✨Magic Design: Canva's AI for Effortless Presentations

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in this tutorial we'll use the artificial intelligence in canva to create animations this AI won't only help you create the visual part of your presentation deck it will also help you write all the content so you don't have to start with an empty canvas the AI features in canva will also help you improve titles and create unique images that are not available in the canva library and I will show you all of it in this video this is the presentation that we will create today as you can see it has animations it looks very aesthetic I believe and also canva helped me write all the content and some of the images were generated by the AI so if you guys are interested in this tutorial let's go to my computer let's go to canva.com and we're going to create a new presentation document to do this you can use the button on top of the screen that says create a design from here we are going to select the option that says presentation 16 by nine we're gonna use magic design to create a presentation in seconds this is the AI feature that I talked about at the beginning of this tutorial and this feature is available only in this format at the moment so if you were to select this format the 4x3 you won't be able to see this feature at the moment so let's go for this one foreign Itor and we can access magic design in two different ways you will see it on the left hand side we see a banner that says magic design describe the presentation you want and we'll write and design a draft for you instantly so we can either click in here but if at some point this Banner disappears you can access magic design with this button I'm gonna click on the canva assistant button this time and from here we'll see magic design If You Don't See Magic design under recommended actions you can type in here magic design and it will appear in here click on it this window will appear and you can use five or more words to describe your presentation topic if you are testing this feature for the first time you don't really need to create a presentation but you just want to try it out you can click on this button to try an example so I'm I'm gonna click to see what canva provides it says a pitch deck for my yoga Homestay startup you can try some other ideas a styling proposal from an interior decor and so on I'm gonna write my own so I'm gonna type a presentation with five reasons why to get a chihuahua I'm gonna show this presentation at the end of the tutorial to see if I convinced Ronnie to get a Chihuahua after you have your prompt ready you would like to confirm this prompt by pressing enter but before we continue I would like to mention some of the limitations of magic design for presentations canva has an article with more information you can visit it if you are interested in learning more I'm just gonna read a couple of them that I found very important so it says that magic design only uses data and information up to Mid 2021 this means that some of the generated designs might contain outdated information it only takes instructions from the text you enter into the prompt box the more context and instruction you give the better the result it might generate information and design that is inaccurate or unique this is important it generates up to 10 slides to get you started and as I mentioned it is only available in presentations 16x9 format for now canva for Education administrators and teachers can use magic design for presentations it is not available to students okay so now that we know this let's go back to canva and create our presentation we are here we have our prompt ready and I'm gonna hit enter pay attention because this is just gonna take a couple of seconds I have the presentation ready I have different styles to choose from eight different styles and canva created all the content for me you can see that we have one two three four five six seven pages and canva wrote all the content for me canva also selected the images and is really on point because we are talking about chihuahuas and we only see chihuahua photos let me see some other designs that we have in here let me go over some of the designs just for you to have an idea of what to expect I believe one of the limitations of this feature is clearing here and it is that we won't always get Unique Designs or relevant designs what really matters is that canva is giving us a fantastic structure to start a presentation with I'm gonna go for the first template style and then I'm gonna select create my presentation now I'm gonna show you how to use canvas AI to improve the titles on your presentations and I'm also going to show you how to use the app text to image so you can create Unique Images using also AI this is coming so keep watching the feature that we're gonna use to improve the titles on our presentations is called Magic right and this one is available for canva pro users let's say that I want to improve the text that we see on the cover of our presentation deck I'm going to select this text box and then I see that we have a group here I would like to ungroup these elements first and then I will select the text box that I want to edit or improve then I will go to the canva systems and from here we'll see this option called edit with magic right all of these features have the crown and that's why I mentioned that this one is a canva pro feature if we were to use magic design let me show you Magic design we won't see the crown that means that magic design it is available to all canva users let me go back to the main menu and this time we are going to use edit with magic right this window will appear and we have the text from the text box inside the magic right I'm gonna add a prompt to improve this title so I'm gonna ask magic right to make this title more catchy and then press return okay this is what canva provided Chihuahuas the ultimate companion for your lifestyle here's why this one is catchy I am missing the five reasons why but I believe this is Kachina so let me remove these quote marks now let me show you quickly how to improve the aesthetic of this presentation and at the end I will show you how to use the text to image AI inside campaign [Music] this is the presentation that we have at the moment it is not bad but I believe we can do better so I'm gonna go back to the cover you will open this sign and then go to layouts this is one way and then we'll talk about templates we will have suggested layouts this is also an AI feature inside canva and as you can see it is providing us different layouts that we can use on this light so if you like any of these designs or these layouts you can click and canva will automatically change the design for you let me see another one let's see for example this one not really really happy about these options I'm gonna stay with this one right here you can do the same process for the following pages when you change the page canva will show you different suggested layouts depending on the elements that you have on this light so you can see the different options that canva recommends and then apply them if you want on your design another option to improve the aesthetic on your presentation is of course using templates so I'm gonna go to templates you can scroll down and see if there is a template that you like or you can also search for presentations so I'm gonna type dog pet and see what do we have in here I like this template right here so let me see what do we have yes I really like this style so let me go back to page number one I'm gonna add this page to my design now we just simply need to copy paste the information that we have on our old slide and paste it into the new slide so let me copy this word or this keyword paste it here you can change the size the Fontaine you have more settings in here in case that you want to adjust anything related to the text so let me see maybe a smaller version of this and then the rest of the copy in this textbooks let me increase this text box a little bit more delete this one right here and then we can just adjust the placement of the elements I like this photo right here so I'm gonna drag it to my new slide and put it inside this Frame now I can delete this page right here and continue the same process with the following pages so I'm gonna add page number two and then take some of the elements into this new slide something important in here now that we are doing this process of copy pasting is to double check the information the copy that canva created or this AI created for us sometimes the information won't be accurate and it may have an angle that you don't really like so you can take the text go to the canva assistant and rewrite you can summarize the text expand or use the edit with magic right feature I'm just going to copy and paste some of this information for the sake of this tutorial and I will see you in a second foreign [Music] I have my presentation ready it took me just a couple of minutes to copy and paste the information into this new template now some of the images that I had in the presentation that canva created for me I didn't quite like so I'm going to create some unique photos or images with the text to image inside camp and also we can add videos to these presentations so let me show you how to add videos I'm gonna take this video and delete it we have an empty frame and now we can go to elements from here scroll down to videos click see all and then you can type whatever you want to find in here so let's say Chihuahua and we have a lot of cute videos in here that you can add on your presentation so let's add this one right here you can adjust the position if you want you can also flip the video which it is what I'm going to do for this presentation so my Chihuahua is looking at the direction of the text and now I want to create an image for this page and this one so to create the image we're gonna go to apps and from here you can either select text to image but if you don't see this Banner you can type on this search bar text to image okay now select this option right here and now you can create an unique image by just prompting canva so we're gonna describe the image that we want to create in this box and then canva will created for us if you want to learn how to create amazing prompts to get the best images you need to watch this tutorial that Ronnie created for us which is amazing I really recommend it and then we can create our images I'm gonna use a simple prompt this time so let's type for the realistic image of a Chihuahua running in a field full of flowers I'm gonna go for this style photo and aspect ratio I'm gonna leave it as a square create your image this is a free feature but we have a limitation of a hundred images per day we have a really cute picture that I think I'm gonna use in this presentation so if you want to use any of these photos you just need to click on the image and canva will add it to your design I just need to drag the photo inside the frame and that will be it I'm gonna flip this photo horizontally now for the last slide I'm gonna use the canva library so let's go to elements I'm inside the video so I'm going back to select photos see all and now I'm going to search for Chi Wawa and now I just need to find a cute or funny Chihuahua once again in the canva library we will also find free images and some that are available for canva pre users the free images won't have any label and the pro will have this little crown that says Pro I think this little dog is going to make Ronnie love so I'm gonna stay with this option right here we have our presentation ready and the last step if you want to have animations on your presentation is to go to the toolbar on top and select animate from here you can add animations to your pages or your slides so you can go over all of these options to preview the different animations available in canva I think I really like the party option this is a combination of animations if you want combinations you can go down see all the basic animations you have an exaggerate category and also a photo movement so let me see what do we have in here crap book is also really good black and stump I'm gonna go for the party option and then I'm gonna select apply to all pages so I have this party animation on all my presentations so apply to all pages and we are ready to go if you want to present this deck directly from canva you can click on present on top of the screen from here you can either go directly to present full screen you can have two different windows so you can see a presenter View and a presentation view you can present and record or you can autoplay I'm gonna go for the first option and then present I would like to know what do you guys think about the magic design feature and the other AI features that I showed you today do you like them or you don't like them let me know in the comments Chihuahuas the ultimate companion for your lifestyle and here is why oh Lord Okay click here easy to transport and take on trips yeah it's small that's for sure low maintenance they are small and don't require much space that's true but I also might step on it chihuahuas are known for the loyalty and Devotion to their owners okay affectionate and loyal chihuahuas are playful and energetic which makes them perfect for families with active lifestyle what do you think you think of video we can we can learn it's cute we can buy sunglasses to our future Chihuahua okay but can we buy the same glasses we could okay um long life span oh no they have an average lifespan of 12 to 20 years that's good and and thank you for considering adding a Chihuahua to your family look at this little is about to bite you to our family this dog looks like he like it's about to bite me he looks like our future Chihuahua that's it so what do you think are you convinced uh I like your presentation uh but I think this Chihuahua wants to bite me no he's smiling okay all right uh maybe but um you'll consider it I'll consider it maybe you send me this decade I believe the presentation was a success I think it was a success yes yeah on the technical point of view apart from the topic of the presentation I think you succeeded in convincing me of uh canvas magic presentation if you want to get the best results using the featured text to the image you need to watch this guide where Ronnie explains everything on how to create the best prompts also if you want to try the pro features in canva we have a 45 day free trial of canva pro I'm Gonna Leave the link in here so you can use it if you want I guess this is it for today I really hope that you enjoyed this tutorial and hope to see you in the next one bye
Channel: Design with Canva
Views: 18,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: magic presentations, canva tips, canva easy tutorial, canva tutorial 2022, canva tips 2022, canva for beginners, canva tutorial 2023, canva tips 2023, presentations canva, presentation in canva, canva presentation animation, canva ai, magic write, magic design, presentation design, presentation software, content creation, digital marketing, creative design, Canva tutorial, Canva tips, presentation tips, presentation hacks, presentation ideas, design hacks
Id: tb2LqkNQUko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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