really loved rhys which no surprise there this is the next one i'm sorry i had to do it i had to do it this calls for it you know what i mean i feel like you would look at this book and be like hmm it doesn't look that good but let me tell you and her only friend is a plant which listen i can relate to that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hello friends and welcome back to my channel i have not shared with you guys any of the books that i've read recently mostly because i was gone for 10 months of the year but also because i really haven't read that much this year which is okay if you haven't met your goal for the year don't worry you're not the only one that's for sure i thought i would share with you all of the books i read over the past six months so from june until now it's been an interesting reading year definitely one where i think i've stepped out of my comfort zone with the books that i do pick up i've also read a lot of books that i didn't like more than years past i definitely am a pretty easy reader it's not hard for me to like a book as long as i can really get into it i tend to enjoy it i am more about the reading experience rather than the way that the book is written of course when there is a book that's written really well it definitely stands out to me and will become a favorite of the year but for the most part i tend to enjoy most books that i read but like i said there were some books this year so far that i have not enjoyed so there are a few in here as well before we get into these books i wanted to mention really quickly how much that i really appreciate all of the love and the support that i've gotten over these past few months that i've been uploading this has been probably got i feel like i'm going to get emotional but i was in such a horrible place at the beginning of the year and to see where i am now and how much that i have grown and how much that i truly enjoy uploading videos i have had so much fun filming and editing and uploading for you guys way more than i did even when i first started my channel and i'm really happy to finally be in a place where i'm finding joy in something that i'm doing and i feel like it's been a long time coming that's for sure but thank you guys so much for being there for me for those of you who have been here since the beginning of me starting my channel and for those of you who have just found my channel i really appreciate all of the support all of the comments all of the watching of my videos it truly means the world to me and i hope i can give you the same sort of feeling that you guys give me every single time that i upload i've been feeling very sentimental today so i thought i would share my thoughts on that really quickly but i have my coffee so if you want to join me you can grab a cup of coffee or a cup of tea and i will share with you all of my recent reads i'm going to be going from the first book that i finished in june to now i finished this book actually on june 1st and it is crescent city by sarah j maas this was one of those books that when it first came out i was like i need to read it i don't know if you guys ever experienced this but sometimes i'll see a book and i'll be like that that's gonna be a five-star book for me and this was one of those for me luckily it did live up to its expectations which i was really happy about because sometimes they don't this is her newest series and it is so good this is about bryce quinlan who i'm pretty sure is like half fae i'm pretty sure don't quote me on that it's been since june and her life is turned upside down when her closest best friend gets murdered by a demon she then teams up with hunt athalar who is a fallen angel and it's kind of an enemies to lovers type of situation and they team up to uncover what happened to her best friend they also discover a dark power that could threaten everything that they love this world was so vibrant and colorful and i really enjoyed this world it was definitely so much different than anything that i had read before because it felt more modern and it had more of like a city feel to it i really enjoyed it i feel like the main theme of this book is love and what you will do for those that you love and it's just i was really good if you love sarah j maas then you'll love this for sure so yes definitely pick it up if you're a fan next one that i have was a huge surprise i was not expecting to like this one as much as i did and that is the one by john mars again another book that i finished in june june was actually a really good reading month for me not only did i have really good reads but i actually read quite a bit this was such a surprisingly good book i feel like you would look at this book and be like hmm it doesn't look that good but let me tell you it's definitely one of my new favorite thrillers it's such an interesting concept this is about a dna test which can tell you who your soul mate is based on your dna so you will be paired with your genetically perfect partner but this test has had a ton of downsides as well it's completely changed the way that people date and it's led to a lot of divorces and breakups so this goes into five different stories of five of the people who took this test all of their stories end with a twist and oh my goodness were there twists and turns throughout the entire book that was something that i absolutely loved about this is how twisty that it was from beginning to end i feel like there was twist after twist and they were good twists it wasn't something that felt like too much you know what i mean also one of the perspectives is from a murderer psychopath murderer i highly recommend this one for people who aren't super into mystery thrillers because there isn't a lot of gruesome details or anything like that most of the perspectives don't have any sort of like murdering happening so yes i just loved it this is the next one i'm sorry i had to do it i had to do it this calls for it you know what i mean look how cute that is i love it so much so yes this is the next book that i read namesake by adrienne young and i read this first one last year and i really enjoyed it it was definitely one of those like very casual readings i was doing my laundry and i was listening to the audiobook but i had a lot of fun with it i loved fable as the main character she's so fiery and independent and just such a strong female character i loved her so much it was such a joy to read from her perspective this has all of the good piratey vibes that you could want it's such a short little duology that i think it's just the perfect little duology to pick up especially during the summer seasons again this is a pirate story about fable and she is a descendant of a pirate king and her mother taught her this really special gift is that she's able to hear these really precious gemstones that are found in the sea so that is what she does she goes out into the sea with them and she's able to find these stones and bring in a profit for the pirates she then starts up a little romance with one of the captains of the ship and oh it's just so good this first book was way more about her getting off of this island that her father abandoned her on and this one was more about her mother's story and finding this really precious stone anyways both of them are great i loved them so much and definitely i think this is a series that i'll reread in the future since it was so easy to read next one i actually don't have a copy of anymore because that's how much i disliked it that book would be the sanatorium by sarah purse this book was kind of a little bit of a roller coaster for me the first maybe like half or maybe like quarter of the book was actually really good and i enjoyed it a lot but man let me tell you i have never been so let down by the end of a book um even like the middle i don't um i have so many problems with this book i do not recommend reading this book but if you're wanting to i'm going to mention a quick spoiler so skip ahead to this time if you plan on reading it the r word should never be a twist of a book i was just so sad that the main twist of the book was this female character is murdering people because of something that happened to her and she's murdering women it will never make sense to me it will never not only that though i just think that the main character was not a very good main character she was supposed to be a police officer who was kind of like down on her luck type of deal and she was solving a crime at the sanatorium which is now a hotel but she made the stupidest decisions and none of it really made sense at one point she calls the swiss police they're trapped up in the sanatorium and there's a killer on they lose okay so she calls the swiss police and she's like hey guys so there's a killer on the loose can you guys get up here they're like no it's too snowy can you solve the murder for us it doesn't make any sense at all uh yeah do not recommend this book but you know to each their own maybe you'll like it more than me i have to say i'm not usually this passionate about disliking a book so i'm so sorry to anyone that did like it but this was just not for me okay so the next few books i actually started reading when i went to mexico my husband and i celebrated our five-year wedding anniversary this july our anniversary is on the 2nd of july so we decided to go to mexico which was definitely an experience it's a story for another time but i brought a few books with me to read and one of those books was the hating game by sally thorne this was such a good book to read on the beach and i'm gonna keep this copy for forever it's definitely loved and used i also wrote in here that i finished it in cancun on our five year anniversary so it's a very special book to me and i think this one is one of those books that i have a lot of sentimental attachment to about lucy who is a happy joyful little quirky petite girl and she works at a company alongside joshua who is completely the opposite he's meticulous grumpy uptight they are both up for the same promotions and their dislike for each other increases because of this but they also have to spend a lot more time with each other so you can see where this is going they start to become friendly and maybe discover that they don't hate each other as much as they thought it was such a cute book and i i think i rated this like a four star book i think the next one that i read i also picked up during my trip and that is the un honeymooner by christina lauren definitely the type of book that you want to pick up when you're on vacation and i really enjoyed this one as well this was definitely not as good to me as the hating game but i really loved the main character in this one i thought that she was way more dynamic and i loved her family i just loved seeing how they supported and loved each other and her and her twin sister are so close character's name is olive in this and her and her twin are completely opposites from each other olive's sister is getting married which means that olive has to deal with the best man named ethan who is her arch nemesis during the wedding though everyone gets food poisoning except for ethan and olive which means that they have to go on the honeymoon instead of the bride and groom so again they have to spend a lot of time with each other and they start to see that maybe they don't hate each other kind of like the last book anyways i really enjoyed it it was a lot of fun out of the two this was definitely my favorite but either way i don't think you could go wrong they're a lot of fun okay the next one that i read was fortuna sworn by kj sutton so i've had this book on my shelves for a while i actually tried to start this book a few years ago but i never finished it so i picked it up randomly i think i saw it on booktalk and i was like oh maybe i should read that i rated it three stars which is a pretty low rating for me mostly because i don't really remember a lot of it like when i was reading it it kind of just meshed together and i'm not really sure if that's my fault or if that's like the writing style just wasn't something that caught my attention so this is about fortuna who is the last of her kind but her power is that she is able to lure humans in so i'm pretty sure that she can change the way she looks to appeal to whoever she's trying to seduce question mark i don't know that's right her brother disappeared a few years ago and so she spends her days working at a bar and her knights trying to find her brother one night a mysterious fae comes to her and offers her a deal she can't refuse reluctantly she agrees to go with him and steps back into this magical world from whence she came that's pretty much all i remember about it i do remember that i actually did like their relationship like he really wanted to be with her and i kind of liked how she was like not into it at first i remember getting to the end and definitely being intrigued and i bought the second book almost immediately after i finished this one so i obviously didn't dislike it too much i just don't remember a whole lot of it okay the next one that i read is malibu rising by taylor jenkins read man i loved this book i am a huge fan of taylor jenkins read i think i always will be i've read now four of her books one of them i didn't love but it was like her first book ever written the rest of them i've absolutely loved reading and this one was no exception this is about a group of siblings who live in malibu and are all descendants of a famous singer named mick riva he has been a very subpar father this goes into the backstory of their father and their mother how they met and their childhood growing up it then also goes into present day and how the actions of their parents have affected them as adults oh my gosh it's so good who for anyone who has had like childhood trauma this is such a good book it definitely could be triggering but man they explore it in such a good way and i absolutely loved the characters in this book i loved how much that they grew from the beginning to the end how they started to stand up for themselves i also loved seeing them make decisions based on how they were raised it was just so good i loved it so much i just love her writing and she knows how to give you a hard-hitting tear-jerking heart-wrenching story okay the next one i read is actually a graphic novel and that is avatar the last airbender this is a bind-up which is actually three different graphic novels but this has all of them together i read the first graphic novel bind up a few years ago but this one was so much better i loved it so much if you guys are fans of avatar the last airbender you'll love this one this goes into zuko and his mother's relationship where his mother went because in the series you don't really know what happened to his mother so uh it was so good it was also like a full circle type of graphic novel the way that it began and ended was just full circle and beautiful and i loved it so much these bind ups are really cool as well because they have notes from the author on the side they talk about how they formatted the book and why they made certain decisions how they wanted the illustrations to turn out i just loved reading this graphic novel definitely a five-star read for me oh so good okay the next one is another taylor jenkins read book i actually started the seven husbands of evelyn hugo before malibu rising i wanted to read up to the part where it talks about mcriva in this book and then i picked up the malibu rising and then finish this i hope that makes sense but i'm actually really glad i did it that way because it was kind of cool to read mcriva in this go to his children and then come back to this again i don't know definitely like more immersive for me this is obviously about evelyn hugo who is a famous movie star from the 50s so this is all about her life and obviously the seven husbands that she had in her life each of the sections is titled with the husband that she's married to at the time and i just loved that formatting one of the things that taylor jenkins read does the best in my opinion like i don't think i've ever read anyone else that can do it as good as she does it she's able to create these characters that feel like you truly know them like i've seen they feel so realistic and human and oh my goodness so good i think she's just so excellent at being able to create really amazing dynamic human characters this is another five star book for me and if you haven't read any of her books please read them please please please they are so well written the next one i read is clara and the sun another five star book for me this is kind of a sci-fi dystopian type of book about clara who is artificial intelligence it's a beautiful beautiful story about what it means to be human and i really enjoyed how these artificial intelligence in this are not trying to take over the world they're actually trying to help humanity and i thought it was such an interesting take on it and i really enjoyed it i thought the ending was so poetic and beautiful if you're looking for a book that will make you think this one is the one all right the next one is the final girls support group by grady hendricks this is my second grady hendrix book and i was a little bit disappointed with this one as well i think i gave it a two stars actually this book is inspired by all of the final girls in like slasher films which i think is a really cool concept they are in a support group together where they talk about the things they've gone through lynnette the main character is the only one who's still kind of stuck in this final girl type of mentality she's very paranoid all the time and her only friend is a plant which listen i can relate to that but being paranoid actually ends up being a good thing for her because there is someone who's trying to kill all of the final girls so they have to kind of band together in order to find who the murderer is as well as stay alive it's definitely a really fun book i think grady hendricks is really good at making things funny and making serious kind of like scary topics a little more comedic so i really enjoy his writing i just didn't enjoy the twist on this either and i also don't think i loved the main character very much so it was kind of hard for me to get into it because i just thought that lynette was a little bit frustrating at times but i think she was supposed to be so i can understand why someone would really enjoy this book but it just wasn't for me another coffee break so good i have four more books left so we're almost through the next book is the shadows between us this is actually another two star book for me very sad this is a slytherin slytherin romance which i love the idea of the main character's name is alessandra and her whole scheme is to marry the shadow king kill him and then take the kingdom for herself definitely a slytherin type of a scheme there she's not the only one who's trying to kill the king so she has to try to keep him alive so she can marry him i think the main problem with this is that alessandra felt like she was trying too hard you guys know that i love the cruel prince and the reason that i love the cruel prince is cause jude was amazing phenomenal like such a b.a slytherin but alessandra felt like kind of a ripoff of jude to a certain extent and i just didn't enjoy her as much i also wasn't super attached to the plot i mean it sounds cool but when you're actually reading it it's like well i kind of know what's going to happen you know it definitely was an entertaining book and i don't regret reading it but just not one of my favorites okay next one is court of thorns and roses by sarah j maas this was a five star read for me i loved it so much i don't really feel like i need to talk about the plot of this because i think this is like the fantasy fae book series but just know that i really enjoyed it i can't wait to read the second one i really loved reese which no surprise there i really liked that the main baddie in this was like actually evil like she was bad i liked that there wasn't any sort of like redeeming qualities really of her she's just bad uh so yeah i really liked that part of the book i think my favorite part was when the main character feyre was having to do all of these like tasks for amarantha who is like the main baddie in this and i really enjoyed reading those parts but yeah definitely excited to continue this the next one i read during halloween and that is seance tea party this is the cutest most beautiful little graphic novel i love the cover this is about laura who is afraid of growing up she still loves doing all of the things that she did as a kid which means that some of her friends are starting to grow apart from her so one day she decides to do a seance tea party where she meets this cute little ghost named alexa and together they form a friendship which kind of makes laura step outside of her comfort zone and meet new friends and do new things and it's just such a cute story about growing up and how hard it is to grow up sometimes if you guys are looking for a cute little book to pick up in october next year a year from now then i highly recommend this one the last book i have i did not read anything in november as you can tell sad day but the last book that i have is these holo vows by lexi ryan this was a four star book for me i really enjoyed it definitely very similar to a court of thorns and roses i'm kind of glad that i read them pretty close to each other because i feel like i was able to see a lot of similarities between the two this is about brie who lives with her sister and they are really close with each other mostly because her mom abandoned her and her sister for a fae her sister gets taken by a sadistic king of the unseelie court so she decides that she has to rescue her which means that she has to go to the fey world to be a potential wife for the fae prince ronan she seeks help from a band of misfits the leader of them's name is finn and he's dark and mysterious so she has the prince ronan and finn and she's kind of stuck between the two of them deciding which side is more right and which side could help her free her sister i really enjoyed the main character in this and the second book comes out sometime next year so definitely we'll be picking that one up alright friends well those are all of the books that i read over the past six months i'm going to be doing a separate video where i talk about my favorite books from 2020 so some of these might be on there but i'll go into more depth of why they are my favorite books of the year if you have any recent reads that you've absolutely loved definitely let me know in the comments i would love to add them to my tbr for next year i love doing the little emoji thing because it makes me feel like okay you guys are actually watching my video all the way through so if you've gotten this far put a little stack of books or a regular book any type of book you want in the comments below but that is the end of the video thank you guys so much for watching and for commenting and liking all the things that you do i love you so much and i will see you in the next video bye guys [Music] you [Music]
Channel: KalynAbridged
Views: 8,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lf1igJzRBgE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 13 2021
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